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Everything posted by Theheel

  1. These are really good Old School Fan, nice work. Thanks for the Dutch Savage clip too, that brings back memories
  2. Really nice work Shipshirt. Really like they Muscle Monsters tag team
  3. No worries I was just busy today. Really enjoying your story. I was reading it at the start then was off the boards during the holidays. Now have gone back and caught up. Very creative weaving all the different characters from other areas. Really like seeing Roller Derby and Georgia mentioned. Her antics in Roller Derby were priceless
  4. BSC.com Special Interview BSC.com - More Interviews prior to BSC Ambition 2011 The Family talks The Rumble Bossman Sawyer emerges for the New Year, with the Girl Power Tag Team Champions, Toni Parissi and Pamela Rojo along with Millie the Minx. Slowly coming out behind them is the brooding and a bit unkept Jaime Quine follows. Boss Sawyer - 2010 was the launching point for The Family and we have accomplished one of our main goals. Toni and Pamela finally were given a fair shot at the tag team titles and they were victorious. Toni and Pamela step up proudly wearing the tag team gold. Boss Sawyer - Yes it was almost a perfect ending to the year and it would have been perfect if it was not for the actions of two individuals. Foxxy LaRue and Kate Avatar, you two combined to spoil what should have been the coronation of Jaime Quine as THE QUEEN OF THE RING. Both of you showed your pettiness and jealousy in your actions and both of you will pay the consequences for those actions. Jaime Quine comes bursting forward and takes the microphone from the Boss who looks shocked. Jaime (With a rather crazed look in her eyes and shouting) - Kate Avatar, Foxxy LaRue, and Tamara McFly! This message is for all 3 of you. Make no mistake, Hell is coming your way! You want to try and stop the inevitable. You want to try and derail the Quine Express Train. I am the future of BSC and professional wrestling. I am the uncrowned Queen of the Ring! Well retribution is coming for all of you! And this is a message to the BSC Board. You know that I am truly the uncrowned champion. I am the Marilyn Stardust Classic winner! I am the #1 Contender to the Queen of the Ring. I should be in the COTT North American Title Match on Friday! I am warning the Board right now. Be smart. Do the right thing and give me a fair title rematch against Tamara, inside a cage and with a Real Referee! After I win the Rumble I expect to hear the right message on Friday at Ambition, and anything but that will end any shot for your main event to go off without a hitch. Am I threatening the BSC? Your damn right I am! I’m Jaime Quine and when I make a promise, you better take it to the bank! I will get what I truly deserve, mark my words! Jaime throws down the microphone and leaves the room, while the Boss smiles and picks up a new mic. Bossman Sawyer - BSC Board, you better believe she means what she says. The choice is yours. We will make 2011 the year of the Family. Teresa Buckfield is joined by Foxxy LaRue Teresa - I’ve been joined by my guest who sure does seem to have gotten under the skin of Jaime Quine. Foxxy LaRue how are you? Foxxy (looks a bid oddly at Teresa) - I’m fine but I’m a little concerned about you. You kind of changed your look over the New Year. Teresa - Do you like it? Foxxy - Let's just say I am glad your got out of the maid outfit and look a little more professional or maybe business savvy. Teresa - Well let's get to talking business. I’m sure you have heard the recent comments by Jaime Quine regarding her match last month against Tamara McFly. Foxxy - Hell girl everyone in this hotel heard that whining crying fool. Oh Foxxy interfered in my match, Kate counted a pinfall but she isn’t a real ref. My best friend….blah blah blah. They cheated me, they robbed me. The BSC Board has the deck stacked against me. Oh Boo freaking Hoo! I don’t think I’ve ever heard someone whine, bitch and moan as much as Princess Jaime. Teresa - Well she is right about one think, you were a very blatant cause of her losing that match. Foxxy - No! Teresa - No, how do you figure that? Foxxy - If she wants to blame someone then take a look around the company you keep bimbo. You and your buddies led by that moron “Boss” stuck your nose in Foxxy’s business. Your Boss, or is he your Pimp? Doesn’t matter, he said he was going to square it straight away with old Foxxy. I waited a whole month for a call, an email, a Christmas card but I didn’t get anything. I tried to say hey Boss Baby, remember me? What did that fool do? He brushed off Foxxy. Well nobody brushes off Foxxy LaRue and certainly not some hard on his luck pimp with the 4 uglies ho’s in Las Vegas. No wonder why he doesn’t have any money. So if you want to blame someone, blame him. Or better yet blame yourself getting hooked up with that mess. Teresa - So you are unconcerned with the threats about retribution that Jaime spoke of. Foxxy - (laughs) From her and her Pimp and his other 3 ho’s? No, I really don’t give a damn about any threats Princess Jaime makes. She can just stay in her pre-school club with the rest of the Family. Teresa - So you and Kate Avatar have no alliance? Foxxy - Look this is pro wrestling. It’s not about friends and all that BFF crap. Me and Kate didn’t plan anything out last month, hell we didn’t even talk. Kate Avatar was charged to be an enforcer referee for that match and she was taking care of business with that idiot Sawyer. I just took the opportunity to repay Jaime and the Boss the favor. So no, me and Kate aren’t sharing any drinks and stories at Mickey’s Bar or anything like that. But I also do not have a beef with her either. Teresa - Finally let’s talk about the Rumble match this Friday night. Foxxy - Finally something worthwhile to talk about. Teresa - You and 29 other competitors including all 4 members of the Family will be in that match. How do you feel you are going to do? Foxxy - You heard it here first. I’m going to win it, period, end of story. Teresa - Aren’t you a little concerned about all the competition? Foxxy - Oh you mean the other 25 girls in that match. Teresa - Well there are 29 other ladies in the match. Foxxy - No, there are 25 serious competitors and 4 ho’s. The 25 competitors, sure some of them are talented and maybe even one will do the impossible and eliminate Foxxy, although I highly doubt it. But as far as the 4 ho’s are concerned, I don’t sweat them at all. If they are smart they will stay outta Foxxy’s! Teresa - Well fans, you heard it first hand from Foxxy LaRue. She doesn’t seem to worried about threats made by Jaime Quine that’s for sure.
  5. Grayson Waller vs Dexter Lumis Comments: I don’t see much in Waller and honestly Lumis could be a decent Maniac character if he was more like Maniac Mark Lewin The Diamond Mine (Roderick Strong & The Creed Brothers) vs Cameron Grimes, Brooks Jensen, & Josh Briggs Comments: Cora Jade vs Gigi Dolin Comments: The Jade Express rides again Dusty Rhodes Tag Team Classic Quarterfinals Match: MSK vs The Acclaimed Comments: these guys actually have a little something. Keep them in NXT WALTER vs Tommaso Ciampa Comments: Please don’t change his name to Gunther I will never be the song Tuitions Fruiti Summer Love or of my head
  6. BSC.com Special Interview Interview with Tamara McFly Honey Golighty - Tamara thanks for joining me today for this BSC.com special interview. Coming up very soon you have an opportunity to add more gold to your trophy case, but before we talk about that match. I want to get your feelings on what happened here with the COTT. Tamara McFly - (in a much more serious and deadpanned expression than she usually is) Look I have been saying it for years. It isnt just Catherine Quine that is the problem with AAA, it runs much deeper than that. The source of the problem is at the top, yeah that’s right I will go on record and say it. Anne Stardust is a piece (censored)! She probably had this whole thing orchestrated and who knows who all is in on it. Right now, I don’t really trust anyone from that night that I don’t know for a fact that is not with us (meaning the COTT). Honey - So your feelings about what Cherry did…. Tamara - Look I am sure Cherry had her reasons. I don’t think it is out of any worship for Anne Stardust, but I wouldn’t be surprised if some “agreements” and maybe even some money changed hands to try and embarrass the COTT and Mr. Stallings. But that is in the past now. We what JK Stallings said, we will not be seeing Cherry Bomb or for that matter any wrestlers who are not loyal to BSC and the alliance companies. Honey- I want to just touch on one thing about the Night of Champions. Your match with Jaime Quine ended in a double DQ. Do you still have reservations about Jaime since she is Catherine Quine’s younger sister. Tamara - Honestly I don’t care where she is at in her head. That girl is so mixed up and simply crazed with envy and jealousy she can’t think straight. Add that in with the goon squad she is hanging out with led by that slimeball Jake Sawyer, the girl that some people thought they knew is definitely lost. I will also say that the issues between Jaime Quine and I are not over (rubs her head), I owe her a receipt and one way or another I am going to deliver that receipt. Honey - I am sure that the BSC Board are going to have you and Jaime locking horns again very soon. But back to what you were saying, you were referring to how your protege Kate Avatar feels about her “best friend”. Tamara - Whether Kate wants to admit it or not, the Jaime she knew is long gone. The sooner she accepts that the easier it will be to move forward. Until she does, it leaves her vulnerable to being played and she is young enough still and not experienced enough to fall into that sort of mind game. I will do what I can to guide her, but some of it will be up to her and sometimes the best lessons are the ones you learn the hard way. Honey - Let’s talk about the upcoming triple threat match for the COTT Women’s North American Title. You have had run-ins this past summer with one of your opponents in this match with your QOTR title defense against JoAnne Rodriguez. Are you looking forward to another match with her? Tamara - JoAnne is one of the most talented and well respected wrestlers in the industry today. Yes she came down here and played up her AAA background and “allegiance”, but that is not who she is. Unlike Catherine and Cherry who have sold their souls to the devil, JoAnne is not like that. Doesn’t make the match easier though as I am sure she is looking to get back here and show these fans how good she really is. Honey - Let’s not forget the 3rd member of that title match, Sara Marie York. She currently is the QAW Champion, a title that she has held since QAW started last summer. Tamara - And Sara is a great wrestler who made it all the way to the finals in the recent tournament and quite frankly should have won that match. It was clear she had Cherry beaten, but Cherry’s veteran experience and the help of The Family once again has caused all sorts of problems. I have no idea of the “arrangement” or whatever that Cherry and Playboy Sawyer had, but I do know that Sara should have won that tournament. She was cheated out of it and while I feel bad for her, I won’t let that change how I approach this match. I want to win that title just as much as JoAnne and Sara do. I want to be that first true COTT Alliance North American Champion. Honey - Best of luck Tamara as I am sure you will have the BSC fans supporting you in your efforts. And fans remember you can see BSC Ambition 2011 here in person at the NorthPointe Hotel Tower & Casino or on demand at FlicksNet. Please join us for our first show, you won't want to miss it!
  7. Roy McClarty vs. Sandor Kovacs Marcel Martel vs. Pancho Lopez Not sure Daddy Martel is so lucky Renée Martel vs. Cora Combs Give the nod to the hometown girl Don Leo Jonathan vs. Mighty Ursus Another big guy who made appearances in the PNW but was normally in BC. Billed as 6’9 but was actually closer to 6’7 but still a big guy. NWA International Tag Team Championship (Winnipeg) Pat Barrett & Tim Geohagen © vs. John Tolos & Tony Borne I have to go with PNW legend “Tough” Tony Borne who would eventually bring his son into wrestling and give us Doink the Clown NWA World Heavyweight Championship Gene Kiniski © vs. Whipper Billy Watson
  8. The Road Warriors were great. But of all those guys it sure would have been interesting to see what the Barbarian could have done with a great manager and the push. He was a great athlete but didn’t really (assuming since he never really was allowed to talk) have any mic skills. I felt Big Bubba was great with Cornette and was allowed to grown in the monster he eventually became. What if Barbarian actually got an opportunity like that, instead of being stuck with Paul Jones.
  9. Naw wasn’t your picks, it’s just a creative change in direction while I had time off to think about it. I was going to be spending too much time on the larger alliance when the real story is in Vegas. Sometimes ideas just get too grandiose in the grand scheme of things
  10. <p></p><div style="text-align:center;"><img alt="mWgHfrh.png" data-src="https://i.imgur.com/mWgHfrh.png" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /><p> </p><p> <img alt="Cjyei8c.jpg" data-src="https://i.imgur.com/Cjyei8c.jpg" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /></p><p> </p><p> Davis Ditterich reporting</p></div><p></p><p></p><p> </p><p> BSC will ring in 2011 with its first major card of the new year, BSC Ambition. New this year will be the 30-woman Las Vegas Rumble match that will see 2 women start and then a new competitor added every 2 minutes. The winner of this match will receive an automatic shot at the Queen of the Ring title at All in All II this April. </p><p> </p><p> Speaking of the Queen of the Ring, Tamara McFly will not be defending the title this month. After the actions of Cherry Bomb after winning the championship, Bomb has been stripped of the title and will not be allowed to compete in BSC for at least 1 year (and likely longer). Since the title has been vacated, it has been renamed the COTT Women’s North American Championship and it will be up for grabs at BSC Ambition. Signed for the match and representing the CWWF, it will be JoAnne Rodriguez. Rodriguez is no stranger to BSC after spending the summer here and she is now free of the AAA influence which has reflected in her attitude that we saw at the tournament. Also competing in the title match and representing QAW, will be Sara Marie York. York made it to the finals of the tournament earlier this month and lost in a controversial match to the disgraced Cherry Bomb. Finally representing BSC in this title match will be BSC Queen of the Ring, Tamara McFly. This will be a winner take all triple threat match for the COTT Women’s North American Title.</p><p> </p><p> Then in our of the preliminary matches, Sienna DeVille has demanded a chance for her team of the Neptune Twins at the Girl Power tag team titles. The BSC has granted them a match against the former champions but there will be a cost. The winner of the match will face The Family in a future title match. The team that loses MUST LEAVE TOWN (for at least 6 months). For one team it will be an opportunity to regain the titles (both teams are former champions) and the other team, well it will not be a good start to the year.</p><p> </p><p> Finally in our opening match, it will be “The Gangster of Love” former Queen of the Ring Alison Capone, taking on the debuting rookie “The Good Witch” Talia Quinzel. Not a lot is known about Quinzel other than she has been training recently in a BSC training program and it has been stated she is a “top prospect”. Can the Good Witch find some magic to knock off a former Queen of the Ring? It’s going to be quite a challenge.</p><p> </p><p> </p><p> </p><p> <strong>Prediction Card </strong></p><p><strong> BSC Ambition 2011</strong></p><p> </p><p> COTT Women’s North American title match</p><p> Winner will be crowned the first (or 2nd if you count Cherry Bomb) title holder</p><p> JoAnne Rodriguez (CWWF) vs Sara Marie York (QAW) vs Tamara McFly (BSC/RMW) </p><p> </p><p> 30-Women Las Vegas Rumble match (Pick the winner)</p><p> Winner gets a Queen of the Ring title shot at All-in-All II (Moved up to early April from late May)</p><p> Participants - Power Girl, Toni Parissi, Pamela Rojo, Millie the Minx, Jaime Quine, The SuperStar, Foxxy LaRue, Roxxy Kitten, Amber Allen, Kate Avatar, Faith McGee, Paige Croft, The Great Higa, Shiori Jippensha, Ellie May Walton, Estrella Blanca, Talia Quinzel, Alison Capone, Raquel Alvarado, Emma May, Juana Hurrican, Brittany Hollywood, Lindsay Sugar, Coco De La Soleid, Sprite, Amy Galaxy, Nurse Hope Daye, plus 4 more competitors will be named</p><p> </p><p> Loser Leave Town-Winner gets Tag Title Shot</p><p> The Neptunes with Sienna DeVille vs Dharma Gregg & Olivia Diamond</p><p> </p><p> Debut Match</p><p> “The Gangster of Love” Alison Capone vs “The Good Witch” Talia Quinzel</p><p> </p><p> Plus another Honey Golightly VIP Lounge</p><p> </p><p> One final bit of news, the BSC is moving to a new hotel in 2011 for its shows. Now the BSC will be calling the NorthPointe Hotel Tower & Casino it’s new home as they move into its 500 seat theatre for all future shows. BSC is looking forward to this exciting and new venue on the North end of the Las Vegas Strip!</p><p> </p><p> <strong>Bonus Questions - All Rumble Match related</strong></p><p> </p><p> (worth 2 points) Who will be #1 and #2 to start the match</p><p> (1 point) Who will last the longest in the Rumble Match</p><p> (1 point) Who will get most eliminations in the Rumble Match?</p><p> (4 points) Who will be the Final 4 in the Rumble Match</p><p> </p><p> </p><blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="53549" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>We will probably have a few interviews and some other news prior to BSC Ambition. Currently looking at posting the results on Friday or Saturday.</div></blockquote>
  11. JK Stallings Press Conference Friday January 7th, 2011 JK Stallings - I am here today to address the recent events which transpired at the NYCW Night of Champions event several days ago. Clearly in a move that was meant to sabotage what we were starting here with the COTT, several companies that were committed to being members have opted to not participate. The actions of Anne Stardust, and the new ownerships of NYCW and MAW clearly don't agree with the vision that we here at the COTT set out to accomplish. Well to them I say, good luck, you are going to need it. Moving forward the COTT will have the following companies in our alliance and they will all have the funding needed and their shows streamed on Flicksnet. The COTT BSC - Las Vegas (Women's Wrestling) Honey Golightly - Owner QAW - San Antonio (Women's Wrestling) Farrah Hesketh - Owner CWWF - Calgary (Women's Wrestling) JoAnne Rodriguez - Owner RMW - Boise (Men's and Women's Wrestling) Sean and Tamara McFly - Owners HPP - Lihue Kauai (Hawaii) (Men's Wrestling) Molakai Milk - Owner Stallings - While we are smaller than what I originally planned we will be a better organization with an emphasis on quality over smaller mud show companies. This was not something that I intended on when I made the decision to launch the COTT. I approached the companies involved in the AWF and discussed my vision for the future of the regional wrestling companies. I wanted to showcase all these companies and create a wrestling system that could stand up to the larger companies and bring back the old school territory system. They did not share that vision and I wished them all well. What I didn't realize is that I had recruited several snakes, named Cherry Bomb (B-Wild) and Hell Monkey (NYCW) who I personally assisted in his acquisition of NYCW from The Stomper. Their work, along with Anne Stardust and several others convinced some of the others to not go along with us. That is a mistake that will be their undoing. Now looking at the future, I have decided to accelerate my plans with the launching of the 4th major US promotion. Coming this March, the new AWA will launch with its weekly program on Flicksnet. We will also be holding strategic house shows throughout the month that will help us expand our reach. The AWA will work closely with the COTT and be sending developmental talent to these companies, and you can guess where some of those talents will be coming from. The battle lines have now been set and while some say I lost the first skirmish in this new wrestling war, I will not lose any others. The COTT has declared War, a wrestling war on the AWF for the actions and disrespect that occurred at NYCW Night of Champions. The AWF's attempt was to discredit us and embarrass us, but the only thing that happened is that you pissed me off. While some will say I am a computer nerd with no business being in the wrestling business. I say that I might be that computer nerd, but I also happen to be a influential nerd with extremely deep pockets. Again this is not a "war" I was looking for, but it one that I will finish. The AWA and the COTT now begin what I am sure will be a very successful and very profitable alliance together.
  12. <p>Dusty Rhodes Tag Team Classic First Round Match:</p><p> <strong>Brooks Jensen & Josh Briggs</strong> vs Legado del Fantasma</p><p> Comments:</p><p> </p><p> NXT North American Championship Number One Contender's Triple Threat:</p><p> Cameron Grimes vs <strong>Santos Escobar</strong> vs Roderick Strong</p><p> Comments: interesting match as Roddy is always competitive. I haven’t watched a lot of the new NXT after the dismantling of it, but I really do like Santos Escobar. Is it just me of does Grimes just remind me a little of Gorgeous Jimmy Garvin. Can’t figure out what it is, but something about him reminds me of him (not the gimmick)</p><p> </p><p> <strong>Io Shirai</strong> vs Dakota Kai</p><p> Comments: Kai is sneaky and I could see the upset here. But I think the idea might be to build another challenge to Mandy Rose.</p><p> </p><p> Dusty Rhodes Tag Team Classic First Round Match:</p><p> <strong>Jacket Time</strong> vs Los Lotharios</p><p> Comments:</p><p> </p><p> NXT Women's Championship Number One Contender's Ladder Match:</p><p> Cora Jade vs <strong>Raquel Gonzalez</strong></p><p> Comments: The ladder is the compelling component of this match. It would allow Jade to steal a win over the monstrous Gonzalez. Still just too much power in the end to overcome</p>
  13. <blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="53549" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>Despite the fact that the story is veering slightly from what was happening with the COTT during the last several months of 2020, we did promise a mens tournament. So I’m using it to one finish off the reward for the prediction contest and to set up the women’s COTT title situation as well. This show was originally intended to be the mens tournament to select the COTT champion.</div></blockquote><p> </p><p> </p><p> </p><div style="text-align:center;"><p><strong>NYCW Wrestling </strong></p><p><strong> Night of Champions</strong></p><p> Held after the BSC COTT Night of Champions Women’s Tournament</p><p> Wednesday January 5th, 2011</p></div><p></p><p> </p><p> </p><p> </p><blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="53549" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>Scheduled Card<p> First Round</p><p> Puerto Rican Power (FCW) vs Mikey Lau</p><p> Nomad (ACPW) vs Sean McFly (RMW) (Franke Perez CZCW Champion)</p><p> Bart Biggins vs Steve Flash (NYCW)</p><p> Molokai Milk (HPP) vs Hell Monkey (Teddy Powell PSW Champion)</p></div></blockquote><p> </p><p> <em>Rock Downpour and Herb Stately welcome the fans to the show.</em></p><p> </p><p> Rock - There have been a lot of happenings here in the world of pro wrestling. Tonight we had a special show schedule to crown the very first COTT Men’s Champion. But um the circumstances have changed a bit. So please let me introduce a special guest tonight all the way from Seattle, Washington Women’s Legend Anne Stardust.</p><p> </p><p> The crowd is trying to figure out what on earth is going on with the announcement of Anne Stardust coming out.</p><p> </p><p> </p><p> Anne Stardust - Well I never thought I would be here in New York, standing in the middle of the ring like this. But let me tell you people, I am sure glad to be here. As was mentioned by the NYCW announce team there have been a few changes to the card so to speak. But fear not, we are still going to have a tournament and we are going to have a new #1 contender to the AWF Heavyweight Championship. That’s right, the COTT is no more. Squashed before they even got started and why do you ask has that happened? Well the boys here in NYCW and the other promotions decided they didn’t want to go down the same geek trail that HGC did a decade ago. So they decided to ditch the offer from billionaire nerd JK Stallings since he is a loser in the world of wrestling and has no business being in charge of a major alliance like what he proposed. So the smarter companies that were going to be in that group have decided that they are going to instead join the American Wrestling Federation. We have already had a great year so far in the AWF and I am proud to say the members of this alliance are all about PRO WRESTLING and not the pomp and circumstance of the showbiz side that has tried to invade our sport. So out with JK and his nerd herd and good luck to him and those that either weren’t invited or choose not to take us up on our offer.</p><p> </p><p> With the changes in membership, we have had to make some changes to tonight’s tournament. The winner of tonight’s tournament will be crowned the very first AWF North American Champion. And as an added bonus they will get a shot at the AWF World Title currently held by the Darkness Warrior. So due to the changes in companies in the AWF we have had to make slight changes to tonight’s tournament. We welcome the additions of the CZCW Champion Frankie Perez and PSW Champion Teddy Powell. They will be taking the place of those that didn’t have the smarts to join a winner.</p><p> </p><p> Here are the revised brackets for tonight's tournament.</p><p> </p><p> </p><div style="text-align:center;"><p><strong>First Round</strong></p><p><strong> Puerto Rican Power (FCW) vs Mikey Lau</strong></p><p><strong> Nomad (ACPW) vs Franke Perez (CZCW Champion)</strong></p><p><strong> Bart Biggins vs Steve Flash (NYCW)</strong></p><p><strong> Teddy Powell (PSW Champion) vs Hell Monkey </strong></p></div><p></p><p> </p><p> Anne - Now as a special treat for you fans tonight I want to ask Cherry Bomb to come out tonight as well. Cherry, come on down (As the fans pop for the popular heel champion as she comes down to ringside). I want to ask one of the ushers to please bring that trash receptacle into the ring. Well Cherry I might want to ask you how was your trip to Las Vegas? Win anything worthwhile there? </p><p> </p><p> Cherry Bomb - Well I did win a few thousand dollars on one of those high-roller slot machines, but other than that the trip was a complete waste of time.</p><p> </p><p> Anne - Well I see you have some hardware there that you picked up.</p><p> </p><p> Cherry Bomb - A hunk of junk that you could pick up at any Ace Hardware store. And you know what you should do with junk, you throw it in the trash. <em>(Bomb takes the COTT Women’s title belt and throws it in the trash can, then laughs)</em>.</p><p> </p><p> Anne - Well Cherry you did go through some tough competitors there. And if any of them are smart they will sign a deal with AAA or B-Wild to come to work with the real pros. But since you were smart and did the right thing for business, well the AWF is going to reward you with a prize. A shot at the AWF Women’s World Champion tonight against Catherine Quine. That match will take place right after the 2nd Semi-Final Match.</p><p> </p><p> Cherry Bomb - At last a match with a woman that I respect. It will be a pleasure to do battle with Catherine Quine. Maybe currently the only woman in the world that is in my class of competitors.</p><p> </p><p> Anne - It is going to be a great night of wrestling here for the fans.</p><p> </p><p> Rock - Well certainly a lot to unpack here tonight as the fall of the COTT and the rise of the AWF.</p><p> </p><p> Herb - I am sure management here made the right choice….I hope.</p><p> </p><p> Rock - Me too Herb, me too.</p><p> </p><p> </p><div style="text-align:center;"><p><strong>AWF North American Title Tournament 1st Round (summary)</strong></p><p><strong> </strong></p><p><strong> Puerto Rican Power (FCW) defeated Mikey Lau by pinfall 9:45</strong></p><p><strong> Franke Perez (CZCW Champion) defeat Nomad (ACPW) by pinfall 11:14</strong></p><p><strong> Steve Flash (NYCW) defeated Bart Biggins by DQ in 13:12</strong></p><p><strong> Hell Monkey (NYCW) defeated Teddy Powell (PSW Champion) in 8:58</strong></p></div><p></p><p></p><p> </p><p> </p><div style="text-align:center;"><p><strong>North American Title Tournament Semi-Finals</strong></p><p><strong> </strong></p><p><strong> Puerto Rican Power defeated Frankie Perez by pinfall 10:44</strong></p><p><strong> Hell Monkey defeated Steve Flash by pinfall 19:21</strong></p></div><p></p><p> </p><p> </p><div style="text-align:center;"><p><strong>AWF Women’s World Title Match</strong></p><p><strong> </strong><img alt="bo17d9q.jpg" data-src="https://i.imgur.com/bo17d9q.jpg" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /><strong> vs </strong><img alt="scCtH5t.jpg" data-src="https://i.imgur.com/scCtH5t.jpg" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /></p><p><strong> Cherry Bomb vs Catherine Quine ©</strong></p></div><p></p><p></p><p> </p><p> </p><blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="53549" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div><div style="text-align:center;"><p>Cherry Bomb and Catherine Quine went to a 30 minute draw. Catherine Quine keeps her AWF Women’s World Championship.</p></div><p></p><p></p></div></blockquote><p> </p><p> <strong>AWF North American Title Match</strong></p><p> </p><p> </p><blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="53549" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>Hell Monkey defeats Puerto Rican Power in 23:33 by Pinfall<p> Hell Monkey is the new AWF North American Champion and #1 Contender to the AWF World Title held by Darkness Warrior</p></div></blockquote><p> </p><p> </p><p> </p><div style="text-align:center;"><img alt="zRhgQPZ.jpg" data-src="https://i.imgur.com/zRhgQPZ.jpg" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /></div><p></p><p></p><p> </p><p> </p><blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="53549" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>Coming up next will be comments from JK Stallings, who will not let the recent events deter his ambitions in pro wrestling. While he might have taken a loss by some of the old school guard in this initial skirmish, the war is set to come.</div></blockquote>
  14. <blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="Dr_Avalanche" data-cite="Dr_Avalanche" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="53549" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>I haven't been around much lately, but I still don't know how I managed to miss this diary up until now. Glad to see you've picked it up again, it's been a good read catching up with the story. <img alt=":)" data-src="//content.invisioncic.com/g322608/emoticons/smile.png.142cfa0a1cd2925c0463c1d00f499df2.png" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /></div></blockquote><p> </p><p> Thanks Dr A, appreciate it. We will get in high gear again during the week as we complete the setup for year 2.</p>
  15. Thanks I appreciate that you are still interested after a 3 month break basically. Hopefully this will get us jump started as we hold this extra show and try to pick up our momentum once again.
  16. BSC Wrestling Proudly Presents COTT Night of Champions Night 1 Las Vegas, Nevada Monday, January 3rd, 2011 Davis - Welcome everyone to a very special night as BSC presents COTT Night of Champions Night One. Tonight BSC is hosting a one night tournament to crown the very first COTT Women's Champion. My co-host for this special night is as always Sara Silver. Sara - What a night this is going to be. BSC is hosting some of the biggest names in Women’s Wrestling tonight. Davis - That’s right Sara, and here is a look at our tournament brackets. First Round Geena The Warrior Princess vs JoAnne Rodriguez (CWWF) Cherry Bomb (Baltimore Wild) vs Missy Masterson (QAW) Sara Marie York (QAW) vs Devil's Daughter (QAW/AAA) Jaime Quine (BSC) vs Tamara McFly (RMW/BSC) Davis - As you can see it is truly a star-studded affair. Sara - And we are going to be joined by someone the fans know all too well after. Davis - Before we have our 1st Round matches each of our competitors had some brief comments before the show. Geena The Warrior Princess - I may not be a familiar name to most of you viewing tonight, but my name is Geena and I am going to show you and these 7 other competitors just what makes a champion! JoAnne Rodriguez - Well BSC fans, I told you I was going to be back. But unlike last time when I was sent down here by that bitch Catherine Quine, I am not here to do AAA’s bidding. No, I am here to show you all what the real JoAnne Rodriguez is all about. Tonight I am going to show the whole world and especially some folks up in Seattle just what J-Ro is all about. Missy Masterson - (smirks) Sit back and just watch me. I promise all the men, they are going to enjoy this show, I promise you that (blows a kiss). And I also promise that I will walk out of here the COTT Ladies Champion! Cherry Bomb - What all these other women here tonight need to realize is they don’t have a chance. Why, because they are not me and I am without a doubt the greatest women’s wrestler walking these streets. Tonight the show is in Las Vegas, but soon Baltimore will be playing host to the best wrestler in the world. Mark my words, I will walk out of this garbage can town holding all the gold that I could possibly want. I am Cherry Bomb and tonight the world will hear me EXPLODE! Sara Marie York - So in the opening round I get to face an old friend, or make that an OLD enemy. Devil’s Daughter, you and I have met before many times. You’ve won some and I’ve won some. But now I am no longer the young little wrestler who is in awe, I am now a full grown woman and I am more than enough to beat you into retirement. Without your AAA cronies, you haven’t got a chance. Devil’s Daughter - (has no words but just points towards Sara Marie York and gives the throat slash sign.) Tamara McFly - As the only woman in this tournament that is already a current and reigning champion, I get to prove what all these good fans here in BSC already know. I am the best wrestler in the world today, male or female. Don’t get me wrong, there are some tough competitors here tonight. But none of them have this (holds up the BSC Queen of the Ring title) and I will add the COTT Ladies Championship to this arm and will be raising them both tonight. Las Vegas, get ready to party. Jaime Quine - (who’s manager and Family teammates are nowhere around her tonight. She takes a deep breath and then lets out a scream! Slowly composing herself she begins to speak). I am not going to go over the events of last several months, when my former best friend and some ghetto queen decided to ruin my night. You two idiots aren’t here tonight, and that is good for both of you. I will, for this evening turn my attention away from you and focus on the task at hand. A task and opportunity that neither of you two wannabes was invited to participate in, and why you ask? Because neither of you are worth a damn. Neither of you are worthy of being in the ring with me. Speaking of the unworthy, that just leaves you and me Tamara McFly. We all know what would have happened had Foxxy and Kate kept their big fat noses out of my business. Tonight Tamara, you are going to pay and pay dearly. Not only am I going to beat you tonight, I am going to punish you like you have never been punished before. This is going to be my year and once I get through you tonight Tamara and win this whole tournament, then I am going to turn my attention to that Queen of the Ring title you hold so dear, and I am going to take that away from you too. 2011 is going to be the Year of Jaime Quine and The Family. You can take that to the bank! Sara - A lot of strong words now lets see who can get the job done tonight. Davis - And let’s get right to it as we are ready for our first match of the night. COTT Night of Champions - Women’s Tournament 1st Round Match vs Geena The Warrior Princess vs JoAnne Rodriguez 20-Minute Time Limit Davis - JoAnne Rodriguez advances to the Semi-Finals with a strong performance and win against The Warrior Princess. Sara - And with the win, it sets up a potential of a titanic clash between J-Ro and Cherry Bomb. Davis - If Cherry Bomb can take care of business in the next match. COTT Night of Champions - Women’s Tournament 1st Round Match vs Missy Masterson vs Cherry Bomb 20-Minute Time Limit Sara - What destruction Cherry Bomb brings to the ring. I am not sure I have seen any wrestler with the power and explosiveness that Cherry Bomb brings to the table. Davis - That Semi-Final is going to be one hell of a match and could steal the show. COTT Night of Champions - Women’s Tournament 1st Round Match vs Devil’s Daughter vs Sara Marie York 20-Minute Time Limit Davis - Sara Marie York certainly showed us why she is a top flight competitor. Sara - She is very smooth in the ring and I have to say I was impressed with her. Davis - She moves onto the 2nd Semi-Final and will await the winner of our BSC grudge match between Tamara McFly and Jaime Quine. These two are going to have to put aside their personal issues if they can and focus on this very important tournament match. Sara - I don’t think I have ever seen Jamie Quine more focused in my life. She is a woman on a mission and that mission is to destroy Tamara McFly! Davis = She should just focus on advancing in this tournament. COTT Night of Champions - Women’s Tournament 1st Round Match vs Tamara McFly vs Jamie Quine 20-Minute Time Limit Davis - These two have both been disqualified but the war is not over. The bell ringing and the calling for a DQ has appeared to send Jaime Quine into an even bigger fit of rage than she was in before this match. Sara - Jaime has lost it as she just took a chair and bashed it into the head of Tamara McFly. Davis - We are going to need some help out here and here comes the cavalry as Foxxy LaRue and Kate Avatar are rushing to the ring. Tamara is a bloody mess and seems to have gone into a fit of rage of her own. Sara - Foxxy is now getting help from Faith McGee and Paige Croft in pulling away. Davis - And Kate Avatar has taken on the challenge of pulling back her former best friend Jaime Quine who is screaming at the top of her lungs. Now several other wrestlers are here to help Kate (Amber Allen, Olivia Diamond and Dharma Gregg come out). Sara - Kate Avatar is pleading with Jaime to leave the ringside area but Quine is having nothing to do with it. Kate grabs a microphone Kate - Jaime, stop you are going to ruin everything you have been working so hard for. If you don’t stop you are going to get suspended and where is that going to leave you. I know you are mad but … Jaime - Jesus Kate will you just shut!, God I hate your guts! You have been nothing like a best friend to me. You are always trying to steal the spotlight. Last month you and that bimbo Foxxy cost me the Queen of the Ring title. Now you are stealing my revenge on Tamara and what for, so you could get your ugly mug on the show? A show in which you don't even belong on Kate. I told you to stay out of my business but every time I turn around there you are. Kate - To try to keep you from self destructing…. Jaime - To keep me down. You are just like the powers that be at AAA that kept me down. Just like Catherine you are. Well I am telling you this right now. I hate your guts and this will never be over. I am going to….ARGH (and with that Jaime Quine storms off leaving Kate Avatar just shaking her head and looking sad.) Davis - Well besides all this extra curricular stuff here, that last match was a double DQ. Sara - So what does that mean for the 2nd Semi-Final match? Davis - It means that Sara Marie York has now advance to the Finals and will await the winner of the match between JoAnne Rodriguez and the awesome Cherry Bomb. Sara - This is a dream match if ever there was one. Davis - It sure is and it is coming up next! COTT Night of Champions - Women’s Tournament Semi-Final vs JoAnne Rodriguez vs Cherry Bomb 30-Minute Time Limit Davis - What an incredible match! Sara - She did it, Cherry Bomb just beat JoAnne Rodriguez. Davis - Well a tainted victory if ever I have seen one. Cherry Bomb blatantly used the ropes for leverage but referee David Poker did not seem to see it. Sara - Or he was afraid to call it. The way Cherry Bomb was pushing him around tonight. Davis - Obviously a very dejected J-Ro is in the ring trying to explain what happened as Bomb leaves the ring laughing all the way up the ramp. She will get a 10-minute break before the final, but after that grueling match it has to be advantage Sara Marie York. Sara - It really is unfair that York has a free pass to the final. She should get as long as she wants to prepare for this match. Davis - Well she has 10-minutes and while we get ready for the Finals, we have a very special Honey’s VIP Lounge for you. Take it away Honey! Starring Honey Golightly Tonight Honey’s guest - Kate Avatar Honey - Everyone come on in, pour yourself a drink and take a seat. We have a lot to talk about here in BSC. Let’s take a minute away from this COTT Women’s tournament and focus back on the Explosion of the BFF”s. My guest is one half of that former duo, Kate Avatar. Kate Avatar walks out but she is not in the jubilant and joyful mood that she is normally seen in. Honey - Kate, it is obviously painful to you what has happened between you and Jaime. Kate - (in a loud voice) Painful, painful….Yes it has been that. I love Jaime and despite all that has happened I still consider her my best friend. Honey - With friends like that you sure don’t need any enemies. Kate - (turns and looks directly in Honey’s eyes in a very menacing look) I am not in the mood for cute little comments Honey. Honey - Yes, well maybe you should have a drink and try to relax. (shakes her head) No, okay well let’s at least try and keep this professional. I have to ask you some hard questions based on what has transpired the last few months. Now based on the screams we heard from Jaime tonight, she claims that you have always tried to hold her back, to step in front of her and keep her down. How do you respond to that? Kate - How do I respond? It is just not true and anyone who has watched it objectively knows that it just isn’t true. I was the one that fought to get Jaime a shot down here. I talked to management to give her a chance, that she was not like her sister and that she could be trusted. Honey - Any regrets about going to bat for her now. Kate - No, I wouldn’t hesitate to do it again. Honey - Last month you after missing the November show were announced as the special enforcer referee last month. Was that something you went looking for? Jaime figures it was to help keep her from winning the title. Kate - No, I had no desire to even be in the building that night. My intention was to stay at home and prepare for the new year. I didn’t want to be any part of that match, whether as a referee or even ringside watching it. Tamara has been my mentor here and Jaime was…is my best friend. BSC Management stepped in and asked and then ordered me to be a part of that match as they felt they needed someone to try and keep peace. As far as the outcome goes, I had nothing to do with Foxxy LaRue coming out. The Family and Jaime have brought that piece of business on themselves by their actions towards Foxxy. Honey - But it was you that counted Jaime’s shoulders down. Kate - Yes I did the job that I was brought in to do to the best of my ability. What I saw was Tamara covering Jaime so I had to count the fall. Honey - Obviously that didn’t sit well with Jaime. Kate - Obviously she is being talked into believing that I sabotaged her in that match by Jake Sawyer. He has twisted her mind and now I hardly recognize her. Honey - Tonight she screamed that she hates you….. And that this will never be over. How does that make you feel? Kate - Incredibly sad. Most people can’t understand this or maybe they can. I don’t hate Jaime, I want to help her. I want us to be like we were for the last several years. She is my BEST FRIEND. I love her and that will never stop. My friendship for her will never stop. Maybe we will have to put it on pause because she seems like she is intent on bringing the fight to me. That is a fight I do not want. I didn’t want it when it started in October, I didn’t want it last month and I don’t want it tonight. Honey - But it seems you two are on a collision course…. Kate - I hope not (as Kate leaves the Lounge) Honey - You may not have a choice Kate. (who stops and comes back to Honey.) Kate - (tears in her eyes) I know…… Davis - Powerful stuff from an obviously emotional Kate Avatar. Sara - Oh boo bloody hoo. This isn’t Days of our Lives! This is wrestling and it is a tough business. You leave friendships at the door and you fight for money and titles. I will tell you this right now, if Kate Avatar doesn’t get her head on straight, Jaime Quine is going to end her career. Davis - (pauses) Let’s get set for the COTT Women’s Championship Match. It will be Cherry Bomb and Sara Marie York, 1 fall to a finish for the title. COTT Women’s Championship Final vs Cherry Bomb vs Sara Marie York 60-Minute Time Limit Davis - Again we have Cherry Bomb stealing her way to victory with the help of the Family. What the hell are they doing here? Sara - Never count the Family out. Davis - Cherry Bomb is celebrating an very tainted victory and she is calling for the microphone. I guess let’s hear what “the champ” has to say. Cherry - Well Las Vegas, here you have your new Women’s COTT Champion! That’s right, give it up for ME (As the crowds showers the new champion with boos). You ungrateful idiots, I will address you in a minute. But first I want to give a shout out to my friend, Boss Jake Sawyer and his Family. You had my back tonight and I am grateful for it. Jake, you’ve always been a good friend and I always repay my friends. I will see you later tonight. But now let’s get to you people who clearly do not respect greatness. Well I feel the same way towards you slobs as well. You can all go (Bleep) yourselves. I am now the real champion of Women’s wrestling and I have a message for you clowns. You are never going to see this title again. It’s mine and it’s going to stay mine. But I am also going to tell you that none of you will ever have the pleasure of seeing me wrestle here again either. This town is a pigsty and you all can go to hell. The only way I will ever appear here again is if the BSC management pays me a $10,000 appearance fee to be here plus first class airfare and a guest ticket for whoever I want to bring, although that would probably be a punishment to them. And since those cheap SOB’s won't do that, you can kiss me and this title goodbye forever. (Throws down the mic and flips off the crowd as she leaves) Davis - I am not sure what has gotten into the new champion. Clearly she is not a very well respected champion here by these fans. What a complete classless act by Cherry Bomb. Sara - Um….I think she heard you Davis Cherry Bomb makes her way towards the announce table with Sara Silver scurrying away. Cherry - Care to repeat those words to my face little man? I didn’t think so. Just then Faith McGee comes out and stands between Cherry Bomb and Davis. Faith - Get out of here…. Cherry Bomb turns to leave and then quickly nails Faith with the championship belt. Now Cherry grabs the knocked senseless Faith McGee and looks like she is going to deliver a Cherry Bomb on the floor here. Sara - She is going to break Faith McGee in half. We need some help out here Quickly JoAnne Rodriguez, Kate Avatar and Sara Marie York come back out and stop Cherry Bomb who just backs away with a huge smirk on her face. The 3 ladies help the knocked silly Faith McGee and take her back to the locker room Davis - Thank goodness these ladies came down here and stopped this mad woman. I don’t understand what she was doing. Sara - Definitely a wild night here, but we did see a very entertaining COTT Women’s tournament to crown the first champion. Davis - I think there needs to be an investigation into Cherry Bomb’s actions here tonight not only in the ring, but with the competitors and the fans. Her actions are not what make a good champion. We will see you in a couple of weeks for BSC Ambition where we will have our very first 30-woman rumble match to determine a #1 contender to the title for All in All II which will be held in March this year.
  17. Ok finally after a much longer break than I had anticipated with the holidays and some travel we are going to get this thing back on track. BSC is not dead, but the JK Stallings alliance concept is dead. It died just after the women's tournament which we will recap shortly. The Anne Stardust lead American Wrestling Federation (AWF) along with the new owner of NYCW (Hell Monkey) formed a partnership that saw all the men's company's that were planning to go to the COTT instead bolt for the AWF. RMW which was to be co-owned by the brother sister combo of Sean McFly and BSC Queen of the Ring Champion Tamara McFly did not join the AWF. Along with QAW and the new JoAnne Rodriguez CWWF these four companies have resisted the offers (although BSC was never given one) to join. They are forming a loose cooperative agreement to work together. As for JK Stallings, he has vowed revenge on the AWF and we have not heard the last from him. He has given each of the 4 companies, BSC, CWWF, QAW and RMW a startup lump sum of money and has vowed to return with a men's company of his own to round out what's left of his alliance project.
  18. <p>Quick Picks</p><p> </p><p> Ai Takami & Tina Blaze vs <strong>La Hija De Phoenix & Spider Isako</strong></p><p> </p><p> <strong>Kate Lilly</strong> vs Mary Sigil</p><p> </p><p> Chris Amerson & Ashley Keith vs <strong>Concepcion Gomez & Devil’s Daughter</strong></p><p> Expect issues between The Bully and Keith to cause them to lose</p>
  19. After a little longer than expected break, I’m happy to say BSC will resume after Thanksgiving. Hope you all celebrating in the US have a great Turkey Day! Also thanks to all those who read the boards and for voting in the last monthly awards. I appreciate the support
  20. Talia Neema vs Ai Takami Make it 2 straight Good Lookin’ Bunny vs Marie Sigil & ??? Curious to see where the Cheyenne situation goes but I'll take the veterans here as the baby face team that goes against Lily & Rose. Urena Frost vs Chris Amerson So I picked against the female cverse Brock Lesnar last time, I won't make that mistake again.
  21. Kate is sitting in her living room reflecting on the past year since she joined BSC in December 2009. Thinking to herself with her mind floating from event to event.... It's been quite a year. I just turned 21 3 weeks ago. I married my high school sweetheart in July. I was hired by BSC and moved away to Las Vegas (by myself) a week after my 20th birthday. My husband is now working in Las Vegas and is working in the front office of the Las Vegas Wranglers (hockey) who play in the Western Conference of the ECHL. Its great having him living in Vegas and us finally being together again. Sure he has to travel some, but we aren't weeks apart like we used to be. So much has happened this year in BSC. I was hired, thrust into a main event program that I wasn't ready for (but thanks to Tamara we pulled it off). I started helping out in the training sessions and even working with some of the new gals when they came in. I have been working on a project (wrestler who will debut in 2011), training her so that she can be a monster heel. Now Tamara is leaving Las Vegas and has recommended me for the job. BSC Owner Honey Golightly has gone with the idea that I will be booking BSC. Tamara says I am ready and have the skills to do it, plus she is always a phone call away and will still work some shows for us when she can. Before I officially took over I saw my first major issue backstage prior to New Year's Eve Bash. Alexis Lee Littlefeather was not happy. She was being asked to drop the Hi-Roller title to Juana Huracan in a triple threat match between them and also having Emma May with them. Alexis I guess had made a play to be the new booker and when she found out that Honey and Tamara had picked me, it didn't sit well with her. Tamara took charge of the issue and tried to talk with Alexis but nothing changed her mind. Tamara talked to both Juana and Emma who are both extremely tough and in a shoot both could kill Alexis. Thankfully it didn't come to that, but both girls were incredibly stiff with Alexis and after the show she officially left the company. I wonder how I would have handle the situation. Would I have handled it like Tamara did preparing her two opponents to be ready, or would I have just told them to take her out. I learned a lot that night and I hope it makes me better for the future. But still, I was only 21 and wondered if I would have the respect of the locker room when Tamara left. Now with the COTT things are picking up steam and it starts almost immediately the first week of the new year. In just days BSC will be Hosting a show that is fully paid and sponsored by COTT that is titled COTT Night of Champions. There will also be one in New York that new NYCW owner Hell Monkey (real name John Pathlow) will run. The one here in Vegas will be an 8-woman 1 night tournament to crown the very first COTT Woman's Champion. The one in New York will be the same type of deal to crown the first COTT Men's Champion. JK Stallings will be at both shows as they will be appearing on his FlicksNet subscription service. I was really excited that JK was doing this. He had been out of wrestling since 2004 and his computer software company had kept steadily growing and getting bigger. With Stallings Corp behind the COTT the future really looks bright for wrestling in North America. What the does the future hold for BSC and the COTT? Whatever it is I am sure it will be an amazing ride.
  22. Wow I feel like I was lucky to get the 1 right out of 3. Keith barely scraps past. I did like The Bully’s line that nobody has cared about anyone named Keith in about 20 years.
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