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Everything posted by RocheBag

  1. Newfoundland Championship Wrestling is proud to select <strong>Adam Cole</strong> and <strong>Will Ospreay</strong>
  2. For sure. Should be sorted by prestige or by primary/secondary/etc.
  3. With picks 7 and 8, Newfoundland Championship Wrestling welcome <strong>Kevin Owens</strong> and <strong>Roman Reigns</strong>
  4. Yeah definitely. I agree. It's almost like they're just gaining exp points and the lower stats are increasing faster because they take less points to level up. I've simmed a couple more years and Son of Vengeance now has about 60 Brawling and Hardcore, 50 everything else. It makes every worker seem the same and strips them of their individuality. He's clearly a Brawler. I'm sure he's wrestling against all kinds of opponents, but even if he's facing lots of Aerial guys, Brawlers should be Brawlers in my opinion. If you take Brock Lesnar and make him wrestle Ricochet every match forever, he's not just going to become a high flier, he's still Brock Lesnar. It should be a mix of what style they are and who they face in my opinion.
  5. You're talking about real life though, I'm talking about how it works in game. In a regular match all that matters is the worker's best top row stat. In a hardcore match of course the hardcore skill is the one that is used. But in a regular match, Kane only uses Brawling. We know this because that's the only stat that gets taken into account for the rating. So in real wrestling your Aerial skill would matter for taking a move sure, but in the game it simply does not. Therefore I have no idea why it's improving so much when he isn't using it.
  6. You can edit products in the in-game editor. Go to settings on the left taskbar near the bottom. Then on the right click in game editor. Put the drop box to Companies and open your company. On the left hand side there should be a Product button and you can edit it there.
  7. On the screen where it shows you your rating it should list any notes on the bottom in red font. I've never seen a product that expects 100% angles. Not sure what could be going on.
  8. Yes. What you're saying would be ideal, but isn't how it works now. If Brawling is Kane's best stat then none of the other ones matter at all. His ability to take moves is Selling, his Aerial makes no difference to the match whatsoever, so I'm not sure why he's improving it.
  9. Right. But what I'm saying is, if the "Aerial" stat also included their ability to take the move, then it improving would make a difference. Two scenarios: A: Kane vs Dorado, Regular match - Kane's Brawling is 70, Aerial is 0. B: Kane vs Dorado, Regular match - Kane's Brawling is 70, Aerial is 69 Right now in game, both of these scenarios would end up with the exact same rating, because only the best one is used. Both scenarios have Kane taking hurricanranas, yet his 69 Aerial doesn't help him at all. So clearly the top row skill doesn't include taking of moves.
  10. I'm not sure I agree about the stats meaning ability to work that type of match. I think it is about their offense. When Kane wrestles Lince Dorado, the match rating gets calculated based on each wrestlers best stat. So it uses Kane's Brawling and Lince's Aerial. Kane's Aerial stat has no impact, so I don't see it effecting his ability to take a hurricanrana or work that style of match. If Kane's Brawling is 70, whether his Aerial is 0 or 65 makes no difference. I think the best option would be to have it by style. Brawlers improve mostly at Brawling because thats what they're doing most, etc.
  11. I mean WWE fans are constantly complaining that they don't do interesting stories and that's why people stop watching. I don't see how it's unrealistic.
  12. ------------------------------------ Company Information: ------------------------------------- Name: Newfoundland Championship Wrestling Initials: NCW Website: http://www.NCW.com Location: The Maritimes Home Arena (if applicable): This mod has no venue or location in The Maritimes which seems really odd. Maybe you could make a location called Newfoundland? Drug Policy: No Loyalty: True Born Young Lion: Yes Applicable backstage rules: No drugs, No alcohol Product: Silver Age Pro Wrestling Face/Heel divide: No Weight split: No Stables: Integral Managers: Yes Womens Wrestling: No Match Focus: Ensemble Angle Focus: Regular AI Booking Style: Modern Puro Pop. will be set to medium. Home region having most and 1 secondary region being big enough to make your company medium, with all regions having 20 pop. minimum. ------------------------- User Character -------------------------- Name: Danny Williams Born: Aug 4, 1949 Gender: Male Sexuality: Hetero Relationship: Married to someone outside the business Race: White Nationality: Canadian Based in: The Maritimes In-ring status: Never wrestles Style: Entertainer Body type: Average Size: Lightweight Min/Max size: Lightweight/Lightweight Roles: Personality, Referee, Road Agent, Colour Active areas: Canada, USA Languages: Fluent English and French Pop. will be set to 20 in all categories, other than in your home region (60) and 1 more of your choice (45) The Maritimes (60) and Quebec (45) Your user character has 700 stat points that you must divide amongst your 27 categories. No one category can surpass 80, just to maintain balance. Reputation is automatically set to 50. Psychology, Experience, Respect, Charisma, Microphone, Acting, Colour, Refereeing - 80 (640 points) Star Quality - 60 (700 total) Potential - you can also leave it all up to chance and make them random 1 excellent: Performance 1 very good: Mental 2 good: Color, Refereeing 2 average: doesn't matter 1 low: doesn't matter 1 very low: doesn't matter Up to 4 positive attributes of your choice: Agent of Epics, Voice of Epics, Hot New Catchphrase, Amazing Babyface Business rep, booking rep and booking skill will be set to 50. Personal wealth will be normal. Roster size: Medium Other companies: Open Patience: Medium Roster turnover: Medium Finance:Average Style preference: Wrestling Based Hiring pref: No Bias Firing pref: With Foresight Title reigns: Conservative
  13. I get how it works, but I just don't think it should work that way. Does Kane squashing Lince Dorado make Kane himself better at Aerial moves? Of course not. You should improve at what you use often. Edit: I definitely agree with finding a 70 Brawler to put with your 60 Brawler, I do like that system. The issue though is when you hve young, green workers, the person you pair them with is going to be better than them at everything. So then you end up with Son of Vengrance having 60 Brawling but 50 everything else as a "Big Heavyweight Brawler." Maybe it should be impacted by style. Brawlers will take Brawling in from better wrestlers more efficiently whilst mostly ignoring the fact he also has better Aerial than him, etc. I don't know.
  14. Christian Price vs. Aaron Knight Sean McFly has something to say about this I believe. Brooke Tyler vs. Sally Anne Christianson Brooke has to win. As for if it will be in the required time? I'll say yes to that as well. Jason Thunder vs. Cam Jones They need a bit of heat before the PPV to make them credible. Marc DuBois vs. Antonio Del Veccio This one is a bit of a toss up but I really like Dubois. Nadia Snow vs. Ariel Breaks Gotta be. Danny Draper vs. Derek Frost vs. Dermott Ayres vs. Diablo Duvak vs. Donte Dunn vs. Marc Raisin vs. Mark Griffin vs. Mountie Mann vs. Omar Brown vs. Princeton Pryce vs. Robby Griffin vs. Robin DaLay vs. Sean Deeley vs. Solomon Gold vs. Sonny Wildside Agree with Shawn that it's one of Dunn or Deeley. What he said probably makes more sense but I can't go against my boy. Bonus Questions: Who will be the runner-up in the 100th Episode Anniversary Battle Royale? Sean Deeley Who will have the most eliminations in the 100th Episode Anniversary Battle Royale? The Barbadian Barbarian Dominant Donte Dunn
  15. I just simmed a test save for 2 years and took some screenshots. Going to share the results for what they're worth. David Stone: 2020 - https://imgur.com/W4lerAb 2022 - https://imgur.com/Rt0D0JR I totally get that it's easier to improve in skills that you aren't good at, but he's clearly a technical wrestler and he's working in CWA, why is he developing his Hardcore skill so much? While barely improving his Technical which based on the way match ratings are calculated, is really the only one that matters for him? It isn't like he's working Hardcore or Puro style in CWA. Son of Vengeance: 2020 - https://imgur.com/bfZJ6M2 2022 - https://imgur.com/5m2MPhI He's a Brawler and a "Big Heavyweight" but apparently he's been spending all his time in SWF development working on his high flying skills. He's improved 12 in Brawling which in two years is fantastic, but how on earth has he gone up nearly 30 in Technical, Puro, Aerial, and Flashiness. Way too well rounded for the type of worker Son of Vengeance needs to be. Shinji Mihara: 2020 - https://imgur.com/IG71JYu 2022 - https://imgur.com/cVVOF9V This is concerning in a totally different way This guy is a young lion for PGHW. In the two years I simmed he worked nearly 200 matches. I get maybe he had a bad destiny roll or something but this guy hasn't gotten any better in two years and 200 matches? I also checked a bunch of mid 20s guys who should be entering the prime of their careers and hitting their stride. Guys like Aaron Knight, Donte Dunn, Spencer Spade, Scythe, etc. None of them gained more than two or three points in their "main" stat in two years. I feel like progression for the "main" stat (the one they're best at) needs to be buffed up a bit, and if possible the stats that they don't use at all should just not get better. It's strange to see a 30 year old wrestler who has wrestled for 10 years and has 11 Hardcore, then when the game starts, they shoot up from 11 to 30. Why are they suddenly improving these stats when they didn't care before? Edit: Not even buffed, but maybe changed the way it progresses so people don't get to 60 and then just level off in their late 20s.
  16. Fair enough. That style of Aaron Knight, Mr. Impact, and Mark Griffin among others is my absolute least favorite haha.
  17. Yeah. Stat growth was a little out of control in early patches, but it seems to have gone too far the other way now. I'm six months into my game I've started on patch 1.18. I've got two Performance Centers with 100% training and 100% facilities. I've got every one of my development workers training there. They're all working twice a week (once on my development show, once on my B show) and none of them have improved their best stat at all. They're all improving in their bad stats, technical going from 12 to 14 ,etc. But whatever their best skill is, be it Brawling or what have you, doesn't improve.
  18. <p>My main save is CWA but I cancelled the TV deal and turned them into a Japanese style touring schedule. So I have lots of tournaments.</p><p> </p><p> <strong>Stone/DeColt Memorial Grand Prix</strong></p><p> This is a round robin tournament featuring two blocks of 10 workers each, with the winners of each block facing off at the PPV for the trophy and a world title match at my season final Ultimate Showdown</p><p> </p><p> <strong>Ed Henson Memorial Tag Team Grand Prix</strong></p><p> I purchased this as it belonged to NOTBPW before the merger. Similar idea to the Stone/DeColt but for tag teams. I haven't gotten to this yet in my save so I'm not 100% sure how many teams will compete but it will follow the same round ronin format with a final at the PPV.</p><p> </p><p> <strong>Juniors Unleashed</strong></p><p> Similar again but for the juniors. I created a Junior Heavyweight title, the first tournament was for the vacant title, from now on it will be for a title shot. The first one feature two blocks of six wrestlers in each with a final.</p><p> </p><p> <strong>Canada Cup and Canada Women's Cup</strong></p><p> These two run simultaneously. A 32 man knockout tournament and a 16 woman knockout tournament with both finals at the PPV. Both winners will receive title shots.</p><p> </p><p> <strong>Last Man Standing</strong></p><p> This one was there by default and I was going to scrap it when I moved to a Japanese style product but I decided to keep it. This is essentially a Royal Rumble.</p>
  19. <blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="Teh_Showtime" data-cite="Teh_Showtime" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="51512" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>I love running tournaments with back to back PPV shows, it doesnt necessarily double PPV revenue but its certainly more profitable than only running one in a single month.<p> </p><p> You also get two huge live gates instead of one. It's extremely viable as long as you're keeping your workers safe/fresh.</p></div></blockquote><p> </p><p> Yeah, I have several months where I run two PPVs, haven't had a problem so far.</p><p> </p><p> Edit: Actually in my "G1" I have three PPVs in a row within the span of two weeks. The two block finals then the final itself. Wasn't an issue.</p>
  20. <blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="Uncreative User Name" data-cite="Uncreative User Name" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="51618" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>Sorry, I was responding to the original poster about the patch.<p> </p><p> Just read your posts. How are the segments/matches they have rated? I've found momentum to increase most in matches where the lower pop worker wins in matches rated higher than their current pop. As if the audience notices a better performance than they would expect from a no name. If this is wrong please delete, don't want to send anyone down the wrong path.</p></div></blockquote><p> </p><p> I have noticed this too. I have workers who are like 2 wins and 8 losses but gaining momentum when the matches are good.</p>
  21. Great format I really dig it, but with regard to this point I haven't experienced this at all. I turned CWA into a touring schedule and had a PPV Wednesday, Week 1 June, and another Saturday, Week 2 June, and the second got more buys than the first.
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