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SWF - A New Era

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Welcome, it's yours truly Greg Sluchinski, now let’s break down the biggest news from SWF’s New Year's Eve Press Conference because it is sure to shake up the wrestling landscape in ’24!  First, both Eisen Brothers have announced that they agreed to sell SWF to Sports Team Mogul Billionaire Tyson Staggs.  For those of you who do not know, Mr. Staggs owns an NFL Team (Houston Starships), an NBA Team (LA Knights), an NHL Team (Carolina Stars), and an MLB Team (Colorado Rockies)! Once Mr. Staggs took the stage he dismissed the Eisen Brothers and took over the press conference.  He announced that all current Road Agents have been giving a two-week notice, except Enforce Roberts (which I believe is because he is probably too scared to tell Enforce he is fired, and I don’t blame him) and he is bringing in three new Road Agents who will also help with the new booking team who he believes will help diversify and move SWF forward.  Those three new members are Alexander Robinson, Pablo Rodriguez, and Chris Morrisette, aka The Lobster Warrior!  To lead not only the new booking team, but be the man who will be running SWF for Mr. Staggs it is none other than Phil Vibert! To help Supreme run smoothly, there will be a new General Manager in charge, JACK FREAKIN’ BRUCE! I can’t believe all this transpired here tonight, I do not think anybody had any of this planned as the dirt sheets have been very silent about SWF except that the Eisen boys were running it into the ground. Only time will tell if the new booking team and GM Jack Bruce can help SWF return to their previous level of success.  








OOC - so this diary is not going to be epic like most of the other diaries with long write-ups or written promos.  This is for me to have fun, be held accountable for my booking, and share my fun.  I would like to eventually get the readers involved with suggestions on who to push, character ideas, and what not, just for fun.  I do plan on having some story elements for Mr. Staggs so things make sense.  While I will be playing as the owner, I will be adding "owner goals" for fun. 

Edited by moafnsteel
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I didn't add that I will be using @Historian database to add all the awesome stuff that he has added.  Also, I will be booking RIPW but I will not be posting it.  I am mainly doing it so I have control of the guys that get pushed.  As time goes on ppl can ask how workers are developing and stuff and I can provide an update. Expect the first show predictions to be posted either today or tomorrow plus some little story tidbits about some free agents I will be bringing in. 

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SWF Supreme TV
Tuesday 04 January 2024
Live from Cleveland, Ohio

Match 1: Jungle Lord vs Steven Parker

Match 2: Local Talent vs Remo

Match 3: The Dallas Cowboys vs Avalanche & Makutsi

Match 4: Masked Patriot vs Atom Smasher

Main Event: Rocky Golden and Primus Allen vs Des Davids and Rogue

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Match 1: Jungle Lord vs Steven Parker

Match 2: Local Talent vs Remo

Match 3: The Dallas Cowboys vs Avalanche & Makutsi

Match 4: Masked Patriot vs Atom Smasher

Main Event: Rocky Golden and Primus Allen vs Des Davids and Rogue

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SWF Supreme TV
Tuesday 04 January 2024
Live from Cleveland, Ohio
Attendance: 12,019

Overall Rating: 77


Angle: Jack Bruce opens the show welcoming the fans and rejoicing in being back in SWF! It’s not long before the Supreme Dream Team interrupts.  Steven Parker is tired of being overlooked and demands changes.  Jack books a match between Steven and Jungle Lord next!
Rating: 78

JungleLord.gif.9f71f864545bf26dbfe990371a53d94b.gif vs StevenParker.gif.63f7e74145b4cba73d5518849135af80.gif

Match 1: Jungle Lord vs Steven Parker
In a decent match, Steven Parker defeated Jungle Lord in 11:50 by pinfall with a Future Shock.
Rating: 62


Angle: Rocky, Jack, and Primus talk backstage about the main event.  Primus promises Rocky he will kill Rogue after Rogue cheap-shot him last week! Jack tells Primus if his team wins, he will have Rogue one-on-one at the 50th Anniversary Show!
Rating: 81

ConnerThreepwood.gif.80760d5cd92b2fb95070f52726bc574a.gifvs Remo.gif.090cf66d14d7a241d4ed91896c3a200b.gif

Match 2: Local Talent vs Remo
In an extremely short match, Remo defeated Conner Threepwood in 3:42 by pinfall with a Lumbar Puncture.
Rating: 61


Angle: Post-Match Remo continues to destroy the local talent before Angry Gilmore comes running down for the save with a steel chair.  Remo escapes and smirks as he walks away
Rating: 76


Angle: Hollywood is shown talking to three mysterious men backstage
Rating: 66

MarshallDillon.gif.3ec7d0340f9169e0222d52263828fbc5.gifRanger.gif.7c6fa0fa25317388c20c415534e264ac.gif vs Avalanche.gif.f418711c3b560703367118cbdd1bd24e.gifMakutsi.gif.2edb3473efcef8f1cbf2f7edb819237b.gif

Match 3: The Dallas Cowboys vs Avalanche & Makutsi
In a decent match, The Dallas Cowboys defeated Avalanche & Makutsi in 11:09 when Ranger pinned Avalanche.
Rating: 55


Angle: A Moment of Supreme Greatness ft. Spencer Spade: Spencer holds his talk show to talk about Hollywood and what will happen next week at the PPV!
Rating: 79

MaskedPatriot.gif.064ea083aaa8728c9004e40eb246cb2b.gif vs AtomSmasher.gif.dfe221c10f679cabf08a964574046405.gif

Match 4: Masked Patriot vs Atom Smasher
In a decent match, Masked Patriot defeated Atom Smasher in 12:06 by pinfall with a quick cradle.
Rating: 73


Angle: A cryptic promo from Scythe warning Valiant to stay away from SWF or there will be hell to pay
Rating: 69


Angle: ZWB is shown talking to Mikey backstage telling him that he will be in his corner next week when Mikey fights Jefferson
Rating: 64

RockyGolden.gif.bd3345c75654dfa72a7e2821f6f3de2c.gifPrimusAllen.gif.5199fffe13e7f06c623a91bfedef330b.gif vs DesDavids.gif.cc4c6d91f03206275ef72f4657612330.gifRogue.gif.b23ecf56c9bad879cca4d3066aeb6f5c.gif

Main Event: Rocky Golden and Primus Allen vs Des Davids and Rogue
In a bout that had great heat and good wrestling, Rocky Golden and Primus Allen defeated Des Davids and Rogue in 19:43 when Rocky Golden pinned Rogue with a Rocky Road.
Rating: 76


Angle: A Big 4 man brawl to end the show
Rating: 72

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1 hour ago, The Lloyd said:

Good luck with this mate, I'll be keeping a close eye on it :) Who do you like from the RIPW guys?

Thank you! I am overall really happy with most of the RIPW guys that are in SWF, obviously Scythe, Primus, and Spencer are awesome and I can't wait to use them.  I am also a big fan of Forest so expect things from him too.


Now down in RIPW I am not a huge fan of most of them tbh.  I signed a handful of my favorite indy guys that will be taking over down there for the time being because most of the RIPW guys just don't do it for me.  I do like Warwick, Bryan, and my boy SoVen are always ones I love to push.  I am a little disappointed in the development of Texan Justice because I like Hank but Texan Justice aren't developing much for a SWF tag team. 


1 hour ago, Historian said:

You got that first show up so quick!

I am trying to keep the momentum going lol

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Posted (edited)

SWF Supreme TV
Tuesday 11 January 2024
Live from Albany, NY


Match 1: Hawaiian Crush vs Swagger Incorporated

Match 2: Hollywood vs Paul Huntington

Match 3: Matty Faith vs Bear Bekowski

Match 4: Oliver Kobb vs Steven Parker

Match 5: Garry the Entertainer vs Scythe

Main Event: Mikey Lau vs Jefferson Stardust




Until I figure out how I want to portray Mr. Staggs I wanted to provide a small update on who has been signed by SWF (all went to RIPW): Ernest Youngman, Davis Wayne Newton, Logan Wolfsbaine, Texas Hangman, Cali Slick, Papa Swoll, Island Boy Apollo, Konrad Makinen, and Will Beaumont

Edited by moafnsteel
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Match 1: Hawaiian Crush vs Swagger Incorporated
I really like both Mainstram and DeSousa

Match 2: Hollywood vs Paul Huntington

Match 3: Matty Faith vs Bear Bekowski

Match 4: Oliver Kobb vs Steven Parker

Match 5: Garry the Entertainer vs Scythe

Main Event: Mikey Lau vs Jefferson Stardust


Surprised to hear you say that about RIPW... I like Barron Royal, Wild Willy, Fro Sure, Zeke, Marvin, Ollie Eisen, and of course Schnell. Seems like a lot of talent down there!

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Match 1: Hawaiian Crush vs Swagger Incorporated

I like both teams tbh

Match 2: Hollywood vs Paul Huntington

Hollywood is one of the greats

Match 3: Matty Faith vs Bear Bekowski


Match 4: Oliver Kobb vs Steven Parker

I don't like what they've done with Parker in IX so I'm not supporting him here

Match 5: Garry the Entertainer vs Scythe

RIP Garry

Main Event: Mikey Lau vs Jefferson Stardust

I like this Main Event and I wouldn't be angry if it goes the other way round

I'm with @The Lloyd in respect to RIPW guys, I think there's a lot of talent there and some interesting characters already. Also I like the concept of the diary.

Edited by newbiezness
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2 hours ago, The Lloyd said:

Match 1: Hawaiian Crush vs Swagger Incorporated
I really like both Mainstram and DeSousa

Match 2: Hollywood vs Paul Huntington

Match 3: Matty Faith vs Bear Bekowski

Match 4: Oliver Kobb vs Steven Parker

Match 5: Garry the Entertainer vs Scythe

Main Event: Mikey Lau vs Jefferson Stardust


Surprised to hear you say that about RIPW... I like Barron Royal, Wild Willy, Fro Sure, Zeke, Marvin, Ollie Eisen, and of course Schnell. Seems like a lot of talent down there!

I forgot about Marvin and Fro, I have big plans for those guys in the future.  Willy isn't bad, he just isn't developing like I thought he would and Infamous just doesn't do it for me as stable.  Big Zeke has potential but him and one of my favs from last year Double Z just aren't developing the way I was hoping.  Schnell isn't looking too bad, but he just doesn't stand out for me.  Ollie I havn't given a chance, but I don't like Jerry so he automatically goes down for me lol

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20 minutes ago, newbiezness said:

Match 1: Hawaiian Crush vs Swagger Incorporated

I like both teams tbh

Match 2: Hollywood vs Paul Huntington

Hollywood is one of the greats

Match 3: Matty Faith vs Bear Bekowski


Match 4: Oliver Kobb vs Steven Parker

I don't like what they've done with Parker in IX so I'm not supporting him here

Match 5: Garry the Entertainer vs Scythe

RIP Garry

Main Event: Mikey Lau vs Jefferson Stardust

I like this Main Event and I wouldn't be angry if it goes the other way round

I'm with @The Lloyd in respect to RIPW guys, I think there's a lot of talent there and some interesting characters already. Also I like the concept of the diary.

I absolutely agree with not supporting what they are doing with Steven, I think they really dropped the ball with him in this database.  Thank you for the compliment as well.


With RIPW, I am biased and have my favorites so I know I probably am the odd ball out with some of the guys.  While there are some good guys down there, not many stand out as real superstars to me.  Most of them seem midcard at best, which there is nothing wrong with, I just like the future superstars more lol

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Match 1: Hawaiian Crush vs Swagger Incorporated

Match 2: Hollywood vs Paul Huntington
Match 3: Matty Faith vs Bear Bekowski

Match 4: Oliver Kobb vs Steven Parker

Match 5: Garry the Entertainer vs Scythe

Main Event: Mikey Lau vs Jefferson Stardust

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SWF Supreme TV
Tuesday 11 January 2024
Live from Albany, NY
Attendance: 11,118
Rating: 82


Angle: Jack Bruce opens the show but is interrupted by The Supreme Dream Team, Steven continues to demand opportunities!  Jack books Steven in a match later tonight and Swagger Incorporated against Hawaiian Crush next
Rating: 64

HighFlyinHawaiian.gif.b6cbab4f47b3b3239d4addb98904a437.gifEkuma.gif.38dc0c6303fa2996eeeb0c3da9923bf5.gif vs MainstreamHernandez.gif.dae254b5bdf1fe4f1ee211496b3cc4a8.gifDominicDeSousa.gif.bd42754eac977ac7d446c3b46d35c4c8.gif

Match 1: Hawaiian Crush vs Swagger Incorporated
In a decent match, Swagger Incorporated defeated Hawaiian Crush in 12:03 when Mainstream Hernandez pinned High Flyin Hawaiian with an Apparition #14.
Rating: 56

Angle: Video Package fo Rocky v Des 
Rating: 75

HollywoodBretStarr.gif.08c0d80fce5de26d50172358e1f8b613.gif vs PaulHuntingdon.gif.aaa5d56e166d00ede9b0f715eef93230.gif

Match 2: Hollywood Bret Starr vs Paul Huntington
In a decent match, Hollywood Bret Starr defeated Paul Huntingdon in 14:27 by pinfall with a Hollywood Hammer.
Rating: 73


Angle: The Rat Pack attacks but Joey Morgan, Kip Keenan, and Forrest Raltzloff make the save
Rating: 62


MattyFaith.gif.bbe40c76c02674adfefce69ba4bf25d8.gif vsBearBekowski.gif.5bef2b8ec4d1cb2744a611b513c0f85c.gif
Match 3: Matty Faith vs Bear Bekowski
In a decent match, Bear Bekowski defeated Matty Faith in 13:50 by submission with a Bear Trap.
Rating: 73


OliverKobb.gif.89c9ca5ba622c2da889bc57643f78869.gifvs StevenParker.gif.30321689c13ab96c4bbbf5d708630562.gif

Match 4: Oliver Kobb vs Steven Parker
In a decent match, Steven Parker defeated Oliver Kobb in 9:55 by pinfall with a Future Shock.
Rating: 66


Angle: Steven demands more of a challenge or he will take opportunities into his own hands
Rating: 59



Angle: Backstage brawl between Remo and Gilmore
Rating: 66


GarryTheEntertainer.gif.06d761276b2aba925c94db1680ad0f22.gif vsScythe.gif.97140010e813c2c64bf4578ad9f0a3c9.gif

Match 5: Garry the Entertainer vs Scythe
In an extremely short match, Scythe defeated Garry The Entertainer in 4:17 by pinfall with an Underworld Spike.
Rating: 51



Angle: Valiant appears via the SupremeTron and challenges Scythe to a Casket Match, which Scythe gladly accepts!
Rating: 84


MikeyLau.gif.e239a70bb1339176a8b3864c21532a56.gif vs JeffersonStardust.gif.1b0041c92ec78e3abc84317345041a2d.gif

Main Event: Mikey Lau vs Jefferson Stardust
In a decent match, Mikey Lau defeated Jefferson Stardust in 14:16 by pinfall with a Dragon Whip. The match was designed so that the wrestlers could go out and try to steal the show.
Rating: 82



Angle: Contract signing between Des and Rocky ended up in a brawl
Rating: 85

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Thank you everyone for the predictions! This was my best-rated show, and I doubt I will be topping it anytime soon lol.  SWF has guys but it's tough getting 80 match grade without spamming certain matchups.  


The Lloyd 5/6

KyTeran 5/6

Wrestling Machine 4/6

Newbiezness 3/5

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SWF 50th Birthday Spectacular
Tuesday 11 January 2024
Live from Boston, MA

Match 1: 50 Man Past, Present, and Future Battle Royal (everyone on the roster, that isn't booked, plus RIPW guys, and some former SWF guys that were in free agency)

Who do you think will win? 

Match 2: Primus Allen v Rogue

Match 3: Faith & Old Glory vs DomiNation

Match 4: Angry Gilmore vs Remo

Match 5: Valiant vs Scythe

Match 6: Hollywood Bret Starr vs Spencer Spade
Match 7: Mikey James vs Randy Unleashed

Main Event: Rocky Golden vs Des Davids

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Match 1: 50 Man Past, Present, and Future Battle Royal (everyone on the roster, that isn't booked, plus RIPW guys, and some former SWF guys that were in free agency)

Who do you think will win? Steven Parker

Match 2: Primus Allen v Rogue

Match 3: Faith & Old Glory vs DomiNation

Match 4: Angry Gilmore vs Remo

Match 5: Valiant vs Scythe

Match 6: Hollywood Bret Starr vs Spencer Spade
Match 7: Mikey James vs Randy Unleashed

Main Event: Rocky Golden vs Des Davids

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Wow, stacked card!


Match 1: 50 Man Past, Present, and Future Battle Royal (everyone on the roster, that isn't booked, plus RIPW guys, and some former SWF guys that were in free agency)

Who do you think will win? Let's push Marshall Dillon!

Match 2: Primus Allen v Rogue

Match 3: Faith & Old Glory vs DomiNation

Match 4: Angry Gilmore vs Remo

Match 5: Valiant vs Scythe

Match 6: Hollywood Bret Starr vs Spencer Spade

Match 7: Mikey James vs Randy Unleashed

Main Event: Rocky Golden vs Des Davids

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