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Everything posted by LoganRodzen

  1. Meh, bit the bullet and purchased it tonight. The way I see it I didn't get any of the DLC on the PS3 so that'll be cool to check out. I play a lot on the PC, so it makes it a bit more worth my while and I'll probably play it way more than I did on the console. I have it preloading right now so it'll be good to go tomorrow (which works out nicely since I have the next two days off).
  2. As far as I know the 360 and PS3 version were missing the highly touted career mode that the XBOX One and PS4 included. From the article I read last week, it looks like the PC version will be in line with the PS4 and XBOX One... so everything that was in those versions will be in the PC version (along with all DLC right off the bat). And it does look like the release is tomorrow (4/28/15 according to the Steam page). http://store.steampowered.com/app/240460/ No idea if I'll be able to swing the $45 tomorrow (I do own it on the PS3 already) but I hope I'm able to. This will be a very fun game to play (especially with all the mods that are sure to be made).
  3. I think Acer has excellent customer service. I haven't done anything with them in years, but I've had to replace laptops for people before and they are extremely content with replacing it (or they used to be). What type of laptop do you have? That's a lot of hardware under a tiny hood with very limited cooling. Those type of games that require that much processing power is going to make that machine work overtime. Completely possible that a fan shut down because of that.
  4. I agree. The MLB and NBA ports to PC for 2K games have been excellent in my opinion. They play flawlessly on my machine.
  5. I'm thrilled for a WWE PC game. Its been far too long. The mods that will be made for this game will be insane. My PC runs some pretty intense games (Sims, WoW, NASCAR, other 2K games like MLB) fairly well, so it shouldn't be an issue. Hoping it comes out within the next few weeks since Spring is here.
  6. I never cared for Khali, but after I read this it changed how I looked at him:
  7. Like others have already said, Malwarebytes Anti-Malware is an excellent free program that is constantly updated. An older version of Spybot Search and Destroy works well also. One last recommendation, CCleaner will help a lot with deleting old temp files and other crap to save you space. You'd be surprised how much room you'll save the first time you run this program on your computer. They also have a Registry Cleaner attached to CCleaner that works really well with cleaning up old registry files for programs you no longer have or registry files that were added by junk.
  8. I ignore the commentating a lot of the time. Somehow I can completely block it out and simply listen to the crowd and the match. That's what I did during HHH/Sting. So much so that I need to go back and listen for all of the comments made because I didn't hear them first time around.
  9. I think a lot people should go back and watch the HHH / Sting match. Sting practically dominated the match which is why DX ran in to begin with. I think NWO coming out was awesome. Sure, Sting and NWO never saw eye to eye, but NWO Wolfpac and Sting did. I thought the entire moment with both run-ins was special (what Wrestlemania is supposed to be). It was a great match that HHH didn't win cleanly (he used the hammer and pinned him). Sting didn't need or most likely want to win. He was so happy to have this run and get a chance to wrestle at the biggest wrestling event of all time. You could tell with the look on his face when he came out that he was simply thrilled to be there. He's a lot older than HHH and he knew beating him didn't do anything to further either of their careers. He just wanted to wrestle in a WWE ring and do it at the biggest event ever. The result of the match never crossed his mind in my opinion. He was just happy to be there. It made my night just seeing him wrestle in a WWE ring. The way the match ended didn't ruin anything for me. It was a special moment.
  10. I really enjoyed the entire show. The pre-show matches were excellent. I was hoping to see Mizdow eliminate the Miz, so I enjoyed that. I was hoping Mizdow would get the win, but his battle at the end with Big Show was entertaining. The tag four-way was really good too. I was looking forward to the IC ladder match for weeks. It delivered and I'm happy with the result. I wanted Bryan, Ambrose, or Ziggler to get the win. It was a great match. I also knew that Harper would powerbomb somebody onto a ladder, I didn't predict it would be THROUGH a ladder though. That spot was awesome in my opinion. Orton vs Rollins was as expected. Good solid match. I wanted Rollins to go over, but in the grand scheme of things it made much more sense for Randy to win it. The curb stomp into an RKO was a major highlight of the night. Great spot. Couldn't believe that Sting vs HHH was the third match of the night. They had a packed card, so I understand why they had to have it so early. Great match that showed me that Sting vs Taker next year could truly happen (if they both take the year off and get ready). Sting looked great and HHH helped him to an awesome match. I was upset at first that Sting lost, but throughout his WCW career he was still the man even if he didn't win. That's kind of the way Sting is. I'm proud of the match and glad to see him on the biggest stage of them all. The divas match was nice. I expected Paige and AJ to get into it, so that was surprising that they kept it all together. Good solid wrestling from four women. Rusev vs Cena was good. I enjoyed Rusev's entrance a lot for some reason. Reminded me a lot of Rocky IV. Good solid match. I've enjoyed these two wrestling the past few months. Solid in-ring work. I wasn't surprised by Cena going over, lets see if he brings back the spinner US belt! I wanted to see Stephanie and Ronda get into it a little more but that was a cool moment. Nobody does pop culture better than the WWE. I thought the segment dragged on a bit here and there, but it was obvious they were trying to kill some time (while the sun went down a little more). Am I the only one who was looking forward to the Bray/Taker entrances more than the actual match? I hate to say it, but I dislike outdoors West Coast Wrestlemania's. The sun takes too long to go down and it ruined the opening of this match to me. I was invested in seeing two incredible entrances that were extremely dark. The timing and sunset didn't cooperate. I knew that was going to be an issue from the moment they announced the match. Decent match for what I expected. I was actually glad that Bray didn't keep kicking out of finishes and the match didn't keep going. They got the story across just fine and it was solid. The main event was amazing in my opinion. I felt that Reigns and Lesnar had a battle, not a wrestling match. These two beat the crap out of each other. I loved how Lesnar dominated and Reigns would get a few good shots in here and there. The ending was superb. I couldn't have asked for a better ending to Wrestlemania. I would truly love to see a triple threat match between Rollins/Reigns/Lesnar. I hoped that WWE would have Rollins cash in and win, but I didn't think they'd pull the trigger. I didn't think Reigns was walking out with the belt, especially after Lesnar re-signed with WWE. When news broke of him re-signing his deal, I fully expected him to retain last year. It was a really nice shakeup to the entire show. I agree with pretty much everyone on here. This Wrestlemania was excellent and WWE should be proud of themselves. From the pre-show to the ending this show delivered. All the years without the WWE Network and paying $60 for a subpar show. Now we only pay $10 for the month and get some of the greatest moments in wrestling. WWE is doing it right again.
  11. I was curious if anyone has ever done a new image of Martyr? I just picked him up in my recent game and was looking through the Photobucket pages to see if I could find one. Hopeful someone can point me in the right direction!
  12. This is from Rajah.com: I'm curious if this was a new rule made by Stephanie McMahon and Triple H? Bunch of hypocrites!
  13. I watched it live last night. The undercard was good and the title match was awesome. The rumble match left a lot to be desired. I'm not a fan of Reigns and I haven't been. He just isn't ready for this push and the crowd let them know that last night. A lot of odd eliminations (or at least the order). The entire show was extremely predictable.
  14. Exactly. I was actually BLOWN AWAY that Cena wasn't the savior. The fact they let Ziggler get the credit and show off the way he can... it was one of the best booking decisions WWE has made in a long time (I don't watch on a regular basis but I read results and follow along day to day to all wrestling news). I hope they finally give him the long term spotlight he deserves. The guy is an absolute star that makes everyone else look better.
  15. I loved it. I could only watch half the show last night before I passed out. I finished watching it just now and I had already read that Sting debuted (even though I had been reading it all week). I enjoyed the entire thing. It gave me goosebumps to see Sting in a WWE environment. It was everything I've always hoped for and it was done well. I'd like to see a match (just one) from him and it'd have to be at WM. One and done. Let us wrestling fans see one of the greatest of all time perform and end his career at the biggest wrestling event in the history of the wrestling industry.
  16. How is GameFly now? I've used it in the past a couple of times but they always seem to have a small amount of copies of each game available. Never really seemed worth the money because most of the games I'd rent were never available.
  17. I picked up Banished and I played it a bit this past weekend. I thought it was a really cool game that I'll have to put more time into. Seems like you can do quite a bit in that game. I definitely need to work harder on getting resources and not overwhelming my people with tons of buildings to build. I tend to try and build too much too fast in games like that. That's always my downfall.
  18. I think the PS4 and Xbox One will have a virtual console similar to the Wii and Wii U. Of course they'll make you re-buy the games you once owned (at a reduced price I'm sure). I'm not too upset about getting rid of my old consoles because I have a hard time of going back to games after I beat them or play it for so long. I remember way too much, so those older games become repetitive because I remember everything that happened. Watch Dogs was an excellent game. I bought it the day it came out for my 360 and I played it nonstop until beating the story. I thought the overall game was excellent (never once did I compare it to the GTA series either, because it isn't the same at all). The only comparison is that it's an open-world game... the comparisons end there though. I think that game was very creative and had a lot of extra side missions. I loved WD so much that I'll be buying a used copy for my Xbox One pretty soon.
  19. What console are you playing on? Still trying to find someone to play a season with me on XBOX One!!
  20. Does anyone have an XBOX One? My Live GT is Roddy07 - I have Madden 15 and would love to get a league going with somebody (either playing as a created coach, player, or owner). I'm a Titans fan and would definitely use them as an owner or created coach.
  21. Same here. I enjoy watching WWE PPVs every month. They always have something I want to see. For $10/mo its a no-brainer. Getting to watch older matches and shows is just a bonus in my opinion. They have a lot of material on the WWE Network and continue to roll out new and old.
  22. Del Rio is better off without WWE. If the occurrence was that an employee made a disparaging remark about Del Rio, he was fully within his right to confront the employee the way that he did. The lines get blurred when he 'assaulted' the co-worker. In every day life, what he did was stick up for himself - I see nothing wrong with that. In the business world - you stick your tail between your legs and be the smarter man. Did the guy deserve to be slapped? If he said what he said, refused to apologize and smirk? He deserved a hell of a lot more. Del Rio should have reported him for harassment. If WWE did nothing about it (which I believe they wouldn't) he'd have a pretty good shot at a lawsuit.
  23. I would take Bray Wyatt over Roman Reigns any day of the week. I saw Reigns at a live event a month ago and was completely unimpressed with his performance. Rollins and Ambrose carried him throughout The Shield's existence in my opinion. Not really sure why WWE always has to go with the big buff guy as the top face. And I'm not happy how Wyatt continually lost to Cena in their feud. Would it have really done much damage to Cena for him to put Wyatt over? I think DiBiase's assessment of Lesnar ending the streak is spot on. Does absolutely nothing for a character who is already insanely popular.
  24. I won some tickets on a radio show this morning to a UFC show here in Bangor, ME on August 16th (first time coming to Maine). I've never really watched MMA or been interested in it. Seems like it'll be a fun night of fights though (from what I see on the UFC site).
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