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T-Zone 2007

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Forlan - don't let the details and the "hey, is Bob N. Neilbeforea**** gonna be the game?" questions drag you down. you're doing a GREAT service for fans like me who want to play with the real world wrestlers and be armchair bookers, and a little patience ain't gonna hurt any of us. i mean, for god's sake. the new year is upon us. shouldn't y'all be finding someone to shag in a night or two, to ring in the new year with a proper bang? sheesh....
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And I thought K-Fed was unpopular, he's getting more posts than anyone else! :) If the majority want him in, then he should go in, if not then those that want him can simply put him in. I agree with the sentiment that, if the mod is released after he's through with WWE then he should be left out since its supposed to be accurate and all otherwise I DEMAND PETE ROSE!!! :D (is Robocop still wrestling?)
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Far as the K-Fed thing, or any other celebrity/anti-celebrity goes.... You can always add these folks in yourself. If your playing the WWE or TNA or any other promotion that might use a celebrity, you can always make them, bring them in for a couple of angle's/match's, storylines, or whatever, then get rid of them just as fast as you want through the editor. To have the mod maker's concern themselves with every non-wrestler that has a bit part in one of the promotions is really non-productive. I know it's alot easier to have them in there already, but..... You can always ask Forlan, or any of the other mod maker's what stats they would put on anyone you want, after their Mod's are released. In the long run, I think (doesn't mean I'm right) you would probably have a better diary, or just plain old game. What if Keven never shows up again? That is a possibility. He might only show up this monday night, and never again as well. So then you would be stuck with a celeb in the game that is doing absolutely nothing in real life in the wrestling world. However, if you wait, and the MOD Is released, you might find two or three other celebrities in the wrestling world, and be able to bring them into yours exactly when you want. In the passed, I've made mods that only house celebrities, or other sports figure, for a way of bringing them in my world through the editor (importing them), and after being done, I ussually have them leave the bussiness, or go on Hiatus. Returning only if I am wanting to use them again.
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[QUOTE=jimmy_shakerz;173344]But it's a scenario.. you're not supposed to follow everything the WWE is doing.. If you want you can make a feud with K-Fed vs. Carlito or bringing CM Punk in DX![/QUOTE] Yes, but that's entirely up to you, and you including K-Fed in your scenario if you want to. forlan is going by reality, which is that K-Fed won't be sticking around, therefore it's up to whoever wants K-Fed in their game to add him.
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yeah...see, K-Fed is not a wrestler...if you want someone to add him in you have to add in Dennis Rodman, David Arquette and Karl Malone as inactive workers since they wrestled in WCW years ago... its just not worth it to the people making the mod.... but if you seriously think that K-Fed will have a title run down the line...or you want to book him (and really, who wants that)...by all means, create him yourself and leave these guys to get stuff correct on the indies and other feds
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Im gonna throw my two cent in here and also say I am looking foward to the release of this MOD. However I do have one question. As most people may know, I am in the Navy, and at the end of January I am going out to sea for about 45 days, give or take a few. I was just wondering if, Forlan, you might be able to let me know (via pm or some other way) if the MOD will be released before the tail end of January. I currently have TEW07 and although I am enjoying the C-Verse, I would much rather play as a real world company with wrestlers. If you are able to let me know (and I get the answer I am hoping for), it is going to make that month and a 1/2 underway go by very quickly. Thanks Forlan
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What are your plans for the release ? I'd like to bring CM Punk, Ric Flair and Kenny Dykstra in D-X. I'd build up a feud between Ric Flair and Kenny with Flair "teaching" Kenny and ending it up with a great match won by Kenny and a great show of respect to Flair. Cryme Tyme turn heel with John Cena and win the Tag Team championship. Bring Abyss to Smackdown to make him and Freakin' Deacon or Vladimir Kozlov feud with The Brothers of Destruction. Bring Monty Brown, Jack Evans, and a couple of fresh faces from the development territories to ECW ( like "Mad" Mikey Mondo and J.J. (Johnny) Jeter from the Spirit Squad ) Val Venis should be transfered to Smackdown and feud for the U.S. Title and if he gets over well, the World Title. Build the cruiserweight division on smackdown and replace the women division on RAW by the Tag Team division (MNM, Hardyz, Cryme Tyme, Cade & Murdoch, Highlanders and i'd like to get one or two indy team like The Naturals, America's Most Wanted, The Briscoes or create a japanese team with people like Tanahashi managed by Chono. ) Bring Back the Draft right after the Royal Rumble 1. ECW draft from "unrestricted free agents" Monty Brown 2. Smackdown! draft from RAW Chris Masters 3. RAW draft from ECW CM Punk 1. RAW draft from Smackdown! Sylvan 2. Smackdown! draft from ECW Kevin Thorn and Ariel 3. ECW draft from RAW Gene Snitsky 1. ECW draft from RAW, Spirit Squad members Mikey and Johnny 2. Smackdown draft from RAW Val Venis 3. RAW draft from ECW Rene Dupree
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Glad i didnt put Claudio Castagnoli on DSW yet, seems WWE screwed him over Wrestling Observer Quote "News from the new Observer is that WWE released him last week before they even assigned him anywhere. The reason are unknown. They only told him there would a number of firings soon and to get in contact with all the promotions he worked so that they can continue to book him. He even canceled a Japan tour in order to start in one of the developmental territories."
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[QUOTE=varney;174235]claudio deserves better, but forlan is there any rough eta?[/QUOTE] he dont do ETAs its ready when its ready type deal that way if he needs an extra day or 2 to make it perfect theres no big hopla on the boards, good idea if you ask me but I too im dieing here waiting.
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Something I hated in the real life mods from 05 were of the angles, being rated on incorrect things. Maybe I was just using poorly made angle packs but I would see ones that were esstentially interview angles, with maybe a challenge or something added into them, and they would be rated on "entertainment" rather then "Microphone skill". I can't think of an arguement for that. Doing any angle that is a promo or interview(ie talking into a microphone) for more then a minute should be rated on Microphone skill.
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Progress Report (X)Promotions - Currently 56 ()Workers - Currently 3326 (X)Locations - Currently 1497 (X)Match Types - Currently 130 ()Gimmicks - Need to do the new stats in the gimmicks section, done up to C's (Currently 306) (X)Teams - Currently 1005 (X)Promotion Pacts - Currently 47 (X)Worker Relations - Currently 2039 (X)New promotions - Currently 6 (X)Angles - Currently 1965 (X)Storylines - Currently 126 (X)Stables - Currently 163 (X)Titles - Currently 224 (X)Injuries - Currently 95 (X)TV Shows - Currently 26 (X)TV Networks - Currently 117 (X)TV Show Slots - Currently 45 ()Other TV Shows - Currently 37 (X)Events - Currently 273 (X)PPV Carriers - Currently 45 (X)PPV Agreements - Currently 27 ()Title Lineage - LK on them (Currently 2682) ()Dojos - Currently 43 ()New Workers - Currently 9 (X)Start Injuries - Unless someone gets injured ()Dojo Graduates - Currently 170 ()Alter Egos - Aint started ()User Characters - ZERO
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