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Everything posted by Theheel

  1. Quick Predictions for Episode #48 1. Tables match: Coulrophobia vs State of Destruction 2. Busta Capp vs Harlem Haynes 3. Bizarro vs Sheila Maivia 4. Black Diamond vs Deaf Touch
  2. Main Event Time Limits are for nerds "The Radioactive Wrecking Machine" Atom Smasher vs "The Dragon" Mikey Lau Singles Match Time Limits are for nerds Hollywood Bret Starr vs "Angry" Tom Gilmore Singles Match Time Limits are for nerds The Crippler vs "The Sensational" Steven Parker Singles Team Match Time Limits are for nerds Joey Morgan vs "The Eighth Deadly Sin" John Greed Tag Team Match Time Limits are for nerds The Dallas Cowboys (Dillon & Ranger) vs The Pain Alliance (Scott & Laramee) Opening Match Time Limits are for nerds Primus Allen vs "The Disco Stud" Robbie Retro
  3. Prince Adam vs T-Rex Captain USA & Des Davids vs Sheik Mustafa & Sgt. Bubba Lee West Ernest Riggs vs Timothy Small CJ Funk vs Puerto Rican Power Giant Redwood vs Tom. E. Hawk Shades McGinty vs Darryl Devine vs Danny Rushmore (#1 Contender for National Title) Corporal Doom © vs Whistler (USPW Title)
  4. After the Ashes in the Fall show, Kate Avatar is in the locker room with Jaime Quine and Tamara McFly as both are getting medical attention after the show. Teresa Buckland is back there with the ladies looking to get a word in a very tense room. Teresa - Kate, obviously disappointment tonight after a hard fought match with JoAnne Rodriguez which didn’t go your way. Kate - I’m more concerned about the injuries to Jaime and Tamara. I feel like this situation is all my fault. If I hadn’t gotten sucked into the match with JoAnne, none of this would have happened. Jaime - It’s not your fault Kate, it’s her’s (pointing at Tamara). Tamara - What do you mean it’s mine? I went out into a tag match 1 against 2 because you couldn’t hold up your end of the bargain. Jaime - Only because your ego separated us all and we feel to the numbers game. Tamara - Maybe if you could take care of yourself (standing up as Jaime does the same). Kate - (Shouting) ENOUGH! Both of you stop, this isn’t solving anything and is fitting right into The Family’s plans to divide us. Teresa - So what are you guys going to do? What’s next? Tamara - Well I’m sure that next month I will have a title match since I know that BSC will not want to go another month without The Queen of the Ring title defended. It’s going to be up to you two to take on The Family. Jaime - I was ready tonight to take them on with Kate until you stuck your nose in with all the “Best for BSC BS”. So go and defend your precious title Tamara, we don’t need you! Kate - (exhaustedly) Guys come on. We can get past this but we have to pull together and get back on track. Tamara - Not tonight. I have a date so I’ll let you guys talk. And Jaime, it’s becoming clear to me what your problem is, your jealous. Now you two will excuse me (Tamara abruptly walks out of the locker room leaving the other 3). Teresa - Guys what about next month are you going to come together to take on the Family? Jaime - I’ve been ready for months, all Kate has to do is ask and I will be by her side. Kate - You know I want to do this with you, so yes I’m asking. Jaime - What about their numbers advantage, you know we can’t rely on Tamara. I learned that first hand. Kate - Well I could ask…. Jaime - I have an idea. What if we got them 2 on 2 in a cage match? We could keep The Boss and Millie outside. That would even the odds. Kate - That’s a great idea. Teresa go tell them we accept, but we want it in a cage. 2 on 2 The BFF’s vs The Family (both smile and give each other a hug). Jaime - Let’s go celebrate. BSC Bitter Harvest Friday October 29th The Fabulous Piper Hotel & Casino Bell time - 7:30 Prediction Card Main Event - Steel Cage Tag Team Match The Family (Parissi & Rojo) vs The BFF’s Kate Avatar& Jaime Quine 30-Minute Time Limit Semi-Main Event BSC Queen of the Ring Title Match ??? Vs Tamara McFly © 60-minute Time Limit Singles Match Amber Allen vs Vampella 20-Minute Time Limit Singles Match Millie the Minx vs Danielle Sweetheart 20-Minute Time Limit Girl Power Tag Team Title Match Diamonds on Fire vs Ellie May Walton & Carol Singer 45-Minute Time Limit Alexis Littlefeather defends Hi-Roller title Alexis Lee Littlefeather vs The SuperStar w/ Alina America 30-Minute Time Limit Faith McGee vs Juana Huracan 15-Minute Time Limit Paige Croft vs Emma May 10-Minute Time Limit Battle Royal - Winner gets the last spot in the Tournament Sprite, Power Girl, Nurse Hope Daye, Brittany Hollywood, Coco De La Soleid, The Great Higa, Lindsay Sugar, Sister Beth Mercy, Roxy Kitten and ??? Plus - Foxxy LaRue issues another Open Challenge and Honey Golightly will return with another VIP Lounge Bonus Questions 1.) Who will be Tamara McFly’s challenger? 2.) Who will BSC sign to be the ??? entrant in the Battle Royal? (Worker is not on the roster currently and hasn’t been) 3.) What’s the match of the Night? 4.) In the Battle Royal who will be the Final 4 (1pt each correct)
  5. A peak behind the curtain Later in the evening at Kate’s new condo that her husband and her purchased after their wedding. It’s located outside the Las Vegas city limits. JoAnne and Kate are having a drink outside while their husbands are talking on the other side of the 2nd floor deck. JoAnne - Thanks for having us out here Kate. It certainly is a beautiful place. Kate - I’m glad you guys are staying for a few days to relax before flying home. JoAnne - I still can’t believe we pulled this off. Remember when we were just starting to talk about it at your Bridal Shower in June? Flashback to early June after Kate’s bridal shower with Kate, and JoAnne JoAnne - You want me to come down to Las Vegas to work some matches? Are you serious? Kate - Yes, very serious. Look Jo I know things between AAA management and BSC aren’t great. There were a lot of issues with the product in the past and of course between Anne Stardust and Marilyn. Even Tamara and Catherine don’t get a long very well. Don’t you think that for the betterment overall of women's wrestling that if we can find ways to work together it’s better for everyone? JoAnne - Well yes it would, and with Texas opening up that makes 3 Indy women’s companies. Who would you want me to work with. You know that I’m willing to work with pretty much anyone, but I do have to protect AAA’s image. Especially since I’m their champion. Kate - Tamara hasn’t shared all her thoughts with me, but certainly working a match with her would be at the top of the list. She wanted me to talk to you before she put too much thought into it. She doesn’t think you will go for it. JoAnne - I’d have to get the basic idea of doing this past Anne, but I’m interested in it for the right story. But I can’t cut BSC a contract break, they would have to pay me $1000 a show plus travel. Kate - Ok let me check on the contract details. JoAnne - I’m assuming that Tamara will want me to out her over. If I agree to that with some input on creative direction in the presentation, I could work with that. I’ll be honest thought I’d rather work with you and put you over. Kate - You would? JoAnne - Of course. Look I know with Catherine (Quine) your still persona non grata , but we always have gotten along. I mean I’m here at your bridal shower and will be at your wedding in a few weeks. But if I put Tamara over I’d probably have to win that match. I’d rather beat Tamara in some way and then have a great match with you but I’ll be flexible with what works best for BSC. Kate - I’m flattered you’d consider doing that. But let me text Tamara and see what she says about the money and creative. After several hours Kate and JoAnne get back together. Kate - I talked to Tamara and she asked if you’d go for $750. I told her no, it was a contractual thing and it was the terms you laid out or no deal. So she agreed to $1000 a show and proposed a 3 months arrangement . First month you’d come down as a surprise and just do a challenge angle. The 2nd month a match and then 3rd month another match. JoAnne. - Did she have an idea on the matches? Double shot with her? Kate - Well at least one yes. She’s open to working with you to create a plan around the whole deal. JoAnne - Is she open to that last match being with you? Kate - Yeah she said she’s open to directly talking to you and together coming up with a plan. JoAnne. - I talked to Anne, she wasn’t thrilled about it but my contract is coming up for renewal so she agreed as long as AAA isn’t made to look silly or bad. I’ll set up a time to talk to Tamara, but I’m going to push for us to have a match if you don’t mind? Kate - Mind? I’d be honored to have a match and work with you. It will be a great learning experience. Hopefully this will go well and maybe it will lead to improved business relationship between AAA and BSC. Back to the present…… Kate - It really was a great run. Hopefully it will have a positive reaction up North. JoAnne - It already has Kate. People are taking notice and not in a negative or competitive way. If you guys keep doing things the way you’ve been doing them, maybe it will lead to further cooperation. You can tell Tamara and Honey that I’m open to do more, but I know the price is a pain. Kate - Well I know someday Catherine and I will have to get together and talk. We just passed a year and hopefully time heals all wounds. JoAnne - Would you be willing to talk if she were? Kate - Yeah I probably could. Hopefully now that Marty and I are married she will see that I was never interested in Damien. JoAnne - I think she knows that deep down, she was just in denial about his behavior. It’s been a rough personal year for her. Kate - Let’s just enjoy the next several days JoAnne - I’ll drink to that….cheers but what are the guys talking about? Kate - Well you know that Marty’s half-brother is coming to town. He has some big ideas and might put some money in to fund them JoAnne - I am going to be interested in hearing those. Kate - I was hoping you were going to stay and hear what he has to say. It could be a huge development for women’s wrestling in North America. JoAnne - You really think he is serious?
  6. I probably should just copy SMW88’s picks as he seem on top of it…. Clyde Terkay & Curtis Jenkins Vs Menace & Puffy The Sand Iron Player If I remember right Jenkins is a good hand but I don’t know Clyde Debuting Wrestler Vs Debuting Wrestler I make the mistake of putting the wrestler winning first way too often. I had a prediction with all winners on one side of the ledger. Cain Carlile © Vs Lone Wolf for the PWA Championship Belt I’m guessing Lone Wolf is the guy that came out. His render doesn’t exactly strike fear in anyones heart so I’ll take the champ…one more time
  7. Used the logo you created Fleisch in my diary on the dynasty page, thanks
  8. First I want to thank Fleisch for the new Headline Graphic for Babes of Sin City. Love the pink in it for this group. Now onto the predictions in our new contest. We had 5 entrants so I thank you guys for your continued support and reading along. This is the first of two shows that for this current contest. *** I had to make a judgement call on Eayragt's entry for the main event. He didn't make a bold on either name, but his comments lead me to believe that he was picking J-Ro so I gave him credit for it. The Main Event score was a disappointing one getting only 42. I made several mistakes in booking the match. I didn't select the all-out option so the ladies were penalized for "holding back". Kate while great in the ring is also very young (20) in this story and her experience is limited so she got a penalty for that. A change in the 2020 TEW game is that the road agents are held more accountable (in that I get a lot of comments that they aren't great). Because of the lack of agents and that BSC can't afford a super high quality cost in agents, I see that penalty all the time. So while I was hoping for a 50, we get a 42. The final show grade was 45 though so that is our best. J-Ro's early in the evening promo came out at a 70 which is the highest scoring segment in BSC history for 2010. Final show attendance was 159 so +2 over Heat Check. J-Ro's 3 month contract is up after this show and I do have a post that will explain why she won the main event over Kate. It's more backstory than anything the game came up with. I never intended Kate to win that match as in the theme of the story it just doesn't fit. Hopefully the backstory that I release tomorrow will explain it more or better. I will say that because BSC was so professional with JoAnne Rodriguez she is very open to coming back and working more for the company down the road.
  9. BSC Proudly Presents Ashes in The Fall 2010 From the Fabulous Piper Hotel & Casino Las Vegas, NV September 25th, 2010 Pre-Show Match Roxy Kitten vs Sister Beth Mercy vs Lindsay Sugar In a pre-show bout that had a decent reaction from the crowd but embarrassing wrestling, Sister Beth Mercy defeated Roxy Kitten and Lindsay Sugar in 9:54 when Sister Beth Mercy pinned Lindsay Sugar with a Flying Nun. Main Show Show Opens with JoAnne Rodriguez talking with Sara Silver and Davis Ditterich Davis - We have been joined here tonight by the AAA Femme Fatale Champion JoAnne Rodriguez here tonight as she says she has something important to say about tonight’s match. JoAnne - Davis, Sara, I am not going to come out here like some people screaming and yelling. Last month I came down here and clearly was showing my dominance over your so-called champion Tamara McFly. I had her beat, you saw Sara and so did you. All these people saw that I was about to pin Tamara McFly, take the title and then go back to Seattle and throw it in the trash. I was denied that opportunity by one person, well actually it was several, but the main person who was obviously told by BSC management to get in my way all night. That was you Kate Avatar. From the beginning of the night, when I arrived, there you were. Later in the night backstage, there you were. Then when I come out for the match who is standing in the center of the aisle? Kate Avatar that’s who. Whether it was your “mentor” who told you to do it, whether it was some backstage suit or whether you just did it on your own, which I doubt because you are not smart enough to think on your own. You were in my way so now you must pay. And pay you will. Kate, they say you have a lot of talent and someday will be something in this business...someday. Tonight, you step into the ring against someone who is somebody in this business today. The AAA Femme Fatale champion, J-Ro if you like...JoAnne Rodriguez. This title means that I am simply stated, the Best in the game today. Some might say that Catherine Quine who holds the AWF Women’s title is the Best, but she has had multiple opportunities to try and win this belt from me and she can’t do it. I am so confident in my skill and advantage over you that I am going to put up this title in our match tonight. You want to make a name for yourself, kid? Then come down to the ring tonight. Walk the aisle and step in the ring with the best in the game today. I will give you a wrestling lesson better than any that “your mentor” can give you. I will teach you tonight in one match, just how great I am, and just how far you have to go. Tonight I will teach you a lesson in that ring and when the lesson is over, then I will hurt you. The next time you see me, you will show me the respect I have earned and deserve. When I tell you to carry my bag, you will say yes ma'am! Davis - JoAnne Rodriguez with a very calm, serious and clear message to Kate Avatar tonight. Sara - Kate Avatar had better watch out. That is one angry and very focused wrestler and you know what, she is right. She is the best in the game. Davis - Let’s go to the ring. Opening Singles Match w/ vs The Great Higa w/Sienna DeVille vs Amy Galaxy 10-Minute Time Limit Davis - Another win for the Great Higa in spectacular fashion. Sara - Maybe the best talent I have seen in one so young. Sienna DeVille Interview on the tag team titles comes to the ringside desk with her charges Davis - I guess we are being joined here by Sienna DeVille although I am not sure why. Sienna, you and the Neptune’s are not scheduled for anything more tonight. Why are you out here? Sienna - First little man, you need to learn that Sienna DeVille goes where she wants, when she wants whether I’m “scheduled” or not. Now let’s get down to business. Last month a freak tragedy occured. Dharma Gregg and that red headed step child Olivia Diamond somehow escaped with a win in our #1 contender match for the tag team titles. Davis - I am not sure I would call it a fluke…. Sienna - Nobody cares what you think. Now as I was saying before I was annoyingly interrupted. You might have pulled off the biggest upset in company history with that win, but you do not truly deserve a title match. These ladies do and thanks to me, their manager Sienna DeVille they will get that opportunity tonight. Davis - Wait, how will they get a title shot? Sienna - If you interrupt me again I will bring The Great Higa over here to silence you for the rest of the night. And to answer your question since you don’t have a brain to remember, I have this (pulls out a folder). I have a settlement with BSC and one of the conditions of that settlement was that I could at any time I decide, grant my tag team a shot at the BSC Tag Team titles. So I am invoking that clause tonight and that will effectively end the hopes for Dharma and Red. Sara - So out go Diamonds A Fire and insert the Neptune’s into the Girl Power Tag Team title match. Davis - That doesn’t seem fair. Sienna - Sara why is this clown out here with you. I would make a much better co-host with you than this babbling fool. And as for you, fair or not, it’s what is happening. The Neptune's are in the tag team title match. Just then BSC Official Duncan Kendall comes out. Davis - Duncan please tell the fans that this isn’t the way this is going to go down. Duncan - Davis I’m afraid it is (Sienna flashes an evil grin) the Neptune’s are in tonight's tag team title match. Her legal settlement with BSC states she can demand a title match for her clients. Sienna - See I told you…. Duncan - Now as I was saying, she can insert them into the match and she has come out here and stated that very plainly she is doing that. So the Neptune’s are in (crowd boos). But what she can’t do is take another team out of a match. Sienna - What did you say? Duncan - You have exercised your right, now BSC is exercising theirs. Diamond’s on Fire will also be in the match as this match is now officially a 3-way title match. (Duncan walks away) Sienna - You...can’t be…..This is not the last word. Davis - Actually I believe it is. Let’s go to the ring. Foxxy LaRue Open Challenge Foxxy LaRue vs Nurse Hope Daye vs 10-Minute Time Limit Tamara McFly, Kate Avatar and Jaimie Quine join Teresa Buckland backstage Teresa - Tonight we have several big matches, but none is bigger than the Rodriguez vs Avatar match. Kate I want to ask you…. Tamara - Teresa, I'm going to say something first before we get there. JoAnne you seem a little bitter about losing our match last month. You say that you are the Best in the Game today? Well what does that make me? I beat you for this belt (taps the Queen of the Ring title around her waist) and now I’m a double champion with this QAW tag team belt (taps the belt on her shoulder). Teresa - That’s right you are now ½ of the tag team champions in QAW, congrats. Tamara - Yes but we are not here to talk about that (As Jaime rolls her eyes from behind). Tonight Kate has the biggest match of her life and now with JoAnne arrogantly putting up the Femme Fatale championship here in BSC, the stakes are even higher. But besides that match, me and Jaime are taking on The Family tonight and it is their A team of Rojo and Parissi. You ready to go to war, kid? Jaime - I am always ready for war, no matter what front the battle is on. I am ready, I just hope you are ready Tamara. This is a big match for me to continue to prove myself. Teresa - Ok so Kate, what sort of thoughts are going through your mind about facing someone as legendary as JoAnne Rodriguez for the Femme Fatale title? Kate - It’s likely the biggest match of my life.... Jaime - (comes up and reassuringly puts her arm around her best friend) I know you can do it and unlike others up at that other company up North, I’m sure you will be a fighting champion when you take that title. Tamara - She has to win it first and because this match is so important, we need to cut this interview short. Kate, I need to talk to you and prepare you for this match tonight. Jaime, if you will excuse us, we need to talk strategy but when I am done with Kate I will catch up with you to talk strategy for our match against The Family. Kate - It’s ok I don’t mind if Jaime comes with us…. Tamara - Kate, I need you to focus. No offense to Jaime but when you two are together neither of you focus. Rest assured when I am done with you, I will then go take care of Jaime and have her back just like you would have. This is going to be a great night for BSC. We (looking at Jaime who flashes a quick smile) will take care of The Family and you Kate will defeat JoAnne Rodriguez and we can then throw the Femme Fatale title in the trash or off the Stratosphere Tower if we want. Now let’s go. We have a lot to discuss. Teresa - A lot of strategy it looks like (as Tamara leads Kate off to go behind closed doors leaving a very upset looking Jaime Quine behind) Jaime - (under her breath) You just better have my back old woman (and Jaime walks off leaving Teresa Buckland looking a bit shocked). Tag Team Match & vs & Juana Huracan & Vamprella vs Paige Croft & Faith McGee 20-Minute Time Limit Davis - What a win for Paige and Faith! There is certainly to be a party tonight after that win. Sara - Easy Davis, I'm sure you and Faith with have a great "party" later on. Alina America and Miss American Pie Backstage Interview Miss American Pie - Superstar for months now you have been getting involved with my matches and jumping me from behind. Last month I gave you a taste of your own medicine. Why would you go after Alina? She can’t defend herself right now. Tonight, I finished what you started! Alina - Tonight all the attacks, all the drama that you have caused will be finished. This has gone on long enough SuperStar and it is time to find out who is behind all your attacks. Once we are done tonight, we will get all the answers to the questions everyone has been asking. Davis - That match between the SuperStar and Miss American Pie will be later on tonight. I can't wait to find out just who is behind all this. Sara - Don't get too excited Davis, sometimes the truth can be painful. Singles 3- Way Match vs vs Millie the Minx w/Boss Sawyer vs Coco De La Soleid vs Brittany Hollywood 20-Minute Time Limit Davis - Millie was playing mind games against both Brittany and Coco. Sara - Millie was way ahead of them in all aspects of the match. She played them against each other, and then took advantage of their mistakes. Davis - Millie perhaps has been overlooked here in BSC, but that was an impressive win. Backstage there is a commotion going on as Tamara McFly emerges from a closed door with Kate Avatar. As they walk around the corner they see a group of people looking at someone who is up against the wall. Kate - Oh my God (as Kate runs up to where she sees her best friend Jaime Quine laid out up against the wall with blood coming from her head and medical people working on her arm). Kate - What the hell happened here….(off in the distance Kate sees The Family walking away from the area). Tamara (with a concerned look on her face) Let’s get her up and into an area where they can work on her without all these people and cameras. Kate - (Furious) Damn it Tamara you were going to look after her! Davis - Chaos in the back as it appears that Jaime Quine was attacked in the back. Sara - Didn’t I hear Tamara earlier say “rest assured I will take care of Jaime”. Is this what she meant by that? Davis - Why would she attack or have someone attack her own tag team partner. It doesn’t make sense, but we will see what we can find out. But now we have an important match heading to the ring. Grudge Match w/ vs Miss American Pie w/Alina America vs The SuperStar 15-minute Time Limit Davis - Alina America is a phony as one of those Fitzgerald’s Silver Dollars I got the other day. Sara - What did you expect Davis, Miss American Pie caused a serious injury to Alina and she is missing a year. Davis - But after all Miss American Pie has done since that injury for Alina. Sara - After all she has done? She put her out of action and now it looks like Alina is going to put Miss American Pie out of action. A perfect trap set upon the perfect fool. America's Darlings Interview Amber - You know I was really looking forward to this match tonight against Dharma and Olivia. They have come together similar to how we did and now they earned a shot. Danielle - But once again Sienna DeVille manipulates her way into getting the Neptune's one last chance.... Amber - And besides this title match tonight everyone needs to know that we are also looking to make a name for ourselves in singles action. Danielle - The Marilyn Stardust Classic is coming up in November and I know that is two months away, but we both want to let the BSC Officials know that we are both very interested in entering that tournament. Amber - But don't worry everyone, we will still be defending these titles for a long time to come. Danielle - That's right, it's almost Showtime! Davis - Next up is our 1st title match of the evening as Alexis Lee Littlefeather defends her Hi-Roller Title for the First Time. Sara - Could be her last time too.... BSC Hi-Roller Title Match vs “The Crazy Hillbilly” Ellie May Walton vs Alexis Lee Littlefeather © 30-Minute Time Limit Honey’s VIP Lounge Starring Honey GoLightly With Her Guests.... The Family led by Bossman Jake Sawyer Honey - (in a much more serious mood than normal when she starts a VIP Lounge) Quickly let’s bring in the Boss Jake Sawyer and The Family. Mr. Sawyer, what do you have to say about the attack on Jaime Quine? Boss Sawyer - Why would I have anything in particular to say about that? Honey - Well it is clear that you and your troops here had something or everything to do with it. Boss Sawyer - My dear, perhaps you should pour yourself a drink or have you already been having a few already. Your eyes did not see us attack Jaime Quine, although I do applaud the efforts of whoever did it. I warned Miss Quine to stay out of Family business. I remember even giving her two free passes for her serious lack of judgement previously. Honey - You and your gang, and that is what they are a gang. You were seen off in the distance when Kate and Tamara were coming around the corner and Jaime Quine was down. You can’t deny that. Boss Sawyer - No I can’t, we were in the area. But we did not touch Miss Quine. Honey - You are saying that you, Parissi, Rojo and Millie. That none of you touched her? Boss Sawyer - I give you my word as a gentleman. Honey - Like that is w….. Boss Sawyer - (raises his voice slightly) Ms. Golightly, I would tread lightly if I were you. If I give you my word, then that's good as gold. But if we didn’t do it, there are a lot of people who could have. Jaime’s sister has a lot of enemies, although I am not one of them. Who knows maybe it was even Tamara McFly as she did say she’d "take care" of her later. Honey - You are suggesting that the Queen of the Ring champion might have taken out her own partner tonight before their tag team match with The Family, that makes no sense. Boss Sawyer - Grant you on the surface it doesn't, but a sharper more intelligent eye might say that McFly might be either 1.) Jealous of the friendship between the BFF’s or, 2.) she sees Jaime as a threat to her crown. Honey - Well I…. Boss Sawyer - Well we have a match, let’s see what happens. Maybe Miss Quine will come out, although that would be strike 3. Honey - What does that mean? Boss Sawyer - Three strikes against the Family and we take you out…..period. The Family leaves laughing and heading to the ring as the VIP Lounge closes and they Davis - The Family is heading to the ring, now let’s see what happens now. Sara - Tamara McFly is coming out alone. Davis - The Queen of the Ring champion can’t be seriously considering taking on the Family by herself. Sara - I wouldn’t think so that would be stupid, but then we are talking about McFly and we know that nobody is home. Davis - Here comes Kate Avatar running down to the ring. Sara is heading over to see what she can find out. Sara - (Is in the ring but Tamara grabs the mic). Tamara - Kate go to the back. Kate - I won’t let you do this by yourself. Tamara - You don’t have a choice, you aren’t in this match and I will not let ruin your opportunity tonight. It’s too important to you and to BSC. I’ll take care of this. Now go. Sara - An emotional looking Kate Avatar is slowly headed back to the bac. Davis - All of this going on can’t be good for her preparation for her match against J-Ro later tonight. One has to wonder with the battles that J-Ro has had against Catherine Quine if she has something to do with this. Tag Team Match w/ vs & The Family (Parissi & Rojo) w/Boss Sawyer vs Tamara McFly & ???? Jaime Quine 30-Minute Time Limit Midway through the match Davis - Tamara McFly held her own for awhile, but the numbers game is finally winning out. Sara - The Family has tagged in and out legally. Davis - Yes but they get to tag but McFly has no one to tag off to. Wait just a minute is that Jaime Quine coming out? Sara - Her head is bandaged and her arm is held dangling by her side. Davis - She has no business coming out here as she is in no condition to compete. Sara - And now Kate Avatar is coming out, carrying a bloody towel and trying to urge Jaime to not do it. Davis - Jaime is having none of it and is slowly climbing up on the ring. McFly staggers to her corner and Quine tags herself in. This doesn’t look good as Rojo is backing into her corner with Quine slowly advancing. They lock up and Parissi tags in and the Family is double teaming the battered Jaime Quine. Sara - Kate Avatar climbs up on the apron, checks with Tamara quickly. Davis - Parissi and Rojo break the double team right before the referee’s 5 count. Now Parissi grabs the injured arm and wrenches back on it as Jaime Quine screams out in pain. A towel has come flying into the ring. Sara - Kate Avatar has thrown in the towel. Davis - The referee looks at the towel and Avatar and calls for the bell. Davis - Kate Avatar couldn't stand to see her best friend injured any further or her mentor battered. Now that is a what a best friend is all about. The Family will get the win here but one has to wonder what this match's implications will be later tonight and in the future. Sara - Oh Davis, always letting your mind run wild. Diamonds on Fire Looking for Gold Interview A very excited Olivia Diamond and Dharma Gregg are joined by Teresa Buckland as they head towards the ring. Teresa - Ladies, we've heard from Sienna DeVille earlier as she weaseled in her Neptune's into this match. We have also heard from the champs who while they admire you guys climbing the ladder and earning this shot. They feel they will walk out of this match as champions. Dharma - Tonight is the biggest night of our careers. 6 months ago Olivia and I got together and said why don't we see what we can do together. Just like what Amber and Danielle did. Well it seems to have worked because here we are and we are ready to go. Olivia - When the new year started, I wasn't even signed to a contract with BSC. A lot of people laughed when I said I was signing and they figured I was giving up being a wrestler and just coming down here to be a show girl. The Darling's are a great team and the fans love them, but they love us as well. Dharma - And its clear that their heads aren't completely in this match. They are looking ahead to the Marilyn Stardust Classic in November, but guess what....it's still September. We are here, we are focused and Olivia - We are going to walk out of The Piper the BSC Girl Power Tag Team Champions! Davis - Diamonds on Fire are certainly that and they appear to be very, very confident that they will come out the winners tonight. Sara - I see a different ending when it is all said and done. Girl Power Tag Team Title Match 3-Way Dance for the Gold vs w/ vs America’s Darling’s © vs The Neptune Twins w/ Sienna DeVille vs Diamonds On Fire 60-Minute Time Limit Davis - I'd have to say that is a bit of an upset as the Diamonds on Fire Tag Team has shocked the BSC world with a huge win tonight. Sara - I can't believe it. I was sure that the Neptune's would be coming out of this match as the new champs. Davis - The Darling's have to be disappointed losing the belts as they weren't even involved in the finish of the match with Olivia pinning Jen Neptune. Davis - I never thought I would see this. The AAA Femme Fatale title is being defended here in Las Vegas at a BSC sanctioned event. Sara - It does seem hard to believe and while J-Ro challenged Avatar to make it a title match, I can't believe that AAA management namely Anne Stardust can be very happy. If JoAnne doesn't somehow win this match or at least retain her title....there is going to be hell to pay. Davis - And the title might be flying off the top of the Stratosphere Tower. AAA might not be able to survive that. Sara - AAA will be fine, but J-Ro and the belt might not be. Davis - Let's go to the ring for the start of this big match. AAA Femme Fatale Title Match vs JoAnne Rodriguez © vs “Hellcat” Kate Avatar 60-Minute Time Limit Match Summary Kate came out fast but the crafty champion kept bailing out of the ring. After several minutes of stalling and jawing, the champ gets in the ring to lock up and bails again. Avatar charges out to chase and the champ slides in and then out frustration the young and emotional champion. Finally J-Ro catches Avatar sliding into the ring after her with a vicious series of stomps. Avatar made a comeback overpowering the veteran champion with a series of clotheslines. After 15 minutes, Rodriguez takes over the emotionally exhausted challenger and finally pins the challenger after 17:57. Davis - Avatar gave it a great effort but just too many distractions tonight. You can't have your mind wandering all over the place with distractions, injuries and questions about what happen and expect to beat an experienced champion like JoAnne Rodriguez. Say what you want about the AAA champion, she is one hell of a wrestler. Sara - Watch out, remember Rodriguez said she’d beat Avatar and then hurt her. Davis - J-Ro is coming back towards the downed challenger and is reaching down…wait to help her up? A wary Kate Avatar looks as J-Ro is helping her up and talking to her. J-Ro raises her opponent's arm up. Sara - Here it comes…..wait she is shaking Avatar’s hand? Davis - Perhaps a sign the kid has earned the champs respect in this match. I’m not sure I believe it but J-Ro is now giving Kate a huge hug. Sara - Me either. Davis - Well that’s all for Ashes in the Fall tonight. Join us next month for BSC Bitter Harvest. For Sara Silver, I’m Davis Ditterich, good night from Fabulous Las Vegas. This has been a copyrighted show owned by Babes of Sin City Wrestling. Any unauthorized use or display of this show is strictly prohibited
  10. Very true I booked a 2 out of 3 falls match for the tag team in my diary and it went 2 straight falls. Now for the diary write up I made up the 3rd fall but totally understand your point. In fact I can remember a time in any run through I’ve done that’s went to a 3rd fall
  11. Scheduling Note September's show Ashes in the Fall will take place tomorrow, so this is the 24 hour warning for anyone who wants to predict. October's show Bitter Harvest will take place next Monday (10/25) with the card being announced on Thursday morning (pacific time). November show Joker's Wild will be a 2-day tournament that will feature 14 wrestlers (as the Sienna DeVille entries (2) will receive a bye to the quarterfinals based on her legal settlement). Several women have been selected to be in the tournament and the top seeds will be announced after September's show. The first night of the tournament will be held on the early in the month on the 2nd Friday while the 2nd night of the tournament will be in the traditional 4th Friday slot. Night 1 will likely be run on Thursday 10/28 with the 2nd night of the show on Monday 11/1. The winner of the tournament will receive a title shot at the year end December show or the January 2011 show. Also on the 2-night special shows in November whoever the BSC Queen of the Ring is will be defending the title on both shows. Not exactly the Great American Bash yet but someday....maybe.
  12. Very interesting last show with Shark taking the measure against Andrews and Huggins. Where will it lead in the title match 4-way. TCW Where Angels Fear to Tread Doc Hammond and Lenny Brown vs Dazzling Dave Diamond and Spencer Spade in the TCW Tag Team Tournament Edd Stone and David Stone vs The New Syndicate in the TCW Tag Team Tournament The Final of the TCW Tag Team Tournament Dazzling Dave and Spencer Spade for the win Mainstream Hernandez and Roderick Remus © vs Shockura vs Wolf Hawkins and Joshua Taylor for the TCW Tag Team Titles Steven Parker vs Findlay O’Farraday Masked Cougar and El Hijo Del Neutron vs Team Tornado Assuming that Troy is in team Tornado and I've never liked him in the 2016 game. T-Bone Bright vs Danny Darkness Light over Darkness Enygma vs Jay Chord You don't seem very high on Enygma who must be living up to his name. Freddy Huggins © vs Aaron Andrews vs Killer Shark vs Mighty Mo for the TCW World Heavyweight Title Unless Andrews is the mystery guy leaving, I think he will bounce back and take the title pinning Shark
  13. Yeah I like it too. And since we are using wrestling’s past when they actually “wrestled” (hard to believe I know) I’m in.
  14. Main Event Singles Match Twenty Minute Time Limit One Man Army versus Jay Chord Singles Match Fifteen Minute Time Limit TCW Television Championship Human Arsenal versus Greg Gauge © Singles Match Fifteen Minute Time Limit T-Bone Bright versus Troy Tornado Tag Team Match Fifteen Minute Time Limit Elliot Thomas & Danny Fonzarelli versus The Elite Singles Match Fifteen Minute Time Limit "The Georgia Bulldog" Riley McManus versus Roderick Remus Singles Match Fifteen Minute Time Limit Bart Biggins versus The Historian Opening Match Tag Team Match The Wild Ones [big Bruiser Findlay & Animal Harker] versus Marc Speed & Jeremie Courtney So far I’m proving that I don’t know much about the big feds. I’m probably still thinking 2016 too as far as where everyone is.
  15. Yeah I’m on board as well but I know zero about the Japan Cverse but I guess it’s time to maybe learn a bit.
  16. The Pro Wrestling Sheet September 2010 Women's Wrestling Report AAA Liberation Tuesday September 7th, 2010 From - Spokane Civic Arena Attendance -677 Main Event - Once again AAA Femme Fatale Champion JoAnne Rodriguez defeated Catherine Quine (Match score 78) to retain the the title. Semi-Main Event - Grace Harper defeated Demelza Wade AAA Tag Team Title Match - Lily & Rose defeated Devil's Daughter and Lora Washington to retain the belts. Katherine Goodlooks defeated Michelle Brendon Golden Delicious defeated Helen Earth in a ladder match Miss Mexico & Jaime Quine defeated The Street Team (Missy Masterson & Sister Beth Mercy) by DQ Wendy Anderson defeated Paige Croft by DQ Dharma Gregg slipped past the soon to be leaving Helen Bach The main show opened with another segment between Catherine Quine and JoAnne Rodriguez as they got into a heated shouting match backstage. Pre-Show Ashley Grover & Kathy Neptune defeated Tiffany Jade & Jen Neptune Zoe Ammis defeated Sprite Jaime Quine & Miss Mexico spotlight interview on the show..... Jaime - After last months show where I was involved in a tag match on the opposite side of the ring from my sister Catherine. Things got a little crazy, a little heated and I ended up getting DQ'd. I apologized to my sister for losing my cool, that is not like me. Miss Mexico - Porque? Jaime - After reading my social media accounts, I wondered why myself. I wondered why I hadn't seen the light so much sooner. AAA has held me back because I am Catherine's sister. Well not anymore. Me and Miss Mexico are going to stop being the nice gals that we have been for so long. I don't regret my actions last week as they made me realize that all of you people don't deserve to have the pleasure of watching me wrestle. Miss Mexico - These Gringo's are loco sister. Don't listen to them anymore. Jaime - I'm not going too. As far as I am concerned, all the media, all the social media that I have done in the past....well that is where it is, in the past. I'm finished with you people. Miss Mexico - That's right, we are both done with all of you. Jaime - We are going to go out there tonight and we are going to beat up a couple of wrestlers that now call themselves "The Street Team" (laughs). That might be the dumbest name I have ever heard. Miss Mexico - No might about it. Jaime - Missy, I'm not sure why you are wasting your time with Sister Beth but its probably the same reason why I was teaming with that fossil Helen Bach. You should reconsider what you are doing, besides who knows maybe we will let you join us. Miss Mexico - But tonight you are an enemy and there will be no mercy. Me and Jaime are tired of being ignored. We are part of the future in this business and if AAA is too loco not to see that, well then we will just burn this whole place down. Jaime - This message goes to anyone who gets in my way, or has had a hand in holding me back. No more, got it. You saw what I did to Catherine last month and if anyone gets in my way, I will do the same to you. Women's Big Indy Wrestling Show Sunday September 12th From - San Juan Puerto Rico - Attendance 1149 Main Event - Connie Morris defeated Jaime Quine Semi-Main Event - Helen Bach farewell tour continues with an upset win over Toni Parissi Miss Mexico defeated Sprite Kate Avatar defeated Calamity Joan Paige Croft defeated Alison Capone Pamela Rojo defeated Juana Huracan Ellie May Walton, Houston Handley & Bonnie Clyde defeated Sister Beth Mercy, Susan Lee and Amy Galaxy Olivia Diamond, Darkness Cat & Zoe Ammis defeated Foxxy LaRue, Chirstina Charlston & Alexis Lee Littlefeather Amber Allen defeated Bobbie Dylan The Neptune Twins defeated Sweet as Candy Teresa Perez defeated Helen Earth Indy Show from Syracuse NY September 14th 2010 Attendance - 530 Women's results only Golden Delicious defeated Susan Lee Mary Beth Chase defeated Christina Charlston Toni Parissi defeated Bobie Dylan QAW New Destiny Sunday September 19th, 2010 San Antonio Texas - Attendance - 66 Main Event - Miss Sara defeated Devil's Daughter to retain the QAW Title Semi-Main Event - Kathrine Goodlooks defeated Helen Earth to retain the Shockwave title Foxxy LaRue, Danielle Sweetheart & Emma May defeated Golden Delicious, Wendy Anderson & Missy Masterson International Tag Title Title Match Tamara McFly & Juana Huracan defeated The Family to win and be the very first QAW Tag Team titles Michelle Brendon & Teresa Perez defeated Paige Croft & Debbie Rose Steffi Chee defeated Millie the Minx Houston Handley defeated Ellie May Walton Pre-show matches Miss Mexico & Connie Morris defeated Carol Singer & Stormette Darkness Cat defeated Helen Bach Ashley Grover & Susan Lee defeated Alison Capone & Agent 69 (Zoe Ammis) Faith McGee defeated Power Girl Amber Allen went to a time limit draw with Christina Charlston Women's Wrestling News Not a lot of news to report. Helen Bach who is said to be retiring soon, has left AAA. Suzue Katayama defended her NOTBPW women's title for the 9th successful time beating Charity Sweet in a match (65) at their September Scramble show. She had also beaten Hell Cat Jana Bowen earlier in the month for defense #8 The 5 Star Tag Team Titles changed hands over in Japan early in September with Rei Chikanatsu & Chitose Ariwara winning the titles from the former champions Dragon Assassin & Dragon Power Over in Europe Viper McKenna won the title from Anna Ki in late August.
  17. WCW United States Heavyweight Title Match Diamond Dallas Page© vs ??? Bonus: Who will answer the open challenge? I’ll go with Saturn Bill Goldberg vs Stevie Ray Who’s next after Stevie? WCW World Cruiserweight Championship Number One Contender's Match Rey Mysterio Jr vs Psychosis If Psychosis has his mask off, put it back on. WCW World Television Championship Match Booker T vs Disco Inferno© I think this is a good spot for Booker to try and start a singles run. Disco was a comedy guy and I liked the TV back when it meant something (Dusty, Tully and Arn days) The Steiner Brothers(w/ Ted DiBiase) & Ray Traylor vs The nWo [Vicious & Delicious & Konnan] Chris Benoit & ??? vs The Flock [???, ???, ???] Bonus 1: Who will be Benoit's partner? Bret Hart Bonus 2: Which three members of The Flock will wrestle? Kidman and Kanyon Lex Luger vs Scott Hall Hall was a favorite and I was never a big Luger as a babyface fan. Show Bonus Bonus 1: Who is the new WCW President? JJ Dillon Bonus 2: What's their announcement? There will be a rematch Hogan challenges Sting
  18. Catherine is having a tough year. While she is the AWF Women's for what that’s worth. She has not been able to unseat JoAnne Rodriguez for the AAA title. Add to that the challenges with her younger sister trying to break out and her failed relationship with The Natural Damien Carvill and 2010 has not been a great year. She is still putting on 65+ rated matches in AAA but she will soon be 38. The clock isn’t on her side in several ways
  19. Prediction Card 'Smooth' Roger Cage vs Funky Fedora Comments: The Muscle Monsters vs The Bombshells Comments: Cooper Christie vs Local Talent Comments: Wendy Anderson vs 'The Iron Lady' Jillian Jarvis Comments: Greg Black vs 'The Complete Package' Joss Thompson Comments: 'The Dark Destroyer' Steve Frehley vs Jimmy Chipolata Comments: A 3v3 will be the main event of The Business vs Running Wolf and 2 partners. Who will he team with? Good question the Bumfoldes? Or however you spell their name. This shows my complete lack of who is on what roster
  20. The Pro Wrestling Sheet Hot seat Interview - Jaime Quine TPWS - Jaime, thanks for joining us today. If you don’t mind I’d like to get right into it. Jaime - Fire away I’m always ready to talk wrestling, it’s the greatest sport in the world today. TPWS - You have been competing now for about two years in AAA. How do you think your time there has gone? Jaime - Well (pauses) it’s been a slow climb, but I’ve been working hard and am always learning. I believe my time to shine is coming, sooner rather than later. TPWS - Why do you think, to use your words “it’s been a slow climb”? Jaime - Look I get that I have to “pay my dues”. There are no free rides given in AAA just because of one’s last name. I think because of my last name it’s been a situation that has taken longer than it normally would. TPWS - You're referencing that you are womens wrestling icon Catherine Quine’s younger sister. Your sister who is the current AWF Women's champion, has been a multiple time Femme Fatale champion as well. Is it tough coming up in the ranks with the specter of her shadow looming so large? Jaime - Look I’m not going to bad mouth my sister, I love her. The only thing that is tough is that to mitigate accusations that I could get preferred treatment, it’s been made painstakingly clear to go the other way. How else could you explain some of the tag team matches I was involved in. TPWS - But the rumor is there are some bad feelings between the two of you regarding the influence she has in AAA and the way you have been used the past couple of years. Jaime - (scoffs) Again I’m not going to bad mouth my sister. She has been a great champion. There are no bad feelings between us. Sure we as siblings don’t always see eye to eye and agree on things. In our case I feel I’m ready to move up the ladder and go after a singles title. I’d love to get a shot at JoAnne Rodriguez for the AAA Femme Fatale title. I feel I’m ready and I feel I can beat her. Right now AAA feels that Catherine is the #1 contender. I simply feel that at this time, Catherine has had plenty of shots and she hasn’t won the title. Maybe it’s time to give some younger blood a chance. TPWS - Is that why you snapped in your tag team match against Catherine? You two have never faced each other in the ring before have you? Jaime - I don’t know if I would call it me snapping. Maybe I did lose my had for a minute or two, it happens in the ring sometimes. TPWS - You choked her with your wrist tape until she was about unconscious. You wouldn’t break the illegal choke and the referee finally DQ’d you. Jaime - I got caught up in the moment. Sometimes you have to send a message to the matchmakers or prove yourself. I want people to take notice of Jaime Quine. I am much more that just Catherine’s kid sister. I’m a woman and a pro wrestler and I think I’m a pretty damn good one too. But instead of you trying to start something with my sister that isn't there, maybe we should move off this topic. TPWS - Ok let’s shift gears to BSC. It sent shockwaves through pro wrestling that you would sign with them. The relationship between your sister, AAA and BSC is not the best. There has been bad blood for years between Catherine and BSC Champion Tamara McFly. Jaime - BSC offered me a contract. Why wouldn’t I accept the deal, and continue to gain experience. If it was a year ago I wouldn’t have accepted the offer. While I look fantastic in a bikini, I have no desire to be a stripper. Now whatever AAA’s issues with BSC or my sisters are with Tamara, I really don’t care. I really don’t see how those issues affect me or what I’m doing. My goal is to continue to compete and improve and some day be recognized as the best female wrestler of this generation. TPWS - Let’s not forget the fact that your best friend Kate Avatar was fired from AAA by your sister's hand. That must have caused you a lot of family tension. Jaime - Catherine and Kate’s personnel issues are business related, but they are their issues. It’s up to them to work them out. Maybe they will and maybe they won’t but it shouldn’t affect my relationship with either of them. Catherine is my sister. Kate is my best friend who I was just the Maid of Honor at her wedding. We will continue to be best friends, why do you think are tag team name is the BFF’s? TPWS - That tag team with you and Kate is certainly an impressive combo and has been a long time in coming together. If I remember right the two of you were going to team in AAA until Kate’s sudden departure. Jaime - Our AAA debut was scheduled for last October, and yes it was delayed regrettably. I honestly believe that if Kate had stayed, we would be AAA Tag Team champions by now and enjoying a very long reign. There is no doubt in my mind that we could have beaten Wild Times or Lily & Rose. We won our first match last month and I’m sure we would have taken care of The Family at this next show later this month, but unfortunately plans changed. TPWS - Plans did change as now Kate is wrestling J-Ro in the main event at Ashes in the Fall and you will be tagging with Queen of the Ring champion Tamara McFly against The Family. Jaime - It’s a tremendous opportunity for Kate to wrestle JoAnne and it makes sense since she inadvertently cost JoAnne the title last month. As far as me tagging with Tamara, i won’t lie I’d rather be tagging with Kate. I think we are a much better pair together. We get each other whereas Tamara and I don't know each other that well. Kate and I could beat the Family and easily win the BSC tag team titles. But this month we will put off that match and do what’s supposedly best for BSC. I know Kate has my back and will be watching it all night, just like I would do for her. We will get through this show and then we will put our quest for the tag team titles on the front burner where it should be. TPWS - Well while I sense that not everything feels copacetic here, but we do look forward to your climb up the rankings. The future is very bright for you Jaime Quine. Jaime - Great glad you're on my side. Now somebody go tell the matchmakers at AAA and BSC along with my sister that and we should be good. I’m ready to roll! TPWS - One last question. There is a singles tournament that is coming up in BSC, the Marilyn Stardust Classic. Will we see you in that tournament with the winner receiving a shot at the BSC Queen of the Ring? Jaime - I sure hope so. I’ve let the BSC management know that I would be honored to be included and get the chance to show the World what Jaime Quine can do. All I can say is if the fans want to see it, let BSC know. Hopefully that will help get me in the field.
  21. 1. Alien Armada (Deathwatch Beetle & Laguna The Loyal) vs Buckminster Snark & Kaliope Woodchuck. The Armada has been on a roll but my sense (if I’m reading things right) is that this is the B team in the group. Hard match to pick but I’ll go with the faces 2. Toady vs Vertigo. If Vertigo loses this, then it’s time to hang them up 3. Skullduggery (Cyanide & Damian Dastardly w/Rekha) vs The Knights Temple (SubUrban Legend & Killer B). Eventually something is going to occur with DD and Skullduggery and it might start here. But I think a slow burn will continue and they pick up the win 4. Halloween Knight & Pumpkin Jack vs ZERO & HalloWarped. Jack and the Boss to win and giving HK some mo for a title match
  22. Yes hope you can avoid the start of the WCW collapse that began later in 98. Taking out the screwy ending to the Hogan vs Sting match is a step in the right direction.
  23. If you only knew who the SuperStar is. It might be a letdown if her true identity gets out. But rest assured that mask isn’t coming off anytime soon, but the story will continue to build.
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