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World Wrestling Federation: From Montreal To Attitude

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[CENTER][QUOTE][IMG]http://i150.photobucket.com/albums/s116/keefmoon/wwfcom.gif[/IMG] [B][SIZE="4"]PRESENTS[/SIZE][/B] [IMG]http://i150.photobucket.com/albums/s116/keefmoon/Unforgiven/Unforgiven.png[/IMG] WWF In Your House: Unforgiven is a mere six days away and things are really starting to heat up. The confirmed matches so far are: [B]Wrestlemania Rematch Triple Threat Match for the World Wrestling Federation Championship[/B] Stone Cold Steve Austin (c) vs "The Black Hart" Owen Hart vs "Heartbreak Kid" Shawn Michaels [B]Number One Contenders Match- Fatal Fourway[/B] Triple H vs The Undertaker vs Mankind vs Triple H [B]Cage Match for the WWF Intercontinental Title[/B] Jeff Jarrett (c) vs Goldust Tune in to RAW is WAR and wwf.com to find out more matches as they are announced, and of course, Unforgiven is available on Pay-Per-View![/QUOTE][/CENTER] OOC: Blimey, I didn't realise there were so few matches confirmed. After RAW is WAR is shown there will be at least five more matches added, and maybe even one or two of the dreaded "Bonus Match"! RAW should be up soon, and a full Unforgiven preview shortly after that. Credit to Wildcat for the awesome Unforgiven poster.
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[QUOTE=rjhabeeb;212804]who is Dan Hupp?[/QUOTE] Dan Hupp was a generated wrestler in April 1998 who had good power skills, limited basics and B+ popularity. So I gave him the moniker of being an Olympic Weight Lifter who won gold in Atlanta and as such he is a big name. He turned wrestler and I brought him in as he could gain mainstream appeal but is also better than your average celebrity turned wrestler.
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[CENTER][IMG]http://i150.photobucket.com/albums/s116/keefmoon/MontrealToAttitude.jpg[/IMG] [B][SIZE="4"]PRESENTS[/SIZE][/B] [IMG]http://i150.photobucket.com/albums/s116/keefmoon/raw.gif[/IMG] Live from the Hofheinz Pavilion in Houston, Texas in front of a crowd of 10,000.[/CENTER] A video is played hyping tonights match between Vince McMahon and Triple H, as well as Unforgiven’s title match. After this, JR and Jim Cornette hype the main event, as well as the previously unmentioned interviews JR held with all the title match competitors during the week. --------------------------------------------------- The show kicks off with Triple H in the ring, telling the crowd that it felt good to finally hear their cheers, and whatever Vince wants to throw at him he can take on the chin and still continue his climb to the top of the WWF mountain. However, Vince McMahon comes out to the rampway, and informs Triple H that much like Owen Hart and Stone Cold, who have both refused to step in line recently, that there will be no chance in hell of Triple H walking out of Unforgivenwith a win, as this Unforgiven will go exactly how McMahon wants it to. --------------------------------------------------- [CENTER][B][SIZE="4"]Number One Contender Match for the WWF Tag Team Titles[/SIZE][/B] [B][SIZE="5"]Marc Mero and “Dr Death” Steve Williams w/Sable vs The Nation Of Domination (D’Lo Brown and Mabel)[/SIZE][/B] The New Age Outalws lent their voices to this match which was even throughout, except when the monster Mabel was in the ring. Both teams went flat out for glory and as such put on a brillaitn showing for the crowd, but the old combination of an Embalmer and Lo-Down on Williams gave the Nation yet another clean win. [B]Winners: The Nation in 7:46 Rating: B+[/B][/CENTER] Post match, with the Outlaws looking on, the Nation continue to dismantle Williams, before D’Lo leaps over the announcers table at the champs! A brawl ensues between the members of the Tag Title match this Sunday! --------------------------------------------------- Vince McMahon is in his office when Kane walks in with Paul Bearer. Vince tries to appeal to Kane’s sense of injustice after last weeks assault, but Kane is unmoved, so Vince simply resorts to telling Kane to “get the job done”, which both he and Bearer seem to understand. --------------------------------------------------- [CENTER][B][SIZE="4"]Number One Contenders Match for the WWF Hardcore Title[/SIZE][/B] [SIZE="5"][B]"Innovator Of Violence" Tommy Dreamer vs Faarooq[/B][/SIZE] A particularly intense and physical match between Dreamer and the Nation leader; who even goes as far as to mock former Nation member the Godfather in the match. Godfather obviously takes exception and runs to the ring, taking Faarooq out with a Pimp Drop to give Dreamer the win. [B]Winner: Tommy Dreamer in 9:44 Rating: B-[/B][/CENTER] --------------------------------------------------- Backstage, Jeff Jarrett bursts into Shane McMahon’s office, who is doing paper work. After calling him a “hereditary slapnut” he goes on to threaten Shane that he will do all to get him out of his job, as he is unfit to be so important in the company. He claims he is biased against Double J, and if he ever got the chance, he’d love to beat the cr@p out of him. --------------------------------------------------- A video is then shown of a pre-recorded interview between Jim Ross and Shawn Michaels. In it, Michaels claims that to not get a real rematch after losing the title is a travesty, but he knows for sure that when it comes to Unforgiven he will have what it takes to become the champion again. --------------------------------------------------- [CENTER][B][SIZE="5"]Light Heavyweight Champion Chavo Guerrero Jr vs Bart Gunn[/SIZE][/B] In a brief and decent match, the up and comer Chavo showed why he is the Light-Heavyweight Champion, and even displayed a mean streak not often seen in him before. He eventually makes the former Tag Champ tap to a Deathlock STF. [B]Winner: Chavo Guerrero Jr in 8:08 Rating: C[/B][/CENTER] After the match, Chavo is egotistically taunting the fans and showing off his gold, when a camera man slides in the ring and hits Chavo over the head with it! The camera man takes off his hat to reveal it was TAKA Michinoku! TAKA then signals he wants his title back. --------------------------------------------------- The Jim Ross interview with Owen Hart is then shown. In it, Owen claims that he knows he is ready to be the champion, and this Sunday it is his destiny to be the WWF Champion, and he will do it for his family, the fans, but most importantly, himself. --------------------------------------------------- [CENTER][SIZE="5"][B]Dan Hupp vs “The Stuff” Marcus Bagwell[/B][/SIZE] Marc Mero and Sable made their way down to the ring before the match to watch a battle between two men Mero doesn’t trust around his wife. In Hupp’s first televised match since turning pro after winning gold in the Olympics, he showed all of his awesome power to throw Bagwell around like a rag doll. Bagwell had to rely on his superior experience to gain the upperhand. Between cheap shots and high impact moves, Bagwell would stop to taunt at Mero, and make lustful taunts towards the blonde bombshell, much to Mero’s chagrin. Bagwell used all his ability to get out of a press slam by Hupp and rolled him up in a school boy to get the three, with a little help from the ringrope. [B]Winner: Marcus Bagwell in 7:47 Rating: B[/B][/CENTER] Post match, Marc Mero gets in the ring. [B]Mero: [/B]Hey, Bagwell, what the hell is your problem? Stop eyeballing my wife! [B]Bagwell:[/B] Me?! She was eyeballing me! [B]Mero:[/B] BS! If you don’tleave her along I’ll make you pay, okay? [B]Bagwell:[/B] Then tell your damn woman to stop calling me for booty calls, oooh yeah! [B]Sable:[/B] Bagwell, you make me sick! I would never even dream of sleeping with you. [B]Bagwell:[/B] Who said anything about sex? I just wanna go on a date with you, hun, and Mero, I’ll give you your chance to beat me up at Unforgiven. But on one condition- if I win, she has to go on a date with me. [I]Mero and Sable look at each other, before saying together…[/I] [B]Sable and Mero:[/B] You’re on! [B]Mero: [/B]Oh, and Bagwell… I can’t wait wait to kick you’re a$$! --------------------------------------------------- Meanwhile the cameras are backstage, where Triple H is warming up. Out of nowhere, Kane assaults him and starts beating up on him, throwing him into the garage door and doing everything he can to keep him down. --------------------------------------------------- [CENTER][B][SIZE="4"]WWF Hardcore Title Match[/SIZE][/B] [B][SIZE="5"]“The Homicidal, Genocidal, Suicidal” Sabu vs “The Hardcore Legend” Terry Funk (c)[/SIZE][/B] Another top notch hardcore match from these two. How Funk can keep going like this is a mystery, but whatever he’s taking I want some too. Both pull out all the stops, and unlike their previous matches, the weapons go beyond tables and chairs and actually include Singapore canes and the like. The Funk gains the advantage and gets ready for a piledriver, but Sabu reverses it and hits a back body drop onto a chair. With the Funker down, Sabu runs to the turnbuckle and hits the Triple Jump Moonsault for the shocking win! We have a new champion! [B]Winner and the NEW HARDCORE CHAMPION: Sabu in 9:34 Rating: B[/B][/CENTER] --------------------------------------------------- Shawn Michaels goes into Vince McMahon’s office, who had requested his presence. While Vince understood that it must be a tough decision to leave his friend, he must know that it is the right thing to do because the consequences of the other option are just too damn huge. --------------------------------------------------- The final Jim Ross interview with Steve Austin is aired. Austin says he’s proud to be champion and he sees it as sticking his finger up at anyone who told him he wasn’t good enough. He has no intention of losing at Unforgiven and plans on opening a can of whoop a$$ worthy of the WWF Title. --------------------------------------------------- With Jarrett and Terri in the ring, being even more disgustingly sexual towards each other than usual, an familiar yet unexpected theme bursts out around the arena… you may know it… it’s… it’s… it’s [B]Real American[/B]! The crowd pops once they realise what they are about to see, until Goldust steps through the curtain as [B]Gold Hogan[/B]! Following all the characteristics of the yellow, over-the-hill media creation, he stomps down to the ring, dressed in gold, with his father following behind, slightly embarrassed. Jarrett doesn’t know what to make of the impression, and as Gold Hogan follows even more of the hulking to the crowd and asking... “What you gonna do brother, when…. Ssssssss…..Gooollllddddd Hhhhhooooogggaaaaannnnn…. Runs wild on you?! [CENTER][SIZE="5"][B]Gold Hogan and “The American Dream” Dusty Rhodes vs WWF Intercontinental Champion Jeff Jarrett and Terri[/B][/SIZE] The match was mainly consisting of Jarrett and Gold Hogan trying to gain one upsmanship, with Jarrett clearly still not any more comfortable around his opponent. Despite his age and weight, “Dustah” looked pretty good in the ring, and played the role of the vengeful father perfectly, while Terri just taunting on the apron. Jarrett eventually got the advantage over father and son, and took Goldie out with a DDT. This just seemed to inspire Goldust, who hulked up, punched Jarrett a couple of times, threw him off the ropes, big boot and the Immortal Leg Drop, before covering him for the three! [B]Winners: Gold Hogan and Dusty Rhodes in 8:38 Rating: B+[/B][/CENTER] --------------------------------------------------- [QUOTE]Meanwhile, off camera and in the technical area where I was watching the show, McMahon approached me. [B]Vince:[/B] Dave? [B]Me:[/B] Yeah? [B]Vince:[/B] That finish to the match tonight, I don’t like it. I think it needs changing. [B]Me:[/B] Very funny. [B]Vince: [/B]No, seriously. I think it needs changing. [B]Me: [/B]But you agreed to it. The match is in a few minutes. [B]Vince: [/B]I know, but I don’t like it. And as I have ultimate creative control around here, I want you to change it. [B]Me: [/B]This is unbelievable. [B]Vince: [/B]Just do it, Dave, or I’ll get someone else to do it. Vince then walked away as I looked blankly at the screen, almost unable to comprehend what just happened.[/QUOTE] --------------------------------------------------- The Rock was backstage getting interviewed by Dutch. [B]Rock: [/B]You see, The Rock says that at Wrestlemania the Great One was screwed by Ken Shamrock. Everyone knows The Rock is the most electrifying man in sports entertainment, and that roody poo candy a$$ jabroni Shamrock knows it too. The Rock says that regardless of who wins on Sunday, The Rock should be the number one contender to the WWF Title Shane McMahon walks over. [B]Shane:[/B] Very impressive, Rocky. And despite seeing you cry like a baby as you tapped out to Shamrock at ‘Mania. I believe you. I think there is a chance Shamrock did get lucky, and therefore I’m putting you in a match against Kenny at Unforgiven. And to make sure their aren’t any lucky falls, it will be two out of three falls! However, I’m sure you’ll need a warm up for Sunday, so I’m adding you and Kenny to the 6 man tag match up next! --------------------------------------------------- Kane is walking towards the gorilla position ahead of the now 8 man match when Triple H attacks him from behind, as revenge for Kane’s attack earlier in the show! --------------------------------------------------- [CENTER][B][SIZE="4"]8 Man Tag Match[/SIZE][/B] [SIZE="5"][B]The Undertaker, The Rock, Mankind and Kane vs “Heartbreak Kid” Shawn Michaels, “The Black Hart” Owen Hart, Ken Shamrock and WWF Champion Stone Cold Steve Austin[/B][/SIZE] All eight men had their working boots tonight to put on a great spectacle for the fans. All eight men were obviously unhappy having team with men they do not like or trust, and this was at its most clear when The Undertaker laid out Kane with a stiff right hook! As they started brawling, the other members started to as well, meaning the referee lost all control of the match and it was declared a no contest. [B]Winner: Draw via no contest in 14:59 Rating: A*[/B][/CENTER] After the match, Shawn Michaels appeared to be getting the upper hand in the brawl, until he turned into Kane. The monster Chokeslammed Michaels straight to hell, before following up on every other person in the ring, until it was just he and Undertaker left. Both exchanged fists, until Kane reversed ‘Taker’s tombstone attempt into a Tombstone of his own. Has there ever been a more dominant superstar than Kane? --------------------------------------------------- A video is played showing Triple H’s trickery of Vince McMahon, followed by his Pedigree. [CENTER][B][SIZE="5"]Vince McMahon vs Triple H[/SIZE][/B] The fans were red hot for this one, even though the two never came in contact. Every time Triple H went for Vince, the owner hightailed out of the ring. Eventually, Hunter got Vince cornered, when two huge, bald men ran to the ring and took out the degenerate. Vince warned the referee not to DQ him, as the two huge men, called [B]Recon Buchanen and Deacon Bautista[/B], dismantled Triple H, giving Vince the easy three count. [B]Winner: Vince McMahon in 3:46 Rating: A[/B][/CENTER] The beating continued after the bell, with Deacon hitting a vicious powerbomb, and Recon showing amazing agility by leaping onto the top rope to flying clothesline Hunter. The fans chanted “HBK! HBK! HBK! HBK!” over and over at a ridiculously loud level, and the roof nearly blew off when his music hit. He ran down to the ring with a purpose, but as he was just about to get in the ring, he stepped back, looking concerned. You could tell he was thinking of helping as he would occasionally motion to enter the ring, but back down again. While HBK was unsure of what to do, the New Age Outlaws rushed down to the ring to help. However, the huge men were hard to topple, and matter became worse when the Outlaws opponents on Sunday, the Nation, ran down and helped Recon and Deacon. As all hope seemed lost, the glass shattered and Stone Cold came down to the ring armed with a chair! He took out the Nation and the Enforcers, before cornering McMahon. He dragged him to the centre of the ring, flipped the bird and was about to Stunner him when Owen Hart ran to the ring and hit him with a chair, saving McMahon! [B]JR:[/B] Good God! Owen Hart just saved Vince again! What the hell is going on? Are they on the same team? [B]Cornette: [/B]I don’t know, JR, but is Michaels? He wouldn’t even help his best friend! [B]JR: [/B]My God, Austin is busted wide open! The camera fades with Owen exiting the ring, with Vince looking on. --------------------------------------------------- [B]Final Rating: A.[/B] It should have increased our popularity. Vince McMahon was used too much. Jeff Hardy arrived late for the third time, so was fined for his actions. At the rate he’s going, Matt Hardy will wind up a singles competitor. Road Dogg was also late, which was his second time. Even though its less than the young Hardy, as a veteran he should be showing a better example, so was fined too. --------------------------------------------------- [IMG]http://i150.photobucket.com/albums/s116/keefmoon/WCW.jpg[/IMG] WCW Nitro was held at the Everett Event Center in front of 10,000 fans and drew a B+ rating. The main event was Hollywood Hogan defending his WCW title against Sting. ---------------------------------------------------
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[QUOTE=keefmoon;213120]JR: My God, Austin is busted wide open![/QUOTE] I love the commentary by JR, you have him nailed perfectly! Nice diary, keep up the good work. The only thing I don't like are "fake" workers (guys generated by the CPU) but that is a minor thing and they don't really play a role in your storylines. Again nice job and look forward to more!
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[QUOTE=DocStevens;213141]I love the commentary by JR, you have him nailed perfectly! Nice diary, keep up the good work. The only thing I don't like are "fake" workers (guys generated by the CPU) but that is a minor thing and they don't really play a role in your storylines. Again nice job and look forward to more![/QUOTE] Thanks very much for the feedback, and I really appreciate the negative comment too, it helps me improve. I agree on the generated workers one, I didn't wanna include them, but then 3 brilliant people came through at the start of the month. One was a really talented female (which I desperately need), one was a young William Regal type, and the other was Dan Hupp, who had overness of B+ nationwide. That's more than The Rock! I didn't feel like I could not use him. However, his role will be limited to the occassional match here and there, and I really only wanted him as another "celebrity" to be at Wrestlemania, so he shouldn't be around much longer! The matches for Unforgiven will be up soon, but before the PPV is written up there will be several additional bits, like an Obsessed With Wrestling colomn on the hugeness of having an ECW, WCW and WWF PPV in the same weekend, and a colomn written by an on-air talent!
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[IMG]http://i150.photobucket.com/albums/s116/keefmoon/wwfcom.gif[/IMG] [SIZE="4"]presents[/SIZE] [CENTER][QUOTE][IMG]http://i150.photobucket.com/albums/s116/keefmoon/Unforgiven/Unforgiven.png[/IMG] [B]Wrestlemania Rematch Triple Threat Match for the WWF Championship Stone Cold Steve Austin (c) vs Shawn Michaels vs Owen Hart[/B] At Wrestlemania, after months of feuding, Stone Cold Steve Austin fulfilled his dream and was crowned the WWF Champion for the first time. However, this incredible occasion caused more problems that it solved as the three men seemed to hate each other even more. At Unforgiven, these three magnificent athletes go at it one more time for the title, and this time promises to be even more intense and exciting than ever! [B]Number One Contendership of the WWF Title The Undertaker vs Kane vs Mankind vs Triple H[/B] The biggest prize in the game is always a source of great competition, but when you add four of the biggest names in the industry to the mix things become even more unpredictable, and the action comes even faster and more furious. Triple H and Undertaker both walked away from Wrestlemania with victories, but following his altercation with Vince McMahon, the owner declared the degenerate has “no chance in hell”. However, does anyone have a chance when put in the ring with the most dominant superstar in the history of the World Wrestling Federation, Kane? [B]Two Out Of Three Falls Match The Rock vs Ken Shamrock[/B] After months of to-and-fro battles, Shamrock got the win over The Rock at Wrestlemania with his feared Anklelock submission hold. While most saw the victory as being the better man winning, the “most electrifying man in sport entertainment” saw some sort of screwjob involved. At Unforgiven he gets the chance to prove he is in fact the better man when he gets his rematch, but this time the winner will have to beat the other twice. [B]Cage Match for the WWF Intercontinental Title Jeff Jarrett (c) vs Goldust[/B] When Jeff Jarrett stole Goldust’s Intercontinental Title and his wife at Wrestlemania, no-one could have guessed how the “Bizarre One” would react. While many would fall into depression, and others would get angry, Goldust turned to even deeper mind games. With his impersonations getting even stranger by the week, Jarrett chose to walk away from his competitor. However, there will be no running at Unforgiven when the two will be locked in a Steel Cage. [B]WWF Tag Team Championship New Age Outlaws (c) vs The Nation[/B] The Outlaws have been tag team champions for the last six months, however, it must eat away at them that The Nation are described as the most dominant team in the company. After The Nation became the number one contenders on RAW, the Outlaws will get a chance to prove that they truly are the top team in the World Wrestling Federation. [B]Marc Mero w/Sable vs Marcus Bagwell[/B] Even in the strange world of sports entertainment, this match ranks up there as one of the most bizarre. If Bagwell wins, Marc Mero’s wife Sable will have to go on a date with him. The self professed ladies man has so far seen his advances on Sable spurned, but will she get the chance to spurn him permanently after this Sunday? [B]WWF Hardcore Title Sabu (c) vs Tommy Dreamer[/B] Sabu began his first Hardcore title reign on RAW when he pinned the legend Terry Funk. Even before then, these two have been showing the Fed’s fans a whole new form of extreme they didn’t even know existed. So far in his fledgling WWF career Tommy Dreamer hasn’t been pinned, but unless he wins the title, this streak will come to a very abrupt end. [B]Faarooq vs Godfather[/B] When the Godfather was kicked out of The Nation in February, there were not many people that predicted he would return as a pimp, nor did they think he would catch on with the fans so well. As the spiritual leader of the Nation, Faarooq has taken it upon himself to prove a life outside the Nation is a life not worth living. [B]WWF Light-Heavyweight Title Match Chavo Guerrero Jr (c) vs TAKA Michinoku[/B] A friendship born out of respect, a rivalry built on jealousy. Despite the high regard they had for each other, Chavo had no problem with taking the cheap way to victory when he won the title, and after TAKA pinned him in a non-title match, Chavo showed his true colours by beating him down viciously. Will Chavo be able to hang on to his gold, or will TAKA reclaim the belt he holds so dearly? THE ONLY WAY TO FIND OUT IS TO WATCH WWF IN YOUR HOUSE: UNFORGIVEN, AVAILABLE TODAY ON PAY-PER-VIEW[/QUOTE][/CENTER] [B]QUICK PICKS[/B] [B]Wrestlemania Rematch Triple Threat Match for the WWF Championship[/B] Stone Cold Steve Austin (c) vs Shawn Michaels vs Owen Hart [B]Number One Contendership of the WWF Title[/B] The Undertaker vs Kane vs Mankind vs Triple H [B]Two Out Of Three Falls Match[/B] The Rock vs Ken Shamrock [B]Cage Match for the WWF Intercontinental Title[/B] Jeff Jarrett (c) vs Goldust [B]WWF Tag Team Championship[/B] New Age Outlaws (c) vs The Nation Marc Mero w/Sable vs Marcus Bagwell [B]WWF Hardcore Title[/B] Sabu (c) vs Tommy Dreamer Faarooq vs Godfather [B]WWF Light-Heavyweight Title Match[/B] Chavo Guerrero Jr (c) vs TAKA Michinoku
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[b]My predictions:[/b] Stone Cold Steve Austin (c) vs [b]Shawn Michaels[/b] vs Owen Hart ~Tough one to predict but I don't think Austin "needs" the title because he is so big and I can't see the title around Owen's waist but maybe I am wrong about him... [b]The Undertaker[/b] vs Kane vs Mankind vs Triple H ~This would set up a Taker vs HBK feud which could be cool and of course you have plenty of ex-factors in Kane, Triple H, etc. [b]The Rock[/b] vs Ken Shamrock ~The Rock is the People's Champ and Shamrock is a chump! Rocky forever! Jeff Jarrett (c) vs [b]Goldust[/b] ~Jarrett is nothing more than a regional jobber but I also dislike Goldust so this is a tough one. Going to pick Goldust but I am kind of afraid to watch this match! [b]New Age Outlaws[/b] vs The Nation ~I like the Outlaws and I think you need to keep at least some gold with DX so this is a perfect way to do it. Marc Mero w/Sable vs [b]Marcus Bagwell[/b] ~Buff is the Stuff and Mero is a worm! I predict Buff wins the belt and Mero's woman! Sabu (c) vs [b]Tommy Dreamer[/b] ~I have never been a fan of either guy but both are quality hardcore match workers. You can't go wrong with either guy winning this one! Faarooq vs [b]Godfather[/b] ~The Godfather and his Ho-Train can not be stopped! [b]Chavo Guerrero Jr[/b] vs TAKA Michinoku ~Should be an exciting match and hopeuflly Chavo can get it done!
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Final Encounter Wrestlemania Rematch Triple Threat Match for the WWF Championship Stone Cold Steve Austin (c) vs [B]Shawn Michaels[/B] vs Owen Hart I thought Austin would hold on a little longer untilllllllllllllllllll Number One Contendership of the WWF Title The Undertaker vs Kane vs Mankind vs [B]Triple H [/B] Triple H gets to fight HBK for the belt Two Out Of Three Falls Match [B]The Rock [/B]vs Ken Shamrock Cage Match for the WWF Intercontinental Title Jeff Jarrett (c) vs [B]Goldust[/B] WWF Tag Team Championship [B]New Age Outlaws (c) [/B]vs The Nation Marc Mero w/Sable vs [B]Marcus Bagwell [/B] Sable turns her back on Johnny B. Badd WWF Hardcore Title [B]Sabu (c) [/B]vs Tommy Dreamer Faarooq vs [B]Godfather[/B] WWF Light-Heavyweight Title Match Chavo Guerrero Jr (c) vs[B] TAKA Michinoku[/B]
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Taken from wwf.com... [QUOTE][CENTER][IMG]http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/en/thumb/d/d5/Jimross.jpg/200px-Jimross.jpg[/IMG] [B][SIZE="5"]The Ross Report[/SIZE][/B][/CENTER] Greetings from under the black resitol hat! I'm good ol' JR and here are more of my random thoughts; [LIST] [*]I hope I can have the priveledge of being broadcast to all your homes this Sunday for Unforgiven. It looks to be one of the top PPVs of the year with all our top stars putting on their games, just like at 'Mania. [*]I'm proud to announce that at Unforgiven myself and Jim Cornette will joined behind the announcing table by none other than Jerry "The King" Lawler. It's always good to get a royal slant on things! [*]What is going through the head of Shawn Michaels these days? While the choice between success and friends is always tough, I don't see why they have to be mutually exclusive. The fans are really behind DX and it is them that get a huge say in who the stars are. [*]I can't believe Terry Funk is still going at 120 miles per hour at his age. How he isn't falling apart at the seams I don't understand, especially against these younger and extreme opponents, like Sabu and Tommy Dreamer. I just hope I am still as fit as him when I reach his age! [*]Is Kane the most dominant superstar in WWF history? This evil piece of work seems unstoppable, and it took three Tombstones from The Undertaker of all people to beat him. And if it's possible, he's been even more unstoppable since. And his alignment with Mr McMahon can only mean bad things for the rest of the company. [*]I have a word of advice for the esteemed Mr Goldust- don't go down to an Oklahoma bar on a Friday night after pay day, I can personally atest that I've seen people their buttocks handed to them on a plate for less than Goldust's weird antics. [*]However, I have sympathy for the Bizarre One. Jeff Jarrett's theft of his wife is nothing short of tragic. Alls fair in love and war and all that, but taking a guys wife to gain the upper hand is plain wrong in my book, and I for one applaud Goldust and Shane McMahon for standing up to him. [*]While I like to see guys put it all on the line to win a match, I don't like Chavo's recent actions. He and TAKA had a great friendship and a promising tag team, and Chavo threw it all away through jealousy. He's officially in my bad books, and from the crowd reaction on Monday at RAW tells me I'm not alone in this assessment! [*]After visiting JAPW, I'm really excited for the future of the company. Guys like Sean Morley and Shane Helms look very good already and will only get better. The company is sure to profit from their inevitable call up. [*]Even though his arrogance often irritates the hell out of me, The Rock has future world champion written all over him. He oozes charisma and is great on the mic, and if he can realise that being big-headed isn't nearly as important as getting results in the ring, he may be one of the all time greats in the WWF. [*]How impressive did the team of Recon Buchanan and Deacon Bautista look on RAW? These two big guys look like they have quite a future in the company, and I for one am excited at their potential. However, potential doesn't buy the groceries. [*]I'm starting to get sick of Marcus Bagwell. The guy has an amazing look and he is a top performer in the ring, but I don't like his attitude around women. In fact, it stinks. The way he has been treating poor Sable is disgusting, and if I did something like that my daddy would have taken me to the woodshed in no time at all, let me tell you. [*]That's all the random thoughts I can pluck out from under my hat for today, thanks y'all for reading and I'll see you at Unforgiven this Sunday, only on Pay-Per-View! [/LIST] [/QUOTE]
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I don't often get the chance to read diaries but I think I'm gonna try and catch up with this one. By the way, I love the Ross Report idea. I tried to do a similar thing with teh Bam Bam Exam but I think yours has been pulled off better ;). Quote The Raven Nevermore
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Wow thanks mate, I'm glad you like it. It especially means a lot coming from someone whos diary writing skills I greatly admire (as you as I asked you for help before I started this. Glad you like the Ross Report. I don't know how frequently I do it 'cos I like to mix and match different things from outside of the shows but it will return at some point. JR is a good person to use because while he is respected, he is fairly hoss based in his preferences, unlike my talent bias, and he is also very recognisable. Once again thanks for reading, and thanks to all that have made predictions so far. Like the last PPV there is a prize, and I stand by my prizes as rjhabeeb can atest to! EDIT: Oh and Nevermore, I really liked your Bam Bam exam. I was thinking about stealing the idea when I hit the end of the year! Seriously though, the BBE was great because I think an analysis of the awards are good, but it kept it in ECW mode. So I liked it a lot. And if my diary can be anywhere near as good as yours I will have done a good job. You've inspired me to try topics I would have considered wrestlecr@p had you not pulled them off so well (eg the Bagwell/Mero/Sable angle wouldn't have been used had it not been for your wedding.)
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[QUOTE=keefmoon;213264] Once again thanks for reading, and thanks to all that have made predictions so far. Like the last PPV there is a prize, and I stand by my prizes as rjhabeeb can atest to! [/QUOTE] im defending my strap and Unforgivin i will be the greatest FROM MONTREAL TO ADDITUDE PREDICTION CHAMPION of allllllll time
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Final Encounter Wrestlemania Rematch Triple Threat Match for the WWF Championship [B]Stone Cold Steve Austin (c)[/B] vs Shawn Michaels vs Owen Hart Going against the crowd and picking Austin to retain. Michaels and Hart to feud. Number One Contendership of the WWF Title The Undertaker vs Kane vs Mankind vs [B]Triple H[/B] HHH gets the shot at the title that his [I]friend [/I] so desperately wants back. Two Out Of Three Falls Match [B]The Rock[/B] vs Ken Shamrock The people's champ. Cage Match for the WWF Intercontinental Title Jeff Jarrett (c) vs [B] Goldust[/B] WWF Tag Team Championship [B]New Age Outlaws (c)[/B] vs The Nation You better call some body!! Marc Mero w/Sable vs [B]Marcus Bagwell[/B] The Stuff WWF Hardcore Title [B]Sabu (c)[/B] vs Tommy Dreamer too quick a title change. Faarooq vs [B]Godfather[/B] Pimping ain't easy! WWF Light-Heavyweight Title Match [B]Chavo Guerrero Jr (c)[/B] vs TAKA Michinoku
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[QUOTE=keefmoon;213264]EDIT: Oh and Nevermore, I really liked your Bam Bam exam. I was thinking about stealing the idea when I hit the end of the year! Seriously though, the BBE was great because I think an analysis of the awards are good, but it kept it in ECW mode. So I liked it a lot. And if my diary can be anywhere near as good as yours I will have done a good job. You've inspired me to try topics I would have considered wrestlecr@p had you not pulled them off so well (eg the Bagwell/Mero/Sable angle wouldn't have been used had it not been for your wedding.)[/QUOTE] Wow, cheers, man. That really means a lot ;). Quote The Raven Nevermore
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Final Encounter Wrestlemania Rematch Triple Threat Match for the WWF Championship [B]Stone Cold Steve Austin (c)[/B] vs Shawn Michaels vs Owen Hart Number One Contendership of the WWF Title The Undertaker vs [B]Kane[/B] vs Mankind vs Triple H Two Out Of Three Falls Match [B]The Rock[/B] vs Ken Shamrock Cage Match for the WWF Intercontinental Title Jeff Jarrett (c) vs [B]Goldust[/B] WWF Tag Team Championship [B]New Age Outlaws (c)[/B] vs The Nation Marc Mero w/Sable vs [B]Marcus Bagwell[/B] WWF Hardcore Title Sabu (c) vs [B]Tommy Dreamer[/B] Faarooq vs [B]Godfather[/B] WWF Light-Heavyweight Title Match Chavo Guerrero Jr (c) vs [B]TAKA Michinoku[/B]
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[CENTER][QUOTE][IMG]http://i150.photobucket.com/albums/s116/keefmoon/ObsessedWithWrestling.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://www.lacoctelera.com/myfiles/quefuede/Bret%20Hart02.jpg[/IMG] [SIZE="6"][B]Home Is Where The Hart Is[/B][/SIZE] [SIZE="1"]Article by Judd Duff[/SIZE] [B]Perhaps the most shocking piece of news to come out of the wrestling industry since Bret Hart was screwed on his way out of the WWF is he may be making his way back.[/B] The events at Survivor Series are etched in the brain of all who witnessed it, me included, and it is possible it will never leave. Seeing Hart spit in the face of his former employee and making the WCW symbol as he slammed the WWF door behind him, seemingly forever. However, after just 5 and a half months since his departure, with his short term contract coming to an apparant end it seems life on the other side of the wrestling tracks isn't as sweet as it once seemed. After constantly being underutilied and having only wrestled a hadful of matches for his new company, things appear to be getting to the "Hitman", and matters probably haven't been helped by seeing the push his younger brother getting a sustained main event push in his former company. While no-one from either camp could be caught for a questionning on this bizarre rumour, one thing that makes this idea unlikely is Bret and WWF owner Vince McMahon still have not spoken since Bret punched McMahon after the events in Montreal. Both men are rumoured to hold a grudge against the other for the way things went down, and neither man is particularly known for his forgiveness. [B]One thing that is sure is if the WWF could complete this signing, the tide would almost certainly change.[/B] WCW has kept aging champion Hollywood Hogan the focus of their shows, and fans are being to get frustrated with the lack of push for the next generation, who aside from from a few week spell in the upper card for Chris Jericho and a recent push for Dean Malenko they have mainly been jobbers to the older generation. Even The Giant, who is a former WCW Champion has largely been stuck in a go nothing tag team with Lex Luger in a dragging feud with the Outsiders. If Bret Hart returned to the Fed then the main link they have between promising youngsters and over-the-hill vets along with Sting. WCW are clearly aware of Hart's unhappiness, which may be part of the reason he will be going for the title at this Sunday's Spring Stampede, the whole event of which will be previewed along with the WWF PPV on the same night and the ECW PPV on Saturday. While this wekeend will be a sign of how much difference there is between the companies, it may not mean an awful lot with Bret resigns with the World Wrestling Federation as that signing alone, and the thought alone of a feud between the Hitman and real life enemy Shawn Michaels would almost be enough to turn the Monday Night Wars on its head.[/QUOTE][/CENTER] Preview of the upcoming bumper weekend of wrestling where WCW Spring Stampede, WWF Unforgiven and ECW Barely Legal will all be available on PPV will be up soon.
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Bret Hart coming back to the WWF and having a feud with Vince McMahon would be off the charts and one of the greatest feuds of all time!!! Quick question are you controlling the WCW and ECW or is that the AI? I only ask because you mentioned that Bret was going for the WCW title and I wasn't sure how you knew expect now that I am typing I realize you have probably already simmed those results and I officially feel stupid! lol
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Of course if you are playing with McMahon as owner and you as head booker and there is a "Hates Relationship" between McMahon and Hart then it will be impossible to get him back because the game will block the signing. However the editor feature is a great tool for solving something like that because a great storyline should not be lost due to a minor understanding!
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Hi everyone, thanks for the feedback. I saw his contract enter the last month about week ago and he still hasn't resigned. When I thought about that, and added with the fact that he has been misused so far, I thought it would make a great story. If Hart left WCW it would be huge news and all over t'net, so rather than try and sneak him in the backdoor so to speak, I thought I'd keep you guys updated in the situation. Just having a story like this floating around would cause a great stir in the business, and I was hoping to recreate that. Obviously there are difficulties and problems surrounding something like this, but as I'm playing this game as a diary rather than as a game, I think the odd little cheat here and there (like when I changed Hardyz to Pay-Per-Appearance deals with OMEGA) is worth it if it adds to the story. It works both ways, as I called up Batista because "Vince ordered me to" when obviously he didn't, but I just fancied a challenge getting over a useless lump. And regardless of Vince's hatred of Bret, I'm sure in r/l he'd have happily taken Bret back if it was the right thing for the company. Which it almost 100% is in this case. Of course this Hart angle could go any way right now. He could resign with dubceedub, he could refuse the Fed and go to Japan, or he could sign up with us and start possibly the most fascinating feud in history! Who knows?! As for the ECW and WCW results, I've already booked by PPV on the game and am just waiting for more predictions. That means I've seen what will happen on the ECW and WCW PPVs, and as such, I'm going to do a full preview of one of the biggest weekends in wrestling you're likely to see very soon.
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My dream: Bret comes back fueds with McMahon and HBK for a while the whole time still holding his brother back and then Owen snaps again and they have an incredible fued untill the Hitman passed the torch and somehow along the way helped Owen get over as a face
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... [CENTER][QUOTE][IMG]http://i150.photobucket.com/albums/s116/keefmoon/ObsessedWithWrestling.jpg[/IMG] [SIZE="6"][B]The War Continues…[/B][/SIZE] [B]For the first time in recent memory World Championship Wrestling, World Wrestling Federation and Extreme Championship Wrestling all hold their monthly pay-per-view in the same weekend.[/B] While ECW stand alone on Saturday while WCW and WWF battle out for Sunday night ratings, this weekend will be as clear an opportunity we may get to see which of the “big three” have made the most progress over the last few months. ECW have struggled with waning popularity after losing their flagship TV show Hardcore TV and relying on pay-per-view sales for national exposure, and the WWF have definitely stepped up their game since the hiring of Kiefer J Moon as head booker. [B]Spring Stampede has “1998 WCW PPV” written all over it. While there are a few matches worth watching, much of it is either another, slightly longer version of what has already been seen on Nitro or pointless filler.[/B] The main event sees rumoured want-away Bret Hart challenging the dinosaur-esque Hollywood Hogan for the yellow ones belt. After fairly decent build up over the last few weeks, unfortunately the result seems obvious. With Bret Hart rumoured to be unhappy with his push and the fans increasing distain of Hogan, there can only be one real winner of the title match. As champion of the biggest company in the world, Hart would be unlikely to leave to his former employer, with whom he has major issues with dating back to the end of last year. Luckily for us, the rest of the card is less predictable. The ongoing feuds between the Steiner Brothers and Nasty Boys and Outsides with Giant and Lex Luger will continue on Sunday and both could honestly go either way. However, most fans don’t seem to care either way. Booker T seems to have finally stood out from his Harlem Heat shadow as he will face Randy Savage one on one. The Booker man should walk away as Savage passes the torch, however, in WCW anything could happen. The United States Title will be on the line too, as phenomenal worker Dean Malenko will face dull oldie Jim Duggan, and the WCW Cruiserweight title will be on the line as Psicosis bizarrely defends against Madusa. Huge names such as Sting, Ric Flair, Diamond Dallas Page, Chris Benoit and Eddy Guerrero are as of now not booked for matches. Nor is Goldberg, who despite having the most momentum of anyone in the roster at the turn of the year, hasn’t been seen or heard of since Superbrawl two months ago. [B]Meanwhile, the WWF have another top notch pay-per-view lined up.[/B] The instant classic that was the Wrestlemania main event will be seen again as Stone Cold defends his title against Shawn Michaels and Owen Hart. However, it is the storyline surrounding Michaels, Vince McMahon and D-Generation X that has kept us tuning in. After best bud Triple H turned face by beating up McMahon, Michaels has been left in limber as to whether to join his friend or continue helping McMahon and getting rewarded handsomely. What has helped move this feud along is that while Michaels is trying to make a decision, Triple H has never looked better, Stone Cold has continued raising hell on everyone and anything and Owen Hart, while seemingly saving Vince from attacks, appears to hate him as much as anyone. How this one will go we have no idea. Elsewhere on the card we will discover the new number one contender to the WWF Title when The Undertaker, Kane, Mankind and Triple H all battle it out, and The Rock faces Ken Shamrock in a two out of three falls match. However, it is once again Jeff Jarrett and Goldust that have managed to steal the spotlight, with their hilarious rivalry being taken to a Steel Cage. Goldust has resorted to impersonating other wrestlers now, including Jarrett, to get into the Intercontinental Champions head. Dusty Rhodes has been a revelation as Goldust’s manager, giving the embarrassed facials only a father could. Also on the card is The Nation facing New Age Outlaws for the WWF Tag Team Titles, Chavo and TAKA facing off for the Light-Heavyweight and Sabu and Dreamer taking things to the extreme for the Hardcore title. [B]ECW Barely Legal appears to be everything the extreme fans would have been hoping for to get the Philly outfit back on TV. Well almost.[/B] Despite having all three titles on the line (The Dudley Boyz defend tag gold against the Pitbulls and Jerry Lynn hopes to retain his TV title against John Kronus) the noticeable problem with the card is the lack of Rob Van Dam. RVD has been one of the main positives to come out of what has been a bad year for ECW, as his hardcore high flying antics have wowed crowds throughout the tri-state area. However, with rumours of the big two snooping around, and an inflated ego of Van Dan, he has been left off the card. Meanwhile, the top two in ECW face off for the title as Shane Douglas defends his ECW Title against Chris Candido, and the odd team of Justin Credible and The Sandman face off against Bam Bam Bigelow Rogers. To predict in what order the buy rates will go in is easy, as all three companies are in a very distinct first, second and third right now. That is not what makes this weekend so huge. It is the idea that fans finally get the choice of who to give their money to as all three hope to put on their a-games in hope of gaining any number of the floating fans that there still are. [B]Which will be the best? Well, we couldn’t possibly say, could we?[/B][/QUOTE][/CENTER]
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