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The Lloyd

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Everything posted by The Lloyd

  1. The scores are in, and in an extra long month, GreatreDRagon is the overall winner (by some way ) But a three-way tie for second is mad! Your prize will be in your inbox shortly
  2. 21CW Presents: Episode 5 Wednesday, Week 4, February 2020 Calling the action: Des Greeves, Martin Bloydell and Jeff Nova Overall Rating: 66 We opened the show, with 21CW World Champion Edward Cornell, heading onto the stage with his group: The House of Business… Edward Cornell: “I am STILL… YOUR… 21CW World Champion… but I am not happy with The Red Devils…” Cornell turned to Viktor Beskov and Yuri Iliakov, and told them that their behaviour in recent weeks has been unacceptable… Beskov and Iliakov were MIA last week, when a brawl broke out between The House of Business and HellBound… They told Cornell they were away ‘on business’… At World War, Cornell pushed Iliakov… and tonight, Beskov had a warning for his ‘leader’… Viktor Beskov: “We… still support The House of Business… We still support… YOU Edward Cornell… But, if you push Yuri again… EVER… We will come down on you, like BEARS…!!” Cornell gulped… he told Beskov, and Iliakov, that he was sorry for how he reacted… He told them that he needs them… and they need him… and that soon, they would be 21CW United Tag Team Champions… because Cornell is going to make it happen for them… Kenobi High (Christopher Lister & Jase Cole) [vs] The Demolishers (Langton Herring & Compton Valence) Two very good tag teams with very different experience levels did battle here. Kenobi High have teamed together for years, while The Demolishers are young, and fresh. Their youth and exuberance worked for most of the match, but they got sloppy towards the end, and Valence was put down with a ‘Sky High’ from Jase Cole (D’Lo Brown’s Sky High). 47 Stomping to the ring after a commercial break, Phillip ‘Cooper Man’ Cooper… and he was not happy… Phillip Cooper: “APOLLO…!! I know what you did to my HAT, you son of a b***h…!! Get out here… NOW…!!” It didn’t take long for Apollo Prince to head onto the stage… the crowd cheered him, as a cheeky smile crept across his face… At World War, he got hold of one of Cooper’s expensive hat… kicked it about… and then stuffed it down a toilet… This was in response to a backstage fight the two of them had last week on United, where Cooper ripped one of Apollo’s expensive shirts… Apollo Prince: “Cooper… I’m not Apollo-gisin’ to ya… Not after what you did to my shirt last week… Say sorry for that… and I’ll say sorry for your hat…!!” Cooper refused… he said ‘two wrongs, don’t make a right’… and that Prince needs to grow up, real fast, if he wants to last in the wrestling business… Prince told him that maybe Cooper can teach him more about being a successful wrestler… RIGHT NOW…!! Prince strolled to the ring, but Cooper waited for the young fan favourite to get into the ring, and he hopped out of it… and over the guard rail… Evan Alpass [vs] ‘The Unsung Hero’ Chuck Frisby Chuck Frisby’s re-debut in 21CW here, and he praised Evan Alpass for the ‘shape he’s in’ before the match. Frisby shouted at the fans that they’re fat, and out of shape. He still had his attention on Alpass though, and put the youngster away with ease in a short match, with his Swinging Neckbreaker. 25 We cut to a pre-taped video next… showing the NEW 21CW United Kingdom Champion… Antithesis… ‘The Anarchist’ was stood in a darkened room… with his Championship Belt in his mouth… He removed it to speak to the camera… Antithesis: “Roly Muckletruck is a big, dangerous, man… So there will BE NO RE-MATCH… and as for Beast Bantom returning… He can forget a Title shot too…!! Despite their obvious skills… Neither of them are a threat to me… because I simply won’t allow them to get close enough to me… They can fight each other for all I care…” Antithesis said he was perfectly safe… and will be United Kingdom Champion for years to come… He said he will far surpass his Brother (Dark Angel)’s accomplishments… and will cause chaos wherever he goes… Assassin [vs] ‘The Real Angel Of The North’ Nate Manchester The very physical Assassin didn’t let Nate breath here tonight. Eventually putting him away with his ‘Point Blank’ Big Boot. 41 Backstage, Sebastian Koller was preparing for his Main Event tag team clash tonight… when Christopher Lister and Jase Cole (Kenobi High) walked in… Lister and Cole unequivocally told Koller that they respected him… and that they’d have his back tonight if ‘anything goes down’… Christopher Lister: “You’ve been good to us over the years… You’ve helped us feel welcome here…” Jase Cole: “And tonight, you’ve got Jonathan Faust… Who I don’t trust… and Blackheart… Who I can’t get a read on…” Christopher Lister: “Then there’s Grave Digger…” Lister and Cole seemed scared when they mentioned the huge monster… Kenobi High said they’d hit the ring if an attack from Grave Digger happened… and they’d ‘save’ Koller and his partner Adam Matravers… Koller thanked them, as we cut away… Rolling Johnny Stones & Luke Cool [vs] Men Of Steel (Mark Adonis & Mass Hulk) Two great duos here, Stones and Cool are veterans who have teamed together multiple times. But there was something different about Adonis and Hulk tonight. Fired up after losing their Tag Team Titles at World War, they dominated in the end. Adonis won it here, when he hit his ‘Adonis Elbow’ (Judas Effect) on Cool. 49 After the match, Adonis and Hulk grabbed microphones… Mass Hulk: “Leo Price, is a DAMN CHEAT…!!” Mark Adonis: “Absolutely Flawless don’t DESERVE to break the record… and they OWE us a re-match…!!” The comments of the Men Of Steal brought the new Tag Team Champions out to the ring… joined by their manager Leo Price…!! Lance Martin: “Ironically… We actually came out here… to thank you two for the match at World War…” Kelly Martin: “Yeah, you both impressed us… and re-match…?! Sure… why not…?!” The Martin Twins outstretched their hands… almost ignoring Hulk and Adonis’s comments… but the Men Of Steal refused to shake, and left the ring offending the Tag Champs… ‘Captain Crash’ Cain Carlisle [vs] J-B Cash Cain Carlisle has been loving being employed by 21CW. He looks like a competition winner out there at times, and tonight was no different in that respect. J-B Cash soon wiped the smile off his face though, with a dominant performance. The former Hot Stuff member put Carlisle down with a ‘Cash Crash’ (Float Over DDT). 50 Backstage, Viktor Beskov and Yuri Iliakov were loading up their car to leave the arena… Yuri Iliakov: “What are we goin’ to do, Viktor…?!” Viktor Beskov: “We’re going to do what I said we’d do… Remain IN The House Of Business… But… We need to keep a close eye on Edward Cornell… I trust him… But I don’t like how he pushed you…” The two Russians agreed to keep their wits about them… and not just blindly follow all of Cornell’s orders… They didn’t realise, that BW Eddie was lingering nearby, and listening to every word… w/ w/ Sebastian Koller & Adam Matravers w/ Phoebe Plumridge [vs] Jonathan Faust & Blackheart w/ Grave Digger This Main Event was shorter than normal, with Sebastian Koller being dominated for most of the match. He eventually tagged Adam Matravers in, who went on to land his ‘Mile High Moonsault’ on Jonathan Faust – pinning him for the victory. 71 After the match, Grave Digger climbed onto the apron… ready to get in and attack Koller and Matravers… but just as he began to step over the top rope, all of the lights went out… The lights came back on, and not a lot had changed… Jonathan Faust and Blackheart had moved closer to Grave Digger… The 6‘ 11“, 340 lb monster was still on the apron… Then some words began to appear on the big screen… One word at a time… WATCH… SATAN… DARK… MAJESTY… FIRE… HELL… Then… the crowd erupted, as this name appeared… ALDOUS BLACKFRIAR… There has been so much buzz around Aldous Blackfriar in the US… and now, the young megastar was HERE in 21CW…!! But what was he here to do…?! Whose side was he on…?! Aldous strolled to the ring, and lapped up the cheers from the crowd… He got into the ring, and joined Blackheart and Jonathan Faust on their side of the ring… Koller and Matravers got ready for a 4 on 2 fight… but Aldous did the unthinkable… He grabbed Jonathan Faust, and hit a vicious lariat on the leader of HellBound…!! Nobody knew what was going on…!! Blackheart and Grave Digger watched as Aldous beat down Faust… Des Greeves: “What a way to debut in 21CW gentlemen… By attacking a former THREE TIME 21CW World Champion… and the leader of a vicious stable in HellBoud…!!” Martin Bloydell: “Well not only that Des… But he’s attacked him IN FRONT of that vicious stable… Blackheart is 300lbs… Grave Digger is 340… they look like they could EAT Aldous Blackfriar for breakfast… and they’re not doing anything to stop him destroying their leader…!!” Des Greeves: “Jeff… You signed him… What the heck is this all about…?!” Jeff Nova: “AI… Ah signed ‘im… Bo’ I never though’ we’d get a situation like THIS outta him… Ah knew he’d be a player here… but this…?! What a bold move…!!” Right as the show ended, Blackfriar locked Faust in his ‘Gloomweaver Clutch’ (Tazmission), and Faust passed out… Blackheart and Grave Digger still did nothing to stop him...
  3. If D-Von and Bubba had a baby... You could be on to something here with your free workers... If you're ever stuck for inspiration, pick a tag team, and make their lovechild
  4. Oh that is too good! If they were on the same show we'd have to end the spoonerisms thing for sure
  5. Stop it For me, that's when there's an Ape diary on the boards! Keep up the great work everyone. I'm enjoying a lot of diaries at the moment. I read them when my newborn baby sleeps on me
  6. Predictions for United, Episode 5, Week 4, February 2020 Kenobi High (Christopher Lister & Jase Cole) [vs] The Demolishers (Langton Herring & Compton Valence) Evan Alpass [vs] ‘The Unsung Hero’ Chuck Frisby Assassin [vs] ‘The Real Angel of the North’ Nate Manchester Luke Cool & Rolling Johnny Stones [vs] Men Of Steel (Mark Adonis & Mass Hulk) ‘Captain Crash’ Cain Carlisle [vs] J-B Cash Sebastian Koller & Adam Matravers [vs] Jonathan Faust & Blackheart If you had a crowd sign with you for this show, what would it say...? Final show of the month, and this round of the Prediction Contest....
  7. Thanks man I try to make as many unique as possible. It's not easy though, and not always possible (sorry Nate Manchester)
  8. Cliff has Compton Valence under his wing in my save... Beau is a better choice I'd say.
  9. I can imagine doing a huge company would become boring after a while... I guess the way to tackle one is to put the wrestlers in some kind of order? So have the ones you can't wait to do... like a Robbie Retro, or Roly Muckletruck... save them til last... Hammer out the really plain ones early? Kind of, save the good ones for the Main Event
  10. 21CW Presents: Episode 5 Wednesday, Week 4, February 2020 Calling the action: Steve Smith and Dane Rowley Overall Rating: 70 We kicked off the final episode of Kingdom in February, with the NEW World Heavyweight Champion: Buff Martinez, heading to the ring with his newly won Belt, and his manager Kathleen Lee by his side…!! The crowd cheered him loudly, despite his ‘tainted’ win… Martinez took a microphone, and thanked the fans for their warm ovation… He also said he wanted to thank his two best friends: Kathleen Lee and J-B Cash, who is now over on United… But before he could finish thanking people… with a tear in his eye… Wade Orson’s music hit… and the crowd cheered again… Orson hobbled out on crutches, remaining on the stage… Orson also had a tear in his eye… He was crying because he got hurt in the match against Martinez at World War… and he lost the match… but his upset came across as whinging… and the crowd began to boo him… Wade Orson: “I don’t care what all these people think… I don’t care what you think… You took a COWARD’s way out… and you KNOW it… So tonight, my friend Leigh Burton, is going to teach you a lesson in the Main Event…” Martinez tried to apologise, but Orson didn’t want to hear it… he was booed as he left the stage!! w/ Welsh Dragon [vs] Dangermouth w/ DJ Reason Poor debut for Dangermouth, but neither man are considered ‘important’ enough by the fans, yet. The former grime artist hit his ‘Flatliner’ (F5) to win against the high flying masked star. 29 Buff Martinez wasn’t the only new Champion crowned at World War… The Ozzie Invasion arrived a few weeks ago, and they’re already Champions, as Artemis Eyre-Rochester and Thurston Darcy III are the new Kingdom Tag Team Champions…!! They won an entertaining Four-Way Match against Crouching Storm, Hidden Sifu… The Lee FamiLee… and The Underdogs… Blake Belushi lost his National Title match with new Champion Daniel Black Francis… But we learnt that the four members of Ozzie Invasion would be here later tonight, to celebrate their win… Brickhouse Balder [vs] Stevie ‘Smasher’ Stoat A very short match here, which Stevie Stoat somehow got out of with a win. Balder is a huge, powerful, Frenchman, and he bounced Stoat around the ring. But the veteran former United Kingdom and Tag Team Champion rolled Balder up to win it! 39 We cut backstage next, and found The Lee FamiLee bumping into Buff Martinez and Kathleen Lee… In recent weeks, Gorilla, JK and Andrew Lee have been trying to call Kathleen Lee their ‘Auntie Kathy’… but she was having none of it… Tonight though… Maybe they caught her in a good mood following Buff’s World Heavyweight Title win… but tonight, she enjoyed their banter…!! They congratulated her and Buff for the win, and the group of ‘Lees’ embraced in a group hug…!! Buff smiled, and looked at the ground… It was a lovely moment… Next up, the announce team talked about ‘Cowboy’ Buck Winchester’s current status with 21CW… ‘Cowboy’ was at World War this past week… showing up, and sitting in the crowd for the second half of the show… Steve Smith: “We don’t know a lot about Cowboy’s status, Dane… but what we DO know, is that next week, he’ll be here, LIVE on Kingdom… to update us…” Dane Rowley: “I’ve said it before, I’ll say it again Steve… I don’t like Yanks, mate… There’s summink about ‘em… I guess we’ll hear what he has to say in Deven Says…!!” w/ Landon Mallory [vs] Nightmare w/ Ruin Landon Mallory has fought on every episode of Kingdom so far, after signing from European company VWA. He’s won all five matches too, with another win over the dangerous Nightmare here. He had to work for it, but the South African eventually hit his ‘Springbok Ram’ Spear to pick up the victory. 51 Backstage, War Machine and Cliff King were walking through a corridor, when they came across ‘The Most Dangerous Man In Britain’ Bedlam… Cliff King: “Heyyy, look War Machine…!! It’s the man who came up with his nickname, before he met you…!!” Bedlam smirked at King’s reply… he knew what he was insinuating, but also knew better than to provoke War Machine… Instead, he made a dig at Cliff King… which was just as bad… Bedlam: “Hey, look… it’s the man who attended the prestigious National School of Wrestling… but came out, STILL not a wrestler…!!” King told Bedlam well done… because now, he’s made War Machine mad… Next week, they can settle it in the ring… 1 on 1… and we’ll see how ‘dangerous’ Bedlam really is… It was clear that Bedlam regretted saying anything… w/ Gorilla Lee & JK Lee w/ Andrew Lee [vs] Edison Silva & Kelvin Badberry A short, and poor match again here. The Lee FamiLee have had decent form in 2020, but lost their Tag Team Title shot at World War. Tonight, Gorilla Lee was extremely focused, and very unforgiving with Silva and Badberry. He ended up pinning the latter following his ‘Avalanche’ finisher. 36 After a commercial break, the Ozzie Invasion headed to the ring… Loxley Robbins, Blake Belushi, and the NEW Kingdom Tag Team Champions: Artemis Eyre-Rochester and Thurston Darcy III all strolled out, looking arrogant… but well-dressed… Loxley Robbins: “Och, mate… we only bloody wen’ an’ won the Tag Toitles at World War…?! Give it up for the Brat Pack, goys…!!” Sections of the crowd cheered a little, but most people booed as Artemis and Thurston held their Belts above their heads… They shouted that they’re better than everyone, and the crowd hated that… but soon, the boos turned to cheers, because The Underdogs made their way onto the stage…!! Joe Simpson: “So, let me get this straight… The Brat Pack received a Tag Title shot… and Blake Belushi received a National Title shot… When they’d each had ONE match in 21CW…?!” Michael X: “What I wanna know is… What have you guys got on Colin Chalke…?! You must have some JUICY dirt on him, to just be HANDED Title shots like that…!!” Joe Simpson: “And speaking of Title shots… how about you Brats give US one, right now…?!” Loxley was furious, and told Simpson and X that they should watch their mouths… Chalke gave them Title shots because they are International Stars, and it’s ‘good for the brand’… He then told The Underdogs that one of them could step up, and face HIM tonight…!! Joe Simpson gladly accepted… w/ w/ ‘Little J’ Joe Simpson w/ Michael X [vs] Loxley Robbins w/ Blake Belushi, Artemis Eyre-Rochester & Thurston Darcy III Good match here, but Robbins instantly regretted making this match, because Joe Simpson hit a couple of brilliant moves, like a ‘Stun Dog Millionaire’, and a dropkick from the top rope. He also rolled the Australian megastar up three times for very close near falls early on. In the end though, with the help of the rest of The Ozzie Invasion at ringside, Loxley took control. He went on to win it with his ‘Butterfly Powerbomb’ finisher. 53 We cut backstage, to where NEW National Champion Daniel Black Francis was stood holding his newly won Belt proudly over his shoulder… He told anyone who would listen that he’d be a fighting Champion… and would be in action next week on Kingdom… Just then, Tommy Cornell walked around the corner… Tommy Cornell: “’Ello Son… Just wanted to say congrats, ‘n’ that, for winning the National Title… I know you’ll make a great Champion…” ‘D-B-F’ was a little taken aback by the compliment from ‘Rough Justice’… Nobody is more respected in the 21CW locker room than Tommy Cornell is… Francis said he had just one thing to say to Cornell… Daniel Black Francis: “Yeaaahh Mon…!!” We got a hype video package next, for ‘The MVP’ Kevin Jones… The video showed Jones capturing the 21CW World Championship on two separate occasions (2011 and 2016)… it also showed him holding the Belt, and how sharp he looked in a suit while doing so… Jones hasn’t been close to those lofty heights in recent years… but he’s always just one or two big wins away from the top again… The extremely talented veteran will be in action next week…!! w/ ‘The Barcelona Bull’ Buff Martinez [vs] ‘The British Lion’ Leigh Burton Main Event time now, and it was only right for the new 21CW World Heavyweight Champion: Buff Martinez to close the show out. Leigh Burton had a great showing this past week at World War; coming close to defeating Tommy Cornell on multiple occasions, but just falling short. He fell short here too in this entertaining contest. Buff hit his ‘El K.O’ Spinning Back Fist after Burton got cocky. 75 After the match, Wade Orson hobbled to the ring, and climbed in slowly on his crutches… Buff Martinez, and the fans, didn’t really want him out there… Orson stood face to face with Martinez, and then grabbed a microphone… He told Buff that he’d not only cost him his chance to be World Champion… but also potentially MONTHS of his career… Buff tried to explain, but Leigh Burton got back up behind him, so Buff had to knock him down with a swift right hand… However, while he was dealing with Burton, ‘The Barcelona Bull’ didn’t see what Orson was doing behind him… As he turned around, Orson swung his crutch at the World Heavyweight Champion…!! Buff ducked… The crutch cannoned off of Kathleen Lee’s left shoulder…!! She hit the floor, and everyone was in shock…!! Orson stood with his hands on his head… Burton told him they should leave… Martinez shouted at the both of them, as he called for help from the doctors… This all brought the Lee FamiLee to the ring… The Lee FamiLee’s arrival forced Orson and Burton to leave through the crowd… Orson wasn’t hobbling anymore… It seems this was all a bit of an act…!! The Lees looked on helplessly as Kathleen was seen to by doctors and ringside officials… A worrying scene for poor ‘Auntie Kathy’…
  11. LOVE this mate. Count me in. Echo Christmas_ape about the renders, but I'm pretty sure they're your own work? Remind me, are Nate and Bobby still around here? Would love to see their feud with Youth Energy play out. And I wonder if Nate is friends with Jack's wife at this point 👀
  12. Since you asked, and just because they seem to be a popular act in my 21CW diary... How about some pics for the 'Lee FamiLee' stable? I'm using your pics anyway (slightly modified Andrew Lee)... Andrew Lee, Gorilla Lee, JK Lee (Gorilla and JK are a tag team) and 'Auntie Kathy' (Kathleen Lee) who still manages Buff Martinez... Could do a new Buff too if you like
  13. But... his entertainment skills! He'd be a better tag team partner for a Brickhouse Balder or someone like that... Win some, get his pop up... Split, feud, Harmonic goes over in the feud. Bob's your uncle.
  14. Predictions for Kingdom, Episode 5, Week 4, February 2020… Welsh Dragon [vs] Dangermouth w/ DJ Reason Brickhouse Balder [vs] Stevie ‘Smasher’ Stoat Landon Mallory [vs] Nightmare w/ Ruin Gorilla Lee & JK Lee w/ Andrew Lee [vs] Edison Silva & Kelvin Badberry ‘Little J’ Joe Simpson w/ Michael X [vs] Loxley Robbins w/ Blake Belushi, Artemis Eyre-Rochester & Thurston Darcy III ‘The Barcelona Bull’ Buff Martinez [vs] ‘The British Lion’ Leigh Burton What crowd sign would you have for this show...? __________________________________________ Guys, thanks for all the love on 'Weld War' as Nova would call it... Two shows to go until the end of this month, and the end of the Prediction Prize period... and it is ALL to play for!! Willsky won the prize for the top score at World War, and he's sent me his pick already! Just to let you all know, I have the next MONTH of shows fully written up, so there's plenty in the bank
  15. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 21CW World Edward Cornell (3) Held for 177 days 6 Title defences Prestige: 91 (+1) Previous Champions: Adam Matravers (4) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 21CW United Kingdom Antithesis (2) Held for 0 days 0 Title defences Prestige: 58 Previous Champions: Roly Muckletruck Bedlam ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 21CW United Tag Team Absolutely Flawless (Lance & Kelly Martin) (4) Held for 0 days 0 Title defences Prestige: 61 Previous Champions: Men Of Steel (Mark Adonis & Mass Hulk) (2) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 21CW World Heavyweight Buff Martinez Held for 0 months 0 Title defences Prestige: 80 Previous Champions: None ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 21CW National Daniel Black Francis Held for 0 months 0 Title defences Prestige: 65 Previous Champions: None ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 21CW Kingdom Tag Team The Brat Pack (Artemis Eyre-Rochester & Thurston Darcy III) Held for 0 months 0 Title defences Prestige: 64 (-1) Previous Champions: None -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  16. We should have collaborated Glad to see this though buddy. And interestingly, as I'm currently booking my Cornell Cup... we have just THREE of the same teams entering!!
  17. Agreed! I struggled in January with storyline heat... then split the brands in February It's hit and miss. Some shows do fine, others tank. I'll be fine I think. Couple of big names with contracts coming up later in the year should help. Thanks man
  18. Yeah, that basically I figured the Triple Threat would steal the show... but the Main Event scene on United is stronger than Kingdom, so the Kingdom guys that are directly below Tommy Cornell could do with the 'rub'... A new Champion crowned (I knew Ed would retain at this Event)... and Buff's moment... and the double turn of Wade and Buff... It all felt like that was the show closer! The show's rating could have been dramatically improved with the Triple Threat on last... and my overall ratings haven't been great (the network are annoyed at me after my last couple of shows where I'm writing, which is around a month ahead of where you guys are)... Congratulations to Willsky for top scoring on the Prediction Contest for this show!! Your prize will be in your inbox shortly, so keep an eye out...
  19. Any chance we can have an alt for that Grand Avatar? Maybe with a different coloured shirt? Awesome work as always King.
  20. 21CW Presents: Saturday, Week 3, February 2020 Calling the action: Steve Smith, Jeff Nova and Dane Rowley Location: London Attendance: 41,162 Overall Rating: 81 When Tommy Cornell’s iconic entrance music hit to open the show, the crowd lost their minds. Perhaps the greatest performer in the history of wrestling, opening World War 2020 instead of closing it. Standing across the ring from him, was a man that will be a World Champion one day: ‘The British Lion’ Leigh Burton. The problem with Burton is his attitude. He thinks he should be a Champion now, but doesn’t want to put the work in. He had to put a shift in tonight – Cornell made sure of that. The legendary competitor had Burton on the ropes early on, but soon ‘The British Lion’ was on top. He controlled a large section of the match with a slow, methodical pace. He almost had ’Rough Justice’ tapping out with a ‘Figure Four Leg Lock’ late on, but Cornell rolled onto his stomach and reversed the pressure. The fan favourite fought back into it, and eventually Burton missed a flying knee in the corner and wrapped himself up in the turnbuckle. Eventually, it would lead to a dazed Burton walking onto a ‘Guilt Trip’ (Russian Leg Sweep). 84 After a great opening match, we cut to a pre-taped video that got the crowd incredibly excited… ‘Cowboy’ Buck Winchester was shown climbing down the steps of a private aeroplane…!! It quickly became clear that Cowboy was IN LONDON…!! He approached a Limousine, where an attractive female in business attire was holding a sign that said ‘BUCK’… The way she was holding it made it look like it said something else at first, and Cowboy was a little taken aback… Buck Winchester: “Well… Howdy, Ma’am…!!” Buck tipped his hat to the lady, before climbing into the back of the Limo… She got in the back with him… As the car drove away, the number plate read: WRL0 W4R…!! The crowd reacted well when we came back live… is ‘Cowboy’ on his way to the arena…?! Is he on his way to 21CW, tonight…?! Before we could think about answering that question, we got the arrival of The Lee FamiLee for our second match… It was time to crown the first ever KINGDOM Tag Team Champions, in a Fatal Four Way Match. Three fan favourite teams, battled newcomers The Brat Pack, who made their way to 21CW via RAW in Australia around a month ago. Gorilla Lee and JK Lee, the cousins?! are an odd pairing. JK possesses almost unrivalled technical wrestling skills, while the charismatic Gorilla dances around and gets the crowd involved. Andrew Lee watched on at ringside too, as Artemis Eyre-Rochester and Thurston Darcy III avoided getting hit as much as possible. Ricky Storm and Sifu flew around the ring, kicking and striking everyone they could. Joe Simpson and Michael X came the closest to winning it late on, with a double splash on Gorilla Lee from opposite corners. But the big youngster pushed them both off him at 2 and 3/4s. The Underdogs went flying, and they were soon both put down with a double clothesline. Artemis blind-tagged his way into the match though, before Gorilla was put down with a ‘High/Low’ tackle combo from Crouching Storm, Hidden Sifu! Sifu was the other legal man, and Artemis hit his ‘Brat Packer’ Back Stabber and got the three!! The Brat Pack did it!! They’re the new Champions!! 60 We cut backstage next, and found 21CW United World Champion Edward Cornell, with a beaten up BW Eddie and Doomsday… Eddie and Doomsday were thrown from the stage by Grave Digger on United this week, and Cornell was ready to blame the lack of help from the other two members of the House of Business: Viktor Beskov and Yuri Iliakov… but before he could blame them fully, they walked into the room…!! Cornell shouted at The Red Devils, and asked them where they were on United…!! Edward Cornell: “Eddie and Doomsday LOST to start the show… They lost… Then… They got thrown off the STAGE by Grave Digger… We coulda really done, with a couple of Russian BEARS, to help stop HellBound… So I ask you… WHERE were you…!!” Beskov and Iliakov looked a little remorseful… but only a little… They explained that they were ‘conducting business’… and Cornell shook his head… He shoved Iliakov as he barged out of the room, spouting that he needed to get ready for his Title defence… which he called ‘actual business’… The historic 21CW United Kingdom Title was on the line next, in Roly Muckletruck’s first defence. His opponent, the veteran ‘Anarchist’ Antithesis. Despite being a wild man, with a wild entrance, the creepy Antithesis avoided Roly early on; determined not to get squashed by the big Scot. The atmosphere was wild, as the crowd begged Roly to get his hands on his rival. But somehow, when Antithesis finally got into the ring, he chopped the big man down at the knee. Roly fought back, but just when his back was against the ropes, Antithesis HANDCUFFED Roly to the top rope. Now the veteran could do whatever he wanted to the Champion. Especially when the referee attempted to get some hardware to remove the cuffs. Antithesis used a steel chair, cannoning it off Roly’s head, and busting him open! He bled all over his kilt, and looked done. The referee finally got the cuffs off, but Roly looked weakened. He walked onto a DDT, and was then locked in the ‘Full Metal Jacket’ (Crossface Chickenwing). Roly passed out, and we had a new Champion…!! 58 After the match, Antithesis decided to continue the beatdown… grabbing the chair, and smashing it off of Roly’s back… He hit the charismatic big man over and over again, screaming at the top of his lungs that Roly was ‘done’… But just when all hope looked lost… a surprising return… as Beast Bantom made his way out…!! The 320lb powerful man got a great reaction from the fans as he stomped out… and Antithesis got ready for a fight… Bantom slid in under the bottom rope, and punched the steel chair that Antithesis swung at him…!! Bantom grabbed Antithesis, but ‘The Anarchist’ wriggled free, and got out of there… Beast then stooped over Roly, and helped the big man to sit up… spitting blood from his mouth, Roly seemed to thank Beast as if they were friends… The clear Match of the Night, and so far the Match of the Year, saw Adam Matravers, Jonathan Faust and Edward Cornell tare the house down! Matravers knew he was in for a fight tonight, but he was happy to let Faust and Cornell fight each other early on, and stick and move and stay out of their way. The two leaders of their respective stables quickly worked out that there was an opportunity to win the match without pinning each other, and began to work together to try and take Matravers down. This lasted a few minutes, until Cornell attempted to pin ‘Mile High’, and Faust threw him off. They argued, and it ended in another brawl between the two. The leader of the House of Business and the leader of HellBound fought all around the ringside area, while Matravers recovered in the ring. Suddenly, with the fight right in front of the announce table, Matravers came flying over the ropes, and landed on both of them!! All three men were down, and we cut to the back, where Grave Digger and Blackheart were brawling with BW Eddie, Doomsday and The Red Devils!! The two stables fought in the backstage area, with Grave Digger throwing Doomsday hard into a wall!! Back in the ring, Matravers headed up top, and delivered a beautiful high-angle moonsault onto Faust. But before the referee could count, Cornell came back in and threw Matravers out of the ring!! He picked Faust up, and hit the ‘Black Lightning Bomb’ (Blue Thunder Bomb)!! Cornell got into the cover quickly, and the referee counted Faust’s shoulders down before Matravers could recover!! Cornell retained!! 91 Backstage, we saw Apollo Prince in the men’s locker room… and he stopped as he walked past a bag he recognised…!! Prince stopped at Phillip Cooper’s bag… which had a very expensive looking hat on top of it… On United this past week, Cooper and Prince got into a scuffle backstage, and Cooper ripped a very expensive shirt that Prince was wearing… It lead to a match later in the show, which ‘Cooper Man’ won… Prince saw his chance for revenge… and he took it…!! He threw the hat on the ground, and stomped on it…!! He threw it at the wall… he kicked it across the locker room… and then he took it and put it in a toilet… walking out, wiping his hands… proud of his work…!! A shorter match than we’d seen so far tonight, but still a solid one. Sebastian Koller and J-B Cash are both incredibly talented in-ring performers, and both hit some exciting offense. Cash controlled the pace, and worked on Koller’s ankle. Stomping on it, and using the ropes to attack it. Cash’s problem here was that he got too cocky. He allowed the crowd to get to him, and wanted to prove how good he is to them. But his cockiness meant he took his eye off the prize, and didn’t fully focus on his dangerous opponent. In the end, Cash let Koller get on the offense one too many times, and succumbed to the dangerous ‘Hamburg Rock City’ Curb Stomp. 67 As Koller had his hand raised, the camera panned, and zoomed in on someone in the crowd… The man was looking at the ground, and had a cowboy hat on… so you couldn’t see his face… but the entire audience could see the scene on the big screen… and they erupted when they began to realise who it was… ‘Cowboy’ Buck Winchester slowly raised his head… his beaming smile as the crowd cheered louder was infectious… He took his hat off, and gave everyone a wave as his name came up on the screen… Cowboy was here to watch the rest of the show… but what does this mean for his 21CW status…?! We were all left guessing tonight… but what we do know, is that he was signed by 21CW, and has appeared in segments on Kingdom on Wednesday nights… Two great in-ring performers did battle here, and it was a back and forth battle. Blake Belushi had Loxley Robbins at ringside to begin with, but the referee sent him to the back when he got caught getting involved and attacking ‘D-B-F’ on the outside of the ring. Blake was in control until Loxley left, and when the numbers were evened up, it was time for Daniel Black Francis to fight back into it. The experienced competitor got the crowd behind him. He fed off their energy, and ducked and avoided everything Belushi attempted. In the end, he hit his ‘Dreadlock Drop’ DDT, and followed it up by locking Belushi in the ‘Rasta Lock’ Sleeper, until he tapped out!! ‘D-B-F’ is now a six-time Champion in 21CW. 73 Backstage, Phillip Cooper was looking for his hat, which he claimed to anyone who would listen, was worth £3,000…!! Someone pointed to the bathroom… and he ran in, to find his expensive hat, trampled, and thrown in the toilet…!! Cooper came out of the bathroom, and was furious…!! He asked anyone and everyone who did it, but nobody owned up, and he stormed out… Next up, the 21CW United Tag Team Titles were on the line… and Absolutely Flawless had the chance to become the first ever 4-Time 21CW Tag Champs together… The only man to have won 4 Tag Titles, Leo Price, headed onto the stage first, and then accompanied The Martin Twins to the ring… Absolutely Flawless and the Men Of Steel couldn’t be any more different. Mark Adonis and Mass Hulk are 288lbs and 318lbs respectively, and prefer to slam into their opponents and use powerful offense to gain the upper hand. The Martin Twins, at 255lbs each, are by no means small men, but their approach is more based on technical wrestling. They tried to isolate big Mass Hulk here, and keep him away from Adonis. But their strategy didn’t work early on, as Hulk was just too big and too strong. Adonis then ran things for his team, who are 2-time Tag Champs in their own right, and just 23 years old. Leo Price was helpful at ringside, and got the crowd behind Absolutely Flawless a number of times, but he didn’t physically get involved. His mere presence was enough to anger Adonis, and it allowed a window of opportunity for Kelly and Lance Martin to jump through! They managed to capture their fourth 21CW Tag Team Titles when Lance knocked Hulk out with his ‘Body Rocker’ flying European Uppercut! 65 There had been a LOT of new Champions crowned tonight so far… and we had one more match to go, where two men who have never been a World Champion will battle it out for the all-new 21CW Kingdom World Heavyweight Championship… but before that, we confirmed that there would be two big debuts this week… First, Dangermouth will debut on the blue brand: Kingdom… his manager DJ Reason has been instrumental in training him, and getting the 20 year old, former grime artist, ready for the ring… Meanwhile, over on United, the 44 year old Chuck Frisby re-debuts for 21CW, after 11 years away… The vastly experienced competitor has been saying for weeks that he’s “Here to tackle the UK’s Obesity Crisis… One lazy bum at a time…”… ‘The Unsung Hero’ considers himself to be very underrated… Time will tell on that one… The third best match of the night, and the third best match of 2020, saw Wade Orson and Buff Martinez do battle for the new 21CW Kingdom World Heavyweight Title. Orson is beloved by the fans, and has tried to show respect to Buff Martinez in recent weeks. But ‘The Barcelona Bull’ has refused to shake his hand on multiple occasions, right up until this past week on Kingdom. There seemed to be no respect from Buff early on in this one, but the magnitude of what he was potentially about to achieve soon got to him a little. He started to let the crowd affect his decisions, but at one point pulled Orson up to his feet and shook his hand in a cocky way. Orson wasn’t happy about that, and pushed him backwards, leading to a fist fight that the referee had to get between. Kathleen Lee urged her man to focus on the match, and he soon got back on top with a flurry of offence that Orson could do nothing about, including a couple of flying kicks and a low tackle that sent ‘Awesome’ Wade Orson face first into the bottom turnbuckle. The finish was a strange one, but it lead to one of the most shocking moments in 21CW history. Orson was closing in on a victory, and was lining Buff up for his ‘Bounce Back’ Pounce. But as he came off the ropes, he tweaked his knee, and dropped to the floor in a heap. Buff fell down too, in order to get a breather, but the referee had to help Orson. The big youngster writhed in pain, and looked like he had tears in his eyes. He couldn’t walk, and it was clear that this match had to end. Somehow, bravely, he crawled to the corner and pulled himself up by the ropes as the referee spoke to Buff and told him to wait until he confirmed the match would be continuing. Orson hobbled to the middle of the ring, and told Buff to bring it! He begged the Spanish star to hit him with his best shot, and Martinez reluctantly obliged. BANG!! An ‘El K.O’ Spinning Back Fist, and Orson crumpled to the floor again. Buff dropped into the cover, and hooked the leg that had been troubling Orson. He didn’t feel that though, because he was knocked clean out by the ‘El K.O’. The referee counted slowly, but he could have counted to 1,000. Buff Martinez did it!! He’s the new 21CW Kingdom World Heavyweight Champion!! 82 Kathleen Lee couldn’t believe it… She didn’t care how Buff won, the important thing was, that at 35 years old he just became a World Champion for the first ever time!! Lee presented him with the Belt, and he sobbed, but he also tried to check on Wade Orson, who had just come to… Orson pushed him away, and got out of the ring under the bottom rope… He still couldn’t put weight on his leg, and was angrily pushing the referee, and doctors and officials off… Martinez raised the new Title above his head, and the crowd cheered him loudly… He looked hurt too, after a gruelling match… but he was the Champion now…!! Steve Smith: “My money was on Wade Orson, gentlemen… but I gotta hand it to Buff Martinez… He had an opportunity and he didn’t hesitate to take it…” Jeff Nova: “Ah canny believe he knocked ou’ a one-legged man, and then celebra’ed, Steve… Bo’ he’s no’ on ma show… so yous can all deal wi’ tha fall ou’ from tha’… Orson’s pissed…!!” Dane Rawley: “Orson is mad, but what can he do about it… All I know is, I’ll be on Kingdom on Wednesday Night with my pal Steve Smith… We can watch what unfolds together… I’ll grab the Cop Porn…!!” The show closed with Martinez holding the Title closely to his chest as Kathleen Lee patted her man on the back…!!
  21. Oh wow, what's your day job? I might try and crack WWE one day - my day job lends itself to speaking with them/working with them... But I'm fairly new still. ‘Rough Justice’ Tommy Cornell [vs] ‘The British Lion’ Leigh Burton No point taking the belt of Tommy. Although I doubt there's many bigger Leigh B fans than me. [Sewer Urchin FTW] Tommy's not the champ... Edward is, on the other show... at World War, Buff and Wade are fighting for the new Title for the 'blue brand'. ‘The Rock and Roller’ Sebastian Koller [vs] J-B Cash I always found Cash hard. He's just a bit bland It's a strange situation with me... I signed Jay B and Buff when I ran ROF in one of my first ever saves... They almost crippled me financially, but they were my best assets by far! I would have them Main Event shows against UK Dragon and British Samurai, and a few others... Then when I split them, they became my #1 face and #1 heel, feuding with Nigel, Billy, Merle etc... It was a great save, that went 6+ years! So I'll always have a soft spot for them both... Cash is the blander of the two... He's solid enough, but at 37 (like me) is unlikely to improve much now. If I didn't already have so many, I might consider him heading up a stable. And that's still possible down the line. What will Apollo Prince do to Phillip Cooper at the show...? _______Glitterbomb ambush________ What will Apollo Prince do to Phillip Cooper at the show. Superglue a hat to his head of course. Lol! How did nobody else predict these?! Seems obvious now!
  22. Thank you buddy. I loved your 21CW work back in the day! Big inspiration to me the first time around, and for this 'sequel'. Good to see you're still around. 'bout time! It's cool, just didn't want you to miss out on those all important points!!
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