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Everything posted by bigtplaystew

  1. Packerman, dude, my thoughts on UFC exactly. I will never understand why combat sports games choose the "minigame" route of training over something more fun. If it were up to me I'd eliminate training completely as it's a drag and takes up more time in most games' career modes than the actual fighting does. The sting would be greatly reduced if they'd just let us spar instead of some frustrating mini game. On Sunset Overdrive, EVERYTHING i've seen from this game in motion looks like a crappy 360 game. Nothing next gen about it. Nothing special.
  2. Love it! Also a massive Black Jesus fan. I'm glad some of the negative controversial hype died down because at it's heart it's a rather sweet and touching show at times. It accomplishes this without sacrificing brutal humor.
  3. DJ I'm all for Cena fighting (and beating) Rusev. I believe you build guys like Rusev to be foils to guys like Cena. My thought process in having him feud with someone new would be that both guys would elevate. I still think Rusev's a touch green in a few areas. He's damn good for a guy his size though. Hell he's already damn good period. I am a big fan of his work so far. And I feel like a huge main event match with a guy like Cena would be best played out a year from now or something like that. When he can really polish up some of those finer points and get the psychology down to have a really great back and forth match with a guy like Cena. I think if Rusev fought Cena in the near future there's really only two ways it'll go: The predictable Cena win or the cheap swerve. I really don't know what that does creatively. But I do see what you're saying too. As far as Orton I am very much looking forward to the teased break from the Authority. He's just too damn good to be a (slightly) glorified gatekeeper. He also shouldn't go full cheese babyface again. I want to see him be a badass tweener just RKOing the crap out of everyone and everything. He doesn't want friends. He doesn't need allies. Or the fan's support. He just does what he's got to do to win. Build that up as a threat to Brock Lesnar (with an obligatory Paul Heyman punt kick for good measure) for a match in the not-too-distant future and I think you have one hell of a championship PPV match.
  4. Rusev's streak should be broken by someone (relatively) young who can gain something from it. And they should have a bitter, hateful long rivalry afterwards. The kind of rivalry that makes you want to see these guys battle off and on for years not weeks. I think Swagger would have been a fine choice if they wanted to push him. Maybe Ryback when he comes back if they decide to repackage him somehow? I don't think Rusev is quite in that title picture. I think he needs a nice long simmering feud to get on TV and make people care about him. Sure people already hate him. He and Lana get their boos. That''s no easy task. But I don't think he's particularly good television right now. That's what he needs: an interesting rival long term to make us care about watching him. I think the guy that stands up to him and beats him will be that guy. And having the Rock feud with him for any longer than that one surprise angle I think would be a waste. The Rock is too important to job to someone like Rusev. And Rusev jobbing to Rock does nothing much for either guy, except maybe tell a "Rock's still got it" storyline if they choose to bring him in for something more long term.
  5. I think the point is that they've handled Sting with a bit of mystery and aura. Sure he's been on a panel here and there but hasn't appeared on WWE TV yet. Presumably because they're saving it for something big. Something relevant to both us and him. The 15th Smackdown anniversary show would not be it.
  6. I felt like they hit us over the head a little bit with the Stone Cold/Ambrose connection with that angle. I mean Ambrose essentially did a classic, patented signature attitude era "Show up (usually in a vehicle of some kind) and trash the place" angle that Stone Cold made famous. I'm not complaining, I just don't want to see Ambrose saddled with constantly being compared to the Stone Cold archetype. I like Dean Ambrose because he's different not because he reminds me so much of something i've already seen. Expand on what makes him cool and interesting not what reminds us of a retired legend. Jut my opinion. Throwing it out there. That said it's pretty tough to criticize WWE booking when it comes specifically to that angle. Ambrose/Rollins has gone on now since June. June. Week in week out. Sure Ambrose was out there a bit but Rollins kept the heat going on his own for a few weeks. But seriously when is the last time a feud has been good for longer than a few weeks let alone several months? Pretty cool stuff.
  7. Highlight of Raw: The promo with Adam Rose and those two transgendered "ladies".
  8. Showtime was kidding lol. WCW absolutely had super quality stuff at various points in their tenure and for awhile there was way better than what WWF was doing. WWEvisionist history sees otherwise sometimes.
  9. Hey Ambrose is great and so is Wyatt but both guys could and probably will improve. They're entertaining but they could both be a touch more believable. Id bet you both of those workers know full well that they can get better and are trying to every day. Reminds me of the early versions of the Stone cold character. He was badass right off the bat and knew he was on to something but as the years grew his promos got more realistic and believable and thats when he just took off.
  10. I'm not a huge Agents of Shield fan but that show and this show are almost not even in the same category. I think that's my problem conceptually. It's being compared to this show and "Arrow" and to me, that's nonsense because those are action shows. This is very decidedly not that. I almost view it as an extremely toned-down version of The Wire. Edgy cops dealing with a corrupt infrastructure and extremely powerful criminals with extremely powerful friends. I'll forgive it's slow pace if it ramps up. And (I think) it's a 23 episode season so it'll take it's time getting there. So like you said Shield got great when Hydra showed up. And this could get great when the gangster wars start breeaking out. Or they could keep talking and establishing Gotham as a crappy place to live for 23 hours. The problem here is the acting is pretty awful so far. I simply don't believe a single word any of these people are saying. Everyone who isn't Donal Logue is either over doing it or too wooden. Fish Mooney SUUUUUHUHUHUHUCKs. so bad. Jada Pinket Smith is SOOO bad. In almost everything she does but especially this show. All I can hope for her character is a swift death at the end of the season. Oh I knew what to expect. I'm fully aware this isn't an action show. I've said it a whole lot of times already lol. I watch tons of shows that never throw a punch. Those shows rely on good writing and acting, something this show is seemingly in short supply of thus far.
  11. Haha to me Batman basically IS assassin's creed. Regardless, I checked this game out a little bit. Didn't get a ton of time with it but if you're into linear action games it seems to be one of the more solid next-gen titles.
  12. Anyone watching Gotham? Thoughts? Donal Logue's take on Bullock is fantastic. Otherwise, I'm not nuts about it. I just think conceptually it's a dumb idea. I'd have loved to have been in that pitch meeting. "I'm going to make a Batman show. Only there's not Batman in it. And you know how what makes Batman awesome is that it's an action story about vengeance, grief, emotional trauma, and identifying our defining pain? Well none of that will be present in this show. It'll be a slow police procedural." I don't know who this show is aimed at but the writing is too dumb for it to hold it's own among popular contemporary adult dramas like Game of Thrones, Walking Dead, etc. It's too cheesy. Now one of my favorite shows is Arrow and has it's share of cheesy dialogue, but it's also an ACTION SHOW. It's centered around chasing down and fighting bad guys. This show is a slow drama with almost no action. It's like Law and Order for teenagers.
  13. Does it run well? Do you have a big gaming rig? Endless Space ran like crap for a long time on my old rig. The new one handles it no problem but my old rig was able to play much better looking games with far less problems. Endless Space was good but for me personally was one of those games that ran so poorly it annoyed me.
  14. All I can say is that I've never seen the computer be THAT dumb lol
  15. Yea I mean you can break the game with difficulty setting and sliders I guess. I've already played abut 25 games against the AI and I haven't seen anything near this level of poor. I promise they go after you more than this in my game haha.
  16. They can just sign her back if they need her. WWE never feels like they drop the ball with talent. There's an arrogance there on WWE's part on this issue and almost rightfully so. Velez is a perfect example. They released her and she became the master of her destiny. She chose to work hard, keep at it, travel around, get a lot better (and i very much agree with you she's a lot better now than she was two years ago) and develop off of their payroll. If they felt they needed her back she's literally a phone call away at this point. And they didnt have to pay her for two years to sit on NXT and stagnate when there are/were other female workers they'd rather develop. WWE doesn't really let talent "slip away" as there's almost no where else for a worker to slip to that WWE can't reach them if they need them.
  17. There is a weird running animation I've noticed when you have a bigger player and he uses the sprint. He kind of looking like he's galloping. So strange Fifa 15 has me locked in but I mean I get locked in to Fifa a few weekend a year regardless. The career mode is the same as it's been for a couple of years now. This is one of those years where they seemed to work on things people won't notice. I see the ball behaves more like a ball would. Players move like they are reacting to the ball being near them rather than just existing on an open plane until they magnetically have the ball attracted to their feet. Defense AI factors in covering the field more than it did versus just covering the guy with the ball. Little things like that. Otherwise, this is virtually the same game we've been playing for a couple of years since the last big career mode overhaul which was, I believe, in 2011..
  18. Showtime's so right young Andre was a different beast entirely from the one who fought Hogan. Sure he would never be compared to an Eddie Guererro or Chris Jericho with his mobility and technical skills, but when you look at how big men worked especially back then, he was a fabulous wrestler. Almost too good. Rumor has it it was Vince McMahon Sr who made Andre stop doing dropkicks and taking bumps and things like that to really sell his size as a threat. IMO Andre's the best ever. The dude sold out shows just by being who he was. He was a promoter's dream. What a gift to the business that man was!
  19. Fifa 15 is good but NOTHING is popping off the screen to me that THIS is the year you must buy it.
  20. OK, All Im trying to say is when MILAMBER originally said "Cena put over Bryan at WM" and it was met with bewilderment, this is what he meant. The verbal put overs. If you say "no! they dont count! cena sucks!" and stick your fingers in your ears then o.k. That's your opinion I guess. But I promise you any wrestler who uses the term "put over", while most commonly associated with doing the job for someone, can also mean it to encompass verbal praise in both worked and shoot promos. I'm not going to argue that point any further because it just is what it is. I never acted like John Cena is the guy who put Bryan on the map. I'm just saying this DID happen. As far as your two reasons for Cena doing it, I think you're wrong. I think John Cena talked about Bryan too often at too much length for it to have simply been to quell a chant to continue his promo. Besides, WWE superstars typically plow through whatever drivel is written for them no matter what the crowd thinks/says. And I disagree with your "he was just doing it for himself" assessment of that scenario. John Cena did not mention DB solely to get a cheap two second pop for himself. He can get a cheap pop in his sleep. He doesn't now and never did NEED to mention Bryan to get a pop for himself. If he truly wanted to bury Bryan he simply would have never mentioned him. I think what was happening seemed obvious to me, although I could be wrong. But I think they (meaning the people who book WWE... which is probably not John Cena himself) used Cena to give Bryan a rub to the casuals, as have many companies many times with many babyfaces going into many marquee shows. YOU may not think Bryan needed a rub from Cena, but WWE almost certainly would have thought so if we're to believe they didn't have a ton of faith in Bryan in the first place. So John Cena books WWE's top storylines. This is what you're telling me with 100% certainty? That this is all John Cena forcing himself on the Dean Ambrose/Authority feud?
  21. I mean I really don't know what else to tell you guys. He talked up Daniel Bryan all during Wrestlemania 30's build a bunch of times. I think that what milamber had originally meant when he said it. I really don't know what else to tell you guys other than that it all DID happen and it wasn't THAT long ago that this should even be an argument...
  22. Hey man, preaching to the choir. I think he was handled extremely poorly. My only exception was blaming Cena for it at all.
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