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BCF - Brisbane Championship Federation [CVerse]

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Five minutes.

A five-minute interview is all it took for me to plan my return to the industry.

“Australia Tonight!” The number one Australian late night chat show was blaring on my television as I got up to take another lot of sumatriptan as the migraines continually got worse. Concussions, no one ever tells you just how debilitating they can be. The smallest flickering light blinding you, the sounds tearing through your entire body. Truly it ruined not only my career, but my life I mean hell I was working as a car detailer now. Do you know how damn hard it is for a 6’5 man to clean under the seats of a Tesla? Hell, life was hard having a career after prison and working years in what was essentially one barricade away from being an actual bar fight. It isn't about my sad life of what "could have been". I had myself to blame for my situation at the end of the day. You know, I liked Rugby as a kid. If I stuck with it, I mean I have the body. 


I heard Simeon McAllister make a joke about starting up a wrestling company. His guest was the ever-controversial Horrie Fowler. Both men laughed at the idea of it, it was a one off quip. I mean I had heard they both enjoyed the industry. Simeon would always reference the industry on his late night broadcasts. Mainly talking about USPW or RAW because his audience was still main stream. While Horrie, I had seen him drink it up a few times watching the disorderly mess that is DIW, though we'd never spoken before. 

As I went and threw up in the bathroom of my small apartment, the bad taste left on my mouth wasn't the kebab from earlier in the night. It was the bitterness of my career, of how The Comedian sent me packing when I told him I wasn't going to wrestle anymore. Kicked to the curb like some dog that couldn't pull his own weight. I could run things better than a guy who refuses any one who has an opinion opposite than his own. I could prove him wrong, that I had value in this industry. 

I reached out, of course Simeon was a lot harder to get a hold of. Our contact going through his publicist, or some PR person who basically told me to stop bothering them. While it took a few days to hear back from Horrie.


Turns out I wasn't the only person watching late night tv. Some kid called Peril had also tried to reach out to him. We both had a meeting, together at the same time. Seemed like it was a way for Horrie to get a free dinner and stroke his own ego. Having two guys pitch ideas for wrestling companies to him. I genuinely thought halfway through the dinner he was going to tell us we didn't have a shot.

Peril made his pitch first and it was good. Old guys, and new guys. Young kids being taught by seasoned old veterans in the ring. He was realistic and said the veterans wouldn't make it more than a couple years in the company before transitioning away from them. He had a solid plan and even had ideas on how he wanted to build the roster, the brand and the company. Hell the kid came with a list of names, some I recognised and some I had no idea about.  Horrie was less impressed than I was. Horrie recognised one or two names, and he didn't like the idea of investing in something in Sydney. He wanted something local, in his backyard. That made my pitch a hell of a lot easier. I just said it would be local and it would be in Brisbane, then pointed out the positives of not facing DIW and APW on their home turf. Then I told him about how the Monday May Massacre had let a lot of guys from RAW go. Those guys were going to make a splash in a new show. 

He was hooked, Peril stayed around for food and drinks. I think he also just wanted to pitch some of his ideas to me. Which he did successfully, when we said goodbye I wished the kid some luck and told him I wasn't going to sign anyone from his list. He seemed to have some decent ideas on a starting roster. Still, I wasn't exactly going to be getting my true gritty hardcore style I wanted. Horrie had instead focused on making a splash, so if you had worked at RAW you would be getting a chance on our debut roster. 


Finally Simeon McAllister reached out again, this time through another representitive. His PR group had been approached by Horrie Fowler. Clearly the guy had more weight than I did. Simeon liked the idea of ex-RAW talent. He liked the idea of making a splash further up the coast. He was going to invest, and wasn't concerned about making the money back. He even got Horrie in contact with some reps from The Bloke Channel. Although this was all good news, he made it clear. He was a silent partner, any bad press wouldn't blow back on him. He also had no intentions of letting me do an interview on his show either. It was a nice influx of cash to pay for those RAW guys though. 



The roster very quickly became a “You worked at RAW? You’re in!” If APW had a reputation for being the grounds for RAW Rejects, god knows what our reputation was going to become. We had spots for 10 ex-RAW and I got to make 10 other signings for the company. It was nice to have some freedom to sign other guys, but I also agreed to not sign anyone Peril had on his list. Which is a shame as he had some decent names. Still it took not even a day for me to create a list and reach out to everyone. 

That is where I hit my first hurdle and it was sizable. 



We approached to sign him first, in fact Horrie insisted on it. It seemed both RAW and Manhunter had other ideas. Manhunter used the talks to get back into the ear of those at RAW. He very quickly had a contract from RAW in his hands and kindly thanked us for helping get him paid. While I wasn't keen on him, losing one of the ten guys I had reached out to from RAW was annoying. Meanwhile Horrie wouldn't budge, he wanted to see 10 former RAW guys. In his words he wasn't going to let RAW "F" him on his plans. With an extra slot open I reached out to one of "The A-Listers", clearly avoiding Vincent Victory as one of our other talent hated him. 


Let me get a few things out of the way really quickly.


1. Will this diary last more than 1 single show. Yes, I have a few written up, how long it lasts for remains to be seen. It depends on life, studies and work. It is a labour of love and will be my long-term save. I definitely will have month long hiatuses but will try and return back to this beautiful piece of content when I can. No timeline because if I see it as work, I simply take a break to avoid burn out.

2. The new CVerse Renders, really? Yeah dude I have no skin in the game. I may use some of the new cut outs people like @EdJames uses and it will hopefully be cohesive and look dope, or it wont. I write real low budget internet wrestling stories, i'm what you'd call graphically challenged. 

3. Like always I thank @John Lions for his continued love in the Australian CVerse and the messages we exchange/his amazing write ups . @619 for his consistency to a diary like no other, something I wish I had the talent to do, and @Pteroid cause deep down I wish I could write an amazing and engaging story half as well as he does in one segment. As well as everyone else in this community. There are so many people that make me feel welcome, let me explore my incredible niche hobby and that like to see what I can come up with. You are all great, and if you have criticism, should share it. Help me improve. 

Edited by HiPlus
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The Roster


Anguish (ex-RAW #1)

Anguish is one of the former Raw guys, and slots nicely straight into the tag-team scene with his partner Misery. He looks primed to bolster what will be a small tag-team division and should comfortably have a strangle hold on such division. He does have some upside as a potential future solo act as well. Anguish when compared to everyone else is a monster of a man. In fact only one other man on this roster is even able to meet his gaze. 


Artemis Eyre-Rochester (ex-RAW #2)

Artemis like Anguish would fill two spots for me. He is a former RAW guy, and he is another person to add alongside his tag-team partner to our non-existent tag division. With his tag partner Thurston Darcy III alongside him in the company. He was ultimately let go during the May Monday Massacre. Artemis has the potential as a singles act, or with his partner. But may struggle due to his short stature in the long term. He has been penciled in as a Locker Room Leader for the company.



We go from short, to shorter. Azazel has a unique look and a flashy in ring style. Add to that he is only 30 years old and he has potential to make a bit of a name for himself in the company. A former graduate of the defunct ZEN Temple Dojo, Azazel spent almost 7 years with ZEN so has a decent amount of experience, I like everything about him. I mean other than his size, lack of noticeable charisma and long term potential. Who knows though, he just might impress me.


Black Flash (ex-RAW #3)

Black Flash a masker luchador, fit the bill as a former RAW guy. He spent a short two years with RAW, before finally being let go. He has a flash of technical ability about him and still looks abroad. Notably BHOTWG have taken an interest in him and want to sign him for their next tour, which is something that makes me value his in-ring prowess more and more. I have no idea how I am going to book a guy in a mask though. 



Caleb is a bit of surprise package. Albeit the smallest wrestler on the roster, he comes with decent fundamental level of wrestling and has even taken up the role as Head Trainer in the company. Why him? Well, I needed someone to help show other guys the ropes and none of the RAW guys were interested in doing it for what only is planned as a one of show at this stage.  Whether that can flourish into any long-term success in the ring remains to be seen.


Chopper Rourke

My guy, he and I actually did a stint of time together before we ever thought of breaking into the wrestling business. Chopper leaving DIW perhaps could have been the biggest thing for his career, as it left him available for me to pick up my old stablemate. Not quite sure what I will do with him, but I can give him a stable job. Chopper like myself is intimidating, and the perfect guy to act as my “Chief Enforcer” of the locker room. People will just have to learn to respect him.


Craig Pheonix

Six foot three, and a cruiserweight. Well okay... What a waste of his genetics. Craig has been in the business for years. He is adept in the ring just needs to build up his character work to actually make him memorable. Already have him flagged for a tag-team role alongside Moonchild, doubt they will amount to much but at least they have jobs right.


Crazy Train (ex-RAW #4)

Crazy Train is a big man, standing on equal footing as Anguish but weighing a 120lbs more than him.  Crazy Train will certainly be an entertaining act at least in the short term for the company. That is about where the positives end with him. He got winded walking to the venue when I asked everyone to meet to discuss what I wanted from the company. He is a RAW guy though, so that's nice.



D-Pod has a good look about him, only being held back by his stature. He sounds smooth as butter in real life, and could talk his way into or out of anything. Add the fact he can fly through the air as a cruiserweight, it really is only his size that is a negative. He is going to get a chance to shine in the tag-team division along Fast Eddie.


Fast Eddie

Better name than he previously had, but I still am not the biggest fan. Fast Eddie has a lot of potential to rise up the card, either with or without his tag-team partner. Just depends how much the guy can grow and how long we stay in business for. 


Gregory Grace (ex-RAW #5)

Not in the initial group to be signed, he ended up here because Manhunter was moving on. Spending nine years with RAW was certainly an achievement. Gregory Grace hasn’t had the chance of a solo run in his career, being alongside his former tag-team partner. Well, with the roster I have now I know Vincent wont be coming over as that would make far too many waves. This is the perfect time for him to show whether he can make it as a singles act. 


Isaac Taylor (ex-RAW #6)

Taylor was on the very first RAW show. He worked for RAW for eleven years, that is some of the most crazy longevity and experience on the roster. Bringing a wealth of talent and experience to a place that so desperately needs it. He didn’t carve out much of an impact with only one title reign, not even lasting two months in his entire time there, having things back again I am sure he wishes he accomplished more there. The Jamaican born wrestler will hopefully have a lot more time to shine in BCF.


Kane Wilde

I signed him because he looks like an absolute monster. He had a few years working at ZEN but didn’t really do much there, hopefully this can be his breakout opportunity, because it surely is the last chance he will have to prove himself in the wrestling world. I hope I can give him that chance. I just.. need to work out what to do with him. 


Misery (ex-RAW #7)

Misery is the smaller member of The Affliction, which to be fair almost everyone is smaller than Anguish on this roster. He makes up for it by being more refined in the ring than his tag-team partner.  He approached me about taking up the role of my “eyes and ears” in the locker room, and with a lot of RAW guys helping run the place. I was eager to have one of the RAW alumni help keep me in the loop.


Monday Next (ex-RAW #8)

One of the most over guys in the company. Monday Next walked out on RAW after booking disagreements with Vincent Victory. I am surprised he didn't jump back onto them now that Vincent was gone. Their loss, is my gain, but it is something he won’t have happen again to him. One of the requirements to signing him was for him to also join the Booking Team. He continues his backstage work being a part a Locker Room Leader as well.



Another ZEN Temple Dojo graduate. The fact he was willing to move to New Zealand initially to learn the craft of wrestling gives him some respect in my eyes. Moving back to Australia and back to Brisbane made him an easy option to look at signing. He definitely has some talent about him, hopefully I can bring that out of him. 


Quick Silver

I can’t say no to a wounded animal, because that is what Quick Silver is. Wounded, just like me this industry has taken its toll on his body. Quick Silver however doesn't let that deter him, instead he pushed through to continue to The guy is just as small as Caleb.


Reggie Hammer

Want the truth why he was signed? The moustache! It looks great, he is new to the industry, so it is hard seeing him get a good run against such big names. He has a look I like though. That is a positive. He just looks like a bloke. 


Rod Sullivan Monday Next (ex-RAW #9)

The Hearthrob Rod. He was the biggest release during the Monday Massacre, and a surprising one at that. Always in the shadow of his tag-team partner and after an unfortunate knee injury he could never build that momentum back again without his partner. He assures me his knee is all good now, and hasn't had any setbacks since. He doesn't want to be a tag-team guy and very much wants to make a name for himself. 


Thurston Darcy III (ex-RAW #10)

Thurston is a two-time RAW Tag-Team champion alongside his partner. Although less impactful than his partner, he brings a lot of star value and the ability to potentially be a solo act or a tag-team act. Again like his partner he is on the smaller side, but with the roster we have it isn't as much of a problem as I initial thought it would be.



Bradley Regan (Referee) - Captain Wrestling (Head Road Agent/Locker Room Leader) - Dutch DeRue (Manager/Travel Organiser) - Garfield Harth (Commentator/Head of Talent Relations)


Glen Lee (Senior Referee) - Horrie Fowler (Booking Team/Commentator) - Jansen Belvedere (Road Agent) - Nigel Darling (On Screen Personality)


Owen Oldacare (Road Agent) - Quentin Wednesday (Commentator) - Wayne Schimmelbusch (Referee/Moral Officer)

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I have to say putting everything together. It was a nightmare, I though having to become a contortionist to clean out the backseat of a car that some kid had spilt their cereal through was a difficult gig. Trying to wrangle adults, who all acted like children was just as bad. Also who the hell let's their children eat cereal in their car. Seriously clean that up yourself before you bring it in. Anyway we are about to have our first ever event BCF New Destiny. No, I swear I thought that name up myself. 

Horrie Fowler was actually helpful to a degree. He planned to schmooze over the execs before, during and after the show. Giving them the best seats from the house, right by the commentary desk. He did know that tape recording was seriously just that. A straight to dvd.. well youtube upload. This was our proof of concept show. Show we could pack in a crowd and put on a show. We had some posters made up basically highlighting the RAW guys. In the training ring we sent up in a small warehouse I listed the final card set up for all the guys to see. Guy's had already been giving me their input or complaining they weren't on the show. They do know we do segments as well right. 


BCF Grand Champion Qualifier

Rod Sullivan vs Thurston Darcy III

Reggie Hammer vs Caleb

The Affliction vs Quick Silver & Black Flash

Gregory Grace vs Azazel

BCF Grand Champion Qualifier

Isaac Taylor vs Monday Next


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Rod Sullivan vs Thurston Darcy III    I imagine Rod is one of your most over wrestlers. Although perhaps Artemis might get involved, I'm still giving it to Hot Rod

Reggie Hammer vs Caleb    I too respect the moustache, but still. 

The Affliction vs Quick Silver & Black Flash   I don't know if Silver/Flash are a team, but either way I imagine Affliction will be relied upon in the tag division

Gregory Grace vs Azazel  GG not being in your initial group makes me question has he just been brought into to pass on overness (as I'm guessing he has quite a lot more than Azazel) but I'm going to go with my guts choice.

BCF Grand Champion Qualifier

Isaac Taylor vs Monday Next    I think Taylor could definitely hold your main belt, but I can see Monday Next being your biggest star. 

And it's great to see you start something HiPlus! Good luck

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Interesting start. I like the dynamics you have with Vaughan trying to create and book a roster his boss would like rather than something to his own preferences.


BCF Grand Champion Qualifier

Rod Sullivan vs Thurston Darcy III

I think Artemis can get involved and help Thurston get a cheap victory. I know you mentioned the Brat Pack as tag guys, but given their popularity relative to the rest of your roster I imagine they'll still be in the Grand Championship title picture.

Reggie Hammer vs Caleb

I'll give some respect here to Caleb since he's your head trainer.

The Affliction vs Quick Silver & Black Flash

Have to go with the proper team here.

Gregory Grace vs Azazel

As a ZEN fan it would be nice to see Azazel manage to find his footing here, but he's definitely not going over an ex-RAW guy on your first show.

BCF Grand Champion Qualifier

Isaac Taylor vs Monday Next

I've always liked Isaac Taylor, so I'm going to root for him to win here.


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BCF Grand Champion Qualifier

Rod Sullivan vs Thurston Darcy III

Could go either way and should be close but Rod is a bit more popular

Reggie Hammer vs Caleb

Caleb is pretty darn good.  

The Affliction vs Quick Silver & Black Flash

An established team who is more popular is going over logically

Gregory Grace vs Azazel

Yeah this is a no-brainer to set up Grace v BCF Champion at some point

BCF Grand Champion Qualifier

Isaac Taylor vs Monday Next

Taylor is simply too inconsistent to put over against Monday Next.  The smart booking is Next.

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Let's go! Glad to see you back, hope you continue this for a long long time...

BCF Grand Champion Qualifier

Rod Sullivan vs Thurston Darcy III
Rod's the kind of guy I think you could build a regional Aussie company around, while Darcy's infinitely more valuable in the tag division.

Reggie Hammer vs Caleb
Reggie's still very wet behind the ears while Caleb is your head trainer.

The Affliction vs Quick Silver & Black Flash
Black + Silver could be a perfect underdog babyface team for you down the road, but if you are planning on getting anything out of The Affliction you can't have Anguish lose to two guys who combined are smaller than him in his first match.

Gregory Grace vs Azazel
Grace isn't great by any stretch of the imagination but he has way more name value than Azazel and I think he's probably a better hand than Azazel at this point in time as well

BCF Grand Champion Qualifier

Isaac Taylor vs Monday Next
I built my regional company in 2020 around Monday Next, he's damn good and he's on your booking team, which gives him an extra bonus.

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Not only is it great to see you back with a new dynasty, it's the best backstory I can remember reading. I think Vaughan's such a great protagonist: interesting life story, eventful career, how it came to an end, that resentment towards The Comedian (justified I think: it's hard to believe he didn't get a chance to try another role given how many less impactful people stuck around for a long time). And yet he's still enough of an enigma that you can take quite a lot of freedom with his character. The description of the migraine and vomiting felt so vivid and poignant.

But while the Vaughan factor instantly had me hooked, I love everything around it too: tying in with the new celebrity feature, factoring in one of the largest Aussie CVerse characters in Horrie Fowler, the latest challenge you found yourself to give the promotion a unique flavour and situation to navigate with the 10 RAW guys. And best of all is the meta magic you've weaved around Peril, and creating this pact as a way to keep some of the stars you made previously off limits. Perfection.

The roster write-up had some great lines too such as liking everything about Azazel besides everything, Crazy Train getting winded walking to the venue and being seduced by the Reggie Ham-moustache. And it was great how you weaved in details about the backstage roles. I'm most intrigued to see how Chopper Rourke settles as someone else treated harshly by DIW, Vaughan's friend and one of the guys I'm most familiar with but, like your last dynasty, I know it will be some of the people who are strangers to me now who will end up intriguing me the most. Can't wait.

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  • HiPlus changed the title to BCF - Brisbane Championship Federation [CVerse]
Posted (edited)


BCF New Destiny!



Nigel Darling

“Welcome to Brisbane Championship Federation!”

“I am proud to announce, this is BCF NEW DESTINY!”

“You might know me from the hit TV Show “Indoors & Out” on channel 10 at 4pm every weekday, where I show you how to live a better life.”

“What you won’t know is I have a knack for the wrestling business, so when a few savvy investors wanted to create the hottest new company in Australia. They looked no further than me to become their official liaison of sorts. As the board of BCF have given me the power to run the show, make decisions and run the company.”

“In this role, I am here to ensure that this company not only thrives but upholds the highest standards of excellence, fairness, and integrity. I plan to help create a platform to elevate wrestling."

“To the wrestlers in the back, and to the fans at home. I am sure I will make decisions you may disagree with, but I do so in the sake of fairness and what is best for this company. Now onto tonight. We will have two matches to determine who will meet in the match to declare the inaugural BCF Grand Championship. One will close out tonight’s show in what is sure to be an action-packed Main Event. While the other match is going to kick off the action!”

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Nigel Darling – Rod Sullivan – Thurston Darcy III

Nigel Darling takes a moment to talk about each man and where they have come from. Both of their careers stemming from their time at RAW. Before announcing all four men that have a chance to compete for the BCF Grand Championship will be RAW Alumni. Rod Sullivan and Thurston Darcy III get a chance to make their entrances to the fans with Rod Sullivan getting a warm reception.



Rod Sullivan vs Thurston Darcy III

The plan was to put on a match between two relatively well known guys, and guys who were from RAW recently. This was a solid opening match although much to my dismay the pair don’t really seem to work well together, which I wish they told me before the show. Rod Sullivan looked to impress with his high-flying ability and was able to excel in the match and come away with an impressive victory.

Winner: Rod Sullivan

Rating:  47



Rod Sullivan

A gassed but very excitable Rod Sullivan gets the microphone after his match. Putting both Monday Next and Isaac Taylor on notice as well as putting them over as worthy opponents to face for the BCF Grand Championship. He does state it doesn't matter which one of them end up as the eventual winner, as he has a chip on his shoulder. RAW let him go, and he is on a mission to prove it was a mistake. He will become the BCF Grand Champion.


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Reggie Hammer vs Caleb

This was a wild brawling match, between Reggie Hammer and Caleb who did his best to sell the offense of the mullet sporting, mo’ owning Australian. Being a wild brawl though really didn’t help Caleb and Reggie Hammer appeared off his game in what was an extremely rough match in comparison to the opening show. Reggie Hammer came away with the win in the end hitting his patented VB Hammer as the commentary team pointed out.. for the fans of the straight to DVD taping.

Winner: Reggie Hammer

Rating: 26



Dutch DeRue – Reggie Hammer

Dutch came out to congratulate Reggie Hammer on the win in his debut match. Reggie seemed to flounder a little without a script to follow. Dutch did make up for it however to guide the conversation. Dutch after his congratulation on such a performance offered his managerial services to Reggie who promptly declined them saying the only thing he needs now with a cold VB. Which sent the crowd into a rally. 


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The Affliction vs Quick Silver & Black Flash

This was a good match. Anguish looked massive when he stood across the ring from Quick Silver and it seemed to hamper the smaller wrestlers performance in the ring. With his fast paced, hit and run style not proving to be successful against two larger wrestlers. Black Flash had a strong performance in a losing outfit as The Affliction hit their signature Great Depression on Black Flash for the victory.

Winner: The Affliction

Rating: 47



Swish – Isaac Taylor

The tag-team of Swish were backstage and tracked down one of the competitors in tonight’s Main Event Isaac Taylor. D-Pod did the majority of the talking, saying they identified the Jamaican as a potential to join “Swish”. The two laid it on thick about how they could ensure that Isaac Taylor walks out the winner of tonight and eventually become the BCF Grand Champion. The Jamaican informed the pair he was here to prove not only to himself but to everyone else that his one-time title reign ten years ago wasn’t just a flash in the pan moment, wasn't the highlight of his career and he was here to make a difference.


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Gregory Grace vs Azazel

This was an okay match only due to the fact Gregory Grace was involved. He certainly carried Azazel during the match that was clear. There wasn’t too much of a back and forth between the men either with Gregory Grace putting a stop to Azazel anytime he tried to get momentum going. Gregory Grace got in a strong display in the ring.

Winner: Gregory Grace

Rating: 40



Gregory Grace

Grace found himself on the microphone to talk about the dismay that was him being overlooked to be involved in the opening match, or the main event match tonight. He should have been given a chance to compete for the BCF Grand Championship. A gripe that he will take to the Commissioner Nigel Darling. For now though, his eyes were set on the Main Event between Isaac Taylor and Monday Next. Stating he was going to have the best seat in the house as he watches on from ringside. 


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Isaac Taylor vs Monday Next

This was match of the night by some margin. Both Isaac Taylor and Monday Next put on a decent story during the match. Every time Isaac Taylor would get offence going Monday Next would roll out of the ring, hit a deftly timed poke to the eye, or pulled the referee in between the two men. He even at one stage used Gregory Grace as a shield when Isaac Taylor looked to make a dice to the outside. Monday Next likewise was unable to put away his opponent with Isaac Taylor rallying with the support of the fans. That was until a distracted referee fixing up the turnbuckle straps that Monday Next had exposed. Monday Next was able to ground the fellow high-flier by delivering a kick right to Isaac Taylors family jewels before rolling him up for the victory.

Winner: Monday Next

Rating: 58



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Thanks for the kind words everyone. I wont be doing predictions for the weekly shows (Which I might change to Bi-Weekly). Three people tied for the New Destiny card, but I do want to reward the guesses, so I will have some bonus questions for the first weekly show. With that said I will have to add bonus questions to the events in the future. I definitely took a tame approach to angles and matches. @christmas_ape you just had to respect the moustache a little more. Something I certainly do a lot. @Tiberious interesting you're so hyped for Azazel I do have to say his new render makes me love him, I just wish he was a bit better in the ring. @alpha2117 your breakdowns are pretty spot on at this stage, other than the Caleb shout. @John Lions my thing is, I don't know how I am going to do or if I will do a tag-team division. Brat Pack and Affliction are the only decent tag-teams on the market and they're both out and out heels and way too over to feed to any face guys as it is. @619 It is always great to have you around and I love your insight into my writing and the roster itself. I certainly try and make use of Chopper but at the same time he isn't helping himself for a long term stance. 





A 4am wake up call, which is horrible because I had only got home at 12am after the show tonight. Not because of a migraine, but because of work. Maybe this was worse than cleaning cars. Still seeing that blaring light of my phone and Horrie Fowler’s name pop up on my phone screen was triggering. I swear this guy is never off his phone. It had its advantages though, and this was surprising news. The Bloke Channel reps who came out to the show last night were in, they wanted us to put on a show for their network starting this week, I asked if we could just air the footage of New Destiny, but they didn’t want that. They were going to chop that up for an intro package. Horrie Fowler works fast that is for damn sure, hell he was probably still out partying and doing coke with the Execs from The Bloke Channel.


 That was certainly a rough timeline, but still The Bloke Channel was something not even APW could do, and we had one event before they offered us a time slot. I mean it wasn’t going to be live and would air the next day, and in a daytime slot, not the most prestigious of places but it would give us six months to prove ourselves. Still I reached out to everyone and they were all still keen to put on a show in just a few days. The Booking Team even had an idea on how to deliver a debut for Crazy Train who missed out at the first event. While local guys Trey Tallman and Wes Schnorfestt reached out saying they were available on short notice.


Prediction Tie-Breaker (and anyone who wants to throw them up)

Crazy Train vs Caleb

Swish vs Trey Tallman & Wes Schnorfestt

Isaac Taylor vs Chopper Rourke

Tranquil Warriors vs The Brat Pack

Monday Next vs Quick Silver


Rank the matches best to worst (One point for every right answer)

Rank the angles, best to worst (One point for every right spot)

Swish & Isaac Taylor - Monday Next - Kane Wilde - Rod Sullivan - Crazy Train



*Like I mentioned briefly I wont usually do predictions for weekly shows, more just the events. 

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Prediction Tie-Breaker (and anyone who wants to throw them up)

Crazy Train vs Caleb

Sigh ... Caleb is a fine technician and his fundamentals are strong but CT is more pop and I know how this is going... CT cant work long at all so it's a squash 

Swish vs Trey Tallman & Wes Schnorfestt

Two non roster guys and Swish ... yeah we know whats happening here.

Isaac Taylor vs Chopper Rourke

After doing the job last time Issac needs a bit of momentum back and chopper is ... well Chopper.

Tranquil Warriors vs The Brat Pack

another case of giving guys who need it some heat back

Monday Next vs Quick Silver

He's probably the best option you have now so Monday Next needs to be given the push 


Rank the matches best to worst (One point for every right answer)

Best to worst: MN v QS, BP v TW, IT v CR, S v TT/WS, CT v C

I think the squash will inherently be lower than stuff given a tad more time.  QS can go and I can see him and MN putting on the best match.  The other 3 sort of seem to be pop based in terms of what scores highest but chemistry could change that.

Rank the angles, best to worst (One point for every right spot)

Swish & Isaac Taylor - Monday Next - Kane Wilde - Rod Sullivan - Crazy Train

Monday Next , Crazy Train - Rod Sullivan - Swish & Issac, Kane Wilde

So early on without story momentum or an idea where most of these are going you kind of assume pop will be a major factor.  You indicated someone had an idea for CT so I've elevated that to the 2nd slot on the assumption it works.   

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Good first show! I did pretty bad on the first show's predictions, but I'll go for this one anyway.


Prediction Tie-Breaker (and anyone who wants to throw them up)

Crazy Train vs Caleb
I know he's really bad, but I love Crazy Train. To be fair if you're playing a promotion that does Comedy Matches he's actually pretty good in those.

Swish vs Trey Tallman & Wes Schnorfestt
D-Pod is money, just a fantastic promo, and aside from questionab;e name choices Fast Eddie is a really good prospect for the future.

Isaac Taylor vs Chopper Rourke
I like Isaac and feel like he deserves a victory after being in the best match on the card last show.

Tranquil Warriors vs The Brat Pack
I'm guessing Tranquil Warriors are Moonchild and Craig Phoenix? That sounds like it might be a fun pairing, but they aren't anywhere close to the Brat packs level.

Monday Next vs Quick Silver
No real doubt here. I like Quick Silver, but he's not very well known and very injury prone.


Rank the matches best to worst (One point for every right answer)

Monday Next vs Quick Silver > Tranquil Warriors vs the Brat Pack > Isaac Taylor vs Chopper Rourke > Swish vs Trey Tallman & Wes Schnorfestt > Crazy Train vs Caleb

Rank the angles, best to worst (One point for every right spot)

Rod Sullivan > Monday Next > Swish & Isaac Taylor > Crazy Train > Kane Wilde


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Crazy Train vs Caleb

Swish vs Trey Tallman & Wes Schnorfestt

Isaac Taylor vs Chopper Rourke

Tranquil Warriors vs The Brat Pack

Monday Next vs Quick Silver


Rank the matches best to worst (One point for every right answer)

1. Monday Next vs Quick Silver 2. Tranquil Warriors vs The Brat Pack 3. Swish vs Trey Tallman & Wes Schnorfestt 4. Crazy Train vs Caleb 5. Isaac Taylor vs Chopper Rourke

Rank the angles, best to worst (One point for every right spot)

1. Monday Next 2. Rod Sullivan 3. Crazy Train 4. Swish & Isaac Taylor 5. Kane Wilde

Swish & Isaac Taylor - Monday Next - Kane Wilde - Rod Sullivan - Crazy Train

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Prediction Tie-Breaker (and anyone who wants to throw them up)

Crazy Train vs Caleb

Swish vs Trey Tallman & Wes Schnorfestt

Isaac Taylor vs Chopper Rourke

Tranquil Warriors vs The Brat Pack

Monday Next vs Quick Silver


Rank the matches best to worst (One point for every right answer)

I'm actually going to say in order of appearance (from main event to opener)

Rank the angles, best to worst (One point for every right spot)

Swish & Isaac Taylor - Monday Next - Kane Wilde - Rod Sullivan - Crazy Train

Monday Next - Rod Sulliva - Swish and Isaac - Crazy Train - Kane Wilde

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Great start. I think it's a tough challenge writing a new company's first show, especially when you've got relative CVerse novice readers like me, having to establish everyone at once, but this was really well paced. You immediately introduced the authority figure, the mini title tournament helped not only signpost four of your initial top guys but a fifth who thinks he belongs in that company in Gregory Grace, Reggie Hammer and The Affliction got an undercard spotlight and you were able to use the pieces already in play to introduce other figures like Dutch DeRue and Swish. Just good business all round, backed up by a brilliant first main event rating. I know you called it a tame approach, but I think it was exactly what was needed, especially as it was effectively treated as a pilot/proof-of-concept show to set up business with The Bloke Channel.

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BCF Main Event #1



Crazy Train

“The Phat Man!”

Crazy Train came out to a decent reception due to his previous stint at RAW. The biggest competitor came out to the ring with a microphone in hand.

“Check it out, check it out, check it out!”

It’s the time of Phat Man!

You are about to become my fan.”

Crazy Train points at a random fan.

“My fight tonight is against Calub

He is about the size of my chub.”

Crazy Train gives a chop to his groin.

“Bring out my opponent

I will end him like a rodent.”



Crazy Train vs Caleb

This was a strong display by Crazy Train in a ten-minute match between the two men. Crazy Train had most of the offence but did come across gassed towards the end of the action, which definitely hurt the overall match.

Winner: Crazy Train

Rating: 37




Nigel Darling – Gregory Grace

Backstage Gregory Grace confronts the Commissioner Nigel Darling about how he wasn’t included in the qualifying matches for the BCF Grand Championship. He points out as he did exactly what both Monday Next and Rod Sullivan claiming he should get involved in the championship match. After a brief back and forth the two are interrupted by Dutch DeRue who has Reggie Hammer following him.


Nigel Darling – Gregory Grace – Dutch DeRue – Reggie Hammer


Reggie sporting a pair of footy shorts and shades, with a can of VB. Dutch says his newest client also won last month and deserves his chance as well. Nigel Darling reminds both parties that at BCF Clash at the Coast, Rod Sullivan and Monday Next will be fighting each other. Reggie Hammer interrupts saying he isn’t Dutch’s client; he was just told to follow him in here cause there would be beer.

Gregory Grace just laughs in Reggie’s face calling him some mindless idiot which causes both men to get into one another’s face. Dutch interrupts the two men and implores Nigel to let them face each other at BCF Clash at the Coast with the winner getting a shot at the BCG Grand Champion.

Nigel relents giving in to the idea to planning the match something that both Gregory Grace and Dutch DeRue appear happy about. Dutch comments on his new client getting a match, and now a beer to which Reggie seems happier about finishing the segment with “That’s grouse mate.”




Swish vs Trey Tallman & Wes Schnorfestt

Trey Tallman & Wes Schnorfestt get called local talent as they are introduced before the duo of D-Pod and Fast Eddie make their way out to the ring. Swish are in firm control as a tag-team during the match. Both D-Pod and Wes took to the ropes hitting some high spots during the match. Swish finished the match with what they call the Street Sweep. While Trey Tallman did everything he could to leave me regretting giving him a shot.

Winner: Swish

Rating: 34



Swish – Isaac Taylor

D-Pod gets on the microphone as Fast Eddie celebrates around the ring. D-Pod mentions Isaac losing his last match after not taking the help of Swish. Tonight, they showed Swish are about winning and they will show Isaac Taylor just how helpful they can be. Isaac makes his way out for his match refusing the aid of Swish and telling them to head to the back. The two men reluctantly head to the back after attempting to convince Isaac otherwise.




Isaac Taylor vs Chopper Rourke

This was an alright match purely because of Isaac Taylor. Chopper Rourke and Isaac Taylor get a relatively clean fight against one another with Isaac wearing down the big man during the match and is able to weather the storm. The end of the match comes when D-Pod and Fast Eddie run out to the ring. D-Pod jumps onto the apron to distract the referee while Fast Eddie slides in the ring and hits a running bicycle kick to take Chopper Rourke down. Swish vacate the ringside area as the three count is made.

Winner: Isaac Taylor

Rating: 45



Kane Wilde

A video package shows images of a large man in the wilderness stalking something. Showing it tracking and tracing the steps of whatever it may be hunting. The video package obscures and hides the mans face the entire time. The only vision being the dreadlocks hanging from the bulky man’s head. The video package ends without revealing his face as he breaks off into a sprint as if finding his prey. Though it seems the crowd hated the video package.




Tranquil Warriors vs The Brat Pack

While Thurston Darcy III made his debut at the last show, this time he bought his tag-team partner along. They faced the pairing of Craig Pheonix and Moonchild the Tranquil Warriors. This was another decent match. Tranquil Warriors both seemed off their game in their debut match for the company, they still showed to have excellent chemistry together. The Brat Pack showed to have too much experience as a tag-team and picked up the win.

Winner: The Brat Pack

Rating: 48




Rod Sullivan

Rod Sullivan comes out down the entrance way carrying a steel chair in hand and a microphone in the other. Climbing into the middle of the ring Rod Sullivan delivers a quick little promo before the Main Event. He briefly talks up the fact he will face Monday Next for the BCF Grand Championship at Clash on the Coast. Tonight is the perfect time to scout Monday Next, especially considering he let Gregory Grace watch the match at BCF New Destiny. Rod Sullivan climbs out of the ring and sets up his chair by the commentary team.



Monday Next vs Quick Silver

Another match of the night performance by Monday Next, that was hampered by Quick Silver who appeared to just be doing way too much in the ring and exhausted himself midway through the contest. Monday Next was still all class as he carried the match. He came away with another impressive victory, winning he second Main Event match in BCF.

Winner: Monday Next

Rating: 49



Monday Next

Monday Next was quick to grab a microphone and cut off his music not choosing to celebrate the match. He went straight to cutting a promo as he stared down Rod Sullivan. With the crowd delivering some boo’s as Quick Silver slinks away to the back.

“Rod, did you see what I did? I Main Evented the show. That is my second time, you didn’t even get a match tonight. While I came into this ring to prove to everyone that I am the real deal, I am the best in this company. I put on a hell of a match tonight and at BCF New Destiny I put on the best match this company has ever seen. Something you will never do, until you face me.”

Rod seemingly took offence to that and stood up at ringside before Monday Next leaned over the ropes staring him down.

“Sit the hell down, you will get your chance to be inside of the ring with me.”

The crowd boo’ed at the idea of there not being a confrontation but Rod did take a step back.

“I am going to give you a reality check Rod. You thought you’d come here and become the star you always wanted to be. You thought the spotlight would be on you, the stars shining down and the fans cheering you on. Well Rod, you’re going to be a guest in my ring. You thought Nicky Gilbert cast a shadow over you, I will obscure you in darkness until you are completely irrelevant.”

Monday next takes a moment to let his words sink in before delivering his final line.

“I am going to show you a true Main Eventer.”

Monday next delivers his last line and drops the microphone before turning his back on Rod Sullivan and leaving the ringside area.



Alpha - 11/15

Tiberious - 9/15

KyTeran - 12/15

Christmas_Ape - 11/15 


As far as the predictions go, if we add last shows ones there is still a tie at the front, so I will strictly use the scores from this week which results in KyTeran winning after predicting the angles 100% correctly. I'll flick you a message about the reward. As I said for the weekly shows I don't plan to do predictions every show and will instead save it for the big bi-monthly shows. (Although i think I technically will end up doing like 9 shows for how this month breaks down.

@alpha2117 Really inside my head and you are certainly on the money when it comes to Monday Next being my best option. You were so close to winning, but had a bit too much faith in Crazy Train. Which to be fair the man can certainly cut a promo in the right environment. As I mentioned Kane Wilde got a 0, so I am definitely still learning the system and my fans. @Tiberious We aren't heavy in comedy matches, but they aren't discouraged this comment made me think more along the lines of putting one on. You were also right on who Tranquil Warriors were as well. @619 It is always tough because I feel like I need to establish every single persons character, but it takes time and I am trying to highlight one or two people each show. Eventually everyone will have had a chance to show what they are about and let out personalities that I can continue to build upon. 



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Damn I just missed predicting by a couple of hours!

Big fan of Main Event Monday Next, as long as he doesn't get poached he's got all the skills to carry BCF through the first year or so of TV while you build everyone else up. The gulf of popularity between the RAW stars and the new hires is big and you're going to likely ruffle some feathers as you push up some home grown talent, so best of luck to you on that.

Love Swish, D-Pod is so damn talented on the mic that he's probably the only guy on your roster that won't look out of place among the RAW cast offs. Getting them involved with Taylor who is a talented, over veteran who lacks on the intangibles is great, he'll elevate the two of them for sure whether it's on the same side as them or as enemies.

Love the confidence in giving Crazy Train a 10 minute match after he probably spent most of his cardio on the way to the ring. I'm also imagining the crowd just confused and angry as they are forced to watch Kane Wilde run through the wilderness as he sits backstage looking depressed. I'm curious to see where things land after the first couple months of TV with regards to the gulf in popularity between the RAW guys and the new guys, especially if RAW comes calling for them...

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Loved the show


Vaughan: Crazy Train meant Franziska Ritter 


The two workers go to do the traditional wrestling dead fish handshake before both collapsing unable to regain their breath after such a strenuous activity and require immediate medical attention.

(Historians expansions Ritter makes Crazy Train look like a ultra-fit Marathon runner 😉)


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I'm loving how Reggie Hammer, having partially been hired for his moustache, already has some much going on with the drinking, being courted by DeRue and now the Grace feud.

The Isaac Taylor-Swish interactions are another fun dynamic that's helping establish a few characters at once, while it was great work finding excellent chemistry with the Tranquil Warriors team.

The final segment did a nice job setting the scene for Sullivan-Next, who both seem like good options for the first champion. It's always tempting to go heel first to build up to an eventual babyface triumph, but it feels like Sullivan may have the greater need to prove he belongs after Next's words.

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Posted (edited)


BCF Main Event #2



Nigel Darling – Rod Sullivan

Nigel Darling and Rod Sullivan are backstage opening the show. Rod Sullivan wants his chance to main event the show tonight. Wanting a former RAW wrestler to show that he deserves his chance to become the first BCF Grand Champion. Nigel Darling says he has just the opponent for Rod to face in the main event later tonight. An excited Rod Sullivan promises to make it the best match the BCF fans have ever seen.


image.gifvs image.gif

Moonchild vs Gregory Grace

Gregory Grace did well in the match, unfortunately my booking hampered it more than anything not giving the guys enough time to build and tell the story I wanted to in the ring. Gregory Grace was meant to look a step above the competition, and he certainly was able to do that. In what was sadly a poor opening match for the night.

Winner: Gregory Grace

Rating: 27




Gregory Grace – Reggie Hammer – Dutch DeRue

Dutch leads out Reggie Hammer as the announce team put over the fact that Dutch had been able to convince Reggie to be his new client. Reggie sporting football shorts and mullet high fiving every single fan he can reach around the ringside area as Dutch beelines for the ring, before telling his client to leave the fans alone. Reggie climbs into the ring and gets on the microphone first surprisingly.

“G’day Brisbane! Tonight, you are all in for a treat even you Gracey boy. I am going to put on a ripper of a match against Brisbane’s very own Toby Tough!”

The crowd get involved in cheering Reggie before Dutch forces the crowd to quieten down.

“I am the manager for a future champion, I will manage the man who will be winning at BCF Clash at the Coast, and punches his ticket to take on the BCF Grand Champion.“

Gregory Grace snaps the microphone from Dutch mid-sentence.

“Hold on, your boy is good. He isn’t “God’s Gift to Women”. He isn’t former RAW Champion. He isn’t the sexiest man in this business. He isn’t me, and he won’t be beating me at BCF Clash at the Coast.”

Reggie Hammer closes the segment as Gregory Grace starts to make his way up the entrance ramp.

“You may be “God’s Gift” but you haven’t been hit by the hammer. Watch my match tonight and start shaking in your boots. You’re in for a hammering.”




Reggie Hammer vs Toby Tough

This was another match that struggled, again due to a mixture of my booking and Reggie Hammer not being able to carry a local talent too well. It didn’t help that the two of them had no chemistry between themselves. Reggie Hammer took out the relatively quick match against Toby Tough hitting the VB Hammer on his opponent. 

Winner: Reggie Hammer

Rating: 24



Kane Wilde

Yet another horrible vignette, this time a continuation from the previous footage. Painting a clearer picture this time the movement of the large, dreaded man running in a sprint. The camera pans to a wild deer that he appears to be hunting. A brief scene shows what appears to be a deer being tackled from the side by Kane Wilde. The next scene showing Kane Wilde standing, blood across his chest shouting in Tok Pisin the native tongue of Papa New Guinea.

(I am doing bad with his build up.)



The Brat Pack

Artemis Eyre-Rochester and Thurston Darcy III were both backstage. Artemis talking about how this is his chance to put his name in the BCG Grand Championship picture. He has been selected as the opponent for Rod Sullivan later tonight. Thurston Darcy III points out how he already has faced Rod Sullivan, and that Rod can get lucky to upset a member of the Brat pack. Artemis assures his tag-team partner that Rod won’t be lucky tonight.


image.gifimage.gifvsimage.gif  image.gif

The Affliction vs Trey Tallman & Azazel

Trey Tallman is back, and with another tag-team partner. This time a member of the roster in Azazel, and it made no difference. The Affliction dominate most of the match showing what a well-oiled tag-team machine they are. With a dominating display in the match, they manage to put on a decent showing.

Winner: The Affliction

Rating: 40




Monday Next – Crazy Train

In a backstage segment Crazy Train delivered an impromptu rap about how Monday Next could take his career to the next level by facing Crazy Train. Monday Next declines the match saying he already has an opponent next week, and Crazy Train isn’t in his league. This is a decent little segment by both men and Crazy Train looked good on the mic.




Caleb vs Black Flash

This was a really decent match with Caleb actually showing some decent skill in the ring despite being off his game. Black Flash does well to still carry the younger talent. Black Flash is able to build some momentum on his side before hitting the Senton Bomb for the win.

Winner: Black Flash

Rating: 45




Swish – Isaac Taylor

This was a great backstage promo with a booking angle thrown in the mix D-Pod and Isaac Taylor looked like genuine stars as they interacted backstage. Swish pointed out Isaac Taylor isn’t exactly a Main Event star like he envisioned. Swish can change that; Isaac Taylor just has to accept the offer to join them. Fast Eddie was there and other than a few comments, he was really outshined by the other two men in the segment.


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Rod Sullivan vs Artemis Eyre-Rochester

Another decent match for the night only edging out the last match. Rod Sullivan stated he wanted to put on the best match in the company, but it wasn’t able to match Monday Next from last week, let alone the main event at New Destiny. Still both guys did well with them taking a slow build to the match, but Rod Sullivan had the crowd on his side, and it was enough for him to rally at the end.

Winner: Rod Sullivan

Rating: 46



Edited by HiPlus
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@John Lions Sorry you missed the predictions. I am definitely stealing the Main Event Monday Next moniker for him as it is so good, and the name of the show. One thing you note is the gulf in popularity and you are 100% right, I don't know if I will ever have people close enough to actually compete for the main title outside of other RAW Alumni or APW cast aways in the future. I think if RAW comes calling for my talent it will hurt dramatically. 


@alpha2117I shudder to think what Franziska's stamina rating is if she makes the Phat Man look like an athlete. 

@619You're pretty spot on, I tend to like the Heel first. I find them easier to right, it's easier to write a chasing babyface. It does make for an interesting mix though with Rod Sullivan needing the win more to help legitimize himself to the audience.  I also feel like I tend to get lucky with my chemistry in tag-teams. Every save I get one pretty early on. 

@christmas_apeIn a lot of ways the Kane segment was infinitely better, in a lot of other ways a score of 11 is also really bad. Got to tease the Rod and Monday Next conflict. Anyone who knows me knows I avoid fighting outside of matches, as I don't want to give away free spots and I feel like it makes the eventual clash greater.

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43 minutes ago, HiPlus said:

@John Lions Sorry you missed the predictions. I am definitely stealing the Main Event Monday Next moniker for him as it is so good, and the name of the show. One thing you note is the gulf in popularity and you are 100% right, I don't know if I will ever have people close enough to actually compete for the main title outside of other RAW Alumni or APW cast aways in the future. I think if RAW comes calling for my talent it will hurt dramatically. 


@alpha2117I shudder to think what Franziska's stamina rating is if she makes the Phat Man look like an athlete. 

@619You're pretty spot on, I tend to like the Heel first. I find them easier to right, it's easier to write a chasing babyface. It does make for an interesting mix though with Rod Sullivan needing the win more to help legitimize himself to the audience.  I also feel like I tend to get lucky with my chemistry in tag-teams. Every save I get one pretty early on. 

@christmas_apeIn a lot of ways the Kane segment was infinitely better, in a lot of other ways a score of 11 is also really bad. Got to tease the Rod and Monday Next conflict. Anyone who knows me knows I avoid fighting outside of matches, as I don't want to give away free spots and I feel like it makes the eventual clash greater.

Ritter's 4 non resilience physical stats total a magnificent 25 - Stamina is the best of those (it's in double figures) but nonetheless given her spectacular lack of athleticism I doubt any physical effort whatsoever is survivable for her.  Crazy Train looks like an Olympic Athlete in comparison.  Ritter will legit get gassed in a very short eye candy match especiallya fter that long walk to the ring.

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