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The Lloyd

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Everything posted by The Lloyd

  1. Big well done to TheBigBad1013 for his second prize of the month! I'll send something through via DM shortly. Thank you everyone for predicting each week, there's still plenty more to come and I just got finished writing Judgement Day (you've still got Backlash to get to yet too) so I have the next couple of months fully written up. Let me know your thoughts on The Invasion so far
  2. MARCH 2002, WEEK 4… In The Booth: Michael Cole and Tazz Radical Changes Coming… We opened the show with WWF World Heavyweight Champion Eddie Guerrero talking to a backstage worker, proudly displaying his recently won Championship on his shoulder… when one half of the WWF Tag Team Champions: Dean Malenko walked up… also holding his Title over his shoulder… The two former Radicalz shared a smile, and verbally patted each other on the back… but they got a little defensive when another former Radicalz member – Chris Benoit, walked up… ‘The Crippler’ and Eddie went 1 on 1, on RAW, and it was a heck of a match… Chris Benoit: “Eddie, man… Just wanted to say… Great match las’ week, and congratulations to booth of you on your Title wins at WrestleMania…” Eddie Guerrero: “Thanks Chris… I personally thought you should have won the Intercontinental Title in that Ladder Match too esse… I… Hey, a lot of changes around here, right…?! What do you make of things…?!” The three men began to discuss the recent purchase of the place they all used to work together at: World Championship Wrestling, by Shane McMahon… When suddenly, they paused, and looked over Chris Benoit’s shoulder… He spun around, and there was one half of ‘Terri’s Boys’: Perry Saturn… eating a cheeseburger… Now we had all four former members of The Radicalz, all stood talking… with two of them holding Championships… Eddie, Dean and Benoit understood the significance, but Saturn clearly didn’t get it… With his mouth completely full, and sauce all around his lips, he began to chew slowly and look around at his former friends… Perry Saturn: “What…!? What is it…!? Do I… Do I have any burger sauce on my mouth…?!” Scotty Too Hotty [vs] ‘The Lethal Weapon’ Steve Blackman Another win for Steve Blackman here. ‘The Lethal Weapon’ is on a bit of a role, and his ‘Dragon Sleeper’ looks incredibly painful. If Scotty hadn’t have tapped, he’d have passed out instead. 59 Winner: ‘The Lethal Weapon’ Steve Blackman Finish: 'Dragon Sleeper' Generals Taken Out… We saw clips from RAW next, and the final segment where Vince McMahon was about to confirm that he’d purchased WCW…!! However, his son Shane McMahon got in there before his Father, and bought it from right under his nose… Vince has spent hours and hours with lawyers these past few days, and isn't here tonight as a result… He’s not the only one not here… His Son-In-Law Triple H, ‘Stone Cold’ Steve Austin, and The Undertaker, were all taken out at the hands of an invading party of WCW stars: Sean O’Haire, Chuck Palumbo and Mark Jindrak… Thoughts are, the three fan favourite WWF Main Eventers will be back on RAW, to call out this group of youngsters… w/ Haku & Umaga w/ Rikishi [vs] Perfect and Sexay Former WWF Tag Team Champions: Perfect and Sexay didn’t know what hit them in this match. Umaga continues to sit under the learning tree from Haku, but is getting the chance to shine more and more in their matches. For the finish here, Perfect had cheated to get Haku down, so Umaga shoved him out of the ring. Sexay came off the top rope looking for his ‘Hip Hop, Leg Drop’ on Haku, but Umaga picked him out of the sky with a ‘Samoan Spike’ as he landed! 70 Winners: Haku & Umaga w/ Rikishi Finish: 'Samoan Spike' The Real Deals… After missing Monday Night RAW, D’Lo Brown and Faarooq were stood ready to talk about John Bradshaw Layfield… Faarooq is yet to go 1 on 1 with his former partner, and D’Lo suggested that that HAS to happen soon…JBL then walked up… Flanked by his ‘hired muscle’ Batista and Brock Lesnar… and Lesnar’s ‘Manager’, Paul Heyman… JBL: “I’d like NOTHING MORE than to fight you 1 on 1, ‘Ron’… but frankly, it’s beneath me… And if we DO fight… I won’t be doing it for free… No, I have other plans for you two… At Backlash… we’re challenging you… to a tag, team, match… Faarooq and D’Lo Brown… versus Batista and Brock Lesnar…!!” Faarooq: “DAMN!! You didn’t have to challenge us… all you had to do, was ask…!!” w/ Edge and Christian [vs] The Hardy Boyz w/ Senior Benjamin Amazing to see these two teams do battle. The Hardyz agreed to the match, but left Christopher Vanguard, Brian Skarsgard, Lita and Nidia back at the house to guard their captor in the Dungeon – Kane. They still had Senior Benjamin out there with them, and he proved to be the difference in the end. He hopped up onto the ropes, and hit a flying clothesline to knock the returning Christian down behind the referee’s back. This allowed Matt Hardy to hit a ‘Twist Of Fate’ while Jeff took care of Edge on the outside! Edge slid into the ring as the final bell rang, and he stooped over his friend Christian as The Hardyz celebrated and left the ring. 81 Winners: The Hardy Boyz w/ Senior Benjamin Finish: 'Twist Of Fate' Al Snow was in the ring after a commercial break, and he said that it was time… to bring out Kidman, Razor Ramon and Bill DeMott… The last time they appeared on his show, they beat him up for ‘knowing too much’…!! But he wasn’t afraid to bring them out again… Al Snow: “On The Al Snow, Show… I ask the TOUGH questions… Obviously, since the events of Monday Night RAW… things have changed a little… WCW is now owned by Shane McMahon, and are now a part of the World Wrestling Federation… So… Kidman, Ramon and DeMott… I wanna know RIGHT NOW… Is this what you were talking about…?! When you said, ‘it’s bigger than you three’…?!” Kidman looked at DeMott, and nodded… telling his large and strong friend to take Snow out… But Al backed him up by saying “Ad da da da da da…!!” and told DeMott to hold it right there… because tonight… He had some back up…!! Al Snow: “If there’s going to be an INVASION… If WCW wrestlers are going to just, show up on WWF programming whenever they want… If there’s going to be a WAR… Then WE fire the first shot…!!” Kidman snatched Snow’s microphone, and then handed it to Ramon… The Hollys and Val arrived at the ring, and climbed in alongside Snow… Razor Ramon: “EY YO…!! Oh Al… You know so much, and yet you know so little… There’s going to be a war… but… The World Wrestling Federation won’t fire ANY shots… Because WE… are WCW… and WE… are not alone…!!” Sean O’Haire, Chuck Palumbo and Mark Jindrak came running to the ring, and a huge brawl broke out… WCW outnumbered the WWF six to four… and it was a big fight…!! Referees and officials struggled to get hold of everyone, but eventually things got separated… In the end, Hardcore Holly was told he was fighting Kidman 1 on 1… with NOBODY allowed to stay at ringside…!! Hardcore Holly [vs] Kidman Of all the people on the WWF roster, Hardcore Holly is one of the best choices to lead a fight against an invading company in WCW. He’s rough, and tough, and doesn’t take crap from anybody. However, Kidman is so quick. He can avoid most offence by staying out of the clutches of his opponents and when he strikes, he strikes hard. His hit and run style got him the win, and he hit a brilliant ‘Shooting Star Press’ to end it. 72 Winner: Kidman Finish: 'Shooting Star Press' WAR In the back, it seemed the fight before the match had continued, during, the match too… as Al Snow, Val Venis and Crash Holly were doing their best to fend off Razor Ramon, Bill DeMott, Sean O’Haire, Chuck Palumbo and Mark Jindrak… It was very one-sided by the time the cameras caught up to the action… Snow, Val and Crash looked in a mess, and a bad, bad way… Jindrak told the group they should get out of there… as the damage was done, and they didn’t want any other WWF stars to find them yet… Occupied… In the WWF Commissioner’s office, Mick Foley was meeting his new assistant: ‘The Japanese Buzzsaw’ Tajiri… Mick Foley: “Alright… Well… You’re my new assistant, man…!!” Tajiri: “Uhhh, waaat?!” Foley looked frustrated… Tajiri didn’t understand a word he’d said… He tried slowing down a little… Mick Foley: “Listen… You have an amazing… in-ring… record, here… and I want to help… you… take the next step…!!” Tajiri: “Uhhh, waaaaaat?!” Foley rolled his eyes… and we cut away… w/ w/ Billy Gunn w/ K-Kwik [vs] ‘The Animal’ Batista w/ Brock Lesnar, Paul Heyman & JBL This was the biggest test of Batista’s young career, and he passed with flying colours. Now that he’s aligned with Brock Lesnar, Paul Heyman and JBL, it’s time to take ‘The Animal’ more seriously, and a win against the former 11-time Champion in the WWF, and former King of the Ring, Billy Gunn, helped a lot with that. The ‘Batista Bomb’ is a devastating finisher, and Gunn couldn’t kick out of it. K-Kwik got into the ring after the match, and he was hit with a Brock Lesnar ‘F5’!! 62 Winner: ‘The Animal’ Batista w/ Brock Lesnar, Paul Heyman & JBL Finish: 'Batista Bomb' Schtick… Backstage, interviewer Coach was stood with his guest: ‘The Wrestler’s Wrestler’ Steven Richards… Steven Richards: “Pass me the stick, Coach… These WCW invaders… where will they fit on the WWF roster…?! Where do they show up next…?! Someone needs to take a stand, against them… and I’m going to be the first… so on RAW, I’m issuing an ‘Open Challenge’ to ANY… WCW Invader…!!” Eddie Guerrero and Rey Mysterio [vs] Kurt Angle and Chris Jericho We’re expecting to hear from The Rock tonight, so the announce team suggested that ‘The Great One’ will be up after this Main Event. This match was good enough to close any show though, and even on their worst day, these four are great in-ring competitors. They all had an excellent outing here too, with Angle and Jericho isolating Rey Mysterio for a while. When Eddie got tagged in, the crowd were extremely excited, and he turned the tide against the two technicians. The WWF World Heavyweight Champion hit his ‘Frog Splash’ on Jericho to score the win for his team. 87 Winners: Eddie Guerrero and Rey Mysterio Finish: 'Frog Splash' The Rock Is Next… As we expected, The Rock closed the show tonight… and he stomped to the ring after a commercial break… The Rock: “Yu know, The Rock has been doing some thinkin’… Some SOUUULL searchin’… A war was brewing… On one side… The Rock… Big Show… Triple H… even Eddie Guerrero… On the other… ‘Stone Cold’ Steve Austin… The Undertaker… Vince and Shane McMahon… and then… and then the unTHINKable… A fracture… a splinter… in the Four Man Power Trip… and then Shane brings in an ARMY… A war was brewing… and now… The war is HERE…” Rock paused… he breathed in deeply threw his nose… and then went back to it… The Rock: “World Wrestling Federation… The Rock’s HOME… is under threat… World Championship Wrestling… The enemy… They’re at the door… a war was brewing, and it is HERE… So The ROCK SAYS… THIS… WCW… Shane McMahon… Eric Bischoff… Send someone out to the ring… RIGHT NOW…!! Because The Rock is here… to defend his HOME…!!” Rocky threw the microphone down, and then began to pace… A cameraman was shown running through the corridors in the back, first-person style… and Rock’s pacing stopped… Whatever was happening, had Rocky’s attention… The cameraman turned a corner… Then another… Then he came to a stop outside a dressing room door… A hand reached out… and knocked on the door… And then this man walked out of it… GOLDBERG…!! GOLDBERG was HERE, on Smackdown… On The Rock’s show…!! He stomped through the corridors, and then out onto the stage and to the ring… The crowd didn’t know whether to cheer or boo him… Rock didn’t know whether to welcome him, or fight him… But he didn’t get much of a choice… As soon as Goldberg entered the ring, he sprinted at ‘The Great One’ and hit a SPEAR…!! Goldberg wasted no time, in hoisting The Rock up, and dropping him with a ‘Jackhammer’… He screamed at the crowd, and looked utterly dominant against ‘The Great One’…!! The announce team said that on RAW, we’re hoping for more clarification on the WCW situation… But until then, more questions than answers tonight once again…!! Quick Results: Steve Blackman [def.] Scotty Too Hotty Haku & Umaga [def.] Perfect and Sexay The Hardy Boyz [def.] Edge and Christian Kidman [def.] Hardcore Holly Batista [def.] Billy Gunn Eddie Guerrero & Rey Mysterio [def.] Kurt Angle & Chris Jericho Show Rating: 83 WCW HISTORY *by Togg* | SHOW HISTORY | CURRENT ROSTER | THE CHAMPIONS
  3. This looks great so far my friend. Hearing names like Mason Ryan makes me smile! Thought it was an invasion from TNA at first with AJ, and then Aries... I'll be following along
  4. > Scotty Too Hotty [vs] ‘The Lethal Weapon’ Steve Blackman Haku & Umaga w/ Rikishi [vs] Perfect and Sexay Edge & Christian [vs] The Hardy Boyz w/ Senior Benjamin Hardcore Holly w/ Val, Molly & Crash [vs] Kidman w/ Razor Ramon & Bill DeMott Billy Gunn w/ K-Kwik [vs] ‘The Animal’ Batista w/ Brock Lesnar, Paul Heyman & JBL Eddie Guerrero and Rey Mysterio [vs] Kurt Angle and Chris Jericho
  5. MARCH 2002, WEEK 4 In The Booth: Jim Ross, Michael Cole and Tazz Building A Cabinet… We kicked off the show with John Bradshaw Layfield (JBL) heading to the ring, to a chorus of boos… Layfield told the crowd they can boo as much as they like, but it won’t deter him from the important business he wants to get to tonight… JBL: “I am a WRESTLING… GOD… So I don’t need your adulation… I’ve been looking back through the annuls… Guys like HBK Shawn Michaels… paid a young Diesel… a little of his GOOD money… To be his bodyguard…!! And then he made GREAT money… And there are COUNTLESS examples of this… Guy pays a bigger guy to be his ‘muscle’… Both guys climb the ladder of success…” Layfield confirmed that he had invested his Poker winnings into businesses, and entrepreneurially opportunities… JBL: “And I’ve also taken the money people used to pay ME, to protect, THEM… and invested that… Back when I was in the APA, I got a lot of money… But I never rose up the card like I should… and now… with my extra cash… I have invested in some back up… But I didn’t go for just ONE ‘bodyguard’… I went for TWO… and not only that… I got one of their managers too… So… Joining my ‘Cabinet’… ‘The Animal’ Batista…!! ‘The Next Big Thing’ Brock Lesnar… and PAUL HEYMAN…!!” JBL and Heyman raised the hands of the two young studs in the ring with them, as the announce team commented on how unstoppable, and unbearable JBL will be from now on… They also confirmed that this wouldn’t be the only huge announcement tonight, as WWF Chairman Vince McMahon has promised a change that’s coming to the company, that’ll shake the wrestling business to its very core…!! Vince, Shane and Triple H will be live, in the same ring, at the same time… Will we find out who attacked Vince during their match at WrestleMania, and then took out ‘The Game’ after the match…?! w/ Rikishi © w/ The Bloodline [vs] Big Boss Man A great match to kick off the RAW after WrestleMania, which is normally a packed show. There was no space for a Hardcore Title Match last night, so Big Boss Man got his shot tonight against ‘Kishi. The big Samoan’s back up stopped any interferences, and effectively removed the 24/7 rule. In the end, after a hard-hitting bout, with multiple weapons used, Rikishi scored the win with his ‘Rikishi Driver’. 74 Winner: and STILL Hardcore Champion: Rikishi w/ The Bloodline Finish: 'Rikishi Driver' AND NEW…!! After watching a clip of Eddie Guerrero capturing his first WWF World Heavyweight Championship at WrestleMania 18 last night, we came back live to see Eddie stood holding his new Belt, and looking incredibly proud of his achievement… Rey Mysterio then walked up... Rey congratulated his best friend, and the two embraced… Rey looked so proud, but then joked that he wants to be first in line for a Title shot… As Eddie was about to say “any time, any place”, as he believed they’d tare the house down, Kurt Angle came into the room… and he had his friend, Intercontinental Champion: Chris Jericho with him… Kurt Angle: “Eddie… That’s not how this works… You don’t just HAND Title shots to your friends… Title shots have to be EARNED… Do you realise, how LUCKY you were last night… Not just against Austin in the Main Event, but also against ME in the opening match… I’m STILL the Number One Contender for that…” Angle pointed at the Belt on Eddie’s shoulder, but left his finger on the Gold for too long… Eddie grabbed his wrist and slowly removed it… Eddie Guerrero: “Any time… Any place amigo… We’d have a great match again… and I WELCOME the challenge…” Chris Jericho: “Hey!! Careful what you wish for Guerrero!! Tonight, you’re fighting Chris Benoit in the Main Event…!! Now THAT’LL be a challenge…” w/ WWF Tag Team Champions: Regal & Malenko [vs] Terri’s Boys (Albert & Perry Saturn) w/ Terri Another excellent match here, with the newly crowned WWF Tag Team Champions taking on a rough and tough duo in Albert and Saturn. ‘Terri’s Boys’ are hard to move around the ring in a meaningful way, given their strength and size. However, once Regal got Saturn on the ground, they were the same size. And the brilliant Brit locked him up in the ‘Regal Stretch’ for the win. 76 Winners: WWF Tag Team Champions: Regal & Malenko Finish: 'Regal Stretch' Foley Me Once… WWF Commissioner was backstage watching the action next, and commented on how great William Regal was… He said the Brit knows what he’s doing, and that everyone, in every role in the company, could learn from the British brawler… Behind Foley, the Fax machine began whirring, and Foley acted like he didn’t know how to respond, or what to do… He slowly removed the print out, and read it out loud… Mick Foley: “Oh… It’s from Vince McMahon himself… Ahem… “Mick… Given tonight’s huge announcement, I have a very special role for you… I need you… to…” Oh what the hell is…?! Ugh… “I need you… to take TAJIRI under your wing, and help him with learning our language… He’s an incredible talent, yadda yadda yada… kicks people hard… blah blah blah… but doesn’t speak a lick of English… I need you to make him your ASSISTANT…?! Yours sincerely… Vince McMahon…”… Well by gaad…” Foley put his hands on his hips, and didn’t know what to make of the situation… Looks like Tajiri is going to be the assistant to the WWF Commissioner from now on…!! w/ Local Enhancement Talent [vs] ‘The Next Big Thing’ Brock Lesnar w/ Paul Heyman, JBL & Batista Before tonight, people thought Brock Lesnar and Batista were on a collision course. People looked forward to the time the two young studs clashed 1 on 1 in the ring, as it was sure to be a great match. Now though, they’re on the same side, as the hired guns of Joh Bradshaw Layfield. Brock picked up an easy win here against what looked like a veteran local talent. 45 Winner: ‘The Next Big Thing’ Brock Lesnar w/ Paul Heyman, JBL & Batista Finish: 'F5' The Al Snow Show… Coming Soon… Next up, we learnt that Al Snow will be bringing some familiar faces BACK to the Al Snow Show on Smackdown… as he invites Kidman, Razor Ramon and Bill DeMott to the ring, to discuss their actions from last time – where they attacked Snow for ‘knowing too much’… Al will look to get to the bottom of their comments about something ‘bigger’ coming… and how it will affect the WWF landscape going forward… Aftermath Of The Compound… We saw footage of the fight at the Compound between Kane and Matt Hardy… which also involved Lita, Nidia, Shelton Benjamin, and the Bucks Of Youth (Christopher Vanguard and Brian Skarsgard)… We then came back live at the Compound… where Matt and co were clearing up the mess made by the brawl with the ‘Big Red Monster’… Jeff Hardy was also there helping to clear up… despite not being present for the fight due to his WrestleMania 18 Match in the ring with Rey Mysterio… Matt Hardy: “Gentlemen… With Kearne (Kane) in the Dungeon, we can move on with the rest of our lives…” Christopher Vanguard: “Uhh Matt…? Is Kane going toooo… learn to wrestle in the Dungeon…?!” Matt slapped Vanguard… Matt Hardy: “Learning to wrestle, in a DUNGEON…?! That’s the most REEDEECULOUS thing I’ve ever heard… No no Vanguard… Kearne will spend the rest of his meeeserable days… in the Dungeon… and we need to have a plan to guard him, and make sure he can’t escape…!! Hahaaaaaa…!!” w/ ‘The Wrestler’s Wrestler’ Steven Richards [vs] Mr. Perfect w/ Mr. Sexay Richards and Mr. Perfect are similar characters, but one acts humbly, the other is cocky and arrogant. Richards is ‘The Wrestler’s Wrestler’, and acts like he feels he shouldn’t be receiving the adulation he does, and he performed very week in this match. Perfect hates the fans, and he seemed to hate Richards even more. Eventually, he came off the top rope for an axe-handle smash, but was caught under the chin with the ‘Stevie Kick’! 71 Winner: ‘The Wrestler’s Wrestler’ Steven Richards Finish: 'Stevie Kick' The Greatest Tag Teams… Edge was in the back next, nursing a couple of wounds from the six-man Ladder Match for the Intercontinental Title… when in walked his tag team partner Christian, who returned last night, but isn’t cleared to compete yet… Christian: “Hey man, I know last night wasn’t easy, but keep your chin up, okay…?? You’ve done great on your own… buuuuut I’m back… and on Smackdown, I’m gonna be cleared… Soo… Whaddya say we get back to being US, and for old times sake, we take on our old friends The Hardy Boyz!?” Edge loved the idea, and Christian said he’d go and ‘pitch’ it to Mick Foley right now…!! Looks like we’re going to get Edge and Christian versus The Hardyz on Smackdown… but as the segment looked like it was over, Edge’s ‘girlfriend’? Trish Stratus was shown listening in… w/ Marty Jannetty w/ Jerry Lynn [vs] ‘The Lethal Weapon’ Steve Blackman Steve Blackman picked up his second win on the bounce here, with a great display against the struggling Jannetty. The former Rocker is winding down his singles career, and seems more suited to tag team wrestling at his age now. That said, he fought hard, and was unlucky in the end as he missed an elbow drop off the top rope and soon found himself tapping to the ‘Dragon Sleeper’ from Blackman. 62 Winner: ‘The Lethal Weapon’ Steve Blackman Finish: 'Dragon Sleeper' Val’s Vows… Backstage, the fan favourite tag team of Val Venis and Hardcore Holly were talking… with Holly keen to hear whether his friend and his Cousin Molly Holly were ‘just fooling around’, or ‘getting more serious’… Val Venis: “I don’t know, man… It’s still early days… I’ll tell you this though… I really like her… Like, a LOT… I’ve never felt this way before… I just… I just hope she feels the same way…?!” Holly said he thought Molly did feel the same way… and that he was glad to hear it about Val… Icon Versus Streak… We saw clips from last night again now, as The Rock went 1 on 1 with The Undertaker… with ‘The American Badass’ putting his undefeated WrestleMania streak on the line… ‘Taker came out on top, and moved to 10 and 0 in the end, and we heard that Rocky… along with D’Lo Brown and Faarooq, would not be here at all tonight as they recover from small injuries… The three former members of the group: The Nation of Domination, will all appear on Smackdown… We’ll hear from all three of them, as it pertains to their future plans, following their respective defeats at ‘Mania… Rock losing to Undertaker, and D’Lo and Faarooq being a part of the six-man Ladder Match for the Intercontinental Title, won by the retaining Chris Jericho… ‘Latino Heat’ Eddie Guerrero [vs] ‘The Crippler’ Chris Benoit With the potentially huge announcement from Vince McMahon looming, and coming up after this match, the crowd were fired up. Eddie and Benoit know each other well, and they worked well here tonight too. Benoit was on fire, and looked determined to beat the WWF World Heavyweight Champion. But Eddie is as resilient as they come, and he fought out of every submission hold Benoit locked in, and every pin fall attempt. For the finish, Benoit was looking for a Superplex, but Eddie fought him off, and he fell from the second rope. Eddie hopped up to the top rope, and hit his ‘Frog Splash’ to score the win! 85 Winner: ‘Latino Heat’ Eddie Guerrero Finish: 'Frog Splash' One Year Later Than In Real Life… Vince, Shane, Steve Austin and The Undertaker headed to the ring following the Main Event, and passed Eddie Guerrero on the ramp… Austin looked at Eddie, as if their paths will cross again soon… but their s**t was on pause tonight, with Vince telling us all of a HUGE announcement… He kicked off the segment, by bringing out his daughter Stephanie McMahon and his Son-In-Law Triple H… Vince McMahon: “First of all, I’d like to… reluctantly… congratulate ‘The GAME’… Triple H, on beating myself and my son Shane at WrestleMania 18 last night… and as a result… Triple H is now being brought IN to the decision making, and board meetings involving the World Wrestling Federation…” Vince extended a handshake to Triple H… and he also reluctantly shook Vince’s hand… But the Chairman of the WWF told everyone he had a much bigger announcement tonight, and he was keen to get right to it… Vince McMahon: “So, without further ado… Please welcome… a man I never thought we’d see on Monday Night RAW… My former rival… ERIC… BISCHOFF…!!” The crowd couldn’t believe it… ERIC BISCHOFF…?! The Senior Vice President of World Championship Wrestling… the rival promotion to the World Wrestling Federation, who had been struggling for a while… But what was he doing on RAW…?! He strolled to the ring, and glared at ‘Stone Cold’ Steve Austin when he arrived… and then stood behind a podium in the ring… laying out a dossier of paperwork on it, and adjusting his collar… The crowd were stunned, but they had enough about them to boo him out of the building as he spoke… Eric Bischoff: “Ladies and Gentlemen… I am here tonight… To transfer ownership… of World Championship Wrestling… To Mr. McMahon, here… EFFECTIVE IMMEDIATELY… You now own… W… C… W…!!” Vince smiled, and walked towards Bischoff… But the WCW Senior Vice President said “No… Not you Vince… The OTHER Mr. McMahon…” and Vince was confused… then he suddenly realised what was happening… Shane dropped to his knees, and hit a LOW BLOW on his Father…!! He then spun around and sprayed Pepper Spray into Triple H’s eyes, before anyone could react…!! Austin and ‘Taker stood off him a little, not wanting to get sprayed too… but they were jumped by three masked men…!! Potentially the same three men who attacked Vince McMahon and Triple H last night at WrestleMania 18, they took Austin and Undertaker down, and dragged them out under the ropes… Triple H staggered around, and Shane dropped him with a PEDIGREE…!! He laid out next to Vince, as Stephanie cowered in the corner… Austin was power bombed through the announcer’s table… Undertaker managed to fight off the man he was fighting with, but was then jumped by the other two… As great as he is ‘The American Badass’ stood no chance 3 on 1… They beat him down, and then slammed the ring steps into his face… before climbing into the ring… Eric Bischoff: “That’s right Vince… You STUPID… SONOFA… B***H… The contract DOES read Mr. McMahon… But it reads… Mr. SHANE… McMahon…” Shane McMahon: “Hey Dad… If you can hear me, hear this… I NOW OWN… W… C… W…!!” Shane ushered the three masked men back into the ring, and told them to remove their masks… And they were revealed as three young studs from WCW, who have been having an incredible 12 months… Mark Jindrak… Chuck Palumbo… and Sean O’Haire… Jim Ross: “What does this MEAN…?! WCW are HERE… Shane McMahon owns the company… He’s turned his back on his Family… He’s… It’s WAR…!! RAW… is WAR…!!” And the RAW after WrestleMania was over… Quick Results: Rikishi [def.] Big Boss Man to retain the Hardcore Championship Regal & Malenko [def.] Terri’s Boys Brock Lesnar [def.] Local Enhancement Talent Steven Richards [def.] Mr. Perfect Steve Blackman [def.] Marty Jannetty Eddie Guerrero [def.] Chris Benoit Show Rating: 81 WCW HISTORY *by Togg* | SHOW HISTORY | CURRENT ROSTER | THE CHAMPIONS
  6. This was so needed. The roster looks so bland in the original data. They're all bald and generic looking There's almost NO hair!! So the tash on Bedlam is great in my opinion! I tried alting some a few years back to make them less generic... HERE.
  7. > WWF Hardcore Title Match: Rikishi © w/ The Bloodline [vs] Big Boss Man WWF Tag Team Champions: Regal & Malenko [vs] Terri’s Boys (Albert & Perry Saturn) w/ Terri ??? [vs] ‘The Next Big Thing’ Brock Lesnar w/ Paul Heyman ‘The Wrestler’s Wrestler’ Steven Richards [vs] Mr. Perfect w/ Mr. Sexay Marty Jannetty w/ Jerry Lynn [vs] ‘The Lethal Weapon’ Steve Blackman ‘Latino Heat’ Eddie Guerrero [vs] ‘The Crippler’ Chris Benoit
  8. I'd say that's a big fat no from me mate. I just can't handle a women's division well when I write a diary/book a promotion. The way I do things, a TV show has 6-7 matches on it. And then between 6 and 12 non-wrestling segments. If I had a women's division, I'd want to devote at least 1 match, and 2 promos per TV show the division. Then when it comes to PPV, I do 7 or 8 matches, and I'd have to devote 1 to the Women's Division. How do I justify choosing a 'feud' over a Women's Title Match? After a while, you realise you're only having Women's Title Matches on PPV, and nothing else, and it gets old quick.
  9. WWF Heavyweight Title: Held By: ‘Latino Heat’ Eddie Guerrero Days as Champion: 0 Defences: 0 Prestige: 94 (no change) Previous Champions – since May 2001 ‘Stone Cold’ Steve Austin (5) - [Week 1, April, 2001 – Week 3, March, 2002] WWF Intercontinental Title: Held By: Chris Jericho (4) Days as Champion: 141 Defences: 4 Prestige: 71 (no change) Previous Champions – since May 2001 Test – [Week 3, September, 2001 – Week 3, October, 2001] Triple H – [April 2001 – Week 3, September, 2001] WWF Tag Team Titles: Held By: Regal and Malenko Days as Champion: 0 Defences: 0 Prestige: 70 (no change) Previous Champions – since May 2001 Perfect and Sexay – [Week 4, January, 2002 – Week 3, March, 2002] Edge and Christian (8) – [Week 3, November, 2001 – Week 4, January, 2002] Titles VACANT Triple H & Steve Austin – [Week 4, April, 2001 – Week 2, October, 2001] WWF Light Heavyweight Title: Held By: Jeff Hardy Days as Champion: 57 Defences: 2 Prestige: 43 (no change) Previous Champions – since May 2001 Marty Jannetty – [Week 3, May, 2001 – Week 3, January, 2002] Jerry Lynn – [Week 4, April, 2001 – Week 3, May, 2001] WWF Hardcore Title: Held By: Rikishi Days as Champion: 13 Defences: 0 Prestige: 43 (no change) Previous Champions – since May 2001 The Undertaker – [Week 1, January, 2002 – Week 2, March, 2002] Hardcore Holly (7) – [Week 3, August, 2001 – Week 1, January, 2002] Rhyno – [Week 3, April, 2001 – Week 3, August, 2001] WWF King Of The Ring: Won in June 2001 By: Kurt Angle (2) Prestige: 100 Previous Winners 2000 Kurt Angle 1999 Billy Gunn 1998 Ken Shamrock 1997 Triple H 1996 Steve Austin
  10. Thanks man I've got lots more in the can and am currently writing Judgement Day TheBigBad1013 and Smasher1311 have won a Prediction Prize, so keep an eye on your inboxes!!
  11. Yup :D Haha!! FFS... Time to recalculate everyone's prediction scores! 'Taker keeps letting me down ratings wise. Eddie, Angle and Austin are my go-to guys for 90+ with almost everyone they work with.
  12. In The Booth: Jim Ross, Michael Cole and Tazz We kicked off this historic WrestleMania with the band Saliva performing their new song ‘Superstar’ LIVE in front of the Toronto crowd… It seemed to go down well with the fans in attendance, who had arrived in Canada from all over the world… As Saliva were finishing up, Eddie Guerrero came onto the stage, and applauded the fans, before making his way to the ring… An instant classic to kick off WrestleMania 18 here, with two men at the top of their game, and in their absolute prime. Eddie and Angle are two future megastars of the WWF, and tonight could be the biggest night of both of their careers so far. For Angle, the mission was clear. Beat Eddie and turn the Main Event into Eddie versus Kurt versus ‘Stone Cold’ Steve Austin for the WWF World Heavyweight Title. For Eddie, even clearer. Just survive! Angle was dominant here, throwing him around with ease. Eddie landed on his head a couple of times, and took a nasty German Suplex into the ropes too. Angle also attempted a few submission holds, but ‘Latino Heat’ held on, and frustrated the former Olympian. For the finish, Angle was attempting a Superplex from the top rope, but Eddie fought him off and he landed hard. Eddie signalled it was time for the ‘Frog Splash’, but before he could hit it, Angle hopped up to join him up there and throw Guerrero up and over his head! However, the Royal Rumble winner was ready for it, and as Angle got up there, he popped him in the eye with a well-placed thumb! Angle landed hard again, Eddie shrugged, and then came off the top rope with the ‘Frog Splash’ to score a big win! 90 Winner: ‘Latino Heat’ Eddie Guerrero Finish: 'Frog Splash' New and Next… We took a look at a ‘Heat Pre-Show’ re-cap next, where we first saw highlights of Brock Lesnar’s victory… ‘The Next Big Thing’ barely broke a sweat against an unknown local name: Eric Young… And then right after that, was the Four-Way WWF Tag Team Title Match, as the Champions Perfect and Sexay took on Albert and Perry Saturn… Hardcore Holly and Val Venis… and William Regal and Dean Malenko… and it was Regal and Malenko who picked up the win, with Malenko making Mr. Perfect tap out to the ‘Texas Cloverleaf’…!! Regal and Malenko are the NEW WWF World Tag Team Champions!! **OOC Note: I decided to take the Tag Titles off of Perfect and Sexay at the earlies opportunity… Perfect showed up drunk twice in the last few weeks, and I can’t keep sending one of my Champions home… It’s a shame for Sexay, who, despite his issues, has remained well behaved… However, the long term plan is for this to turn into a ‘Mr.’ stable of some kind… I’ve got Mr. Kennedy (Kennedy) in developmental, and I could call anyone Mr. something at any time and add them… This can happen with or without Perfect if I fire him!! A great match here, that the crowd were really into. Jeff and Rey flew all around the ring and ringside area, and the running strikes were at times, brutal. Jeff hit a flying kick from the apron to the floor, and his spot where he runs the guard rail. Rey hit a springboard cross-body from the inside of the ring to the outside, and then followed that up with his hurricanrana in the middle of the ring for a near fall. It was clear late on that Jeff was reaching out for his Brother, Matt, or any member of The Hardy Family, but he had no help at all out there. The Family are all at the Compound, ‘protecting’ Matt, who has a match AT The Compound, against ‘The Big Red Machine’ Kane. It all meant that Jeff was alone, but he seemed to remember that fact every now and then, but forget the rest of the time. For the finish, Jeff feigned injury and pretended he was looking for Matt and co. As he hung on the second rope, Rey went for the ‘619’, but Jeff had him scouted, and he caught his legs. ‘The Rainbow Haired Warrior’ pulled Rey back into the ring, and slammed him with a side slam. He hit the ‘Twist Of Fate’, and then followed it up with the ‘Swanton Bomb’ to retain the Light Heavyweight Title. 72 Winner: and STILL Light Heavyweight Champion: ‘Brother’ Jeff Hardy Finish: 'Swanton Bomb' Back Back… In an unexpected segment, which got a huge reaction, Edge was preparing for his upcoming six-way Ladder Match, when injured WWF competitor and former EIGHT TIME WWF Tag Team Champion Christian, made his return to the company!! Edge was delighted to see his best friend (technically his brother!?), and gave him a big hug… He asked Christian if he was back… or if he was ‘back back’…!! Christian: “I’m back… But I’ll be ‘back back’ in a couple of weeks…!! But listen, it’s not about me tonight… I want you to go out there, and WIN the Intercontinental Championship… You deserve it bro… and I’ll be right back here, watching every second of it…!!” Edge embraced his best friend again, and the two shared a laugh about Chris Jericho and his recent antics… What neither of them saw though, was Trish Stratus, who was stood in the background looking like she was up to no good… The Bloodline are an intimidating group, and they looked like extremely dangerous opponents as they made their way to the ring. Kidman, Razor Ramon and Bill DeMott waited on the outside of the ring as the Pacific Islanders carried out their menacing entrance. The plan for Kidman and co. was to isolate Rikishi in their corner, and stop him tagging in the rough, tough, Haku, or the wild and crazy Umaga. It was an excellent strategy, but it was only ever going to work for a short amount of time. As soon as big ‘Kish got some space, he brought Haku in, and the momentum swung completely. Razor stayed out of the way of all three Bloodline members for as long as he could, but was eventually the man pinned when Umaga hit his ‘Samoan Spike’ on ‘The Bad Guy’. 67 Winners: The Bloodline – Haku, Rikishi & Umaga Finish: 'Samoan Spike' Canadian Worries…?! Backstage, WWF interviewer Jonathan Coachman caught up with Intercontinental Champion Chris Jericho… Coach: “Chris… Chris… I know you got a lot on your plate… but I have to ask… Christian just returned… in his home Country of Canada… Tonight, not only do you face another Canadian in Edge… and then D’Lo Brown, Faarooq and JBL are all going to be in that match… but, are you worried about a different Canadian…?! A man you thought you could trust… in Chris Benoit…?!” Jericho looked angered by the questions… and shook his head at Coach… Chris Jericho: “First of all Joshua… I was BORN… In New York City… (the crowd booed, loudly)… I live… in New York CITAAYYY… The only thing Canadian about me, are my parents… and they SUCK… because they’re Canadian…!!” The crowd tried to put him off with ‘WHAT?’ chants, but Jericho just ignored them and carried on… Chris Jericho: “Yu know something Joseph… I am very much, NOT, worried about Chris Benoit… I’ve fired ‘The Crippler’ UP in recent weeks… and a fired up ‘Crippler’ is EXACTLY what I want… And as for Christian… I HATE him… and if he comes out tonight, before he’s officially cleared to compete… I’ll end his CAREER…!!” With Shaquille O’Neal as the ‘Special Guest Enforcer’, Triple H could relax a little and focus on beating Vince and Shane McMahon, instead of having to look over his shoulder and keep eyes on the back of his head in the worry that The Undertaker or ‘Stone Cold’ Steve Austin might attack him from behind. Later on in the match, ‘The Game’ managed to even the odds even further, when he HANDCUFFED Shane to the top rope!! Shane was furious, but it meant that Triple H could go after his Dad Vince McMahon 1 on1 for a little while. ‘The Game’ kicked Shane a few times, and knocked him down with some chair shots too. For the finish, the unbiased Big Shaq pulled Shane’s handcuffs apart, and released him from his shackles!! Shane and Vince managed to do some damage to Triple H 2 on 1 again, but a stray right elbow from Shane that caught big Shaq in the gut changed things. The elbow looked accidental, but given their history in recent weeks, Shaq wasn’t going to accept any kind of apology from Shane. He threw the son of a Billionaire over the guard rail, and followed him into the crowd. Back in the ring, Vince McMahon had cut Triple H open with a chair shot, and was closing in on a victory. Just then… A powerful looking man in a balaclava arrived at ringside, slid under the bottom rope, and smashed into Vince!! He picked the WWF Chairman up, and hit a spinning back fist which knocked the Chairman out. Triple H regained his composure, to hit a ‘Pedigree’, and he got the win. 80 Winner: ‘The Game’ Triple H Finish: 'Pedigree' Cut In… Triple H’s victory means he’s now ‘Cut In’ to the decision making process of the Board of WWF Directors… but something caught ‘The Game’s’ eye, and he began to glare at the masked man… He didn’t look too surprised to see the guy, and the announce team suggested that he could have been in on the whole thing… That was until two MORE masked men arrived behind ‘The Game’…!! All three men looked impressively built, and they made light work of Triple H in a 3 on 1 beatdown… Nobody knew what the hell we just witnessed… Masked men helping Triple H to beat Vince and Shane McMahon… and then attacking ‘The Game’ after the match…!! More questions than answers here for sure… Settling In… Backstage, Coach was once again looking for an interview, and this time he found Light Heavyweight Champion Jeff Hardy… Coach: “Jeff… An amazing Title defence earlier tonight against Rey Mysterio… But… shouldn’t you be on the way to the Hardy Compound…?!” Jeff’s brother Matt has an interesting challenge coming up later tonight, as ‘The Big Red Machine’ Kane visits the Hardy Compound for a MATCH…!! But Matt had already confirmed that Jeff would not be able to be at the Compound to help defend it… Instead, he’ll be relying on ‘Senior’ Shelton Benjamin… Christopher Vanguard… and Brian Skarsgard… as well has he and his Brother’s girlfriends: Lita and Nidia… Jeff Hardy: “I looked at flights, man… I could have left right after my match, but it’s still gonna take the best part of three hours to fly from North Carolina… Then I gotta get to the Compound from the airport… I gotta get to the airport here tonight too… So I decided to just settle in and watch the Compound Match, from here…” Up before that match though, we had the Six Man Ladder Match, for the Intercontinental Title…!! There were so many stories heading into this one. Firstly John Bradshaw Layfield’s relationship with Farooq. They used to be best friends, but JBL turned his back on his tag team partner, and is now out for himself. D’Lo Brown called JBL’s new attitude months ago, and warned Faarooq not to trust him. He saw the signs, and JBL has, up until this past week, avoided fighting D’Lo 1 on 1. Edge failed to win the Intercontinental Title at No Way Out, following a double count-out against Jericho. He’s helped D’Lo in his feud with JBL and co. but D’Lo has also called Edge out, and doesn’t trust the Canadian fan favourite either! If ‘The Real Deal’ is still as good of a judge of character as he was with the JBL situation, then Edge is not to be trusted either! As for Chris Jericho and Chris Benoit, the two Canadian technicians have been on the same page for a long time now, with Benoit being made to do Jericho’s bidding for a long time. However, ‘The Crippler’ has said that if the chance came, he’d climb the ladder, and retrieve the Title, and TAKE it from Jericho! Benoit was just one of five men who had chances to climb the ladder in this one. Every challenger came close to winning, as did ‘The Egomaniac’ Champion himself. Faarooq was the most dominant competitor tonight, using the ladders as weapons and slamming his opponents across them at every opportunity. A spinebuster to Edge, on JBL, on a ladder, was a real highlight, but after two close attempts at grabbing the Title, Faarooq was taken out of the match by his former tag team partner. Their fight went all over the arena, and JBL shoved him off the stage and he fell from a height onto some wiring equipment and crashed through some tables. JBL never made it back to the ring after their vicious brawl. D’Lo Brown also went through two tables. These ones had been set up in the ring by Edge, who shoved ‘The Real Deal’ off a ladder, and his night was over. For the finish, Edge and Benoit were fighting at the top of the ladder. Both men had touched the Title, with their home-town crowd going wild. But ‘Y2J’ slid into the ring, and hit them both with a baseball bat! Benoit on the ankle, and Edge on the lower back! Both men fell to the mat, and ‘The Egomaniac’ climbed up to retrieve and retain his Championship! 80 Winner: and STILL Intercontinental Champion: ‘Y2J’ Chris Jericho Finish: 'Item Retrieval' The Hardy Compound… While the chaos of the last match was cleared up, and competitors were taken off to various hospitals, we headed to the Hardy Compound… for the arrival of ‘The Big Red Machine’ Kane…!! The scene began with Matt Hardy rallying his troops, and putting them into position to keep the Compound safe. First though, he wanted to make sure his girlfriend Lita was safe, so he sent her and Nidia to the ‘Safe Room’, and they shut and locked themselves in. The great thing about the safe room, is that the girls could see all the CCTV cameras in the house, and they could use walkie-talkies to stay in touch with the men defending them. However, as the girls sat down to watch the camera feeds, the light in the room was turned out!! When it came back on, KANE was stood behind them!! ‘The Big Red Machine’s’ arrival scared Nidia so much, she ran into the wall and fell over a sofa onto the floor. Lita shivered in pure fear, but the lights went out again, and we cut to Matt Hardy. He’d stationed ‘The Bucks Of Youth’ Christopher Vanguard and Brian Skarsgard at the front door, and he’d given them a weapon each. Vanguard held a short, rusty looking, fire poker over his shoulder, while Skarsgard had an umbrella in both hands. The two youngsters paced back and forth as if they were in the military. Matt then headed to the back door and the kitchen, where ‘Senior’ Shelton Benjamin was stationed. At first, he couldn’t find his right hand man for the night, but then his worst fears were realised… Shelton was hanging upside down from the ceiling of the larder. His feet tied together, and he was knocked out cold!! Matt panicked, and got on the radio to Lita and Nidia… There was no answer from either of them, so he called The Bucks Of Youth to come to the kitchen. He said Kane was IN the house, and they needed to find him. Vanguard and Skarsgard arrived quickly after, and the three of them cut Shelton down, before running to the Safe Room again. They used the code to open the door, and found Nidia and Lita both down on the floor. Matt went to Lita, and she coughed and spluttered, but we heard a commotion outside. Vanguard had been thrown through a glass cabinet, and Skarsgard was being dragged up the stairs by his hair like something out of a horror movie!! Matt decided to run!! He locked the girls back in the Safe Room, and then ran!! He headed down to the basement, where he’d had a wrestling ring bult and set up!! A referee was waiting, and Matt slid into the ring, frantically asking him for help. The ref could only point over Matt’s shoulder though, to where Kane had already climbed onto the apron. He stepped over the top rope, but Matt had one last stand, and one last back-up plan. He used a TASER to take Kane out!! ‘The Big Red Machine’ fell to the floor, and Matt jumped on him. The referee counted to three, and ‘Broken’ Matt scored the win!! 78 Winner: ‘Broken’ Matt Hardy Finish: 'Taser' Out Wrestled… ‘The Wrestler’s Wrestler’ Steven Richards was in the ring when we came back live to the arena… and the fan favourite had a microphone in his hand… We were about to hear from one of the most popular wrestlers in the World Wrestling Federation… Steven Richards: “Listennnnnn… I HATE CANADA…!!” The crowd booed, but Richards began laughing… He doubled over, and slapped his knee, and laughed so hard and for so long, the crowd had no choice but to laugh along with him… Steven Richards: “Relax Canada… I was just ‘teasing’ a heel turn… Now, I’m not sure what that means exactly… but I may try to ‘swerve’ you later… Although I’m guessing I shouldn’t tell you I was going to do that…?! I’m really not sure at this p…” Before he could finish, ‘The Animal’ Batista headed to the ring to a big ovation… Richards offered Batista the microphone, but ‘The Animal’ threw it back at him, and it bounced off his head… Batista then unleashed his ‘Spear’ once he’d created separation, and Richards was done… Batista left the ring, and headed for the back… However, he was stopped on the ramp at the arrival of ‘The Next Big Thing’ Brock Lesnar, and his manager Paul Heyman… Brock didn’t even look at Batista, but Heyman made sure he kept his distance from the intimidating newcomer… Speaking of intimidating, Brock Lesnar slid into the ring behind Richards, and hit his ‘F5’ on ‘The Wrestler’s Wrestler’… Paul Heyman picked up the microphone… Paul Heyman: “Ladies and Gentlemen… I give to you… ‘The NEXT… BIG… THING’… BROCKKK… LLLLESNAR…!! We have some concerns… Number One, this idiot calls himself ‘The Wrestler’s Wrestler’… Well Brock is a ‘Wrestler’, and he doesn’t recognise Steven Richards as his ‘Peer’… and certainly not his equal… However… BATISTA… Brock and I DO… recognise ‘The Animal’… We see you Batista… We see you… and while it may seem that Brock and Batista are on a collision course… I believe there are other plans for you two unstoppable BEASTS…!!” Cryptic from Heyman, but we expect nothing less… The Rock and The Undertaker are two staples of the World Wrestling Federation, and they’re never far away from the Main Event of any show. Tonight, they were the ‘Co-Main’, but there could have been three or four ‘Main Events’ here at WrestleMania 18. It certainly wasn’t a ‘One Match Card’. Rock is an ‘Icon’ right now, and can do no wrong in the fans eyes. While Undertaker is part of the group known as the ‘Four Man Power Trip’, alongside ‘Stone Cold’ Steve Austin as well as Vince and Shane McMahon. He can do no right in the fans’ eyes, and everything he did to Rocky tonight was booed out of the building. ‘Snake Eyes’, the big boot that followed, and the legdrop on the edge of the apron, were all met with utter disdain from the Canadian faithful. The loudest boos were for ‘Old School’, as Undertaker removed his elbow pad, and mocked the ‘People’s Elbow’ as he walked the ropes for the move. Not long after ‘The Great One’ rolled ‘The American Badass’ up, but he powered a shoulder out at two! Rock looked for a ‘Rock Bottom’ next, but ‘Taker was ready for him, and he hit a ‘Chokeslam’ straight from hell! It wasn’t long after the failed ‘Rock Bottom’ attempt that ‘The American Badass’ hoisted him up, and planted the Samoan with the brutal ‘Tombstone Piledriver’ to keep his WrestleMania undefeated streak alive! He’s now 10 and 0 at the historic event. 79 Winner: ‘The American Badass’ The Undertaker Finish: 'Tombstone Piledriver' Better Luck Next Time… In the back, Val Venis was packing up his car, when his girlfriend Molly Holly came alongside him… Molly thanked her man for being so kind to her Cousins Hardcore and Crash Holly… and she said he and Hardcore should have won the WWF Tag Team Titles earlier tonight on the Heat Pre-Show… It wasn’t to be tonight, but Val vowed to earn another opportunity soon… he also promised to show Molly some of his home Country of Canada tonight, as the crowd cheered… But now it was time… for the Main Event…!! A tough road for Eddie Guerrero to get here and earn a WWF World Heavyweight Title shot against ‘Stone Cold’ Steve Austin. He won the 30-Man Royal Rumble Match back in January, but then had to go through the always dangerous Kurt Angle earlier tonight. People, including Angle, have questioned Eddie’s calibre, and if he’s good enough to fight for the top prize in the company. But he’s proved it time and time again this year, and looked to do the same against Austin here tonight. This was an excellent way to close the show, after a packed card, and Eddie started extremely brightly. He locked Austin in a Figure Four Leg Lock, and had the crowd believing he was going to win it quickly. Austin managed to reverse the pressure by rolling over onto his front, and both men took some meaningful early punishment. From then on both men took the very best offence each other could offer, and as the match wore on, the respect Austin had for Eddie grew and grew. Eddie managed to kick out of a brilliant pinning combination Austin had, landing sat on Eddie’s chest, he had hold of both legs. But Eddie’s unexpected kick out not only grew Austin’s respect, it also grew his pure anger. ‘The Texas Rattlesnake’ wasn’t popular in Canada before the match, but when he grabbed a microphone mid-way through the match, the live fans really turned on him. He called Eddie’s beloved Mexico ‘America’s underwear’!! But then called Canada an ‘Ass-Hat’, which didn’t go down well. Eddie tried to laugh it off, and re-set himself, and he did a good job of not allowing Austin’s ‘mind-games’ to get in to his head. Austin hit a ‘Stone Cold Stunner’ late on, but Guerrero was able to bounce off of Austin’s shoulder, and out of the ring!! Austin was frustrated, and he followed Eddie out. He lifted Guerrero and dropped him across the guard rail. Austin considered a count out victory, and slid back into the ring on 5. But he got a crisis of conscience, and headed out after his fallen opponent. He slid Eddie back in, and then followed him in. But Eddie was playing possum, he rolled Austin up for a near fall, and then hit a beautiful dropkick as they both got up. ‘The Three Amigos’ followed, before ‘Latino Heat’ headed up to the top rope. He hit a picture perfect ‘Frog Splash’, and landed extremely hard, before crawling into the cover, and somehow winning the WWF World Heavyweight Title!! 92 Winner: and NEW… WWF World Heavyweight Champion… ‘Latino Heat’ Eddie Guerrero!!! Finish: 'Frog Splash' And NEW…!! Eddie did it…!! Eddie Guerrero is the NEW WWF World Heavyweight Champion…!! ‘Latino Heat’ leapt into the crowd, and surrounded himself with the live fans… He threw his hands in the air, as fans congratulated him… People threw trash into the ring at the fallen Austin, who was still lying flat on his back… An amazing ending to an amazing show…!! Quick Results: Eddie Guerrero [def.] Kurt Angle Jeff Hardy [def.] Rey Mysterio to RETAIN the Light Heavyweight Title The Bloodline (Haku, Umaga & Rikishi) [def.] Kidman, Razor Ramon & Bill DeMott Triple H [def.] Vince and Shane McMahon Chris Jericho [def.] Faarooq, JBL, D’Lo Brown, Edge and Chris Benoit to RETAIN the Intercontinental Title Matt Hardy [def.] Kane The Undertaker [def.] The Rock Eddie Guerrero [def.] Steve Austin to WIN the WWF World Heavyweight Title Bonus Questions: [/i] 1). Which Match will be the Match Of The Night...? Eddie versus Angle 2). What will the Overall Rating of the Show be...? 88 (within 5 gets a point, spot on gets 2 points) 3). How many Championships will change hands (out of a possible three)...? One
  13. If this is a fraction, I can't wait to see the rest!! Turns out, you do effin rule!!
  14. ‘Latino Heat’ Eddie Guerrero [vs] ‘Olympic Gold Medallist’ Kurt Angle If Kurt wins, he joins Eddie and Austin in the Main Event for the WWF World Heavyweight Title… Singles Match for the WWF Light Heavyweight Title: ‘The King of Mystery’ Rey Mysterio [vs] ‘Brother’ Jeff Hardy © Six Man Tag Team Match: The Bloodline (Haku, Umaga and Rikishi) [vs] Kidman, Bill DeMott and Razor Ramon 2 on 1 Handicap Match: ‘The Game’ Triple H [vs] Vince & Shane McMahon NBA Star Shaquille O’Neal is the Special Guest Enforcer 6-Way Ladder Match for the Intercontinental Title: Faarooq | D’Lo Brown | Edge | Chris Benoit | Chris Jericho © | John Bradshaw Layfield The Fight At The Compound: ‘The Big Red Machine’ Kane [vs] ‘Broken’ Matt Hardy Icon Versus Streak – Undertaker is 9 and 0 at WrestleMania ‘The Great One’ The Rock [vs] ‘The American Badass’ The Undertaker Singles Match for the WWF World Heavyweight Title ‘Latino Heat’ Eddie Guerrero [vs] ‘Stone Cold’ Steve Austin © Potentially a Triple Threat with Kurt Angle added to the match! Bonus Questions: 1). Which Match will be the Match Of The Night...? __________________ 2). What will the Overall Rating of the Show be...? __________________ (within 5 gets a point, spot on gets 2 points) 3). How many Championships will change hands (out of a possible three)...? __________________
  15. MARCH 2002, WEEK 3… In The Booth: Michael Cole and Tazz No Way Out… We opened the last show before WrestleMania 18 with WWF Commissioner Mick Foley on our screens for a big announcement… Mick Foley: “Ladies and Gentlemen… Tonight, FINALLY, D’Lo Brown and John Bradshaw Layfield will go 1 on 1… If JBL tries to wriggle his way out of it… If JBL does NOT compete tonight, against D’Lo Brown… he will be KICKED OUT of the Intercontinental Title Ladder Match at WrestleMania…!! And now… Let the show begin…!!” ‘The King Of Mystery’ Rey Mysterio [vs] ‘The Crippler’ Chris Benoit Rey and Benoit know each other extremely well, and it lead to an excellent match to open this show. Benoit dominated for much of it, managing to stay away from Rey flying around the ring, and using some stiff strikes to knock him down. However, when Benoit’s ‘friend’ Chris Jericho arrived at ringside, ‘The Crippler’ was badly distracted. Hardly surprising since Jericho was shouting abuse at him from the apron! Rey managed to counter a ‘Crossface’ attempt moments later, and hit the ‘619’ to score the win! 76 Winner: ‘The King Of Mystery’ Rey Mysterio Finish: '619' Making Enemies… Backstage, Edge was shown watching the previous match on a monitor… when Faarooq walked up… The two fan favourites will, along with Jericho and Benoit who we just saw, compete in the six-man Ladder Match at WrestleMania 18… Faarooq asked Edge if he thought John Bradshaw Layfield would compete against D’Lo Brown tonight (the other two men in the Ladder Match)… and Edge said he was almost certain that JBL would find a way to get out of it… Just then, a panicked Chris Jericho came running past, with the Intercontinental Title… Chris Jericho: “Take a good look, yu Stupid Idiots… This is the closest you’re gonna get to this Title come Sunday… It’ll hang high above the ring, and you won’t make it up the ladders…!! I…” Jericho caught Chris Benoit out the corner of his eye, as ‘The Crippler’ was chasing him down…!! ‘Y2J’ got the heck out of there…!! w/ w/ Haku & Umaga w/ Rikishi [vs] The Bucks Of Youth (Skarsgard & Vanguard) w/ Shelton Benjamin Matt Hardy joined the announce team for this one, while Jeff stood over his shoulder. Lita and Nidia remained at the Compound, as Lita continues to recover from Kane’s Tombstone Piledriver at No Way Out. It wouldn’t have mattered if The Bucks Of Youth had had an army out there with them, they were battered by Haku and particularly the wild, fired up, Umaga. The big man hit his ‘Samoan Spike’ on Brian Skarsgard to win it. 64 Winner: Haku & Umaga w/ Rikishi Finish: 'Samoan Spike' Get The Compound Ready… Matt Hardy climbed into the ring once The Bloodline climbed out of it… The ‘Broken’ Hardy Brother was livid at the Bucks Of Youth’s defeat… He helped Brian Skarsgard up to his feet, and then slapped him across the face, knocking him back down again…!! Christopher Vanguard also received a slap, as well as a couple of kicks as he fell down onto the mat… He shouted at ‘Senior’ Benjamin to grab him a microphone… Matt Hardy: “Senior Benjameeeeenn… Don’t you think you’re getting away with it… You lost to Kearne (Kane) on RAW too… but I won’t be hitting you tonight… I neeeeed you… Because come WrestleMania 18… when Kearne comes to the Hardy Compound at WrestleMania… Brother Jeff will NOT be there… so I will need YOU… to be my right, hand, man… Yeeeass!!” Hardy told the Bucks Of Youth to get up… because he’ll need them too… to prepare the battlefield…!! How To Solve A Problem Like Shaq… In his office, the WWF Chairman Vince McMahon had welcomed his son Shane, and the other two members of the Four Man Power Trip: Steve Austin and The Undertaker… Vince McMahon: “I… am a powerful man… But even with all of my power… all of my contacts… I cannot get to Shaquile O’Neal…!! The ‘Enforcer’ for ‘Stone Cold’s’ World Heavyweight Title Match on Sunday… I can’t get to him… So gentlemen… Time for a round table… What do we DO about Shaq…?!” The room fell silent… Shane McMahon winced at the mention of the big NBA star’s name, as Shaq put Shane through a table on RAW… We cut away before any plans were revealed… but it was fairly clear that there were no plans to be revealed anyway…!! ‘The Real Deal’ D’Lo Brown [vs] John Bradshaw Layfield Finally, after months of questioning his integrity, D’Lo Brown got his hands on JBL. The big Texan couldn’t get out of this one, as if he didn’t compete in the match, he’d be kicked out of the Intercontinental Title Ladder Match at WrestleMania 18. He tried to avoid D’Lo for the longest time before tonight, and he tried the same tactic on a smaller scale in the match! D’Lo managed to get some great offence in, and looked like he was going to make light work of the stock market expert. But JBL is a big, strong, badass, and he managed to overpower D’Lo in the end. JBL controlled the pace, hit moves like the Fall Away Slam, and then put D’Lo down with the ‘Clothesline From Hell’. 79 Winner: John Bradshaw Layfield Finish: 'Clothesline From Hell' Playing Games… We cut backstage following JBL’s victory, and found Eddie Guerrero walking through a corridor… He bumped into Triple H…!! Eddie smiled, and Triple H seemed pleasant too… ‘Latino Heat’ has two big matches on Sunday night, while Triple H has two opponents in a Handicap Match, so their WrestleMania fate is intertwined… ‘The Game’ wished Eddie luck against both Kurt Angle and Steve Austin… Eddie thanked his fellow fan favourite, and told him he hopes Triple H is ‘Cut In’ to the running of the company (if he beats Vince and Shane McMahon)… Jushin Thunder Liger [vs] ‘The Japanese Buzzsaw’ Tajiri Liger and Tajiri are two hard-hitting Japanese stars currently competing in America, and they both stand out when they fight. As opponents, the crowd was really into what they were doing, but it was too short to be a classic. For the finish Liger tried to lock Tajiri in a Figure Four Leg Lock, but Tajiri countered out of it, and kicked his masked opponent around the side of his head, and he was beaten. Big win for Tajiri! 55 Winner: ‘The Japanese Buzzsaw’ Tajiri Finish: 'Buzzsaw Kick' Al Snow welcomed his guests for this week: Kidman, Razor Ramon and Bill DeMott… the new group who have been working together on WWF television, and causing chaos… Al had previously promised to try and establish a hierarchy in the group… but that wasn’t forthcoming… Kidman: “There is no, hierarchy between the three of us… We all work towards the same goal… It’s, it’s bigger than us Al…” Al Snow: “Bigger than you…?! So… there’s a leader, but it’s not one of you three…?! Someone we don’t know…!?” Razor Ramon: “EY YO!!... He knows too much boys…” Ramon clicked his fingers, and Bill DeMott attacked Al Snow… Kidman got some kicks in too… Ramon then hoisted him up, and planted him with the ‘Razor’s Edge’…!! Kidman teased hitting the ‘Shooting Star Press’, but told the fans they didn’t deserve to see it… and the group left Al lying in the ring… but not before kicking signs, and chairs over…!! w/ William Regal & Dean Malenko and Hardcore Holly & Val Venis [vs] Perfect & Sexay and Terri’s Boys w/ Terri A great night of in-ring action continued here, with the Tag Champs Perfect & Sexay needing a win here. They had the big, menacing, Albert and Saturn on their side tonight, but these four teams will meet as opponents in a four corners match on the Heat Pre-Show. Perfect got the win tonight, planting Val Venis with his ‘Perfect Plex’ while Albert stopped everyone else from breaking up the pin. 73 Winners: Perfect & Sexay and Terri’s Boys w/ Terri Finish: 'Perfect Plex' The Next Big Match… Backstage, Brock Lesnar and his manager Paul Heyman were walking through an area of the building where a lot of wrestlers were stood or sat, talking to backstage… Spike Dudley kept his distance… Billy Gunn alerted K-Kwik, who had his back to ‘The Next Big Thing’… and Steve Blackman also acknowledged the big man… more out of respect than fear… Then, as Lesnar and Heyman turned a corner, they found ‘The Animal’ Batista stood leaning against a wall with his arms folded… Batista was in Brock’s way, as he was stood in front of the door to the parking lot…and despite an awkward pause, Batista stepped aside and let ‘The Next Big Thing’ pass… Just then, backstage interviewer Coach walked up… The door closed behind Lesnar and Heyman… Coach: “Batista… I HAVE to ask… We got it confirmed earlier today that ‘The Next Big Thing’ Brock Lesnar, will be competing on the Heat Pre-Show for WrestleMania 18… while you don’t have a match at all…!! So we all wanna know… Does it feel like Brock’s leapfrogged you…?! Are you angry that YOU aren’t known as the ‘Next Big Thing’…?!” Batista: “…” Batista didn’t respond… He looked insulted by the questions, but managed to control his anger in a way that Brock may not have been able to… ‘The Animal’ walked in the opposite direction to where Brock and Heyman went, and the segment ended with Coach disappointed that Batista didn’t speak… ‘The Great One’ The Rock [vs] ‘Olympic Gold Medallist’ Kurt Angle Amazing way to end Smackdown, with just three nights to go before WrestleMania 18. Kurt Angle will open the show on that night, fighting Eddie Guerrero for the opportunity to Main Event against ‘Stone Cold’ Steve Austin. The Rock will battle The Undertaker 1 on 1 with ‘The Phenom’s’ undefeated streak at the show on the line. Rock and Angle put on an amazing contest here, as their excellent chemistry as opponents shone through. It started to get busy at ringside towards the end of this one, when first The Undertaker headed out to get a closer look at The Rock. ‘Taker was soon joined by Eddie Guerrero, keen to even things up for Rocky, but also scout Kurt Angle. When ‘Stone Cold’ Steve Austin arrived, Eddie and the WWF World Heavyweight Champion fought a little, and Undertaker had to slam into Eddie to break it up. The commotion distracted Angle, and it allowed The Rock to hit the ‘Rock Bottom’ and score the win. 99 Winner: ‘The Great One’ The Rock Finish: 'Rock Bottom' Enforced… After the match, Rocky celebrated his win, but Undertaker and Austin began attacking Eddie Guerrero… at the request of both Vince and Shane McMahon, who arrived at the conclusion of the match…!! Undertaker then climbed into the ring, and went after The Rock… ‘The Great One’ was ready for him though, and he knocked the big man down… Shane climbed in, and he was put down with a ‘Rock Bottom’…!! Austin slid in too, but again, The Rock got on top with relative ease, despite having just competed in a match… Kurt Angle decided to join the fight, and grabbed The Rock around his legs and hugged him so he couldn’t move… Undertaker unleashed a big boot to the face, and The Rock fell… Undertaker, Austin and Angle all got kicks in, but Rocky soon got some help… Triple H joined the melee… wanting to get one over Vince and Shane McMahon… Shane was down, Vince hung back, so ‘The Game’ had to fight Undertaker, Steve Austin and Kurt Angle… 3 on 1, with Eddie and Rock down hurt, and Triple H stood little chance… but he also got some help… The Special Guest Enforcer for the Triple H versus Vince and Shane McMahon Handicap Match this Sunday: Shaquille O’Neal, arrived on the stage… and then made his way to the ring…!! Undertaker stood in Big Shaq’s way, but he was then taken out by The Rock… ‘Stone Cold’ Steve Austin also got in Shaq’s face, from below, until Eddie Guerrero climbed back in and knocked the WWF World Heavyweight Champion out of the NBA star’s way… Vince McMahon was next… and his eyes widened when Triple H got up in the corner and charged at him… Vince then high-tailed it and got out of there… This left poor Kurt Angle and Shane McMahon to ‘deal with’ Shaq… Shane pushed Angle into the big basketball player, and got out of there too… leaving Angle to suffer a big slam just 3 nights away from WrestleMania…!! Quick Results: Rey Mysterio [def.] Chris Benoit Haku & Umaga [def.] The Bucks Of Youth John Bradshaw Layfield [def.] D’Lo Brown Tajiri [def.] Jushin Thunder Liger Perfect, Sexay & Terri’s Boys [def.] Val, Hardcore, Regal & Malenko The Rock [def.] Kurt Angle Show Rating: 90
  16. > ‘The King Of Mystery’ Rey Mysterio [vs] ‘The Crippler’ Chris Benoit Haku & Umaga w/ Rikishi [vs] The Bucks Of Youth (Skarsgard & Vanguard) w/ The Hardy Family ‘The Real Deal’ D’Lo Brown [vs] John Bradshaw Layfield Jushin Thunder Liger [vs] ‘The Japanese Buzzsaw’ Tajiri William Regal & Dean Malenko and Hardcore Holly & Val Venis [vs] Perfect & Sexay and Terri’s Boys w/ Terri ‘The Great One’ The Rock [vs] ‘Olympic Gold Medallist’ Kurt Angle
  17. MARCH 2002, WEEK 3… In The Booth: Jim Ross, Michael Cole and Tazz The Hardy Family… We kicked off the final RAW before WrestleMania 18, with the awe inspiring entrance of The Hardy Family… A very similar entrance to The Brood from a few years back… with a very catchy, but dark, entrance theme music… Conspicuous by their absence was Lita and Nidia, who were shown on the big screen, locked up in the same ‘Safe Room’ they were in when Kane invaded the Hardy Family Compound… They were more safe tonight though, because Kane was here tonight, and he made his presence felt once ‘Broken’ Matt and co. made it into the ring… w/ ‘The Big Red Machine’ Kane [vs] ‘Senior’ Shelton Benjamin Kane and Benjamin put on a great opener here, but ‘The Big Red Machine’ was badly outnumbered! The big masked monster is hard to control though, and he started using Shelton as a weapon. He threw him over the top rope onto Brian Skarsgard and Christopher Vanguard. He then also used Shelton to barge into Jeff Hardy on the apron, and send him crashing to the floor. Kane then hit his ‘Chokeslam’ on Shelton to score the win! Matt was the only man left standing, his eyes widened, and he gathered his Family up to leave the ringside area as quickly as they could. 72 Winner: ‘The Big Red Machine’ Kane Finish: 'Chokeslam' Team Chris…?? Team Crisis…!! Chris Jericho and Chris Benoit were backstage in the locker room next, with Intercontinental Champion Jericho pacing back and forth, and Benoit sat calmly on a bench… Jericho was furious about the Six Man Ladder Match he now faces at WrestleMania 18… against D’Lo Brown, Faarooq, JBL and Edge… His friend Benoit will make up the field…!! Chris Jericho: “What the HELL are we gonna DO, Benoit…?! Six man Ladder Match at ‘Mania… At least I’ve got you in there with me… we need a strategy… You got my back, can I trust you…?!” Benoit slowly stood up, and looked Jericho in his eyes… Chris Benoit: “Can you trust me…?! You can trust me… When I say this… IF things open up… if there’s an opportunity to do it… I… will climb that Ladder, and grab your Championship for myself…” Chris Jericho: “You’d do that…?!” Benoit nodded… and was as intense as ever… but Jericho seemed happy… Chris Jericho: “You’d do that, for me…?! You’d climb up there… grab my Belt… and hand it to me…?!” Benoit shook his head and left the room… The delusional Jericho smiled to himself, thinking he had the match at ‘Mania in the bag… Marty Jannetty & Jerry Lynn [vs] Local Enhancement Talent Jannetty and Lynn have struggled to get a win as a team so far, but tonight was a different story. They weren’t in the ring with an established tag team, or even established WWF employees but they still had to work hard for the victory. Jannetty won it with his ‘Super Kick’ in the end. 55 Winners: Marty Jannetty & Jerry Lynn Finish: 'Super Kick' The Backbone of the Division… Backstage, WWF Commissioner Mick Foley was stood with three tag teams: Val Venis & Hardcore Holly… Terri’s Boys: Albert & Perry Saturn… and William Regal & Dean Malenko… Mick Foley: “Gentlemen… It’s my pleasure to announce, that on the Heat Pre-Show to WrestleMania 18, all three of your teams will be receiving a WWF Tag Team Title shot, against Perfect and Sexay…!! A four corners match, with the Titles on the line!!” Scotty Too Hotty [vs] ‘The Animal’ Batista The destructive force that is ‘The Animal’ put Scotty Too Hotty away with relative ease here. Scotty had some nice moments, and caused Batista to back-pedal a little. However, as soon as he got some space, Batista exploded out of the corner with a ‘Spear’ and followed it up with a ‘Batista Bomb’. 60 Winner: ‘The Animal’ Batista Finish: 'Batista Bomb' Two Ships Passing… As Batista left the ring, he was stopped in his tracks on the ramp by the entrance music of ‘The Beast’ Brock Lesnar…!! Paul Heyman desperately tried to pull Brock away from Batista… ‘The Beast’ and ‘The Animal’ look like they’re on a collision course, but Heyman’s business sense had him making sure it was saved for another day, when both men can earn some big money… Batista shouted “Follow That”, to which Lesnar said “Just Watch, Big Boy!!”… w/ Local Enhancement Talent [vs] ‘The Next Big Thing’ Brock Lesnar Another dominant win for Brock here. Batista hadn’t left the stage, as the match was extremely short. Lesnar ended it with the ‘F5’! 33 Winner: ‘The Next Big Thing’ Brock Lesnar Finish: 'F5' Nose Out Of Joint… In the back, Kurt Angle ran into ‘Stone Cold’ Steve Austin… The WWF World Heavyweight Champion wasn’t happy with Angle…!! He claimed that Rey Mysterio injured his nose in delivering the ‘619’ on Smackdown… In a match Austin was ‘helping’ Angle out in… Steve Austin: “That is the, LAST, time I help you, Angle…!! Got my nose busted… got my lip all busted up… He kicked me… In the damn face…!!” Kurt Angle: “Help me…!? Steve… Please… As I recall, you asked ME… to help YOU… You wanted me to take out Big Show… and Rikishi… now you want me to take out Eddie for you… Like some… kind… of… WHAT ARE YOU LOOKING AT…?!” Angle looked over Austin’s shoulder, and the camera panned to reveal The Rock stood listening in… The Rock: “Yu know The Rock says, you got it all wrong Austin… Wantin’ someone to take someone out for you, and ya chose Kurt…?! He’s great, but he can’t even take out the trash… He sometimes struggles to take out the wedgie in his a** from his wrestling trunks!!” Kurt Angle: “HEY!! I wear a singlet… and this conversation, is nothing to do with you… So I think…” The Rock: “IT DOESN’T MATTER… What you THINK… Austin, Rey put your nose out of joint… but come ‘Mania, BOTH of you are gonna have your noses put out… Eddie is gonna beat the both of you… The Rock is gonna beat Undertaker… WrestleMania 18 is going to be the worst night in ALL your candy a** careers…!!” Austin snarled at Rocky… and then told him that tonight, all of those plans could go out of the window… Austin, Angle and Undertaker will take on Eddie Guerrero, and his team including Rey Mysterio and Rikishi…!! ‘The Wrestler’s Wrestler’ Steven Richards [vs] Test Richards and Test had a barn-burner here, and given more time, could have been an unsung classic of Monday Night RAW from 2002. Test dominated ‘The Wrestler’s Wrestler’, but couldn’t find the momentum needed to put Richards down. The finish was excellent, Test missed his ‘Big Boot’ in the corner, and then turned around and staggered onto a ‘Stevie Kick’!!. 71 Winner: ‘The Wrestler’s Wrestler’ Steven Richards Finish: 'Stevie Kick' The Next Edition of the Al Snow Show… Next up, we learned that The Al Snow Show would be back again for Smackdown… With Snow welcoming Razor Ramon, Bill DeMott, and Kidman – the new group that’s been terrorising the WWF roster since Kidman’s debut, and Ramon and DeMott beginning to work together!! Snow has apparently vowed to get to the bottom of the ‘hierarchy’ of the group, as they seem to be a cohesive unit with no obvious leader… They’re fighting Rikishi, Haku and Umaga at WrestleMania 18, in what looks like a tough test on paper… And speaking of The Bloodline… Rikishi lead his group onto the stage for the Main Event tonight… He told Haku and Umaga to leave him to it, and they did… Eddie Guerrero, Rey Mysterio & Rikishi [vs] Steve Austin, The Undertaker & Kurt Angle Austin was out for revenge on Rey Mysterio here, after the masked flier busted his nose on Smackdown. Undertaker wanted revenge on Rikishi, because the big Samoan took his Hardcore Title. Meanwhile Angle, and Austin, both potentially have a match with Eddie Guerrero at WrestleMania 18, so the three of them were looking to gain some kind of advantage ahead of the huge event this Sunday. It was a fascinating six man tag for all of those reasons, and in the end, Angle was the difference maker. He managed to lock Rey in the ‘Ankle Lock’ in the centre of the ring, while Eddie was fighting Austin on the outside of the ring, and Undertaker kicked Rikishi off the apron! 81 Winners: Steve Austin, The Undertaker & Kurt Angle Finish: 'Ankle Lock' Baller… We took a commercial break after the Main Event, because on deck to close the show was the ‘Contract Signing’ between Triple H… and Vince and Shane McMahon… WWF Commissioner Mick Foley headed to the ring first, and brought the group out to join him… Triple H wore jeans, a black Motorhead t-shirt, and a big leather jacket… while Vince and Shane were suited and booted… You know what Mick Foley was wearing… but it was telling that ‘The Game’ didn’t want to ‘dress up’, even for an important contract signing like this… Foley began to explain the terms of the contract… If Triple H wins, he is ‘cut in’ to the decision making and running of the WWF… If Vince and Shane win, then Triple H and his wife Stephanie McMahon will be ‘cut out’… and ‘cut off’… Before Foley finished, he suddenly remembered something… Mick Foley: “I almost forgot… I know this is a 2 on 1 Handicap Match… but I think it’s only right that there’s another man out there… an impartial man… making sure you McMahon boys don’t cheat to win, or anything like that…” Vince and Shane were angry, but Foley continued, completely ignoring their complaints… He said he thought about a Special Guest Referee… it’s been done before, and worked well, but if it was a ref, it’d have to be someone who knows the business… and if it’s someone from within the company, Vince and Shane could ‘get to him or her’… and promise them the world… Mick Foley: “So I’ve decided on a ‘Special Enforcer’… No wrestling or WWF experience required, just stop Undertaker or Austin, or anyone else for that matter, from coming out to the ring… To stop those two, he’d have to be BIG… he’d have to be strong… he’d have to be an ATHLETE… So ladies and gentlemen… I give you… SHAQUIILE O’NEAL…!!” Big Shaq strolled to the ring, and Vince and Shane continued to be furious… Vince was impressed by the size of the man, and was almost hypnotised by his presence… He looked as though he’d do absolutely anything Shaq asked him to do… But he was shocked to see Shane McMahon jump on Shaq’s back, looking for a sleeper…!! The big basketball player managed to shake Shane off his back, and he fell into the corner… The young McMahon then ran at the big man… Shaq popped him up into the air, and then slammed him down through the table…!! Foley was worried about the condition of the contract, so grabbed it… Vince slid out of the ring, and waited for Triple H to sign first… ‘The Game’ leant on Shane O’Mac’s lifeless body, as the table was destroyed… He then threw the contract at Vince, and got out of the ring as the show went off the air…!! Quick Results: Kane [def.] Shelton Benjamin Marty Jannetty & Jerry Lynn [def.] Local Enhancement Talents Batista [def.] Scotty Too Hotty Brock Lesnar [def.] Local Enhancement Talent Steven Richards [def.] Test Steve Austin, The Undertaker & Kurt Angle [def.] Eddie Guerrero, Rey Mysterio & Rikishi Show Rating: 70
  18. > ‘The Big Red Machine’ Kane [vs] ‘Senior’ Shelton Benjamin Marty Jannetty & Jerry Lynn [vs] ?? Scotty Too Hotty [vs] ‘The Animal’ Batista ?? [vs] ‘The Next Big Thing’ Brock Lesnar ‘The Wrestler’s Wrestler’ Steven Richards [vs] Test Eddie Guerrero, Rey Mysterio & Rikishi [vs] Steve Austin, The Undertaker & Kurt Angle The WrestleMania 18 Card is almost set... I'd love to hear your guys' thoughts on it
  19. MARCH 2002, WEEK 2… In The Booth: Michael Cole and Tazz Last Ride… The Undertaker opened the show… ‘The American Badass’ stomped to the ring, bikeless, and p****d off… ‘Taker claimed that The Rock took it too far on RAW, by pushing his Harley out of a loading dock… It’s now with a bodyshop in Kansas City, and they’re not sure they can repair the damage… so it might be gone forever… He said that the spray paint on Rock’s truck can easily be washed off, and therefore was a temporary insult, not a permanent one… This brought The Rock out to the ring, and ‘Taker climbed out as he got in…!! The Rock: “Let The Rock get this STRAIGHT… You… ‘The AMERICAN BADASS’… are out here, whining… complaining… and then when The Rock comes to confront you, you high tail and get the heck outta here…?! Well The Rock sees it now… At WrestleMania 18, The Rock knows… That The Undertaker FEARS him… Yu see, The Rock says… in front of the MILLIONS (and millions) of Rock’s fans… He’s going to take EVERYTHING from you… The Harley was just the start… at ‘Mania, your undefeated streak goes… and tonight… your Hardcore Championship, will be gone…!! Because right now… You have a Hardcore Title defence… against ‘The Samoan Badass’… RIKISHI…!!” Rikishi, Umaga and Haku strolled to the ring, and ‘Taker realised he was caught between The Rock and a hard place… He panicked and tried to run, but The Rock got out of the ring, and forced him into sliding into it!! Rock and his fellow Island Boys surrounded the ring as Rikishi versus ‘Taker kicked us off… w/ Rikishi w/ Umaga & Haku [vs] ‘The American Badass’ The Undertaker © Short match here, but one with a really nice storyline thread running throughout it. Undertaker was outgunned out there, and couldn’t retreat anywhere to get away from big Rikishi. For the finish, he missed a splash in the corner, and landed flat on his back. Rikishi hopped to the second rope, and came down hard with a splash that took the wind out of Undertaker’s sails. Rock held ‘The American Badass’s’ feet down and he couldn’t kick out of the resulting pin!! 71 Winner: AND NEW WWF Hardcore Champion: Rikishi w/ Umaga & Haku Finish: 'Corner Splash' And NEW… A furious Undertaker had no choice but to tuck his tail between his legs and leave the ring… he had zero help from Vince, Shane or ‘Stone Cold’ Steve Austin tonight, and he was in there against four tough Islanders… The Rock raised Rikishi’s hand, and the new Hardcore Champion grabbed a microphone… Rikishi: “This Title means everything to me, and my Family… And I’m announcin’… that from now on… the 24 hour stipulation, is BACK… If anyone wants to try somethin’… come an’ try it… Because from now on… THE BLOODLINE… got my back, always…!!” Rikishi then turned his attention to Kidman, Bill DeMott and Razor Ramon who jumped him while he was alone on RAW… He said that from now on, he, Umaga and Haku wouldn’t go anywhere alone… He also said he doesn’t accept Kidman’s explanation… So, at WrestleMania 18… It’s going to be Kidman, DeMott and Ramon… versus Rikishi, Umaga and Haku…!! Wrestler’s Wrestler… Backstage interviewer Coach caught up with Steven Richards… Steven Richards: “Glad we could have this time Coach… But also… I hate you…!! Yeahhhh… See that Coach…?! I’m a ‘TWEENER’ now…!! Perhaps the greatest Tweener in WWF history… I am, ‘The Wrestler’s Wrestler’… and on RAW, I’ll face a stern ‘Test’… I’m… I’m fighting Test… Okay?!” Jushin Thunder Liger [vs] ‘The Lethal Weapon’ Steve Blackman Great match here, and a coming of age performance from Steve Blackman. Jushin Liger worked extremely hard to make Blackman look great, and he did. For the finish, Blackman set Liger up for a reverse DDT, but kicked one of his knees out, and locked in a ‘Dragon Sleeper’ instead! 68 Winner: ‘The Lethal Weapon’ Steve Blackman Finish: 'Dragon Sleeper' Al Snow headed to the ring next, for The Al Snow Show…!! Al Snow: “Bit of a downgrade on last week (Vince McMahon was his first guest), buuuuut the only way is down when you start with Vince McMahon as your first guest… So without further ado… my second, and third, guests… Marty Jannetty… and first, Jerry Lynn…!!” Lynn and Jannetty made their way out… one at a time… and were extremely respectful towards one another… Al Snow: “Aaaaaall right guys… You’ve been teaming up in recent weeks… but in recent months, you’ve wanted to END each other… Why the change…?! And where do you see this team going…?! A regular tag team…?!” Neither man knew how to answer at first, but Lynn took over… He said he and Marty developed a mutual respect for one another after months of feuding over the Light Heavyweight Title… Jannetty took the Belt from Lynn on his first night back with the company, and they’ve fought back and forth ever since… On weather they’d become a regular tag team, they both had no idea… However, they do have a tag team match again on RAW… as they continue to search for their first win as a duo… Rapid Fire (K-Kwik & Billy Gunn) [vs] Albert & Perry Saturn w/ Terri Albert and Saturn have an excellent record as a tag team, winning 8 out of 12 of their matches as a duo. They made light work of Rapid Fire here, with K-Kwik being put down by Albert’s ‘Baldo Bomb’. 67 Winners: Albert & Perry Saturn w/ Terri Finish: 'Baldo Bomb' Unwelcome Guest… In a video that was taped on Monday Night, The Hardy Family were shown at the Hardy Compound next, with Matt, Jeff, Senior Benjamin, Vanguard and Skarsgard frantically arrived back after Benjamin’s victory on RAW, because Kane had been shown arriving at the house hours earlier…!! They arrived to find the front door of the house wide open… and a glass window on the door smashed… The men of the house called out for Lita and Nidia, who had been left behind due to Lita’s injury… caused by a Kane ‘Tombstone Piledriver’ at No Way Out…!! Neither of Matt or Jeff’s girls replied, so Matt decided to split the group up… Matt Hardy: “Brother Jeff… Take ‘Senior’ Benjamin upstairs… Bucks Of Youth, you’re with me… and we’re heading to the ‘Safe Room’…!!” Time moved on a little, and we found Matt, Vanguard and Skarsgard stood outside a door marked ‘Safe Room’… They knocked, and Matt shouted that it was him… In a muffled voice, we heard Lita from behind the door, hilariously saying “I knew you’d come”!!... Then six or seven locks began to open, before the heavy door was opened inwards… Standing in the doorway, was Nidia and Lita… unharmed, but scared…!! Matt checked on his girl Lita, and his Brother Jeff’s girl Nidia… Matt Hardy: “Did he hurt you…?! He better not have… By Gaaad… KEARNE… (Kane)… I don’t wanna wait until ‘Mania… So… On RAW… I… I…” Brother Jeff and ‘Senior’ Shelton Benjamin now arrived, and it interrupted Matt in his tracks… Matt Hardy: “KEARNE… On RAW… You can battle Shelton Benjamin 1 on 1… Good luck you FOOL…!!” w/ Val Venis & Hardcore Holly w/ Crash & Molly [vs] Mr. Perfect & Mr. Sexay Val and Holly are rolling now after finally beating Terri’s Boys on RAW. The fan favourites will have watched Albert and Saturn win against Rapid Fire earlier in the show, and will have wanted to follow up their victory with a top tier performance here. In there against the impressive WWF Tag Team Champions, it was never going to be easy. However, they got lucky when Mr. Sexay was looking for a superplex, and Val shoved him backwards. He landed primed for the ‘Money Shot’, and was subsequently pinned. 68 Winners: Val Venis & Hardcore Holly w/ Crash & Molly Finish: 'Money Shot Splash' The Next Big Power Trip… We cut to Vince McMahon’s office next, and the Chairman of the World Wrestling Federation was sat at his desk, talking to someone we couldn’t see at first… The camera then panned around to reveal ‘The Next Big Thing’ Brock Lesnar, and his manager Paul Heyman… Vince McMahon: “Goddammitt Paul, you’ve done it again…!! Look at heem… He’s so BIG… so… VASCULAR… so… BIG…!! Welcome aboard Mr. Lesnar… I think you’ll find your stay with us, quite welcoming… Now… it’s time to discuss a Five Man… excuse me, Six Man Power Trip…!!” Heyman and Vince shared a laugh, and then Heyman looked at Brock, and he started laughing too… the three of them belly laughed, until Paul and Brock stopped laughing… and they glared at Vince… Paul Heyman: “So now you wanna talk about bringing us on board…?! Two weeks ago, I get “Paul, I send you to scout for talent, and you bring back a ‘developmental’ kid…” and now it’s “Come on board PAL!”… Thing is Vince… Much like myself… Mr. Lesnar is a ‘Business Man’… He don’t work for free… and he doesn’t get paid by the hour… He’s here to beat people up… and to do it quickly… and quite frankly, a man of his talents has had, shall we say, some very… generous… offers already…” Vince growled… He hates talking business with Heyman… He thinks he’s a snake in the grass… a smiling knife… a man not to be trusted… Paul Heyman: “We can arrange to sit down and talk… but you’re going to have to go away and table a bid for our services… I have to say though… Billionaire as you are… You’re probably NOT going to be able to compete with what we’ve already been offered…” Heyman thanked Vince for his time, and then held the door open for Brock… As the pair walked through, a face familiar to WWF audiences walked by… the man known as ‘The Animal’ Batista…!! Batista and Brock glared at one another… neither man saying a word… Heyman urged his client to move along, and then confirmed that both he and Batista would be in singles action on RAW, where they could ‘measure their d***s’ and see who can one-up the other in their respective matches…!! Spike Dudley [vs] ‘The Japanese Buzzsaw’ Tajiri Spike and Tajiri are no strangers to one another; this being their third 1 on 1 meeting since ‘The Japanese Buzzsaw’ debuted in the World Wrestling Federation. This one went the same way the first two did, with Tajiri picking up an impressive win. 33 Winner: ‘The Japanese Buzzsaw’ Tajiri Finish: 'Buzzsaw Kick' Money In The Bank…?? We cut to Mick Foley’s office next… and the WWF Commissioner responded to a knock at his door with a smile, as Intercontinental Champion Chris Jericho entered… Mick Foley: “Mr. 2J… Glad you could make it… We need to discuss the situation regarding the amount of people, wanting a shot at the Intercontinental Title… YOUR Intercontinental Title…” Chris Jericho: “Mick, I’m so glad you’ve finally seen sense, and brought me in on the decision making… I have SOOOOO many ideas… How about this… You take D’Lo Brown… Edge… Bradshaw and Faarooq… and you put them in a LADDER Match… Hang a contract above the ring… winner gets an Intercontinental Title shot…!! You could even put the contract in an awesome briefcase or something…!!” Foley fake laughed, and told ‘Y2J’ that he didn’t bring him in to ‘discuss the situation’ in order to get Jericho’s opinion… He brought him in to TELL him the plan… but he actually liked the Ladder Match idea… Mick Foley: “I was going to just throw them all in there against you in a match… Maybe put Chris Benoit in to make it a little fairer on you… but now…?! Now I’m seeing this… We take your Intercontinental Belt… and we hang it above the ring… Jericho… versus Benoit… versus D’Lo… Edge… Bradshaw AND Faarooq…!!” Jericho was angry, but he couldn’t speak… He made a few strange noises, but ultimately stood there with his mouth open… unsure of how to act or what to say…!! WrestleMania 18 is going to be a tough night for him now…!! Double Duty… The Main Event was on deck next… as Eddie Guerrero and Kurt Angle were to choose their representatives for it… If Eddie’s guy wins, Eddie has a clear route to the Main Event of WrestleMania 18… If Kurt’s guy wins, then Eddie versus Kurt will open ‘Mania… and if Kurt wins THAT, he goes into the Main Event in Eddie’s place…!! Eddie came out first, and predictably revealed Rey Mysterio as his pick… Then Angle arrived on the stage… Kurt Angle: “If I hadn’t already destroyed him a few weeks ago, I’d have picked Big Show, and watched him squish Rey like a BUG… but then I thought, who is the BEST wrestler in the company… besides me…?! Well… Obviously… It’s the WWF World Heavyweight Champion, and your CURRENTLY scheduled opponent for the WrestleMania Main Event… ‘Stone Cold’ STEVE… AUSTIN…!!” ‘The King of Mystery’ Rey Mysterio [vs] ‘Stone Cold’ Steve Austin Rey and Austin was a ‘dream match’ for some, with two completely different styles, from two different worlds. Austin was as dominant as you’d expect him to be early on, but every time he took his eye off the ball, Rey was able to out quick him and turn the tables. However, Austin regained control when Eddie was jumped by Angle at ringside and the young masked star was distracted. Late on, Rey actually hit the ‘619’, and caused Austin a lot of trouble. He rolled out of the ring to regroup, and then demanded the referee come and check on him. Rey attempted a diver over the ropes, but Austin pulled the referee into the way, and Rey checked himself, landing on his feet on the apron. Austin tripped him causing a rough landing, and then pushed him into the ring. As Rey got up, Austin hit the ‘Stunner’ and scored the win! Kurt Angle is going to WrestleMania 18!! He’s going to fight Eddie in the opening match!! 85 Winner: ‘Stone Cold’ Steve Austin Finish: 'Stone Cold Stunner' Contract Signing for RAW… As the show ended, we learned that on Monday Night RAW, we’re going to see Triple H, Vince and Shane McMahon meet in the middle of the ring, to sign the contract for their upcoming handicap match at WrestleMania… It’s a complex contract, with a couple of stipulations… If Triple H wins, he gets ‘cut in’ to the decision making in the World Wrestling Federation… If he loses, his wife Stephanie McMahon will be ‘cut out’ of the company, and ‘cut off’ from her Daddy’s funding… WWF Commissioner Mick Foley is said to have a plan to make sure both the contract signing, and the match, go off without a hitch… We may find out what that is, this coming Monday… Quick Results: Rikishi [def.] The Undertaker to WIN the WWF Hardcore Championship… Steve Blackman [def.] Jushin Thunder Liger Albert & Saturn [def.] Rapid Fire Val Venis & Hardcore Holly [def.] Mr. Perfect & Mr. Sexay Tajiri [def.] Spike Dudley Steve Austin [def.] Rey Mysterio Show Rating: 71
  20. Your best set yet SMW! And that's saying something. Mo, Merle, and then Eric Future has serious Will Ospreay mixed with 1999 Ryan Phillippe vibes! Bravo!
  21. Good question, and no. One of my tag teams do, which is annoying, but Hardcore and Val coming together makes sense in my mind. In 2000 in real life, my figure fed was booming. I had some epic tag teams, and Holly/Val was one of them. I just thought, how do I bring them together? And then decided on the love story of Val and Molly. I feel with families, or when there's a genuine connection between wrestlers, it means more when they team up, have each others' backs, or fight against each other!
  22. > Hardcore Title Match: Rikishi w/ Umaga & Haku [vs] ‘The American Badass’ The Undertaker © Jushin Thunder Liger [vs] ‘The Lethal Weapon’ Steve Blackman Rapid Fire (K-Kwik & Billy Gunn) [vs] Albert & Perry Saturn w/ Terri Non-Title Match: Val Venis & Hardcore Holly w/ Crash & Molly [vs] Mr. Perfect & Mr. Sexay Spike Dudley [vs] ‘The Japanese Buzzsaw’ Tajiri ‘The King of Mystery’ Rey Mysterio [vs] ‘Stone Cold’ Steve Austin
  23. MARCH 2002, WEEK 2… In The Booth: Jim Ross, Michael Cole and Tazz If You’re Not First, You’re Last… We kicked off the show with ‘Latino Heat’ Eddie Guerrero heading to the ring, with a lot on his mind… In particular, the way Kurt Angle went after his best friend Rey Mysterio… dragging him onto the stage after Eddie’s Main Event on Smackdown!! He’s also scheduled to be in the Main Event of WrestleMania 18, against ‘Stone Cold’ Steve Austin for the WWF World Heavyweight Title… Eddie Guerrero: “Kurt Angle… WANTS something… So let’s hear it Kurt… Whaddya waaaaaant…?!” Eddie threw his microphone to the floor, and paced back and forth… then Angle’s music hit…!! And the former Olympian stayed on the stage… Kurt Angle: “You’re right Eddie… You’re right… I want something… I want your SPOT at WrestleMania…!! Everyone knows… It should be ME… fighting for the World Heavyweight Title… But a wise man once told me… When it comes to WrestleMania… If you can’t be on last… make sure you’re on FIRST…!! So I have a proposition… I wanna wrestle at WrestleMania… in the OPENING match…!!” Angle’s comments brought WWF Commissioner Mick Foley to the stage… Mick Foley: “While I appreciate you making suggestions Kurt… I have to ask… What does this have to do with Eddie Guerrero, and more importantly… Rey Mysterio… who is resting up at home tonight, because of you…!!” Kurt smiled… He said that he wants to wrestle in the opening match at WrestleMania 18… and if he WINS… he gets added to the Eddie versus Austin Main Event…!! Foley laughed and said that Angle probably thinks he’ll book that match, with Angle fighting against someone like Spike Dudley… Or even Jim Ross, or someone…?! He also said that Rey is busy that night, as he’s got a Light Heavyweight Title opportunity, which is still on, no thanks to Angle… Kurt Angle: “I think you’ve misunderstood me, Foley… I want to compete in the Opening Match at WrestleMania… AGAINST Eddie Guerrero…!! If I win… I REPLACE him in the Main Event…!!” Foley was shocked, but Eddie agreed to it straight away – anything to keep Angle away from his friend Rey Mysterio… But Foley had other ideas… He said for Angle to receive an opportunity such as that, he’d need to earn it… So he came up with a novel idea… On Smackdown, Eddie picks a guy… Angle picks a guy… If Angle’s guy wins, the match is ON… If Eddie’s guy wins, Angle is suspended until AFTER WrestleMania…!! Both men agreed to the stipulation, before Eddie confirmed that he’s choosing Rey Mysterio…!! Faarooq [vs] ‘The Crippler’ Chris Benoit It’d be hard to find two more hard-hitting fighters than Faarooq and Benoit. Everything they did to each other looked like it hurt, and there was no letting up right until the final bell. Benoit tried to lock the big veteran in his ‘Crippler Crossface’, but Faarooq powered up to his feet, and managed to slam Benoit with a ‘Spinebuster’ and fall into the cover. 73 Winner: Faarooq Finish: 'Spinebuster' Family Values… In the back, ‘The Game’ Triple H was shown sat with his Wife Stephanie McMahon… and he had a message for his Father In Law: Vince, and his Brother In Law: Shane McMahon…!! Triple H: “Vince… You talk about Family… as if you care about anyone, other than yourself… and your shareholders…!! But while you are Steph’s Family on paper… She is WAY more my Family, than she ever was yours…!!” ‘The Game’ referenced Vince’s challenge from Smackdown, where he said that it’ll be Triple H versus Vince and Shane at WrestleMania… If Triple H wins, he’ll be allowed to profit from the ‘Family Business’ (the World Wrestling Federation)… But if Vince and Shane win, Steph will be ‘cut off’, and not be allowed to spend in the kind of way she’s been used to… Triple H: “If I win Vince… When I win… Cut us off… We don’t care… I just want the damn match… I’ve wanted it for months, and so you’re ON…!! Triple H… versus Vince and Shane McMahon…!!” Samoan Beaten Down… We cut to a chaotic scene backstage next, as Rikishi of all people, was found beaten up and left laying in a corridor… Referees and officials were surrounding big ‘Kish, and checking on his condition… When a door nearby opened up…!! Kidman, Bill DeMott and Razor Ramon stepped over Rikishi’s fallen body, with Kidman turning back, and telling the big Samoan that they were ‘sorry’… Kidman: “Yu know, where I’m from… If you’re new, and you wanna make an impact… You go after the biggest, baddest, a*****e you can find… It’s nothin’ personal… You were just in the way…” Kidman admitted that his new group were to blame for taking ‘Kishi out… and they strolled to the ring, as Bill DeMott was set to be in action… against Steven Richards…!! w/ Steven Richards [vs] Bill DeMott w/ Kidman & Razor Ramon A short match of two halves here. DeMott dominated early on thanks to help from Kidman and Ramon at ringside, but Richards got some help when Haku and Umaga ran to the ring and chased the two non-legal competitors away. Richards then delivered his ‘Stevie Kick’ super kick, and scored a somewhat unlikely win – DeMott was undefeated until last week on RAW! After the match, Richards grabbed something strange from under the ring; the boardgame ‘Scrabble’!! He reached into the box, and pulled out a green silk bag!! He began searching for a few moments, before pulling out the letter ‘W’, and showing it to tight the camera!! He shouted that he ‘Got The W’, and had a huge smile on his face! 67 Winner: Steven Richards Finish: 'Stevie Kick' The Paint One… In the parking lot, Hardcore Champion The Undertaker and WWF World Heavyweight Champion ‘Stone Cold’ Steve Austin were walking past some very nice cars… before they came across a really nice Ford truck, with the licence plate: GR8 0N3… The Undertaker: “Check it out, check it out… This… is The Rock’s truck…!! You got the paint…?!” Austin grabbed some spray cans out of a duffel bag, and handed them to ‘Taker… and he began going to town on Rock’s truck, while Austin kept an eye out for ‘The Great One’… The Hardcore Champion looked happy with what he’d written… It now said, in clear white writing, ‘ROCKY SUCKS’ down the side of Rock’s black truck…!! Make Hey While The Sun’s Shining, Man… We cut elsewhere backstage, where Vince McMahon was shown speaking with someone a little out of shot…!! Vince McMahon: “So you’re on the way to the ring, right now…?! Well… This better be good… Paul…!!” The camera panned around, and… Former WWF employee Paul Heyman was BACK…!! Could this be the guy Vince was talking to on the phone last week when he said he’d sent him ‘there’ to review some of the talent… and all he came back with was some rookie… Paul Heyman: “Mr. McMahon… If I may… As your biggest ‘Advocate’, throughout my time ‘there’… I feel horrible asking for this… but… I know you doubt me… But if you’ve read this kid’s credentials, you really shouldn’t be doubting him… So just… Watch the match Vince, okay…?! Just watch the match…” Heyman left the room, and we went for a commercial break… Beast On A Mission… As we came back from commercial, a young local wrestler who was known as ‘Maven’, was stood in the ring, and Paul Heyman made his way onto the stage… Paul Heyman: “Kid, let me tell you something… I’m really sorry… for what’s about to happen to you… Because the man I’m about to introduce, has the strength to rip you limb, from limb… He also has the skillset, to crush your organs one by one… He really is a BEAST… Ladies and Gentlemen… I bring to you… THE NEXT… BIG… THING… BRRRROCK… LESNAAAAARRRRRR…!!!” w/ Local Enhancement Talent [vs] ‘The Next Big Thing’ Brock Lesnar The length and one-sidedness of this match meant it was never going to be a instant classic. Lesnar looked like an unstoppable force, and Vince McMahon is sure to be impressed by him! 28 Winner: ‘The Next Big Thing’ Brock Lesnar Finish: 'F5' Deal With It… Backstage, D’Lo Brown was taping his wrists, when another fan favourite: Edge walked in, with his love interest/manager…?! Trish Stratus… D’Lo and Edge haven’t exactly been seeing eye to eye of late, and Edge asked ‘The Real Deal’ what his problem was… D’Lo Brown: “Oh it’s real simple Edge… I don’t trust you… not only that… but you’re a threat to my overall goal… which is to become the Intercontinental Champion…!!” Edge: “Well that’s fine… That doesn’t sound like a me problem, that sounds like a you problem…!! Tonight, we team up… against JBL’s lackies Regal and Malenko… Faarooq already beat Jericho’s stooge Chris Benoit… So we can’t lose momentum for the IC Title chase with a loss tonight… Do you… have my back…?!” Edge outstretched his hand, but D’Lo shook his head and told the young Canadian he’d have to wait and see… before leaving the room, and leaving Edge and Trish to stew on his words… Edge stood with his hands on his hips, and looked at the floor… w/ w/ Val Venis & Hardcore Holly w/ Crash & Molly [vs] Albert & Saturn w/ Terri ‘Terri’s Boys’ have had Val and Holly’s number in recent weeks, picking up wins in tag and singles matches, as well as a six man tag with Crash and Tajiri also involved. Tonight though, the pendulum swung, and Val and Holly picked up a big win when Holly hit his ‘Alabama Slam’ on Perry Saturn! 65 Winners: Val Venis & Hardcore Holly w/ Crash & Molly Finish: 'Alabama Slam' The Next New Guy… In an intense and exciting moment, ‘The Animal’ Batista walked past ‘The Next Big Thing’ Brock Lesnar… Batista and Brock glared at each other, before going nose to nose in an intense stare out… Paul Heyman urged his client to leave it for another day, and he pulled Brock away, while the newcomer smiled to himself… Batista stayed looking intense throughout… w/ w/ Billy Gunn w/ K-Kwik [vs] Shelton Benjamin w/ The Hardy Family It was a case of veteran versus rookie here, and Gunn would have been the heavy favourite going in given his experience, and his athleticism. Shelton won it because of the help he had at ringside, it’s as simple as that. Brian Skarsgard and Christopher Vanguard were the main difference makers, as they swarmed Gunn while the ref’s back was turned, and did the same to K-Kwik at ringside when he complained. Shelton then hit the ‘T-Bone Suplex’ when the ref turned back around. 58 Winner: Shelton Benjamin w/ The Hardy Family Finish: 'T-Bone Suplex' Unwelcome Guest… After the match, the five active members of the Hardy Family celebrated in the ring, with Matt Hardy proclaiming that Senior Benjamin’s victory was ‘WONDERFUL’… Lita had been left at home tonight to continue to recover from Kane’s Tombstone Piledriver at No Way Out… Nidia was apparently there looking after her… Their celebrations were cut short though, by big explosions in each corner of the ring, and the music of Kane hitting… However, as the group got ready for a potential showdown with ‘The Big Red Machine’, he didn’t show up, and his music faded out… Instead, we got an image of him on the big screen… Kane: “Hey MATT… Nice place you got here…!!” The camera panned to reveal Kane had arrived at the Hardy Compound!! Matt Hardy almost fainted in the ring, as Kane opened the front door of his house, and walked inside…!! The chilling scene ended with Matt and co. jumping out of the ring and running up the ramp…!! Devastated… Until… We cut backstage to the parking lot… where The Rock was stood with his hands on his hips, shaking his head, as fellow wrestlers and WWF officials stood beside him and his truck… trying to see if the spray paint job The Undertaker did on it would come off… Rock was angry!! The Rock: “Undertaker… Three rules to live by… You don’t pull on Superman’s Cape… You don’t p**s into the wind… and You don’t… Mess with The Rock’s proper… t… ty… Hold on, hold ON… Whadda we have over HERE…?!” Rock started off walking and his walk turned into a light jog, as a couple of guys like Faarooq and Steven Richards followed him… Had he spotted The Undertaker and Steve Austin hiding out…?! It quickly became apparent that he’d spotted ‘Taker’s Harley…!! The Rock: “OOOHHHHhhh… What an oversight… An eye for an eye… and wheels, for wheels ‘Taker…!! Here’s what The Rock is gonna do… He’s gonna take your Harley… Shine it up real nice… turn it sideways… AND SHOVE ITS CANDY A*S STRAIGHT DOWN THERE…!!” With no hesitation, Rock grabbed the bike, and pushed it down a ramp… It gained momentum as he ran with it, and then he let go… The bike zoomed off a nearby loading dock, and fell about five feet onto a concrete floor… It would have been scratched, dented, all sorts… The Rock was extremely pleased with his actions…!! Edge & D’Lo Brown [vs] Regal & Malenko Edge and D’Lo argued constantly in this on, with Edge clearly missing his usual tag team partner Christian. They were up against a strong team in Regal and Malenko too, who outwrestle everyone they face. The two technicians took their eye off the ball when JBL came to ringside though. They owe him a lot of money, and he wanted them to destroy two of his biggest rivals in his pursuit of the Intercontinental Title. In the end, an inadvertent JBL distraction allowed Edge to tag in behind Dean Malenko’s back. He hit a brilliant side suplex on D’Lo Brown, and then walked onto a ‘Spear’ from Edge! 74 Winners: Edge & D’Lo Brown Finish: 'Spear' Straight Outta Hell… As soon as the match ended, JBL slid into the ring, and hit a ‘Clothesline From Hell’ on Edge, who was celebrating his victory… D’Lo Brown came back into the ring, and he too was clocked with the Lariat… The announce team suggested that WWF Commissioner Mick Foley has to make a decision about the Intercontinental Title Match at WrestleMania 18 soon… Chris Jericho has many, many potential challengers… and Foley should make a Number One Contenders Match… D’Lo… Edge… Faarooq… JBL… they’re all gunning for the Title, and for each other… Quick Results: Faarooq [def.] Chris Benoit Steven Richards [def.] Bill DeMott Brock Lesnar [def.] Local Enhancement Talent Val Venis & Hardcore Holly [def.] Albert & Perry Saturn Shelton Benjamin [def.] Billy Gunn Edge & D’Lo Brown [def.] Regal & Malenko Show Rating: 75
  24. > Faarooq [vs] ‘The Crippler’ Chris Benoit Steven Richards [vs] Bill DeMott w/ Kidman & Razor Ramon Local Enhancement Talent [vs] New Signing to WWF Val Venis & Hardcore Holly w/ Crash & Molly [vs] Albert & Saturn w/ Terri Billy Gunn w/ K-Kwik [vs] Shelton Benjamin w/ The Hardy Family Edge & D’Lo Brown [vs] Regal & Malenko
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