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Posts posted by GatorBait19

  1. Jason Campbell is a good QB, he's just been screwed by Daniel Snyder and last year the offensive line was basically Arena League players.


    that is the only thing I can disagree with


    even though I believe Campbell can still be a good solid QB (like a Delhome before the injury) he at times hasn't grasped things, yes it sucks to change systems and Coaches every year but if he wants to be elite status he needs to put in the work for it.


    now I could be wrong about this because I don't follow the Skins, but I have read he doesn't always have the best work eithic, the reason I believe QB's like Sanchez and Freeman will do well in this league is because of the time they have been putting in to this offseason. All I ever read about is how they are both at the offices working with game film, doing drills and working with their WR to get timing


    you can have all the skills in the world but, if you don't put the effort foward (Charles Rogers, J. Russell, and Chad Jackson) it doesn't mean you will work out in this league

  2. GOAT


    Barry Sanders; Dion was great no lie, but this man was able to make the Lions still a scary team to play, in 14 games in 1997 rushed for 2000 yards, and I don't ever remember that O-line being considered a great O-line, and he had a career 5.0 avg


    D-End- Deacon Jones; this man was a beast, started before sacks were ever recorded and has been said to have had 26 in one season before it became official and would have had 173 overall in only 14 season, the man was extremely quick and would be considered today a DE/LB hybrid


    DT- Warren Sapp; a freak when it came to the game, he could take on blockers and still get to the QB, was quick for his size and just a force all around


    TE- Shannon Sharpe; he changed what the position of TE is in today's game, quick, moved well, and had size


    WR- Jerry; a man among boys, Jerry changed the way people look at small schools as well as WR, wasn't always the best athlete on the field, but he played with his head, ran good crisp routes, and hand sticky fingers


    LT- Orlando Pace; has fallen off in recent years, but the man was dominate during in prime; anchored the best offense in the NFL and shut down some of the best DE

  3. That's one thing that pisses me off about Rays Manger Joe Maddon


    he tries to use all these matchups and most of the times it fails on him


    tonight Andy Sonnanstine went 3.1 inning, and he gave up a HR to his last batter he faced up 2 to 1 and with you onlying long reliever on the mound (Neiman was hit by a liner) so at 4.2 innings he goes to his bullpen up 2 to 1 and now the score it 5 to 2 O's.


    He always takes a hotter hitter and will sit him just because he doesn't match up well against the next two pitchers, personally I say start him and if he falls off then you learn, if not you look good

  4. Oh and here's why Haynesworth's contract isn't a problem for the Lions. It's not that big a contract anymore.




    Yeah I saw, 16 mill for the next three years, but any deal between the Lions and Skins wont involve the 2nd pick (in my point of view). he doesn't want to be there, and whether skins want to admit it or not, they don't want him anymore, if they did, he'd never been mentioned in the trade.


    He doesn't want to conform to their new system, be put on the block. I see they trying to move him still


    Also, yes Trent Dilfer manged games well for teams, but I also remember him giving the ball up to the other team to much. Which is why the Bucs didn't want him back (factored with the fact King came on the scene) and he never had an arm like Jason.


    I still think Jason can be a very good QB in this league (McNabb like, no) but still a good QB. Has a nice arm, doesn't turn it over much. His stats have improved every year and I believe he has had 3 different Coors and Head Coaches, on to his fourth Coor and 3 Head Coach, but he's still improved.


    He had a lousy run game last year and a coach who just seemed out of place at times.


    I think the best move for him is to be traded, maybe like Vikes, Raiders (wouldn't be the smartest), Bills (could work, #1 WR in Evans, two good running backs) it could be a good fit, Panthers (would be the perfect fit to me, two very talented RB's, A legit #1 WR, and he would be counted on to mange a good game)

  5. The Redskins are my team always have been always will be, but bringing in a new QB for the team is a mistake Jason C. has good potintial with a good O-Line and a Offense playbook that dosnt change ever year. I hope Mcnabb does good but he's not to young anymore not sure on how old he is right off the top of the head but I think around 35 while he's not old he is getting hurt more often and with the O-Line for the skins not that good I dont know how long he'll last. And dont get me started on them signing Rex Grossmen :confused:


    Funny thing is ESPN talked about the top 5 QB who throw the least amount of INT McNabb was first or second with Aaron Rogers, then Tom Brady, David Garrad, Peyton Manning, but the 6th person was Jason so it's kind of interesting


    I think Jason is a good QB, he puts up decent numbers and calls the game well, biggest problem is new system each year, and his running game was horrible last year, plus the line wasn't what it once was


    And from what I hear Rem, Lions are somewhat interested, but not enough to take on the contract, personally Albert, Kyle, and McCoy or Suh would be scary, plus they could take Dunlap or another end in the second and be a force on the D-Line

  6. While that's true, I think it's hard to judge a player harshly when he goes from a team that's usually in the hunt to one that is rarely so. True, part of what makes those perennial playoff contenders that is their typical refusal to overspend on individual players that aren't the franchise quarterback. So in a way, he made his bed so now he has to lie in it. But in his position, would you do it any differently? I know I wouldn't. I love to win more than most things in life but there is a HUGE difference between 77 million (the Titans best offer) and what was it, 102 million? Also considering the fact that DTs who perform at Albert's level (when he was a Titan) are RARE (like John Randle rare), that drives his price/perceived value up even more.


    On a side note, I'm hoping Jordan Shipley slips to 45. I was watching tape of Texas's games and I think Shipley has the potential to be this year's Austin Collie (or better) and can probably make even Brady Quinn look like a star. :)


    See I still have just never bought into the Albert hype. I still believe John Henderson was the better prospect of the two.


    I mean thank god he didn't sign with the Bucs for 120 million dollars, he would have given up on the second play of the season


    And Titians don't win every year, they did have three losing seasons during his tenure


    But my thing is I wouldn't want a guy who is in it for himself, he complained last year about the defensive system because it didn't suit him.... You think he could have thought of that before? and now he is not coming to work outs (granted it's voluntary) because he doesn't fit this system either. Plus I will never forget the A-town stomp he pulled on the Cowboy's center



    Also yes Redskins did have to ends with 11 sacks last year, more than likely this happened because of blockers on Albert. But this guy has stated he wants to be remember like Reggie White.


    First, off that is dumb, White was a freak that could play at any of the four down lineman positions


    Second, Players like Sapp, White, Randle, B. Smith, Jason Taylor, considered to be the best during their time because they never gave up, and the mptor was always going. I remember what Sapp could do for a defensive line, he would get doubled and tripled teamed but he could still get to the QB same with the other players


    Albert gets doubled or triple teamed his teammates might get to the QB but he isn't, to me that is why I will never consider him to be that elite talent like those 5 men

  7. Best part is, he's on the block, and no one wants him


    Not just because of the big contract, but more of the fact he didn't seem to care at all last year. Worst part for him is they are moving to the 3-4 and Albert isn't that type of guy, does he have the size sure, but does he have that skill set for that defense, not that I have ever seen, plus the fact he doesn't want to play in that system.


    so 100 million spent on a guy who doesn't want to be there, disappeared at times last year, he only full 16 game season was his rookie year when he saw limited action, and no one seems to want to trade with you for a (almost 30) player with no motivation because like Michael Clayton of the Bucs said, "What can I do, the checks in the bank"

  8. Ah, you're forgetting something very important. With Shanahan comes....the one-cut. If those three backs have two working legs between 'em, they'll rush for 1k+ yards. That system doesn't require a great deal of skill or size or speed from the players. It just requires decisiveness. The very basis of the system (take the handoff, hit the assigned hole, make ONE CUT and accelerate to full speed or contact) makes it easy to implement and reduces the talent overhead necessary to make it successful. Just look at who was made to look like the real deal in that system. Mike Anderson, Mike Bell, Tatum Bell, Peyton Hillis, Ryan Torain, heck with the exception of Bobby Humphrey, Terrell Davis, and Clinton, most backs who were successful in the system, weren't really very good outside of it (yes, even Tony Dorsett, given his age at the time).


    LJ is going to love it, since it plays to his preferences anyway (he's never been a shifty type back. That's what Parker is for). I'm not saying they're going to do awesome (though add a good receiver or three opposite Santana Moss and it's possible) but they'll be in the hunt for the wild card, at a minimum. That's assuming they can get Haynesworth to play the nose (or swing him out to end).


    Agreed, Mike's system is known for making an unhearalded running back into a star (at least for a couple years) Terrell Davis, Mike Anderson, Olandis Gary, Clinton Portis, Reuben Droughns and Tatum Bell, all of whom have had at least one 1,000-yard season in a Denver uniform over the past 10 years


    Clinton had his best two years rushing under Shannahan's system, Larry has had some time to rebuild strenght as has willie Parker. I would not be surprised at all if the are in the top 5 in the NFL for team rushing and look for 1 to have 1000 yards and the other to over 400

  9. I can't wait to see what Heyward does, over the last two years all I hear is the talk of that 2008 class with names like Price, LaPorta, Wieters


    I am a Rays fan and personally I wanted them to draft Heyward, I believe in all the hype people have been feeding about him and can't wait to see what he does


    Second time Rays have passed on someone with termendous skills, (Pujols was the other) he came in for a private tryout and everything but it didn't go over so well and the scout who wanted us to take in the 10th, 11th, 12th, and finally 13th resigned because of it.... I believe he works for the Cards now as well.


    I still drool over what could have been if they would have picked Pujols over the likes of Nathan Cromer (never made it) his brother Jason Cromer (same), Jorge Maduro (same) and Jason Pruett (same)


    in the 1999 draft they got Hamilton, Crawford, Matt Diaz (been a good player), Ryan Raburn (never signed and is with the Tigers now) and Pujols (if they would have listened to the scout) man that could have been a foundation lmao, oh what is a dream though

  10. One thing I have always liked about Andy's offense, is the ability to win with other QB's


    Remember McNabb went down one time and AJ Feely and Jeff Garica


    But Eagles also had a young Westbrook on the team to help them. We have heard for years now about Kevin's abilities and now he can show case them to everyone through a full season, if not let Vick play and run the ball (lmao run the ball in Andy Reid's offense)


    They are set at WR with Jackson, Maclin, and Avant. TE is different but they have a player in Ingram who could be a dangerous player at the position, and he is now a full 15 months removed from ACL surgery. RB you are looking at McCoy and Bell who should do well together.


    OL I still feel is a strong point for this team as long as it can stay healthy


    They still have nice ends and a CB but I do agree the defense needs retooling. LB is a weak position and this is a deep class of LB with such names as McLain, Spikes, Lee, Witherspoon, etc.


    Saftey is all pretty deep and wouldn't be surprised to see them go for a Major Wright, he is a ball hawk, maybe not INT wise but when it comes to breaking up the play the moment it touches the wideouts hands he is there, Berry might be gone along with Mayes and Thomas, but some nice CB will be around


    Overall, they are still a good team, Kolb is the big worry but remember he was a top pick and has had time to fully learn the offense. He could come out to be the next Aaron Rogers (sit behind a franchise QB for a couple years, QB and team have break up, kid comes in and is a star)

  11. This is completely bogus.


    There was really only WWE when Cena came around so there was nobody else to NOT want him. WCW wanted HBK when he left the AWA and tried to get him from the WWF on multiple occassions. WCW liked Mark Callous and wanted to keep him, but they never thought about the Undertaker gimmick which is obviously a very gimmicky niche gimmick.


    As for Rey, he was huge in WCW. Benoit really never got any more run in the WWF than he did in WCW, Eddie didn't get to the top in the E for years after jumping ship.


    Edit: The E has been better at creating stars because they have more brand power and better production values than the other companies. They've also been incredibly lucky with gimmicks sticking.


    first let me make a change in that statement, WCW when Eric took over couldn't produce new talent they could push all the way, only two that cam to mind are Big Show and Goldberg


    but wwe wasn't the best during the War, WCW kicked their butts for two years and while big names jumped (Luger, Hart, Nash) wwf created people


    the hardy's, Edge and Christian, The Rock, made Austin huge, Mankind became a star, Kane came, D-X


    Jericho has had great success in the E


    Eddie whether it took him a while or not had success, Yes Rey was big, but not a big as he was in the E, Benoit had more success in E then he did in WCW

  12. to me TNA has gone away from what made it big


    using smaller names to build the company (AJ, Jay Lethal, Shelly, Sabin) and gone to more hey we need the big names to survive this


    They got rid of the 6 sided ring which I always thought if they were going to compete with WWE it would make a difference (some many fans are use to the 4 sided ring, 6 was something new to them)


    finally Vince Russo doesn't seem like a man who kills companies, it's truly Bischoff lol sorry had to



    Also one other thing I have always liked about the WWE is that they create their own starts (sure their guys might start in a smaller company) but they have always been able to find talent no one else wanted


    Austin (WCW did want him) Triple H, Cena, HBK, Taker.


    And they also have been able to push guys other companies can't


    Rey, Eddie, Chris B, Chris Jericho, etc

  13. how was that stating Jones is just as good as AP? I believe I was mentioning the fact that just because a running back as a poor postseason, doesn't mean he should be cut


    sorry candy, didn't read it correctly


    and anyone can be held in the same breathe as anyone. it's not impossible... watch, Jones.... Martin look one breathe

  14. Singing bonus is paid up front Gator, pro-rated means the cap hit is spread, not the actual money. Not sure if you know that or not, not very clear what you meant there.


    pretty much how I stated it, what I meant by teams cutting now is, the fact there is no cap the signing bonus still count against the cap even after they are cut, but with no cap this years teams are cutting players to avoid the cap hit just in case the cap comes back after this season

  15. It is upfront money, that is prorated through the life of the contract, which is why they so many people are cutting big contracts


    and no, a feature back is the back a team uses as it's feature weapon in the run game, so a player like Ryan Grant who didn't hit your feature back number of atleast 300 carries is still a feature back, but the reason he doesn't fall into this in your case is because he is on a passing team, same goes with Forte, Mendenhall.


    And you're right Cromartie is going to a defense minded coach, and you talk about watching game film, well go back to the Jets/Chargers game and tell me who the person was that missed the tackle on Greene take he broke for hmmm let's see 53 yards, I believe it was you're boy. and I never ever said Cromartie sucked, he is a talented player with lots of babies and lack of motivation, and you can say he'll have that motivation with Ryan but remember Rhodes was also pumped to have Ryan and it never worked out.


    and once again you are taking Brooks to something else, I brought Brooks into this because you talked about Jones refusing to redo his deal, I said nothing about Brooks being cut a being a one system guy, he's far better than any Linebacker you have had (and don't say Elvis because wow, look what a system can do for a guy right). You want to talk about how he was good because of a system that's great, but when many in the league believe he is one of the top weak side linebackers to every play the game it doesn't matter system or not, he was talented


    and I never said Jones was better than AP, that thought never even crossed my mind, but for a guy who doesn't get hurt, has rushed for 1000 yards each of the last 5 years, can block, and doesn't fumble the ball, well that still means he is talented, more than AP.... never..... someone I would give the ball to when it meant HANG ON yes


    And you keep bringing up wear and tear, I agree with you on that, it takes it's affect on people every day. you get older you decline, oh and Shaun was on the decline while he was with the Seahawks

  16. Okay first I said Antino Bryant had been with 5 teams in 9 years and the Bengales are not that 5th team, But Dez Bryant was the main Bryant I was talking about because I think if he is there at 21st pick they should take him


    Second D. Brooks being cut and no one signing him makes no sense in this arguement seeing as how I brought him up due to the fact he was asked to redo his contract every year and one year said no, he didn't face a backlash and wasn't cut because of it, it took another 2 years for that to happen


    And yes I believe Jones was worth all the money the Jets paid him, which is why they gave him that contract, whether he performed or not in the playoffs I didn't care what he did in the playoffs, hell AP didn't do to well but I don't see the Vikes cutting him for it?


    So you're saying Cromartie is the best coverage corner out there? do you trust him when things aren't going his way to give 100%


    Are you a Jets fan?


    and by your theroy of feature back there are currently only 6 feature backs but there are 14 teams who really only rely on 1 back


    Ray Rice; Ravens, Adrian Peterson; Vikies, Chris Johnson; Titians, Jones Drew; Jax, Clinton Portis; Skins (doubt that check Redskins rushing numbers after he got hurt) Steven Jackson; Rams, Ryan Grant; Packers, Cedric Benson; Bengales, Frank Gore 9ers; Jamaal Charles (after Larry went bye bye); Cheifs, Rashard Mendenhall; Steelers; Matt Forte; Bears, Michael Turner; Falcons; Kevin Smith; Lions (I know he didn't much last year but is still considered their feature back, just has a horrible O-Line)


    Thomas Jones is the only one left out and Bold are 300 carries plus which Jones was


    Now you're telling me that each one of those 14 teams could survive with out there key running back becuase I don't


    And I am not disagreeing with the fact that RB wear down, it happens that's why you can find them in the draft so easily, I am just stating after coming all his best year ever, why cut him and count on two RB's who one just came off injury and could be in trouble if LT signs anyways, and two Greene hasn't been the main guy in the NFL yet, sure he put up great numbers behind Jones and that O-Line, but now Jones is gone


    also you're telling me it's cheaper to finish paying the rest of his singing bonus plus paying LT if he comes in?

  17. First McAlister (yes that is really how you spell it, I had to make sure myself) was taken way before Ryan's time, back when Marvin Lewis ran that defense


    Second Cromartie isnt anywhere close to being as good as Chris was, Chris avg. over 40 tackles a year with the Ravens, he was a solid tackler (yes not a great one) but solid, and unless you can prove other wise then I don't want to hear. Cromartie isn't solid at all, he only does the pass well, and I have seen times where he gives up there, he lack of effort is troublesome



    About the Bryant thing, you know that my main Bryant is that one was Dez Bryant right? I never said the other Bryant was better than T.O, now at this time period he you don't know, T.O is old, can't hang on to the ball, and Bryant is known for his solid hands, but a poor route runner. But we won't know till it's all said and down, both are cancers in a locker room though



    Hm, your comment about Thomas Jones I found awkward because of the fact he was the third leading rusher in the NFL and had 14 TD's, behind a rookie QB, even with a great offense line when teams know you're going to rush the ball because you're QB isn't that great yet, it still effects you. Also he only made 900,000k this year, pretty cheap for the 3rd ranked rusher last year, and yes I would be willing to pay Thomas Jones who just had the best year of his career 5.8 million dollars, I mean would you pay Reggie Bush to be the highest paid RB in the league (no lie) doubtful. To say Thomas Jones isn't a feature back is odd to me, yes most teams do dual RB system now, but they all still have a feature back out of those two RB, Ten. with Chris Johnson and White (Chris emerged this year and change that stance to many people), when Jax had Taylor and Drew, Taylor was still the feature, Panthers with Williams and Stweart (Williams is still the main guy), Vikes with Peterson and Taylor (Peterson has been the feature back since is 3rd career game) Giants (Brandon Jacobs was the feature back)


    So yes the dual RB system is big, but they all still have a feature back, someone who can carry the rock 25 times a game if they must, the daul back system is so high because it saves the legs of the RB, Oh and once again..... YES I'D BE WILLING TO PAY THOMAS JONES 5.8 MILLION DOLLARS,


    and someone refusing to take a pay cut and people getting mad is dumb to me, the Bucs asked D. Brooks to do it every year, then finally one day he said no just so he could do it again the next year, Thomas Jones' contract was front loaded, but 5.8 million for a back who rushed for 1400 yards, 14 TD and avg over 4 yards a carry to me is nothing.


    And you also forgot he signed with KC for 2 years at 5 mill. altogether and the Jets wouldn't match it


    Peppers is a very good fit in the system, Rod M. their D-Coord is considered to be the best D-Line guy in the league, S. Rice when he went to Tampa was a very good player, but when he finished with Marnelli (however you spell it) he was considered one of the top pass rushers in the game (active), also it only took Mario Williams one full year in the NFL to catch on, 4 years 39.5 sacks is a very good, not saying I don't think Long will be a good DE I'm just saying Mario caught on quickly


    But yes the bears are pretending, but it should still be interesting


    And I believe Robison got a big deal from the Falcons, 6 years, 57 million, and 22.5 guaranteed is pretty big for a guy who isn't better than Revis, Woodson, Asomougha, or Bailey. But the Falcons needed a CB really badly so they paid for it. And Bailey and Asomougha are two of the best CB in the leage so yes they do earn that money, and next year Revis will destroy both of their contracts

  18. Tomlinson in talks with the Vikings. That'd be interesting. Though I'd prefer if he went to New England.


    Tomlinson still has stuff in the tank, I think he'll go into the season in great shape and the fact that he won't be the main guy will help him, he's a better all around player than AP but AP is the better RB

  19. If Dez Bryant falls to bengals at 21, they might possibly take him, but also look for Defense because of the fact that the WR group this year is rich


    Either that or Benn in the 2nd would be interesting Chad Johnson is getting older and closing in on the last year or two of his contract


    Bryant and Benn are both extremly talented WR's and could both help their offense as the third WR behind Johnson and Bryant


    Remember Bryant is on his 5 team in 9 years.



    One thing I don't agree with is the fact people are calling the Jets winners in the market, they trade away Rhodes who I still believe is a talented SS just didn't fit into Ryan's plans, they also lost Jones and are going to rely on Greene, not say it's a bad thing but why not keep Jones, even with his age going up he rushed for 1400 yards last year and him and Greene would have been a great one, two punch along with Leon Washington.


    Also I am scared about the pick up of Cromartie, yes he is a talented player but he is like Peppers, lacks that 100% effort every play, doesn't tackle and doesn't tackle well, good thing though is it might not matter in the run game because they have such a talented front 7.



    The interesting thing will be the NFC North, Bears have done stuff to improve the team (even though I still believe they have a big weakness at WR and other area's). The Lions have improved, while the Packers and Vikes (mainly because of the new rules) haven't done much



    But I do like how many of the owners (Jerry Jones, Dan Snider) haven't gone full blast in free agent market, people are shedding cap left and right NFC South has done little in the Market (only Falcons signed a big contract)

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