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Blake Trask

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Everything posted by Blake Trask

  1. <p>Can we check workers' physical condition still?</p><p> </p><p> I can't seem to find my green/yellow/orange/red man screen.</p>
  2. Good pair of shows, Legend. Presentation is nice and I like Barry's behind the curtain style thoughts on things.
  3. Cheers D-Lyrium. I'm making a teeny tiny scene for an area and I didn't think it made sense for the road agent to have high experience... but it would be kind of bad if they couldn't get better.
  4. <p>Brendan Idol and Connie Morris are longtime boys for me, though in 2016 it's kind of carryover from the 2010 days when I would hire both of them for every single 0/0/0/0 game I did. Even so I'm deeply fond of them and they're both hall of famers in my ongoing 2016 game.</p><p> </p><p> </p><p> I also just looked up Brendan circa 2020 and I am</p><p> </p><p> sad</p>
  5. It's not toxic because I disagree. I think there are legitimate reasons for people to raise their concerns, and I personally have some issues with the initial demo that I have hopes will get ironed out. However, the attitude and tone of how people have voiced their opinions has in many cases absolutely reeked. It's toxic because it's rude, insulting, and actually has been personal attacks in many cases. The game's been called awful, stated to be not worth $5, the testers have been called sycophants and worse, people have called the UI developer an amateur, insulted the renderers, etc etc etc etc. I do not think it's inaccurate to say it's entitlement when this is a beta demo that nobody has yet paid for. Like, for heavens sake, people are acting like Adam has already taken their money. Toxic is a useful shorthand. I am not saying that nobody should criticise but I do not think it is unreasonable that people be polite and respectful. And yes some users have attacked back in the opposite direction too against the critics.
  6. Phrasing and tone is often the difference between valid criticism and toxicity. There is a right and a wrong way to critique. I've been disgusted with the tone and entitlement of many posts and posters in criticising the game. If you genuinely feel that nobody dragging the UI in particular has been toxic, I can only assume you've managed to evade a lot of the posts about it.
  7. Ashley Grover and Regular Joe. They were my first tag champs in my 0/0/0/0 game in TEW 2010, and I love both of them.
  8. Do road agents increase in experience with use? If wrestlers are used as road agents, does their experience increase?
  9. Potential does exist, it's just separated out into per skill category now.
  10. Had the kind of amusing discovery that because of how the group operates, my 'cult' heel stable from my 2016 data, isn't actually classified as a cult by TEW 2020's definition because it's not a cult of personality.
  11. FWIW I think your work is excellent, will. idk what's in the water with people complaining about the renders. Some of the comments have been outright rude.
  12. Making the boxes accomplishment as well as time based would be a neat little addition, I think.
  13. I missed this and I'm pleased! I have an enormous soft spot for Joe. He's a champion for me in a 2016 game I have rolling right now.
  14. Extremely cool. 70s mod is one I've always wished I spent some more time with before it became so hard to get hold of, so this will be a treat to see!
  15. You are equating not updated with bad, which is false. Why do the pictures being old mean they must be updated? Many, even most are absolutely fine, dare I say iconic. It's 100% down to personal taste.
  16. Not to be contrary, rather to illustrate my point: I genuinely like Thomas' and Shark's.
  17. <p>Renders are a taste thing though.</p><p> </p><p> There have been a number of occasions where I've had to go to the previous version and get one of the original renders to replace the <em>replacement.</em> This is doubly true for workers who do actually get re-renders and then a different one is subsequently used as an update</p><p> </p><p> You literally can't please everyone with the renders: laziness doesn't even begin to come into it and it's super unfair to call the worker images lazy or half-arsed just because they haven't been updated. It's personal preference.</p>
  18. Fair comment, is it fairly consistent, pointswise? I was thinking for character creation of the user character there could be options for a couple of gimmick categories? So you can assign your worker two gimmick categories that they are good at and two they're bad at. Then perhaps pick between 100% babyface, 100% heel, better as face, better as heel, or nothing for dispositions. That might be a good starting point for attributes. But to start out with other like... performance-enhancing attributes is probably going to unsettle the playing field unless part of character creation is to roll. Pick between starting with no attributes, or one positive attribute and one negative attribute, rolled from a table?
  19. I agree in principle with Derek B's statement from the previous thread that there might need to be something with stats to make it so that it's not a 'put 75 in a couple of key stats, everything else 0' dealio.
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