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World Wrestling Federation: From Montreal To Attitude

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riple Threat Match fir the WWF Title Shawn Michaels (c) vs [B]Stone Cold Steve Austin[/B] vs Owen Hart Stonecold! Stonecold! Stonecold! [B]The Undertaker[/B] vs Kane The streak must never EVER end. EVER. [B]The Rock[/B] vs Ken Shamrock Layin the smackdown on the sham-rock. WWF Intercontinental Title Match Goldust (c) vs [B]Jeff Jarrett[/B] Slapnuts! Street Fight [B]Mankind[/B] vs Triple H Tough call but I'll say its a bad night for DX. King Of The Court Open Challenge Jerry “The King” Lawler vs [B]Taz[/B] ECDUB... plus Jerry needs to retire soon. WWF Hardcore Title Match Terry Funk vs Sabu vs [B]Tommy Dreamer [/B] Sabu won last show so Tommy gets the final rub. WWF Tag Team Titles Match New Age Outlaws (c) vs [B]Winners Of The Battle Royal[/B] The begining of a long night for DX. Battle Royal For The Number One Contendership Of The Tag Titles Legion Of Doom vs The Nation vs Marc Mero & Dr Death vs Headbangers vs [B]Edge & Christian[/B] can anyone say 5 seconds? And damnit where's headcheese? WWF Light-Heavyweight Title Match TAKA Michinoku (c) vs [B]Chavo Guerrero Jr[/B] All he needs now is Pepe. TIE BREAKER Wrestlemania is famous for its unpredictability. What unscheduled occurrence do you expect to see at the grandest stage of them all? GOLDBERG!
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Thanks for the predictions everyone, and thanks for the kind words to those who have left them, I appreciate it greatly. You people are expecting some pretty huge surprises! I have to warn you, they aren't surprises that will shake the wrestling world to its very foundation, they are just the little things that only happen at Wrestlemania. Like, for instance, one thing that will happen (and so don't predict this one!) is the appearance of Pete Rose. So little things that make 'Mania different from any other event. It is also worht noting that while I refuse to say if I have signed another WCW guy or not, bare in mind their prestige is about 20% higher than mine, so picking up big names is a challenge. Not to say it hasn't happened, is happening or won't happen in the future! Speaking of which, this Wrestlemania is going to be huge. I've started writing it out and it is super long and detailed. I just always think Mania is special and warrants extra attention and detail, and hence it will be really long, really detailed and hopefully a fitting tribute to the one event that I always have managed to enjoy on some level, regardless of some of the tripe that has been put on.
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[QUOTE=tristram;205849]keefy, there's a number of great diaries springing up, I'll go on record as saying this is my favourite. This is sensational, from top to bottom. Your booking makes a lot of sense, it fast-tracks stories, but always leaves more questions unanswered to bring us back for more. It's that sort of mind I wish WCW could have tapped into mid '98 before it became too late, your sharp wits as a booker is the sort of wits that would know the right way to end the nWo and promote the Benoits, the Jerichos, the Giants, the Kanyons, the Guerreros', the Mysterio Jrs, the Guerreras, the Raven's up to the top where they belong, perhaps rivalling the likes of Bret Hart, Ric Flair and Sting in a nice mix. I digress though, but mainly I want to say I'm loving reading this diary and this is a real credit to these boards where there's a lot of quality, but there's only one From Montreal to Attitude.[/QUOTE] I wanted to make a special mention of this feedback. Thank you so, so much Tristram. I appreciate that immensely. And as you know, I have the exact same opinion of you and your diary. Which are pretty similar really. Both need to move to the next generation of workers, but it's easier said that done and it's nt a matter of them winning every match until they have A* popularity. If you look at some of the guys looking good around the time of Wrestlemania '99 in real life for the Fed; Val Venis, Edge & Christian, Al Snow, Gangrel all started this game with F popularity. That is pretty hard to introduce them and get them involved immediately. Which is pretty obvious with Gangrel who I haven't used in over a month now. Anyway, I was trying to say thank you for your extremely kind words, and I hope I can carry this on to a level you continue to enjoy the diary for as long as it continues.
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Shawn Michaels (c) vs [B]Stone Cold Steve Austin[/B] vs Owen Hart Austin to fued with The Rock The [B]Undertaker[/B] vs Kane Taker in less than 10 mins [B]The Rock [/B]vs Ken Shamrock Boosting the Rock to main event status WWF Intercontinental Title Match [B]Goldust[/B] (c) vs Jeff Jarrett Hate Double J always have always will, even in his USWA days. Street Fight Mankind vs [B]Triple H[/B] Triple H, with the help of DX King Of The Court Open Challenge Jerry “The King” Lawler vs [B]Taz[/B] Taz, to end the career of Lawler WWF Hardcore Title Match Terry Funk vs [B]Sabu[/B] vs Tommy Dreamer Sabu most talented guy in the match, although rotten now. WWF Tag Team Titles Match New Age Outlaws (c) vs [B]Winners Of The Battle Royal[/B] Shock new tag champs. Battle Royal For The Number One Contendership Of The Tag Titles Legion Of Doom vs The Nation vs Marc Mero & Dr Death vs Headbangers vs [B]Edge & Christian[/B] Young and with more potentail then anyone else in the match WWF Light-Heavyweight Title Match [B]TAKA Michinoku [/B](c) vs Chavo Guerrero Jr Sadly under used in real life
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[QUOTE=rjhabeeb;205815]The Rock vs[B] Ken Shamrock[/B] why??? because you book like Russo[/QUOTE] Sorry for the delayed reaction, but this comment intrigues me. Purely for information so I know how this diary is viewed and in no way is this getting hissy or anything, I would like to know why you think that? As in, what is it about my booking around this feud that makes you think Shamrock would win BECAUSE it is Russo-like? This just interests me for some reason! Is there anyone else that thinks my booking is similar to Russo's, because I personally can't see much resemblence between myself and Russo aside from the attitude style casual swearing and the like.
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When Russo was in charge of the book with WCW, a few things were notable:- [LIST] [*]Very quick matches [*]Often finished by run ins or swerve endings [*]Bizarre storylines [/LIST] What I see from your booking is booking angles towards making people wanting to watch matches. I'm not saying Russo was a terrible booker, he could obviously write quite effectively for the "F", but there are notable tangible differences in my view. I think I counted two matches of your last Raw that didn't end completely cleanly, which is a very acceptable amount for a sports entertainment promotion. Every now and then you need a swerve or a dodgey ending to spice things up so there's no problems there if it serves as a cause to an effect, which often wasn't the case in the last few years of WCW - be that Russo, Bischoff, Nash or Sullivan.
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Good This is pretty good so far, I admit I wasn't planning on reading alot of this but I got caught up mix and couldnt stop reading, im glad you didnt make the mistake of letting the Taker go. Great so far, keep it going...... And hey man go to [url]www.worldstadiums.com[/url] if you dont already go there. You can get some good pictures of arenas and stadiums from all over the world and US mainly.
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[QUOTE=tristram;206208]When Russo was in charge of the book with WCW, a few things were notable:- [LIST] [*]Very quick matches [*]Often finished by run ins or swerve endings [*]Bizarre storylines [/LIST] What I see from your booking is booking angles towards making people wanting to watch matches. I'm not saying Russo was a terrible booker, he could obviously write quite effectively for the "F", but there are notable tangible differences in my view. I think I counted two matches of your last Raw that didn't end completely cleanly, which is a very acceptable amount for a sports entertainment promotion. Every now and then you need a swerve or a dodgey ending to spice things up so there's no problems there if it serves as a cause to an effect, which often wasn't the case in the last few years of WCW - be that Russo, Bischoff, Nash or Sullivan.[/QUOTE] Thanks for the feedback. Swerves are pretty important, particularly to start off because the attitude era had a lot of them. I couldn't suddenly stop doing them, it would confuse the fans. And you're right, sometimes they're unavoidable to follow a storyline. I try as far as possible to let heels get clean wins. There was a time in WWF where a heel NEVER one cleanly. That's just ridiculous. [QUOTE=GatorBait96NC;206297]This is pretty good so far, I admit I wasn't planning on reading alot of this but I got caught up mix and couldnt stop reading, im glad you didnt make the mistake of letting the Taker go. Great so far, keep it going...... And hey man go to [url]www.worldstadiums.com[/url] if you dont already go there. You can get some good pictures of arenas and stadiums from all over the world and US mainly.[/QUOTE] Thanks for the kind words. Thank you so much for that link to the stadiums; it's favourited and I will use it for all the pictures. They even have a picture of my beloved Roots Hall (Southend United's ground) on it. Top website, so thanks.
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[CENTER][IMG]http://i150.photobucket.com/albums/s116/keefmoon/sun-logo.jpg[/IMG] [B][SIZE="5"]The Suns' Lilsboys Interview WWF Head Booker[/SIZE][/B] The following is a transcript of an interview held by the UK’s number one newspaper The Sun. The interviewees are wrestling correspondents Richard and Simon Lislboy and the subject is the Head Booker of the World Wrestling Federation, David Holt.[/CENTER] [QUOTE]Richard: Hello everyone, we’re here with WWF Head Booker, David Holt. David, it’s a pleasure to be speaking to you. David: It’s a pleasure to be here guys. Richard: How are you doing? David: Great thanks. Nervous, but good. Simon: Well that brings us nicely onto the first question; with Wrestlemania just a few days away, how are you dealing with the pressures? David: Fairly well. I’m going through just about every emotion there is right now. I’m nervous, excited, worried, happy, sad, scared, everything. Richard: Scared? David: Of course. I view Mania as a really big deal, that every match on the card has to be huge, has to mean something. So being scared is a pretty natural I guess, there is a lot riding on it. Richard: How ready is it? David: What do you mean? Richard: How much of Wrestlemania to you have planned? Like, is it ready to go now and every second is accounted for, or is a lot still to do? David: It’s pretty much ready, but small bits change all the time. For example, I thought of a new idea while I was waiting for the interview to start. Simon: Really? David: Oh yeah, I think of new ideas all the time. Booking for a company like the WWF is like writing a song. You can’t sit there and say; “right, I’m going to book Wrestlemania now.” It is something that happens over time, often by accident. Richard: So does that mean you book shows a long time in advance? David: To a certain extent. I’ve not got everything for this Mania ready, but I already have four matches in mind for next years Wrestlemania. Simon: Wow, really? David: Yeah. I think every storyline and every segment has to go somewhere, so the result of the main event on Sunday will be played out over the next couple of months, which will morph with another storyline which will morph into another and before you know it you’re at Wrestlemania again. Richard: Any clues on the matches for next year? David: (Laughs) I couldn’t possibly say, so much could happen between now and then. Simon: Very well. It’s unusual that Vince McMahon has a Head Booker as such, rather than a creative team headed up by himself. What’s your relationship like with him? David: Vince? Oh it’s fine. I like the guy a lot, he’s a good person, but it’s strictly business, because it would have to be. If I come up with a bad idea he needs to be able to say no, which he may not be able to do if we were related or best buddies. Richard: Recently we’ve seen Ken Shamrock, The Rock, Triple H, Mankind and Kane cement their place in the main event. Who in particular do you think has the potential to be the next guy to make the step up? David: Truthfully, anyone could. If I don’t think someone can be a top guy in this industry then I won’t keep them on. I’ve already shown that by being pretty cutthroat in dismissals; I want a company of top notch workers all working towards being the best; both collectively and individually. Simon: One of the people, or should I say pair of people I’ve been really impressed with as of late are Edge & Christian. David: Yeah I love those guys. I really tune in with our development league (Jersey All Pro Wrestling) and speak to the guys there a lot, and those two stood out to me. They will be phenomenal workers, they have a great look, ooze charisma and have a really good attitude. They ask the older, more experienced guys for tips, and act like one of the guys. When I saw they had those, what, three or four traits I decided our roster would benefit from having them. Richard: Are there any other youngsters to look out for? David: The Hardy Boyz will be a pretty big deal I think. They debuted on Raw and looked great I thought. Simon: Yeah, me and Rich were saying how impressed we were with them before you arrived. David: I think they will be a valuable asset to the tag team division. They just need to have a little attitude check. One of them is already on a verbal warning for tardiness. But aside from those, Shane Helms is a magnificent young guy, he’s not the biggest dude and he’s a bit green but he can definitely go. Sean Morley is another guy; he’s the total package and I think he could really make a difference in the company. Richard: You mentioned the tag division just now, and there is no doubt it’s picking up. Is that intentional? David: Oh, absolutely. You won’t find a bigger fan of tag team wrestling than me. I think it’s invaluable to a company’s success. Not only does it give airtime to those who may not get it alone, it builds characters. Look at Mabel. Six months ago the poor guy was lost in the shuffle. Now he is possibly the most on fire guy at Mania outside the main event. And it also helps provide a starting block for future main eventers. Would Shawn Michaels have gotten to where he is now without the Rockers? Probably, ‘cos he is that good, but it would have been a damn sight harder. Richard: I have to bring this next topic up, as it would be a waste not to as you are here; the Montreal Screwjob. What are your thoughts on it? David: That’s a toughie. I’d rather not say too much on it as Bret was a friend of mine, but Mr McMahon was left in an impossible situation. I think you would be better asking someone who knew about it in advance. Richard: So you didn’t? David: No. No I did not. Simon: So it was as much of a shock to you as anyone? David: Perhaps more so, as I saw the relationship between Bret and Vince first hand. But I would rather not talk about it too much. Simon: That’s fine. Do you watch WCW? David: Religiously. Simon: Oooh, so you’re a fan then? David: I’m a fan of wrestling. I watch anything I can get my hands on. My wife is sick to death about it; it’s 24/7 with me, it’s my life. It always has been. I was a wrestler, then an announcer, a manager, a backstage worker, a booker then finally a Head Booker. It’s the only thing I know how to do. Richard: What do you think of the stuff WCW is churning out? David: I’m not really at liberty to say, but I will say some of their stuff is really good, and some of their workers really impress me, and I would love to work with some of them at some point. Simon: Names? David: I couldn’t say. (Pause) A potential lawsuit would Canadian Cripple us. Simon and Richard laugh. Simon: There has been a definite swing towards actual wrestling since you took over. Is this a long term plan? David: Absolutely. I don’t care what people are calling it these days, sports entertainment or whatever, this is the wrestling business. We can have the soap opera moments and whatnot but I don’t see why the matches and wrestling should suffer. Let’s face the facts, while the elaborate storylines help keep people interested, and don’t get me wrong, I love some of the storylines drafting around the place at the moment, our fans tune in because they want to see wrestling. If they want to watch a soap then they will watch Days Of Our Lives or Coronation Street or Neighbours. If they want to watch wrestling they’ll watch the WWF. Richard: To what extent do you listen to the fans opinions? David: I am a fan, and I know as a fan that I want to see what I want to see. So I listen explicitly to every piece of feedback we get that has anything to do with my shows or the company. That’s part of the reason why Wrestlemania isn’t totally set yet, I’m still listening to what the fans want and what they think will happen, and I will use that to make a couple of decisions. Take Marcus Bagwell; that was a risk. I was worried WWF fans wouldn’t care that he signed. However, the day after it was posted on wwf.com we got a couple of messages saying how they were excited at the prospect of him working here. That alone takes a guy who could have been lost in the midcard and thrusts him towards the main event. Simon: Okay, one last question as I know you are a busy man. What can we expect from Wrestlemania? David: The showcase of the immortals. The greatest extravaganza of all time. These are clichés and tag lines, sure, but they are there for a reason. I plan on making every second of Wrestlemania worth watching. I wouldn’t have it any other way. Simon: Thank you for your time. David: Any time, guys, it’s been a pleasure.[/QUOTE]
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[QUOTE=keefmoon;206189]Sorry for the delayed reaction, but this comment intrigues me. Purely for information so I know how this diary is viewed and in no way is this getting hissy or anything, I would like to know why you think that? As in, what is it about my booking around this feud that makes you think Shamrock would win BECAUSE it is Russo-like? This just interests me for some reason! Is there anyone else that thinks my booking is similar to Russo's, because I personally can't see much resemblence between myself and Russo aside from the attitude style casual swearing and the like.[/QUOTE] I meant it as a compliment in the fact that before the "Vince Russo era" an event like Wrestlemania would be a face showcase especially at the top of the card....... I feel you dont care whether a worker is a heel or a face when you decide on someones push...(a good thing especially because you seem to be pushing good workers) I also think because of this and a few other factors the WWF had always been sortof predictable as to who would win you could always tell who "is getting over" another guy.....when Russo came in (and by the way im not a Russo fan at all but thats because even for a young guy im really old school I loved Bret and I felt DX would ruin the WWF)but when Russo came in he brought in an air of unpredicatble endings On another note is it a bad thing im sitting at my computer with a horrible headache but excited because "Wrestlemania is today"?
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[QUOTE=rjhabeeb;206380]I meant it as a compliment in the fact that before the "Vince Russo era" an event like Wrestlemania would be a face showcase especially at the top of the card....... I feel you dont care whether a worker is a heel or a face when you decide on someones push...(a good thing especially because you seem to be pushing good workers) I also think because of this and a few other factors the WWF had always been sortof predictable as to who would win you could always tell who "is getting over" another guy.....when Russo came in (and by the way im not a Russo fan at all but thats because even for a young guy im really old school I loved Bret and I felt DX would ruin the WWF)but when Russo came in he brought in an air of unpredicatble endings On another note is it a bad thing im sitting at my computer with a horrible headache but excited because "Wrestlemania is today"?[/QUOTE] Yes. Yes it is! :p Thanks for the feedback. I wasn't sure if you meant the Russo then as a good thing or bad thing, but I'm pleased with your response. I am going out of my way to make things unpredictable. I've never been a fan of squash matches, I don't like knowing who will win. Of course, with a weak lower card like I have at moment (in terms of wrestling ability at least) squash matches become inevitable. One of my favourite moments in wrestling was surprisingly in 2002. It's surprising has I'd gone of the E by then, I thought their product was abysmal by then, and was nothing compared to the old NWA or Attitude era WWF. But there was a ladder match between Jeff Hardy and The Undertaker. It wasn't a great match but even though it was legendary champion vs young tag team wrestler I hnestly had the feeling that maybe, just maybe, Jeff could win it. He wouldn't have a proper title run but I thought he might have won the title tht night. That's the unpredicatability I like; wrestling programmes are at their best when you have to tune in because you have no idea what will happen. So thanks for your kind words. The schedule for me is a Wrestlemania morning thing, you know, where I talk to the diary as if I'm talking to myself which will be up in a couple of hours. Before I go to bed I will probably post Sunday Night Heat, the pre-show for 'Mania. Wrestlemania may take a little while as it is gonna be a super show. It will be very detailed and in depth, so I can justify my hyping of the event. It may be up tomorrow. If I get enough free time. So if you haven't predicted yet, you have a between 12 and 48 hours to go.
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[B]Carrier Dome, Syracouse, New York 11:23 AM, 4th March 1998[/B] HOLY S**T! It's Wrestlemania! I didn't get an awful lot of sleep last night. I say that, I slept a combined hour and a half. The same things kept going through my mind; what if people don't like it? What if Vince doesn't like it? What if the matches are too dull, or the fans don't buy into the results? I don't get why I'm so nervous; I've been a writer for the past four Wrestlemania's, why does this one bother me so much? Maybe because last years sucked so much... With just the one segment still to decide upon, I should be able to relax. The mini surprises are in place and scheduled to arrive in a couple of hours, before the majority of the fans arrive and thus keeps them secret. The only people in the building at the moment are Jim Ross, Jerry Brisco, Ricky Steamboat, Dory Funk Jr and the set designers. Myself, JR, Brisco and Rick have been in discussion for the last twenty minutes, running through the show to make sure everything runs according to plan. The workers shouldn't be too long in arriving. While there are only ten matches, there are many more workers scheduled to arrive. I think it's imperitive that everyone is, as a family, regardless of whether they are scheduled for an appearance. This will be particularly useful for guys like the Hardyz who will have never experienced anything like this before. Speaking of whom, the main piece of non-Wrestlemania promotional work I've had to deal with this week was young Jeff Hardy. Despite making one televised appearance in his career, he is already on an official warning. He barely showed up in time for his match. If this happens again I'll warn him, then the fines and suspensions will start up. The guy has to learn the rules, and if not we can do without him. If we are all a family, we can't start letting each other down. The only other late appearances I've had to deal with are one each of Road Dogg, Blackjack Windham and Roddy Piper. All are on official warnings. So Wrestlemania is just a few hours away. If this event goes well, then we will have made the perfect start in our attempt to catch up with WCW. If we fail... the hammer will come down again on yet another nail in our coffin. It's do or die. It's Wrestlemania. [CENTER][IMG]http://i150.photobucket.com/albums/s116/keefmoon/Mania%20Pics/WM14.png[/IMG][/CENTER]
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[CENTER][B][SIZE="5"]The World Wrestling Federation Presents...[/SIZE][/B] [IMG]http://i150.photobucket.com/albums/s116/keefmoon/Mania%20Pics/Wwfsundaynightheat.jpg[/IMG] Live from the Carrier Dome in Syracouse, New York in front of a crowd of 45,284 [IMG]http://i150.photobucket.com/albums/s116/keefmoon/Mania%20Pics/CarrierDome.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [B]JR:[/B] Ladies and Gentlemen, welcome to Sunday Night Heat, I’m JR and I’m alongside Jim Cornette and Wrestlemania is just minutes away! [B]Cornette:[/B] Oh man, I can’t wait! Wrestlemania 14 is going to be the biggest- and best- Wrestlemania to date! [B]JR:[/B] That much is for sure! Now folks, we have a treat for you here; here is a video hyping the history between Kane and his brother The Undertaker. [CENTER][/CENTER] -------------------------------------------------------------------------- The camera cuts backstage to show the Headbangers hanging out together, discussing strategy and stuff, when The Nation comes from nowhere and viciously beats them down, before finally throwing Mosh through a glass window. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- [CENTER][IMG]http://i150.photobucket.com/albums/s116/keefmoon/Mania%20Pics/TAKAChavo.jpg[/IMG] A great, fast paced match on free television. The match starts off as a sign of respect; but eventually both men go all out for the victory. At one point, Chavo manages to lock in the Deathlock STF for over a minute, but TAKA showed amazing spirit to reach the ropes. However, the damage appeared to be done and Chavo set him up for a Gory Bomb, but TAKA managed to get out of it, and went for his devastating Michinoku Driver, only for Chavo to fall behind him, and with the referee too close to see, low blowed his friend and picked him up for the Gory Bomb. He made the cover... One... Two... Three! What a shock! Chavo wins his first ever Light-Heavyweight Title! [B]Winner, and the new WWF Light-Heavyweight Champion, Chavo Guerrero Jr in 10:40 Rating: C+[/B][/CENTER] -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Backstage, Dutch Mantell is waiting in the park park for the opportunity to get an interview with someone. As he waits a ridiculously long limousine pulls around the corner and stops nearby. After about ten girls get out of the limo, followed by D-Generation X. [B]Dutch: [/B]Shawn, Hunter, DX, can I get a word? [B]Triple H: [/B]A word? You want a word? Yeah… I’ll give you a word. Actually, I’ll give you two… SUCK IT! The others laugh as they walk into the arena with the women, as a few poor men have to carry in their bags for them. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- A video then plays to build up the upcoming matches at Wrestlemania. [CENTER][/CENTER] -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Up next... Wrestlemania XIV.
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[CENTER][IMG]http://i150.photobucket.com/albums/s116/keefmoon/WWFFMWA.png[/IMG] The screen fades in to a cheering crowd, with Dave Grohl sitting alone in the ring on a stool with an acoustic guitar. Once the cheering dies down he performs a magnificent version of “America The Beautiful”, one which is both modern yet respectful. At the end of the song the crowd cheers greatly and start up a “USA! USA! USA!” chant. A video is then shown hyping the history of Wrestlemania. Hulk Hogan and Mr T walking backstage at the inaugural Mania. Hogan bodyslamming Andre The Giant at Wrestlemania III. Randy Savage celebrating winning the title with Miss Elizabeth sitting on his shoulder at Wrestlemania IV. The Ultimate Warrior and Hogan embracing after their match at Wrestlemania VI. Shawn Michaels diving off the ladder at Wrestlemania X. Lawrence Taylor beating Bam Bam Bigelow at Wrestlemania XI. Shawn Michaels coming down to the ring from the ceiling at Wrestlemania XII. Steve Austin bleeding profusely whilst in the Sharpshooter at Wrestlemania 13. A video is then shown to highlight today’s talent. The likes of The Rock, Stone Cold Steve Austin, Mankind, The Undertaker, Ken Shamrock, Kane, Triple H, New Age Outlaws, Goldust et al in action. [B]“This is Wrestlemania: The Showcase Of The Immortals.”[/B] [IMG]http://i150.photobucket.com/albums/s116/keefmoon/Mania%20Pics/WM14.png[/IMG] Live from the Carrier Dome in Syracouse, New York in front of a crowd of a crowd of 45,000 people. [IMG]http://i150.photobucket.com/albums/s116/keefmoon/Mania%20Pics/CarrierDome.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] “My Hero” by the Foo Fighters bellows throughout the arena as the pyrotechnics explode from the ceiling, the rampway, the stage and the ring. [B]JR: [/B]45,284 people are here in the beautiful in Carrier Dome in Syracouse, New York, and millions of people are watching at home; this is WRESTLEMANIA! I’m Good ol’ JR Jim Ross, and as ever, I’m alongside my partner in crime, Jim Cornette. Take it away JC. [B]Cornette:[/B] Nine matches, four titles on the line, but none of them bigger than the Triple Threat for the title. I quite literally cannot wait for this to get started. It’s Wrestlemania, JR! -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Jeff Jarrett makes his way down to the ring to a huge chorus of boos, as the fans take full advantage of their first opportunity to exercise their vocal chords. Jarrett grabs a mic. [B]Jarrett:[/B] All of you Northern slapnuts have probably noticed the huge bags under my eyes, ‘cos I didn’t get an awful a lot of sleep last night. You see, Marlena came over to my hotel room and she slapped my nuts aaaaall night, slapnuts. And in case you were wondering, no, it wasn’t just her cigar she had in her mouth... [B]JR: [/B]Not wise, Jeff, not wise at all! [CENTER][IMG]http://i150.photobucket.com/albums/s116/keefmoon/Mania%20Pics/JarrettGoldust.jpg[/IMG] Goldust brought his father Dusty Rhodes and wife Marlena to ringside, and was clearly ready for this match as he took it to Jarrett from the off. After an initial flurry of offence, Jarrett raked Goldust’s eye and managed to gain the upper hand. Pausing after most moves to taunt at Marlena, who was clearly disgusted every time he gyrated his hips in her direction. In fact, it was Jarrett’s obsession with Goldust’s company outside of the ring that almost caused his downfall. Whilst making an overweight jibe at Dusty, Goldust managed hit him with a Bulldog that caused a change in momentum. After a few offensive moves, the Bizarre One set up Double J in the corner for a Shattered Dreams, for which Dusty climbed on the apron to distract the referee. Goldust stepped back, then ran forward and struck Jarrett right on the mark. As JJ rolled around the ring in agony, Marlena climbed into the ring with his trusted guitar, pulled back awaiting his return to his feet, swung viciously, and hit… Goldust?! What the hell?! Goldust slumped to the floor unconscious as Marlena got the referees attention from Dusty, and the ref made the three count to give us a new Intercontinental Champion! [B]Winner, and NEW Intercontinental Champion: Jeff Jarrett in 12:44 Rating: A[/B][/CENTER] Dusty, shocked, climbs in to the ring and gets in Marlena’s face, who is celebrating Jarrett’s win. Out of nowhere, Double J cheap shots him from behind, before partaking in a lip lock with Marlena! ------------------------------------------------------------- The camera cuts backstage where a particularly long limousine is shown arriving. Out steps Marcus Bagwell, dressed sharply in an Armani suit and escorted by four lovely ladies. He merely smiles, brushes himself down and then walks off. -------------------------------------------------------------- [B] JR:[/B] I’m hearing The Rock is standing by with Dutch. [B]Dutch:[/B] Tonight, Rocky, you get the opportunity to… [B]Rock:[/B] Whoa, whoa, whoa, there is no Rocky. There is only The Rock. [B]Dutch: [/B]Okay… Rock…. [B]Rock:[/B] Why don’t you shut your mouth before The Rock lays the Smackdown on you like the jabroni you are? [I]Rock intimidates Dutch until he walks away, then turns to the camera[/I] [B]Rock: [/B]Ken Shamrock, do you actually think that you have The Rock’s number? Do you actually think you have got The Rock scared? Do you actually think that you have any chance of beating the Great One tonight at Wrestlemania? The Rock spits on what you think. You may call yourself the Worlds Most Dangerous Man, but to The Rock you are nothing more than the world’s biggest piece of trailer park trash. And come our match tonight, The Rock is gonna prove to the entire world that he is the people’s champ, he is the peoples choice, and he is the baddest and most-electrifying man in sports entertainment. Now do you smell what I’m cooking? [B]JR:[/B] Do you smell what I’m cooking? What the hell does that mean? [B]Cornette:[/B] It’s intelligent JR, I didn’t expect you to understand. -------------------------------------------------------------- [B]Howard Finkel:[/B] Ladies and Gentlemen, it is now time for the 10 man over the top rope Battle Royal! The rules are as follows; All 10 men will be in the ring from the start, and elimination occurs when both feet touch the floor. A team is eliminated when both members have been thrown from the ring, and the last man standing will see his team he is representing face the tag team champions later on in the show. [B]JR:[/B] Now folks, for those of you who didn’t see Sunday Night Heat, the Headbangers were assaulted by The Nation, and are unable to compete, so Vince McMahon has found a mystery team to replace them. The four known teams make their way to the ring, where several referees are to stop them from fighting before the match begins. As all wait for the mystery team, an unheard of song plays throughout the arena, and The Godfather comes out, dressed in a top hat, with a cigar, a bright green jacket and lairy trousers, with six scantily-dressed women on his arm. [B]Godfather:[/B] Now I hate to surprise y’all, but after getting kicked out of the Nation for being too much of a ladies man, I didn’t really have a choice but to be the best pimp daddy New York has ever seen! [B]JR: [/B]Oh my! [B]Godfather:[/B] So let me introduce myself; I’m the Godfather, and these are my ho’s! But I can’t be the only one, Syracouse, New York, do we have any pimp’s up in this hoooouuuussssse?! [I]The crowd cheer.[/I] [B]Godfather:[/B] So I want you to roll a fatty for this pimp daddy and scream “Pimpin’ ‘Aint Easy! [B]Crowd:[/B] Pimpin’ ‘Aint Easy! [B]Godfather:[/B] Now y’all must be wondering about my partner, so let me introduce him to you; he’s the human controversy machine and a fellow pimp daddy- [B]DENNIS RODMAN![/B] The crowd pop at the unexpected sight of Dennis Rodman, who is dressed like the Godfather, and also has six women on his arm. Both get into the ring and are ready for the match. [CENTER][IMG]http://i150.photobucket.com/albums/s116/keefmoon/Mania%20Pics/TagBattleRoyal.jpg[/IMG] At first the match appears to be a bit of a shambles, as The Nation square off with Rodman and the Godfather, and the rest between themselves. Road Warrior Animal is the first to be eliminated, followed closely by Christian and Dr Death. Luckily Dennis Rodman isn’t required to do too much wrestling so the fans actually get quite behind him and the Godfather, particularly when Rodman eliminates D’Lo by Clotheslining him out of the ring. However, the cheers turn to boos as Edge sneaks up from behind to eliminate Rodman, who appeared to be a surprise hit with the NY crowd. Next to go was Hawk by Marc Mero, which left Godfather, Edge, Marc Mero & Mabel. The three smaller guys all teamed up to try and get rid of Mabel, but he just powered out of it and eliminated Edge and Godfather in quick succession. All appeared to be in control until Rodman slid back in the ring with a steel chair, allowing Marc Mero to eventually roll Mabel out of the ring and booked himself and Steve Williams’s place in the Tag Title match later on in the show. [B]Winner: Marc Mero in 13:42 Rating: C+[/B][/CENTER] -------------------------------------------------------------- The New Age Outlaws are standing by with Dutch Mantell. [B]Dutch:[/B] Okay, champs, we’ve just found out who your competitors for the titles will be; Marc Mero & Dr Death and Steve Williams. What do you think your chances are against them? [B]Billy Gunn: [/B]Lets get this straight, bozo, you’re talking to the tag champs here. Show some damn respect. [B]Road Dogg: [/B]Yeah, b****, and try asking some less inane questions. Our chances are somewhere between 99 and 100% for a victory. ‘Cos when you get the B to the A to the double D Assman and the Road Doggy Dogg together, we’re gonna show whoever the hell you said won the match that when you against the Outlaws you’re stuck in the Dogg House and the only way out to his lay your little needle shoulders on the mat and get pinned, ‘cos the Tag Titles are coming home with D-Generation X! -------------------------------------------------------------- A video is played showing Sabu’s, Tommy Dreamer’s and Terry Funk’s most hardcore moments, which says something. It’s a gloriously extreme introduction ahead of the first ever Hardcore Title match. -------------------------------------------------------------- [CENTER][IMG]http://i150.photobucket.com/albums/s116/keefmoon/Mania%20Pics/Hardcore.jpg[/IMG] It’s only fitting that the Hardcore Title was christened in New York. This was a proper hardcore match that wouldn’t have looked out of place in ECW. There were no signs of stupid weapons; this was hardcore and it was extreme. The weapons didn’t come into play immediately (to the distain of the crowd) but when they did the match took off. Funk brought in a couple of steel chairs, and the three went on to do things with a chair WWF fans didn’t know were possible. After Sabu hit a Triple Jump Moonsault, he threw about five tables in the ring, and set up a couple on the outside. By the time he got in the ring, Dreamer kicked him in the guy and powerbombed him outside of the ring through a table! Dreamer then set up two tables running alongside each other, and then put a table on top of them both. By this time, the Funker hit him with a chair, set up another table and then the 50-something Terry Funk performed a moonsault through it! Eventually, Dreamer tried to hit a powerbomb on Sabu from the top rope, but Sabu reversed it into a hurricarana through the table on the outside, to evoke a “HOLY S**T!” chant. Sabu got back in the ring, and climbed to the top of the pile of tables that had been left untouched. Sabu hit Funk with the chair a couple of times, but Funk kneed him in the gut so he doubled up, lifted him upside down and performed a running piledriver through two tables to another “HOLY S**T” chant. Funk got the arm over Sabu to become the first ever Hardcore Champion! [B]Winner: Terry Funk in 14:55 Rating: A[/B][/CENTER] -------------------------------------------------------------- The camera is backstage in time to see Owen Hart arriving. No limos, no bag carriers, no women. He just walks in with his bag to his own locker room. -------------------------------------------------------------- [B]Dutch[/B]: I’m standing by with Stone Cold Steve Austin who tonight has the opportunity to win the WWF Title for the first time. [B]Austin:[/B] You’re damn right about that. Tonight is the chance that good ol’ Stone Cold can write himself in the history books by opening up a Wrestlemania size can of whoop-a** and walking outta New York with the WWF Title. You see, at Summerslam last year Owen Hart broke my damn neck, and didn’t give a rats a** about it. He then stole my title shot by signing the contract that I had earned, but finally I get the chance to kick his a** and bring the title home with me tonight. And as for Shawn Michaels, the guy claims to be a damn degenerate but then goes around kissing Vince McMahon’s ass. You want D-Generation X, look right at Stone Cold Steve Austin. I drove to the arena in a pickup truck, I’ve stunned pretty much every guy in the back whether they deserved it or not and stuck my middle finger up at everything Vince McMahon has told me to do. You know why? ‘Cos no-one tells Stone Cold what to do, I do things on my own terms, and tonight I’m gonna win the WWF title, and that’s the bottom line, ‘cos Stone Cold said so! -------------------------------------------------------------- [CENTER][IMG]http://i150.photobucket.com/albums/s116/keefmoon/Mania%20Pics/TazLawler.jpg[/IMG] As soon as both had entered the ring, Taz laid all his aggression on Lawler in his Wrestlemania debut. Proving he is worthy of the nickname “The Human Suplex Machine”, he laid out the King with T-Bone, Belly-to-belly, German and Trapped Leg Release Suplexes, to a great reaction from the crowd and leaving Lawler totally disorientated. Lawler regained control of the match eventually by using every trick in the book, but after he missed a flying fist drop Taz locked in the Tazmission. Lawler tried not to tap but with nowhere to go he had no choice! Jerry Lawler has finally been defeated! [B]Winner: Taz in 9:53 Rating: A[/B][/CENTER] -------------------------------------------------------------- [B]Howard Finkel: [/B]And now, to sing the official song of Wrestlemania 14; “My Hero; the [B]Foo Fighters![/B] The Foo Fighters then performed a rocking version of My Hero on the stage, much to the delight of the fans. A video showing Owen Hart, Steve Austin and Shawn Michaels’ best moments playing in the background. -------------------------------------------------------------- [B]Dutch:[/B] I’m standing by with Owen Hart, who tonight is part of the Triple Threat match for the WWF Title. Owen, your thoughts? [B]Owen: [/B]For too long I have been over looked. When my brother was here, it was all about him, and I was just his kid brother. It didn’t matter how good I was in the ring, or how much I wanted to be the best; all that mattered was I was second best. Then my brother left, and I was still going to be pushed away, as punishment for him getting screwed. Well now, it’s not about Bret. It’s not about Vince. Or Michaels, or Austin. Tonight, it’s all about me. It is my destiny to be the WWF Champion, and tonight, enough is enough, and it’s time for a change of champion. I will be the World Wrestling Federation Champion, and there is no-one who can stop me now. -------------------------------------------------------------- A graphic is shown to indicate the Undertaker vs Kane match will be next. Following this, a video is aired showing how the half-brothers got to this match. Following the video, the fans witness a huge surprise when shamed baseball legend [B]Pete Rose[/B] makes his way down to the ring and begins to cut a promo, when the lights all go off, and Kane makes his explosive entrance the ring. Rose is obviously worried, and after trying to shake his hand and trying to escape from the ring, Kane lifts Rose up for a Tombstone Piledriver! Rose’s head crashes against the mat, and almost instantaneously the lights go out and The Undertaker makes his way to the ring. -------------------------------------------------------------- [CENTER][IMG]http://i150.photobucket.com/albums/s116/keefmoon/Mania%20Pics/UndertakerKane.jpg[/IMG] The crowd were piping hot for this one, and barely even noticed the sincere lack of chemistry between them, which seems ironic as they’re supposed to be brothers. Kane got the upper hand to start off, much to the surprise of the announcers, as this sort of domination has barely been seen in the Phenom’s career. ‘Taker got the advantage back and hit all his trademark moves, including a Chokeslam and a diving leg drop from the top rope to the announcers table on the outside, to once again garner a “HOLY S**T! chant from the New York crowd. This momentum carried on until Paul Bearer hopped up on the apron and got his attention. Despite normal being ice cool, Undertaker’s eyes lit up at the prospect of finally getting revenge on his former manager. He dragged Bearer in the ring, and turned him upside down, about to hit the Tombstone he’s been trying to hit on Bearer everytime they’ve been in the ring since ‘Taker’ return. However, before he can hit it, Kane clubs him from behind and lays him out with a Chokeslam. He then indicates a Tombstone is coming, but the Deadman sits up, lays a few haymakers before Chokeslamming his brother, and turning to Bearer, lifts him up and finally the gets the Tombstone he’s been chasing for weeks. He then picks up Kane and delivers not one, not two, but three Tombstone’s on his half-brother and makes the cover to be the first man ever to defeat Kane and keep his undefeated streak alive at Wrestlemania! [B]Winner: The Undertaker in 10:39 Rating: A[/B][/CENTER] Post-match, The Undertaker drops to one knee in that gothic way he does and rolls his eyes into the back of his head, when Kane sits up from behind, picks him up and hits a Tombstone of his own. This is not over! -------------------------------------------------------------- [B]Dutch:[/B] I’m here with Jerry “The King” Lawler who just lost his first match since his return to the ring. [B]King: [/B]Listen up, peasant, I did not lose. That thug choked me out again. I only tapped through fear I would be choked to death. So I hereby announce that Jerry “The King” Lawler is still unde… Taz comes out from nowhere and locks in the Tazmission again, and once again, Lawler taps. -------------------------------------------------------------- Marcus Bagwell makes his way to the ring, still suited and booted, and as arrogant as ever. He is booed mercilessly after he ruined Monday nights Raw Is War main event. He cuts a promo about how he is the future of the company and how he guarantees to walk out of next years Wrestlemania with the title. However, unfamiliar music plays and the American 1996 Gold Medalist Weight Lifter [B]Dan Hupp[/B] comes down to the ring. Hupp is somewhat of a celebrity following his Olympic triumph and recent Pepsi advert. Bagwell tries to talking to him, but Hupp doesn’t care, and eventually plows through the “Buff One” with some incredible power moves. -------------------------------------------------------------- Oh, you didn’t know? The New Age Outlaws make their way down to the ring ahead of their tag title defence. The cheers they have been getting recently seem even louder than before as the fans have really taken to them. [B]Road Dogg: [/B]Lllladies and gentlemen, boys and girls, children of all ages, D-Generation proudly bring to you, its WWF… Taaag Team Champions of the Woooooooooorrrllld! The Road Dogg Jesse James! The Badd Ass Billy Gunn! The New… Age… Outlaws… [B]Billy Gunn:[/B] And if you’re not down with that; we’ve got two words for ya... [B]Crowd:[/B] Suck it! [CENTER][IMG]http://i150.photobucket.com/albums/s116/keefmoon/Mania%20Pics/TagTitles.jpg[/IMG] Both teams looked good out there, particularly the champs who have seen their popularity with the crowd keep growing and growing. If it wasn’t for their “alignment” they’d be faces, going by the crowd reaction. Both teams put their a**es on the line to give a great match, and finally “Badd Ass” Billy Gunn put the challengers away cleanly with a Gunn Shot to pick up the victory. [B]Winners, and still WWF Tag Team Champions, the New Age Outlaws in 13:33 Rating: B[/B][/CENTER] -------------------------------------------------------------- [B]Dutch[/B]: I’m standing by with Mankind, and tonight, you get the chance to prove to Triple H he hasn’t beat everyone beating in the Federation. [B]Mankind[/B] Hunter Hearst Helmsley is so sure that he is the best in the world. But there is no way he can say that when he hasn’t been through the hell and the rejection and the pain that I have. I lost an ear in Germany, I’ve been blown up in Japan, I’ve dived off roofs, and I can finally add been clocked in the head with a sledgehammer. I’ve had more injuries than Triple H has had hot dinners and I’ve fought through it all, only to be passed over by every company I’ve ever worked for, and every wrestler I’ve worked with. Well, not tonight! Tonight I prove to Triple H that I am worthy of acceptance, that I am a real nasty son-of-a-b**** and I will have a nice day doing so. -------------------------------------------------------------- A graphic is shown to indicate the upcoming match will be The Rock vs Ken Shamrock. A video plays to show the building rivalry between them, including Shamrock’s demolition of the Nation at No Way Out Of Texas, and when The Rock broke a cinder block over Ken Shamrocks ankle. [CENTER][IMG]http://i150.photobucket.com/albums/s116/keefmoon/Mania%20Pics/RockShamrock.jpg[/IMG] Shamrock, still sporting a minor limp, took control of the match early on, being particularly stiff and aggressive with The Rock, just further demonstrating how dangerous he is. However, The Rock managed to turn the tables, and showed some pretty special offence at times, proving that maybe he took the match a little more seriously than he was letting on. Rocky constantly taunted Shamrock and the fans, and at one point stopped to take a sip of water and took a microphone at the announcers table, where he said; “You roody poo candy a** cameramen better be following this ‘cos The Rock is about to prove exactly why he is the most electrifying man is sports entertainment today!” but before he could add anything else Shamrock leaped from the apron onto him, taking him over the announcers table before hitting the left and rights mercilessly. Back in the ring, The Rock seemed to have the match wrapped up when he reversed a belly to belly suplex, hit a few trademark moves and then finally took Shamrock down with a Rock Bottom. However, rather than pinning him, he walked around to his head and removed his elbow pad, and taunting the fans and Shamrock. He bounced off both ropes in a move JR described as “Ridiculous and time wasting” before trying an elbow drop. However, this drawn out move gave Shamrock the opportunity to come to and he rolled into an Anklelock. Rocky tried to get to the ropes, but Shamrock had him in the middle of the ring and he had no choice but to tap out again! [B]Winner: Ken Shamrock in 17:56 Rating: A*[/B][/CENTER] -------------------------------------------------------------- Dutch Mantell holds an interview with the first ever Hardcore Champion Terry Funk, who is proud of his achievement and thanks the fans for their support, as they helped drag him through one of the most aggressive and brutal in his career. Suddenly Sabu runs into the shot and literally throws a chair at him, before stomping on him a bit, then performing unique version of the Triple Jump Moonsault off the materials near by, being a couple of tables and a box, before leaving the legendary champion down and out. -------------------------------------------------------------- A graphic comes on the screen ahead of the Street Fight between Mankind and Triple H. A video then plays showing Mankind taking Triple H up on his statement that he’d beaten everyone in the business. It also shows Mankind getting up from everything DX throws at him, until Triple H hit him with a sledgehammer. [CENTER][IMG]http://i150.photobucket.com/albums/s116/keefmoon/Mania%20Pics/MankindHHH.jpg[/IMG] The increasingly popular Triple H started the match in the ring, and wouldn’t let Mankind get in. Mankind circled the ring, but everytime he tried Triple H blocked the entrance. As it is a Street Fight the referee could do nothing. Eventually Mankind went under the ring and pulled out a steel chair wrapped in barbed wire. Triple H immediately freaked out, which gave Mankind a chance to get in the ring, and with his first swing of the chair caught the degenerate on the head which busted him wide open. With the first shot! Despite Triple H getting into the match with a few scientific holds, Mankind got regained control and it turned for into a brawl. He took the match to the outside, and hit his trademark diving elbow from the apron, before putting Triple H on the table for a Piledriver. Triple H turned it into a Pedigree position, but was backbody dropped onto the same table they were on, which crumbled into pieces as both well to the ground. Once both made it back to the ring, the action was back and forth, mainly just brawling but also including a few weapons such as chairs. This was until Mankind hit the Double Arm DDT, and rolled out and under the ring, and came back in with what looked like a sandbag. However, he opened it up and poured out thumbtacks! If Triple H was coherent enough I’m sure he’d have freaked out, but instead he lay groggily on the mat as the crowd cheered ferociously. He dragged Hunter over the lacks, and picked him up in the Double Arm DDT position, but Triple H reversed it into some sort of Standing Spinebuster, leaving, Mankind covered in tacks! Triple H realised this was his chance to get the win, so picked Mankind up and into the Pedigree position, but just as he was about to hit it, Mankind backbody dropped him onto the tacks, leaving Triple H screaming! Mankind then went out of the ring and brought in a 2 by 4 wrapped in barbed wire, much to the delight of the fans. He waited for Triple H to get up, and swung the stick, only for Triple H to duck and hit a knee drop. He got the barbed wire himself and pounded Mankind with it, all over his body. He went outside and got a sledgehammer, but by this time Mankind was up and locked in the Mandible Claw. Triple H looked ready to pass out, until he bit a belly to back suplex out of nowhere on the thumbtacks! Triple H grabbed a towel from the announcers table and attempted to choke Mankind, who low blowed him and searched under the ring, bringing in lighter fluid and matches! He tied the towel to the chair, doused it in petrol and lit it, to which Triple H freaked out like you wouldn’t believe. Mankind seemed to have second thoughts as he began to put the chair down, but instead he lid the 2 by 4 in barbed wire, and held both flaming objects in the air to a huge pop! However, this gave Triple H the chance to low blow him and hit a Pedigree! One… Two… NO! Mankind kicked out! How in the hell did he kick out?! Triple H got really angry and picked up the sledgehammer, and waited for Mankind to arise, when he did, he clocked him right between the eyes with it, and made the cover. One… JR: No, not this way! Two… JR: Kick out, Mankind! Three. Triple H won a brutal but awesome spectacle, one that should surely move them firmly into main event status. [B]Winner: Triple H in 16:54 Rating: A*[/B][/CENTER] -------------------------------------------------------------- [B]Dutch:[/B] Shawn Michaels, we’ve just seen your buddy Triple H beat Mankind in a brutal encounter. Up next is your title defence-can you make it a 100% record for DX as Wrestlemania? [Michaels/] You’re damn right I can, and you know why? Look at this on my shoulder. This piece of gold tells you and the rest of the world that I’m the best there is in this company. Standing before you is the Showstoppa, the Main Event, the World Wrestling Federation Champion, and tonight I declare this DX night as we will walk out having won all our matches and I know I will be still be the champ, because Austin and Owen’s egos are all the advantage I need. And if you don’t know it by now- I am the man… and I most definitely can. -------------------------------------------------------------- A graphic appears on screen to say that the WWF Title match between Shawn Michaels, Owen Hart and Steve Austin is up next. A video is then aired, showing everything from HBK’s win over Owen at No Way Out, Austin winning the Royal Rumble, Owen signing the title match contract and the constant two and fro battles and brawls between the three men. -------------------------------------------------------------- [B]Dave Grohl:[/B] Syracouse, New York and the watching world… ARE YOU READY?! The Foo Fighters, are by the side of the stage, and perform a rockier, more gravely version of the DX theme song as Shawn Michaels makes his way down to the ring ahead of his title defence. [CENTER][IMG]http://i150.photobucket.com/albums/s116/keefmoon/Mania%20Pics/MainEvent.jpg[/IMG] The match is incredibly tense and exciting. All three men made early attempts at their finishing manoeuvres, but none could get them as all three refused to work with any of the others to gain an advantage. After a brief spell of equality, each man spends a bit of time on the outside as the other two go one-on-one. It isn’t until Shawn Michaels hits a Sweet Chin Music out of nowhere on Stone Cold that someone is left down and out for a while, though. This leaves Owen Hart the opportunity to gain a measure of revenge on Michaels for what happened at the Survivor Series, and the fans realised this as they popped as Owen starting screaming Michaels to get back up after every knock down. Owen seemed to be in control as he took Shawn down with a Dragon Screw and locked in the Sharpshooter. Michaels eventually reached the ropes, but Owen tuned up the band to taunt Michaels and hit the Sweet Chin Music on him. The referee made the count… One… Two… NO! Austin got back in the ring just in time to break it up, before chucking Owen out of the ring and stomping a mudhole in Michaels. He climbed out the ring, threw Owen into the stairs, grabbed a chair and got back in the ring, only for the referee to confiscate, giving Michaels a chance to hit the Sweet Chin Music on Austin! The action continued onwards from here, with numerous near falls, and crowd popping moments, including a double low blow from Austin, Austin banging Michaels and Hart’s heads together, Michaels performing a Moonsault on Stone Cold and Owen to the outside of the ring and all three men doing every signature taunt and move in their arsenal. Suddenly, Vince McMahon makes his way down to the ring. This grabs the attention of Earl Hebner. Owen Hart slides in the ring with a steel chair and turns to Shawn Michaels, who out of nowhere kicks the chair back in Owen’s face with a Sweet Chin Music! The referee then turns around to see Owen knocked out and tries to attend to him when Vince climbs in the ring and hits Stone Cold in the head with a chair! Shawn Michaels crawls over and drapes an arm over him as Vince grabs the referee and yells at him to make the count… One… Two… Thr… NO! Austin gets a shoulder up at the last second! Shawn is distraught, having given everything and not being able to put Austin away. Vince gets angry and punches Hebner, knocking him out. Michaels gets up, picks up a chair and starts wearing Michaels and Hart out with it. Vince calls for a new referee to come down to the ring, and after a brief pause, Shane McMahon comes down to the ring to the huge displeasure of the crowd. He gets into the ring, and picks up the chair while Michaels holds Austin up. As Shane swings Austin ducks and he clocks HBK over the head! Father and son look shocked, as Shane drops the chair and looks at his dad. However, his Shane’s shocked look gradually turns to a grin. He flips the middle fingers at his dad, and then tackles him out of the ring to a huge pop from the crowd! Meanwhile, Austin and Owen get up and start trading punches again. Austin attempts a Stunner and Owen tries for a replica of the Piledriver that broke Austin’s neck, but both are reversed. Owen throws Stone Cold into the ropes, but Austin puts the brakes on and his opponent runs at him, however, Austin steps aside and throws him out of the ring. Michaels gets up and tries to sneak in a Sweet Chin Music, but Austin was ready for it and caught his leg, spun him around and hit the Stunner! He hooks the leg in the pinfall position when Shane McMahon slides into the ring… One… Two… Three! The crowd pops as Stone Cold Steve Austin wins the World Wrestling Federation title for the first time in his career! [B]Winner: Stone Cold Steve Austin in 25:52 Rating: A*[/B][/CENTER] The crowd are on their feet cheering crazily as Shane hands Austin the title and climbs the top ropes, before getting thrown a couple of Steveweisers and downing them as cameras flash. The screen fades out as Austin is toasting the belt with his beer. -------------------------------------------------------------- Final Rating: A*. It should have increased our popularity. Tommy Dreamer was used too much. It drew 844,844 buys on pay-per-view. Including theoutlaw321. [CENTER][QUOTE][B]QUICK RESULTS[/B] [LIST] [*]Stone Cold Steve Austin def. Shawn Michaels and Owen Hart to win the WWF Championship (A*) [*]Triple H def. Mankind in a Street Fight (A*) [*]Ken Shamrock def. The Rock (A*) [*]New Age Outlaws def. Marc Mero & Dr Death Steve Williams to retain the WWF Tag Team Titles (B) [*]The Undertaker def. Kane (A) [*]Taz def. Jerry “The King” Lawler in the King Of The Court Open Challenge (A) [*]Terry Funk def. Sabu and Tommy Dreamer to become the first ever WWF Hardcore Champion (A) [*]Marc Mero & Dr Death def. Edge & Christian, Legion Of Doom, The Nation and Surprise Entrants Godfather & Dennis Rodman to become the number one contenders of the WWF Tag Titles (C+) [*]Jeff Jarrett def. Goldust to win the WWF Intercontinental Title (A) [/LIST][/QUOTE][/CENTER]
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Congratulations to rjhabeeb, who made the most correct predictions before ‘Mania, with 6. There should be a Private Message by the time you read this with your prize. The prize is a choice of sorts, but that’s all I can say right now as it needs to be kept a secret from everyone else… Also thank you to wildcat for the WWF:MTA logo, as well as the Mania poster, and thanks again to shaynes23 for the Graphics and video for the matches.
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Jeff Hardy arrived late to Wrestlemania. He didn’t have a match, but that doesn’t matter. He's shown he's unreliable, and he has been late to two shows out of two since his call up. He was given his final official warning, it’s coming out of his wage packet next time.
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[QUOTE=keefmoon;206725]Congratulations to rjhabeeb, who made the most correct predictions before ‘Mania, with 6. There should be a Private Message by the time you read this with your prize. The prize is a choice of sorts, but that’s all I can say right now as it needs to be kept a secret from everyone else… Also thank you to wildcat for the WWF:MTA logo, as well as the Mania poster, and thanks again to shaynes23 for the Graphics and video for the matches.[/QUOTE] i was too amped for 'mania to even notice the message until i read this
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[QUOTE=Int. Champion. 101;206822]Wow...that's got to be the best Wrestlemania I've ever read...you put great detail into it...and I have to say now, I'm hooked on this.[/QUOTE] Thank you very much, you're too nice. :) I'd be quite interested in what people thought of it. I honestly think this event, for good or bad, will set up the next year in the WWF. So was it a step in the right direction?
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[CENTER][QUOTE][IMG]http://i150.photobucket.com/albums/s116/keefmoon/wwfcom.gif[/IMG] [SIZE="5"][B]PRESENTS[/B][/SIZE] [IMG]http://i150.photobucket.com/albums/s116/keefmoon/raw.gif[/IMG] AFTER a whirlwind Wrestlemania that saw no fewer than four new champions crowned, Raw Is War is looking to pick up where things left off at 'Mania- exciting, fast and unpredictable. Two if the new champions will face off in a non-title match, as new World Wrestling Federation Heavyweight Champion will face off against the new Intercontinental Champion Jeff Jarrett. Both men are on a great run of form but one will end tonight. Another match tonight will see D-Generation X representatives Shawn Michaels and Triple H take on two of the men they faced individually at Wrestlemania, Owen Hart and Mankind. Raw Is War will also see a Wrestlemania rematch. Following Taz's victory over Jerry Lawler, The King claimed Taz had choked him rather than making him tap out, only to get "punked out" by the thug Taz again. Lawler will have the chance to get his his victory over Taz, will he take it? After Terry Funk became the first ever Hardcore Champion, his extreme rival Sabu assaulted him yet again. They face off tonight yet again for the WWF Hardcore title. Lasts nights match was brutal, how much do either men have in the tank? At Wrestlemania, Godfather made his huge comeback after being kicked out of the Nation, but he didn't come alone. NBA Star Dennis Rodman helped out as he entered the Battle Royal. While both were eliminated, Rodman returned to help eliminate the monster Mabel. Tonight the two teams face off in Dennis Rodman's last match in the WWF. Also at Raw Is War the former Intercontinental Champion Goldust faces off against one half of the Tag Team champions, Billy Gunn, and WWFs newest Tag Team the Hardy Boyz face veteran bullys Harris Brothers. Tune into the USA Network to see all this action and much, much more!!![/QUOTE][/CENTER] Predictions and feedback both appreciated and encouraged!
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