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Everything posted by Hashasheen

  1. You fired a sponsor, you fired the European talent scout, you fired an AJPW veteran, you fired half of Purple Haze, you fired multiple post-MUTOH utility guys, you fired one of the top juniors, you fired six major guest stars, you fired three freelance heavyweight veterans and you fired Yoshitatsu. So there go the relationships with BJW, DG, FREEDOMS, GLEAT and ZERO-ONE.
  2. I mean, just look up NJPW any year after 2014 and mimic their schedule as best as you can.
  3. Corazon de Leon is a favorite of mine for blonde westerners wrestling in Mexico.
  4. You also have to consider that besides the inherent loyalty a wrestler might have, they might also enjoy the locker room there, they might have a push and or seniority guaranteed, they might have backstage responsibilities, etc. Razan could be very comparable to a Kento Miyahara in AJPW, where he could be making more money in NJPW but he's protected in AJPW and has his opinions figured in.
  5. IIRC, the Von Erichs worked a fair few Mid-South dates because Fritz co-owned the rights to a string of small Oklahoma markets with Bill Watts. Von Erichs would work those towns and the locally syndicated show and Fritz got a cut of the towns in exchange. The two companies worked together a lot and traded talents because of the short distance between Texas, Oklahoma and Louisiana.
  6. Not always writing reactions, but man do I love your take on Nicky Champion. The veteran who can still very much go and has a lot of complex emotions about his career and his future.
  7. Paul Heyman in WCW 2001 would certainly be interesting. I don't know how logical it would have been in real life, given his financial straits, ties to Vince and the number of guys he'd left holding the bag in ECW, but at the very least I think you'd deftly manage to portray the divide between WCW originals and ECW newcomers, not to mention the ex-ECW guys that had moved to WCW over the course of the past year like Awesome and Storm. There's definitely been no lack of WCW 2001 games though, with everyone from Bret Hart to Randy Savage getting their shot at saving ol' Dubya.
  8. I mean... I guess? I was actually expecting / hoping that if you did do something like this, you'd 'live up' to the name of the dynasty, and go with Paul E. Dangerously worming his way to the top.
  9. Sad to see this finish, especially in a way so... dispiriting, with Bischoff rising to power again. Is the teaser at the end hinting towards a new dynasty? Some form of spiritual successor where Flair goes to WWF, perhaps in 1998?
  10. Trying to come up with 'Hollywood' names for Aztec Warfare (20 man battle royal) and Gift of the Gods (7-medallion Money in the Bank). Does anyone have any suggestions?
  11. Warriors of the Royal Ring, Squire of the Royal Ring and Marquis of the Royal Ring. Those are some rather odd stipulations for an entire title, Koholos. I vaguely remember Dean Malenko losing a match in January 2000 under similar rules. I would maybe call it the No Escape Championship?
  12. Stardom is the one I know nothing about, but Dragon Gate came from Toryumon (meaning to Ascend the Dragon Gate) and honored Ultimo Dragon, the founder. Pro Wrestling NOAH was about 'building an ark', because Misawa and his chosen had left behind AJPW. A really weird one would be Muga World Pro Wrestling. Muga means Selflessness, and Osamu Nishimura and Tatsumi Fujinami chose it to reflect the path they wished to follow after leaving New Japan. When Osamu Nishimura left, he owned the right to Muga, so Fujinami merged his nickname (The Dragon) with Traditional (reflecting his era) to form Dradition Wrestling.
  13. Would appreciate some help in fleshing out a promotional identity in a real world game. I'm doing a modification to a Real World Mod where Mitsuharu Misawa and company stay in AJPW until 2002, closing up that company on its 30th anniversary. As per IRL, Misawa and friends form their own company, but because of the delay to 2003, Genichiro Tenryu (brought back to AJPW for the anniversary close up years) forms a third company with Toshiaki Kawada, Riki Choshu and Kensuke Sasaki that replaces the King's Road contingent of Mutoh's AJPW and the WJ promotion that Choshu briefly ran and sank. Mutoh's in ZERO-One with Hashimoto, if anyone's curious. Anyway, I'm really struggling to come up with a suitable promotion name for the AJPW successor. While there's a few candidates from IRL like KINGDOM, Pro Wrestling KINGSROAD, OUDOU and the WJ promotion mentioned previously, they all feel very derivative of AJPW and not in a good way. I've played around with other names like Revolution Pro (both Tenryu and Choshu had Revolution as a nickname / stable), Oriental (either Heroes / Pro Wrestling / Wrestling Entertainment) and a couple of one-offs like Fighting World or Iron Japan Wrestling, but I can't really seem to settle on one of them or pick one completely new. Figured I'd ask if anyone had any suggestions. The theming has to feel a bit like 1980s AJPW, since there's going to be a fair few veterans from that era, but otherwise I'm open to ideas.
  14. The Young Money Mint. Open the Royal Ring or XXX of the Royal Ring would work, no? Blinksum 223? Ink, Inc? Avril's Angels?
  15. I actually do a version of this myself, only instead of IMPACT I have TCW as the traditional brand and TNA as the hardcore brand. That way, they're both "Total".
  16. You know, I never understand why a man from the Southeast was represented as 'Hawkeye' which is an Iowa state thing. Also, something about the most famous "Indian" wrestler in the world debuting for a promotion in Indianapolis, Indiana has me tickled.
  17. I mean, even if BHOTWG is Japanese WWE, it's kind of pointless to let them hoard talent that never get used. Them being forced to have a smaller roster means that the AI will be more efficient in their acquisitions and booking.
  18. All right, so it can definitely work. Go to settings, go to In-Game Editor, go to workers and go to Tetsuzan Kaneko and Natsu Miyamae. For Tetsuzan Kaneko, go to Business, go to Roster Size and drop it from Large to Medium. Maybe increase Turnover from Low to Medium. For Natsu Miyamae, go to Business, go to Roster Size and drop it from Large to Medium. go to Hiring Preferences and swap him from High Primary Skills to No Bias. Maybe change Firing Preferences if you want him to fire expensive talent, fire aging talent or protect long term talents.
  19. Let me check my version of TEW2020 when I get home from work and I'll let you know. I think you can edit that part of the character, but worst comes to worst you can make the game into a database and then edit that out of game.
  20. I'd say pick your opponents for the next three to five shows, consider whether or not you can have them ready and realistic as challengers to Kynaezv, and whether or not you can get Maisie ready in the mean time. If you think you can do more than three or five shows before taking the belt off him, do so.
  21. That's certainly a roster clearing. As for BHOTWG, I usually edit their ownership in the database to be less greedy and roster-holding, but also to cycle wrestlers out more by prioritizing youth over veterancy. Is there anyone available from the old BCG roster that you'd like to pick up, besides SAISHO?
  22. So I'm guessing ol' Teddy is gonna be giving money to 5SSW to help them out out of the kindness of his heart. Sponsor Teddy saving the day.
  23. Well IRL, TNA had the All Wheels Wrestling and Ring ka King projects going on, and there's also Global Force Wrestling. And I guess there was the United Wrestling Federation that the Hebners did with Hermie Sadler that largely booked TNA talents. And don't forget the NWA brand itself. So you could reprise one of those, maybe. You also have the IMPACT, KNOCKOUTS and XPLOSION brands going on. Taking the XPLOSION concept and extending it into the XTREME concept is one possibility, to be sure.
  24. I 100% vibe with this, as someone who was pretty much apathetic to the bulk of the USPW male roster outside of Nicky Champion and Tyson Baine in older iterations of TEW, especially between 2010 and 2016 (my introduction and peak playing years). You had so much dreck on the roster to start out and the women were doing so great in grades you would just be mixing them in with the guys in mixed tags to get something good going. I think at one point I got so irritated I had QAW set up in the vanilla database as Sam Strong's 'next step' after buying his daughter a division: he bought her a company.
  25. I have to say, I'm pretty surprised at who started up CWW in this iteration. I felt for sure it was going to be a duo of Leo Price and Walter Morgan, given the two men are Wigan-made and have the appropriate booking and ownership credentials, plus they're both fairly old. Curtis Jenkins wasn't even on my radar.
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