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Hyde Hill

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Everything posted by Hyde Hill

  1. <p>Just checked EB's wiki spoiler: <span style="color:#FFFFFF;"> he was the ref in the Hardy Morgan Match eh?</span> Nothing against him personally but this is a dumb move, it reeks of Horace Hogan and Dinsmore. Not a good thing. </p><p> </p><p> Still if you befriend him he could be a really good source of inside info. Maybe steer him too this site if he has free time as there are really a lot of good ideas and suggestions on here. Would love to know what he thinks of some of it seeing as he should supposedly be an "insider".</p>
  2. <p>Real son or kayfabe son? And are they gonna involve Dinsmore?</p><p> </p><p> PS agree with Papa plus as I have said TNA has a LOT of good things IF they would just cut out the crap and let it shine I would enjoy it more and many others would too and they would be in a better position to grow imho. I am just not waiting till they cut it out I will come back when they think they actually have.</p>
  3. He means the tag match before that. That one they won. Was the same line up except Pope. Personally still think Joe has "it" to be a main event guy, maybe not head-liner but definitely main event.
  4. <blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="Basmat01" data-cite="Basmat01" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="25170" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>Taz called Jeff's Twist of Fate the "Twist of Hate" was that just an error or is that the new name to his finisher? because I must admit I like the sound of it for a heel Jeff Hardy</div></blockquote><p> </p><p> As far as I have read of of recaps it's the new name since the turn.</p>
  5. <p>I think the Christian values thing was more a secondary consideration. He was more worried he would not be used right just as other pure WCW talent where and have to do the heavy schedule. Just the HOF with a licensing and DVD and maybe book deal and maybe one last match would be the most profitable exit possible if he is really hanging up the boots.</p><p> </p><p> Me I think Nash and Sting are still under contract with TNA and will return. Nash is working the net imho.</p>
  6. <p>Here is a version of NXT where you hear the producer instructions (Kevin Dunn) during the whole thing. Nice inside look.</p><p> </p><p> <a href="http://v.youku.com/v_show/id_XMjE5ODQzNjEy.html" rel="external nofollow">http://v.youku.com/v_show/id_XMjE5ODQzNjEy.html</a></p><p> </p><p> Props apparently go to Ashton Rockford on facebook for finding the Japanese version and giving it to Mondaynight mayhem.</p>
  7. <blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="Hashasheen" data-cite="Hashasheen" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="25170" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>They could just be working as road-agents. <img alt=":)" data-src="//content.invisioncic.com/g322608/emoticons/smile.png.142cfa0a1cd2925c0463c1d00f499df2.png" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /></div></blockquote><p> </p><p> Let's hope so (not that they would be good) but if that is not the case then that is a clear example of some of the policy that people are sick off. TNA has all the potential in the world and has a lot of good things going for them but until they cut out the crap I am not coming back.</p>
  8. <blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="maskedpropaganda" data-cite="maskedpropaganda" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="25170" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>Heard something today that made me think. Was informed that the finances of TNA are being taken out of Dixie's hand and given to her mother???? This decision was made due to the overpayment of Mikey James (she makes quarter of a million a year and with future house show loops maybe probably being canceled that is a TON of money PPA). This was told to me fourth hand though. Someone to Brian Knobbs, then to Jamie, then to me. If this is true maybe TNA won't buy their death by giving overrated for name value contracts to X-WWEr's though. I expect a good bit of cuts if someone else is taking over cashflow.</div></blockquote><p> </p><p> Heard this rumour (the money take over) a couple of days ago. Don't know if it's because of Mickey though. Hmm who could have been to ones to tell Knobbs if its true lolz. Anyway Panda have been assisting TNA on the financial and legal side ever since they took over, but actually getting the purse strings is different. </p><p> </p><p> Thing is it seems with the cut house shows etc they are thinking short term efficiency ahead of long term growth again.</p>
  9. If TNA would slow the pace down a little on their storylines but keep them active all the same (Sting's Them/deception was just sometimes absent for instance) and would seriously lower the relevance and screen time of nostalgia I would come back definitely. And yes TNA is doing better now then they where last year but they should/could be doing much better. And yes the hogan/bisch regime hasn't been all bad but as I pointed out before the "they" reveal pushed it towards a negative for me and unless I get clear signals TNA is doing better again I am not watching.
  10. Yep it seems wrestling itself is at an all time low. TNA still has good stuff and talent though but the bad has just overwhelmed it imho. I used to be able to tolerate it but ever since the crap that was "they" I have had it for now.
  11. She has been injured, thank Rosie and 3D for that. Last time was in June on Xplosion or something.
  12. TNA family feud day 1 for those interested: part 1: part 2: And damn this got to page 2? Someone or someone's who used to post a lot here have stopped. Who could it be? Lolz.
  13. Thing is it is all about balance. Incorporating realism into your stories? Fine. Blurring the line too far and too much and you get a mess ala WCW 99-01. It's not so much what you do then how you do it/present it and how often etc. Much like Papa's freshness argument. Same goes with the blood and risque. TNA gave us a lot of blood this year but it was too much at a certain point and became meaningless. They focused on the BP in the KO's the whole time and added Tessmacher and Chelsea and Hemme as sole backstage interviewer. But due to lack of skills in other departments or not just admitting this is Risque (bra and panties matches etc) and not real competition that didn't work either. Balance and presentation is what matters and that is what TNA is often very very bad at.
  14. At least one of the talents that deserves it IMHO is getting a push, too bad it's outta nowhere though. Probably due to the injury of a certain someone.
  15. It's not just about being used is matches though it's overall screen time and how relevant they are kept. It's Hogan's Immortal's and it's Flair's Fourtune for instance.
  16. It was about the same thing though and first they where in rapid succession around Slammiversary on the same change and then she said that same change would start at the pre BFG show. Which probably means she meant the Immortals taking over her company as she was non kayfabe before. Jarrett's stuff was about his daughters appearing in some country singer's video. Anyway it's been blown way way out of proportion imho.
  17. Lol this running joke is so baseless. Dixie tweeted big change once pre slammiversary, and that hasn't happened except if it was the "They" storyline, and now it's like TNA said it all of the time without it happening. All the previous changes where changes of varying degree. Initial Bisch and Hogan changes for instance the 6 sides gone. Moving to Monday. Moving back to Thursday.
  18. I should think he was being sarcastic. As it is quite customary one should think that after a buried alive match one would be off screen for a while. Unless you where being sarcastic as well then my apologies.
  19. Meh this episode was more Fourtune and the relevant guys as I read it. If it remains like that over a longer period I may come back. But TNA has definitely lost my benefit of the doubt, and I have been extremely tolerant, and I am not much interested in this storyline atm.
  20. Let's put it this way. TNA is not entertaining me enough because the product they are presenting is not interesting to me. That is because TNA chooses to highlight those people that do not appeal to me aside from a nostalgia purpose and because their story-lines are atrocious and focus on those same people. So despite TNA having many appealing things to me I chose to stop watching because the bad started to out way the good. This has happened with many shows before and will continue to do so. I get the gripe LordJaguar is presenting but this is not the case here. Like PeterHilton explained. I and many on here are total product people as far as entertainment goes and we recognise that what draws, draws even if we do not like it. So we look at it from a total business standpoint. And we think that TNA could or should do different things in order for it to grow and not just please our on personal tastes. Main problem is the lack of data that is available to back up those claims so most of it comes from an historical perspective or a gut feeling so to speak. Now as to why this is more prevalent in wrestling then entertainment? Well there are many reasons but the main one is is because wrestling is both a sport and entertainment. And just look at any sports forum and there are loads and loads of opinions on who to put in what role and who to put in the starting line up and who to sign or trade for etc. There the goal is to win as many competitions (and thus make the most money). In wrestling the goal is to bring in the maximum amount of money and in TNA's case to create long term growth. I personally mentioned AJ because he is symptomatic of TNA's current direction/total product. So eventhough AJ really entertains me I am not watching. I also think based on my personal preference, gut feeling and available empirical and historical data that it would be good for TNA long term to give him a more prominent role. The same can be said for instance about Jay Lethal even-though I personally do not care for him as much I can see that he connects with the fans when displayed in the right way.
  21. Thing is you can use the nostalgia some of the time to create awareness or to sell to partners see we have these names but you do not have them dominate the show. Plus there are many more and better ways to create said awareness. It's useless to create awareness and then have people turn off because they don't like what they are seeing. So I am not saying the nostalgia guys don't have a use but that they are being used the wrong way. Better to grow organically and spotlight those that will keep people interested then all this contrived and nostalgia BS. AJ might not get TNA short term awareness but can create long term and sustainable awareness. I just don't think going this nostalgia heavy will ever get TNA the awareness they crave which will then lead to the point that TNA will make the switch to the truly relevant talent. Right now they are keeping the Nostalgia relevant at the EXPENSE of the other talent and that is just not right.
  22. Look I and I think others don't mind the "nostalgia" per se but it is the total overkill of the amount of attention they get and all the attempts to keep them relevant at the expense of those guys who should be kept relevant and should get the attention etc. As long as TNA does not get more brand awareness AJ etc won't be as big a household name as Orton etc but they can be the Orton's for TNA. Case in point EV2 beating Fourtune at BFG.
  23. Also there is no problem referencing the old stable in this case or saying you are carrying out it's legacy as long as you make CLEAR that you are a MODERN and FRESH incarnation of it. Flair: "Fourtune is an Evolution of the Four Horseman and Fourtune is going to be better then both combined" AJ: "And there is no doubt about it because we are so fourtunate in talent and skill and looks that we all are simply Phenominal" ONE freaking promo and it's clear and done. Instead TNA doesn't even try.
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