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TCW: The New Generation

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9 hours ago, Devilb0y said:

Right, made some changes to the scalability which should hopefully improve readability on phones. Just tested it on my Pixel and - while it's definitely still not perfect - I think it's a bit better. If anyone has any issues with it though please do let me know, don't want people to take the time to read this and have to spend it struggling with formatting.

Much better. Thank you.

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Aaron Andrews vs Chris Flynn
Doc Hammond & Flint Slater vs T-Bone Bright & Mighty Mo
Elliot Thomas vs Ernest Youngman
Dazzling Dave Diamond vs Quentin Queen
Devine Fortune vs Big Boss Emperor, Goya & Kamimura
Bradley Blaze vs Joshua Taylor
Killer Shark vs Fearless Blue
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Posted (edited)

Live from the Huntsville Fairgrounds in Huntsville, AL
Tuesday 11th January, 2022
Attendance: 5000



Folks, we are live here in Huntstville and let me be the first to cordially welcome you to what promises to be a spectacular night of professional wrestling!


Shawn was singing "Who Wants To Live Forever" literally 30 seconds before the broadcast started, so I apologise if Jason or I seem a little shell shocked.


It wasn't THAT bad


Art is subjective, Shawn! Unlike the fighting records of the stars of TCW. While we know that Greg Gauge and T-Bone Bright stand first, and second in line - respectively - for Jay Chord's World Title, a new year brings with it clean slates for our singles division and a chance for anyone...


And he really does mean ANYONE


...to leap to a position of super stardom. Aaron Andrews is a three time champion looking to get his year off to a good start against the powerful Chris Flynn, who himself will be looking to steady the ship after a loss to Greg Gauge last week.


But for my money the ones to keep an eye on tonight are debutant Ernest Youngman - who will face the plucky Elliot Thomas - and Quentin Queen - who is already 1-0 after a good performance last week.


Queen ended 2021 strongly and has started 2022 in exactly the same form. When people talk about born-winners, he's what they're envisioning.


He's effective, but not loved. The TCW fans, as it turns out, like when people follow the rules to win. And speaking of people who think they're above the rules: I'm hearing in my ear piece that Chris Flynn wants to address the fans.





Chris Flynn walks out in his ring gear, despite being scheduled for the main event in two hours time. A white athletic vest, white trunks - both with small Canadian flags on the side - and a frankly outrageous amount of baby oil. He looks frustrated and immediately launches into an attack on the fans to get them riled up for the show, which lasts for a minute or two before he gets to his point...


You know, I just don't understand how a complete nobody like Bradley Blaze gets to wrestle has-beens like Joshua "Change The Channel" Taylor and I get stuck wrestling two of the best guys in the company. Don't get me wrong; I think I belong in this league, but it seems a little unfair, no?



[As much as the fans hate to admit it, he does have a point. He has faced tough opposition]

So here's the deal. I've spoken to the people that needed speaking to, and they agree that me getting a back to back against Ace and Gauge isn't OK. And here's the deal, you've got fifteen minutes to beat me, Andrews. Fifteen minutes, or I get a match of my choice next week. And you couldn't beat me in thirty...


Flynn is clearly still talking as Mighty Mo's music hits, indicating that he is unceremoniously being "played off"




Uh fellas? I wasn't actually done. Fellas? They can't hear me over the hip-hop. FELLAS? FELLAS!? Christ who runs this joke of a show?
Flynn storms off, past the ramp and down the "losers" exit as Mo makes his entrance.





There's been a lot of talk that Mighty Mo and Flint Slater are headed for a clash over Mo's TV Title, given Flint's recent momentum. With his close friend T-Bone Bright at odds with The Syndicate, it's clear why this match was booked.

And there's not a huge amount between the teams. While it's clear that T-Bone and Mo have the athleticism to run rings around Doc Hammond, he is as wiley as they come and an accomplished technician, able to weaken them with his "Death by a thousand cuts" offence. Meanwhile Flint Slater is every bit the physical equal of both, despite being shorter and slightly lighter. His strikes are withering, and he's able to hit his signature capture suplex on both men in quick succession.

The hard-hitting match comes to an end when T-Bone is tied up in cables outside the ring by Doc, distracting the ref for long enough for Flint to clock Mo with a chair for the pinfall. A dishonourable win, but one that surely grants Flint a title shot.


Winner: Flint Slater
Method: Pinfall
Time: 10:30


Pineapple Pineapple



Flint and Doc head for the hills, joined by fellow Syndicate member Jaylon Martins on the ramp, while Mo and T-Bone look on dejectedly from the ring. Mo seems to mouth an apology to his partner before his expression steels itself and he calls for a mic.



[Mo rubs at his sore head and pants heavily as he speaks]

People have been asking me for a while now: who's next? What unfortunate soul is gonna wind up in Mo's way? And Mr. Slater: you just jumped to the top of the list. You and me. TV Title or not; I don't care. You're gettied bodied, son.


Slater's face contorts into a cruel smile as his stable mates celebrate behind him. Even as Mo's music hits - implying that he has ultimately won this exchange - one gets the sense that this was always the plan for Flint Slater.



The commentary team are already speculating about what a Mo / Flint TV title match would look like, and when it might take place when we rejoin them.


Both of these men are prize fighters, grapplers of the highest order and thoroughly dangerous individuals to boot. I don't have confirmation yet of when the match will happen, but you can bet your bottom dollar that someone backstage is scrambling to get it booked as we speak.


The real question is: what part will The Syndicate play in this? Or even T-Bone for that matter. A loss to Flint and Doc dents his momentum going into a singles contest with Wolf at Malice. And you have to imagine that the Alpha will use every trick in his play book to both beat Bright and see the TV Title come to The Syndicate.


Wolf understands the tactic of divide and conquer. Bright will have split attention heading into their match. And let's not forget that his version of the Syndicate haven't tasted gold since 2019 when Wolf himself won the King of Kings. That's a poor track record for such a vaunted group and something that must weigh on Hawkins' mind.


Right you are, Jason. Wolf is desperate, and that makes him even more dangerous.


A quandry for The Syndicate indeed. But next up we have two men who are looking to get their years off to the best start possible: the veteran Joshua Taylor and the firebrand youngster Bradley Blaze.


It seems to be a recurring theme that every year we ask whether this could be the one where JT finally makes the leap


And yet, could this be the one? He ended last year well. Though in Bradley Blaze he faces a man who many are calling "The Next Ricky Dale Johnson"


Alright, let's not go crazy.


Crazy's all I know, Jasmine. Hit the music!





JT comes into this match with the fans not in his corner for once, having displayed something of a mean streak in the past few months that has earned him their ire. Although this is all relative; he is still an absolute stalwart of the company and widely respected.

This mindset shift manifests as a few vicious additions to his moveset, targetting fingers, hair and joints to try and inflict as much pain as possible and end the match quickly. However, Bradley Blaze is as tough as a two dollar steak and no amount of stretching or rule-bending can break his spirit.

Eventually, Taylor is forced into a stand-up brawl with the young Texan and this lights the crowd up as the two men lay into each other with stiff chops and strikes in an exchange that leads straight into the finish where - after a few near-misses - Taylor is able to land his trademark Fisherman Brainbuster for the win.


Winner: Joshua Taylor
Method: Pinfall
Time: 8:08


Pineapple Pineapple



As Joshua Taylor's music reverberates around the Huntingdon Fairgrounds, there's a brief lull where the victor takes a moment away from celebrating to turn and watch Bradley Blaze - red-chested and tired - stagger to his feet.


He turns away, resting his forearms on the ropes and looking out at the sea of fans around him, his expression unreadable. Then, with a sigh, he turns back and offers a hand down to Blaze.


The Texan brawler looks up at the offered hand, squinting the sweat out of his stinging eyes and trying to judge whether this is a trap or not. A few moments pass before he grips JT's forearm with his own and is hoisted to his feet by the veteran who nods and slaps him on the chest as a sign of respect.


Taylor leaves Blaze standing in the ring, and the fans respond with a smattering of applause for a good effort.





We cut from Blaze in the ring to a fatigued Joshua Taylor walking back to the dressing room. As he does so, he receives handshakes and nods of respect from the people he passes - backstage staff, road crew and - most significantly - other wrestlers. It becomes clear based on who he is walking by that Taylor is headed for the face locker room for the first time in 6 months, a revelation which is not lost on the fans, who cheer in response.


JT is pounced on by Jasmine Saunders - who must have sprinted backstage to catch him - and begins conducting an interview where he makes it clear that he still believes that he should be doing whatever it takes to win, but he realised that the next generation of TCW stars like Bradley Blaze look up to him, and he has to be mindful of the example he sets.


He is interrupted by laughter from off-screen...




Jaylon Martins steps into view rubbing his taped hands together, his veiny arms almost bursting out of the sleeveless black hoody he wears. His smile is disarmingly bright, though there's a hint of malice behind it. A feeling which is only exacerbated by the way he throws his head back and laughs while stepping into shot.


You think you're an example, JT? Of what? How to hit your ceiling at 30 and still not realise it a decade later? Lemme level with you. You can shake as many hands as you want. You can be a good guy, you can be a bad guy, but you ain't never gonna be THE guy. You get me? Only example I need you to set is learning how to get out of the way of the REAL future of this company. Heard?


"The J Train" laughs again, this time quietly and without any humour, and walks away.


At the commentary booth, the team seem perturbed.


We'll give Jasmine a moment to re-join us here before moving on, but wow, Jason: Jaylon Martins was called up to the big leagues not even two months ago and he's already setting his sights on a TCW veteran in Joshua Taylor. Is he biting off more than he can chew?


He's undoubtedly talented. The youngest ever member of The Syndicate - and that includes Wolf Hawkins. But Joshua Taylor is not some has-been. He's a technical genius in the absolute prime of his career, not to mention rarely removed from World Title contention.


He's clearly aiming to make a name for himself with a high profile scalp. But I suspect this may be a bridge too far for the young J Train. Especially with the rest of the Syndicate already wrapped up in problems of their own.


Putting that aside for one moment, how about Blaze? Impressive showing from another young man with a bright future.


I know Jasmine dismissed claims that he's the next RDJ...



[Jasmine Saunders breathlessly sprints into shot and slides into her chair]



...but he's showing the same fight, the same charisma and the same smash-mouth style...


And he's a cowboy from Texas, the comparisons write themselves. I'm just trying not to put the world on the kid's shoulders.


Well, next up are our undercard bouts and among them are some really promising matches.


Killer Shark will continue his strong start in the singles division, Devine Fortune are in action in a handicap match as - in their words - preparation for the three-on-two situation that awaits them when they face The Main Event, and - perhaps most exciting of all - "The Assassin" Ernest Youngman will make his debut against Elliot Thomas, who is still looking for a first win in 6 months.


Ooof, that Thomas singles record.


Fair to say he has NOT been doing well recently. Let's get to the action, folks!





Killer Shark's opponent is revealed to be a young high-flier from the local scene called Fearless Blue. With the diminutive Elliot Thomas in his rear view mirror, Shark clearly relishes the 5'9" meal in front of him and makes short work of the young man, tossing him around the ring like a rag doll before hitting a huge lariat and planting him with a Big Bite for the win.


Winner: Killer Shark
Method: Pinfall
Time: 2:57





The story of this match is that Devine Fortune are training for the inevitable three-on-two fight when they face the Main Event at Malice In Wonderland. As such they have sought out three young Japanese athletes currently on excursion in the US. Of these three, one - who is billed as "Big Boss Emperor" is a sight to behold and seems legitimately threatning.

Devine Fortune do the decent thing and sell for him a bit but are ultimately more than comfortable with running rings around the plodding giant and his two young cohorts. Leading to a typical high-energy tandem attack finish where Darrl Devine flattens Emperor with a cross body to the outside and Fortune hits a double Stroke of Luck on the other two for the pinfall victory.


Winner: Devine Fortune (Chance Fortune)
Method: Pinfall
Time: 5:09





Youngman's debut is met with trepidation from the fans, who are excited about what he brings to the table and yet unsure of how it will effect them.

It's hard to escape the feeling that Thomas is being offered up as a sacrificial lamb here, a role which he is - let's be honest - no stranger to. If there's one thing Elliot Thomas can do, it's sell a beating. And sell he does.

Thomas' offence is a mixture of bone shattering suplexes and kicks, combined with a well placed hold or two. It often seems like he might be taking joy in nearly choking out Thomas; something the ref has to reprimand him for multiple times.

Yet, any lingering sense that he might get disqualified is quickly dispelled when Thomas goes for a super hurricanrana and is roundly countered into Youngman's signature "Hit" - a tornado face slam from the top rope, scoring him the win.


Winner: Ernest Youngman
Method: Pinfall
Time: 10:29





Youngman stands in the centre of the ring and calls for a microphone as Elliot Thomas is helped backstage with icepacks applied to his neck.


He casts a withering gaze across the crowd, pushes his hair back behind his ears and then launches into a promo about why he's here. Announcing that he plans to form a hostile takeover of the TCW with a group of like-minded individuals who know what it's like to have to claw your way up from the bottom of the barrel.


Ladies and gentlemen, not that you earned it, but let me introduce you to my right-hand men: The Family...




Pineapple Pineapple Pineapple


As one, Nick Booth, Dominic Rizzoli and The Masked Mauler stalk slowly out on stage wearing well-fitting suits, with shirts open to show off gold chains and muscular physiques. All three men have made names for themselves as tough street-wise types, and as Youngman smirks up at his family a collective chill seems to run down the spine of the TCW faithful. Booth is a violent man, Rizzoli is a meat-headed bully and the less said about the Mauler - a sadistic psycopath who has not said a word in a year - the better.


A family fights together. Bleeds together.



[He chuckles]

Scores together. And this, all of you, all of this here: this is the score. TCW's an apple ripe for picking. No one here but the very top dogs making any money, and we're here to carve our names into it.


So this is your notice. Anyone in that locker room feeling strong, feeling like we jumped a line: The Family ain't hard to find. But I can promise you this...



[Youngman grabs a cameraman on the apron and yanks him closer so he's staring right down the barrel of the shot]

...We will be hard to kill.


Booth, Rizzoli and Mauler wait patiently, arms folded, outside the ring for Youngman to join them. And as a group The Family march back towards the locker room, having put the entirety of TCW on red alert.


As with last week, when we return to our commentary team they seem shaken by Youngman's very presence.


You know, last week I - tentatively - offered a Welcome to Youngman. But seeing that, I think it's safe to say that he has made himself at home here in Total Championship Wrestling.


Oh wow, what gave you that impression, Shawn? Was it him announcing that he and his hired muscle are here to slice what they want off the top? This is bad.


You only need to look as far as his feuds with former allies in Pittsburgh Steel Wrestling - the likes of Nelson Callum and Logan Wolfsbaine - to understand what this means. He will surround himself with a circle of iron - men he can trust, and will ruthlessly expand into any new territory he desires.


We can only hope that those already here, even the likes of - God help us - The Syndicate - sit up and take notice of this threat.



[The trio exchange nervous glances and a short lull in conversation follows]

So ANYWAY, another win for the now 2-0 Killer Shark, another loss for Elliot Thomas and Devine Fortune surge past their handicap challenge with H2-Woah in their sights.


Right you are Jasmine. Shark is making an early push for King of Kings contention and H2-Woah - no matter what they may say - must be sitting up and taking notice of their challengers now.


And we're not even close to done yet! Our semi-main sees Quentin Queen looking to improve his own record to 2-0 against the tough Dazzling Dave Diamond, before Aaron Andrews gets his own year started with Chris Flynn. And although we haven't heard from the Ace yet, one HAS to image he has designs on getting back into the World Title picture sooner rather than later.


And that's Queen's music. Let's get down to it!





Much has been made of Dazzling Dave Diamond's so-called decline, how he's lost a step in the ring and is headed down the card. But he starts off like a house on fire here, lighting Queen up with chops and strikes that clearly take the youngster completely off-guard.

In fact, such is the quality of Diamond's withering offense that it seems like he might actually be the man to upset Queen's run. But as if on cue Queen scores a low blow from a rear grapple while the ref's back is turned and this swings the momentum of the whole match in his favour.

Dazzling Dave does his best to rally but he's unable to keep up with the younger man's dark arts and eventually succumbs.


Winner: Quentin Queen
Method: Pinfall
Time: 5:57





The commentary team make sure to re-iterate that this match has a 15 minute time limit, or else Flynn will get his choice of opponent next week. And this should clue most fans in that we're running for more or less the full thing.

Flynn is not a worker on Andrews' level - his style is clunky and limited by comparison, but the former champion does his best to make the bigger man look like a threat by selling several power spots from him.

But the real rub comes in his inability to put Flynn down. While the Ace gets most of the offence and rarely seems to be at risk of a loss, you can see him getting frustrated as Flynn doggedly kicks out of move after move.

With one eye on the clock, Andrews allows Flynn into the match and the fans begin to wonder whether the unthinkable might happen. Into the final minute and there's still no clear winner, until the Ace pulls out his signature flying body press and then rolls through into his Alpha Drive finisher for the pin.


Winner: Aaron Andrews
Method: Pinfall
Time: 14:58





Andrews' hand is raised in victory while a dejected Chris Flynn slinks off, arguing that the timer went past 15 minutes. The Ace simply shakes his head and stares down the hard cam, beginning to mouth something. Which means he misses the elevated shrieks from the crowd as someone sprints down the ramp towards him...




The commentary team go wild as Killer Shark hits the ring, flattening the Ace from behind with a huge lariat before picking him up for not one, not two, but THREE Big Bite front slams.


Finally, security are able to separate them, though this seems like it's probably more because Shark is satisfied with the damage he has done than anything else.


The camera cuts back and forth betweem the giant Shark's vicious grin and the former World Champion lying unconcious in the ring, being assisted by medical staff who are rolling him gingerly onto a stretcher.




Our announcers cut through to close the show...


I don't know what to say...


This was a cowardly sneak attack by Shark and I hope TCW management throw the book at him. What is happening to this place? Two weeks into 2022 and it's already complete chaos.


What can you say Shawn? Except this is yet another clash of significant personalities which we imagine will have to be resolved at Malice In Wonderland.


And where does Youngman fit into this? Queen? Jaylon Martins? Flint Slater and Mighty Mo? There are so many pieces left on the board to make their moves that it's hard to judge what state TCW will be in next week, nevermind on the 30th January.


Tickets to that show in Houston still available by the way. Or order through USA Free Choice to watch live.


Indeed, Jasmine.


We're going to get Andrews some help. You all stay safe at home folks.


From myself - Shawn Doakes - and my broadcast colleagues: Jason Azaria and Jasmine Saunders, good night and don't you dare miss us next Tuesday.


Show Rating:
Edited by Devilb0y
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A lot to love about the show. Little bits of building up TCW I liked, the idea of a winner and losers exit, and a face/heel locker room. I liked Taylor change of heart, obviously turns can be dramatic but sometimes the understated ones like these are interesting. All the music helps it feel more alive too. It just being a preview works really well as I can click play and then read on and it will finish at a suitable spot. 

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1 minute ago, christmas_ape said:

A lot to love about the show. Little bits of building up TCW I liked, the idea of a winner and losers exit, and a face/heel locker room. I liked Taylor change of heart, obviously turns can be dramatic but sometimes the understated ones like these are interesting. All the music helps it feel more alive too. It just being a preview works really well as I can click play and then read on and it will finish at a suitable spot. 

Thank you kindly! FYI, if you sign into Spotify on your browser (if you have an account) the embeds will play the full song :)

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Posted (edited)


Predictions time, and a few misses among you (as well as a lot of hits) which hopefully means the TV cards aren't TOO predictable. Although I kind of treat them like Japanese tour shows, where the big surprises tend to happen at the end of the month. Three more entries to go before a winner for January is decided.


After week two, the scores are as follows:


MiykaelP: 12
Wrestling Machine: 11
KyTeran: 10
ReedTyler: 5
Doctor Crunch: 5
Edited by Devilb0y
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And here's the card for the next show. I had initially planned to do one of these a week, but I've got a lull in work so am taking the opportunity to fire through as many as I can.


Booking Prediction Quick Link
Aaron Andrews & Greg Gauge vs Jay Chord & Killer Shark
Chris Flynn vs Tana The Mighty
Maverick vs Papa Swoll
Bradford Peverell vs Jaylon Martins
The American Cobras vs H2-Woah
One Man Army vs Wolf Hawkins
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Posted (edited)



Live from the State Armour in Saint Louis, MO
Tuesday 18th January, 2022
Attendance: 5000



Hello and welcome everybody to what promises to be a wild night in Total Wrestling history. This past week TCW management booked a match of gargantuan proportions - Aaron Andrews, Greg Gauge, Killer Shark and Jay Chord will step into the ring together tonight.


They don't come much bigger than that.


No they do not. I want to know how they got Jay "You losers don't deserve to see me work" Chord to agree to that one. Rare for him to work Tuesdays if last year is anything to go by.


You have to imagine it involved either a big financial incentive or a gun.


While plausible that he was threatened with a firearm, I think it's more likely that he just wanted to get an opportunity to do some damage to Gauge ahead of their title match. Probably assuming that he won't take much punishment with the Killer Shark on his team.


And that's a wise assumption. We're two events deep into 2022, Shark has had two matches, he has won both with little more than a scratch on him. He could spell big trouble for the Ace and Gauge.


And elsewhere tonight we'll have Wolf Hawkins take on One Man Army...


Presumably with Syndicate stable mates in tow.


Possibly! Though maybe not all of them, as Jaylon Martins is set to start his 2022 against the man with Fists of Stone: Bradford Peverell.


And it sounds like we'll find out sooner rather than later what the Syndicate's involvement will be our opener, because that's Wolf Hawkins' music!





Wolf is clearly in a self-satisfied mood as he strides down to the ring, ready to deliver a message to the fans ahead of his match with One Man Army. Flint and Doc did their job last week and dented T-Bone's momentum and it has clearly buoyed the Syndicate leader's confidence as he launches into a spiel about legacy and class, how nothing is given in this business...


Two weeks ago T-Bone talked about how respect is taken; how he's going to take it from me at Malice In Wonderland. But last week The Syndicate demonstrated without a shadow of a doubt that what he seeks is impossible. He isn't on the level of men I respect like Doc and Flint. The lowest rung on the Syndicate ladder is still far, far out of reach for men like him.



[The crowd shower Wolf with boos]

So the only thing you'll be taking from me at Malice, Bright, is a loss. I intend to pay you back for what you did to me at King of Kings ten times over. I'm going to prove that it was a fluke, that you should be in the ring with someone like my protege Jaylon Martins - not me. And when I'm done with you - if you're lucky - I might let you slink back off to the midcard to finish out what's left of your uninspiring career.



[Chants for T-Bone echo around the arena]

Oh he's not here tonight, morons. I made sure of that. No, Bright's getting the night off, courtesy of yours truly. And if he knows what's good for him he won't show up until Malice.


Wolf tosses the mic over his shoulder and out of the ring as he begins his warm up stretches for the match ahead of him.





In what is clearly intended as a warmup match for Wolf, it's apparent from the way the commentary team speak about this matchup that - even only operating in the low gears - Wolf should have more than enough to deal with the wiley One Man Army. However the grizzled veteran proves tougher opposition than Wolf expected and he quickly becomes frustrated.




As is tradition with The Syndicate, when a member meets resistance during a match they call for aid, and OMA's former tag team partner Doc Hammond duly presents himself at ringside to provide a - frustratingly effective - distraction.

A ref bump allows Doc to enter the ring and put the boots to his old partner, and it seems as though this will be enough to secure the win, when...




T-Bone Bright, clad in billowing short sleeved shirt left open, sprints down the ramp and lays out Doc Hammond first, then hits Wolf with a huge powerslam. A frustrated One Man Army can only watch on in a daze as the ref comes to and calls for the DQ, but T-Bone doesn't seem to care, sending both Syndicate men out of the ring with a clothesline before firing up the fans.


Winner: Wolf Hawkins
Method: DQ
Time: 15:21





We cut from the cheering fans to a set backstage where Flint Slater - mic in hand - seethes down the camera and prepares to give a rare interview. His face is partially hidden in shadow by the hood of his sleevless ring robe and his gravelly voice and raspy breathing cut through the tense atmosphere like a knife.


Last week, Mo, you made a threat. I take those seriously. You were frustrated; I used a chair to beat you and you were upset. I understand that. But even the most empty of threats deserve a legitimate response. So this is your one chance: resign from the match and hand me the TV Title.

Last week, I pinned you. If you don't do as I ask, next week I'll break your arm. Think on it, Barrett.


Slater drops the mic and stares, unlinking into the camera for several uncomfortable seconds before we cut back to the commentary team...


...who are deep in discussion about Bright's surprise appearance.


I'm sure Wolf is going to be thrilled that his ploy to keep T-Bone far away from him prior to their match backfired as spectacularly as it did.


The momentum has swung back in T-Bone's direction now and The Syndicate know it.


And with Flint now tied up with Mo, Wolf's backup numbers are diminishing by the segment. He better hope that Doc and J Train remain available to assist or he could be in real trouble at Malice In Wonderland. I of course don't have to remind viewers that the last time Wolf won a singles match at a month-end event WITHOUT some form of Syndicate involvement was over 6 months ago.


I think we can all see that beneath Hawkins' confident exterior lies a man who knows that T-Bone is a threat.


I'd say so, yeah.


Which means we can expect The Syndicate to seek retribution sooner, rather than later.


Maybe even later tonight? Jaylon Martins - The J-Train - is in action after all.


I think Martins is looking to strike out on his own here; make a name for himself with some high-profile scalps. I'd be surprised if he accepts Syndicate help this time around.


Well, if there's one match tonight where we can be almost certain that shenanigans will materialise, it's our next bout as our tag team champions face the hot young team of The American Cobras in a non-title match.


Could be a huge win for the Cobras if they manage it, though this tag team are more of a trio really. Remus won't be far away from the action.


I imagine he will literally have a front row seat. Let's find out!





Despite Roderick Remus' presence at ringside, this match is something of a curveball for the fans as it turns out to be an honest-to-goodness proper wrestling match.

The back and forth action between these two eminently talented tag teams is on full display and the interefence from Remus is - thankfully - used sparingly. The commentary team make sure to play up that this is the Tag Team Champions re-announcing to the world why they're the champs. That beneath the trickery and cheating they're also very good, and that Devine Fortune should take notice.

Though, with that said, the end does still come via cheating as Remus holds Storm Spillane's leg as he bounces off the ropes, distracting him and allowing Hocking to nail the Hock Shock and score the win.


Winner: H2-Woah (Hocking)
Method: Pinfall
Time: 15:20





Once again the camera feed cuts backstage where Quentin Queen is angrily pacing in front of a parked car, talking to someone on the phone.


What do you mean I'm not booked? How is this possible?




Well that simply won't do. We'll need to expedite the plan. What's the next name on it?





[Queen purses his lips in contemplation]

Bach, huh? Alright.




Getting people's attention is very much my forte. You just worry about the numbers.







Queen allows the phone to drop a bit and pensively bounces it against his lips as if deep in thought as the camera fades to black.





Bradford Peverell is a fairly beloved member of the TCW roster; the fans enjoy his blend of no-nonsense fighting and natural charisma. By comparison Jaylon Martins is something of an unknown quantity, having only a handful of singles matches under his belt since joining the main roster.

Their match is a clash of very physical styles, with J-Train's insanely athletic attack charging headlong into Peverell's "Hands of Stone" strike-based offence. And while the latter is able to withstand the onslaught admirably, it ultimately becomes a matter of stamina with the older competitor growing tired and making mistakes that leaves an opportunity for Martins to hit his corkscrew flying forearm for the win.


Winner: Jaylon Martins
Method: Pinfall
Time: 8:24





Martins' hand is raised in the ring and he thuds his thumb into his own chest in celebration as Bradford Peverell is helped from the ring and carried down the loser's exit with an ice pack on his neck. However - in a feat of editing clearly designed to sow discord - an interview with Joshua Taylor backstage is shown on the arena screen while Martins is in the ring.




JT: you had a run-in with Jaylon Martins last week and you've just finished watching his match. Any thoughts?


I think he's got a big mouth and it's writing cheques his skill level can't cash.
Martins is an athlete, no doubt. And there's talent there. But if I were him; if I were that raw; I wouldn't be picking fights. Especially not with me.


So you don't take his words seriously?


If I took it seriously when every guy fresh out of the academy thought I looked like an easy target I wouldn't have survived in this business. Listen: did Martins win? Yeah he did. Can he be proud of a performance like that? Probably not.


We cut back to the ring where J-Train mouths a lot of very unpleasant words before storming back up the ramp in search of answers.


We cut back to our commentary team, currently short a Jasmine Saunders.


Jasmine Saunders will be back with us in one moment. Jason: what do you make of this? We said earlier in the show that Wolf Hawkins is going to need his Syndicate stable mates around him to beat T-Bone and here we have another one of them being drawn into their own rivalries.


Two down, one to go. While I wouldn't suggest that Wolf can't win without the Syndicate - lord knows we've seen that that isn't true - is he going to be able to adjust to the dimishing numbers advantage so suddenly?


Great point, Jason. And what about Quentin Queen? We're yet to get the full picture here, but we know that his form has seen him rocket up the card and it sounded like Sammy Bach may be his next target.


I hate to say it but Bach may be the right target for Queen. He himself has admitted that his best days are behind him, and while that generated an enormous groundswell of fan support which in turn inspired him to a shock World Title victory a little over a year ago, we can't ignore his advancing years.


He has had to adapt his style, undoubtedly. But he's no stranger to a perenial rule-breaker like Queen.


[Saunders appears out of the side of frame and launches into her chair so hard it spins her round several times]

There has to be a better way to do this.


Hire more interviewers?


Hell no, that's my gig.


Well we certainly have a lot to ponder here tonight, Jasmine's career jeopardy notwithstanding. Next up we have the volatile Maverick facing off a young man from San Diego before Chris Flynn will take on Tana The Mighty. Why is Chris Flynn getting a match despite losing last week? Because, in his words, "14:58 is essentially 15 minutes and that basically means I won".


I respect the hustle.


I don't.


Nor do I Jason! Now let's head to the matches.





In what seems like it might be a squash match the muscular, face-painted and unhinged Maverick is the first out, and it isn't until his opponent - all 6 feet 7 inches of him - appears that the reality of the situation dawns on the fans.

Billed as "Papa Swoll" the young powerhouse decked out in a multi-coloured singlet and tassles on his boots, muscle bands and wrist bands is a sight to behold and makes short work of Maverick who is completely caught off guard by the velocity and power of the newcomer's offence.

After a series of huge hits, Swoll whips Maverick against the ropes, hits the opposite side himself and then almost turns his opponent inside out with the flying shoulder tackle he calls the Boom Shakalaka.


Winner: Papa Swoll
Method: Pinfall
Time: 4:56





The fans aren't immediately sure how to react to Swoll, who does the running man across the ring in triumph while his music plays.


We can hear Jasmine Saunders groan as she is forced to get up again and then see her ascend to the ring with a mic in hand.


That was an incredibly impressive debut. We need to know, and please don't take this as disrespect: who are you?



[The young man in the ring grins, grabs the microphone and does a 360 spin on the spot]


Most people call me Swoll, but you, darling?


[He pops and locks for a second before tossing the microphone from one hand to the other]


You can call me ANYTIME!


Jasmine laughs incredulously and then glances back at the commentary desk with a disbelieving look on her face. By the time she has returned her attention to the ring, Swoll has moonwalked away from her, exited the ring, and continues moonwalking up the ramp.





The story of Flynn's third match in three weeks is - unsurprisingly - that he really has to win here, having lost his first two and cashed in whatever favours he had with management to get this fixture.

Fortunately Tana is very close to a spent force at this stage. While he still connects with the fans and can be very entertaining, he isn't able to keep up with a man 10 years younger than him and even goes so far as to sell Flynn's strength in a couple of spots before eventually submitting to the Flynn Lock.


Winner: Chris Flynn
Method: Pinfall
Time: 6:23


Pineapple Pineapple



We find ourselves backstage on an interview set with unlikely allies Aaron "Ace" Andrews and Greg Gauge, who are set to face their rivals in only a few moments. Both look ready for war.


Without a moment's hesitation, Ace launches into an attack on Killer Shark, whose brutal attack on him last week left him hospitalised. His bandaged torso is testimony to the damage it did.


You know, a lot of people have been talking recently about what it takes to hang at the top of Total Championship Wrestling. They talk about class. They talk about pedigree. They talk about brains. But above all else it takes heart to exist here. Heart, and courage, and determination to keep going when the odds seem like they're against you.


Killer Shark: you are, without a doubt, a scary individual. A real-life mastadon brought back from the Stone Age with a mission to reduce TCW to a brutal wasteland. But here's the thing: up until now you've been cruising in coastal waters, dining on easy prey. But tonight you find yourself in open ocean, where you ain't the only apex predator in the eco system. Men like myself, Greg Gauge, T-Bone Bright: we've been hunting big game for a long time. And you mark my words: if you want to be the man here it's going to take more than just hitting me while my back is turned.



[Andrews runs a hand over his face as Gauge stares, intently, beside him]

All week, people have been asking whether I think Killer Shark has what it takes to hang in deep water. And I'll tell you the same thing I told them: potentially, yeah. You have the size, you have the strength. But do you have the heart to end up as more than just another big trophy on the Ace's wall? Let's put that heart of yours to the test.


[Ace drops his mic and Gauge takes his turn]

And Chord: you think you're devious because you're ducking any matches in the run up to Malice. Think you've cracked the code and being fresh is going to save that title around your waist. But there's one thing you haven't considered, Jay: that the man makes the title, and I'm twice the man you are. So you can sit back while I wrestle 2, 3 or 4 hundred guys. It doesn't matter. Cometh the hour, cometh the man. And tonight, I'm coming for you, Chord.


To say that the commentary team are fired up for the main event would be a gross understatement as we return to them.


Folks, I have literal goosebumps. Our main event tonight is a historic matchup, a showcase for what awaits us at Malice In Wonderland and potentially one of the matches of the year.


Any one of these men by themselves could make a main event. But all of them together? This is going to bring the house down.


I don't need to tell you all at home that this marks the first time these four individuals have ever set foot in the ring together. And the tale of the tape is as fascinating as they come...


Hit us with it, Jason.


With a 2-0 record only Quentin Queen and Wolf Hawkins measure up to Killer Shark's start to 2022. Jay Chord and Greg Gauge have faced each other in tag competition before but neither man has even pinned or submitted the other - in singles or tag. Meanwhile Jay Chord currently holds the upper hand over Aaron Andrews having won both of their singles clashes including one for the World Title back in May 2020.


All that to say: you do NOT want to go anywhere else in the next half hour. Jasmine: any closing thoughts?


Just that I am SO unbelievably sweaty in this suit. The running, the anticipating. Please god let it end soon.


I'm sure invoking our lord and saviour will thrill the sponsors, Jasmine. Folks: stay right where you are. This one is going to be a classic.





The crowd is at a fever pitch before the bell even rings for this one and the four performers milk it for all that it's worth, letting the house lights dim and simply standing across for one another for several minutes before a hold is even attempted. The sense of anticipation is palpable.

Then, the match starts building. At first with Gauge and Chord chain wrestling before things are kicked up a notch as Andrews tags in and absolutely lays into Shark, sending him spilling outside the ring. Chaos ensues as both pairs begin fighting in and out of the ring, with the ref trying to helplessly to maintain order.

In the ring Chord gets the upper hand on Gauge with a thumb to the eye before the tide turns and a near-submission via Proton Lock is interrupted by Killer Shark - who had disposed of Aaron Andrews outside.

The match goes back and forth until we reach the end game, where Gauge pulls Chord's legs out from under him on a Cradle Piledriver attempt, flips him off and then cinches in the Proton Lock. Meanwhile Andrews hits a spectacular Flying Body Press to Shark on the outside to prevent him from making the save and the fans go nuts as they witness their World Champion tap out to Greg Gauge!


Winner: Greg Gauge & Aaron Andrews
Method: Submission
Time: 19:59


Shawn Doakes' voice is holding on by a thread as he roars the shows outro over the fans










Show Rating:
Edited by Devilb0y
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And at the end of week 3 we find a gap opening up at the top of the leaderboard. Still a fair bit to play for with 2 cards before the reset, we'll see how everyone does.


MiykaelP: 18
KyTeran: 15
Wrestling Machine: 11
ReedTyler: 5
Doctor Crunch: 5
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Posted (edited)

Card for the go-home show before Malice. Following the New Japan tradition of "Eh, screw it, put all the feuding people in a multi-man tag match" before the big show!


Booking Prediction Quick Link
Aaron Andrews, Joshua Taylor & T-Bone Bright vs Jaylon Martins, Killer Shark & Wolf Hawkins
Devine Fortune vs Pretty Amazing
Maverick vs Sammy Bach
Nate Johnson vs Papa Swoll
Ernest Youngman vs Flying Jimmy Foxx
TELEVISION TITLE MATCH: Flint Slater vs Mighty Mo
Greg Gauge vs Titan
Edited by Devilb0y
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Aaron Andrews, Joshua Taylor & T-Bone Bright vs Jaylon Martins, Killer Shark & Wolf Hawkins
Devine Fortune vs Pretty Amazing
Maverick vs Sammy Bach
Nate Johnson vs Papa Swoll
Ernest Youngman vs Flying Jimmy Foxx
TELEVISION TITLE MATCH: Flint Slater vs Mighty Mo
Greg Gauge vs Titan
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Aaron Andrews, Joshua Taylor & T-Bone Bright vs Jaylon Martins, Killer Shark & Wolf Hawkins
Devine Fortune vs Pretty Amazing
Maverick vs Sammy Bach
Nate Johnson vs Papa Swoll
Ernest Youngman vs Flying Jimmy Foxx
TELEVISION TITLE MATCH: Flint Slater vs Mighty Mo
Greg Gauge vs Titan
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Aaron Andrews, Joshua Taylor & T-Bone Bright vs Jaylon Martins, Killer Shark & Wolf Hawkins
Devine Fortune vs Pretty Amazing
Maverick vs Sammy Bach
Nate Johnson vs Papa Swoll
Ernest Youngman vs Flying Jimmy Foxx
TELEVISION TITLE MATCH: Flint Slater vs Mighty Mo
Greg Gauge vs Titan

Love TCW, LOVE LOVE LOVE your presentation, cannot wait to see more! 
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Awesome show, main event was hyped up well and delivered, big moment for Gauge and I liked Shark having the opportunity to mix with those 3. 


Loved the Swoll debut, it's always fun checking out their music and you're always picking well. Does help to bring them alive. 


It's a really good mix of presenting TCW with a sports slant like I imagine them, and making it clear what matters is what goes on in the ring, but also getting lots of storylines going on. Taylor and Queen are two I'm looking forward to seeing more of. 

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Aaron Andrews, Joshua Taylor & T-Bone Bright vs Jaylon Martins, Killer Shark & Wolf Hawkins
Devine Fortune vs Pretty Amazing
Maverick vs Sammy Bach
Nate Johnson vs Papa Swoll
Ernest Youngman vs Flying Jimmy Foxx
TELEVISION TITLE MATCH: Flint Slater vs Mighty Mo
Greg Gauge vs Titan
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Posted (edited)



Live from the Lowe Ballroom in Portland, OR
Tuesday 25th January, 2022
Attendance: 4923



Hello everybody and welcome, once again, to Total Wrestling, your one-stop-shop for the best wrestling in the world today. And what a week to join us on...


Last week we witnessed our World Champion - Jay Chord - tap out to his closest rival - Greg Gauge - and the subsequent fallout has been seismic. Chord has never been afraid to throw his weight around as champion and his manipulation of management has seen Greg Gauge entered into singles competition against the Towering Titan to open our show, after which Jay has promised to address the fans.


I can't imagine he's going to be SUPER happy.


I doubt it, Jasmine.


And elsewhere we'll see Flint Slater challenge Mighty Mo for his Television Title. Mo's last defence was over a month ago now, Jasmine: who've you got for that one?


Mo is fresher, he's only wrestled one match so far to Flint's two, but you can't rule out the Syndicate factor.


Although let's be clear that three quarters of The Syndicate are in action tonight, so Flint may find himself short on back up.


All of that, plus a chaotic clash of a main event and an undercard that promises more than a few surprises. Don't you move a muscle, folks, because that's Greg Gauge's music





The commentary team are quick to point out that only - weirdly - Chris Flynn has wrestled as many matches as Greg Gauge this year, and that Jay Chord has not set foot in a singles match for close to two months. Clearly the balance of fatigue favours the champion and, as if in testament to this, Titan is the one to open things up by blindsiding Gauge as he takes off his ring robe.

With the smaller competitor forced to fight back from a significant disadvantage the fans can be forgiven for starting to believe that maybe he'll lose this one. Though most of those doubts are dispelled once Gauge gets into his rhythm.

Titan is huge and lumbering, but Gauge executes a clinic of limb-targetting wrestling to chop the bigger man down to size before finally submitting him with the Proton Lock.


Winner: Greg Gauge
Method: Submission
Time: 5:32


Pineapple Pineapple


A fatigued Greg Gauge descends from the turnbuckle to face the ramp as Jay Chord's music starts playing, his eyes darting back and forth to check this isn't a trap. Though his cautious mind is put - mildly - at ease when Chord appears under the main screen with a mic in hand, sarcastically clapping his hands together.


Wow. Greg Gauge's momentum simply can't be stopped. Is that it?

How very... how very frustrating.



[The camera cuts to a close-up and we can see that one of Jay's eyes is twitching slightly]

You know it stresses me out? I don't think you, or any of these idiots here in Portland for that matter...



[Pauses to allow the boos to subside]

...understand the kind of pressure I'm under. Have the SLIGHTEST IDEA of what it takes to carry yourself like a CHAMPION.

You wouldn't know, Gauge. You're an also-ran. A guy who was a foot-note to my signing with TCW, a foot-note to my first title victory, and - when it's all said and done - will be a foot note to my career.


[Gauge calls for his own mic in the ring]

For someone who doesn't feel threatened by me, Jay, you seem to spend a lot of time thinking about how my career compares to yours. So let's play that game, then. How many times has Jay Chord pinned Greg Gauge? Zero. How many times has Jay Chord submitted Greg Gauge? Zero. How many times has Greg Gauge made Jay Chord tap out and scream for his daddy?


[A swell of cheers and jeers from the crowd]

One. And by Sunday night: it'll be two. So you comfort yourself with your pedigree, you look in the mirror and you say your affirmations that make up for your dad not loving you enough as a kid. But we both come from wrestling royalty, Jay. The difference is that I treat my heritage as a measure to surpass, you use yours as a justification for your short-comings. And make no mistake: at Malice, you'll be coming up short.


Both men drop their mics, with Chord visibly shaking with rage from the ramp while Gauge's music plays.



We cut back to our commentary team...


Well Jay certainly was mad.


Ah that was great. The schadenfraude gives me life.


Indeed, it seems like we've found the fountain of youth here in TCW and it's pissing Jay Chord off.


And while a lot has been made - by us, I hasten to add - about Gauge's fatigue relative to Chord's, one has to imagine that ring rust may actually factor into their title match now. Chord hasn't had a singles match in over a month; in that time he has competed in two tag matches, only one of which resulted in a victory.


So you're saying that it's perhaps dawning on our champion that he has taken this "stay fresh" philosophy too far and may now struggle to keep up with Gauge, Jason?


It's definitely possible.


It's certainly food for thought. Allow us to chew that over...


[Audible groan of disapproval]



...while we look at this brief recap of how Flint and Mo arrived at their current heading.


We see a brief hype package for the next match: the Television Title bout between the champion - Mighty Mo - and the challenger - Flint Slater, which focuses on Mo's past clashes with The Syndicate and Flint's shocking arrival from GAMMA.





All the talk around the match is speculating on the part The Syndicate will play here. Flint is a member, but he also likes to prove he's better than people and that lodges a seed of doubt in the audience's minds; that maybe he won't turn to Syndicate interference to win.

The match is a cagey affair, with both men taking their time to size the other up. A style which suits Flint far more than Mo. However, the clash sparks to life when - after several near-successful-takedown attempts from Slater - Mo is able to roll through on one and hit an enormous deadlift powerbomb which gets the crowd on their feet.

Flint is on the ropes and trying to get away from Mo's withering offence when...




Doc Hammond sprints down to the ring. To his credit, Flint tells Doc in no uncertain terms to back off and it's not his fault that his stable-mate doesn't listen, mounting the apron instead.

Mo senses the opportunity to end the match and goes to clothesline Flint from behind, but his opponent sees this coming, ducks and Mo strikes Doc instead. This change in momentum allows Flint to lock in a rolling cross arm-bar in the centre of the ring. The fans voice their disbelief that Mo might tap and roar their approval when he stands up and powerbombs Flint again. But his arm is weakened and Slater keeps targetting it, again and again, until on a final cross arm-bar Mo screams in pain and his arm is wrenched out of the socket forcing the ref to call for a stoppage.


Method: Ref Stoppage
Time: 10:08


Pineapple Pineapple Pineapple




Flint's right hand is raised in victory while the Television Title is fastened around his waste by Doc Hammond. Meanwhile the fans stand in stunned silence, watching EMTs attending to Mo who writhes on the mat in pain, clutching his arm.


A stunned smattering of applause follow him as he is stretchered past the ramp and down the loser's exit. Meanwhile Doc Hammond leaps around Slater in the ring




Slater stares down the barrel of the hard cam for a moment before going to pose at the edge of the ring; one leg up on the middle rope and the Television Title hanging from a raised hand.


Our commentary team emulate the fans, sitting in stunned silence until Shawn Doakes musters the ability to punctuate it...


In all of the discussions about how the Television Title match might go, I don't think anyone, anywhere, anticipated it finishing like that.


The first official stoppage we have seen in - I'm not even sure how long. Let me check my notes...


If Jason not having that fact to hand doesn't confirm how shocking that result was then I don't know what does.


And it's not just the result, but the manner of it that is almost unprecedented. A contender of Mo's experience, power and skill... unable to continue due to a graphic, horrific injury inflicted by Flint Slater.


He had a claim to being one of the baddest men on the planet before this. I don't think there's any argument against it now.


Almost four years since the last one. When Brayn Vessey defeated Sammy Bach to retain the World Title. It may not be totally unprecedented, but it's certainly an extreme rarity.


Thank you, Jason.


Well, we need to now collect our wits and carry on with the show. We'll of course update you all with Mo's condition as we hear more. But for now it's almost a case of out of the frying pan and into the fire as Ernest Youngman - patriarch of The Family - takes on the veteran Flying Jimmy Foxx, followed by another match for the returning Papa Swoll who was a surprise victor last week, before Maverick looks to correct that loss against Sammy Bach.


Keeping my fingers crossed that The Family aren't close by.


I think it'll take more than crossed fingers to keep those thugs off the show, Jasmine. Let's find out.





Everyone in the arena seems to know how this one is going to go, and it's no surprise when Youngman immediately begins dominating Foxx, dodging his offence like a character from The Matrix while reducing his mobility and speed with crippling holds.

In only a few minutes Youngman is signalling for The Hit, but when he nails it and goes for the cover he arrogantly pulls Foxx up at the two count, as if to prove a point. More punishment follows, and the fans - already shocked by Mo's injury - find it hard to watch. It seems as if it's only a matter of time before we see ANOTHER ref stoppage when suddenly...




Troy Tornado leaps over the crowd barrier and starts jawing with Ernest, who turns and jaws right back. The two get into a heated "discussion" which gives the borderline-unconscious Jimmy Foxx just enough time to roll up Youngman with a schoolboy for the win!


Winner: Flying Jimmy Foxx
Method: Pinfall
Time: 7:37


Pineapple Pineapple Pineapple



It's no exagerration to say that Foxx is out on his feet, and the fact that he manages to evade the furious Youngman long enough to literally fall over the top rope into the waiting arms of Troy Tornado is a credit to his toughness.


The pair make their escape through the crowd, with Troy looking back at Youngman in the ring and laughing while the patriarch of The Family yells for his cohorts to pursue...


Pineapple Pineapple Pineapple


The rest of The Family sprint from backstage without music and lumber after Troy and Foxx, who have disappeared into a sea of fans, with Youngman furiously barking commands from the ring.





Papa Swoll looks to continue his strong start to life in Total Championship Wrestling against a perennial tag team wrestler, and it soon becomes clear that in singles competition the larger man has the advantage.

Johnson uses his ring nous to good effect, but is ultimately unable to withstand the power of Swoll, who puts him down with a flying Boom Shakalaka for the win. Eagle-eyed viewers notice that Nate Johnson is clutching his chest in pain as he leaves the ring, though he is able to do so under his own power.


Winner: Papa Swoll
Method: Pinfall
Time: 7:41





Before both men make their entrances a familiar face descends to the commentary desk...




Quentin Queen is all insincere politeness and pleasantries as he settles in to assist with commentary on Bach's match, and it rapidly becomes clear that he is only here to provoke and insult, despite Bach having much of the early offence.

It's a running theme of Bach's matches in recent years that he will sell an "old injury", playing up his age and the fact he's on his last legs. And as soon as Maverick targets Bach's knee Queen leaps on it as a sign of weakness. However, he is forced into a pouty silence when Bach reverses the momentum and eventually ends the match with an Adrenaline Shot from the top row to show he still has plenty left in the tank.


Winner: Sammy Bach
Method: Pinfall
Time: 7:25


Pineapple Pineapple




After the bell, before he is even announced as the winner, Bach is out of the ring and confronting Queen, who smirks at him across the desk and makes a series of "Who? Me?" gestures which only serve to infuriate Bach further.


Although neither man has a mic, the cameras are able to pick up a few choice words...



[Between heavy breaths]

You think you get to make demands here? You have no control, Queen. No control and no chance.


OK, champ.


You're in a lot of trouble, kid. Malice In Wonderland: see you there. Bring your best - but I can promise you it still won't be enough.


Bach walks back up the ramp as his music continues to play, attempting to shake off his annoyance and celebrate with the fans. Meanwhile Queen grins and acts like he is completely unimpressed by his opponent's comments.


After a dozen or so seconds Queen leaves the commentary desk, allowing our team to talk about him behind his back...


Well, that was awkward.


Indeed it was, Jasmine. Indeed it was.


Quentin Queen seems to be following the well-established play book of hunting the oldest, slowest member of the herd for sustenance. Though I think he's made a mistake in judging that to be Sammy Bach.


He was a World Champion four months ago. I cannot see any way that this is a good idea for Queen.


Between him and J-Train there seems to be a lot of this going around. The new blood... I don't know about these guys.


Well above all else I can't fault their ambition, even if I disagree with their methods.


Putting that aside, we're careening - runaway train-like - towards our main event where some of the fiercest rivals in the company will clash. But first: some news. We've had word that Mighty Mo has now been transferred to a local hospital where he is receiving treatment for a complete anterior dislocation of his shoulder as well as multiple lesions to the upper arm bone. I suspect we may not see him in a ring again for some time, though we of course send him all of our best wishes for a speedy recovery.


Up next: Devine Fortune will look to secure their excellent form going into Malice In Wonderland with a final tag bout against a pair of young workers from Mid-Atlantic Wrestling.





Although Devine Fortune's opponents aren't given much in the way of fanfare, those who pay attention to MAW will recognise the faces of Pretty Amazing - a promising young tag team with the world at their feet.

However, the time is not quite right for them yet and the superior experience of Devine Fortune quickly puts them away, with Darryl Devine scoring his signature Dream Drop for the finish.


Winner: Devine Fortune (Darryl Devine)
Method: Pinfall
Time: 4:36





As soon as he sees that Aaron Andrews intends to start things off for this makeshift team of good guys, Killer Shark shoves his two team mates out of the ring and launches himself at his opponent for Malice In Wonderland. The Ace is an experienced and tough competitor, and is able to get his licks in too, but not without sustaining signficant damage to that still-injured torso.

Clinical tag offense on the Ace follows and a hopespot where he tags Taylor is killed off when J-Train sprints across the ring as the illegal man to flatten JT.

The match picks up a gear when T-Bone gets the hot tag and lays the Syndicate members out, before a brief staredown with Killer Shark sets the fans roaring for a good ol' fashioned hoss fight. The two spill outside of the ring with JT scoring a blind tag to focus on Martins while Wolf and Andrews revisit their long-standing rivalry.

Martins is full of a desire to prove he can hang with the veteran and is finally able to do so after escaping a Butterfly Lock and then hitting his cyclone forearm for a huge win.


Winner: J-Train, Killer Shark & Wolf Hawkins (J-Train)
Method: Pinfall
Time: 14:40


We return to the commentary team as security rush the ring to keep the teams apart, even as Andrews and T-Bone help carry JT back down the loser's exit.


A huge, and I mean HUGE, win for J-Train there.


Even though he did it as part of a tag bout, the record books will show that the young man from LA pinned Joshua Taylor today.


I wonder if we'll look back at this moment as the beginning of something.


Well I can tell you this much, Jasmine: it's the end of our road to Malice In Wonderland. Next stop: Houston, Texas and an event which promises to be one for the ages. Gauge vs Chord, Wolf vs T-Bone, Ace vs Shark. This Sunday.


I love when you do your sales pitch.


From myself, Shawn Doakes, and my broadcast colleagues - Jasmine Saunders and Jason Azaria, we have been TCW, this has been Total Wrestling and don't you dare miss us this Sunday at Malice In Wonderland.


Show Rating:
Edited by Devilb0y
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Posted (edited)

Another quick note to say thanks to everyone for the kind words and reading this far. I'm having a lot of fun trying to find the characters of a new set of guys while trying to keep the old guard faithful to how I've depicted them previously. I'm glad the music and the presentation appeal to people; it's a lot of work but I really enjoy finding the right songs for people and then trying to make an eye-catching diary.


And lastly, the name "New Generation" is a bit generic, but I chose it because for me this diary is about exploring how quickly we can rocket the new guys - particularly the guys who are already on TCW's roster like Queen, Blaze, Martins and Slater - up the card. I'll say no more than that!


Predictions will go up tomorrow along with the card for Malice. I can probably keep this frenetic pace up for a little while longer so with any luck Malice should be done by Monday. Thanks again, and don't you dare miss this Sunday at Malice In Wonderland! 😁

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I liked Azaria checking his notes, it was already a big moment for Slater but pointing out how rare the ref stoppages are really helped. And again the story of Chord not wrestling and the question of whether that means he'll be fresh or not have developed ring rust fits TCW well. So Azaria was my MVP this week. 


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Time for the prediction scores, and with one show left in the month there's still a chance for things to shake themselves up a bit.


After week four, the scores are as follows:


MiykaelP: 23
KyTeran: 19
Wrestling Machine: 11
knkmaster69: 6
ReedTyler: 5
Doctor Crunch: 5
Tiberious: 4
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14 hours ago, christmas_ape said:

I liked Azaria checking his notes, it was already a big moment for Slater but pointing out how rare the ref stoppages are really helped. And again the story of Chord not wrestling and the question of whether that means he'll be fresh or not have developed ring rust fits TCW well. So Azaria was my MVP this week. 



Azaria's whole thing in my head is being like a walking encylopedia of weird wrestling facts, which I can already guarantee is going to come back to bite me once I get far enough into this that I start forgetting some of the facts he's already thrown out. But I like being able to occasionally deploy the "even he doesn't know when this last happened" bit to sell a moment as extraordinary.


And yeah I like to think of TCW as a blend of New Japan and the late Jim Crockett Promotion / early WCW stuff, where wrestling is treated as a sport; match quality and win-loss records are king but there's room for angles too. It also makes diary-writing easier because - for the most part - the reason two guys will fight is often "You beat me, now I want to beat you back" or something to that effect. There's space for soap opera (I remember early WCW had a feud between Tully Blanchard and Dusty Rhodes over a woman Tully was mis-treating once) or weird angles, but I want them to be the exception rather than the rule. So if and when a dude like Aldous Blackfriar turns up (no promises!) he will immediately feel distinct from the rest of the roster.

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Time for the first PPV of 2022. Here's the card for Malice In Wonderland with the prediction quick link below. All still to play for in that for those interested.


Booking Prediction Quick Link
Aaron Andrews vs Killer Shark
Sammy Bach vs Quentin Queen
Jaylon Martins vs Joshua Taylor
Ernest Youngman vs Troy Tornado
T-Bone Bright vs Wolf Hawkins
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Aaron Andrews vs Killer Shark
Sammy Bach vs Quentin Queen
Jaylon Martins vs Joshua Taylor
Ernest Youngman vs Troy Tornado
T-Bone Bright vs Wolf Hawkins
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