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Posts posted by christmas_ape

  1. An Opportunity Provided By Rogue:

    'Every Woman's Dream' Valiant w/ Rogue [vs] 'Mainstream' Jimmy Hernandez


    SWF World Tag Team Title Match:

    The Dallas Cowboys (Marshall Dillon & Ranger) w/ Hannah © [vs] The Awesomeness (Huey Cannonball & Jefferson Stardust)


    SWF North American Title Match:

    'The Show Stealer' ZWB © [vs] 'All American' Des Davids


    Grudge Match:

    'Sensational' Steven Parker [vs] 'The Radioactive Wrecking Machine' Atom Smasher w/ Kristen Pearce


    Unsanctioned Fight On The RU RV:

    'Big Money' Brandon James w/ Krissy Angelle [vs] Randy Unleashed w/ The Unleashed Rat Pack


    Everything To Gain Upgrade Attempt:

    'The Dragon' Mikey Lau [vs] 'The Supreme Star' Spencer Spade w/ Dulce Moreno ©


    SWF World Heavyweight Title

    Cell Match:

    'The Living Legend' Rocky Golden © [vs] 'The Beast Remo Richardson


    Bonus Questions:

    1). Which Match will be the Match Of The Night? In SWF Popularity is King so so I'm going Golden/Remo

    2). What will the Overall Rating of the show be? (Within five, 1 point. Spot on, 2 points) 87

    3). How Many Championships will change hands? (out of a possible three) 1

  2. <p>Enjoyed the show, I'm surprised nobody went for Rip Chord. Obviously I didn't either but that was a bit of a toss up for me. </p><p> </p><p>

    The rumble was well done, Richie almost made himself a hero but hopefully he has a journey to the International Title ahead of himself now.</p><p> </p><p>

    I think starting to get used to the roster now after initially not knowing too many so hope to see more of this!</p>

  3. Just caught Hard Justice. It's a shame about some of the in game grades because storyline wise I don't think it was underwhelming. It sucks that Mauro seems to be quite a big issue for you as he does fit your vision well.


    Interested to see where Abyss goes I don't know about in game but I feel like he has a pretty high ceiling so I was glad to hear you're looking forward to booking him.


    I've mentioned it before, but it's especially relevant in Hard Justice, just how good the little cuts to the move are. It's even done to the exact right opponent most the time too!


    Also Earl Hebner is a dirty man I don't trust what happened with Madison at all.


    Looking forward to seeing if you go with Angle/Joe for No Surrender or if something prevents it happening 1v1 until Slammiversary

  4. The breakdown of the Joshi's was definitely useful to me who barely knew any of them, and it was a good way to contrast people like Little Miss Perfect/Alina America in how they view the whole thing.


    I'm far from confident in my Battlebowl predictions but I think I'll stick with what I originally went for.

  5. Round of 16 #1 - Evil Intent (OLLIE) vs The Latino Kings (MAW)

    Round of 16 #2 - Rich & Famous (PSW) vs The Wolf Pack (MAW)

    Round of 16 #3 - Going Coastal (CZCW) vs The Heartbreak Express (MAW)

    Round of 16 #4 - American Made (MAW) vs The Bruisin' Blues (MAW)

    Round of 16 #5 - BFT (MAW) vs The Boys From Yukon (NYCW)

    Round of 16 #6 - The Disaster Artists (MAW) vs Barnaby & Rudge (IPW)

    Round of 16 #7 - The Past Masters (MAW) vs DeMarcus & Gray (MAW)

    Round of 16 #8 - The Puerto Rican Boys (FCW) vs Perez & Cougar (CZCW)

  6. It's all set up nicely for that final main event!


    Apollo Prince should be interesting, it's a nice mix this roster of c-verse favourites and lesser used talent. Maybe that's also because I quite like the European scene but have barely actually used it.


    Again I can't help but like Kalu, I often find it hard to write those types of faces but his little promos have endeared him to me. Although I'm worried he's not going to earn a spot on the next roster.

  7. Too slow on the predictions boat but a good show. Love the very unique format you use for presentation.

    Also continuing to do a fine job of making it feel like a proper wrestling soap opera.

    Continued excellence all around.


    Thank you for following!


    I'm trying to walk a line where I'm getting pretty far away from a normal wrestling show at times, especially in the special episodes, but hopefully I don't go too far and lose people. A show coming up has a royal rumble style match and it's strange to me the focus being much more in ring than usual but it will at least remind me that all these characters are actually wrestlers!

  8. <div style=" border: 2px solid black";">



    Episode 32: The End of the Never-Ending Mystery


    This week RAW finally solves The Curious Case of the Shampoo Bottle. Elsewhere many teams will battle it out for a briefcase that contains a contract for a future Tag Title shot.


    (Out of 4)


    Kian Wayne vs Maurice Jackson

    Briefcase Battle: Rebound vs Beautiful Heartbreak vs Masters of FU vs LiberTeen (Frankie & Tye) vs Will Beaumont & Sky LiberTeen vs Heath and Horton


    A brawl will break out between tag team partners, who will this be? Heath vs Horton, Artemis vs Thurston, Frankie vs Tye or Rod vs Rick?

    Kerry came up with the idea of the Briefcase Battle in order to lure Will to the ASN Studios, will the Wayne Family get their hands on Will this week?


    Optional Extra: Any questions for Loxley Robbins or Frogue Element Ask Me Anything? (A new thing I'll try out, if you get a question answered in 2 different weeks you also get a point towards a cosmetic prize) P.S these questions will normally be a week behind for example the Beautiful Heartbreak AMA will be posted next, then this one the week after.




    <div style=" border: 2px solid black";">

    Prediction Contest


    Current Scores




    1 point goes to the person with the most correct points each week.

    These points can be saved up or cashed in. 1 Point is also given to anybody who has one of their questions answered in 2 different AMAs.


    1 Point: A request for a certain worker to receive new merchandise

    1 Point: A minor cosmetic change (small change of haircut.. change of clothes colour, small tattoo etc)

    2 Point: A specific request for new merchandise (pick what is it/what it looks like)

    2 Point: A medium cosmetic change (Major tattoo, New hairstyle, dye hair, attire change etc.)

    4 Point: A major cosmetic overhaul (All of new hair style, new attire, etc)

    (you might notice a change there, I've just upped the cost of the major overhaul. Luckily I've been a fan of both that have been ordered, so I'm happy for more to come in, but I also want to incentive people picking the lower ones)


    You're also welcome to suggest something and I can let you know how many points that would cost. I would say though that unless perhaps you save up lots of points a change still has to be at least partly in fitting with the character, for example if you ask me to put Swoop McCarthy in a dog costume I'll probably just say no...



    La Estrella used up 3 points for a full makeover of...
    to be revealed

    HiPlus used up 3 points for a full makeover of...
    to be revealed



  9. The secret is out...


    I won't spoil it here but just to keep things updated both The_Lloyd and HiPlus scored 4/5 in the contest so I'll give you both a point. If you do want to cash them in you can see the list above with how much stuff costs.


    Also Beautiful Heartbreak's AMA has been postponed until the next show. I was going to have it as a short little promo on this show but it fits well into the next episode.


    What I often did in previous shows is try to advance each storyline every week (or at least most of them). Whereas I'm trying out something a bit different where each week will focus on one storyline heavily (this week the Wayne Family/Will storyline). Whilst it runs the risk of readers forgetting about certain storylines as key stars might go a couple weeks without even being on the show I like the idea that each episode has it's own direction and focus that is always different from the last. I think it fits how I envisage RAW better.

  10. At first when I saw the masked men I thought 'well that's obvious who they are why even put them in a mask' but it actually works well. It's sort of like it's rewarding me for being a little indie smark when it comes to the c-verse. Almost like when the Shield debuted and they spent weeks reminding you who they were when it was obvious straight away to the fans who followed indie/nxt stuff (at least for Ambrose/Rollins anyway). So I have to remind myself that maybe a good amount of the SWF fans won't know who these masked people are until they properly debut.


    Edit: I've talked myself out of it. Now I'm less certain who they are so ignore that! I at least don't know all of them anyway.


    Atom Smasher's my MVP of the night though!

  11. [Winner gets a place in the Red Carpet Rumble]

    Liberty vs Richie Pangrazzio Jr. vs Romeo Heartthrob vs Dusty Streets



    The Tag Team Specialists vs Savage Fury



    Dark Eagle Eléctrico & Ramon Paez vs Jason Jackson, Monty Walker & The Danger Kid



    Red Carpet Rumble

    [HGC International Title]

    Mr Charlie Copeland, Cowboy Ricky Dale, Golden Fox, Jack Bruce, Jimmy Power, Leon Williams, Mr Lucha, Peter Valentine, Steve Flash, [4 Way Winner]



    The Blazing Flames vs The Demons of Rage



    Whistler vs BLZ Bubb



    [HGC Tag Team Title]

    The Vessey Brothers vs Black Serpent Cult



    [HGC World Heavyweight Title]

    Sam Strong vs Rip Chord



    For most of these I've gone for who I'd like to win over just who I think will... hopefully that doesn't hurt me too much! Looking forward to the big show. I don't know if it's cannon or your idea but I like the Red Carpet Rumble

  12. <p>Earlier today I thought I'd best come on and send in my nominations; it's ended up taking me WAY too long. And I don't think I'm fully finished actually I'll hopefully fill in the blanks I left. For 2 of them I gave 2 nominations, if that's not allowed just take the first one.</p><p> </p><p> </p><p>

    <span style="font-size:14px;"><strong>Recognition Of The Year Section</strong></span></p><p>

    ---</p><p> </p><p>

    <strong>Most Improved Writer Of The Year Award: Devilb0y</strong></p><p>

    Comments: I was initially considering him for the new diary writer award but then I noticed he had a diary in 2012. Granted I’ve not properly read this one but his presentation definitely improved and to go from one diary which never properly got going to the impressive run he had with TCW in 2020 is a great improvement.</p><p> </p><p> </p><p>

    <strong>Best Diary Not To Win DOTM Of The Year Award (Must have been active in 2020 but never won DOTM): </strong><a href="http://www.greydogsoftware.com/forum/showthread.php?t=546695" rel="external nofollow"><strong>20LEgend: Paul Heyman's TNA 2010 | The Young, Hungry, Aggressive Alternative!</strong></a></p><p>

    Comments: I had to triple check this as I could have sworn he had won. It’s been consistently great. I think the main thing I often look for in a real world diary (but with TNA especially) is for it to stay in the realms of possibility but also go in a different direction. I think with real word diaries if it sticks too close to what has/could happen in real life then what’s the point, but also if it strays too far away from what the promotion is then I can lose interest. I think the line is walked perfectly in this diary.</p><p> </p><p> </p><p>

    <strong>New Diary Writer Of The Year Award (Never written a diary before 2020): Willsky</strong></p><p>

    Comments: His first diary was an impressive complete full year of OLLIE which was very well received. Although his next two were shorter lived (PSP & CWW) they were both unique and great reads. Again now with PWL he has an interesting promotion.</p><p> </p><p> </p><p>

    <strong>Outstanding Contribution Of The Year Award: Historian</strong></p><p>

    Comments: I imagine this award is often to (rightly) recognize a lot of the great non diary work people do from mods to alt renders and things like that. But as I’m not too knowledgeable with it all I’ll go a little different with this. Obviously his diaries receive plenty of deserved recognition but I'd say the nom is more for his activity on the boards in general. I'll often go around to make sure I'm keeping on top of other diaries I'm following and almost every time Historian has predicted/commented offered support. It's good to have someone on the boards who's active with their diaries but also consistently participates on other threads.</p><p> </p><p> </p><p>

    <strong>Most Shocking Section</strong></p><p>


    <strong>Most Shocking Signing Of The Year Award: </strong><a href="http://greydogsoftware.com/forum/showpost.php?p=2455970&postcount=460" rel="external nofollow"><strong>Joss Thompson in The_Lloyd's RAW</strong></a></p><p>

    Comments: Obviously in ways Jack Bruce going to RAW was more shocking but the reveal of Joss was really great </p><p> </p><p> </p><p>

    <strong>Most Shocking Push Of The Year Award:</strong></p><p>

    Comments: </p><p> </p><p> </p><p>

    <strong>Most Shocking Championship Win Of The Year Award:</strong></p><p>

    Comments:</p><p> </p><p> </p><p>

    <strong>Most Shocking Heel/Face Turn Of The Year Award: </strong><a href="http://greydogsoftware.com/forum/showpost.php?p=2431477&postcount=186" rel="external nofollow"><strong>Kerry Wayne's heel turn in The Lloyd's RAW</strong></a></p><p>

    Comments: Went in the complete opposite direction that I went in luckily, was perfect to have him turn heel by joining his family but also to go against his old friend and Will. (although a special mention to Riley for breaking Doug’s heart)</p><p> </p><p> </p><p>

    <strong>Individual Focus Section</strong></p><p>


    <strong>Worker Of The Year Award: </strong><a href="http://greydogsoftware.com/forum/showpost.php?p=2455970&postcount=460" rel="external nofollow"><strong>Blake Belushi in The_Lloyd's RAW</strong></a></p><p>

    Comments: Unbeaten throughout, in lots of great matches and then part of one of my favourite moments in the whole diary. There were lots of great characters in this diary but I wanted to stick somewhat in kayfabe and pick someone who was also dominant. </p><p> </p><p>

    <strong>Best Face Character Of The Year Award: </strong><a href="http://www.greydogsoftware.com/forum/showpost.php?p=2455608&postcount=106" rel="external nofollow"><strong>John Blackfyre in Devilb0y's TCW</strong></a></p><p>

    Comments: Every segment he was involved in (including the build up to his debut) was really well done. </p><p> </p><p> </p><p>

    <strong>Best Heel Character Of The Year Award: </strong><a href="http://www.greydogsoftware.com/forum/showthread.php?t=546088" rel="external nofollow"><strong>Alicia Strong in 20LEgend's USPW</strong></a></p><p>

    Comments: I think in terms of show quality this would be right up in my list of DotY’s actually, so I know I needed to give it the nod for something. I think Strong in this was perfect, and especially because she’s such a big character in the C-verse itself that makes it extra special. </p><p> </p><p> </p><p>

    <strong>Best Tag Team Of The Year Award: l</strong><a href="http://www.greydogsoftware.com/forum/showthread.php?t=544098" rel="external nofollow"><strong>Dan & Robin DeLay in Self's CGC</strong></a></p><p>

    Comments: This was just such a fun dynamic with Dan trying to teach his boy the ways of a DeLay. </p><p> </p><p> </p><p>

    <strong>Best Stable/Faction Of The Year Award: </strong><a href="http://greydogsoftware.com/forum/showthread.php?t=547101" rel="external nofollow"><strong>Los Siete Pecados Capitales in LaEstrella's EMLL</strong></a></p><p>

    Comments: A great idea behind the stable with the 7 deadly sins, and Demon King was a badass guy to have head a group.</p><p> </p><p> </p><p>

    <a href="http://www.greydogsoftware.com/forum/showthread.php?t=546695" rel="external nofollow">The New Age in 20LEgend's TNA</a></p><p>

    Putting Jimmy Jacobs in with the knockouts was a great move and throughout it’s different iterations it’s been a key part of making sure that division was interesting.</p><p> </p><p>

    <strong>Best Champion/Reign Of The Year Award: </strong><a href="http://www.greydogsoftware.com/forum/showthread.php?t=547295" rel="external nofollow"><strong>Aaron Andrews in Devilb0y's TCW</strong></a></p><p>

    Comments: Some huge PPV wins off the top of my head I remember Edd Stone, Wolf Hawkins and Josuha Taylor. He was built really well as AA in TCW needs to be and made the eventual loss at Total Mayhem really matter. </p><p> </p><p> </p><p>

    <a href="http://www.greydogsoftware.com/forum/showthread.php?t=546695" rel="external nofollow"><strong>Kurt Angle in 20LEgend's TNA</strong></a></p><p>

    With so much good talent at the top of the card it’s fairly surprising that Kurt has kept the title for this long, but it’s done wonders in setting the bar and making the TNA World Heavyweight Title seem prestigious.</p><p> </p><p> </p><p>

    <strong>Best Angle Of The Year Award: </strong><a href="https://www.docdroid.net/vmCdf9C/episode-7-pdf" rel="external nofollow"><strong>Tag Team Speed Dating in christmas_ape's RAW</strong></a></p><p>

    Comments: I’m allowing myself one self indulgent vote (I believe it's allowed), which feels a little wrong but it’s good to pad out the categories to get a good list of noms. Also this won a RAWard which is reader voted for so I’m picking it from that. This is one angle where when I read back I think I could improve on it (and I do plan on having a TTSP 2) but I remember being proud of the actual idea and it’s led to 2 tag teams who are going to be important parts of my diary. </p><p> </p><p> </p><p>

    <strong>Best Match Of The Year Award: </strong><a href="http://greydogsoftware.com/forum/showpost.php?p=2455970&postcount=460" rel="external nofollow"><strong>Swoop McCarthy vs Blake Belushi for RAW Title in The_Lloyd's RAW</strong></a></p><p>

    Comments: Had everything 2 belts, 2 dominant interesting characters, plenty of shenanigans. Perfect way to end a big show.</p><p> </p><p> </p><p>

    <strong>Best Show/Event Of The Year Award: </strong><a href="http://greydogsoftware.com/forum/showpost.php?p=2455970&postcount=460" rel="external nofollow"><strong>Mid Season Finale in The_Lloyd's RAW</strong></a></p><p>

    Comments: To quote myself in the thread ‘this really did everything a mid-season finale should do... worked as a great ending point to many feuds/storylines but also left me super interested in the second half.’</p><p> </p><p> </p><p> </p><p>

    <strong>Best Storyline/Feud Of The Year Award: </strong><a href="http://greydogsoftware.com/forum/showpost.php?p=2452808&postcount=113" rel="external nofollow"><strong>Operation Anti-Venom in LaEstrella’s EMLL</strong></a></p><p>

    Comments: This served as both a really fun and unique side story, a great way to build up lore for the world of EMLL and also a fantastic way to debut a new wrestler.</p><p> </p><p>

    <a href="http://www.greydogsoftware.com/forum/showthread.php?t=546695" rel="external nofollow"><strong>Jeff Hardy vs Desmond Wolfe in 20LEgend's TNA</strong></a></p><p>

    Was a really big storyline that built Wolfe up by having him feud with someone like Hardy. They traded wins and must have been feuding for a good 6 months culminating in the last man standing match.</p><p> </p><p>


    Rocky Maivia Award: </strong><a href="http://greydogsoftware.com/forum/showthread.php?t=545342" rel="external nofollow"><strong>Louie Louis in The_Lloyd's RAW</strong></a></p><p>

    Comments: Just a character who has never interested me but was really fun in this diary.</p><p> </p><p> </p><p> </p><p>

    <strong>Diary Section</strong></p><p><strong>


    Mod Diary Of The Year Award: </strong><a href="http://www.greydogsoftware.com/forum/showthread.php?t=546695" rel="external nofollow"><strong> Paul Heyman's TNA 2010 | The Young, Hungry, Aggressive Alternative!</strong></a></p><p>

    Comments: As I’ve said I’m surprised it’s not yet won a DOTM so with that thinking it also deserves to be in the running for the year. </p><p> </p><p>

    <strong>Cornellverse Diary Of The Year Award:</strong></p><p>

    Comments: It’s a strong group already up, I don’t think I have any to add. There are a lot of great more recent diaries that may have started at the tail end of 2020 but I’m trying to focus solely on stuff within 2020. For example whilst I’m enjoying both Lloyd and Willsky’s current diaries it would feel a little wrong to personally nominate them as I’ve only started reading in 2021. </p><p> </p><p>

    <strong>Writer Of The Year Award: 20LEgend</strong></p><p>

    Comments: I’ve already nominated his TNA diary and talked about that, but also enjoyed both his ECW and USPW. A nice mixture of c-verse/real world, traditional diary/youtube. Really good all round work.</p><p> </p><p> </p><p> </p><p>

    <strong>Best Graphic Presentation Of The Year Award: </strong><a href="http://greydogsoftware.com/forum/showthread.php?t=545098" rel="external nofollow"><strong>Eisen-Verse's SWF: The Evolution of Supreme</strong></a></p><p>

    Comments: A fantastic all round diary. EV obviously deserves all the praise he gets for both his writing and the presentation but as I personally took plenty of little bits of inspiration from his layout I feel like that’s what I want to give my vote to.</p>

  13. Battlebowl (20-person rumble) featuring: Danielle Sweetheart, Emma May, Foxxy Larue, Hellcat Hernandez, Juana Hurricane, Toni Parisi, Debbie Rose, Kate Lilly, Pinky Perez, Pamela Rojo, Fuyoko Higa, HEART Saitoh, Shiori Jippensha, Unstoppable Tai, Ash Grover, Darkness Cat, Becca Barton, Teresa Perez, Houston Handley and Mariana Torres.


    Champion Showcase: Alina America v Yuma Maruya


    Champion Showcase: The Experience v The Storm Dragons [Kinuye Mushashibo & Ochiyo lijima]


    Champion Showcase: Little Miss Perfect v Megumi Nakajima


    Triangle Championship exhibition: Gemmei Oonishi v Modesty Pador v Raquel Alvarado


    Some tough predictions as I think the low popularity of the 5SSW workers might play into it but I don't know enough about them in game to really know which (if any) will have any pop in the US.

  14. Another top show, shame I missed predictions but then again I suppose I stand little chance of winning season 2! Enjoyed the promos, I assume Kal Owusu is going to be in season 3? It works well having a really small 'active' roster but still being able to include others to keep them in the back of our mind. As DinoKea mentioned I can imagine the league basically coming down to a war between the two luchas which should be great.


    I think the embedded things works great! I'm not sure why I didn't continue doing it maybe for some reason it didn't look as good with my slides as it does here. If I'm perfectly honest though I think I saw it done first by Eisen-verse. I remember trying to embed it when I first started posting PDFs in my DAVE diary but not working out how, then I see in EV's SWF he did it so I went back and worked out how (not that it's complicated as you know but I must have been doing something wrong) but regardless it's great for ideas and things like that to spread.


    So with me likely unable to win the entire prediction contest I'm going to just give my overall prediction... A bit of a gamble...Captain Lucha defeats Mr Lucha III on final day which allows Tayama to get the win.

  15. <div style=" border: 2px solid black";">



    Episode 31


    The DeerBaby TV Title Tournament is over, and with it a new chapter in RAW begins. This week the champion has put his title on the line against the former placeholder, Rod Sullivan. Can 'Hot Rod' cause an upset or will Frogue take an important first step in his reign as TV Champion?


    Lynx and Nicky Gilbert vs The Masters of FU

    Loxley Robbins vs 'Bodacious' Brodie Lachlan

    TV Title: Frogue Element
    vs 'Hot' Rod Sullivan


    Which Wayne Family member will have a secret revealed?

    Which future event will be announced? (Tag Team Speed Dating 2, Quest Invitational 2, Movie Night 2 or Luke Steele: A Lecture on Meditation & Mindfulness)


    Optional Extra: Any questions for Blake Belushi and Bret Heartbreaks Ask Me Anything? (A new thing I'll try out, if you get a question answered in 2 different weeks you also get a point towards a cosmetic prize)




    <div style=" border: 2px solid black";">

    Prediction Contest


    HiPlus: 2 Points




    1 point goes to the person with the most correct points each week.

    These points can be saved up or cashed in. 1 Point is also given to anybody who has one of their questions answered in 2 different AMAs.


    1 Point: A request for a certain worker to receive new merchandise

    1 Point: A minor cosmetic change (small change of haircut.. change of clothes colour etc)

    2 Point: A specific request for new merchandise (pick what is it/what it looks like)

    2 Point: A medium cosmetic change (1 of new tattoo, new hairstyle, dye hair, attire change etc.)

    3 Point: A major cosmetic overhaul (All of new hair style, new attire, etc)


    You're also welcome to suggest something and I can let you know how many points that would cost. I would say though that unless perhaps you save up lots of points a change still has to be at least partly in fitting with the character, for example if you ask me to put Swoop McCarthy in a dog costume I'll probably just say no...



    La Estrella used up 3 points for a full makeover of...
    to be revealed



  16. <p><strong>Joey Morgan</strong> [vs] 'The One' Primus Allen</p><p> </p><p>

    <strong>The Dallas Cowboys w/ Hannah</strong> [vs] The Pain Alliance</p><p> </p><p>

    Jungle Lord [vs]<strong> 'The Con Man' Sammy Smoke</strong></p><p><strong>


    Brett Biggins [vs] <strong>'The King of Charisma' Robbie Wright</strong></p><p><strong>


    <strong>'The Disco Stud' Robbie Retro</strong> [vs] Bear Bekowski</p><p> </p><p>

    'Every Woman's Dream' Valiant [vs] <strong>'The Radioactive Wrecking Machine' Atom Smasher</strong></p>

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