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Posts posted by christmas_ape

  1. Card for FCW: FREEDOM Or Death 13

    A rematch from 3 months prior, but this time with no rules, will the challenger be able to dethrone the long reigning king of FCW? Both other titles will also be on the line, with the fan favourite people's champ up against his biggest threat yet and a nephew/uncle partnership battling for duos gold. 

    Elsewhere on the card two men on a roll are both up against mystery opponents and a three way contest will determine the next challengers to the Tag Team Titles. 



    FCW Puerto Rican Title (No Rules)

    Handsome Stranger(c) vs Mutant

    FCW People's Championship

    Island Boy Apollo(c) vs Bull Wrecker

    Kip Keenan vs ???

    ??? vs Giant Brody

    Triple Threat (Winners Team get Tag Title Shot)

    Ox Mastadon vs Harlem Haynes vs Rob Reynolds

    FCW Tag Team Titles

    The Latino Kings(c) The Gonzalez Family

    • Like 1
     (his opponent)








  3. Poor Heath... 

    Just to chime in on the Blitz comments, you essentially say it yourself above but I think it all happening on the first ever Wrestleworld show helped it. I'm picturing a new viewer (I suppose a bit like myself as I didn't read the prequel to this or have much knowledge at all of the roster) who might not fully understand the importance of the split but it's still an obviously huge moment that kickstarts the wrestleworld era and builds intrigue in Chopper and Vaughan going forward.

    • Like 2
  4. PSW  Championship- Acid vs Ash Campbell vs Nelson Callum(c)   I'm enjoying Ash in this, and do hope to see him as champ soon, just not sure this is his time.

    Ernest Youngman vs ?

    Acid II vs Logan Wolfsbaine   Although I could also see Eric's words getting to him and beginning a losing streak

    PSW Tag Titles - Rich & Famous vs Samoan Destruction Inc   I like SDI, but would be surprised after their two singles loses

    PSW National Title - Cowboy Buck Winchester vs Sayeed Ali(c) Two of my favourites in this. Wouldn't at all mind seeing Cowboy get the job done to allow Ali to move up.

    Xavi Ferrera vs Jesus Chavez

    Dead Bolt vs Mighty Cavanagh

    Antix vs Xavier Reckless

    The King vs The Silencer

    *Plus the debut of the Sky Man. For two bonus points, who is he?*  I wanted to go somebody different... but... Remmy

    • Really enjoying this, a lot of different stuff going on. 
    • Like 2
  5. On 2/13/2023 at 10:53 PM, 619 said:

    There's so much going on in every show. The first to 10 angle is fun and it's great that you've got both short-term (Mutant) and long-term contenders (Marco and now maybe Kip and Brody) lined up. The Xavi Ferrera stuff was expertly executed, giving him a big babyface moment even in defeat, and there are interesting stories all through the card like the Joffy/Davis feud that heated up fast.

    Glad to hear that, at first I was worried the race to 10 could drag, (assuming one of or both men make it to 10...) but now I'm running 2 other monthly shows I don't have that concern. 

    Joffy/Davis will hopefully be a fun one, two of my best talent. Left them off the first show but there's definitely big plans for both. 



    Second smaller show will be posted soon then the card for FREEDOM or Death 13. 

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  6. Card for FCW: FREEDOM Of Speech

    This month two stars of FCW get a chance at a second shot at the title, both men have genuine reasons for their loss but their excuses don't matter, what matters is which one can get their hand raised at the end of the night. The newly crowned tag champs have often called themselves family and for years have backed up those words, always looking out for each other. Now the trio will team with two blood relatives in a 5 on 5 match that could spell disaster for The House. Elsewhere on the card three singles match that promise to include tables, some great wrestling and a wild brawl for the People's Championship. 


    Winner gets FCW Puerto Rican Title shot

    Bradford Peverell vs Mutant

    The Latino Kings & The Gonzalez Family vs The House of Handsome

    FCW People's Championship

    Island Boy Apollo(c) vs Martyr

    Kip Keenan vs Curtis Shaw

    Tables Match: Ox Mastadon vs Bull Wrecker

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  7. Steel City StarFest XIII

    All matches are hardcore unless specified otherwise

    Devil May Care vs Reckless Antix

    Bull Rope match - Austin Smooth vs Cowboy Buck Winchester

    Xavi Ferrera vs A former Carl Batch client

    PSW Tag Team titles no.1 contenders - Man Feelings vs Rich & Famous vs Warrior Engine (Gareth Wayne & Bull Wrecker)

    PSW National title - Samoan Machine vs Sayeed Ali(c)

    Logan Wolfsbaine vs Rhino Umaga

    Barbed wire - Ash Campbell vs Madman Boone

    PSW Championship - Acid vs Nelson Callum(c) 

    Plus - A Steel Circle state of address, The King and more

  8. On 2/5/2023 at 9:09 PM, 619 said:

    The presentation of this dynasty is incredible and it's backed up with some very compelling stories. I like the starting premise of staying true to the promotion's roots and following a natural trajectory rather than changing everything or taking a more global approach. The Marco Gonzalez angle is my highlight so far: an 18-year-old with the world at his feet already both in terms of connections and the in-ring opportunity he's earned. It feels like there are so many interesting directions you can take it, so I look forward to seeing how it plays out.

    Appreciate the kind words! Yes Marco is definitely going to be a main character, it's a fun challenge as he started with I think 8 popularity and he's so green stat wise, but especially once I get weekly TV I'm hoping his stats can improve fast. I'm May in game at the moment and he's made some improvements but he needs to be wrestling and cutting promos more than once a month for this fast track. 


    Speaking of TV I'm actually making the jump to 3 monthly events, after 1 month making a profit (albeit small) I'm confident I can fit it in budget wise but I didn't like the idea of having 3 events that are in game on the same level but only booking/writing 1 with any real importance. So what I'm doing is the 2 shows that won't get a write up will sell their tickets in game very cheap whereas the proper monthly event with titles on the line/much more storyline development will stick with the normal price. That way in my mind (and in game) the crowd coming in aren't expecting the same level of show. Perhaps some would see this as a bit gamey, but I think it's justified enough and in the long run the diary will be better for it. 


    • Like 3
  9. Angus McCloud vs. Kenny Maynard
    Leo King vs. Sasha Pavlovic

    Backbreaker Simpson vs. Mike O'Reilly
    Mikel de Sota vs. William Riley

    Full disclosure I'm not up to date here (so my predictions could be way off) but you know I'm a fan of PWL so it's good to a spiritual successor to it going. I can certainly relate to a diary growing in scope and becoming too time consuming. It was when I did things like adding theme songs (copied from PWL) and other stuff like that that RAW become too much. I do think what made PWL unique and a great read can still work in this shorter format so hopefully it's working for you and I'll jump in!

    • Like 1
  10. C-verse/Fictional


    Global Entertainment Wrestling by newbiezness 

    Always good to see debut diaries get off to a great and consistent start. Enjoying seeing GEW slowly build

    Pteroid's ZEN: Boston

    Has gone a little quiet but hoping it's still going, regardless for the voting period of January it was fantastic stuff.




    Garry The Entertainer in Pteroid's ZEN: Boston

    I've enjoyed many characters in Pteroid's current and previous stuff but this guy might be my favourite. 


    Starting Premise in Prime Time's Total Championship Wrestling

    Another example of a debut diary starting very strongly, but also perhaps another example of a quiet diary that hopefully isn't done! It didn't get through enough shows for me to give it the nod for diary of the month but I really enjoyed the beginning and the premise behind the diary so I think showcase fits better. 


  11. I've been really enjoying this. I can't put my finger exactly on why, especially because I've never played C-Verse 23 (nothing against the idea, it looks great, I'm just too big a fan of the default data) and I don't even know 2020 DIW well at all. I think it just hits a good spot in between the show storylines and the background/booking stuff, with enough detail without there being filler. 

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