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Posts posted by christmas_ape

  1. 19 hours ago, Pteroid said:

    ZEN: Art of Grappling

    Bradley Blaze vs Zach Rudge

    QT PI vs Samhain

    Hawkeye Calhoun vs The Outrageous Arona

    Lady Devonshyre & Kashmir Singh vs The Golden Glory

    Ash Barnaby vs Deadly Deadshot

    PLUS: Travis Century offers an incentive for one more Right to Party Title Shot and updates on Garry the Entertainer and the ZEN Conqueror Title Situation

    Really am loving this. There's a couple characters who are also in my upcoming plans and I've had to just go back to the drawing board for a bit as you've just nailed them. 

    American Justice vs Tyrone Gray

    Ash Barnaby vs SUPREME Yoshida

    Cheetah Boy vs T-Bone Tucker

    The Ghosts of Retribution vs Lady Devonshyre & Kashmir Singh

    Diamond Deuce vs Hawkeye Calhoun

    PLUS: A Celebration of ZEN Conqueror Champion Harry Allen featuring Duke Hazzard & The Regulators


    Really enjoyed the show. Got a lot of laughs from me, some of the promos were so good.  Franklin majoring in Spot Monkey was just 👨‍🍳👌 (that's supposed to be a chef's kiss)

  3. I have zero advice but I would say it doesn't at all look like you need it regarding getting the pictures to fit together. I'd say they match and all have the same style. It's always been one of my issues with the default pics how little they match.


    These all look fantastic.

  4. image048.png.9990ab115dde558af487dd18f8c31280.png401963042_TheHandsomeStranger2.png.db767bde061d4585a8669e11ab41a11c.pngimage070.png.0f339da39834542c9795b46ea4b43819.pngimage085.png.2bae72414a9be5e932d39271c1a0684f.png2043555365_Frederique2.png.b622c451b67b895bd8cec310f2e51c99.pngFrederique.png.9ade1b06ec318427d606a941901c827f.png14.png.e1a6f11da6c56119cf49955b1487c5d2.pngimage075.png.8a1ccdf5029013f9b9b8b2465599413d.pngimage083.png.d7ec24fc881d8455dd209dada8c92172.pngimage084.png.fcfca470a79e1936d57aac35bfddf0ea.pngimage092.png.c96904fefa15b33ea71710aea05d3a6f.png


    These I may have gone overboard.... Handsome Stranger and Frederique. They are both fairly major characters in my upcoming diary so I really wanted to get them right. I think all 4 of the HS work as alts for the same character. Frederique I'm interested to know which one people prefer. 

  5. So like I say I want some input on deciding this. TCW were the first c-verse promotion I ever played as and so Hawkins/Andrews were important ones for me. So I made quite a few. The ones I posted above were my gut picks but I'm interested if people agree with it. 




    This was a big one. In many ways the one on the right fits my image of Wolf Hawkins. However the left one looks more like the default c-verse pic. I also asked my wife's opinion as Wolf is supposed to be one of the best looking characters in the game and her words were 'the one on the right looks like somebody playing wrestler' and I just can't shake that now. Opinions?

  6. 2 hours ago, lavelleuk said:

    Oh yeah I see you put that now lol. I did originally put a Foxxy alt!

    Ah Katya for the third one? I see that now

    And finally....Christy Higgins?


    Are you planning putting these on CVerse background at any point?


    Correct on both! 


    A few more...




    So I'm not sure about c-verse background if I'm honest. My thinking was... if I was just going to make a few renders and stick them in my game, I would want them to be on the c-verse background. However if potentially my goal is to create a full pic pack then I'd personally choose not that background as I don't love it. Another reason is in my mind these will well with Arlovski's amazing work and he isn't using it. Obviously nothing is stopping anybody else from putting them on it. It would be fairly simple and quick using removebg. 

    Edit: Also my main reason was that it already hopefully looks close enough to the c-verse background that most of the wouldn't be jarring to have side by side. So in theory it's plenty of work to change a blue background to a different blue background. In my mind the C-verse characters have always been stood in front of a blue backdrop. This pack is about imagining the c-verse characters as real people and so ideally it will look like they are in front of a blue backrop still, just a less cartoony one if that makes sense?

  7. 37 minutes ago, lavelleuk said:

    Man some of these are great! I'll play



    I could be way off  but...Aaron Andrews and Wolf Hawkins?


    Foxxy LaRue, Katherine Goodlooks and Juliet Balconi


    Jessica Bunny, Cherry Bomb and... Black Diamond?


    Sabrina Wells, Ruby Reece  and Air Raid Syren?

    Correct with Wolf and Aaron

    Correct with Foxxy, Goodlooks and Juliet

    Sorry to be clear the next 3 were just alts of Foxxy, Goodlooks and Juliet although the three you put aren't bad ideas actually. I'll compare when I actually make those 3.

    Last three are tricky. Correct with Sabrina Wells. Second one my clue would be the hair is exact same as original cverse render. Not got game ATM but she's in early 30s. 

    3rd one is definitely hardest, I think it's actually very close to the default cverse one but it's not a very often used character. She's I believe 21ish. British. (And sort of Russian)


    I'll post more of ones I've made in a few hours. I'll also make some more if there's any requests?



  8. As an update I currently have around 120 photos however realistically that's probably only like 30 people done as I have a growing amount of free pictures but also for most people I have more than one version so I'll decide (hopefully with your help which versions you prefer) 


    So for example... these are alternatives for the ladies above... 




  9. So I'm been playing around with using AI to create pictures my diaries and I'm slowly building up a decent amount so thought it's worth me posting them. It's a really fun process so I might end up trying to make some full promotions. Maybe the long term goal is a full picture pack I don't know.


    A lot of credit goes to Arlovski who is I believe the first person I've seen to use programs like this to make renders. I've very much taken the same idea! He has a lot of fantastic stuff already posted here.


    But let's turn it into a game. I'll post the render and I'm interested if people can guess which C-Verse worker it is...


    Let's start with maybe the easiest?!



  10. Great to see you active as I enjoyed your GSW a lot. Congrats on the job. It was essentially a combo of a new job (and baby, probably more so the baby!) that took me off the boards and I've had to accept that anything I do going forward will have to be less time consuming. So I hope you find that level!


    If I'm honest I know very few people on the roster but hopefully I'm able to pick some stuff up.

    • Like 1
  11. Another hit. All the promos were great, Blackfriar in particular clicked for me more this show, I'm looking forward to seeing what you do with Deacon in particular though. He's interesting lore wise being created pretty much solely to help Blackfriar shine. I think that should still be his purpose for you but it's not easy to do that whilst still building him up as a constant credible threat. 

    I'm going to stop listening to Sluchinkski he just does't 'get' it... Although I suppose he's right that CZCW putting on great shows might be a big threat (at least everyone nows know where their beloved Masked Cats stand on the food chain!)

    • Like 2

    The Frat vs True Elegance & Kashmir Singh

    Cheetah Boy vs The Debuting Samhain

    Modern Justice vs Melancholy Molly & The Ghosts of Retribution

    The Legends of the Sea '(c)' vs The Speed Racers



    I'm here for Garry & Franklin!

    Great to see this, really enjoyed your original ZEN diary so good luck with this. I'm not familiar with C-verse 2022 but it looks like an ideal promotion for you.

  13. Long story short I don't suppose anybody has these pdfs downloaded? Had some issues with a hard drive where I kept it. A good portion is on my google slides still. 

    I have the Season 1 Part 1 post which is the first 20 shows. But I can't find the Season 1 Part 2 post which is 20-40. A good amount of the 'newer' ones 40-46 I also can't find. 

    If anyone who was reading this back then still has them downloaded I'd be very appreciative as I really hate the idea of me losing them!

    EDIT: Ignore that, found it! A 3rd recovery software I was recommended (Recuva, in case anybody needs one) worked and found most of the missing stuff. 

  14. 8 hours ago, Chaddes said:

    Hey, I was wondering if anyone has any advice on booking touring promotions? I've just started a QUEST save from the 70s CVerse mod, and I'm not really sure what'd be the best way to go about it. A lot of my TEW saves previously have been small monthly shows, so this is pretty new to me. Thank you!

    I'm no expert, and have no knowledge of QUEST at all but in general I see most people using the tour shows through the weeks to build up to the bigger events, normally using a lot of tag and multiman matches to save the bigger matches for the end of tour shows. The weekly shows you can use to look for chemistry, built stats whilst just slowly advancing storylines if you use them.


    You'd like find a lot more/better advice on the general discussions thread, either in general gameplay thread (could search for touring promotions) or in the promotion threads for other touring companies in c-verse (PGHW, BCG etc). Or look for diaries from them. Off top of my head CGN91's White Canvas Grappling and there's been a few good New Japan ones over the years (again just off the top of my head I'd check out Uncrewed's). 

    Granted I don't know how different touring promotions in the 70's would have been. 

  15. Not super deep into the planning process and not fully sold on the idea but thought I'd post it out here. 

    I've wanted to do something where I'm able to focus on fairly standalone weekly episodes with a bit of an over arching storyline. A bit like my RAW stuff but on a smaller scale and more week to week, a bit like a wrestling sitcom. 

    Idea is I book USPW. But the diary is solely focused on two lower carders (and a small ever changing cast of side characters) I suppose a little like BTE but more in kayfabe. It's about their struggle and mostly failures to rise up the card. My best pick so far is Jimmy Chipolata and Regular Joe with them forming a team called Regular Chipolata. 


    Other idea that I keep going back to for last year or so is a promotion that is solely for veterans. Let's say 40+ but not certain. Working title Last Chance Saloon. Thinking mostly cinematic, very little traditional wrestling (easier on their old fragile bodies...) This would more be focused on the wrestlers individual reasons for coming (one last shot at fame, trying to redeem themselves after a career of heeling it up, not wanting the spotlight to fade, addicted to the action etc are ideas of some) and also about the background of the company

    I view it as an actual hotel in the middle of nowhere, it has supernatural vibes. The wrestlers check in and fight there, and check out once they have achieved their goal. A bit like a wrestling limbo at the end of their careers to see how they will be remembered. I also just like the idea of a reverse developmental where instead of building stars and waiting for them to be poached I'm essentially watching the main promotions for their stars to 'expire' and then seeing what I can still get out of them.


    Not sure what anybody thinks of either idea/preferences. 

    I think the first one would potentially be easier and take less time so I'm leaning more towards that, but i do keep coming back to the second idea. 


    • Like 2
  16. Gotta be one of the most impactful shows to date. Fallen Angels sound great, and it makes sense for QAW as the only US women's promotion to help continue that legacy. Also interested to see what's next for Sweetheart/Keith.


    The stable run downs have been useful to remind me of some events/give backstory prior to the diary too.

  17. What would people's thoughts be on a WMMA 5 diary being allowed in this section?


    My gut reaction would have been it's best in it's own section but that's essentially dead. Especially with TEW being deep into a game cycle the diary boards here aren't too busy either so I'd say grouping them would only be positive. I couldn't see it having a huge effect but I think I'm general anything to help create more activity on here would be great. Really I'd say the same for all GDS games but I don't really think you get any for the others. I'd assume the odd CBH one.

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