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Big Roguey

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Everything posted by Big Roguey

  1. Gentle reminder that anything not released officially by GDS to mod/edit/whatever TEW (or any GDS games) can cause issues if things go wrong in the process. It's best to stick to the official/released methods even if it is the old fashioned data entry. Definitely one for the suggestions forum though.
  2. Pokemon Sword/Shield were pretty good fun, dunno why they're as maligned in the wider internet. Looking forward to Scarlet/Violet dropping, Greavard is the goodest ghost friend.
  3. Franchise Hockey Manager 9 out in 5 days time and the list of things tweaked/updated is tremendous. Really makes FM's lack of change in the last few years stand out.
  4. i predict that ?? wins the casino battle royale because you've already put ?? as the winner
  5. Tape to Tape looks pretty decent but it also looks like a tastes may vary kind of game.
  6. Hello! As Adam's said above, if anyone has interested in joining the discord feel free to pop me a message. I might not respond straight away and I'll get everything sorted.
  7. hello

    1. Wonk


      one of these days, scotland

    2. Big Roguey

      Big Roguey

      how's league B looking for you?

  8. Not sure if I'll be added by default since mod and all but if not it's not by default add me in boss
  9. I thought they were there already, let me poke around my laptop.
  10. There is no big official history doc (flirted with the idea once upon a time but real life is a bitch). Happy to answer any questions though either in here or in Discord.
  11. Ace "Tank Bradley is my style icon" Youngblood. Get that man in a choker.
  12. It helps a lot if you give examples of who/what is missing rather than just posting that you can't believe they aren't there or what is missing.
  13. Good to see you back around Kam, logo work is A+ as always.
  14. You can use the in game create MDB file to turn a save game into an open MDB file to see in Access.
  15. It is. It's largely because the render production line just isn't there to produce enough quality renders that don't get assigned a character - if we have a render we like enough to include in the mod then it's most likely going in as a full fleshed out worker.
  16. Are you on patch 1.40 or patch 1.40 (II)? From the tech support forum, it seems like this issue should be patched with 1.40 (II).
  17. Genesis Evolution 2021 Quick Picks 9. DIASPORA Super Junior: Kotei Yamato © vs. Sairento 8. Hiroto Nori vs. Shintaro Hideki 7. DIASPORA Junior Tag Team: HUSTLE Umiro and Shingo Hashi © vs. Blood Spider Jr. and KAMIKAZE 6. Zodiac, BURNING Toyotomi and Bloodus Draconia vs. Hoshiko Sassa, Zeshin Kusatsu and USAMI 3000 5. Naonobu Anami vs. KING 4. Horiuchi Inokuma and RIKU vs. Noyo Minaba and Jung DRAGON 3. Kaoru Sakagami and Natsume Doi vs. Sam Liang and Wild Nanami 2. Rising Sun, Red Hawk and Hideaki Kasuse vs. Amaan Singh, Ranjin Vidur and Shinji Uchikawa 1. SHIMIZU vs. Yoshito Ichikawa Comments: Loving the presentation, it's effectively what I've always envisioned DIASPORA being like. It's as close to IHeartDiaspora as we'll ever get (rip IHeartDG).
  18. Los Ingobernables is here! The Young Bucks & Golden Lovers face-to-face confrontation!
  19. Big fan of this not only for the look but for the reasoning, you're bang on with what you're saying in that it very much has a rookie making their way in the biz vibes. Great work!
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