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Everything posted by CQI13

  1. A real comedy of errors: 10 man round robin tournament for a title match at my big 1st quarter show. Jesse Christian (whom I had brought back into the database before the game started) gets hurt 2 matches into the tourney. Out for 3 months, and then surgery was a failure, so add a month and more damage. OK...his stablemate Jack Griffith will take his spot. Very next show, Griffith shows up high as a kite on painkillers. To be fair, neither Christian nor Griffith were going to do much, but it was going to keep them in the fans' eyes. Now, Wayne will take the spot and Griffith will be jobbed out. Kind of wish he just wouldn't have shown up. Something could have happened during the tournament, maybe he ends up with great chemistry. Guess we'll never know.
  2. Are you guys going to do episodes highlighting the Smackdown 6 Era?
  3. I haven't seen the segment in question, but I haven't heard anything that makes it seem like a good idea. And all to try to "benefit" James Mitchell? Not sure why they would do that. The whole thing has shades of Sandman getting crucified. Given what's on the line/what they lost out on, might not be a bad comparison.
  4. Millie was a useless character in the movie. Beyond annoying. Simultaneously entitled and playing the victim card. If this was real life, she's the kind of immigrant that gives immigrants a bad rep. I have never enjoyed George Lopez as an actor (if we can call what he does acting). That said, the movie was enjoyable overall. Grandma steals the scenes she's in. She's pretty awesome.
  5. Guessing you mean "Until that happens..." - Maybe whoever is set to face Roman at Wrestlemania (PLEASE don't let it be The Rock!) has to go through Solo and Jimmy in individual matches in the weeks before WM where if they lose, they are banned from ringside. Truly a 1 on 1 match. If you want The Rock involved, have him stop Jimmy and Solo from interfering, then do whatever you want between The Rock and Roman.
  6. But is this because he genuinely has a punchable face? Or because we are privy to the backstage happenings? Obviously, we can't unring that bell, but if all you had was his in ring work to go by, would he be a great heel and average face? Or would he still be a great heel and a terrible face? (Feel free to switch out "great" for whatever you think is more suitable).
  7. Could it be that one of them is much better at spotting talent? (Not even sure if that's a thing)
  8. Do they at least do a decent job with the announcers talking about that goofiness before the match? I always roll my eyes when WWE guys post stuff in character for a storyline and poor Michael Cole has to read it verbatim.
  9. Here's a conundrum I am facing that I'm sure other people have a solution for. Chris Caulfield is the inaugural World Champion in my touring promotion after the first tour (4 touring events, 1 normal event). The other 2 division (Tag and Women's) have baked in storylines where as a fan it would seem unlikely that the champs would lose at the next big event, but with the right build, maybe. My second tour is centered around finding the #1 contender to his title, so the bulk of my Major Stars and Stars are tied up in that. The finals of the tournament are at the big event, so the winner fighting him that night is out of the question. Some options: Bull Wrecker - he's feuding with Jesse Christian looking to bury the "Southern" legends in my company. (I expressly brought them in to build the undercard as I syphon away their overness). It's a little soon for a title match, but Jesse Christian could cost him the match to set up Match #2 Java or Tribal Warrior - they are feuding with the McWades, so if I make this happen it would probably be mid-tour to set up the McWades' first defense. Jack Griffith - I could see Bull Wrecker attacking him prior to the match, thinking that he should have gotten that shot Ozzie Goldstein - he's pretty low on the card, but I'm sure the match would be worthy of main eventing. Even with much lesser competition, Caulfield has had pretty good ratings (for my fed). Bring in Federique Garcia or someone from PSW - I have a bloated roster, knowing that a good portion will probably retire or be in time decline soon, so it will sort itself out. I just don't want to bring in someone short term just to release them. Down the line I do want to set up an alliance with both FCW and PSW, but that won't be for several months still.
  10. When running a tournament (10 person, round robin) - are there any tiebreakers built in, or how does the game determine the order if two workers end up with the same number of points and they had a double DQ/double countout in their match against each other?
  11. So it's $10 (per month, I assume), and then an extra $10 for the PPV?
  12. Pretty sure I've mentioned it here before, but I remember watching some of the Pandemic era clips and I could just not get into it - the way it sounded just took me right out of it. Even NXT (in a comparable sized arena - or what seems to be comparable size) sounds a lot...cleaner? better? Not sure how to describe it.
  13. Looking to book my first 10-man round robin tournament. It's my second tour, so the champ is newly crowned. In my mind I already have who the winner of the tournament will be, as it will get him a title shot. But the question I have is - should I populate the tournament with only Stars and Major Stars, or would you book 2 guys that are lower down the card to see how they perform against top competition? There is the off chance that someone gets hot and makes me change my plans. I do have some tournaments (maybe not round robin) scheduled later on which will be more like a proving ground for the workers that are Recognisable/Unimportant to try to work them up.
  14. Seems like they don't have a clear vision or strategy. And I've heard all the reasons for/against the 6-sided ring, but it set them apart. I do prefer "Impact Wrestling" over "TNA Wrestling" though. TNA was fine at the start, it fit with the times, but they always had to clarify that it was "TOTAL NONSTOP ACTION" #miketenayvoice. I don't know, but if you have to clarify what your initials stand for because it may not be palatable to advertisers or broadcast partners, maybe you picked the wrong ones. To each their own.
  15. I really like that breakdown - gives me some extra details to work into their characters. Especially Wes and Pete. Not sure how quickly Pete will get poached (it depends on when USPW loses someone usually) but it gives me something to work towards if I can get Wes over enough fast enough to take over.
  16. Not sure why it never occurred to me to go that route. There's a lot of great names there.
  17. Need a name for the following stable: Texas Pete (Leader), Texas Hangman, and Outlaw Wes Revell. Normally I would go with The Outlaws, but was hoping for something different. If anything, if/when Texas Pete gets poached and Outlaw Wes Revell has to take over, I'll switch it to The Outlaws.
  18. If TK is not joking, he comes across as unhinged. If he is joking, this is peak Vince Russo making jokes that only a small percentage of the audience even gets.
  19. They can always hang their hat on the demo. But in all honesty, AEW is going nowhere. It wasn't a great look, but it was a stacked NXT. Everything Tony did to try to counter it though seemed like overkill if we are playing the result.
  20. How long does it take for someone to learn a different language. As an example, 65 workers, and 3 of them only speak Japanese. A couple of workers speak English and Japanese. And the rest only speak English. How long would it take for those 3 Japanese workers to learn English?
  21. Would Dr. Death (under a mask) be suitable? One thing I loved about LU were the movie style vignettes and backstage segments. It had a very unique feel. I don't honestly see anything wrong with using a Paul Heyman or a Bischoff. Heyman would have the better stats from the jump, but I could see Bischoff wanting to do something different. Could even treat it as a "real" alternative to the top companies, as opposed to trying to directly compete from the start.
  22. So the feud is going to be that Adam Copeland came over to AEW to steal Christian's thunder yet again?
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