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Hyde Hill

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Everything posted by Hyde Hill

  1. Do they by chance need an accent on the positive TNA recapper? lolz.
  2. That wasn't a true spoiler though maybe as it was his opinion or idea not so much confirmed and highlight if you want to know.
  3. Yeah but like was stated before by me and sources within TNA the move to mondays was mainly used as a relaitvly cheap way to increase brand awereness due to the "war" publicity and the fact that most of the existing wrestling audience is tuned in on Monday around that time, with added on the factor of Spike and with that the whole Viacom family wanting to put a dent in USA's numbers. The fact that said brand awereness has not increased in brand engagement due to in part a lack of brand identity can be put at TNA's doorstep, but it seems that given the budget and quality and size of the organisation atm within TNA they do not have the capacity to do all three unfortunatly. They chose to focus on awereness and that is a tactical choice. Edit: Yeah Bubba is gone!!!!!! Too bad he was ever there.
  4. That is correct, but good grammer and spelling does help get your point across better in some situations, and this board is one of them mainly due to the nature of a lot of the IWC and the internet in general, which we try to avoid here. Personally I do not mind as I can understand what you are saying and your tone and word use is always polite and that is the main thing imho.
  5. Agreed, altough I felt her match against McTaker was overrated, but I can not and will not be objective towards Calloway's pounding cardboard TNA ripoff plank, but it was way better then Mickie's forray on the same card. Melina's match with Beth at Extreme rules was good though and she seems more capable of making a bad worker seem decent or get something out of them then Micky did and that is a very good quality to have in general and especially in the E's women division.
  6. Thanks mate, and yep can not love the pound enough for its high level of educated smart marks as I like to call em. Link to who is slamming who: http://whosslammingwho.podomatic.com/ Its called inside the Behren's bubble, some of his earlier ones are great as well, its weekly plus you can listen to Cornette's weakly rant about everything and anything on the same site.
  7. Yeah I am inclined to feel more like that, but others like Remi and Stennick have argued the other side of the coin as well and very well, so its a gamble either way. In the case of TNA I would take it though. That is why I am so curious as to when their ppv contracts elapse and their contract with Universal as it pertains to taking the show on the road. Can not find that info anywhere
  8. Yeah I love that collumn as well and also read it. TNA really needs to work on all three key brand groups Brand Awereness, Brand Identity/ Perception and Brand Loyalty/Immersion/engagement. The early move to Monday is mainly as a way to increase awereness in a relativly cheap way, by going to where the biggest audience is and being more talked about in mainstream and non mainstream media by going up against the big dog. People on these boards sometimes forget how little people actually know TNA even exists. One example is when Christian came back to WWE a lot of people asked him where he had been the last couple of years. As in 8 out of 10 fans a lot. At the moment they are working on creating awereness but are not succeeding at the same time in giving out a good and clear identity and make those that become aware customers. If you like Hamilton you should also check out Bill Behren's podcast on who is slamming who. He often discusses similar topics and using facts etc to back it up, plus he has inside knowledge of TNA, having worked there and being the agent for many current, including AJ, and past TNA talent.
  9. Yeah but that is a gamble given as has been argued before the tendancy of people not the pay for what used to be free. Doing part pay and part free might be a good intermediate solution like CQ suggested, we shall see.
  10. Lol they have been in the black for more then a year now Stennick according to most reports, and yes their main source of revenue is television rights fees and TNA itself does not pay 100 percent for a lot of the "written" talent and the rest are on a form of ppa where they get payed by appearance and can work for smaller companies but not for the E. The main place they need to invest is marketing which they seem to fail at.
  11. refusing to release cide happened before Bisch and Hogan so does not really have bearing on Daniels to be fair. If I remember correctly cide's contract was also going to be up around that time so he got the X Division run and some more attention and then he resigned.
  12. Yeah I do hope they reunite LAX as they are better together then individually.
  13. Yeah that amount for Hemme is ludicrious and losing Tara is no big deal imho as she didn't really perform imho. We shall see. On the Homicide comments, yeah TNA really needs to profesionalize backstage and in production etc, it just seems the organisation itself is weak. Hope Bischoff has some plans on that side.
  14. Plus that losing streak was used to garner face sympathy, so as a way of turning him. Not for overness purposes. I did not mind Danielson losing to the likes of Jericho or getting screwed by miz or screwing him against other pro's resulting in a loss. But against Skip? Seriously!
  15. I think slowly Daniel is wishing he failed the physical like Nigel/Desmond did hehe.
  16. Thing is Swagger and Sheamus where both totally out of the blue, that played into why people had a hard time accepting it. And sure this makes more room in the ME scene on Smackdown but that has a whole lot less meaning because apart from part time taker there are now no Main Eventers on Smackdown. People breaking the glass cieling is only cool when there is a cieling to break. Smackdown just lost its roof becoming more like a 2 hour version of WWECW and with all these midcarders leaving to RAW and others force pushed into the ME scene that also leaves a very weak midcard and undercard on Smackdown. Conversely RAW's roof is now made of weapon grade concrete hehe.
  17. I like Morgan as he is now, wish he moves on to the Global Division though after a while as I prefer dedicated tag teams and do not like Terry. Plz give me back Daniels! Overall decent show, not great but not bad and really digging the documentary type backstage stuff. PS The ranking system is not a pure fan vote, you can check out TNA's website for details.
  18. Christian and Swagger had quite a decent feud on ECW when Chrisitian came in, so it could be good. Still Smackdown looks a lot weaker and I don't like the RAW format so I am not happy.
  19. Yep Smackdown was the only E tv show I would more regularely tune into and now they have been gutted to hell. Be interesting to see who will step up but for now my interest has totally waned.
  20. Some sites are reporting that the original plan was for RVD to take the title at Sacrifice, would not surprise me but overall while a hotshot it was a smart and well executed one imho.
  21. Ehm the entire roster is 10 and the only 2 that haven't gotten airtime lately are Sarita and Taylor. Katie aka Nikita is a very good wrestler in her own right and damn hot as well imho. But between her and one of the Indy bests yeah that is very close. Micky is a no brainer though as she is a TNA original as well hehe.
  22. Well the current division is kinda thin with just 10 workers inluding LVE. And with 3 in a stable and 2 in a tag team. Kong Roxxi and Flash all left without being replaced so on the womens side there is some room.
  23. Nah two storylines is plenty imho. Just have them be good hehe.
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