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Everything posted by bigtplaystew

  1. To piggy back this. Ash Campbell seems to have gotten a ridiculous destiny roll in my game and I would love the same. Also, if anyone can think of any cool alts for him already I'd love to have some more options. Maybe a crow themed type character?
  2. I'm 90% sure this guy is 100$ correct I've done a few long games and it seems the potential refers to how high a worker's stats can go. Ive never seen a worker naturally develop stats that are all 100s. I think there are random caps, but they're all pretty darn high. And the game knows the max stat but doesn't necessarily make sure the stat gets that high. Injuries, wear and tear, physical decline, etc all come into play over a wrestler's career and may prevent him or her from hitting their maximum potential in any stat. Booking will help him or her hit their potential faster, but I dont think it will make their maximum possible number in a given stat any higher. As far as hall of famers, just because they have great stats doesn't mean they'll have great careers. If you have 20 guys in one company with great stats, only a few of them will be longterm champions that main event all your shows and give the great matches if you let the AI book them.
  3. Some constructive criticism: Your voice is way too low compared to that intro/outro stinger. I was watching this with headphones and had to turn it way up to hear you. When I got to the end "rate comment subscribe" stinger may have puncture my ear drum lol. You gotta mess with that EQ a bit. Definitely boost them vocals.
  4. <p>Roman hasnt even really had a solid run with the title yet. So maybe it'll be cool. I'm sure he stands to grow not regress in popularity. By how much remains to be seen of course.</p><p> </p><p> With Kevin Owens losing the IC title i can see him getting a shot at roman down the road. Seth's coming back soon. And there's always a good opponent for him in Dean. And Cena. I dont know about you guys but those are all big matches that I personally want to see.</p><p> </p><p> So he's got a bright near future..</p>
  5. <blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="Devilb0y" data-cite="Devilb0y" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="25169" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>You say that, but this show was WWE's highest grossing live event of all time (<a href="https://twitter.com/darrenrovell/status/716821197196042240" rel="external nofollow">Source)</a>. As much as the internet wrestling fans might hate Roman and think the main event sucked, it doesn't seem to be hurting the WWE financially. Probably because a large amount of fans who complain about the product are also still buying tickets to WWE events and subscribing to the network.</div></blockquote><p> </p><p> Yea but the argument would be that they'd be doing even better if someone we -God forbid- <em>liked</em> was in the main event. Not a guy that's been getting booed for 18 months and a dude who booked himself to be champion.</p>
  6. All of EA's Manager/Gm/Career modes have taken a steep hit over the years, with less and less emphasis being put on them. I guess you always walk a fine like between being TOO sim heavy instead of being fun to play... but damn I recently played Madden and Fifa 04 at a buddy's house (he has my old PS2) nd I swear they've taken AWAY faeatures from the franchise mode. In both of those games. I was messing with the old save in Fifa in particular, where you used to financially invest in your team, stadium, etc. Set salaries, hired more coaches, had a more developed youth squad. It's a real shame they've all but said no one cares about single player any more. Because I do. I'm not a kid anymore and I don't play video games to hang out with friend and meet new people. More often than not I'm playing video games for very much the opposite reason. I just want to relax and chill. Sports games have always been a great stress reliever for me as I tend to play a variety of ways. When I play hard games I might get frustrated which isn't helping me chill out or I'm TOO engaged. Sometimes with a sports game I can get both experiences. Currently, with MLB the Show 16 my franchise is set to be very hardcore and sim-like and I get very realistic stats from it. I find the game challenging and engaging. Winning each game is a battle fought with both strong strategy and good execution. But when I just want to come home from work after a 12 hour shift, hang out for an hour to wind down and maybe crack an adult beverage or two before bed - I just turn on my Road to the Show mode with all the sliders jacked up in my favor. MY centerfielder is about to finish his second consecutive MVP regular season with a batting average of .620, 94HR, and 132 Stolen Bases. No stress at all
  7. Wrestlemania is literally free this year. If youll sit through three hours of garbage raw but not Mania I really dont know what to tell you.
  8. They nailed the Punisher, man. He was fantastic.
  9. A wrestler?? Lying?? To promote his current place of business?!?! NO WAY!
  10. The truth is the game isn't a realistic sim anyway. It really isn't an accurate representation of how a fighter trains. It's still tedioous and boring, and on top of it frustrating. Those training games didn't help me improve my game at all because they force you into unrealistic situations. For instance to train your takedown defense you'll fight an opponent who will do NOTHING but attempt to take you down for 30 seconds. This doens't help you get better at when to situationally defend grappling, what it does is train you to hold down right stick and right trigger when they tell you to. Again, not realistic. to me. Nor is it "training". I mixed up my easy/med/hard training sessions and almost never was in an opportunity to sim results until I was toward the tail end of my fighter's career. I spent about half as much time training as I did in an actual career mode fight, and I think that's wrong. The game should be focused on you fighting, not on you hitting the gym. It's an MMA game not a workout sim. Yea I know that real fighters train WAAAAAY more than that for a real fight, but I mean, does the game really punch you in the face? See after just a couple posts thinking about it and you already came up with a better system than whats in place. If you're asking me how exactly would the numbers work in my plan? Easy, I'd say you get judged on overall sparring, and the game doles out a preset amount of training points based on how successful you were that round. You could even set preset goals for the player to hit so they know how much of a training improvement they'll get. Say they have to successfully pull off 5 takesdowns and one submission to get 10 full points do use between takedowns and submission offense. Or they have to throw more than 50 significant strikes in the standup and land 50% to get 5 points to use in stand up stats. If you land 60% of your strikes you get 7 points. If you land 70% of your strikes you get 10 points. So with my plan you'd still only get three one-round spar based training sessions, but theyd be free form. You can still only improve "so much" between one fight and you can still only get better as a fighter if you perform better in training. so all that work stuff remains intact, you also get the added benefit of practicing the actual game while you "train". You could choose what you want to improve in an actual fighting situation and get better by actually FIGHTING. I don't know for sure and I'm not suggesting I've got a full proof system. I'm just throwing stuff around and seeing what works but that already sounds way more fun. Plus, if your sparring partner is mimicing your upcoming opponent you might actually train for the fight and get better as a player. Ultimately, you guys aren't wrong though. I know I'm the outlier here in saying "combat sports games shouldnt feature training!" lol. I know it sounds crazy. I just think whats in place now could be so much more fun is they put a little thought into it.
  11. My answer to that would be to train whatever you want to train in a freeform spar. I dont feel like the system kills the game or anything but its way less fun than it could be. Its not fun to just set up sumbission after submission in 30 seconds. Id rather train a round of sparring and be able to train what I want. To me, that sounds more fun. But thats me.
  12. I've always said in any combat sports game that you should be able to improve your stats in a quick menu so you can fight as much as possible. Or they should just level up on their own, either based on how you fight or based on a destiny roll or something. This is how every other sports game works. I dont have to do a crappy passing minigame in Fifa, my players just get better at passing if I pass a lot. If you MUST make me "work" for my stats at least let me FIGHT. Dont make me do a dumb mini game let me spar and train whatever stats I want to improve. Let me spar against a CPU opponent mimicing my next career fight. At least that way I'm practicing but I'm still actually enjoying the fighting mechanics. That makes sense I guess.. A dumb mini game that trains specific stats isn't realistic or fun, so why do it? I never got it. It's just to kind of emulate the tedium of training before a fight I guess... but it's a video game... can't we take the tedium out? The fact that you can sim your best score isn't a plus for me. If anything it displays that the system is dumb, superfluous, and could have been taken out of the mode entirely.
  13. I'm on Xbone there, D, so I can't battle you to see who is worse. I agree with you though that the striking feels much more real in UFC2. It's more visceral and risky. I actually feel like I'm leaving my fighter's chin out there when I miss a big hook. I like it a lot. As far as submissions being too complicated, I think the mini-game itself is simple in concept but it DOES take some practice. It's a poor system against the AI (because it either cheats or is too easy to predict... no middle ground IMO) but against other players I find it pretty damn good. I daresay the best submission system in a combat sports game? I like it better than that weird dial in WWE 2k16 anyway. It plays out like a strategic game of Simon only you have to account for each opponent's stamina. Once I learned it I was glad I did. Regardless, it takes some practice, ginger. Just play in the training minigames every day until you get it, but you WILL get it. It's one of those things where when you're learning it it seems impossible as there's too much going on at once. But like anything once you do it enough you'll see that it LOOKS waaay harder than it is. As far as pointers, all I can say is when I'm in the submissions, either defending or attacking, I'm looking at the center of the screen and not focusing on any one directional gauge. I get used to the red flashes meaning right stick and the blue meaning left stick. When you look at the flashes and not the actual meter/gauges I find it a bit easier. Does that make sense? Anyway, ask me anything if I can help I will. I'm certainly no pro but I feel like I have at least the striking and submission systems down reasonably well. I love the new grappling but it is a bit of an adjustment for me defensively. Sometimes I'm untouchable in the grappling game sometimes I get utterly destroyed.
  14. Exactly. I was wondering why I had to endure 4 live angles promoting the crap. That... would be the joke...
  15. And Luck. Let's not forget luck. Daniel Bryan's concussions started when he was in his mid 20s and he probably should have retired years ago. Undertaker no sold chair shots to the head for years and never got a concussion. Sometimes it's luck man. I don't know if a rotation of talent is the way to go to prevent injuries. It's certainly not a bad idea. I think giving an individual some time off when they're sore and when a few nicks and dents have piled up would be a good thing, but, these dudes are all worried about losing their spot. So no one actually WANTS the time off. They should go to a doctor that's not paid by WWE. And they should listen to said doctor's advice. If said doctor wants the guy to rest 6 weeks that should be adhered to.
  16. UFC 2 is pretty good. The fighting engine itself is a lot better, IMO. I'm especially loving how visceral and deliberate ground strikes feel. You really do feel your fighter taking every one of those huge shots. The grappling is... different. It'll take some time for me to get used to it. Submissions are way easier and seemingly more stat based now, which is good or bad depending on how you feel. The game really didn't add a lot feature wise though. There's a KO Mode (no grappling... rock em sock em robots 2016!! very fun!) and that's... about it. Oh they added Ultimate Team which is TOTALLY forced and contrived in this sport. But to each their own. I will almost never touch that mode. They still didn't add those arcadey modes or create-a-tournament from the older games. And there are STILL mini games in career mode... ugh. Overall, it's definitely a big improvement over the last game. The fights just feel better. They feel more real and more fun at the same time, and that's something that isn't easy to do in sports franchise. I'd say if you're interested you should at least at some point check this one out.
  17. "Glorified house show" is a bit dismissive to be honest. If you're making a dumb joke or whatever, nbd, but the people actually discussing this show as a "glorified house show" (and I swear I've seen those exact three words about 100 times over the weekend) are wrong if we're breaking it down. That show was hands down better than any Raw in the last year save the one where Roman won the belt. I mean a house show is not televised and nothing that happens actually "matters" for story. The very fact that the show WAS televised and the event DID impact current story lines (at least to a point) it's not really a house show at all. It might have originally been scheduled as a house show but it isn't one now. If the show had no impact whatsoever on current storylines and also didn't get promoted heavily all over TV, then it's a glorified house show. Since it was hyped properly all over TV -and had a better main event build than half the PPVs this year- It's actually closer to a major show. It was clearly booked a bit stronger than your average Raw, which is your flagship show. That said, us arguing about this minutiae really accomplishes nothing. People can call a show whatever they want if they are joking or not. Who gives a crap? "Glorified house shows" or not, I'm all for more of these things popping up over the course of the year. I thought it was a good show. I thought the Ambrose match was awesome and did good things for his character. Obviously, HHH had to go over but I think they did a pretty good job of featuring Dean through a loss. I think that match helped his character not hurt it. Now Bray Wyatt?? His character continues to suffer week after week and I don't get why.
  18. I still play EA UFC as well. It's a good game to play when i need to let off some steam. Looking forward to Knockout Mode
  19. I just DLed the preview for it hoping to try it out Thursday/Fridayish when I get some time. i did that with Starpoint Gemini 2 last weekend and ended up sinking a ridiculous amount of hours into it. I kind of regret getting it on xB1 and not Steam (due to the fact that the steam version is just way better with DLC and modding) but I still enjoy it very much. If no one's played it the game is a single player action RPG where you play as a capitol ship in a galaxy full of warring factions and the rest is up to you. The combat is pretty darn cool. It's one of the first games I played where combat on a 3D plane actually works, though it does take some time getting used to. Anyway, yea, I love it and even though it looks like I'm finishing my time with it just two weeks later, I sunk A LOT of time into it in those two weeks.
  20. Its cool to see Shane back and all. I just wish that match against Taker was featuring a promising wrestler. And like previously noted, it really doesnt make sense. Whats Takers motivation? Why would he beat up Shane just to keep the Authority in power?? Maybe there will be something cool happening here in the next few weeks. Maybe Shane will cut a sick promo about how he has to win and it pisses Taker off or something, but even that sounds lame. Im more in the "less McMahons, more wrestlers" school of thought when it comes to how they should be booking Raw.
  21. I'm right there with you here. I think making Roman a high-fiving hero is a huge mistake. We're seeing a little bit more of an edge to him here and there though, and his promos have been way shorter so maybe they're going in this direction moving forward.
  22. I thought the show was pretty darn good. Liked every match. The ending was predictable but I find it kind of childish to hate a product because you feel you outsmarted it lol. We all knew Roman was going to win. A big blow off between Roman and Triple H makes sense. It's always made sense. I do think having Dean win would have been the more fun, creative move but we have to stop crying every time the guy we like doesn't win. Dean's getting more TV time than ever now and he's finally stepping out of the "Roman's little Brother" role. Dean Ambrose fans saw their favorite wrestler get some serious character development tonight, assuming creative follows through.
  23. Where was it established that this film is in continuity? More importantly it's good without it.
  24. How do comic books explain how with a new writer and artist a character behaves and looks completely differently even though it's the same character you read just 30 days ago? I just watched it and didn't worry about it. I guess, if you wanted a stretch explanation, you can say that since the ending of Days of Future Past we don't know how different the x-men characters are now.
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