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Everything posted by D16NJD16

  1. I went there and all I could find was Risky Business Beta or 1.0 Any idea where to get this mythical 4.0?
  2. I love the "rounded" stats in Risky Business
  3. Thanks for this. Btw which Risky Business are you running? My version has considerably less amounts in various categories, like narratives, wrestlers, alter ego's etc.
  4. Are these essentially the same base mod with different start dates then? That's what I was wondering. Thanks
  5. I noticed that there are two different 1985 mods from two different users within a year or so of each other. Can anyone give some feedback on what the differences are, and which is best?
  6. Thanks so much for preserving these treasures.
  7. No I never ending up releasing publically, it was more for personal use. It is a real world backyard mod (2019) that featured 750 real backyard wrestlers and 12 of the most popular backyard companies from each region (in terms of YouTube popularity) etc. A few fictionals to fill out the database also.
  8. I've done extensive work on a real world backyard mod, so i might be able to help with some suggestions, or have some solutions to problems you have with this. There are things that can be done, but you have to get a bit creative. Just let me know.
  9. This is so creative. Backyard is very hard to recreate in this game. How did you manage to try to "Shrink" the game world so that companies dont become too big, or wrestlers dont want huge contracts. How did you stop wrestlers from traveling state to state?
  10. Yeah...but this is for mod making. I'd prefer a RW mod that already has these angles in the game. Hopefully someone can recall which mod from previous years had these angles. I don't think it was 2016...
  11. Are there any angle packs out there that have angles for 24/7 Title? I know many versions ago this existed but I havent seen it in a long time. Does anyone happen to have them, or know of a mod that has these angles?
  12. I mean is it cynical or is it just accurate? The sim results seem to bare it out.
  13. Can anyone confirm this? I haven't found any clues. The fact that they seem to be in a beta testing stage seems to indicate good progress has been made.
  14. Summer 2020, or Christmas 2019? Which will it be? For those who've been following the progress. Which will it be? Christmas 2019, Summer 2020, or somewhere in the middle? The original quote Is it any clearer? I haven't been able to figure it out.
  15. The social media storm feature should only be a factor in National and above promotions, it wouldn't make much sense otherwise. No one is paying attention to what some random indy wrestler is doing on social media.
  16. Finances are all running a business aka a wrestling company are about. Entirely. It should be the number 1 priority, or close to it, for this next game.
  17. The possible Summer 2020 release date announcement was punch in the gut, not gonna lie.
  18. Hard to get motivation to start a new on 2016 when the new version is coming out, and theres no carry over save feature.
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