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Posts posted by GatorBait19

  1. What people fail to realize (or take into consideration) is that the Chargers have Norv Turner...


    Just like in the NBA, you'll never win a title with Vince Carter as your best player; In the NFL you'll never win a Super Bowl with Norv Turner as your coach.


    don't say that, I'm a Magic fan....... wait but he isn't our best player, nvm

  2. I got to agree with Gator, if allowed to reach open market the Mets have to be in the race for him. Right now 1B is a weak spot for them in my opinion. Why not go after the one of the best if not the best 1B in the game?


    And you can also look at it as a way to one up the Yankees. You have Tex well the Mets have Albert!


    Do you think the Yankees might try for him :rolleyes:


    even with tex they could target Albert, and don't say they wouldn't, if it meant another 5 world series rings, they would sign the check to sir Albert for whatever you want........ Babe's number sure lmao

  3. Pujols deserves every penny he is going to make! Ratings, Merchandise, Ticket Sales, and much more that he brings to a team. Bring him here to Detroit!!!!!!!!!! Yeah right... I wish...


    Personally I would be shocked if he didn't get at least, 25 mill a season

  4. Some crazy number.


    And once again, over how long are we talking? :D Im not going to do the math, but somehow I think the NFC East has more superbowls than any other. But you are getting REALLY historical and a bit silly.


    I dont really like any of the teams from the division, but over the last 3 or 4years, they've all been pretty good, fairly consistently, except maybe Washington. And even they arent dead weight like the Browns are to the AFC North.


    Can we all agree the worst football is consistently played in the West? (Either conference. :p )


    Chuching, they have been pretty bad, when an 8-8 record wins the divison it scares me. When people keep hyping the Chargers up, well duh they're going to be good, they play the Raiders and Chiefs 4 times a year

  5. Its an ill defined question if you dont specify length of time.


    Last year, even with the Saints, they certainly werent. Cause they have the Bucs. The NFC East and the AFC South both were comprised of a better group of overall teams.


    how many superbowls have the East been to? one? :p


    But I get what you are saying those divison may have better teams all around, but you have to also look which divisons continues to represent the NFC in the title games

  6. Pujols won't get an A-Rod type deal. The A-Rod deal was a deal that could have only happened with A-Rod and only in that situation. It was a bizarre circumstance, not a trend setter.


    I say Pujols gets 8 years $200M with 2 option years attached.


    I guess we will see what happens, because if he hits the market, no way in **** the Mets don't make a huge offer

  7. okay well let's look at some facts about Prince Albert


    he is by far the best player in the game right now who plays everyday (I still think he could pitch :p)


    A-Rod makes like 33 mill a year, and is one of ten players making 19 million and above




    Prince Albert isn't even in the top 25, but two of his teammates are


    Personally I think Albert could be an A hole if he really wanted to be


    If it wasn't for Bonds and his himroids Albert would have 2 more MVP, plus he placed 4th for the award as a rookie


    He is a triple threat type of guy every year, can play 1B, 3B, LF, and RF if need be and has a glove


    to me that sounds like 30 mill a year if A-Roid makes that...... NEW YORK HERE I COME

  8. As a Texans fan, I wouldnt mind seeing the Colts realigned somewhere else. At least until Manning hangs it up. :p


    And as a Houstonian, I hate to see any fan see their team depart. It sucks. Hard.


    However, if its going to happen (and its not realistic to assume no team ever moves again) then I'd pick the Jags to LA. Most the teams that cant sell out their stadiums are just bad teams. The Jags cant sell out when they are winning and agressively marketing.


    I guess Buffalo might have similiar issues, but they are cozying up too much with Toronto to likely pack up and leave for LA.


    Anyway, if the Jags move to LA they probably just stay AFC South. No way they break up the AFC West and a cross conference trade with the NFC West would only net the Cards as a more southern team, and the difference is hardly worth the effort.


    Or I guess...the Rams. But maybe they are rivals with San Fran. Sorta.


    I know i hear crap for this but i'd move Dolphins to the South, Colts to the North, Ravens to the East, and Chiefs to the South as well,, Jags get into the west

  9. I got into an arguement with someone today about which division was the best in the NFL


    he instantly said the NFC EAST, mine was the NFC South


    but before people jump all over me, here is my reason


    1) No other divison has had all four teams make it to a conference title game (played in it 5 out of 8 years)


    2) No othe divison, has had three different teams make it two the superbowl


    3) the fact that every year something different happens in the divison is what makes it so fun, the worst to first pattern, to the fact no one has been to the playoffs in back to back seasons

  10. To me he would be the prefect fit for the Mets, if he does not stay with the Cardinals. Think of him and Wright in the same lineup...now that would be scary.


    Cards need to make sure he stays, could u imagne how the fan base would react to him leaving????? for like the cubs!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  11. Each of those owners own other sports teams in cities that dont have a competing NFL team.


    The NFL doesnt care if you own several pro sports teams, but they dont want you "competing" against fellow NFL owners in their cities.


    Kroenke's situation is that he owns the Avalanche and Nuggets, which "compete" with the Broncos, so it breaks the rule.


    thanks for clearing that up, cuz it had me lost.


    I remember the Glazers were trying to buy the Dogers at one point, that'd be interesting to see now with some probably reloacting there



    So now that brings up a good point, who moves to LA


    Vikes might get a new stadium here soon, so I doubt them




    Jags, Bills, and yes even the Cheifs (who I think would be the best fit because then there would be no need for a realignment)


    who do you think could move


    My personal pick is the Jags. That city (sports wise) sucks, anyone who talks about Tebow going there (even though I am a fan of his) is dumb, he wont put more butts in the seat (maybe the first year) but people need to remember why the greatest outdoor ****tail party sells out every year........ it's because it's two COLLEGE SCHOOLS with history against each other who pact their own stadiums (of like 70k plus) each game, so then you take those two teams and tell them "here, you both get 33k in tickets, sell them)..... um that's why they sell


    But the Jags just suck at selling tickets, and Florida is horrible with sports in general. Dolphins are the oldest team in Florida founded in 1966 so you are looking at what, maybe on their 3rd gen. in fans, Bucs about the same, but Rays, Magic, Jags, Marlins, Panthers, Lightning, on their first and second (meaning when they been there to someone being born, so if you are a dolphin fan born in 66, have a kid 24 years later, and now a grand child now, it's the third gen.)


    we aren't like the Yanks, Giants, Packers, Red Wings, Cubs.... teams like that



    But now if this happens what happens to the divisons


    I'd like to see it corrected more, like Colts in the AFC North, Ravens in the East, Dolphins in the South

  12. WHOA!


    So Shandid Khan an Urbana IL guy (a few hours away from STL) had entered into an ageement pending his finances to buy 60 percent of the team that Chip and Linda inherited from their mother Georgia. Well Stan Kroenke who is a Denver NBA and NHL owner also of fame for double booking his venue for the NBA playoffs and the WWE RAW in which Vince openly mocked him for. He's the owner of the other 40 perecent. Over the last 60 days Stan has flown Khan out to Denver to attend NHL and NBA games, they've been to each other homes. It looked like Stan was bonding with the future majority owner of the Rams.


    Well league rule states that other owners have sixty days to declare their intentions after another bid to buy the team has been made. League rules also state that you CAN NOT own another sports team in another city and be the majority owner of an NFL Franchise. A few weeks ago Goodell had said that he would not be willing to change these rules for Kroenke. Long story short today Kroenke announced his intention to buy the 60 percent of the Rams that Khan had been trying to buy.


    So now if Goodell holds true to his world which he almost has to if he wants to maintain the "exclusive" feel of the NFL owners. Can you imagine how many other sports owners would throw their hat into the ring? At any rate so either Goodell makes special treatment for Stan which is highly unlikely. Or Kroenke puts his Denver teams up for sale. If he does that how long does he get to sell his teams? The other rumor popping up is that Stan's son may "buy" the other teams from Stan allowing him to then buy the Rams. This could get complicated just when it looked like we were going to get involved, secure ownership for the first time in a very long time things seem to be an even bigger mess.


    Everyone in the ST. Louis media thought Khan being paraded around Denver by STan was Stans way of showing support for Khan, in reality it was his way to get close and decide if he wanted to pull the rug out from under him. Very interesting business that could effect a lot more than just the Rams is going under way here.


    cough, id like to introduce you to Paul Allen (owner of the Seahawks, and Portland Trail Blazers), Clark Hunt (Chiefs as well as the, Columbus Crew), Randy Lerner (Browns and Aston Villa), Malcom Glazer (Bucs and Manchester United) these men all own teams in other leagues not in the city that their NFL team resides in.

  13. I guess it comes down to what you value. Some coaches want their defensive backs to be good in run support and such. Most coaches would give their firstborn to have defensive backs who turn your defense into half an offense. I'm not saying Troy Vincent wasn't good or great, but teams didn't scheme in two phases of their gameplan specifically to neutralize Troy Vincent. Troy Vincent didn't make the person playing on the opposite side of the field better and richer (INTs make DBs money and every CB who played opposite Deion, not to mention the safeties, performed "over their heads").


    As I said, his game didn't quite jibe with my preferences (I liked sticking my nose in there, as my other choices would illustrate). However, he did everything his position called for, better than anyone before him or since. It's like saying LT wasn't the greatest LB of all time because he didn't do well in coverage. Coverage wasn't his primary responsibility.


    And 'famous' doesn't denote 'greatest'. Dick Lane was very good (especially as a ballhawk), but I could name a dozen CBs who were better overall. Including the dude who's a decent defensive coordinator for the Steelers nowadays.




    There was no gambling scandal. People, by and large, are stupid. When you're making $100 million a year, so what if you like playing blackjack or poker or betting $100,000 a hole on the golf course? If Stewart Mankins, newbie hedge fund manager did it, no one would care (who the hell is Stewart Mankins? people would say). But because it's Michael Jordan, people want to act like he shot their puppy. This is nothing like what Ben & Holmes are dealing with. Jordan was never accused of assaulting someone (especially not sexually assaulting them). He was never charged with battery of any kind. Yes, he had a few infidelities but Juanita's PAID so who cares? Most women wouldn't be too aggrieved if they got almost $170 million (along with various sundry properties and the like) for their troubles. Hi Vanessa, enjoying the purple diamond, are ya?


    Holmes for a 5th round pick is going to come back to haunt the Steelers. They stacked motivation on top of motivation (walk year + insulting opinion of his value = a dude who might have a breakout year). It was a huge boon for the Jets though. There is little chance they'd land as valuable a player from the draft at that position.


    I do agree that these guys need to learn to protect themselves better though. Morons. Fame, money, and power attract women like flies to (poop). That isn't news, they have 5 seminars at the rookie symposium on just that ONE area. You'd think with the appearance schedules sponsors/endorsers make them keep, they'd have more than enough nightlife.


    Oh, and Jason Campbell signed his tender and is "hopeful for a trade". TO WHERE?!? No one wants your robotic arse! Anybody who might want him, has designs on a complete floor to ceiling rebuilding (via the draft) so bringing him in for anything better than a single 5th rounder (or later) would be pointless. That is, unless they're angling to get a shot at Jake Locker next year.


    Oh, and as a Broncos fan, I'm hoping they can squeeze two firsts out of the some suc....errr, astute team for Brandon Marshall. Or at least a first and third (improving to first with conditions).


    what are break out numbers to you?

  14. That's why he didn't get caught with a porn star? I guess she wasn't at the time, but I thought he was married regardless. And then there's the gambling scandal. He had his fair share of stupid things. I would like to see Goodell set a punishment on Big Ben if only based on stupidity alone.


    Gambling is something he brought on himself, the pornstar is w.e, who wouldn't want a pornstar :D

  15. this was interesting to me


    1) the Rooney family had grown tired of Holmes and his inability to become that number 1 threat after showing flashes (granted had a nice year this year, but I still see Ward as the number 1 guy on that team) and should be easily replaced by Wallace


    2) He was entering the last year of his contract and they probably weren't going to sign him anyways (Plaxico, Randle'l) so they got something in return for him


    3) the deal was done within 24 hours and they only got a 5th, even with the looming off field issues, the Rooney family was sending a message to the steelers. We aren't going to let you run loose and hurt this teams image



    I personally like the Steelers, I think they are a smart org. that does things the right way (let's players walk, build through the draft). I hope Big Ben gets some type of punishment, because I understand you're young and famous but this is the second time in two years something like this has come against you.


    One of the favorite things I ever read about a player was back in 1999, it was about Michael Jordan and talked about how when he would be in another city he would go to his hotel room, lock his door and not come out till the day of the game/practice. team officals would gather his food.


    Jordan understood what it meant to be famous and make millions, it meant you painted a target on your back for stupid things to be brought against you

  16. Ah, I'm not talking about managing. I'm more referring to personnel. Those stats have led to the game moving away from relying on the big numbers (HR, batting average, RBI, Ks, etc) to really delving into the numbers that are important. Before last season, Alex Rodriguez was one of the best hitters in the game....until the games really counted. Now, would you want A-Rod on your team? Sure! But a guy like, oh I dunno, Scott Brosius, might have a high value as well, because of WHEN his best performances took place.


    Also, it's those new stats that are leading teams to move away from the traditional "get as many home run hitters as you can" method and emphasizing defense to win games. Remember, if you're Milwaukee or Seattle or anywhere that isn't New York, you can't compete chasing the big hitters and strong pitchers. Those players will (almost) always go for the top dollar and you can't hang with that. But, if you can neutralize the other team's strengths, you can still beat the 'Murderer's Row' types. Relying on the stats that have "worked" for 150+ years is folly because this isn't the 19th century. The immense gulf between the 'haves' and 'have nots' didn't exist back then. It has gotten to the point where a team like Kansas City cannot compete (CANNOT. Not 'will not', CANnot) because they just don't have the money to do so. They've become the major league equivalent of a farm team. Of course everyone holds up the Twins as an example of a successful small market team. Look at how they've done that. The Twins spend heavily on their farm system. For the most part, they develop their own stars (and still often lose them to bigger market teams - hello Torii Hunter). They're also quick to trade a possibly departing star for prospects. But they value secondary attributes like batting average, OBP, speed, and defensive metrics rather than pure power. Besides, the Marlins won TWO titles using that basic strategy, so it obviously can work.


    I hear the laments a lot (I go to 'The Cathedral of Baseball' a couple dozen times a season) and I think it's shortsighted. "Traditional" fans often think these stats are useless because they don't see the wider benefits. Small market teams are going back to "small ball", emphasizing baserunning and defense, because it's the only way they can have a chance at being successful. Also, if you're the only team focusing on one particular obscure stat, you don't have to worry about competing with "the big dogs". The Yankees don't really care about UZR. They don't have to. Can Seattle say the same thing? Can Kansas City? Can Milwaukee?


    Marlins two world seires title weren't solely them drafting, they did add a lot of big names through trades and signings for the 97 one, and their recent one were largely credit to the deal for Pudge and Juan Pierre but was a lot more them


    Twins aren't really a small market team anymore, more of a middle market team, new stadium and a payroll over 100 mil have done that


    KC is a great point, they draft well, but wont commit the money to see that talent with other talent, they aren't the Yanks or Soxs to where they can rely on the free agent market if need be


    Also are you trying to say you'd take Brosius or A-rod


    Cuz to me a guy whose lifetime BA is .257 (with 2 year at .300 and one at .287 but that's it past .270) with a low OBP and OPS dosen't do it for me, did he play good Defense, sure, and if you're talking about as a vet leader then sure


    But A-Rod has defense and can hit as well. I am just trying to understand what you were saying with that

  17. Maddux, Pedro, and Glavine were not hard hitters (especially Maddux). But Clemens and Johnson were (Johnson especially with that sick slider).


    Also on Maddux, he was consistently great.


    The other five are fairly young, so we'll have to wait and see if they can sustain this. Being out east, the only one I sort of know is Lester. Is Felix that good, or is it that he's on a crappy team? I hear him mentioned in spurts. Greinke had a good year last year. Lincecum I will grant you looks like the real deal.


    But what do you mean exactly by "scare you"? Lincecum (the best of the second 5) isn't exactly overpowering either.


    Stuff wise, and the term overpowering should be fixed, just because a guy doesn't throw upper 90's doesn't mean he isn't over powering


    also Lins career SO is 683, his career innings is 605 which is an avg of 10Ks a 9innings so I would say that is over powering, I believe Randy J was like 10.6, plus already has 2 Cy youngs


    Felix is pretty good, won 19 last year

  18. But also, if he was "great", chances are they would have won more games, and he wouldn't be on his nth coach/OC.


    I said good, and also his first coach retired, then Dan didn't get the coach he truly wanted and settled for Zorn, now he's got a good coach.


    But a QB can't always win you every game, look at brees, he is a great QB and finally won the SB last year, why, because they improved the running game and defense


    Manning couldn't win one because his defense sucked, finally they became good and he won one


    Farve's only SB win was on a great defense as well.


    Just because you're a great QB doesn't mean you'll win a SB or games, you need a defense to help you as well, hell avg QB (Dilfer, Joe Namath, Terry Bradshaw, Mark Rypien) can win SB with a great D


    and yes, Joe Namath and Terry Bradshaw are hall of famers but there stats point out that the were avg and Namath below avg. they were good game mangers and Joe is most famous for being so flashy

  19. Also why is it that the pitchers of today scare me more then the pitcher of yester year


    Maddux, Clemens, Glavine, Pedro, R Johnson vs Greinke, Lincecum, Clayton Kershaw, King Felix, Jon Lester


    Not saying the first 5 were crap, I am just amazed by how fast the 2nd 5 have picked up the game

  20. yeah, I like Joe at times but like many other rays fans I believe he looks to much into the numbers. I remember one time he sat Longo against a pitcher (can't remember the name) because he ad a .000 avg against him, but that was in his rookie year that happened and he went 0-3 with a walk, you don't think things have changed lmao
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