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Posts posted by GatorBait19

  1. <blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="Stennick" data-cite="Stennick" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="26724" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>Jeff Weaver, Joel Pinero, Brad Penny (so far), even guys like Jeff Suppan and Woody Williams performed above and beyond their average career stats for us. <p> </p><p> Thats not to say we've not had our failures Mark Mulder was an expensive and huge one.</p></div></blockquote><p> </p><p> Mark's biggest thing is the thing that happens to all A's pitchers, they are used as race horses until they hit the 6 years and there arms have been used then they are casted off. Zito seems to be just hitting form again, Hudson has battled injuries as had Harden, and Mulder couldn't fight back from them</p><p> </p><p> A's are like the Dodgers of the 80-90's trading away top talent that ended up not really being that good of talent for better players (not saying those four pitcher were useless)</p><p> </p><p> Mark did nicely for you his first year if I remember right, until the injuries hit</p>
  2. <blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="SHaynes23" data-cite="SHaynes23" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="26724" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>In the first one I was talking about a season series, not a postseason. LaRussa's big philosophy is not huge streaks, but just make sure you get 2 of 3 from every series you play. With our pitchers going at the rate they are now, there isn't a good chance that a team will take many series from us throughout the year. And it's never too early to look forward to the playoffs, that's the ultimate goal, and that's what this years team is built for, a better playoff showing than they had last season.</div></blockquote><p> </p><p> only thing that worries me about Carp is the arm, it's been hurt twice before and you always hold your breathe when he pitches hoping such a talented player doesn't get hurt again</p><p> </p><p> But Cards always seem to find a pitcher if one of theirs gets hurt, think of Jeff Weaver a couple years ago</p>
  3. <p>why is it with New York media always paints there teams to be in trouble when really everything is fine?</p><p> </p><p>

    Holmes gets in trouble but everyone is reporting it's just a simple misunderstaning, but New York media makes it sound horrible</p><p> </p><p>

    Sanchez wont be back till June, But New York media makes it sound horrible</p><p> </p><p>

    Giants need a WR even though Steve Smith, Manningham, and Nicks did a very good job this year</p><p> </p><p>

    Jets are the bad boys...... well yes but that's just cuz they wanted to get better.</p><p> </p><p>

    They remind me of the Hurricanes, they sucked then started getting the right players (even though their past history isn't the best) and became champions lol</p>

  4. <blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="Stennick" data-cite="Stennick" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="26724" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>Carp went seven innings pitched, TWO hits, and 8 K's. He's started out the season 4-0, meanwhile Wainwright is 4-1. <p> </p><p> Wainwright - 4-1, 38 IP, (7.6 avg per start), 2.13 ERA, average of 5 hits per game. </p><p> </p><p> Carp - 4-0, 2.84 ERA, 6 1/2 IP avg, 4 hit average per game, </p><p> </p><p> In short with talk of Linceum and Cain, or any other one two rotation punch in baseball Wainwright and Carp deserve some respect. They came in 2 and 3 in Cy Young voting last year and this year they have picked up where they left off.</p><p> </p><p> Meanwhile Rasmus is tearing the cover off the ball and Freese has finally found a stroke with 3 homeruns in this last homestand. Ryan's defense is sick, Schu should be finding his swing any time now.</p></div></blockquote><p> </p><p> lol i would have thrown in Penny and Garcia as well as they have pitched even better than those two lol</p><p> </p><p> but I believe that th Cards, Rays, and Yanks hold the top three rotations. the Red Sox have shown that you can have three top of the line starters but with out some run support and defense (that they said they fixed) it doesn't mean much, I don't care that Jacob and Cam are hurt, you should be able to find people who defense wise can hold over tell they get better.</p><p> </p><p> This is shaping up to be one of the best MLB seasons in awhile</p>
  5. I was sitting at my favorite pizza place today, eating a nice pie, when a rather large woman walks in with her two husky kids and demands another pie be made because this one was no good


    Now, if the food is bad then I agree you should have it remade no charge, but when you eat the whole thing then complain, sit down and shut up


    That really grinds my gears

  6. It really depends Bradshaw and Namath played during a different era. Its comparing apples to oranges. If I'm running the offense in 2010 I want a guy that has a 60% or above completion percentage mostly because the type of offense I run I don't stretch the field too often. I'm a big fan of dumping it off to the Half back a few yards up field and him trying to make a play. Or hitting the receivers ten yards up the field and them getting out of bounds avoiding the hit. Dink, dump and dive and then when offense scoots in is when you take your big plays up field.


    That being said I do agree that you need to look at their mid and long range pass percentages.


    Would Terry Bradshaw and Namath play well in today's game? Its hard to say they were never asked to do some of the things that guys like Montana, Young, Brady, Manning, Rivers, Brees are asked to do every game.


    My only thing is, i never truly thought they were good QB's. (similar to Dilfer) they knew how to mange and game, could make a play every know and then, but relied on Defense and a good run game to win.


    Both Bradshaw and Namath had either more INT's than TD's or were right there with it


    But they were great showman, and knew how to control the game. but in today's game, they would be considered as a Trent Dilfer type of player, mange, control, handoff, let the D play great and keep the score close

  7. Remi, correct the 60% metric is what I've always viewed as the stat for elite QBs. I'm not looking at wins (Dilfer had that great season by "wins", by no means more than a decent QB). And I don't have access to the more advanced stats at the moment.


    To answer the question you posed. No, I wouldn't say he's "better", but he is more efficient. I guess realistically, you'd have to look at QBs in similar systems and compare them. McNabb and Vince Young would be a good comparison down the line (lack of good receivers).


    I'd prefer a passer with the ability to make a run or two, over a person who can run, but can't hit the wide side of a barn.


    Bradshaw and Namath both barely had 50% compl. so are you saying you wouldn't take them on your team if given the chance between them and Romo???

  8. You're not taking into account the contract's terms. That's probably what won the cases for the teams. Both Vick and Rogers committed crimes (or offenses) that got them into hot water. For example, remember when Kellen Winslow Jr blew out his knee in the motorcycle accident a few years back? Or when Roethlisberger suffered an injury from riding a motorcycle? There are clauses in every standard NFL contract that makes it a violation to even participate in some "dangerous" recreational activities. Guess what riding a motorcycle is? Or an ATV or going bungee jumping or riding in a racecar or any of a myriad of things that teams let slide oftentimes. The personal conduct statute (that has recently been heavily enforced by this commissioner) has existed in the standard NFL contract since the last CBA was ratified. Prior to that, it had to be added to most contracts (and was only typically included in the high dollar ones). That's why Big Ben is being called on the carpet for "a pattern of questionable judgment". It's not just THIS case, it's the previous cases of him doing stupid stuff that endangers his playing career.


    Thus, a player whose conduct violates part of the contract's term, is in breech and thus can be sued for it. That's why a 'guaranteed' contract is only such if the player adheres to the terms of said contract. If you do, you earn all the money detailed in said contract. If you don't, the contract might be able to be voided without you getting your money. Rogers and Vick got what they deserved. The Lions and Falcons should not be forced to pay a player when they blatantly violate the terms of the contract.


    Oh yeah and an awesome EAT IT, OLD CHUMP for Al Davis: http://www.nationalfootballpost.com/Source-JaMarcus-Russell-is-tipping-the-scales-at-300-pounds.html


    Damn shame when your quarterback weighs about as much as your (former) left tackle. :p


    thanks for explaining that, I figured it had to be that, but wasn't for sure.


    I just always thought Rogers was cut because he couldn't stay away from injuries and the law problems came afterwards, plus Rogers failed a drug test all four years in college, so it's kind of like you should have known type of thing


    And that is odd, early this offseason it was talking how Russell lost all this weight and know he is huge, hell move him to O-Line or D-Line see if he can play there:D



    Also I know people say Leaf was the biggest bust ever, but i'd have to go with Russell, with the contract and all the hype. Leaf's biggest problem (besides being a diva) was injuries, Russell's biggest problem is weight.


    I hope he bounces back.... but i doubt it

  9. I have an interesting question. Falcons got money back from Vick, Lions got money back from Charles Rogers, and the court decided that the teams should recoup some money.



    So here is the question, isn't it about time some of the judges hold these teams responsible?


    Hey ATL didn't have to give VICK that entire bonus, but they did and they paid the price, Rogers was a rookie who busted for the Lions and never finished.


    My whole thing is, if you are going to give players this big money, who have to weigh the cons to it, these two teams didn't and judges helped them, but IMHO believe it's time for the judges to hold the teams responsible for this

  10. Perhaps, but Rich Eisen brought up a good point. Where does Clausen fit in when/if John Fox gets fired? If he doesn't beat out Matt Moore (and the odds are against him doing that given the gap in practical, real NFL experience), he probably won't play due to the lame duck coach playing CYA.


    New England is hittin' home runs though. Brady's got a VERY good target now.


    i cant wait to see how J. Cunningham does for them, not as talented as Dunlap but still very productive.


    Also they got two steals in Spikes and TE Aaron H.


    Aaron dropped for the fact of not going to the combine, and Spike was considered a top 15 pick last year and 1st rounder this year, but a horrible 40 time dropped him, I still expect both of them to produce for that team

  11. personally I think they should make it more travel friendly, but that's me


    You have teams like Marlins playing Mets and Phil's and teams like Texas playing in the West.


    It could be good for baseball but bad at the same time, a lot of New York and Boston player/fans live in Tampa, in return it helps in attendance for those some odd games

  12. wow big Z to the pen.


    this is truly interesting, he now his the highest RP and isn't even the closer, smart move? I don't know even with Lilly coming back this is still hard, you pretty much are giving up on him as a starter but not making him the closer. He's been a reliable starter even last year when he struggled he posted a 3.77 ERA which is about his avg. (3.56)


    I guess the biggest thing I don't get is he's truly only had one bad game (the season opener) and besides that just pitched his best game giving up only 2 ER's over 6 innings


    I just don't understand this move and persoanlly think they just want to get rid of him, either that or Sweet Lou is losing his mind



    Edit: remember how I said Joe Maddon doesn't make sense sometimes, well tonight against the White Sox's Wade Davis is pitching a gem, and has 86 pitches through 6, but pulls him even though we are up 12-0, doesn't make sense to me, why not let him go into the 7 and see what happens...... oh god what if he gives up one runs but finishes the 7, oh my god, the horror

  13. personally I can't wait till the draft


    I am a Bucs fan (from Tampa and have always been a hometown guy even when they lose) and I hope Rams go Bradford, Lions Okung.


    But the thing I love about comparing Suh to McCoy was is everything


    But mainly when people bring in Stats. they do 4 years Suh to 3 years McCoy, and it's like why not do three three


    But I also love how both are being compared to Warren Sapp, and my one thing is Sapp was a monster, but one thing that made him great was size, speed, and strength. Sapp had some of the fastest hands I have ever seen at the position and would do "what in Tampa we call" the Ghost smack. Pretty much when he popped up and the lineman would go to block, Sapp smacked his hands away and had the O-lineman off balance, being then able to colapse the pocket


    Suh has Sapp's traits of speed, size, and strength, but McCoy has those hands that remind me of Sapp, either way this could get interesting


    Personally I hope both are gone by the third and the Bucs trade down and collect more high picks :p

  14. Why sad? The fact that they're not smart enough to manage that is nothing for me to be sad over.


    I agree.


    I believe karma plays a part (espically players who hold out for huge contracts)


    But at the same time, I remember talking to a business man once and he told me that the biggest problems with players is, their need to have top things and going into certain ventures to make more money and how it often times fails more then profits.


    He told me if they would just take half the salary they made through their career and put it away ( so you make 10 mil through your career put 5 mil away) and let interest grow on it, you could live a nice life the rest of your life, your house would be paid off, you could get a new car every 5 years, you would live nicely


    but the problem is players don't do this, they spend carelessly

  15. I admit they have skill and talent. BUT seriously 30 Million dollars a year?


    My biggest problem with this is they do what they do because they love it and they are good at it. What about the millions of workers who are doing manual labor and getting paid crap for it?



    All the people struggling to survive and these people make MILLIONS of dollars a year ?


    Granted they go through a lot physically, but I don't think they are worth 30 MILLION dollars a year.


    I am not just saying this about baseball players either.


    Actors, sports players, and all that kind of stuff.


    I'll have to find the article, but I did read somewhere once that within four years of retirement, players (all four big sports) are bankrupt

  16. Second year QB. Teams keying on the run, thus making it even more difficult to double Holmes, Edwards, or Dustin Keller. All it would take is one or two big games to keep an 8 catch per game average and you do remember that they play the Bills....TWICE.


    Those numbers weren't exact. Less catches but a higher average could produce the yardage and the TDs. Doesn't take 16 games to run up 10+ TDs, after all. And I don't think I said that's what he would put up. My numbers were in response to Gatorbait asking what I would consider a 'breakout' year for him. I just took last year's numbers and added 6-10%. I also posted that before he was suspended, I think. :p But I don't see why he can't put up numbers at least rivaling last season's. Sanchez, with a year in the system, is bound to be a lot better, so Brian will loosen the reins a bit and let him work.


    Bills have a good secondary though

  17. As much as I would love it, I just don't see that happening. I think he will stay with St. Louis. If not then he might end up on the Mets.


    im just saying, you never know with the Yanks, plus the mets don't lose either way cuz Carlos Pena will probably hit the market, but he could be another guy the yanks target. they still need help in the DH position as well as LF (please don't do it Carl Crawford)

  18. Thomas Jones: 2 years, 5 million




    LT: 2 years, 5.1 million, maybe up to 5.6




    So Jones is cheaper, after looking at everthing I agree it was smart to cut him, for the money, but I read on ESPN after he signed that he took that same deal to the Jets and they refused


    And it's not a man crush, it's the fact that LT is coming off his worst year, while Jones just hit his best year, he knows the system and if you are worried about him tiring out......... then why the **** would you sign LT?


    Jones has 600 less carries, and is just .3 yards under what LT avg. for his career per rush.


    And Jamaal Charles isn't unproven, he had a monster season last year, Greene is the unproven one if anything


    So now you can say it's an upgrade at the position, but is it an upgrade in production?


    But we will have to wait until after this season is over, it's the only way we will figure out

  19. First, Rex Ryan is an intelligent football coach. Everyone with two brain cells knows the Jets are going to run a lot. So when facing an 8 in the box situation, Sanchez will have the ability to audible to a play action play.


    You seem to be operating under a faulty assumption that a defense has to be 'bad' for a team to throw the ball a lot. Someone tell the Colts that.


    Good coaches take advantage of situations and matchups (ask Bill Belichick). Rex Ryan is a good coach. Thus, 7 and 8 men in the box will lead to lots of skinny posts and outs and fades being switched to. He wants to add more balance to his offense, or else he never would've gotten Holmes in the first place.


    not with the broke down Lexus in the shop..... lmao sorry I had to, im still a believer Jones will do better this year than LT and at a cheaper price

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