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T-Zone 2007

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[QUOTE=PeterHilton;213208] I seriously doubt ANY of the athletes on that list needed to be taking HGH. It was a cover for guys who were trying to cheat.[/QUOTE] Ok for baseball, football, basketball and any other sport out there I can see how steroids would be used for cheating. But in Wrestling? Where most matches are fixed. Especially the WWE; unless I have missed something the last month or so. I can't see how this is cheating as it really only enhances there physical image. Doesn't really make them better in the ring. Prime examples are Scott Steiner and Triple H.
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[QUOTE=gmsubzer;213216]Ok for baseball, football, basketball and any other sport out there I can see how steroids would be used for cheating. But in Wrestling? Where most matches are fixed. Especially the WWE; unless I have missed something the last month or so. I can't see how this is cheating as it really only enhances there physical image. Doesn't really make them better in the ring. Prime examples are Scott Steiner and Triple H.[/QUOTE] Lord..see I know I shouldn't have got into this. The question was: is Edge a steroid/drug user? Gabriel said that Edge only used HGH under a doctor's prescription. My response was that this doctor is being investigated because the prescriptions were phony and used as covers for athletes who were trying to cheat. Obviously wrestlers aren't "cheating." But regardless of the reasoning the prescriptions are still phony. Edge was still using HGH for non-medical purposes. Sadly, since the E books based on looks more than talent, I'd bet that a majority of the roster has used steroids/HGH. It'd be naive to think otherwise. SoM brings up a good point and maybe for the purposes of the game it shouldn't be an issue. But realistically the boxes should be checked.
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Why isn't it cheating? Sure the matches are decided ahead of time but we all know Vince likes "the look." If you roid up or use HGH and use a shortcut to get the look, you're cheating the other guys in the lockeroom who are trying to do it the natural way and you get the push (and thus the match wins) because of how bulked up you appear. In response some of the others may feel the need to also take the easy way out and then we get into a world where otherwise healthy looking men drop dead at 40.
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The only reason I would say it's not cheating is because in many ways the booking forces the issue (heck, if you believe some of the testimony from the congrssional hearings, the staff was complicit and encouraged steroid use). As long as no-talent muscle bound stiffs get pushed to the moon over more talented smaller workers than a lot of guys probably think their livelihoods depend on it. Out of respect for the topic we should probably take the discussion here, however. [url]http://www.greydogsoftware.com/forum/showthread.php?t=22180[/url]
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Most of those drugs are used to help recovery.... as many of those wrestlers were either out injured or nursing injuries but having to work through them... most of the stuff reported seems to be over a year old anyway... before the Wellness Policy. The only one that seems to be guilty would be Randy Orton. The others could argue prescriptions for injuries... therefore the Dr's fault as he/she probably should have known better.
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This is silly. I never understand why wrestling fans are so hesitant to admit that wrestlers are taking steroids/HGH/drugs in general. Wellness Policy? The only one that seems to be guilty would be Randy Orton? Really??? Every single guy on that list has at some point in their career put on lots of mass in a short period of time. Hell, Rey looked like Dynamite Kid when he first hit the E and when he was in WCW he was built like a 12 yr old. And the Wellness Policy is just a way for the E to excuse themselves when wrestlers get caught even though the way talent is evaluated is the primary reason why wrestlers start using these things in the first place. This is just a game and you all can find as many reasons to justify not putting a check in abox if you want. But the reality is that steroids have been a major issue in pro wrestling since before they were an issue in actual sports...since about the time they started being an isssue in body building. In the last few years as a fan I was saddened to see many of the stars I watched as a kid die way, waaaaayy before their time. And sadly I'm pretty sure there are many more wrestlers who will pass away at a young age, including a few memebrs of the current roster. Sorry for going off topic.
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Edge admitted in a shoot interview to having done steriods before. So regardless of whether or not you want to tick him for the use of HGH, he should be ticked for having used steriod prior anyways. The whole point of ticking them for drug use is that they have an ADDICTION to drugs. Medical or otherwise. That's addiction. AKA abuse of drugs. Taking them for anything other than medical or enhancement use constitute addiction. There's a difference between taking asprin for a headache, and taking asprin because you love it and you crave it, and you're feeding an addiction where you can't live your life without taking it at every opportunity.
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the whole arguement is stupid. Remember that innocnet till proven guilty ****? Well until it comes from someones mouth "so and so took steriods illegay" not box should be checked. And furthermore, its HGH ****, not anabolic sterioids which the box in the game simulates (enlarged heart and strained arteries). Saying "randy is the only one" that could be guilty just shows how stupid people are on the internet. Why just Randy? He's been more hurt in the last couple years then like everyone. Shoulder anyone? Iternet just needs to chill on alleged rumor ****.
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Ok back to T-zone itself. I'm not asking for a Data release but is there a way we could have a teaser for the project itself? Like maybe release the graphics? Or maybe a little something until its finally all released? Like one week release the load screen. Then next do the title screen. and so on and so on? I just started a C-verse game but the graphics are just getting bland to me. Graphics are far from what really makes the game but its nice to see something different once in a while.
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Yes there has been a screen shot from Forlan but I can't seem to find it. Fenoli also had one where he showed one of the problems being that Mcmahon had no overness. I was just hoping he could release the graphics or something for us to use now while we wait for the data; the meat of the mod itself; to come out. One it might shut some people up and stop begging for it to be released now. And it could help build up a little more hype. He could release whatever in any increment he liked. Like the title screen to remind us all whenever we start up the game. Then the background next. Or the load screen. I don't I was just wanting something different.
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Um let me say this for Forlan and others before they have the chance. No! You'll get it when its ready and not until then. Now stop being demanding for something you're getting for free. Edit: I'm sure this goes for all who are demanding for this mod.
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[QUOTE=pete;214208]dont start crying when your sh*ts gettin f*cked up yo, i gave a warnin shot[/QUOTE] You can tell he means business because he said "yo." And you can tell he's a man whose time is very valuable because he doesn't waste time on punctuation or putting the letter "g" at the ends of some words.
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[QUOTE=danembury;214241]So how many times does he get warned before finally getting booted?[/QUOTE] It's 1 point per warning, unless it's something overly serious, with 3 points making an automatic ban. He had two from earlier in the thread via Scott, and received a further 1 just now from me, so he's now serving an automatic ban. I can't actually remember if that's permanent or just until the warning expires, I guess we'll see.
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