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Posts posted by christmas_ape

  1. Enjoying getting into this having gone back a little bit. The Rogue/Valiant dynamic is great, I think I want Rogue to be genuine and them to reform the team, but I'm doubting it currently. Love the idea of the everything to gain contract too.


    Although poor SWF matchmakers thinking letting Golden and Remo a chance to 'inspect' the cell is a good idea. That's a few steps up from holding a contract signing and expecting it not to end with smashed tables.

  2. Dark Eagle vs The Danger Kid

    I think for a while I'll be mostly picking the names I know, which will likely backfire as most of them are early on in their careers.


    Liberty & [partner] vs Romeo Heartthrob & Jack Bruce

    Interesting match up with both Liberty & Romeo losing last week. But I can see the Romeo/Bruce pairing having legs so perhaps they need this win.


    [HGC World Tag Team Championship qualifier]

    The Blazing Flames & The Demons of Rage vs The Vessey Brothers & Black Serpent Cult

    TCW are probably the promotion I've followed most, so I'll always back Vessey.


    Paul Steadyfast vs Richie Pangrazzio Jr.



    [HGC World Championship Tournament - Semi Final]

    Rip Chord vs Dusty Streets



    [HGC World Championship Tournament - Semi Final]

    BLZ Bubb vs Sam Strong



    I don't know who was historically the first HGC, and whether that might direct you at all. Obviously Strong vs Chord makes a lot of sense as the first World title match (to the point where I'm persuading myself off my picks now) but no I'm going to pick the swerve.


    Enjoying this so far though, it captures the tension of a bunch of established stars and a bunch of promising rookies all sharing the same roster well.

    • Like 1
  3. Great show, I mean really great. So many smaller and bigger storylines all happening at once :D It's superb. Is it weird that I don't remember Deerbaby all that much from before Swoop's injury?! Maybe I got injured too...?!


    Just a quick heads up, when you click the current roster link it just brings the show up again.


    Thanks that should be fixed!


    DeerBaby doesn't surprise me really. He was brought in a bit low key, mostly in the 'here's what you've missed' segments and only for probably 2 or 3 episodes before the break. Also the whole story with him is that he's brought in for the tournament for the film studio to keep their prize money but I made him look and be so stupid so nobody would really consider him a contender. The last few weeks of the tormurnament it slowly becomes clear that he actually might cheat all the way to the title so the roster began to get angry as the whole sell of the tournament was to find a deserving champ. But of course with me cramming 4 weeks into just one slide none of the details got in. Fortunately for all DeerBaby is gone and we can all move on.

  4. Have users submit Q&A like kayfabe questions so people can reply. The Nokori diary by Dalton does a press segment. You could do a short twitter thing to get people involved that way. Even if it is like 1 person taking questions every second show.


    I also have the next 5 shows written up for my APW diary and slowly working on jt.


    I saw that in Dalton's thread the other day, it's a good idea and it was done well too. I think I'll try and work something similar in. And great news that whether it's soon or not there could be more APW coming!





    So part 2 of Episode 30 is above. Along with the roster update. I think for anyone new that's the best way to catch up if you fancy it, it also even reminding me of some stuff so hopefully it's interesting for anyone. I think I'll keep the roster with each post from now on and try to keep on top of that PDF.


    Happy to get this episode out, even when you put both parts together, it's a short episode. But the final scene kickstarts something that I've had planned from day 1 so that's exciting for me to get to.

  5. QAW World Championship: Alina America v Pamela Rojo


    Grudge Match: Emma May v Danielle Sweetheart


    QAW Tag Team Championships: The Experience [Ava Anderson & Lily Snyder] v Juana Hurricane & Sonnaz Shah


    Tag Tournament Finals: Las Amazonas [Pinky Perez & Mariana Torres] v Lilly & Rose [Kate Lilly & Debbie Rose]


    Singles: Foxxy Larue v Ash Grover


    Trios: Little Miss Perfect, Raquel Alvarado & Millie the Minx v Modesty Pador, Darkness Cat & Penny Ramone


    I liked the inclusion of the COTT title match, that was nicely done. I've often been tempted by a QAW save but have never actually done it so I only know maybe 10 people or so on the roster, so it might take me a few shows to sharpen my predictions!

  6. After such a long break it's great to get some response so thanks guys.


    Ya know what... this was beautiful. Just... the perfect intro back into things.


    For a while I've wanted to jump back in but two things were stopping me; 1) There's lots of plans I have for the future that I was looking forward to but for some reason I just couldn't motivate myself to write the next couple of shows. 2) I didn't like the idea of just posting the next episode and acting like I've not been away.


    So I was happy once I worked out this plan as I think it brings it back in as natural way as possible. Great to see you still around. Hopefully we see something from you in the future whether it's back to APW or something new?


    I clearly missed all of this the first time around but now that you're back from hiatus, I'll try and catch up on the recaps and be following now. Loved the gameshows. Nicely done.


    Thanks for checking it out. I know it's not always real appealing to try join something mid way through but I think the next episode should work well to bring people up to speed!


    Amazing! This diary is MUST see! I'm so glad it's back.


    Thank you very much :D



    I'm trying to figure something out other than predictions to get readers involved. I don't think the normal way fits with RAW too much as I often only have a couple matches per show. But some form of interaction and episode 30.2 should be up fairly soon.

  7. Jimmy Power vs Cowboy Ricky Dale



    The Danger Kid & Monty Walker vs Black Eagle & Golden Fox



    [HGC World Tag Team Championship match qualifier]

    The Blazing Flames & The Demons of Rage vs Mucha Lucha & The Tag Team Specialists

    Comments: I love TTTS


    [HGC World Tag Team Championship match qualifier

    The Vessey Brothers & The Black Serpent Cult vs The Nation of Filth & Savage Fury



    [HGC World Championship Tournament - Quarter Final]

    Liberty vs Dusty Streets



    The Main Event

    [HGC World Championship Tournament - Quarter Final]

    Romeo Heartthrob vs Sam Strong


  8. Singles | One Fall

    conny Woods Vs. Jay Diaz


    An Announcement From Jeff "big Tex" Griffith!


    Singles | One Fall

    Kipp Armstrong Vs. the Masked Mauler

    Singles | One Fall

    kidd Thunder vs. Prince Brady


    The Ringleader Addresses Last Month's Mishap!


    Tag Team | One Fall

    the Mid-south Mafia (karl & Roach) Vs. Team Midnight


    Tag Team | Falls Count Anywhere

    the Montana Mercenaries Vs. The Freedom Fighters


    Gregory Venne Is Not Done Yet!


    Co-main Event

    Singles | One Fall

    degraff Dastardly Vs. White Wolf


    Main Event

    Singles Non-title | One Fall

    Roger Eagle Vs. the Ringleader

  9. <p><strong>'The Disco Stud' Robbie Retro</strong> [vs] 'Platinum' James Prudence</p><p> </p><p>

    <strong>Jungle Lord & Bear Bekowski</strong> [vs] Sammy Smoke & Makutsi</p><p> </p><p>

    <strong>The Dallas Cowboys</strong> [vs] Des Davids & Primus Allen</p><p> </p><p>

    <strong>'Fastball' Oliver Kobb</strong> [vs] 'The Beast' Remo Richardson</p><p> </p><p>

    <strong>Mikey Lau & Spencer Spade</strong> [vs] Randy Unleashed & Hollywood Bret Starr</p><p> </p><p>

    <strong>'The Living Legend' Rocky Golden</strong> [vs] 'Mainstream' Jimmy Hernandez</p><p> </p><p>

    Poor predictable Lloyd, always putting the winners first. Oliver Kobb don't make me look foolish!</p>

  10. <p>I wouldn't normally post a 'new' episode here as it's not what this is for but after a 6 month hiatus this basically feels like a new diary. Also I believe most of the small amount of readers I did have are no longer on the boards but hopefully there isn't a link there... (come back LaEstrella and keep EMLL alive!)</p><p> </p><p>

    <a href="http://www.greydogsoftware.com/forum/showpost.php?p=2482272&postcount=261" rel="external nofollow">New Episode</a></p><p> </p><p>

    If you fancy some C-verse RAW then this is likely your best bet now that Lloyd has moved on to greener pastures. That is unless I'm missing a new RAW diary that has popped up which could completely be better than this. It begins with everyones favourite Australian wrestler waking up from a coma.</p><p> </p><p>

    </p><div style="text-align:center;"><img alt="8ZaRSpV.png" data-src="https://i.imgur.com/8ZaRSpV.png" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /></div><p></p><p></p><p> </p><p> </p><p> </p><p>

    Not an original idea but at least one that perfectly mirrors the diary itself...</p>

  11. <p>Please read Episode 30.1 before 29 <img alt=":)" data-src="//content.invisioncic.com/g322608/emoticons/smile.png.142cfa0a1cd2925c0463c1d00f499df2.png" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /> And if you didn't follow this diary previously please also be aware that it can get a little weirder and more stupid than episodes being read out of order!</p><p> </p><p>

    </p><div style="text-align:center;"><p></p><p></p><div style="margin-left:25px;"><div style="margin-left:25px;">

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    Episode 30: The ReAwakening Part 1! </span></strong></span></div></div></div></div></div></div></div></div></div></div></div></div><p></p><div style="margin-left:25px;"><div style="margin-left:25px;"><div style="margin-left:25px;"><div style="margin-left:25px;"><div style="margin-left:25px;"><div style="margin-left:25px;"><div style="margin-left:25px;"><div style="margin-left:25px;"><div style="margin-left:25px;"><div style="margin-left:25px;"><div style="margin-left:25px;"><div style="margin-left:25px;"><span style="font-family:Arial;"><strong><span style="font-size:14px;"> </span></strong></span></div></div></div></div></div></div></div></div></div></div></div></div><p></p><div style="margin-left:25px;"><div style="margin-left:25px;"><div style="margin-left:25px;"><div style="margin-left:25px;"><div style="margin-left:25px;"><div style="margin-left:25px;"><div style="margin-left:25px;"><div style="margin-left:25px;"><div style="margin-left:25px;"><div style="margin-left:25px;"><div style="margin-left:25px;"><div style="margin-left:25px;"><span style="font-family:Arial;"><strong><span style="font-size:14px;"> </span></strong></span></div></div></div></div></div></div></div></div></div></div></div></div><p></p><div style="margin-left:25px;"><div style="margin-left:25px;"><div style="margin-left:25px;"><div style="margin-left:25px;"><div style="margin-left:25px;"><div style="margin-left:25px;"><div style="margin-left:25px;"><div style="margin-left:25px;"><div style="margin-left:25px;"><div style="margin-left:25px;"><div style="margin-left:25px;"><div style="margin-left:25px;"><span style="font-family:Arial;"><strong><span style="font-size:14px;">

    </span></strong></span></div></div></div></div></div></div></div></div></div></div></div></div><a href="https://docdro.id/q4l7Nqf" rel="external nofollow"><img alt="JmhpYcA.jpg" data-src="https://i.imgur.com/JmhpYcA.jpg" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /></a><p></p><div style="margin-left:25px;"><div style="margin-left:25px;"><div style="margin-left:25px;"><div style="margin-left:25px;"><div style="margin-left:25px;"><div style="margin-left:25px;"><div style="margin-left:25px;"><div style="margin-left:25px;"><div style="margin-left:25px;"><div style="margin-left:25px;"><div style="margin-left:25px;"><div style="margin-left:25px;">

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    Episode 29: Game Shows make us feel good!</span></strong></span></div></div></div></div></div></div></div></div></div></div></div></div><p></p><div style="margin-left:25px;"><div style="margin-left:25px;"><div style="margin-left:25px;"><div style="margin-left:25px;"><div style="margin-left:25px;"><div style="margin-left:25px;"><div style="margin-left:25px;"><div style="margin-left:25px;"><div style="margin-left:25px;"><div style="margin-left:25px;"><div style="margin-left:25px;"><div style="margin-left:25px;"><span style="font-family:Arial;"><strong><span style="font-size:14px;"> </span></strong></span></div></div></div></div></div></div></div></div></div></div></div></div><p></p><div style="margin-left:25px;"><div style="margin-left:25px;"><div style="margin-left:25px;"><div style="margin-left:25px;"><div style="margin-left:25px;"><div style="margin-left:25px;"><div style="margin-left:25px;"><div style="margin-left:25px;"><div style="margin-left:25px;"><div style="margin-left:25px;"><div style="margin-left:25px;"><div style="margin-left:25px;"><span style="font-family:Arial;"><strong><span style="font-size:14px;"> </span></strong></span></div></div></div></div></div></div></div></div></div></div></div></div><p></p><div style="margin-left:25px;"><div style="margin-left:25px;"><div style="margin-left:25px;"><div style="margin-left:25px;"><div style="margin-left:25px;"><div style="margin-left:25px;"><div style="margin-left:25px;"><div style="margin-left:25px;"><div style="margin-left:25px;"><div style="margin-left:25px;"><div style="margin-left:25px;"><div style="margin-left:25px;"><span style="font-family:Arial;"><strong><span style="font-size:14px;">

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    I can't imagine any potential new readers wanting to fully read all previous 28 episodes, but if you wanted to quickly skim it. You have ...<a href="https://docdro.id/AfIiZQa" rel="external nofollow"><strong>RAW Attitude! Episodes 1-20</strong></a> or for a recap style episode you got <a href="https://www.docdroid.net/gQuH09P/episode-21-the-rawards-part-1-pdf" rel="external nofollow"><strong>The RAWards</strong></a>. This would at least get you 70% up to date and I'll probably do some sort of recap for the episodes after that. But any questions or if anyone wants a summary on any particular person or storyline then obviously feel free to ask!</p>

  12. World Heavyweight Title

    Jay Chord vs Aaron Andrews ©

    Tale of the Tape: Chord has a singles win under his belt against Andrews in the past month which will surely be playing on the champ's mind as they head into this seismic clash, despite his success in recent weeks against both Edd Stone and Greg Gauge - who will not be a part of this matcj.


    Sammy Bach vs Wolf Hawkins

    Tale of the Tape: A match to finally settle who is the better man after The Syndicate cost us a clean finish earlier in the month. Wolf has looked more interested in doing things 'the right way' in recent weeks, which has put him at odds with Rogue and the rest of his stable mates.


    #1 Contenders Match

    Doc Hammond vs Mighty Mo

    Tale of the Tape: Mo and Doc have traded victories in multi-man matches this month, but there can only be one victory when the two face each other with a Title shot at Excessive Force on the line.


    John Blackfyre vs Eddie Peak

    Tale of the Tape: The Man In Black looks to educate Eddie Peak on the finer points of The Book Of John, seeking revenge for Peak's interference in his match with Wolf Hawkins. But who is the mysterious ally Peak has found, and what part will they play?


    Koshiro Ino vs Freddy Huggins

    Tale of the Tape: Huggins will bring his entire entourage to bear as he faces Koshiro Ino in a re-match. He will hope to make this a more competitive affair than their last meeting.


    Open Challenge

    Joshua Taylor vs ???

    Tale of the Tape: JT isn't officially booked on Total Mayhem, but he isn't the kind of guy to let that slide. Word is he plans to call out any person in the locker room to face him in singles action. Who will it be?


    World Tag Team Titles

    The Heritage vs The Roughnecks ©

    Tale of the Tape: The Roughnecks make the 5th defence of their tag titles since winning the gold in April against their sternest opposition yet in the form of the ascendant Heritage. Yet question marks remain over Greg Gauge pulling double duty. Will he be fit to compete?


    Masked Patriot vs Nelson Callum

    Tale of the Tape: The eccentric Masked Patriot sets his sights on the one member of The 1% he has not yet faced - Nelson Callum - in a match to finally settle the score between him and the elitist stable.


    International Title

    Mikey Lau vs Greg Gauge

    Tale of the Tape: Lau's debut match couldn't really have higher stakes, as he competes for the new International Title - billed as the second most prestigious in the company. His opponent will be looking to make Lau's sojourn in TCW an unhappy one, but if recent history is anything to go by it would appear that the son of Sam Keith is more than a little nervous.


    Awesome card of course, I could definitely see a lot of my picks going the other way, especially because I've gone for a face vs face match up at Excessive Force... but it could always become a 3 way, or hell Andrews could lose the title between now and then. I know it's been building to the coronation of Chord in many ways... but Andrews is top dog for a reason and I would like to see AA vs WH. I'm predicting the open challenge is a debut.


    Excited for this though, congrats on the great build! I've been taking a short break from the forums lately but I'm trying to make sure I keep up with this.

  13. World Heavyweight Title Match

    Edd Stone w/ Greg Gauge & Jay Chord vs Aaron Andrews ©


    Greg Gauge vs Chris Caulfield


    Ernest Youngman & The Elite vs One Man Army, Tana the Mighty and Benny Benson

    John Blackfyre vs Troy Tornado


    Sammy Bach, Mighty Mo and Joshua Taylor vs The Syndicate (Wolf Hawkins, Doc Hammond and Roderick Remus) w/ Rogue



    Koshiro Ino vs Jeremie Courtney


    (Pre Show)

    American Ultra vs T-Bone Bright and Chance Fortune


    (Pre Show)

    Human Arsenal vs Freddy Huggins w/ Laura Catherine Huggins & Killer Shark

  14. Guys, quick question:


    I've just realised most of the old dynasties from previous games are no longer viewable on the board. Did they get archived anywhere or are they just gone forever? I want to know whether I should be saving my dynasty locally (not even sure how I would export a forum thread into something save-able to be honest).


    Also, very nebulous question, but does anyone have any idea what a "long-running" diary actually looks like it terms of in-game time? I'm just kinda running with my dynasty until people don't wanna read it anymore / I get bored of the game, but I'm just interested to hear how long other diaries have gone.


    I do believe it's definitely a factor in the recent trend of people (myself included) posting a diary in a different format that allows us to keep it back upped. That said I do believe there is some program that allows you to export/convert the forum into a PDF, part of me thinks Nevermore did this years ago but I not sure.


    Edit: On second thought I think it might have been Mistaken who converted a bunch to PDF's I'm not sure how active if he nowadays though or if he posted he method somewhere.


    In terms of longevity, I suppose it depends on how in depth the shows are/ whether it's 1 show a month/weekly tv/numerous brands etc. One of the longest I personally can remember is Michgcs WWE's one (hopefully that's not one that's been lost!) that went for like 8 years real time not certain how long in game I'd guess at least 5 or so, which especially considering this is with numerous brands it's an insane achievement. But there's been plenty go a good few years. So good luck keeping yours going, I certainly can't imagine people getting bored of it, I think 9/10 the longer a diary goes the more interesting it is.

  15. <p>PPV was obviously great, especially with Lau debuting the top of the card is starting to heat up when compared to how it starts (essentially just Andrews/Wolf)</p><p> </p><p>

    Jay Chord vs <strong>Koshiro Ino</strong></p><p>

    This is tough as you're obviously ramping up the Chord push. But I'd also be surprised to see Ino lose. So my guess is Ino wins, but Chord down the line might get the W back.</p><p> </p><p>

    <strong>One Man Army & Benny Benson</strong> vs Wolf Hawkins & Roderick Remus</p><p>

    A risk here, but perhaps OMA could provide Wolf with a short feud. </p><p> </p><p>

    Television Title</p><p>

    <strong>???</strong> vs Matt Hocking ©</p><p>

    You mentioned thinking Hocking might be above the TV title now, so perhaps the new debutant can kick off with a bang. </p><p> </p><p>

    The Roughnecks vs <strong>Edd Stone & Greg Gauge</strong></p><p><strong>

    </strong>I don't like to see the champs lose, but again this could kickstart a feud. </p><p> </p><p>

    Maverick vs <strong>Mighty Mo</strong></p><p>

    Mo train rolls on</p><p> </p><p>

    <strong>Joshua Taylor</strong> vs Davis Wayne Newton</p><p> </p><p> </p><p>

    (Pre Show)</p><p>

    Ernest Youngman & Troy Tornado vs <strong>Hammer & Anvil</strong></p><p> </p><p> </p><p>

    (Pre Show)</p><p>

    Human Arsenal vs <strong>Freddy Huggins</strong></p><p> </p><p>

    Hard week to predict which should make for an interesting read.</p>

  16. <p><strong>Cameron Vessey</strong> vs. Mark Griffin</p><p> </p><p>

    <strong>Sonny Wildside</strong> vs. Diablo Duvak</p><p> </p><p>

    <strong>Marc DuBois</strong> vs. Skip Beau</p><p> </p><p>

    Lee Rivera vs. <strong>Sean Deeley</strong></p><p> </p><p>

    <strong>Amber Allen and Jasmine Foxx </strong>vs. Laura Flame and Natalie DiMarco</p><p> </p><p>

    <strong>David Stone </strong>vs. Solomon Gold</p>

  17. The Awesomeness© vs. Undeniable

    [sWF World Tag Team Championship Match]

    [standard Tag Team Match]


    Angry Gilmore vs. Matthew Faith

    [standard Singles Match]


    The Crippler vs. High Flyin' Hawaiian

    [standard Singles Match]


    Rogue vs. Z-Dub

    ["New Year's Revolution" Contract Match]

    [standard Singles Match]


    Des Davids© vs. Bret Starr

    [sWF North American Championship Match]

    [Lumberjack Match]


    Brandon James vs. Rocky Golden

    ["I Quit Match"]

    [brandon wins = He gets the whereabouts of Scythe]


    Remo© vs. ATOMIC vs. Mikey Lau

    [sWF World Heavyweight Championship Match]

    [Elimination Match]

  18. Wiiner Enters Rumble Last, Loser Enters First: Smasher vs Surfer Dude Lucas

    No DQ Beach Brawl: Dee Lucketti & Ice Ice Davey vs The Bat Men

    Michel Bernard vs Elvis Robinson

    Diesel Dan vs Whirlwind Lee Wilkes

    20-Man Rumble Match: Australian Devil, Dee Lucketti, Diesel Dan, D-Pod, Elvis Robinson, God of War, Ice Ice Davey, Jesse Tasman, Mauler, Michel Bernard, Moonchild, Pat Rigsby, SLugger, Smasher, Surfer Dude Lucas, Syrus, Toby Tough, Trey Tallman, Wes Schnorfesst, Whirlwind Lee Wilkes


    Winner: SDL

    Final Four: SDL, GoW, Tallman, D-Pod

    Most Eliminations: GoW

    Iron Man: SDL

  19. World Heavyweight Title

    Edd Stone vs Aaron Andrews ©

    Submission Match

    Sammy Bach vs Greg Gauge


    Joshua Taylor vs Doc Hammond


    Mighty Mo vs Troy Tornado


    Falls Count Anywhere Match

    John Blackfyre vs Wolf Hawkins


    Handicap Match

    Masked Patriot vs Rich & Famous


    World Tag Team Titles

    The Behemoths vs The Roughnecks ©


    Matt Hocking vs Jay Chord


    Koshiro Ino vs Freddy Huggins





    Fatal Four-Way

    Fro Sure vs Ernest Youngman vs Human Arsenal vs Roderick Remus


    Davis Wayne Newton & Nelson Callum vs Bart Biggins & Chance Fortune


    Triangle Tag

    American Ultra vs Hammer & Anvil vs One Man Army & Jackson Laine

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