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World Wrestling Federation: From Montreal To Attitude

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[B]The Undertaker & Finlay[/B] vs. Rob Van Dam & X-Pac [I]The Alliance are looking incredibly strong at the moment and I think they need to keep it up here especially as X-Pac scored the surprise win last Raw.[/I] [B][U]WWF Hardcore Title Match[/U][/B] [B]The Future: Sean Morgan ©[/B] vs. Tommy Dreamer [I]He continues to impress in the hardcore division. I see a big future for 'The Future'.[/I] [B][U]Number One Contenders Match to the European Title[/U][/B] [B]Sir Desmond Lowford Brownington III[/B] vs. Reyes Rios Rodrigues vs. Taka Michinoku [I]Like his gimmick so I'll go with D'lo. [/I] [B][U]Sexy Santa Match[/U][/B] Ivory vs. [B]Sable[/B] [I]Ivory won at the PPV so I think Sable could use a win here.[/I] This is gonna be one hell of a Raw!
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[B]The Undertaker & Finlay[/B] vs. Rob Van Dam & X-Pac WWF Hardcore Title Match [B]The Future: Sean Morgan ©[/B] vs. Tommy Dreamer Number One Contenders Match to the European Title [B]Sir Desmond Lowford Brownington III[/B] vs. Reyes Rios Rodrigues vs. Taka Michinoku Sexy Santa Match Ivory vs. Sable [B]Micky James, mmm,sorry, I mean SABLE![/B]
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[CENTER] [IMG]http://i150.photobucket.com/albums/s116/keefmoon/RAW-4.png[/IMG] [B][SIZE="5"]Monday 21st December 1998[/SIZE][/B] [B][SIZE="4"]LIVE from Dayton, Ohio[/SIZE][/B] [/CENTER] The show opens with the familiar music of Shane McMahon as he comes down to the ring in about as high spirits as you can imagine. He is flanked by most of The Alliance, including the man who is still the WWF Champion, Owen Hart. [B]Shane:[/B] Oh hell yeah, wooooo! I did exactly what I promised to do! I said I would remove the deadwood from the WWF and I did that by removing my father from power and establishing myself as the 100% owner of the World Wrestling Federation! And as part of the first day of the Shane-O-Mac regime… Owen… you have the night off after last nights match. Congratulations on retaining the title and take it easy, bro. [B]Owen: [/B]Thanks, Shane-O. [B]Shane: [/B]My pleasure. In addition to this, I am hereby starting a tournament tonight that will feature 8 of the best teams in the WWF to face off with the winners going to the Royal Rumble to face the tag team champions, The Brood. [I]The Acolytes and Outlaws nod to each other approvingly.[/I] Shane: And finally, as they failed to win the WWF Title last night, The Rock and Stone Cold Steve Austin are hereb… [I]*GLASS SHATTERS*[/I] [B]JR:[/B] Ask and you shall receive! [B]Heenan: [/B]What the hell does Stone Cold Steve Parasite want? Can’t he tell Mr McMahon is talking? [B]JR:[/B] I think he knew that perfectly well, Brain. [B]Heenan: [/B]I was being rhetorical. [B]Austin: [/B]Listen up here, you meely mouthed son of a bitch. I might not have liked your dad, but hell, in a competition between the two of you… I hate you both equally. So before you send your little bastards in the ring to come up and attack me while you piss your pants in the ring, I’ve got something to add to the line up tonight. [B]Shane:[/B] Mr Austin, I don’t know how my father used to ru… [B]Austin:[/B] Shut up. Now, your father handed me this contract before he left the WWF, which he had written up before his match with you. Now my public speakin’ ‘aint so good, so I’m gonna summarise it for you. Ahem… should the World Wrestling Federation Heavyweight Title match at In Your House: Rest In Peace have a disputed ending in any manner, be it the champion is pinned when the referee is unconscious or he taps out like the little bitch that he is… [B]Heenan:[/B] I doubt it says that in there. [B]Austin:[/B] … then there will be a rematch, that being a Triple Threat match for the WWF Title between Owen Hart, The Rock and Steve Austin the very next night on Raw Is War! The crowd absolutely explodes as The Alliance, particularly Owen, go crazy in the ring. [B]Austin: [/B]So, Owen, you better drag your sorry ass back to the locker room and put on those pretty pinks tights of yours because tonight is the night you lose your title to Stone Cold Steve Austin… and that’s the bottom line… ‘cos Shane’s fired jackass bastard of a father said so! [B]JR: [/B]Oh my! Rock vs Owen vs Austin for the Title… tonight! [B]Heenan:[/B] What the hell? That can’t be legal, surely? I’ve got a degree in law, hand me that contract! [B]JR: [/B]Oh please… ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [CENTER][IMG]http://i150.photobucket.com/albums/s116/keefmoon/DaveFinlay.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i150.photobucket.com/albums/s116/keefmoon/TheUndertaker3.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i150.photobucket.com/albums/s116/keefmoon/Rob_Van_Dam5.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i150.photobucket.com/albums/s116/keefmoon/Shawn_Michaels38.jpg[/IMG] [B][SIZE="5"]“The Phenom” The Undertaker & WWF Intercontinental Champion Finlay vs D-Generation X (X-Pac & “Whole Dam Show” Rob Van Dam)[/SIZE][/B] This is a follow on from the last few weeks, including last night where Finlay retained and Undertaker dominated. ‘Taker seems eager to punish X-Pac for the embarrassment of losing to him a couple of weeks back but no matter what the two vicious, intense, violent veterans just can’t seem to keep the plucky, smaller youngsters down. The crowd is hugely in favour of X-Pac and RVD, who work well as a team, but eventually they are put away when Van Dam is pushed off the top rope by Finlay when about to go for a Five Star Frog Splash and The Undertaker sits up and delivers a devastating Chokeslam. [B]Winners: Finlay & Undertaker in 8:22[/B][/CENTER] The Undertaker shows no signs of emotion after the match despite clearly being on a magnificent roll as of late, and instead just picks Van Dam up as if he is ready to Tombstone him as well. However, X-Pac gets back in the ring and sends him flying with a Spinning Heel Kick, and then sends Finlay out of the ring with an Enziguri. The two newest members of D-Generation X then escape to the back. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Chyna is backstage when she is confronted by Bagwell. [B]Chyna: [/B]What the hell do you want? [B]Bagwell: [/B]Hey, doll, lighten up. I come in peace. [B]Chyna[/B]: I ought to rip your head off for cheati… [B]Bagwell: [/B]Sweetie pie, calm it down. I just came to tell you that we will have our date next week live on Raw. Hope that’s okay for you? [B]Chyna: [/B]Bagwell, you know I would rather be anywhere else in the world than on a date with you, but since I don’t have a choice, fine. [B]Bagwell:[/B] Cool. Now, I know how tough it is for a gal to decide what to wear on a date, so the B-Dog has brought something for you. He hands over a carrier bag, from which Chyna pulls out negligee. [B]Chyna:[/B] You have got to be kidding me. This is negligee? [B]Bagwell:[/B] Exactly… [B]Chyna:[/B] Get out of my locker room this very second or I swear to you I wil… [B]Bagwell: [/B]Sweetcheeks, chillax yourself, yeah? Save all that pent up aggression for next week. Later toots. Bagwell leaves, causing Chyna to watch him go, scowling furiously. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The Future: Sean Morgan makes his way down to ringside, microphone in hand, and begins to cut a promo. [B]Morgan: [/B]Last night I proved once and for all that I truly am the future of this industry. Despite being vehemently anti-hardcore, I still managed to win the Hardcore Title and didn’t resort to cheap hardcore tactics or weapons along the way. Last night, real wrestling was truly the winner. [B]JR:[/B] What does he mean “no hardcore tactics or weapons”? He won the title by Powerbombing Al Snow through a God damn flaming table! [B]Heenan:[/B] I think they’ve started teaching that as an amateur move in high schools now. The announcers banter is interrupted by the appearance of Tommy Dreamer, of course with kendo stick in hand, and grabs a microphone. [B]Dreamer:[/B] You think last night proved you’re the better man? You might be right. That’s why we don’t have rules in Hardcore matches, to make sure there are no excuses. However, as the former champion who wasn’t pinned, I’m demanding a rematch against you right now! [CENTER][B][SIZE="4"]World Wrestling Federation Hardcore Title[/SIZE][/B] [IMG]http://i150.photobucket.com/albums/s116/keefmoon/ValVenis1998.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i150.photobucket.com/albums/s116/keefmoon/TommyDreamer-1.jpg[/IMG] [B][SIZE="5"]The Future: Sean Morgan vs “The Innovator of Violence” Tommy Dreamer[/SIZE][/B] Dreamer turns around to give the timekeeper the microphone, allowing Morgan to snatch the kendo stick from Dreamer’s hand and smacks it across his head! Dreamer is in a daze, so Morgan picks him up and BAH GAWD POWERBOMBS HIM OVER THE TOP ROPE TO THE OUTSIDE! That of course means easy pickings for Morgan in his first title defence. [B]Winner and still WWF Hardcore Champion: Sean Morgan in 0:35[/B][/CENTER] [B]Morgan:[/B] And I give you the fastest ever Hardcore Title defence in history… courtesy of The Future: Sean Morgan! Morgan stands on the top rope and poses for the crowd, but the camera picks up a solitary man in a long, black trench coat stood in one of the entranceways in the audience. Morgan seems to notice him staring at him, but soon ignores it and steps down and returns to the back. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The camera cuts backstage to the D-Generation X locker room where Triple H and Shawn Michaels are in the middle of a heated argument. [B]Michaels: [/B]I thought things were different now, man? I thought we had sorted all that crap out and were back to how we were before? [B]Triple H:[/B] We were, until you let your little showstoppa routine get in the way of actually winning the match last night. [B]Michaels:[/B] What are you talking about? I was taking care of people on the outside, it wasn’t my fault The Undertaker beat you. [B]Triple H:[/B] You should have been there to break up the count. [B]Michaels:[/B] What is your problem? If you stopped whining and concentrated on wrestling maybe Undertaker wouldn’t have beaten you last night. [B]Triple H: [/B]You think I’m whining, huh? With that, X-Pac and Rob Van Dam, both appearing to be in some pain, enter the room and, noticing the dissention, drag them apart. [B]X-Pac:[/B] What’s going on, guys? [B]Triple H: [/B]Everyone’s favourite egomaniac over there can’t admit that he was the reason we lost last night. [B]Michaels:[/B] Who, Hulk Hogan? [B]Triple H:[/B] Cute. [B]RVD:[/B] I thought it was pretty funny. [B]Triple H:[/B] Yeah, you would take his side, wouldn’t you? [B]RVD[/B]: Hey, don’t yell at me. While you two were in here bickering like a married couple me and Pac were getting our asses handed to us in the ring. Where were you then? [B]Triple H:[/B] What, you think because your “idol” thinks it’s okay to have a go at me you think you can too? Once you’ve achieved something in this business then you can stick your nose in, until then, stay out of it and shut your mouth. [B]RVD: [/B]I imagine you find it hard to not stick your nose in anywhere, what with the size of it and all. [B]Pac: [/B]Guys, will you shut up? We’ve been through this. This is what The Alliance want us to do. We need to get back on the same side and stop all this arguing or we will be torn apart. [B]Michaels:[/B] He’s right. Sorry, Hunter. Forgive and forget? [B]RVD:[/B] Yeah, this isn’t getting us anywhere. Sorry, dude. All 3 turn to Triple H who is still fuming. They wait for an apology but it just seems to get Hunter even more riled up. [B]Triple H: [/B]Fine. Apology accepted. The other 3 still stare at him [B]Triple: [/B]Fine. I’m sorry too. They all shake hands. [B]Michaels:[/B] Right, now I’ve got a plan for later to raise a little hell around this shiz-dizzle… ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [CENTER][B][SIZE="4"]Quarter Finals of the Number One Contenders to the Tag Team Titles Tournament[/SIZE][/B] [IMG]http://i150.photobucket.com/albums/s116/keefmoon/Tajiri.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i150.photobucket.com/albums/s116/keefmoon/DickTogo.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i150.photobucket.com/albums/s116/keefmoon/JeffHardy-2.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i150.photobucket.com/albums/s116/keefmoon/MattHardy.jpg[/IMG] [B][SIZE="5"]Zukaya (Tajiri & Togo) w/Yamaguchi-San, Funaki and Hayashi vs. Hardy Boyz[/SIZE][/B] The Hardy Boyz, after coming off a loss last night look eager to get back in the hunt for the titles they lost at Capital Carnage in October, but they are up against a somewhat unknown team here in the WWF. The Japanese thugs actually dominate a lot of the match, trying to slow down the high fliers from North Carolina, but a slow pace in this match is still faster than most quick paces in main events. Eventually the Hardyz overcome their opponents (and subsequent managers) for a DDT/Swanton Bomb finish. [B]Winners: Hardy Boyz in 6:55[/B][/CENTER] ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The crowd explodes as the camera cuts backstage to Stone Cold Steve, who is sitting contemplatively in his locker room. He suddenly looks up towards the doorway. [B]Austin:[/B] What the hell do you want? The camera turns around to reveal The Rock standing there and the crowd pop again. Austin gets to his feet and they square off. [B]Rock:[/B] Rock wanted to talk to you. [B]Austin:[/B] I ‘aint got nothin’ to say to you. [B]Rock:[/B] Well, The Rock has. Last night both you and The Rock came up empty handed, neither of us became the WWF Champion… [B]Austin:[/B] And we both know whose damn fault that was. [B]Rock: [/B]Whoa, whoa, whoa, no! The Rock is here, The Rock is being friendly, but if you wanna start accusing The Great One then The Rock will whoop your bald headed candy ass right now. [B]Austin:[/B] I had the title won, but you had knocked the referee out cold. [B]Rock: [/B]He was out cold when The Rock had Owen Hart tapping out to his own move, but it was you who knocked him out that time. [B]Austin:[/B] You shoved me in to him. And it was you who was pinned at the end of the match. [B]Rock:[/B] The Rock was hit by the title belt that you brought to the ring. [B]Austin:[/B] So you’re blaming me. [B]Rock:[/B] And you’re blaming The Rock. [B]Austin:[/B] Look, Rocky, I said it before, I got a lot of respect for you, and you entertain the hell out of me. But the thing is… I don’t know how to say this… I don’t like you. I don’t like Owen Hart either, so when I go out there tonight I ‘aint gonna go easy on either of you. [B]Rock:[/B] Well, The Rock respects you, Steve Austin. The Rock thinks what you have done is great, but… The Rock doesn’t like you either, hell, no… [i]I[/i] don’t like you either. And when it comes to it tonight, one on one on one, Triple Threat, rematch of last night, WWF Title on the line, The Rock promises that he will kick your candy ass, and he’ll kick Owen Hart’s candy ass, with the millions… and MILLIONS… of The Rock’s fans chanting his name he will, he will, he will become the WWF Champion for the very first time. IF YA SMEEE… [B]Austin:[/B] No. I will be the champion. I need to be, Rocky. And I will do whatever it takes to make sure I am the WWF Champion by the end of the line. [B]Rock:[/B] In that case… may the best man win… The Rock extends his hand as Austin looks down on it disapprovingly. He looks up at Rock, back down at his hand, and then shakes it. Both men are clearly tensing and squeezing, looking for the slightest bit of doubt, fear or pain in the other as they get right up in each others faces. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [CENTER][B]Quarter Finals of the Number One Contenders to the Tag Team Titles Tournament[/B] [IMG]http://i150.photobucket.com/albums/s116/keefmoon/JesseJames1998.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i150.photobucket.com/albums/s116/keefmoon/BillyGunn1998.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i150.photobucket.com/albums/s116/keefmoon/GrandmasterSexay.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i150.photobucket.com/albums/s116/keefmoon/ScottTaylor.jpg[/IMG] [B][SIZE="5"]New Corporate Outlaws vs. Too Cool[/SIZE][/B] We finally see Grand Master Sexay return to in ring competition, and the fans seem fully behind their light hearted attitude, similar to how they were with New Age Outlaws last year. The Outlaws dominate the match and despite several desperate attempts from the babyface team, the Outlaws show why they are considered to be one of the best teams in history. [B]Winners: New Corporate Outlaws in 5:30[/B][/CENTER] The Outlaws begin to celebrate but are joined in the arena by Triple H and RVD who gradually saunter out to the ring. The Outlaws beckon them to get in the ring with them, but as they do they start to back off, not seeing X-Pac and Shawn Michaels on all fours behind them, causing them to trip backwards over them! D-Generation X just played the Outlaws with the oldest joke on the book! This is fresh, attitudinal, edgy TV, guys! ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The Vato Loco’s are backstage. [B]Chavo:[/B] Now, Psicosis, homie, you are supposed to be with us. That’s what the contact from that match said, essez. So I need your guarantee that the screwing around you’ve been doing the last few weeks will come to an end next week when we have our Tag Team Title shot, you feel me? [B]Psicosis:[/B] No se preocúpe por mí, yo le aseguro que haré cualquier es toma para conseguir nuestro disparo en los Títulos del Equipo de Etiqueta de WWF. Pero fía de mí, si usted hace cualquier esfuerzo de tratar y sabotear el igual otra vez y tratarse de dejarme ser atacado abriré las puertas del infierno y le destruiré. ¿Comprende? Chavo looks over at Essa Aguila for confirmation. Essa simply gives him a nod. [B]Chavo:[/B] I’m glad to hear it. Because if anything goes wrong, I’m gonna kick your ass, essez. Do you understand me? [B]Psicosis:[/B] Sí, yo le comprendo completamente. Y ganaré los títulos solo entregarmente si tengo que a, porque usted no tendrá mí apoyo, Chavo. [B]Chavo:[/B] Good. Now come on, Reyes has a title shot coming up. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [CENTER][B][SIZE="4"]Number One Contenders Match for the WWF European Title[/SIZE][/B] [IMG]http://i150.photobucket.com/albums/s116/keefmoon/DLoBrown.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i150.photobucket.com/albums/s116/keefmoon/SuperCrazy.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i150.photobucket.com/albums/s116/keefmoon/TakaMichinoku3.jpg[/IMG] [B][SIZE="5"]Sir Desmond Lowford Brownington III vs. Reyes Rios Rodrigues w/ Vato Loco’s vs. Taka Michinoku[/SIZE][/B] LANCE STORM is on commentary for this one. D’Lo looks like a damn giant in there against these two, but with D’Lo being a hugely underrated and underutilised star and the other two obviously being fantastic in the ring; you can put this down as a sleeper match of the night. Sir Desmond controls a lot of the match but the high flying antics of the other two keep the fans fully in to it at all times. Eventually, however, Hayashi comes through the crowd, taking Lance Storm’s title off the table as he goes and smashes Taka in the face with it! That allows Sir Desmond to nail the Sky High and finish off RRR with a Lo Down. [B]Winner: Sir Desmond Lowford Brownington III in 8:02[/B][/CENTER] Hayashi scurries off in to the night as Taka lies on the outside of the ring, still unconscious. D’Lo picks up Reyes, puts him in a Military Slam position (showing some immense strength by doing to) and catapults him over the top to take out the other 3 members of the Vato Loco’s. The crowd pop for this as D’Lo merely brushes himself down and beckons for Lance Storm to join him in the ring. Storm slides in and they go face to face, but instead of brawling, Storm offers his hand as a sign of respect ahead of their match. Sir Desmond looks at it, but merely shakes his head. Storm doesn’t know what to make of it until [B]MOSH[/B], bedecked in a top hat, monocle and a very old fashioned suit, slides in the ring and clotheslines him from behind. He then starts beating down on Storm until he finally delivers a Powerbomb. [B]Sir Desmond:[/B] I’d like to introduce you all to a very close personal friend of mine… Lord Charles Headbangerington Moshterford VIII! ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Backstage, Yamaguchi-San is standing by with Funaki, Tajiri and Togo, about to be interviewed by Michael Cole when Hayashi runs over. [B]Cole:[/B] Yamaguchi-San, Zukaya, I have to ask, why did you just cost Taka a shot at the European Title? [B]Yamaguchi-San: [/B]What, are you stupid? We deed it because because Taka cost us aarr match last night! He cost Hayashi the Light-Heavyreight Title again! Taka Michinoku has been a thorn in my side for months… years! I said that the puneeshment has onry just begun, and thing will con… Before Yamaguchi can continue he is interrupted by Taka Michinoku running over, swinging a chair as he goes, clocking Togo and Funaki along the way. The other three just run off as Taka gives chase down the hallway. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [CENTER][B][SIZE="4"]Sexy Santa Match[/SIZE][/B] [IMG]http://i150.photobucket.com/albums/s116/keefmoon/Ivory.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i150.photobucket.com/albums/s116/keefmoon/Sable.jpg[/IMG] [B][SIZE="5"]Ivory vs. Sable[/SIZE][/B] The fans are, unsurprisingly, hugely in to this one which actually sees Sable dominate to start; such is the anger she has for her opponent. Ivory tries to get in some sort of attack but is largely unsuccessful. Ivory then tries to escape, but it just results in Sable stripping her of her Santa costume and leaving Ivory to run off in her bra and panties! The referee is left with no choice but to count her out as Sable grinds in the Santa costume to the delight of the crowd! [B]Winner: Sable in 1:31[/B][/CENTER] Sable continues to celebrate for the fans, but this was quickly brought to an end by [B]MARC MERO[/B] who comes out of nowhere and delivers a devastating Clothesline to his ex-wife. Mero stands in the ring laughing, before dragging her to the corner, seemingly getting ready for a Marvelocity, but that’s brought to an end by [B]LANCE STORM[/B] sprinting down to the ring and scaring Mero away! Storm then helps Sable to her feet and checks on her, Storm himself seemingly still in pain from the earlier beatdown, as Sable stares at him. They eventually meet each others gaze, staring in to each others eyes, before Lance suddenly comes to and backs off. He opens the ropes for her to exit, but Sable just seems confused as she leaves with Storm close behind. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Shane McMahon is in his office (with “100% Owner” on the door) but is interrupted by Owen Hart barging in. [B]Shane:[/B] Owen, I know you’re proba… [B]Owen: [/B]What the hell, Shane? WHAT THE HELL? I beat Austin & Rock last night and they get a rematch? Who cares if they technically had me beat at times? Do you not think that perhaps I did that to lull them in to a false sense of security because I KNEW the referee was down? [B]Shane:[/B] I thought that was proba… [B]Owen:[/B] And then I get stuck defending the title again? I thought you were 100% owner, I thought you ran this ship now? [B]Shane:[/B] True, but Vince signe… [B]Owen:[/B] What are you going to do about it, Shane? [B]Shane:[/B] Owen, two things. One- relax. Two- stop interrupting me. Now, I know you’re upset, and this is a travesty and just goes to show why my Dad was forced to leave the WWF- he’s out of date. This is the last problem we will encounter, get through this and it’s smooth sailing from then on in. You’ll only have to defend your title once a month, only because that’s the minimum in the rules, apart from that you will live the life of a king. [B]Owen:[/B] But what about tonight? [B]Shane: [/B]Don’t worry, Owen, I have it under control. I’ll make sure you are still champion. [B]Owen:[/B] And that’s why they call you “the man”, Shane-O. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [CENTER][B][SIZE="4"]Triple Threat Match for the World Wrestling Federation Title[/SIZE][/B] [IMG]http://i150.photobucket.com/albums/s116/keefmoon/Owen_Hart.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i150.photobucket.com/albums/s116/keefmoon/TheRock-1.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i150.photobucket.com/albums/s116/keefmoon/SteveAustin-1.jpg[/IMG] [B][SIZE="5"]“King of Harts” Owen Hart © vs. The Rock vs. Stone Cold Steve Austin[/SIZE][/B] Just one day after the huge pay-per-view main event we get a rematch to determine who truly does deserve to be the champion. Owen Hart looks like a man possessed out there, determined to not only retain the belt but prove he is the undisputedly top dog in the industry. Just as with last night Austin and Rock do make an effort to team up to begin but their huge ego’s stand in the way of a prolonged teaming session and they turn on each other once more. Eventually, a stray Clothesline from The Rock accidently knocks the referee down, leading to SHANE MCMAHON trying to make his presence felt when he slides in the ring and tries to take out The Rock, but The Rock ducks and Shane is met with a punch from Stone Cold! From there Austin and Rock trade punches, knocking Shane between them like a tennis ball until Austin grabs the belt and clocks the Boy Wonder over the head with it! The Rock in turn throws McMahon out of the ring, but turns around in to a Stunn… no! Rock shoves him away and nails him with a Spinebuster! This can only mean one thing, and half the crowd go wild for the People’s Elbow, the other half booing out of support for Steve Austin! Rock goes off one rope, in to the other… but is met by a Clothesline from Owen! Owen grabs The Rock’s legs and turns him in to a Sharpshooter with amazing fluidity! The Great One now finds himself in the middle of the ring, nowhere to turn, desperately reaching for the ropes but seemingly unable to reach. The Rock has to be in agony but he refuses to quit, but Owen senses it and leans back even further! Rock’s hand hovers over the mat, ready to tap… Stone Cold Stunner on Owen! Austin nailed Owen! He goes over to The Rock to take him out of the equation… Rock Bottom on Austin! Rock delivered a Rock Bottom out of nowhere! The referee has no choice but to start the ten count, but gradually The Rock gets some energy and crawls towards Owen Hart, not seeing Austin doing the exact same! They both lift an arm and drape it over Owen at the exact same moment and the referee has no choice but to count… ONE… TWO… THREE! [B]Winner: ??? after 14:12[/B][/CENTER] The referee helps both men to their feet, but has to inform Howard Finkel that both men began the pin at the same time so on a technicality both men won, or more of the point, neither man lost. The Rock and Steve Austin begin to understand the situation, so both men try to grab the title, but with neither man willing to let go it turns in to a shoving match, which quickly descends in to a chaotic brawl! The Rock & Austin trade fists as Owen Hart comes to and spears them both to the mat as all three men continue to brawl as security personnel and referees flood the ring to prize them apart. [B]JR: [/B]I can’t bah Gawd believe what I’m seeing! Who in the hell is the champion? [B]Heenan:[/B] They can’t both win so Owen should keep the title! [B]JR: [/B]But he was pinned in the middle of the ring! Who is the bah Gawd WWF Champion? ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [B]QUICK RESULTS[/B] The Undertaker & Finlay def Rob Van Dam & X-Pac Sean Morgan def Tommy Dreamer to retain the WWF Hardcore Title Hardy Boyz def Zukaya New Age Outlaws def Too Cool Sir Desmond Lowford Brownington III def Reyes Rios Rodrigues & Taka Michinoku to become the Number One contender to the WWF European Title Sable def Ivory by Count-Out in a Sexy Santa’s Match Owen Hart vs. The Rock vs. Steve Austin for the WWF Heavyweight Title… who knows?
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It's been a little while admittedly between when I've needed to get a box of kleenex for the screen, but I just sprayed Pepsi Light (yeah, I know, what a shonk I am for going half the tonk with Pepsi Light and not the real stuff) all over the screen with Steve Austin reading out the contractual stipulations. Heh. So... onto tristram's favourite moments. [QUOTE]Shut up. Now, your father handed me this contract before he left the WWF, which he had written up before his match with you. Now my public speakin’ ‘aint so good, so I’m gonna summarise it for you. Ahem… should the World Wrestling Federation Heavyweight Title match at In Your House: Rest In Peace have a disputed ending in any manner, be it the champion is pinned when the referee is unconscious or he taps out like the little bitch that he is…[/QUOTE] [QUOTE]Heenan: What the hell? That can’t be legal, surely? I’ve got a degree in law, hand me that contract![/QUOTE] One thing... ewwwwww, Chyna in a negligee. Please... please... please, BAH GAWD, I want the film cover they use to cover a crims face (you know the one that pixelates their faces) over Chyna's middrift, because I swear, there's an extra special surprise down there. You know, surprise surprise, close your eyes, surprise surprise, because you're in for a great sur-PRIIIISSSSEEE! [QUOTE]Triple H: Everyone’s favourite egomaniac over there can’t admit that he was the reason we lost last night. Michaels: Who, Hulk Hogan?[/QUOTE] Ouch, the WWF fights back with the cheap comments. Heh, love it. Yeah Tony Schiavone, like that will put [beep]s on seats.
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Cheers for the feedback guys, I really appreciate it and I'm glad you all enjoyed it. I'm sorry I've not posted for a couple of days but I've been in Rome on holiday. I'm back now so hopefully I can carry on posting as normal. Oh, by the way, I hope you all had a great Christmas!
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[CENTER][IMG]http://i150.photobucket.com/albums/s116/keefmoon/RAW-4.png[/IMG] [B][SIZE="5"]PREDICTIONS[/SIZE][/B] [SIZE="4"] [i]After reviewing last weeks evidence the WWF Board of Directors have decided that as both The Rock and Steve Austin got the pin at the same time, they can’t both be champions. Owen Hart, however, was pinned, so he can’t remain the champion. Therefore, the unanimous decision of the board is to strip Owen Hart of the World Wrestling Federation Championship! Due to the complicated nature of the issues between The Rock, Stone Cold and Owen Hart, as well as the issues between Triple H and Shawn Michaels, with the added influence Jeff Jarrett has had on proceedings, tonight we will have a Six Way Match to determine the new World Wrestling Federation Champion! Plus, on this bumper, last of the year edition of Raw is War we will see Mankind and The Undertaker go at it in singles action, the Tag Team Tournament will continue, the Hardcore Title will be on the line and Chyna and Bagwell go on a date![/i] [b]Six Way Match for the World Wrestling Federation Heavyweight Championship[/b] Owen Hart vs. Jeff Jarrett vs. Triple H vs. Shawn Michaels vs. The Rock vs. Stone Cold Steve Austin The Undertaker vs. Mankind [b]Tag Team Tournament Quarter Final Match[/b] Reyes Rios Rodrigues & Essa Aguila vs. Edge & Christian [b]Tag Team Tournament Quarter Final Match[/b] Acolytes vs. Chavo Guerrero Jr & Psicosis [b]WWF Hardcore Title Match[/b] The Future: Sean Morgan © vs. Sabu Sir Desmond Lowford Brownington III & Hayashi vs. Lance Storm vs. Taka Michinoku Tazz vs. Mabel [/SIZE][/CENTER]
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Six Way Match for the World Wrestling Federation Heavyweight Championship [B]Owen Hart [/B]vs. Jeff Jarrett vs. Triple H vs. Shawn Michaels vs. The Rock vs. Stone Cold Steve Austin [B]The Undertaker[/B] vs. Mankind Tag Team Tournament Quarter Final Match Reyes Rios Rodrigues & Essa Aguila vs. [B]Edge & Christian[/B] Tag Team Tournament Quarter Final Match Acolytes vs. [B]Chavo Guerrero Jr & Psicosis[/B] WWF Hardcore Title Match The Future: Sean Morgan © vs. [B]Sabu[/B] Sir Desmond Lowford Brownington III & Hayashi vs.[B] Lance Storm [/B]vs. Taka Michinoku [B]Tazz [/B]vs. Mabel
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Six Way Match for the World Wrestling Federation Heavyweight Championship [B]Owen Hart[/B] vs. Jeff Jarrett vs. Triple H vs. Shawn Michaels vs. The Rock vs. Stone Cold Steve Austin - Owen to weasle through again, thanks to considerable help. It's leading to a PPV weasle defence and then a tragic loss, I feel, but you're doing it perfectly [B]The Undertaker [/B]vs. Mankind Tag Team Tournament Quarter Final Match Reyes Rios Rodrigues & Essa Aguila vs. [B]Edge & Christian[/B] Tag Team Tournament Quarter Final Match [B]Acolytes[/B] vs. Chavo Guerrero Jr & Psicosis - It pains me to do that, Psicosis is like one of my favourite EVER wrestlers (with the mask of course, masks make a man look cool) WWF Hardcore Title Match [B]The Future: Sean Morgan ©[/B] vs. Sabu [B] Sir Desmond Lowford Brownington III & Hayashi[/B] vs. Lance Storm vs. Taka Michinoku [B]Tazz [/B]vs. Mabel - I go Tazz, because Tazz doesn't wear a bro...
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Six Way Match for the World Wrestling Federation Heavyweight Championship Owen Hart vs. Jeff Jarrett vs. Triple H vs. Shawn Michaels vs. The Rock vs. [B]Stone Cold Steve Austin[/B] [B]The Undertaker[/B] vs. Mankind Tag Team Tournament Quarter Final Match Reyes Rios Rodrigues & Essa Aguila vs. [B]Edge & Christian[/B] Tag Team Tournament Quarter Final Match [B]Acolytes[/B] vs. Chavo Guerrero Jr & Psicosis WWF Hardcore Title Match [B]The Future: Sean Morgan ©[/B] vs. Sabu [B]Sir Desmond Lowford Brownington III & Hayashi[/B] vs. Lance Storm and Taka Michinoku [B]Tazz[/B] vs. Mabel
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Just caught up with things and must say things are as good as ever in the KeefMoonverse! Six Way Match for the World Wrestling Federation Heavyweight Championship [B]Owen Hart[/B] vs. Jeff Jarrett vs. Triple H vs. Shawn Michaels vs. The Rock vs. Stone Cold Steve Austin Although in theory this would be a good place for Owen to lose without 'losing' I think he will channel the spirit of Kurt Angle and walk away still the champ [B]The Undertaker [/B]vs. Mankind As much as I'd love the deranged one to pick up the win, my gut tells me Taker Tag Team Tournament Quarter Final Match Reyes Rios Rodrigues & Essa Aguila vs.[B] Edge & Christian[/B] E and C totally rock the body that rocks the party, no way they lose to those craptacular chumpstains amigo! Tag Team Tournament Quarter Final Match [B]Acolytes[/B] vs. Chavo Guerrero Jr & Psicosis According to their T-shirt, their always pounding ass...I smell a confrontation with Goldust...and Chavo and Psychosis are both ass hats, therefore, they get pounded. WWF Hardcore Title Match [B]The Future: Sean Morgan ©[/B] vs. Sabu Too early for Morgan to drop the strap meethinks Sir Desmond Lowford Brownington III & Hayashi vs. [B]Lance Storm and Taka Michinoku[/B] See! Desmond IS a popular british name! Vince Russo got it right! Shame he loses here... [B]Tazz[/B] vs. Mabel At this point I am contractually obliged to state that Tazz chokes bitches out DEAD!
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[CENTER][IMG]http://i150.photobucket.com/albums/s116/keefmoon/RAW-4.png[/IMG] [B][SIZE="5"]Monday 28th December 1998[/SIZE][/B] [B][SIZE="4"]LIVE from Green Bay, Wisconsin[/SIZE][/B] [/CENTER] The show opens with Shane McMahon alone in the centre of the ring, looking pretty darned PO’d. [B]Shane:[/B] I’m sure you all have seen the announcement from the Board of Directors that Owen Hart has been stripped of the WWF Title due to the disputed nature of the title. The crowd cheer. [B]Shane: [/B]Oh, you think that’s a good thing? Well let me tell you all this- it isn’t. This is terrible. Owen Hart was the best champion in years and he has been screwed. Now, I will do all I can to rectify the situation, but in the meantime I need Owen to come out here and surrender the title. [I]ENOUGH… IS ENOUGH… AND IT’S TIME FOR A CHANGE![/I] [B]Shane:[/B] Owen, I’m so sorr… [B]Owen:[/B] You said you had a plan, Shane. You said you had a plan to make sure I retained the title. And what did it amount to? You got your ass kicked and had your decision overruled by the Board of Directors. Well done, Shane, even your dad could have done better than that. I’m starting to question why I helped you move him out of the way. [B]Shane:[/B] I know, and I thi… [B]Owen:[/B] I beat Shawn Michaels to win the title. I retained against both Triple H & Shawn Michaels. I retained against Lance Storm. I retained against Rob Van Dam. I retained against Stone Cold Steve Austin. I retained against 6 men in the damn London Dungeon match. And finally, I retained against both The Rock and Steve Austin in one match. And yet my title was vacated. In what way is that disputed? What does a guy have to do to be considered the champion around here? I am the very best this industry has to offer and I swear to you I’m not done here. I [i]will[/i] win the title tonight, but things will change. I’m no longer going to be a nice guy. I’m the single most valuable commodity in the WWF and people better start realising that before it’s too late, because this company needs me a lot more than I need the company. So here, take the damn title Shane. Because it’s gonna be right back around my waist in a few hours. And once I’m champion, we’re going to start doing things my way. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [CENTER][B][SIZE="4"]Quarter Finals of the Number One Contenders to the Tag Team Titles Tournament[/SIZE][/B] [IMG]http://i150.photobucket.com/albums/s116/keefmoon/SuperCrazy.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i150.photobucket.com/albums/s116/keefmoon/MrAguila.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i150.photobucket.com/albums/s116/keefmoon/Edge1998.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i150.photobucket.com/albums/s116/keefmoon/ChristianCage.jpg[/IMG] [B][SIZE="5"]Reyes Rios Rodrigues & Essa Aguila vs. Edge & Christian[/SIZE][/B] A great fast paced tag team match to demonstrate how far the WWF has come in in-ring action over the course of the last year. The former champions are by far the favourites with the crowd but this doesn’t matter to the young Mexicans who try to control the match. However, Christian eventually manages to put Aguila away with an Inverted DDT after 7 action packed minutes. [B]Winners: Edge & Christian in 7:02[/B][/CENTER] ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- We’re backstage and the crowd erupts for the appearance of Stone Cold Steve Austin, who is joined by Michael Cole. [B]Cole: [/B]Steve, Steve, in just under two hours you go out there tonight with a chance to win the title. Your thoughts? [B]Austin: [/B]My thoughts are I’m just about ready to raise 5 times as much hell as I’ve ever raised before and win my damn title back, and that’s all I gotta say about that. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The camera cuts to a somewhat nice restaurant where a car pulls up and out step The Bagwell and Chyna, here for their date! The host welcomes them and shows Bagwell “to his usual seat” in a dark corner of the room and brings over “the usual”, a bottle Bulgaria’s finest sparking white wine as Chyna looks completely unenthused. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [B]Top Five Tag Teams Of The Year[/B] 5) D’Lo & Mabel 4) Kane & The Undertaker 3) Hardy Boyz 2) Edge & Christian 1) New Age Outlaws ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Shane McMahon is backstage when he bumps in to Shawn Michaels. [B]Shane:[/B] Hey, Shawn, ready for the 6 way tonight? [B]Shawn:[/B] Let’s see… hmmm… it’s none of your damn business. [B]Shane: [/B]Oh, to the contrary. Shawn-y boy, I can make your boyhood dream come true all over again tonight. Regardless of the result tonight, if you take out Triple H in a brutal and vicious manner and join us here in The Alliance I will give you a title shot whenever you want one. Even immediately after the match when everyone, including the champion, is down and easy pickings. Is that something that would appeal, champ? Shawn just looks down at the ground, up at Shane, and then gradually walks off without saying a word. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [CENTER][B][SIZE="4"]Quarter Finals of the Number One Contenders to the Tag Team Titles Tournament[/SIZE][/B] [IMG]http://i150.photobucket.com/albums/s116/keefmoon/Bradshaw.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i150.photobucket.com/albums/s116/keefmoon/RonSimmons.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i150.photobucket.com/albums/s116/keefmoon/ChavoGuerreroJr1998.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i150.photobucket.com/albums/s116/keefmoon/Psicosis.jpg[/IMG] [B][SIZE="5"]The Acolytes vs. Chavo Guerrero Jr & Psicosis[/SIZE][/B] As par for the course between the two enemies forced to team over recent months, Psicosis and Chavo find it almost impossible to tag together and therefore Psicosis is left to fend for himself for long periods, and sure enough is the man to be pinned at the end thanks to a Dominator for Faarooq. [B]Winner: Acolytes in 5:13[/B][/CENTER] ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- We’re back in the restaurant and the dinner has arrived, Chyna with a simple salad and Bagwell with some kind of sausage dish. [B]Bagwell:[/B] Would you like to try and piece of my long, thin meat? [B]Chyna: [/B]Oh God… [B]Bagwell:[/B] And don’t worry, there are a thousand more where they come from. But do you want to know where I come from? Down here, babay. [B]Chyna:[/B] Please stop with the innuendos. Bagwell just stops in his tracks, looks at Chyna with the biggest of grins and touches her hand softly. [B]Bagwell: [/B]I’d like to in-your-end-o. Chyna violently pulls her hand back from under Bagwell’s and once again tucks in to her salad while Bagwell still sits there with the stupid smile, obviously quite proud of his double entendre. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [B]Top Light-Heavyweights[/B] 5) Dougie Williams 4) Chavo Guerrero Jr 3) Hayashi 2) Taka Michinoku 1) Psicosis ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Ivory comes down to the ring, accompanied by Marc Mero, and grabs a microphone. [B]Ivory: [/B]I bet you all expect me to come out here and be embarrassed that I lost to Sable last week. Well, think again. There is no shame in losing a Sexy Santa’s match. Just what in the hell is a Sexy Santa anyway? The match was immoral and I wanted no part of it, unlike that skank Sable, who flaunts her body just to get all of you to cheer her because you don’t get any, and think you might have a chance with her because she’s so damn easy. I think it’s disgusting and you’ll never see me degrading myself in that manner because I have integrity. The fact that Sable turned her back on this wonderful, wonderful man, Marc Mero, tells me everything I needed to know about her. Marc is a wonderful human being, a lovely person who has integrity, great principles and a great big heart. I know in my heart that I am better than Sable and I know I am more beautiful. Ivory is interrupted by the appearance of Sable. [B]Sable: [/B]You know, Ivory, talk is cheap. Anyone can wither on like you. I say we sort this once and for all in a straight up match at the Royal Rumble. Because I know I am better than you and I want the whole world to see it. [B]Ivory:[/B] There is nothing I would like more than to prove to the world that I am the dominant female in the WWF. So I’ll go you one better- how about we bring back the WWF Women’s Title, with the winner taking the belt? [B]Sable: [/B]I accept. And it’ll be my pleasure kicking your ass all over the Rumble and winning the Women’s Title… skank. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [CENTER][IMG]http://i150.photobucket.com/albums/s116/keefmoon/TheUndertaker3.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i150.photobucket.com/albums/s116/keefmoon/Mankind4.jpg[/IMG] [SIZE="5"][B]The Undertaker vs. Mankind[/B][/SIZE] This match is just about what you’d expect from two men with such a storied background as they slug away from the off, with JR on commentary reminding us of the epic Hell in a Cell match they had at King of the Ring. Unsurprisingly following his recent performances The Undertaker dominates the match, but Mankind will never quit and fights back like only he can. Both men give it their all but when Mankind has the chance to go for a Mandible Claw he pauses with Mr Socko, seemingly unsure whether to use him, allowing ‘Taker to get to his feet and Chokeslams him, followed by a devastating Tombstone Piledriver. [B]Winner: The Undertaker in 11:02[/B][/CENTER] After the match D-Generation X sprint down to the ring to take to The Undertaker, the shear numbers advantage overwhelming the Phenom for a while, until The Alliance come out and intimidatingly walk to the ring. DX turn to face them, and stand their ground the whole time, until Triple H suddenly decides to roll from the ring, leaving the others no choice but to leave too. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The camera changes back to the restaurant where we see Bagwell & Chyna on their date and, shockingly, they actually seem to be getting along. He says something and she laughs, before looking up at him in a way we haven’t seen from her yet. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- We’re now backstage with Dusty Rhodes, Terri Runnells and Jeff Jarrett in the New Corporate Outlaws dressing room. [B]Dusty:[/B] Jeffweh, babah, if you weeeel, this is the chance, babah! The New Amewican Dweam is gonna be da champ! [B]Jarrett:[/B] It’s now, Dusty. I now have the backing of The Alliance, the support of the Outlaws, the management of you and the love of Terri, I’m ready, boy! [B]Dusty:[/B] I knows you can do it, babah! I knows it! [B]Jarrett:[/B] I know it too, Dee. Remember the name, Jay-Ee-Double Eff, Jay-Aye-Double Arr-Ee-Double Tee- the guy with all the stroke and your next WWF Champion, slapnuts! ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [B]Top 5 Newcomers[/B] 5) Zukaya 4) Lance Storm 3) Rob Van Dam 2) Tazz 1) Finlay ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [CENTER][B][SIZE="4"]World Wrestling Federation Hardcore Title[/SIZE][/B] [IMG]http://i150.photobucket.com/albums/s116/keefmoon/ValVenis1998.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i150.photobucket.com/albums/s116/keefmoon/Sabu.jpg[/IMG] [B][SIZE="5"]The Future: Sean Morgan © vs. “Homicidal, Genocidal, Suicidal” Sabu[/SIZE][/B] The youngster Sean Morgan really is a great talent but he’s going up against a hardcore veteran in Sabu, and a particularly dangerous one at that. However, what many people don’t realise is Sabu is in the WWF doghouse for repeated soft drug related incidents and so Morgan eventually puts him away with a FuturePlex on to a steel chair. [B]Winner: Sean Morgan in 6:50[/B][/CENTER] [B]Morgan:[/B] Chalk up another one for the good guy in the Land of Hardcore… courtesy of The Future: Sean Morgan! Morgan once again mounts the turnbuckle to celebrate, and once again as he looks out to the crowd he spots the unknown figure in the long, black trench coat. Morgan just stares at him for a while until the man finally turns away. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The camera changes once again to the restaurant where Chyna is heartily laughing at something Bagwell has said. [B]Chyna:[/B] You know, Bagwell, you’re not as much of an ass as I thought you were. I thought you were a pompous, arrogant, big headed, meat headed jackass with a big ego. [B]Bagwell:[/B] I think there’s a complement in there somewhere. [B]Chyna:[/B] I don’t think it anymore. [B]Bagwell:[/B] Does that mean you’d like to come back to my hotel room? [B]Chyna:[/B] I don’t think so. [B]Bagwell: [/B]Nothing has to happen, I promise, let’s just take it back to the hotel and hang out for a while longer. [B]Chyna: [/B]Okay, I guess I can put up with that. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [B]Feud Of The Year[/B] 5) Chavo Guerrero Jr vs Psicosis 4) Goldust vs Tazz 3) The Rock vs Triple H 2) Steve Austin vs Vince McMahon 1) Owen Hart vs Shawn Michaels ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- We’re now backstage in the DX locker room with Rob Van Dam & X-Pac angrily interrogating Triple H. [B]RVD:[/B] What the hell, man? Why’d you bail out? You with The Alliance now? [B]X-Pac:[/B] Or you just yellow? [B]Triple H: [/B]There was too many of them. Face it, it was something like 6 or 7 on us and The Undertaker was coming too. [B]RVD:[/B] When has that worried you before? [B]Triple H: [/B]Shawn, you understand it, right? [B]Michaels:[/B] All I can keep thinking is what if you’ve taken Shane McMahon up on his offer. What if you’re considering turning your back on us to join The Alliance and taking the title shot? [B]Triple H:[/B] Now wait just a damn minute, Shawn. I hate The Alliance more than anybody. And you’re damn right I want the title, I want it worse than ever but I’m not gonna get it that way. I’m gonna get it by winning the 6 way later on. I can’t believe you guys don’t trust me. [B]Shawn:[/B] Can you blame us? [B]Triple H: [/B]You wanna know the truth, Shawn, the real truth? I’m desperate for that title. I want it bad, and I don’t wanna compromise my chances by getting my ass kicked less than an hour before the match. [B]Shawn: [/B]I’ve gotta admit, that is a good argument. [B]Triple H: [/B]Yeah… [B]Shawn: [/B]I just don’t believe it. [B]Triple H:[/B] Listen here, you son of a b*tch- I couldn’t give a damn what you believe. Right now all that matters to me is the title. By this point Shawn and Hunter are right up in each others faces, so once again RVD and X-Pac pull them apart to diffuse the situation. [B]X-Pac:[/B] Guys, you’re in that match later. You have an advantage- you can work together. If you team up it can come down to you two. [B]RVD: [/B]Yeah, now shake hands before this gets outta control. Triple H just looks all of the other three in the eyes. [B]Triple H:[/B] Bite me. He turns around and leaves the room, leaving Shawn staring a hole right through him. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [CENTER][IMG]http://i150.photobucket.com/albums/s116/keefmoon/DLoBrown.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i150.photobucket.com/albums/s116/keefmoon/KazHayashi.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i150.photobucket.com/albums/s116/keefmoon/LanceStorm-1.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i150.photobucket.com/albums/s116/keefmoon/TakaMichinoku3.jpg[/IMG] [B][SIZE="5"]Sir Desmond Lowford Brownington III & Hayashi w/Zukaya & Lord Charles Headbangerington Moshterford VIII vs WWF European Champion Lance Storm & Taka Michinoku[/SIZE][/B] It doesn’t take long for all the managers to be sent to the back through constant interference, and that leaves us with a red hot, action packed tag match between four of the top young studs in the company. After 8 minutes of great action Sir Desmond picks up the win when he rolls his opponent for the Rumble, the European Champion Lance Storm, up and grabs the tights. [B]Winners: Hayashi & Sir Desmond after 8:01[/B][/CENTER] ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Tommy Dreamer is backstage talking to Al Snow (I have no idea what they could be talking about) when the strange, trench coated man from last week and earlier tonight suddenly jumps them and starts attacking them. He hits hard and strong, beating them both down and throwing them into the walls before finally walking off and out of the arena without saying a word. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [B]Match Of The Year[/B] 5) Shawn Michaels © vs Owen Hart vs Steve Austin Wrestlemania 4) London Dungeon Match Capital Carnage 3) Edge & Christian vs Hardy Boyz © Ladder Match Capital Carnage 2) The Undertaker vs Mankind Hell In A Cell King Of The Ring 1) Owen Hart vs Shawn Michaels © Iron Man Match Summerslam ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Mabel makes his way to the ring for his upcoming match, but before he gets to the ring he is attacked from behind by Tazz! The Human Wrecking Machine starts wearing the big man down with a Steel Chair, until he finally throws him in to the ring before the bell has even rung… [CENTER][IMG]http://i150.photobucket.com/albums/s116/keefmoon/Taz-1.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i150.photobucket.com/albums/s116/keefmoon/Mabel.jpg[/IMG] [B][SIZE="5"]“Human Wrecking Machine” Tazz vs Mabel[/SIZE][/B] …Tazzmission! Tazz locks it in on the fallen giant immediately! And Mabel taps! [B]Winner: Tazz in 0:09[/B][/CENTER] ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- We see Bagwell and Chyna back at his hotel room. He reiterates that nothing has to happen between them, but asks for her to wait outside for just a moment. After a few seconds he yells “entre” (which is surely a bad sign) and as she walks in to the candle lit room he is laying on the rose petal covered bed in just a thong and big top hat. [B]Bagwell: [/B]I think it’s about time you got to see what part of my anatomy is known as The Stuff, and give you a chance to bag the Bagwell. Chyna just looks at him puzzled until she suddenly comes over in a fit of rage and flips the bed with him still on it! He tries to clamber to his feet but she punches him a few times, before ripping off his thong out of the view of the camera, leaving Bagwell to run from the room covered only by his top hat to end one of the strangest segments in wrestling history. And that says something. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [B]Top 5 Superstars[/B] 5) The Undertaker 4) The Rock 3) Shawn Michaels 2) Owen Hart 1) Steve Austin ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [B]Kevin Kelly:[/B] We’re just moments away from the huge Six-Way match for the WWF Title and I’m here alongside one of the competitors in this match; The Rock. Now, Rocky, how do you rate your chances in this next match? [B]Rock:[/B] One moment, Kevin Kelly, allow The Rock to say FINALLY… THE ROCK… HAS COME BACK… TO GREEN BAY! Now, you want to know whether The Rock thinks he has a chance in the title match tonight? The truth is The Rock doesn’t think he has a chance, he knows he has a chance. He knows that he has come about as close as a person can without winning the big one so far but that ultimately, that means nothing. You hear that sound? Tick tock. Tick tock. Tick tock. The countdown has begun and it is time The Rock finally became the WWF Champion! And so tonight The Rock will go out there in front of the millions… AND MILLIONS… of The Rock’s fans, raise the People’s Eyebrow, nail The People’s Elbow, whoop five candy ass son’s of b*tches asses and… Rock stops in his tracks as Austin walks over and the crowd erupts. [B]Austin:[/B] You think you’ve got a chance tonight, huh? [B]Rock:[/B] Don’t ever, and The R… [B]Austin:[/B] Shut up. You’re pathetic. People might cheer your little catchphrases but this ‘aint no damn singalong. You need to take a notebook out, son, ‘cos this is how you do an ass whooping. Austin then walks off as The Rock watches him. [B]Rock:[/B] Tick tock. Tick tock. Tick tock. The Rock’s ti… no… [i]my[/i] time… is now. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [CENTER][B][SIZE="4"]Six-Way Challenge for the World Wrestling Federation Heavyweight Title[/SIZE][/B] [IMG]http://i150.photobucket.com/albums/s116/keefmoon/Owen_Hart.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i150.photobucket.com/albums/s116/keefmoon/Triple_H16.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i150.photobucket.com/albums/s116/keefmoon/JeffJarrett1998.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i150.photobucket.com/albums/s116/keefmoon/TheRock-1.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i150.photobucket.com/albums/s116/keefmoon/Shawn_Michaels38.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i150.photobucket.com/albums/s116/keefmoon/SteveAustin-1.jpg[/IMG] [B][SIZE="5"]“King of Harts” Owen Hart vs “The Game” Triple H vs “New American Dream” Jeff Jarrett w/Dusty Rhodes vs “The People’s Champion” The Rock vs “Heartbreak Kid” Shawn Michaels vs Stone Cold Steve Austin[/SIZE][/B] The obvious and natural face/heel divide splits the match from the off in a chaotic six man brawl, but eventually the match settles down in to the one on one contest with tags needed with the other four in the corners, but tags through choice are infrequent even between the Alliance and DX members as each man wants to be in the ring with a chance at winning the belt, and therefore we see perhaps a record number of blind tags through slapping each others backs. After some intense action, it eventually spills to the outside where Owen & Triple H battle on the outside of the ring. Sensing an opportunity to nail his long time adversary Shawn Michaels mounts the apron and Springboard Moonsaults to the outside, only for Owen to move Triple H in to harms way as one DX member takes out another! The Game slowly comes to and realises what has happened and promptly gets in Michaels face, turning in to a brawl between the best friends on the outside! But this isn’t any friendly brawl, they are beating the hell out of each other with stiff shots to the face, one Michaels punch even drawing some blood from above Hunter’s eye. The DX members continue to brawl on the outside while the action continues in the ring between The Rock and Jeff Jarrett while Owen turns his attention to Austin. Jarrett senses an opportunity for a Figure Four but is shoved away from The Rock, allowing him to attempt a Rock Bottom… but it’s reversed, he’s spun… Stroke! Jarrett hit the stroke! Jarrett is gonna win it… ONE… TWO… THR… No! Owen broke up the count! Jarrett can’t believe his own Alliance partner would do such a thing but, unlike the DX brawl on the outside, these two don’t stop to argue- they just throw punches. Owen and Jarrett continue to brawl as the DX brawl breaks down with Triple H grabbing the bell when the referee isn’t looking and smacking Shawn Michaels in the face with it! He then drags Michaels body on to the announce table… Pedigree through the table! Can you believe the carnage? This leaves just Austin and The Rock in the ring and the crowd rise in anticipation for the two most popular guys in wrestling today to go at it. Both men go at it, each trying to nail their respective finishers to no avail; both men are ready in their quest to become champion. However, before either man can gain the upper hand The Undertaker slides in the ring and nails them both with a Double Chokeslam leading to the bell from Mike Chioda! [b]No contest after 26:02[/b][/CENTER] The crowd are obviously furious with the non-ending and the ring is quickly full of rubbish thrown by the fans and barely stops as Undertaker grabs Jarrett and Owen who both roll in to the ring and plants them with a Double Chokeslam! [SIZE="4"][I]NO CHANCE![/I][/SIZE] Shane McMahon comes out to the ring, channelling some of his fathers Power Walk™ with a microphone in hand. [B]Shane:[/B] Damn it, what does a guy have to do to get a clean finish to a title match? Unfortunately this situation can only be resolved in one way, and that is by declaring the winner, and the new World Wrestling Federation Champion… me! Shane McMahon! The crowd boo horrendously, but those boos quickly subside when the image of Linda McMahon is displayed on the TitanTron in a meeting room in WWF headquarters, with fellow board members sitting behind her. [IMG]http://i150.photobucket.com/albums/s116/keefmoon/LindaMcMahon.jpg[/IMG] [B]Linda: [/B]Shane, I have been watching Raw the last few weeks in an almost permanent cringe. Not just as a mother who has been left genuinely questioning their own parental skills but also as a member of the Board of Directors for a company from which you now appear to be the owner. However, without 100% ownership of stock your actions are still accountable to the Board of Directors and we have decided that, in the spirit of stripping Owen Hart of the WWF Title as we did last week, we are nullifying your attempt to make yourself the WWF Title and declaring the title to still be vacant of a holder. The crowd cheer in their support of the decision while Shane McMahon throws a hissy fit in the ring. [B]Linda:[/B] We have been discussing the matter all day as to what course of action should be taken in the event that the WWF Title was still vacant following the six man match and have arrived at a unanimous decision. We need a match that involves multiple people, that has no disqualifications, that the best man truly will win, and that has a definitive winner. Therefore we have been left with no other option than to say the WWF Title will be contested… in the [B]Royal Rumble Match 1999![/B] The crowd explodes at the announcement of the title being on the line in the Rumble match as Shane continues to go even crazier. Furiously he turns around but is nailed with a Stone Cold Stunner from Steve Austin! The crowd go wild as Austin picks him up and throws him over the top rope, a la a Royal Rumble elimination. [B]JR:[/B] I don’t bah Gawd believe it! For the first time in seven years the belt is on the line in the Rumble! ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [B]QUICK RESULTS[/B] Edge & Christian def Reyes Rios Rodrigues & Essa Aguila Acolytes def Psicosis & Chavo Guerrero Jr The Undertaker def Mankind Sean Morgan def Sabu to retain the WWF Hardcore Title Sir Desmond & Hayashi def Lance Storm & Taka Michinoku Tazz def Mabel Triple H, Shawn Michaels, Jeff Jarrett, Owen Hart, The Rock & Steve Austin battled to a No Contest in a Six-Way Match for the Vacant WWF Championship
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Brilliant stuff as always mate. That Rumble match is going to be very interesting and could well be the most star studded Rumble match in history. I think you could put the belt on a whole host of people at this stage because you make everyone seem like a worthy Champion. You've done a brilliant job with Owen's title reign. I've enjoyed every minute of it so i'm looking forward to seeing what you do with somebody else as Champ (that is of course if Owen doesn't win the belt back).
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[QUOTE=darthsiddus2;777841]holy moly what a show! can't wait for the rumble[/QUOTE] Cheers buddy, really appreciate it and glad you enjoyed it. [QUOTE=totti;778155]Brilliant stuff as always mate. That Rumble match is going to be very interesting and could well be the most star studded Rumble match in history. I think you could put the belt on a whole host of people at this stage because you make everyone seem like a worthy Champion. You've done a brilliant job with Owen's title reign. I've enjoyed every minute of it so i'm looking forward to seeing what you do with somebody else as Champ (that is of course if Owen doesn't win the belt back).[/QUOTE] Thank you. I've tried to build up several people so that in a match where "anything can happen" there could be several winners, and I want there to be a few big names in there. And cheers on Owen, I really wanted to make him seem like a deserving champion during his first reign, but who knows, this could just be a Triple H-esque break for a couple of weeks before he gets it back... [QUOTE=cmdrsam;778505]Very good finish to a great show Keef.[/QUOTE] Cheers mate. It was a bit of a worry what people would think because putting the title on the line in the Rumble is a bit out there and hasn't been done for a while, and I don't think anyone predicted it, so I'm glad it was a good surprise rather than a bad one! [QUOTE=tristram;778707]I thought we were going to be horrified when you told us Chyna had a bit of German Schnowzer, but instead you give us Bagwell in a thong... Yuck! Great show, mate.[/QUOTE] Just you to be the one to focus on Chyna - Bagwell when there was a 6 way title match on the show that resulted in Shane trying to give himself the title and an announcement being made it would be contested for in the Rumble! Haha. No, seriously, I appreciate your feedback. I wanted to give Chyna something to do while she looks to become more of her own person and Bagwell, frankly, has run out of uses for me. So they will continue to do their weird comedy thing as everyone else tries to tear it up! Thanks again to everyone for reading, predicting and leaving feedback. Those of you who do bother really mean a lot because I know a lot of the time you can't be bothered or whatever, so thank you.
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I've been archive binging this since last night, but I had to stop and say that the JIM FORCE cameo was hilarious and made my night even more than some of the epic stuff I've seen so far in your main event picture. I'll probably have more to say once I actually catch up, but I felt that segment granted me enough lulz that I needed to comment prematurely.
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[CENTER][IMG]http://i150.photobucket.com/albums/s116/keefmoon/RAW-4.png[/IMG] [B][SIZE="5"]PREDICTIONS[/SIZE][/B] [SIZE="4"] [b]Winner Enters the Royal Rumble at Number 30[/b] Rob Van Dam vs The Rock vs Mankind vs X-Pac vs Steve Austin Undertaker & Owen Hart vs Shawn Michaels & Triple H [b]Tag Team Tournament Semi Final[/b] New Corporate Outlaws vs Edge & Christian [b]Tag Team Tournament Semi Final[/b] Acolytes vs Hardy Boyz [b]WWF Hardcore Title Match[/b] Sean Morgan © vs Al Snow Tazz vs Mabel[/SIZE][/CENTER]
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Winner Enters the Royal Rumble at Number 30 [B]Rob Van Dam [/B]vs The Rock vs Mankind vs X-Pac vs Steve Austin [B]Undertaker & Owen Hart[/B] vs Shawn Michaels & Triple H Tag Team Tournament Semi Final [B]New Corporate Outlaws[/B] vs Edge & Christian Tag Team Tournament Semi Final Acolytes vs [B]Hardy Boyz[/B] WWF Hardcore Title Match Sean Morgan © vs[B] Al Snow[/B] [B]Tazz [/B]def Mabel
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Winner Enters the Royal Rumble at Number 30 Rob Van Dam vs The Rock vs Mankind vs X-Pac vs [B]Steve Austin[/B] [I]I think it's a toss up between Rock and Austin as those two, at this time, would make believable Champions and the person who enters 30th obviously has the biggest advantage of walking out with the gold.[/I] [B]Undertaker & Owen Hart[/B] vs Shawn Michaels & Triple H [I]More tension between Michaels and Trips before the Rumble as they will both be gunning for the same prize.[/I] Tag Team Tournament Semi Final New Corporate Outlaws vs [B]Edge & Christian[/B] [I]I like what your doing with Roadie and Gunn, but as i'm going with Acolytes in the other match I must go with the face team here.[/I] Tag Team Tournament Semi Final [B]Acolytes[/B] vs Hardy Boyz [I]The Hardyz haven't been doing much recently whereas Farooq and Bradshaw have been getting on TV more and are part of the Alliance.[/I] WWF Hardcore Title Match [B]Sean Morgan ©[/B] vs Al Snow [I]Morgan could do with mounting up a few good title defences to become more over with the fans. I suspect you'd like him to be a big part of your future and I don't see why he couldn't be.[/I] [B]Tazz[/B] def Mabel This one seems a bit of a giveaway. :p Not that we needed the help though. Really looking forward to this Rumble.
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[QUOTE=totti;781807][B]Tazz[/B] def Mabel This one seems a bit of a giveaway. :p Not that we needed the help though.[/QUOTE] Heh. Always remember to proof read, kids! Serves me right for copying and pasting from the 'Match Results' section at the end of the shows! Cheers for the predictions and feedback so far guys!
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