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Hyde Hill

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Everything posted by Hyde Hill

  1. And he can still deliver to a certain extent and always goes away a couple of months etc. And he actually puts over the young talent from time to time. Just read the report and thought they announced a Monster's ball. But a one on one on Impact???? FFFS. Monster's ball was one of the few matches that still had worth because it was not overdone.
  2. FFS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Times like these I really despair. Might be time to give ROH 2 to 3 months to convince me as the E style really does not convince me at this time. Edit: Seriously most of the guys on these boards could book better then this I sometimes feel. Maybe not solo due to the weekly nature and unfamiliarity etc but three of us sure.
  3. Lol Peter agreed with you before I read it. Not seeing Impact right now just reacting so not fully informed.
  4. Too bad he does not have the skills to carry a character like that or that it has been presented in an interesting way so far. His promo last week was horrendous. Goldust, Adrian Street style etc is fine imho but takes a lot of skill as a performer and as a writing team. Lenny and Lodi, Billy and Chuck blegh.
  5. Nope last week he was beat down and Nash and Hall said they would get a third man to fill in. Young being it is so TNA. It is so predictable in its unpredictability sometimes grrr. Also pac warned management beforehand that he could not make the ppv so it was not a full now show. Just shows the administrative chaos in TNA that they did not check all their workers availability before booking them. Much like Love's visa issues. Off course it is also the responsibility of the talent but its the office's responsibility to make sure the talent checks in time.
  6. Because Bischoff likes him as a talent and for controversy purposes unfortunately and Hogan owed a lot of the Tour performers dates which got them on the radar. I wouldn't mind a Sting vs Hogan redo if it did not get so much damn attention and Hogan was not a cripple.
  7. Would be nice if a (upper)midcarder beat him before he left. Morrison?
  8. Well that is at least a logical way to write her out instead of just disappearing.
  9. Lolz, yeps. I do not mind Hogan per se but he should be a supporting and hyping role not the spotlight, same goes for all the nostalgia guys. Edit: Oh btw Sting vs Hogan at BFG or sooner pretty much a done deal after the heel turn and Hogan saying to Brooke it would be the last time. Lets see if they did up Nick Patrick to do the count right, or is it wrong? lol, this time lolz.
  10. That was the original monsters ball, and I think it was isolation for 24 hours or something. Since then it just means multi man hardcore carnage.
  11. The problem with Total Nonstop Wrestling name would be that it would have one of the problems of the current name as in any angle would/could be frowned upon due to the name. I know about TWA but that is quite a while ago now is it not? TAW then? Total Action Wrestling? Edit TWA the airline ended in 2001 with December 1st being the last ceremonial TWA flight. The one plane crash was in 1996 if wiki is correct.
  12. On moving back to Thursday's I would call it a tactical retreat after a lost battle. Hope the gained awareness causes increased viewership on Thursday's though or it will have been for naught ratings wise. Edit: Also moving back to Thursday would not exactly be the next step in the evolution of the brand or responding to the fans really apart from the lower ratings, so do not see the direct correlation. Of course it could just be spin.
  13. Those where just some suggestions though and as mentioned before TNA wrestlers often show up on UFC events would be nice if that happened conversely. I would go for the name change as a signal for a true rebranding of TNA. I would go for TWA Total Wrestling Action and go for a Modern more serious Entertainment style as opposed to traditional or comedy entertainment. With that name you can focus on the fact that they have a real tag team division, a real knockout's division, the X-Division, Different styles of main eventers with a higher more intense pace without losing psychology. Hardcore, swearing, blood etc at times when applicable and a higher match/angle ratio but keeping storylines etc. As said before it needs to be a total package, they have the tools in the roster they just need to use them right. Heyman and Bisch together should be able to make it work. If those two can not then it is time for someone new altogether.
  14. So what would people actually like to see as the evolution of the TNA brand? Some options: - Heyman as heabooker - Taking Impact and all ppv on the road - Name change - Rebranding the Global title - B show - Fan getting the chance to join the creative team via a contest - A much bigger advertising budget lolz. - Working relations with UFC, hello Brock! - Other?
  15. It ends as soon as everybody stops giving him attention which is the only thing he aims for. From Dixie and TNA Wrestling: "TNA will make a major announcement during tonights TNA iMPACT! on Spike TV at 8ET/7CT. We strive to deliver what our fans want, and the next step in the evolution of the TNA brand will do just that." Probably just that Wolfe and or Hardy will get a shot, but since they already advertised that earlier on Twitter and Facebook I hope this is something different.
  16. I loved the preview and I really liked the shoot, 3 hours non stop entertaining imho.
  17. If anybody is interested I found a link for a cheap, wink wink, version of the Kendrick and London shoot interview, send me a pm if you want it.
  18. No but she is so awful in and out of ring and reportedly backstage that she deserves no air time at this point in time. Love and Sky cover pretty much the same fanbase lookwise and are both better/less bad. The BP where intended as a foil for the rest of the KO's and representing what the KO division was not about. Not as the centrepiece of the division. The BP worked best when it was just Love and Skye as they had good chemistry together in promo's etc. LVE should just go for now and Madison while decent is not better or more over then a lot of independent and recently released, by WWE and TNA, talent. So in my book if you have to have the BP's around reunite Skye and Love and dump those two and make room for others.
  19. If anybody is interested I found a link for a cheap, wink wink, version of the Kendrick and London shoot interview, send me a pm if you want it.
  20. <blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="The Celt" data-cite="The Celt" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="25170" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>Well other faces like Kurt Angle, The Pope and Jarrett are also in the running, so I'm not sure if that logical quite works out.</div></blockquote><p> </p><p> Angle less votes because of the time off and also bigger star then Abyss, Pope is Pope! And was recent no1 contender, Jarrett gets sympathy votes. I just would not read to much into Abyss not getting that many votes as some online have done.</p>
  21. <blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="The Celt" data-cite="The Celt" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="25170" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>TNA have announced that whoever wins the Top 10 Contenders vote will get a title shot this Monday; thing is...<p> </p><p> There's literally less than a thousands votes between the two leaders: Jeff Hardy in 2nd and surprise surprise</p><p> </p><p> Desmond</p><p> </p><p> "McLariat"</p><p> </p><p> Wolfe</p><p> </p><p> Go vote for McLariat ok?</p></div></blockquote><p> </p><p> Not really a big surprise given TNA's large UK fanbase, The fact that he is a heel, has not faced RVD one on one and is an IWC darling who tend to vote more and earlier. Same with Abyss just having 2 percent as he is the no3 babyface for marks after RVD and Hardy, so with Hardy there why vote Abyss?</p>
  22. More as in less bad, anyways I agree that if they let LMV be a more mat wrestling orientated style and more strong style it would have really helped. Just saying I expected more from her run and it did not deliver in my view. Not saying that it was her fault but also not saying it was entirely the booking teams fault. Probably a lot more the creative and ra team but as we do not know the details we shall never know. And when it pertains to spots yes I like spots, but I do not like spot monkey's. Red being the best example and that is just looking at his in ring style. Edit: Again not knocking Lisa and you are the resident female expert just observing it was a disappointing run and it unfortunately did not work out as I and many others had hoped. Sometimes this happens.
  23. Then why did Kim, Kong, Wilde, Sarita, Daffney etc have in my view better matches with the BP? And why did she have better matches against worse wrestlers in the E? Its not about look for me at all when it comes to her, I had just hoped for more from both a booking and in ring standpoint. Neither happened and it is a shame. Not knocking her talent just her run. Maybe age and injuries etc had effected her to a point where her in ring skills had become less.
  24. I am not bashing Tara at all as a talent, she just did not do it for me and off course that is also for a large part due to booking, but also in the matches and time she got for matches I was generally not impressed. Not bad but I had hoped for more. I was really happy when she came in and had hoped they would use her well and she would give her all and due to the fact that in general in TNA performers are allowed to do more in the ring that she would show that. Unfortunately neither happened.
  25. One of the worst moves ever bringing him in and one of the best to let him go, and yeah blame it on Hogan. A mediocre at best non entity shock jock had no place in TNA.
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