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T-Zone 2007

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Wow. Yes, real wrestling IS amateur wrestling. PRO Wrestling (which we are talking about, and what my question was about, by the way) is any type of promotion. WWE is pro wrestling, TNA, ROH, NOAH, AJPW, NJPW, etc. are ALL pro wrestling. Nobody denied anything about amateur wrestling not being real. They appeal to different crowds. I'm trying to make sense of your arguments, as you bring in non-valid points that you make big assumptions about that have nothing to do with the original points that were being made. What does me and my habit of visiting wrestling forums have to do with this thread?
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[quote]What does me and my habit of visiting wrestling forums have to do with this thread?[/quote] What does this conversation have to do with T-Zone period? Sorry to butt in, but really - this topic is already 136 pages long, it doesn't need any more pointless conversations and/or arguments. Agree to disagree or take it elsewhere and get the thread back to keeping us updated on the progress on T-Zone.
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[QUOTE=Jasx12;217590]Wow. Yes, real wrestling IS amateur wrestling. PRO Wrestling (which we are talking about, and what my question was about, by the way) is any type of promotion. [B]WWE is pro wrestling[/B], TNA, ROH, NOAH, AJPW, NJPW, etc. are ALL pro wrestling. Nobody denied anything about amateur wrestling not being real. They appeal to different crowds. I'm trying to make sense of your arguments, as you bring in non-valid points that you make big assumptions about that have nothing to do with the original points that were being made. What does me and my habit of visiting wrestling forums have to do with this thread?[/QUOTE] Vince McMahon would disagree... it's Sports Entertainment... >_>
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[QUOTE=PeterHilton;217304]This whole debate is pretty LOL. Pro rasslin started out as a carnival sideshow and simply grew in stature. There has NEVER been any promoter who put on shows out of some aesthetic imperative or need to display "real wrestling." That's laughable. The [B]only [/B]reason promoters put on shows is to make money. Period. A successful promoter is one who creates a product which can appeal to the fans. The more fans you appeal to, the more successful you are. Period. Any kind of desire to see "real wrestling" or discussion about "what real wrestling is" was basically created by the IWC.[/QUOTE] You know, Peter, the only thing I can really disagree with here is that last statement. I heard that talk long before I got got online in 1997. I've heard it usd to defend the benefits of Heyman's booking style in the original ECW. I heard it it reference in the early days of WCW as a way of setting them apart from the then-WWF. I heard it and may have even said it in reference to some of the indies I watched back in the late 80's. Curmedgeons (which I admit I can sometimes be) invented this "real wrestling" talk back when the territories started falling. The Internet's just given it new birth by allowing it a much broader stage.
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[QUOTE=Michael Wayne;217581] REAL wrestling is something most "fans" don't bother to follow... amateur wrestling PERIOD! 90% "smarks" are actually marks who just think they know more than everyone else about wrestling, but really they have no clue about the business other than what it's like to be a FAN and remember the past.[/QUOTE] Great. I just get finished posting and another grabs my attention. Anyway, let's be fair here to the "smarks". How often has freestyle wrestling really made an effort to break out of their shell and into the broad public consciousness? I can only personally remember one. And I caught it a few months ago. Looked in on this show called Real Pro Wrestling which was on the local indy cable channel here. What they real story is behind it I don't know. But it was essentially supposed to be a pro circuit for the freestyle guys. The one match I watched did seemed pretty solid and the producers did a pretty good job of drawing your attention to what scored points and why. But the broadcast personalities were absymal. They were so dull I couldn't watch more than 15 minutes of the show. Now, I am no way suggesting they need to get Bobby Heenan and start running angles and totally sell out. Or that they needed Kurt Angle moonlighting. But surely some former competitor has the personality to do a decent broadcast. ESPN was able to get Eric Wynalda and Julie Foudy for their US Soccer telecasts after all. I can't speak for anybody else. But personally, if freestyle wrestling really wanted the kind of profile "rasslin" has, they'd make themselves a pro circuit that was instantly recognizable as such. Announce it with such pomp and circumstance that not even ESPN could ignore the event. And hopefully start off on a low-profile-but-still-available-on-basic-cable channel like Versus while they built cred. What your Internet smark would do I don't know. But give me a chance to catch some properly presented freestyle wrestling, I'll give it a fair shot.
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Calm down kiddywinkles and stay on topic Anyhoo...i went out drinking last night with uni buddies etc to finish for easter so a lot more time can now go into the data. On the Puerto Rico deal, TEWFan has done a great job and it's a pleasure to have the stuff in. Also CoreyVandal is working hard on the Midlands stuff and such so yeah woo, go team!
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Guest macosxjunkie
[QUOTE=Ransik;217249]I don't think eliminating angles, storylines and such are the WWE's problem... I think taking guys who can't get over, can't produce in the ring or on the mic or draw a dime ARE the problem along with 20 minute promos. I don't care if it's WWE, TNA, RoH, or the smallest Indy fed around. If you can't focus on wrestling than you're not exactly about professional wrestling. A perfect example is Ashley being given a match at Wrestlemania above Mickie and Victoria. It's not about who can draw or who can wrestle... it's about another blonde bimbo stripping and hoping to make another dollar off of it. They're not trying to reach out to the wrestling fans, they're trying to reach out to the Playboy fans and hope they can get a few of them to tune into Wrestlemania.[/QUOTE] They haven't eliminated angles, storylines or anything. They have become stagnant and repetitive, but there are still storylines. You apparently do not realize what wrestling is about. Wrestling is about making money, first and foremost. Andre the Giant couldn't really produce in the ring, more so towards the end of his career, and he certainly wasn't a great talker. However he had something else that sold people: his sheer size. Ashley is, in some peoples eyes, attractive. That sells, whether you want to admit it or not. They are not trying to reach Playboy fans... they are just trying to reach people in general. The Playboy cover every year is not much different than any of the WWF's other attempts to get seen by the mainstream media. Frankly, had they not had Ashley on the PPV, they would have been idiots. Just like they would be idiots to have John Cena on a TV show promoting WrestleMania and then not having him on the show. In ring talent just doesn't sell. It never has. The key is making people care about a talented wrestler, due to the ability to relate to them or through storyline. Bret Hart, early in his career, related to people because he was a smaller guy and seemed normal during a period when the WWF had tons of whacky characters. Eddie Guerrero, even without the charisma, related to the fans because he was human. He didn't get the run with the title because he was one of the best wrestlers of the last twenty years. The WWF could put on a Pay Per View that had some of the best wrestling in the world. They have the roster and the talent. But they aren't going to risk a ****ty buyrate to prove to internet smarks that plain wrestling doesn't sell to a wide audience. Does it sell to a smaller niche audience in wrestling? Yup, but not large enough for the WWF to make a profit.
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Ok, my ends looking close to being done, I was just wondering what sort of prestige people would agree with for championships for small/regional feds? Im also debating wether or not just to make Leicester Pro Wrestling a fed, since their entire roster is there. I guess it just depends how Forlan and everyone else would feel about another UK Midlands small/regional fed? Would it just be cluttering up the database, or would people welcome the variety?
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Prestige on championships is prestige to the fed so main event titles high etc. The title prestige is not a worldwide thing, its promotion specific. And like i sad before, more the merrier. Today i've gotten UWA Hardcore 3/4 added except for the following people whom im struggling to get proper info on Asylum Blue Jabroni MAtt Bison Nick Watts John Parker Rip Impact Ref Chris
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Asylum an article on him from SLAM [URL="http://slam.canoe.ca/Slam/Wrestling/2003/09/04/176157.html"]http://slam.canoe.ca/Slam/Wrestling/2003/09/04/176157.html[/URL] Nick Watts his website[URL="http://nickwatts.cjb.net/"]http://nickwatts.cjb.net/[/URL] Rip Impact His myspace [URL="http://profile.myspace.com/index.cfm?fuseaction=user.viewprofile&friendid=59689214"]http://profile.myspace.com/index.cfm?fuseaction=user.viewprofile&friendid=59689214[/URL] & his websie [URL="http://www.ripimpact.cjb.net/"]http://www.ripimpact.cjb.net/[/URL] Ref Chris his myspace [URL="http://profile.myspace.com/index.cfm?fuseaction=user.viewprofile&friendid=3873249"]http://profile.myspace.com/index.cfm?fuseaction=user.viewprofile&friendid=3873249[/URL] basic info for Matt Bison (height, weight, finishers, etc.) in his roster profile here[URL="http://www.livinglegendswrestling.com/roster.html"]http://www.livinglegendswrestling.com/roster.html[/URL] & here [URL="http://nswwrestling.cjb.net/"]http://nswwrestling.cjb.net/[/URL]
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I take it from the increased posting of current status of this mod and also from some of the language being used that we are edging ever so closely to the release! This is good as T-Zone has always set the standard for real life mods in the TEW franchise... Oh and I don't post on here regularly but do skim through from time to time to keep up on any new data dowloads that are available. However, I do see a lot of impatience from folks and quite a lot of impatience with their impatience. My suggestion would be for those who intend to make a mod, "with the exception of proven mod-makers like T-Zone," should refrain from posting about it unless they're inquiring for help from other posters. I can understand the fustration on both sides but I think it would be very helpful if we didn't have so many wanna be mod makers posting "Im gonna do this and that" all over the message boards... Not that we can stop it but it's just a suggestion to anyone attempting to make a mod. Don't make promises you don't intend to keep... Oh, and for the rest of us... Just wait for T-Zone it looks like it'll be worth it!
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[QUOTE=forlan;218956]Prestige on championships is prestige to the fed so main event titles high etc. The title prestige is not a worldwide thing, its promotion specific. And like i sad before, more the merrier. Today i've gotten UWA Hardcore 3/4 added except for the following people whom im struggling to get proper info on Asylum Blue Jabroni MAtt Bison Nick Watts John Parker Rip Impact Ref Chris[/QUOTE] I can get you all the info by tommorow. Actually had dinner with Rip not even a week ago. Wheres my horn? cause I felt like tooting it, haha. What info do you need? Wrestler / Birthday / Finisher Asylum / Feb 13, 1980 / Gore (impact) or Money Clip (impact) or TKO (impact Blue Jabroni July 6, 1984 / Jabroni Death Lock (submission) Matt Bison July 28, 1984 / Tiger Driver or Wrist Clutch Suplex or Lung Blower Nick Watts July 13, 1984 / Watt Drop or 9000 Watts (both impact) Rip Impact Dec 25, 1985 / Spinning Sit-Out Facejam somtimes called the Rip Chord and latley he's been using a "Double Bounce Sliced Bread" since he's wrestling larger workers
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