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T-Zone 2007

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Yeah, no matter what I tweak I cannot get the WWE to put on one match that's rated B or over. It never puts two Main Eventers in the same bout and instead I get Main Events like John Cena vs Viscera for the WWE Title or Batista vs. Booker T... but in midcard. Like right now while I'm typing this... Smackdown's first Main Event on the new test was Simon Dean & Finlay over Scotty 2 Hotty & Boogeyman. I don't get it at all why the AI is doing this. TNA holds up on Cult but they don't even try to expand. They don't fire anyone... hire anyone... nothing. I even tried messing with Dixie Carter's business stats as well as Russo but nothing changed, so I changed them back and I dunno what else to try with TNA.
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Currently working through CZW Bios, gimmicks etc, just got done with BLKOUT "Primo" Robby Mireno has been in Combat Zone Wrestling for a very long time now. He has been everything from one half of the Kashmerino brothers with Johnny Kashmere, to ring announcer. He now has finally found his niche however and that seems to be as the mouthpiece and leader of BLKOUT, his natural charisma and microphone ability make him perfect for a managers role and if the occassion calls for it he is not afraid to step inside the ring himself. "The RVD of MTV and the Jake the Snake of Getting Baked" Ruckus is a founding member of the BLKOUT stable in Combat Zone Wrestling but is still often overlooked by many and written off all too easily. He is a multiple time champion in CZW but outside of his home promotion he only really works for Maryland promotions and sometimes smaller promotions and IWA Mid South, Could 2007 be the year that Ruckus breaks out due to the whole WSX thing? "The Todd Bridges of ****in' Bitches" Sabian is also often referred to as "The Black Jesus" and can fly with the best of them. He has found the most success in Combat Zone Wrestling as a part of BLKOUT lifting the tag team titles more than once with various partners. Sabian doesn't really work anywhere outside of CZW barring a brief spell in Pro Wrestling Unplugged. "The Last of a Dying Breed" Eddie Kingston was one of the early CHIKARA graduates and along with tag team partner BlackJack Marciano he broke out and held tag titles nationwide. Once Marciano was forced to retire from the business Kingston began to be more known for his role as part of "The BLKOUT" in CZW and has had much success being in this group including the CZW World Title and CZW Tag Team Titles. Often criticised by people who say he rips off Japanese moves despite never touring Japan.
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Okay now figure this out cause I can't. All the tweaking I've done with the WWE and TNA... and the second week in TNA puts on B+ and B- shows with XPlosion and Impact respectively while the WWE is still putting on incredibly weak matches that are getting them Cs and C-. Ah well, guess the WWE just can't stay afloat in 2007 with the roster they have, I dunno what else to do really.
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[QUOTE=Ransik;188782]Okay now figure this out cause I can't. All the tweaking I've done with the WWE and TNA... and the second week in TNA puts on B+ and B- shows with XPlosion and Impact respectively while the WWE is still putting on incredibly weak matches that are getting them Cs and C-. Ah well, guess the WWE just can't stay afloat in 2007 with the roster they have, I dunno what else to do really.[/QUOTE] Maybe it has something to do with the match types being used. Just a thought.
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[QUOTE=HugeRockStar760;188725]I really hope the right testers were chosen and not just because they're nice and are a female[/QUOTE] Guess you missed a post a few pages ago whereby Forlan chose his main 3 testers after the initial selection, and I didn't make the cut. So it's an all-boy testing team now. I'm just testing the data quietly in the corner
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The uterus prevails! Well in that case testing continues to go well. From the actual playing of CZW and watching how other promotions put on shows and gain/lose popularity I'd say it's all going well. Aside from the giant talent firing that happens which can't be avoided, I'd say it's only TNA and WWE causing any big headache. The bio's and everything are sexy
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[QUOTE=Ransik;188782]Okay now figure this out cause I can't. All the tweaking I've done with the WWE and TNA... and the second week in TNA puts on B+ and B- shows with XPlosion and Impact respectively while the WWE is still putting on incredibly weak matches that are getting them Cs and C-. Ah well, guess the WWE just can't stay afloat in 2007 with the roster they have, I dunno what else to do really.[/QUOTE] When it comes to trying to fix the show quality - look at the default data. TCW and SWF barely ever crack a B+ with the AI booking them. Most likely, TCW is getting C to C+ shows, and SWF C to B-. The AI just can't seem to book big feds consistently well, and if you try to inflate the stats so they do, you're going to kill the fun for the user when it's their turn to control a fed.
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This is a great idea Forlan, getting testers to try and figure out the minor glitches. I don't care how long this mod could take, as long as you can put as much info as possible. Now here's my question, the problems we see with WWE and TNA rosters, do you think we can ever fix this dilemma? Bad booked shows, talent steals from TNA etc? What if we edit the data before the game? like sign all the TNA stars to written contracts and set loyalty to TNA? Could that work? I still don't know how this affects the other federation, so if i sound stupid right now, it's because a drank a whole 2 24's of Bud! (nah...just haven't tried cornelverse, waiting for your big bad booty daddy Mod!) Keep on doing a great job Forlan and other testers! Can't wait for this big puppy to be relased sometime in the next oh say 7-8 months!:p Risk
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[QUOTE=cyberkitten01;188805]Guess you missed a post a few pages ago whereby Forlan chose his main 3 testers after the initial selection, and I didn't make the cut. So it's an all-boy testing team now. I'm just testing the data quietly in the corner[/QUOTE] I just don't think the selection of "testers" was a fair process. It seems like the people who were chosen had reasons that had nothing to do with helping to tweak the stats, verify rosters, title histories, promotions, etc. Not to mention, Mexico is being ignored by those who were selected. It seems the people who were selected only have knowledge of the mainstream wrestling promotions of America. That's just my view of it. It should've just been released as a beta like mods usually are. Then you're getting a wider variety of input. Considering many of us have already put down $30+ for this game only to play with real world mods, we aren't getting our money worth. [quote]What if we edit the data before the game? like sign all the TNA stars to written contracts and set loyalty to TNA? Could that work? I still don't know how this affects the other federation, so if i sound stupid right now, it's because a drank a whole 2 24's of Bud! (nah...just haven't tried cornelverse, waiting for your big bad booty daddy Mod!)[/quote] It should work if done that way. But then you have to weigh if it really is important that Petey Williams gets to wrestle in an obscure indy fed or not. The way it is now, a lot of the TNA roster can work for other promotions that TNA is not at war with.
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Did you see somewhere before purchasing the game that real life mods would be out right after ? It's known for quite some time now that this version of TEW has a lot more depth than the last one, so just consider yourself happy that some guys take some of their time to create such mods instead of whining. [I]... And that's the bottom line, caus' ilovebarbu said so ...[/I]
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[QUOTE=HugeRockStar760;188908]Considering many of us have already put down $30+ for this game only to play with real world mods, we aren't getting our money worth.[/QUOTE] You plunked your $30+ for the features and the simulation the game does. Expecting a 3rd party non-greydog addition as part of your $30+ price is just crazy, because you don't have to own it to use the forums to see when the mod you want to use is released. I myself like to use real life mods too but I don't expect them to be avalible at games release as people can't really start working on them until the editor was released or the game itself.
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You shouldn't have paid for this game knowing that the real life mods won't be out for awhile, and stop complaining, Forlan is putting in so much effort for this huge monster and guess what, he is doing it for free, and using his free time to satisfy our retarded wrestling taste buds. So be patients, everyone here is and stop complaining.
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[QUOTE=bobinc;188915]You plunked your $30+ for the features and the simulation the game does. Expecting a 3rd party non-greydog addition as part of your $30+ price is just crazy, because you don't have to own it to use the forums to see when the mod you want to use is released. I myself like to use real life mods too but I don't expect them to be avalible at games release as people can't really start working on them until the editor was released or the game itself.[/QUOTE] Every game that can be modified usually will have a beta release of a mod. So I don't see how it would be different with this mod of TEW07. Opening it up to a select few only, especially those who aren't going to improve the quality of the overall release, is just not a smart idea.
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[QUOTE=HugeRockStar760;188908]That's just my view of it. It should've just been released as a beta like mods usually are. Then you're getting a wider variety of input. Considering many of us have already put down $30+ for this game only to play with real world mods, we aren't getting our money worth.[/QUOTE] Stunned... I think that describes my reaction best. Stunned. You aren't paying for this mod so, based on what you've said, Forlan isn't getting his effort's worth.
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[QUOTE=HugeRockStar760;188922]Every game that can be modified usually will have a beta release of a mod. So I don't see how it would be different with this mod of TEW07. Opening it up to a select few only, especially those who aren't going to improve the quality of the overall release, is just not a smart idea.[/QUOTE] OH MY GOD, HE DARES INSISTING ! ! ! THIS IS GONNA BE PANDEMONIUM FOLKS ! ! !
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[QUOTE=HugeRockStar760;188922]Every game that can be modified usually will have a beta release of a mod. So I don't see how it would be different with this mod of TEW07. Opening it up to a select few only, especially those who aren't going to improve the quality of the overall release, is just not a smart idea.[/QUOTE] Tell that to Tsumirren and all the improvements he's made to the UK scene ALREADY
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[QUOTE=HugeRockStar760;188922]Every game that can be modified usually will have a beta release of a mod. So I don't see how it would be different with this mod of TEW07. Opening it up to a select few only, especially those who aren't going to improve the quality of the overall release, is just not a smart idea.[/QUOTE] T-Zone has no relation to Grey Dog... its like buying a hot dog from a street vendor, then expecting someone else 4 doors away to give you the ketchup out of their fridge. There is no relation. This is a hobby forlan and his helpers have and people who like real world benefit from their unselflessness. Pay Forlan $10 then your arguement has merrit, right now you just sound greedy and ignorant.
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