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Everything posted by LoganRodzen

  1. I was really thinking about how a Cena turn would go down on PPV and then I realized it could never happen on just an average PPV. I think if Vinnie Mac decided to turn his golden boy... he'd do it like Austin and at Wrestlemania. It only makes sense that you'd turn him when you have the biggest audience. And I'm pretty sure that if you're the mastermind behind a group you don't cost yourself the Championship. There is zero logic behind that. Nexus hates Cena.
  2. I thought the ending to the PPV was top notch and quality booking. WWE messes a lot of things up, but that main event was really good. Didn't expect to be saying that it was good, but it was solid and better than I expected. I thought the ending to the match was a bit sketchy with them keeping Cena out... but the referee tossing the keys into the crowd? That had me hooked because I'd never seen that before. It was the easiest way for Nexus to get into the cage and the referee took it away from them. I thought that was awesome. Coolest spot was Kofi off the ladder onto (who I forget?) on the table. I also thought Airbourne directly after the RKO which had Orton still on his back from the RKO and Bourne nails it. That was sick. I don't ever watch SD and don't plan to so none of their matches meant anything to me, but I enjoyed the show as a whole. It was packed with WRESTLING... WWE really delivered in that respect because even the segments backstage were promos to hype the matches. WWE owned TNA this month.
  3. I have NBA 2K10 for PC and enjoy that a lot even though I'm not a basketball fan. It works perfect with an XBOX 360 controller.
  4. Watching the replay of MITB right now. I find watching WWE PPVs extremely early the morning after the event will guarantee it doesn't get shut down.
  5. I agree when people say Nash could be a great colour commentator. The guy has zero problems with putting guys over when it comes to interviews and audio appearances. I think that, plus his knowledge of wrestling would be perfect. I thought Taz was doing well in TNA for a while... until recently for some reason. He's better than Don West (thats for sure), but he's never really been a commentator I liked even in WWE. I agree with this completely. From what I've seen the past few months has been decent, but things seem random far too often. I guess with all wrestling you have to wait and see where it goes. The problem with THAT mentality is that if the end result is garbage... it was worthless and complaining is pointless.
  6. Am I the only one who never wanted to see Dixie have an on-air role? I could barely watch her segments with Sting.
  7. I'm assuming its "the brawl to end Impact" - if so the video is on the front page of TNA.com. Checking it out right now. EDIT: I like to see the ring full of people brawling - so I enjoyed that part. They took the NXT invasion and turned it up a few notches by sending out road agents like Terry Taylor and D-Lo (cops were an interesting addition). I really can't say it was better because it was a bunch of guys who have already been around for a decade. The NXT invasion was unique due to the fact it was a bunch of unknowns.
  8. What happened at the end of Impact? I was watching off and on, then I turned it off. I find it hard to believe anything involving Dixie was "awesome".
  9. Very true. I overlooked the fact that small arenas around the US may not be capable of handling what TNA wants / needs to do. I've never been to the Impact Zone, but I'd imagine it's a really nice place. Obviously there are offices connected to the studio that offers them a lot of other options. Its like living in one home for years and years... then suddenly you have to go live out of different hotels every day. Its an insanely big challenge for TNA to move out, but I think they need to do something.
  10. I know that, but the amount of people you can pack in the Impact Zone is practically the same number as the Hammerstein Ballroom from what I've read. I just never understood Bischoff's reasoning of the bingo hall thing when the Impact Zone (WCW at MGM I think?) is basically a bingo hall, but in state-of-the-art condition.
  11. I'd imagine costs are huge for transport, but TNA wouldn't have to do half as much travelling as WWE to make it work. Your spot on with the second thing. They need something different. Maybe it isn't the Impact Zone I dislike (though I do dislike it), but the fact that its the same ol' thing every time. I'll tell you right now I hate WWE's universal ramp and stage they use for RAW, SD, and NXT. I thought the big Smackdown fist was the coolest thing ever. I just like having options and seeing fresh stuff. Even if it's as little as the setup.
  12. In my opinion... they need to get out of the Impact Zone or they'll never grow at any pace at all. Real life doesn't work like TEW. You can't run your TV show in one area over and over hoping it'll raise your popularity in the other areas. The only way that 1.0 rating will go up is if they take Impact on the road and give back to the fans around the country instead of ONLY the Floridians (tourists too?). Just imagine how many more tickets would be sold at the little arenas TNA are doing for house shows if they labeled the shows as TV tapings or even live TV? A couple hundred more tickets sold I'd imagine. Its pretty much the size of the Hammerstein Ballroom. I'd love to ask Bischoff (who ripped on ECW for running small buildings), "how do you like the cool-aid drinking, bingo hall idiots in Florida? Are they better then the ones in Philly or NYC?" Not even going to get started on that crowd. Though they haven't been as (keyword) horrible lately.
  13. I'm pretty sure that's why MITB has a full card (7 matches) now. They've really dropped the ball with PPVs by only hyping about four matches every time.
  14. Anybody watching the season premiere of White Collar tonight? I really enjoyed the first season and I'm curious to see where season two goes.
  15. I was listening to the Pro Wrestling Report after RAW last night and somebody said Victory Road probably got around 10,000 buys. And then one of them said that was "a very generous number". I don't know about any of their PPV buys (does anyone really?), but if they're only getting that many buys then they REALLY need to do something differently. Drop the price or don't do as many.
  16. True. I just don't understand why they didn't give him time for a promo of some sort. The last image on RAW is of two guys who are in the main event at MITB working together. Perhaps the build for their match has already had enough time, but having your champion on-air for about 6 minutes total on the show before the PPV? Didn't seem logical to me.
  17. The original camera angle was awful. I almost think WWE either did that on purpose in case they botched it or they actually screwed up what camera to use. They did end up showing a few replays of it and it's really just Orton picking himself up a little bit and then falling back down with Bourne. Which is why I considered it really cool, but not extraordinary.
  18. I didn't really like Sheamus, but now I have nothing against him. I just firmly believe that if someone is your top champion then he should be used pretty heavily. The segment he was involved in made him look weak (running away) and the ending didn't really help anything in my opinion. He should have hit Cena with the chair after Nexus left at the very least. Cena bleeding was a pleasant surprise.
  19. Did I miss something or was Sheamus seriously only used during the latest backstage segment with Bourne and Nexus? He's the WWE Champion and he was involved in a shorter segment then the Brady Bunch crap... I just find it strange that the Champ wasn't even involved in the entire first hour of the show.
  20. I just marked out hard for Airbourne into an RKO. It wasn't "beyond epic", but it was cool as hell.
  21. LeGarrette Blount is going to be a beast if he can keep his attitude in check. Short yardage and inside the red zone will be his money plays. CJ is obviously the focus, but we have to have a bruiser back who can take some punishment and get us yards when we need them (when CJ is gassed). I just hope he doesn't punch anybody.
  22. Is this MITB PPV the first PPV since WM to have more than 4 matches announced? WWE can say they aren't worried about TNA, but they can't keep ignoring the fact that TNA puts on PPVs that have a full card. I don't know how anyone can afford a $50 PPV when the build to it was crap and the card is only half full. MITB actually has 6 matches announced - which oddly enough made me feel like WWE was actually TRYING to put together a full card. The only way WWE will change how they produce their PPVs is if people stop buying them altogether. Which I'm convinced is starting to happen.
  23. I loved when Brother Ray said Christy's playboy issue was a failure. She's a fairly good actress because she had real tears ready to roll.
  24. Watching the replay right now. Really disappointed that he retained. EDIT: The tag title match was awesome. A lot of good action. Really enjoyed that match.
  25. Holmgren was just being considerate. Doing what he'd want done to himself if he was in that position. I don't agree with firing a coach after one season, but I was surprised when the season ended and Mangini was still employed in the NFL.
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