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Hyde Hill

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Everything posted by Hyde Hill

  1. Having Jarrett in the main event that time. Not a problem. Having Jarret be the only main eventer at that time by a mile = big problem.
  2. Before Beer Money they where both doing pretty well in singles. I like both of them personally but I like a strong tag scene as well. My idea was always to bring in Harris and make them a new age freebirds so a duo could do the tag scene and the other one could go singles and they would rotate that. And how can you not like Storm, just this theme alone makes him awesome: I am not a big country fan but that song rocks. And yes I know its a rip of electric rodeo but so what.
  3. Yep it was BEER! .... MONEY! man your memory Sorry About Your Damn Luck! lol It Pays To Be Roode.
  4. To further elaborate on this from a wrestlers standpoint and from a short term promotions standpoint it is better to be singles. But real tag team action be it on a midcard/uppermidcard level is a draw in and of itself. There is nothing wrong with eventually splitting up a tag team if one is more marketable (Rockers) or both are more marketable as individuals then together E & C but at least give them enough time as a team and have a team that can fill their spot so to speak. A strong tag team scene can help elevate those workers till they are read for the big time and a strong tag team scene in and of itself is a draw. If you look at all the highest points of the E and the hight of WCW they all featured a strong tag team scene and it helped draw in fans. More fans means more money for everybody. So from a promoters standpoint and a wrestlers as well thinking more long term a strong tag team scene is very beneficial. So long as you highlight the scene enough time wise and throw in an occasional Main Event combo then both for performers and promoters it can make more money long term. For a long time now tag teams have been either undercard workers or a Man Event combo with nothing in between. The last tag team that actually got time to be a team and get time on tv has been Miz and Morrisson and it did wonders for the both of them. Now imagine if they where together a bit longer and had had some actual competition. Didn't want to go on too long a rant so I hope I made myself clear.
  5. No that is not being overly negative and I meant it more in general on the IWC then specifically between you and Shaga. It is also more the tone of things and the way things are talked about that factor in. Sorry I didn't make that clearer in the first post. Edit: Just to make it clear I don't just follow TNA because they are not WWE, I used to just watch the E, then found out about TNA and watched both for a long while, TNA excited me more despite its flaws and now just watch WWE ppv's to see if they are doing anything exciting, and have been following the wrestlemania build. Like I posted before out of ten segments/storylines/matches whatever with the E you get 1 good 8 mediocre 1 bad and with TNA you get 2 good 5 mediocre 3 bad. I enjoy good stuff more then I hate bad stuff and don't really like mediocre so TNA is for me. The frustrating and interesting thing with TNA is that a whole lot of their bad stuff could be so relatively easily solved.
  6. Sorry missed that when I first posted it. Don't agree though as this is a new regime.
  7. Hmmm I like the TNA product and have been defending it but moreso because the whole IWC seems to always want to point out the negatives in anything. Sorta playing the "Angels advocate" but when they do something bad in my eyes I am very critical of the product at the same time. That is not blind loyalty its plain loyalty at best and there is a big difference. I see things that I like plenty of times on TNA and things I really dislike and try to look at things from the marks and managements perspective and not the smark one.
  8. Benefit of the doubt people. Lethal lockdown they will be in opposite teams and then a one on one the ppv after? And so far Sting is being really heelish which he never was in the MEM.
  9. Guns have been on the heel side of things for a long long time now ever since "turning" on the frontline. So its not just EB and co that want them as heels. They have never been full on heels though. I think that a true mark of a good booker is being able to be unpredictable but still logical and make sense. Only it won't always be clear from the get go.
  10. Yep they can't put all storylines in one show and some storylines are interwoven. SO what that RVD and Sting didn't have a one on one confrontation doesn't mean its done. They will probably meet in Lethal Lockdown. When all the storylines are put in one show you get the too much going on problem and I thought the pacing of this Impact was excellent. A 2 hour show in 2 hours. Instead of the Rob Terry squash (, why push this guy imho? Muscles yes, rest no.) and the length of the Jarret Bisch confrontation, I would have put either an Angle/Anderson package or an X-Division angle or match.
  11. Ehm they mentioned it when he came back and when Young piledrived him on the stage months and months back. That isn't exactly over working it. They made the work injury look really real imho.
  12. PWI is the only good one imho. And if you want a discussion board then this is the place to be imho.
  13. I skipped the Cena/Batista promo as I didn't want to see those 2 for 20 odd minutes but the rest was flat and boring as hell imho. Didn't make me more excited to see Wrestlemania at all.
  14. Yeah and the torch isn't some rag on the level of TMZ that is anti TNA? right? lolz.
  15. They are all smarks only different form. you also missed out the IWC I know its fake so I will critizise everything smarks which are the most numurus on the scene. I generally differantiate them between blind smarks and educated smarks. ROH smarks are a rare breed imho. Liked des x as usual good and bad stuff from TNA so a 6.5 would be fair. Finish was very very bad as was the sloppiness in the Band match but won't bomb a whole ppv just for that.
  16. <p>Wrong thread mate. Please guys I see WCW popping up everywhere and not just here that it can use its own thread.</p><p> </p><p> Disagree with the unbiased part. It presents itself as unbiased but it slightly manipulates stuff to the WWE version. "black saturday" for one and skips over the succesfull part.</p>
  17. WTF?? He recently resigned with ROH for a semi written longer then a year I believe and he is on top of the indy world now but not the wrestling world. Would be a damn shame to see him go.
  18. You mean dedicated tag teams are not going to ever amount to anything in the current wwe. I know the e treats their tag team division like dirt but this was even moreso. Seems they have given up on McIntyre as well then. I know he wasn't really getting over but neither was/is Sheamus and they are still pushing him.
  19. Nobody else a little bothered that Taker squashed both McIntyre and 2/3 of the tag team division in 2 weeks time? I know he is taker and its wrestlemania season but 4 guys not getting a single punch in and your hot prospect intercontinatal champ just getting one move? I think they devaluad those guys more then that it helped Taker.
  20. Agreed please keep it civil and if possible non personal guys. This is just a wrestling fed we are talking about that has a lot of glaring flaws but also some good points. In the end the flaws are too big and too much for the general audiance to be able to accept them at the moment imho. And I know this falls in the if only category etc but TNA has had 2 major changes in management over the year so some of the problems can be attributed to that. I may be an eternal optimist and I will give them time again to see where this goes and I vowed a while back that if they brought in rvd I would continue to support, but atm TNA is making it hard. btw people again seem to be forgetting that TNA is profitable for a while now and they wheren't to start out and that the ratings do not effect their profitibility so much. TNA right now has a 3 year deal with Spike and is still one of their highest rated shows so they will be on tv for a good time to come. Also the carters are strong financial backers eventhough its just a vanity project for Dixie. TNA is not going anywhere folks! If they will ever get the big time succes they are after that is another question.
  21. <blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="Nedew" data-cite="Nedew" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="25170" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>Man, i love reading this thread <img alt=":D" data-src="//content.invisioncic.com/g322608/emoticons/biggrin.png.929299b4c121f473b0026f3d6e74d189.png" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /></div></blockquote><p> </p><p> Yep like I said before you can say a lot about TNA but they always give you a lot to say about them lolz.</p>
  22. <blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="Zeel1" data-cite="Zeel1" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="25170" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>He's working us, clearly. <img alt=":p" data-src="//content.invisioncic.com/g322608/emoticons/tongue.png.ceb643b2956793497cef30b0e944be28.png" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /></div></blockquote><p> </p><p> First off. Damn I missed a whole discussion about TNA! lolz</p><p> </p><p> Second. I have been on EB's facebook on occasion and that guy was living there so it was more a response to that then the actual question. Plus EB already gave an answer about the bad ratings of the week before where he answered it was dissapointing but part of a long term strategy. Plus when EB is in the mood he goes In Character as Zeel pointed out.</p><p> </p><p> Edit: He wasn't trolling he was overposting.</p><p> </p><p> Long story short about TNA. Yes the IWC is more critical of them then the WWE in general and one of the main reasons I think is because everyone wants TNA to be what they want to see in wrestling and not so much what it is. There are more but that is an underlying thing I think.</p><p> </p><p> Yes TNA's product isn't much worse then the WWE's but in order to compete it needs to be better in order to seriously compete.</p><p> </p><p> TNA has all the ingredients roster wise etc but always seem to screw up stuff . They also sometimes have great storylines and matches probably on a more regular occasion then the E imho but there is a lot more crap that comes with that giving it a worse ratio.</p><p> </p><p> For instance WWE 1 Great 8 Mediocre 1 Crap and TNA 2 Great 5 Mediocre 3 Crap. And a lot of that crap is easily identifiable which is so damn frustrating.</p><p> </p><p> </p><p> Generally I have been defending TNA mostly when stuff was said that was a false perception or overly focused on the negatives imho. But I have always tried to point out all the mistakes as well. And before this whole debate started I pointed out my feelings so far and the net result so far has been zero leening on negative.</p><p> </p><p> Damn turned into a rant when I wasn't planning on one. Well at least I am no longer the number 1 TNA mark around lolz.</p>
  23. Trump might be able to buy Panada Energy but Vince can't afford it. Panda>WWE by a big margin. Also Shawn sarcasmetc unfortunatly doesn't work well on boards like these.
  24. Lol yeah if you want to analyse ratings you should check the quarterlies on Thursday after Jan 4th. They kept going down and even the last Thursday show they started high. They totally pissed away all the goodwill with up and down booking. The analogy I always like to make for TNA is: "the little engine that should." My favorite recent one is comparing it to the restaurant world. (watching too much Hell's kitchen one day). This is the short clear version so bare with me. 1. So brand awareness is your advertising for your restaurant in total. Which is low for TNA but one of the things Hogan/EB have improved and one of the main goals of the move to Monday. 2. Brand Identity is what your Restaurant is known for. Other then not being the WWE and having an X-Division the general populace doesn't know. 3. The production values is the restaurant itself eg the ambiance, lighting, tables etc. Not that horrible but compared to the E terrible. Some small stuff that can easily be improved hasn't been done. 4. The talent roster are the ingredients. They have more then enough seriously and that makes some dishes overcomplicated and some great ingredients unused. 5. The headbooker is the one that makes the menu and supervises the cooking. Some dishes are good to great but too many are very bad. 6. Creative are the cooks. BAD and inconsistent. 7. Service is the pacing of the show etc. So unless you a know the brand b don't mind the ambiance c know which dishes are good and d are lucky enough to get it well prepared you are screwed. Making it a real acquired taste 1. Has improved with Hulk/EB. 2. Stayed the same so far. And really needs work. 3. Slight improvement. 4. Too much. improvement in the top line Hardy + RVD, crap added on the bottom. 5. Better in some departments worse in others 6. Same 7. Better but still not good. And the overall net result is again 0. The WWE in very short. 1. Excellent. 2. Fine. 3. Excellent 4. Good enough but overuse of certain ingredients and too many similar ones. 5. Mediocre but simple with some good dishes 6. Fine and on occasion good. 7. Slow but a lot off attention. So a simple menu with decent preparation that everyone knows about and knows what to expect. I know its kinda flawed and simplified and it makes TNA to out to be a bit worse then it is but its close.
  25. That's the same info as the breakdown thats not an analysis that is just facts. It was a very bad rating period.
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