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Everything posted by LoganRodzen

  1. That was one of the best football games I've ever seen. The Ravens deserved to win that football game. I didn't want to see Ray's career end yet either. I went into the game wanting the Broncos to pull off the win but I changed after I saw how hard the Ravens were playing.
  2. "Wicked pissah" is common in Maine. The word 'wicked' is used many different ways here in New England. We even have a a business here in Maine that sells "Wicked Whoopie Pies" all over the state. I have a lot of cousins in Boston and they definitely have heavy accents. Where are you originally from, MLT? Are you enjoying the 'wintah'?
  3. I live in New England and I hate the Patriots. I have my whole life. My family resents me on Sunday's and most of my friends are bitter. I've never liked the Patriots and I never will. I'm a Titans fan since 1999 when they changed over from the Oilers name and logo. I was ten years old and its the first time I remember getting behind a team for an entire season and sticking with them. Living in Maine you get used to running the football when playing local sports and watching local sports. There's a few teams that can sling the football around in the state but it's mostly a ground and pound approach from most coaches up here. That's why I've always liked the Titans and I'll continue to follow them. We run the ball and we play tough defense (we didn't do either very well on a consistent basis this year). One day I hope to travel back to Tennessee and get to LP Field in Nashville. I've been to TN once before but it was Memphis to see Graceland with my mom and brother (they are Elvis fans, I'm not). Basically, I'm pulling for the Texans to beat the Patriots and I'd honestly like to see them win the Super Bowl. I'm not bitter towards a fellow AFC South team having success. I'd prefer to see them win it over anyone else. Broncos vs Texans would be a very good AFC Championship game. I'm hopeful the Texans can open up their game with the Patriots a lot better and can establish Foster on the ground before the Pats get ahead on the scoreboard. Definitely don't want to see a repeat of last time. Opposite end of the spectrum I'm pulling for Seahawks and Packers. Rematch of the INTERCEPTIONTOUCHDOWN.
  4. I wanted to see the movie but my fiance told me she wouldn't watch the 3D version. I thought, "what's the point? I've already seen the damn thing so many times, being 3D is the part that seemed appealing." Oh well, I don't get to the movies often enough these days anyway.
  5. Closest BWW is 45 minutes away for me. Great food that I've only had twice. Definitely wish there was a closer location around where I live in Maine.
  6. I have Colston in a league and I suggest starting him. If the Broncos and Saints get in a shootout you'll see Brees finding him often. I always think he has the potential to have a breakout game.
  7. I've been on edge for a half hour now. Hearing he was receiving CPR really concerned me. Not doing any commentary for the rest of the show puts a horrible feeling in my stomach. I'm glad he's breathing on his own but Cole said he was getting oxygen too. Hope Lawler pulls through.
  8. I don't think Cena getting up after the show and cutting a promo to the live crowd was a 'double-cross' but I do think Vinnie Mac had it pre-planned for Cena to do it if Lesnar tried making Cena look bad... which I think he tried doing multiple times. He was also extremely stiff and I'm not surprised he'll be away from WWE for awhile. He could have injured Cena during that match multiple times. I don't even like John Cena (I did in '03-early '04 but that's about it) and I'm siding with him over a guy (Lesnar) who I think can make WWE really interesting again. Who watched that match? I didn't order the PPV but I had to find the match and watch it (which I just did). I was actually surprised at how stiff Lesnar was throughout the entire match. I shouldn't have been surprised considering what he came from (which I didn't see anything of, I'm just not into UFC).
  9. Really excited for Wrestlemania tomorrow night. I haven't watched RAW or Smackdown or a PPV (besides bits and pieces) since last years Wrestlemania. I actually got the second half of my 14-hour shift (7a-9p) at work tomorrow covered so that I'd make it back for the show. I have a good idea as to what order the card will probably be in and I think I have every winner picked but Cena/Rock... If Cena wins Miami should riot...
  10. Yeah... so... pay CJ or Tennessee will riot!
  11. I want the Titant to take the TCU QB... I think that guy could be a good game manager and basically just hand it off to CJ while making a few decent passes.
  12. HHH hitting the tombstone on Undertaker and then pinning him "dead man style" with the tongue sticking out was a moment I marked out for hard. The streak will never end in my opinion (WWE would be stupid to do it) but I wouldn't be surprised to see Vince McMahon vs Undertaker at next years Wrestlemania. Who doesn't want to see Vince McMahon take it to "his creation" and put an end to the streak HE built? Nobody wants to see it ACTUALLY happen, but people would definitely buy to see if it's going to happen. Overall I thought it was a good show. The entrance ramp and stage was really nice. The big WRESTLEMANIA sign was epic and I'm curious how much the entire setup cost them. It makes me wonder if putting in place their standard HD-sets for RAW and SD made it financially possible for them to spend more money on bigger sets for PPVs. They definitely went all out for this years WM. One gripe I have was the World title match opening the show. I guess you can set the mood with a big match like that, but I was a bit disappointed that they rushed it right to the beginning. Sunny looked good. Trish looked good. Snooki looked extremely small (with that entrance setup). Match Of The Night for me was actually Orton vs Punk. I thought it was a really good match that told a great story. HHH/Taker comes in 2nd with Miz/Cena following.
  13. Hernandez is just big and that's why they push him. He's too dangerous for my liking.
  14. For discussion purposes, what does this face say to you? http://i1130.photobucket.com/albums/m521/Logan_Rodzen/hardyshocked.jpg "Whoa, I just lost my title match that quick?!" (fake surprise) or "What the hell just happened?" (real surprise).
  15. I saw the match in its entirety and from the camera angle TNA gives you, you can clearly see Sting forcibly pinning him while Jeff tries kicking out. I'm genuinely intrigued as to what happened backstage.
  16. OK. I literally just watched the Bischoff piece of the main event because I read somewhere that he said something to Hardy. As he's exiting the ring and covering his mouth with his two hands it seems like he says, "AHHH (in pain from Sting attack) lay down make it quick!" If this is true and Hardy continued to prance around the way he did... wow. Just wow.
  17. I don't even know what to say right now. That finish was horrible. This was practically a burial in TEW terms. It was horrendous and I can't believe it happened.
  18. I agree with you. I did fast-forward through a bit of the show, but I liked what I did stop to watch. I really can't say anything bad about TNA or WWE these days because of the handy dandy DVR. Not having to watch the CRAP I don't want has made it extremely easy to not complain. I watch what I want and if they can sell me with that alone... then maybe they'll get me to keep watching and perhaps buy a PPV. I was just blown away by the talk of Sting going to WWE (I never thought it would happen, at least not YET) and the fact he showed up on TNA. It brought me back to the late 90's when you didn't know who was going to be on what show. TNA made it pretty obvious (the Hogan / Bischoff segment) that Sting was the mystery opponent, but at the same time I thought they were setting us up for a let down. Want to know what impressed me the most? That building was pretty full and it sort of shocked me. I understand there were empty seats around the place and I'm sure they black-curtained off some areas, but overall it looked like a good amount of people attended the show. The fact they hyped it and advertised for a month or two in advance definitely helped, but TNA needs to slowly do this and produce more TV shows / PPVs on the road. It's an overly done topic, but I think after last night they have to really think about it in order to keep growing. I honestly think they could sell-out the Cumberland County Civic Center here in Portland, ME for a live TV show. They've only been here once for a house show and WWE neglects the state of Maine like crazy (maybe once every two years they come here; only house shows though). I'd love to see them go to small arenas around the country for Impact if it was financially possible for them.
  19. I thought the way they handled his return was tremendous. Having the lights go out one by one and turning off the Wrestlemania sign made you feel that something BIG was coming. I legitimately thought Vince McMahon was just going to come out and announce the guest host for Wrestlemania, but when all of the effects started to happen I expected much more. And when "do you smell what The Rock is cookin'?" came over the PA, I jumped out of bed and my girlfriend looked at me and said, "Really Logan?" So I flipped out and told her she was witnessing history and that she HAD to like it. I hadn't been that excited watching WWE since the original Nexus destroyed Cena and the ringside area. When I heard someone in the crowd during RAW start a small chant, "THANK YOU ROCK!" - I started doing it too! That would be epic. No doubt about it.
  20. I enjoyed the rumble match because of the two surprises. Would have liked to see HHH return, but you can't have your cake and eat it too.
  21. First PPV I've ordered in years and I'm glad I did. My girlfriends 42" HDTV is coming in handy right now. I even spent the EXTRA $5 to get the HD PPV... Having a job that pays decent (for once) is burning a hole in the ol' pocket already. She's regretting letting me order it and allowing me to play TEW at the same time. I don't think she realized it was three hours instead of the usual two.
  22. That's what most of my buddies are saying. Did I mention she bought me a 12/mo subscription to XBOX LIVE a few weeks ago... just for the hell of it? This gal holds the key to my heart. Well put, Linsolv. You're excused. I loved this, Genadi. I'll have to show her this later today (she always sees me lurking on GDS... or "my nerd site" as she likes to put it). I actually don't mind the TD Garden (formerly Fleet Center) that much. Like I said, I went to quite a few shows there and haven't had many issues. I will agree that they don't let you in very early before a show. Your half hour is right on the money if I'm remebering correctly. I went to a Smackdown taping in March (the Tuesday after WM 20) and can you imagine the weather in Boston? Sure, you can stand inside below the arena with a mob crowd waiting to get in... but I wish they would let you in sooner as well. If I told you how much the tickets were for this show (with my brother's TD Bank discount) you'd throw away all your problems with the arena and you'd want to go. Tickets started at $78, but with his discount we're getting them for $30 A PIECE. I've sat in the rafters of that place (top floor, where the media sits) for RAW and still enjoyed the show. And your problem with travel is understandable. Parking garages and whatnot in Boston are ridiculous, but what if you live in good ol' Maine and can take the Amtrak train right into the Garden from Portland? We'll most likely head down during the day that Sunday and hang out around Boston (I know the area and subway's very well because my aunt and cousins live down there) until it's time for the show. But yeah, we most likely won't be driving down anyway.
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