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Everything posted by hellshock70

  1. 2nd 30 (60) I managed to streamline how I process these which is gonna allow me to reduce my desktop clutter. Hope to eliminate up to 30 folders by the end of the day. Also most of today's drops were made this past weekend with new prompts and I'd like feedback on image integrity compared to older work.
  2. Gonna make a big drop today and here's the first 30. Guarantee 150 but don't be surprised if I drop over 300. <--- Count em up ladies Dude got a 12 pack. <--- 3 favorites <--- My favorite biker girl. <--- And who doesn't need a snake themed heel? <--- I like when you can take someone multiple directions. Heel, dark face, Russian (red stars) <--- Even I'm man enough to admit dude is too pretty to cut down to just head and shoulders. <--- Who needs a shredded Japanese powerhouse? <--- Every now and then I get one where the background doesn't strip right. Any solutions?
  3. It pretty much seems to put out a basic look which is easily at the higher end of TEW's sex appeal spectrum. It declares unsafe or outright blocks "ugly, fat, chunky, busty" and so many other physical descriptions. Only ones I've got past it are rotund, bodybuilder, giant and big.
  4. And here we go again with a prompt being taken too literal... "barrel chest" which should be more of a Stan Hansen build but I get this... 🙄
  5. After that brief competition with @QFresh I dialed it back down and came up with some interesting results.
  6. I listed my entire process on the previous page. (Not saying it's the best)
  7. ...Batman Prompts: giant bodybuilder wrestler, long flame tipped black hair, daz 3d, color, front facing, head shot, vibrant crested gothic batman mask
  8. Well this was on purpose... Prompts: giant bodybuilder wrestler, long flame hair, daz 3d, color, front facing, head shot, vibrant crested skull luchador mask
  9. Considering the lifestyle I've led... no not really. 🤪 And I see your Zombie chick and raise you this accidental creation:
  10. Wanted to throw this out there... adding "vibrant" to the mask description enhances the color. Adding "crested" creates this (also had vibrant): And apparently adding "vibrant" when long hair is in the prompts creates this:
  11. I'm processing these and others now but can't promise I'll drop them until some time tomorrow. It's a little after 4:30pm my time and it's Saturday and my city is having its annual BBQ festival today. Aaaannnndddd this 53 year old Gen X widower has found out in the last couple months that women in the middle of the millennial (33-38) generation suddenly find him attractive. 🤣 Note: Background removal completed on 96. Added 24 more for a total of 120. These 24 have two additional prompts added in that radically changed the appearance of the new luchadoras.
  12. Same as Hollywood remove.bg Bing spits out our creations with 1024x1024 as dimensions. Remove.bg cuts that down automatically to a 500x500 png. I have several backgrounds that are 495x495 jpg and I use overlay.imageonline.co/ to combine them. Then on my laptop I have an ancient version of "Easy Graphic Converter" that converts it to a 150x150 jpg. Added note: background is slightly smaller (495x495) cause same size means the image you put on the same size background would have to be centered absolutely perfect. And some of us are getting old... twitches and muscle spasms and arthritis so we need room for error.
  13. Eventually. I have over 3,000 total to process and I think most of us are having so much fun with this we're probably generating 10 times the amount we share. Personally I have all my creations divided into 75-100 folders ranging from Lucha to the Anthropomorphic accidents generated by creating Animal masks. That said knowing what people like can steer us in a direction of what to process and share first.
  14. But this creates another problem. Bing spits everything out at 1024x1024 and belts in game are 200x100. 200 is width and this belt is gonna be flattened with my converter. 🤣
  15. This might be a little better. Added in your suggestion to my basic 3 word prompt.
  16. Crazy thing is most of my creations were done with the simplest of prompts... Every single belt was made with "name" wrestling belt Montana wrestling belt (for example) Wrestler base prompts I use are "wrestler, daz 3d render, color" Then I may add additional prompts like... mask, culture, nationality, facepaint (as one word better avoids unsafe notices), hair color. Weird thing is if I want to generate women I have to add in female as a prompt unless the hair color is blonde. Blonde tends to generate 90% women. Color in my base prompts almost completely eliminates black & white renders.
  17. These are my attempts at using John Lions style prompts. Personally I would class these and my 50 state titles at opposite ends of the Reaper spectrum of belt creation with the 50 being too real and these too much like a drawing.
  18. Earlier when I was on a run seeing what was generated for wrestler's nicknames like Russian Nightmare, Russian Bear, American Nightmare, etc, etc. Well this is what was generated for Brock Lesnar's "The Beast" and now I'm wondering if I should've added "Incarnate" or should I leave well enough alone?
  19. After 2 weeks I was finally able to get Gorilla masks more in line with M'Baku's from the Black Panther. While not exactly like the mask Winston Duke had in the movie it's definitely much more useable than my original attempts.
  20. And just for the record... Russian Nightmare works better as a prompt... than Russian Bear...
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