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The Lloyd

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Everything posted by The Lloyd

  1. @DAVEFAN95 - absolutely loved your post, thank you. Had a rough end to last week with some personal stuff (nothing too bad, just a lot of small stuff piling up) and your post cheered me up massively, so thank you! I hearby request AT LEAST one post like this after every pay-per-view, from at least one of you. Way too much to respond to all of it, but I'll touch on some bits... Antithesis / Beskov / Iliakov - you're bang on the money with what you said about them and the match. I have a plan for Antithesis, and hopefully you'll still like where he's going - but I didn't think he needed the Title for it. Beskov's win was away to push him towards a singles run, and also keep him away from Cornell (for now - again, bigger plans for Cornell right now). And Iliakov forming a different tag team, you could be on to something there... Annoying that I finalised those plans the day before you posted that It's like you read my mind. Both Russians had terrible entertainment stats, so I raised them up to mid 60s (Beskov) and low 60s (Iliakov). They're the only stats I changed in the game, apart from some popularity. Kenobi High... Hmmm... I THINK you'll like my plans... think... It's a story I've been trying to tell for multiple diaries now, but never got round to... it would work with most tag teams, I just haven't quite got to it. Ahaha, Cooper/Prince... When you put it like that it sounds pretty good I suppose haha! Honestly enjoyed writing that lot immensely. I too love a nonsense storyline, but always found them hard to write. With this one, week to week, little wrinkles appeared and I really enjoyed it... It's safe to say, they will always hate each other, so expect their paths to continue to cross. Martin Twins as World Champs? Can't say I see that to be fair Splitting the roster did leave me light at the very top of the card, but Loxley and Belushi have helped, and slowly but surely more Major Stars are emerging. Plus a couple of signings that are yet to debut will slot in right up there too. Maybe one day for Kelly and Lance, but not now. Yeah I like the Cornell / Adonis and Faarooq / Rocky angle... Might go there now you've said that. Edward is great, but Adonis has the potential to be even greater. Roly and Beast aren't on that level, but I love writing for them, so they'll continue to appear regularly and be at the top of the card on United. Overall, glad you enjoyed the show, and are enjoying the diary... long may it continue...
  2. Aha! Thanks man, glad to know you're enjoying it. I've now got then next 14 shows fully written, which includes War Drums and Fight Night, the next two pay-per-views. Yeah Mass Hulk is an interesting one, and I'm glad you mentioned him... He JUST got cleared where I'm writing, and I'm torn about what to do... I know for sure he's grown his hair and a beard out though...
  3. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 21CW World Edward Cornell (3) Held for 254 days 8 Title defences Prestige: 90 (no change) Previous Champions: Adam Matravers (4) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 21CW United Kingdom Viktor Beskov Held for 4 days 0 Title defences Prestige: 58 (no change) Previous Champions: Antithesis (2) Roly Muckletruck Bedlam ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 21CW United Tag Team Clifford Wilson and UK Dragon Held for 4 days 0 Title defences Prestige: 62 (+1) Previous Champions: Absolutely Flawless (Lance & Kelly Martin) (4) Men Of Steel (Mark Adonis & Mass Hulk) (2) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 21CW World Heavyweight Buff Martinez Held for 81 days 2 Title defence Prestige: 79 (no change) Previous Champions: None ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 21CW National Daniel Black Francis Held for 81 days 2 Title defences Prestige: 64 (-1) Previous Champions: None ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 21CW Kingdom Tag Team The Brat Pack (Artemis Eyre-Rochester & Thurston Darcy III) Held for 60 days 1 Title defences Prestige: 64 (no change) Previous Champions: None ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The Cornell Cup 2020: Beast Bantom & Roly Muckletruck Prestige: 81 Previous Winners: 2019: Hot Stuff (Buff Martinez & Jay-B) 2018: he Cornell Cousins (Tommy & Edward Cornell) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  4. @GreatreDRagon with ANOTHER prize on the way for top scoring at this show. An impressive 7/9... It looked like we were getting a new winner as the top two haven't won a prize on this diary before. But GreatreDRagon's win at Partners In Crime has caught him right up. Just four points separate the top four so it's all to play for. I'd love to hear people's thoughts on the show, and the match graphics - they were fun to put together. Roster update incoming...
  5. 21CW Presents: Saturday, Week 2, May 2020 Calling the action: Des Greeves, Martin Bloydell and Jeff Nova Overall Rating: 73 We opened Partners In Crime 2020 with a video package, showing Edward Cornell and his House Of Business falling apart… For months, BW Eddie questioned the loyalty of Viktor Beskov and Yuri Iliakov… and now all three have been kicked out, leaving Cornell with only one ally: Doomsday… The young Scot is a powerful man, who is not to be messed with… but is he enough back-up for Cornell, against another powerful Scot in Roly Muckletruck, and his friend Beast Bantom… All Cornell can hope for, is that the two big, bad, friends go after each other, so he can sneak in the back door… Unless he has other plans… When the live show kicked off, the crowd erupted at the music of Aldous Blackfriar… and it was time for the first randomly drawn tag match of the night, as ‘His Satanic Majesty’ was due to team with ‘The Rock ‘N’ Roller’ Sebastian Koller… Koller and Blackheart started this one for their respective teams, and as good as Koller is, he was in there against a big, dangerous, man. Another big, dangerous man in Gulliver was at ringside, and his involvement was a constant annoyance to the fan favourites. When Aldous Blackfriar tagged in, he hit the ring like a steam train, and knocked down Blackheart and Chuck Frisby over and over again. For the finish, Frisby was the legal man, and he shoved Koller off the apron. He didn’t realise the German was going to land right on top of his own partner Blackheart though! Frisby was distracted by what he had done, and it allowed Blackfriar to lock in the ‘Gloomweaver Clutch’ (Tazmission), and pick up the win. 52 Backstage, veterans Clifford Wilson and UK Dragon were getting ready for their 21CW United Tag Team Title shot later tonight… when Rolling Johnny Stones and Luke Cool strolled in to the locker room… Wilson had taped his fists and wrists… Dragon was adjusting his kick pads… They both retired around a year ago – Wilson was in 21CW at the time, and Dragon was a regular with WLW in Japan… Stones and Cool scoffed at their chances of winning the Titles tonight… Rolling Johnny Stones: “We can’t believe they rolled out two DINOSAURS like you two…” Luke Cool: “For a Tag Team Title shot… Talk about inflating Absolutely Flawless’ stats with an eeeeasy victory…” Wilson stood up, and got in Luke Cool’s face… while UK Dragon held his veteran friend back… The fact that Dragon is just one year older than Stones wasn’t lost on the two cocky accusers… but Wilson is a full 16 years older than Stones… and Stones is the wrong side of 40 himself… Will the vets be able to keep up with Absolutely Flawless tonight… Or will The Martin Twins be pre-occupied by their fallen manager Leo Price, who was recently hit by a CAR, by 'God's Gift To Wrestling' Mark Adonis… Luke Cool couldn’t stand around talking smack for long, because he had to get to the ring for this match. Cool is, along with Daniel Black Francis, a former 3-time UK Champion, and has the joint most UK Title wins in the history of 21CW. BW Eddie started this one the brightest, as he worked with Luke Cool to gain the upper hand. But Christopher Lister and Jase Cole’s years as a tag team gained them the most control, as they teamed up to gain the high ground of the ring, and keep all enemies at bay. Kenobi High are canny operators, with more than 45 years of combined experience. Viktor Beskov, Luke Cool and BW Eddie were all chopped down, but they didn’t see Antithesis grab his favourite weapon: his trusty Fire Extinguisher. ‘The Anarchist’ began swinging, and connected with the skull of Christopher Lister – knocking him out completely. Jase Cole took a shot to the gut, and then got it wrapped hard around his knee – so he too was out of the match. Cool and Eddie tried to stay away from the crazy Champion, but he chased them around the ring, before falling victim to a crushing Beskov lariat, which turned him inside out. Cool and Eddie continued to team up, trying to double-team the big Russian – but he was too strong, and on a mission tonight. He smashed their heads together, and then hit big boots on them both. Antithesis slid back into the ring, again wielding his Fire Extinguisher! But Beskov locked in his ‘Red Devil Lock’ (Lifted Arm Hook), and ‘The Anarchist’ dropped his weapon. He struggled and kicked to try to break free, but soon tapped out, losing his Title to the new Champion, Viktor Beskov!! 63 As soon as the bell rang, Beskov’s best friend Yuri Iliakov sprinted to the ring, and hugged his fellow Red Devil in a wholesome moment… The duo are former members of the stable: The House of Business, and have endured a tough time of late – so this felt like a monumental victory, and a validation of all of their hard work… The announce team confirmed that their rivalry with The House of Business still wasn’t over – because this week on United, Yuri Iliakov will face Doomsday 1 on 1… After mocking UK Dragon and Clifford Wilson earlier tonight, this show hasn’t been kind to Luke Cool and Rolling Johnny Stones so far. Cool was unsuccessful in his UK Title match, and Stones was randomly drawn alongside Cain Carlisle, to take on J-B Cash and the seemingly unstoppable Grave Digger. Stones ended up leaving the match, when Carlisle was easily put away by Digger following an ‘R.I.P Piledriver’. For a change, Carlisle didn’t look happy to be there. 47 We cut backstage to where Melanie Florence was standing by with Jase Cole and Christopher Lister of Kenobi High… The veteran tag team were extremely banged up, after being brutally taken out of the UK Title six-man match… Lister was knocked out, and Cole took a Fire Extinguisher to the gut and then the knee to end his fight… Florence asked them if they liked working against each other for a change tonight…? Or if they preferred being a tag team…? Christopher Lister: “This may be the concussion talking… but I enjoyed being on opposite sides of the ring from my best friend for a change…” Jase Cole: “Me too, mate… Maybe… Maybe it’s time…?!” The former five-time Tag Team Champions in Europe may well be finished as a tag team… A shame, since they never won ‘the big ones’ in 21CW… The best match of the entire night, was the much anticipated ‘Fight At The Factory’, which was a pre-recorded, cinematic match. It began with Phillip Cooper arriving at the SHAMPOLLO Factory – where he is a part owner. He walked into his office, and was stunned to see NOTHING in there!! All his furniture, and all of his equipment was gone, and he was furious. He burst out of his office door, and found a small skip with everything smashed up inside it! While he stood looking at the devastation, and muttering that he had a couple of hats in there, Apollo Prince came out of nowhere and blasted him from behind!! The match was on!! Prince dominated the early stages, with Cooper just trying to get away from him. They brawled through the corridors, as Prince chased his fellow SHAMPOLLO co-owner, and slammed him into walls, and doors. But the turning point in the match came, when Cooper was able to slam a door on Prince’s arm!! The announce team suggested that he may have broken it, and for the next 10 minutes, it looked like he had. Prince was letting it hang in position, and didn’t use it at all during that period. After being beaten up for a long time by his rival, Prince finally fought back into it. He charged at Cooper, and speared him through a door! The comeback was on! From then on, Cooper had the worst luck. He tried to flirt with an admin clerk who was inexplicably on duty, and she slapped him. He followed that up by shoving a huge factory security guard (played by Ivorian veteran Kalu Owusu, who is in developmental). The security guard shoved him back, and he staggered backwards – his foot firmly planted in a mop bucket! Cooper tried to shake it off, and staggered further, before removing his new shoe, and standing on a large red X. He realised he was on the X, and then looked up, as gallons of SHAMPOLLO was tipped onto his head at the push of a button from Prince!! Cooper screamed that it was burning his eyes, and Prince responded by saying that it was a special recipe, with a new ingredient – Super Hot Chillies! Cooper never recovered, and Prince hit his ‘Apollogy’ inverted bulldog on the hard floor, to pin his rival. 78 When we came back live, a fight had broken out backstage again, between Adam Matravers and J-B Cash… Referees and officials had managed to separate them… Suddenly, just when the fight looked over, Cash’s tag team partner from earlier tonight: Grave Digger, arrived on the scene, and slammed into Matravers… sending him into the wall…!! Cash was shocked to see his new ‘friend’ come to his aid, but he was extremely happy to see the huge, demonic, phenom… Digger trod on Adam’s throat as referees pleaded with him to step off… He eventually did, and then shot a look to Cash which made him regret smiling and cheering for his former partner… Absolutely Flawless are the first ever 4-time 21CW Tag Team Champions, and have taken on all comers during this record-setting reign. Tonight, they had Clifford Wilson and UK Dragon – a duo who up until one week ago were RETIRED. They’ve also never teamed up before, and yet here they were with a 21CW United Tag Team Title shot after accidentally entering a Number One Contenders Battle Royale on United last week. The match was very good, and great to watch Dragon do his usual bumping for the bigger, stronger team of the Martin Twins. Wilson waited for his moment, and when the 49 year old came in off the hot tag, the arena erupted. 30,000 fans came unglued, and he began chopping his opponents down. For the finish, Wilson was looking for his ‘Descent Into Hell’ Crossfacce on Lance Martin. He didn’t see Mark Adonis arrive, and blast Kelly Martin with a steel chair! Crucially, neither did the referee! Kelly would have been able to break up the submission, but he was done for. Lance held on as long as he could, but he had to tap out!! NEW CHAMPIONS!! 62 Adonis smiled from the stage as Wilson and Dragon were handed their Championships…!! The veterans couldn’t believe they’d won, and they promised everyone a big party after the show…!! It seems they had no idea about Adonis’ involvement at all… We were backstage again next, where we cut to the Detective Agency Office of Boulder and Flynn (Beau Boulder and Darin Flynn)… They had a friend with them… ‘The Breeze’ Joey Beauchamp… Beau Boulder: “Are you sure, Joey…? We don’t wanna put you out or anything…” Joey Beauchamp: “I insist guys… I will help you with your ‘BW Eddie’ problem… I’ll beat him on United, and then we’ll get him to pay up…!!” Boulder and Flynn thanked their friend… Looks like ‘The Breeze’ will be taking on BW Eddie this week… Main Event time, and the match everyone had been looking forward to. Edward Cornell, is friendless. He has no allies. No House of Business. He was out there alone. All he could hope for, was that the two men who are friends, who are his opponents tonight, end up fighting amongst themselves instead of teaming up to take him out. Early on, it looked as though his hope was gone. Roly Muckletruck and Beast Bantom had a plan which they implemented right from the start. Corner Cornell, and stop him from running away from them. They double-teamed him, and worked together like it was a handicap match, with absolutely zero danger of conflict. However, it got to the point where they eventually had no choice but to fight between themselves. Doomsday had hit the ring, and was taken care of with a double spinebuster over the guard rail and onto the concrete, with fans moving out of the way as quickly as they could. The fan favourite tag team decided to end Cornell and put him through the announce table with the same move, which the fans loved! Beast and Roly agreed to take it to the ring, and both men got ready. It almost seemed like we were starting again in a singles match, with both men stretching and warming up, as if they were waiting for the bell to ring. The fight between the friends was great. They both delivered hard elbows and big kicks, and followed up every strike with shouting at each other as if it was personal. Doomsday tried to get back in at one point, but Bantom hit him with a big boot. Roly then locked his fellow Scot in a Full Nelson, and then dropped him once he had passed out. Beast Bantom waited until Doomsday was dropped, and then jumped his friend Roly from behind. However, this wasn’t the worst attack from behind in the match. Just as Beast was closing in on a historic win, someone showed up with a steel chair and his hood up!! After cracking Beast over the back of the head with the chair, MARK ADONIS revealed his identity! Just like in the previous match for the 21CW United Tag Team Titles, Adonis was the catalyst for the result of this one. He battered Bantom with the chair, until it was no longer able to be used as a chair, before driving Roly Muckletruck into the corner with a shoulder tackle to the mid-section. He waited for Bantom to get to his feet, before hitting the ‘Adonis Elbow’ (Judas Effect). He delivered the same move to Roly, right as Edward Cornell slid into the ring with a huge grin on his face! The referee could do nothing about all of this, except count as Cornell pinned Beast’s shoulders to the mat. 76 Doomsday climbed back into the ring again, holding his head… as Mark Adonis, completely unharmed, raised Edward Cornell’s hand… He retained his Title with a LOT of help… but does this mean that Adonis is now a member of a new look House Of Business…!? The show ended with the image of Beast and Roly left crumpled on the floor outside the ring, while Adonis was celebrating a career defining night… The problem is, he’s defined the careers of The Martin Twins, Beast Bantom and Roly Muckletruck… add that to running Leo Price down in a CAR, and Adonis has made a lot of enemies…
  6. You've got to predict quicker brother. I'm renowned for posting fast, and I've been working a lot on the diary over the past few weeks so am a fair bit ahead now Interesting that Roly is a 100% babyface, but Beast isn't... Would love for you to dig deeper into this. The Road Agents - is a terrible tag team name But I'll consider it if they stay together. Wilson/Angel versus Antithesis is the feud I considered first when Wilson agreed to come out of retirement. Can't wait to get to it. Ahh thanks mate. I haven't watched WWE for a couple of months, but I was enjoying it when I was watching it, so I take this as a huge compliment Glad you're enjoying my work, and I'll do my best to keep it interesting. I'm certainly having fun with a lot of the characters.
  7. Predictions for PARTNERS IN CRIME, Week 2, May 2020 Sebastian Koller and Aldous Blackfriar [vs] Blackheart and Chuck Frisby w/ Gulliver 21CW UK Championship: Viktor Beskov | Jase Cole | Christopher Lister | Luke Cool | BW Eddie | Antithesis (c) Cain Carlisle and Rolling Johnny Stones [vs] Grave Digger and J-B Cash The Fight at the Factory: Apollo Prince [vs] Phillip ‘Cooper Man’ Cooper 21CW United Tag Team Championships: Absolutely Flawless (c) [vs] Clifford Wilson and UK Dragon 21CW World Championship: ‘The Squashasaurus’ Roly Muckletruck [vs] Beast Bantom [vs] ‘All Business’ Edward Cornell (c) BONUS: 1). How many Titles will change hands…? ____________ 2). Who will take the fall in the Main Event…? ____________ 3). Which match will be the Match of the Night…? ____________
  8. Chuck Frisby (real name) has got very strong Entertainment stats/skills, so he was a no-brainer to bring in as a jobber... But he's actually proven to be a way better performer than I imagined, and now he's getting pushed to the moon!! I've used Price a lot in previous games. Mainly in tag teams I think, with Joss Thompson, and then with Leigh Burton. I used to love a tag team split and feud back in those days. Buff Martinez versus Jay B when Hotstuff split in ROF was an epic feud! In a scene so typically Scottish...!! Trying to make Roly stand out, and giving him IRN BRU was an easy choice. Hope you liked how the Main Event and subsequent decision from Roly played out...? Well, you wanted veterans... I managed to convince Clifford Wilson and UK Dragon to come out of retirement... I couldn't get all of my Road Agents to do it (there's one more), but the plan is to use them VERY sparingly... The Ivanoffs are an interesting duo... Apparently head booker (before I came along) Pit Bull Brown tried to split them up ala the Dudley Boyz... and they refused and ended up leaving 21CW... I rate them both very highly as performers... however, already have the Russian thing down with Beskov and Iliakov. In the past, I've booked a four man stable with them... Beskov was 'Billionaire' Beskov, and was the leader of the group. I can see myself bringing them back in one day, for sure!
  9. 21CW Presents: Episode 15 Wednesday, Week 2, May 2020 Calling the action: Des Greeves, Martin Bloydell and Jeff Nova Overall Rating: 68 We opened the show with a packed ring, holding singles and tag team stars of the United roster ready for the opening Battle Royale… The music of The Red Devils hit, and they joined the group already in the ring… Then out came 21CW UK Champion Antithesis… sporting his Fire Extinguisher…!! The maniac has used that weapon for weeks, and knocked out many of the people in the match with it… The announce team appeared on our screens as ‘The Anarchist’ made his way to the ring… Martin Bloydell: “Well folks… Little bit of house keeping here… This opening contest, will be for a shot at the 21CW United Tag Team Titles at Partners In Crime… The remaining TWO men… will earn the shot… regardless of if they’re a tag team or not…!!” Jeff Nova: “Aii… An’ just to make sure this thing doesne’ descend inta chaos… ONLY tha men in tha ring, when tha bell rings to start tha match… will be eligible to compete for this opportunity…!!” The ring announcer delayed starting this match, because road agents Clifford Wilson and UK Dragon slid into the ring, and tried to convince Antithesis to hand over his Fire Extinguisher… Eventually, he was clocked from behind by Viktor Beskov and Yuri Iliakov (The Red Devils), and dropped his weapon… The referee called for the bell… and THEN Clifford Wilson and UK Dragon exited the ring… UNDER the bottom rope…!! Joey Beauchamp | Nate Manchester | Evan Alpass | Cain Carlisle | Antithesis Viktor Beskov | Yuri Iliakov | Clifford Wilson | UK Dragon | Rolling Johnny Stones Compton Valence | Langton Herring | Fabian Schwarz | Hans Piccard | Vinny Vigilante Dragon and Wilson were informed that they were technically IN this match, but argued with the referees at ringside. Meanwhile in the ring, a fired up Yuri Iliakov was eliminating people left and right. Vinny Vigilante was the first to go, quickly followed by Evan Alpass and Nate Manchester. Then the unthinkable happened, as Cain Carlisle tipped Viktor Beskov up and out to pick up the shock elimination of the night. Outside the ring, Dragon and Wilson began to remove their suit jackets and watches!! Two tag teams essentially eliminated each other next, as Compton Valence, Langton Herring, Hans Piccard and Fabian Schwarz all ended up over the ropes and on the apron, before knocking each other to the floor. Cain Carlisle’s night got even better when he got rid of Rolling Johnny Stones!! But he was soon eliminated by Antithesis!! Antithesis also ended the night for the impressive Yuri Iliakov, leaving just ‘The Anarchist’ and Joey Beauchamp!! But… They’d forgotten about UK Dragon and Clifford Wilson. The two veterans were back in the ring, and we had the Final Four! Dragon and Wilson didn’t want to fight at all and wanted to just climb out of the ring via the top rope! But when Dragon hit a beautiful hip toss on the on-rushing Antithesis, it was clear that they realised they could win! Beauchamp and Antithesis gained the upper hand, and threw them both out! But, they landed on the apron, safe and still in the match! Beauchamp and Antithesis celebrated like they’d won, and then Dragon and Wilson came up behind them to eliminate them, and WIN the match!! 62 Clifford Wilson took great pleasure in waving at his Brother Antithesis as he flopped around on the floor… Eliminated and defeated…!! We cut to a promo package next, showing the rivalry between Apollo Prince and Phillip Cooper… When the video package ended, Prince and Cooper were stood in Prince’s Shampollo Office, separated by security guards… Phillip Cooper: “We’ve had THREE Matches on Urrnited… Yu know wha’ I mean…?! And we may be business partnas, bo’ we need to END this… You’ve taken it too faaaar with this Charity Status thing…” Prince looked at a picture on his desk… and turned it around to show himself opening his factory… cutting the red ribbon… Apollo Prince: “Alright… We end this… At Partners In Crime… Come back here after hours… and we’ll have a FIGHT AT THE FACTORY Match…!!” Cooper nodded, and then left the office… w/ Assassin [vs] ‘The Icelandic Body’ Gulliver w/ Chuck Frisby Short and poor match as expected between these two big men. Gulliver won it when Chuck Frisby distracted the rough, tough Assasin. 29 We cut to the local hospital next, where Lance and Kelly Martin were stood over their manager Leo Price in his hospital bed… Price was unconscious, as Absolutely Flawless spoke about what they’d do to Mark Adonis the next time they see him… They also spoke about their HUGE 21CW United Tag Team Title defence coming up at Partners In Crime… against Clifford Wilson and UK Dragon… Lance Martin: “Two legendary competitors… and we’ve got to beat them…” Just then, Leo Price’s vitals started to spike, and he began to wake up…!! Lance called for help, and Kelly leant over Price… as he was trying to say something… He managed to whisper just one word… (or maybe two)... Leo Price: “Taaaake… Ovvvver…!!” ‘His Satanic Majesty’ Aldous Blackfriar [vs] BW Eddie Great way to continue what has been a strange night. BW Eddie is an untrustworthy snake of a competitor, and he showed his crafty side here tonight. However, he was up against a wildly talented American in Aldous Blackfriar, who won it with his ‘Gloomweaver Clutch’ Tazmission. 66 After the match, Beau Boulder and Darin Flynn came out onto the stage, and announced that BW Eddie is STILL refusing to pay them the money he owes for their detective services… So… They’re demanding he pays in OTHER ways…!! Starting with a match… Beau Boulder: “So… we’re going to FIND a suitable opponent for you…!! We don’t want to get our, hands, dirty…!!” After a commercial break, we learned that regardless of the outcome of their tag team match at Partners In Crime, J-B Cash would have Grave Digger as his first guest on his new talk show… ‘Cash Reacts’…!! The team dubbed ‘Gold Diggers’ were randomly selected to form a duo to take on Cain Carlisle and Rolling Johnny Stones at Partners In Crime… And speaking of Grave Digger… He made his entrance next, accompanied by Blackheart… w/ Local Talent [vs] Grave Digger w/ Blackheart Easy win for Grave Digger here, against an unknown local talent. He won it with his brutal ‘R.I.P Piledriver’. 48 Next up, we cut to the draw to determine Antithesis’ 21CW UK Championship defence at Partners In Crime… He’ll either have a singles match, triple threat, four way, five way, six way or a 10-man Battle Royale… The random spinner wheel span, and landed clearly on a SIX-MAN Match… which Antithesis was furious about…!! This was the worst possible option apart from the Battle Royale… Then we had the random draw for his opponents… and they were taken as names out of a spinning barrel… One at a time… Christopher Lister of Kenobi High… Viktor Beskov of The Red Devils… Former 3-time UK Champion Luke Cool… Former House of Business Member BW Eddie… who will join his fellow former HOB Member Beskov… And finally… Jase Cole…!! ALSO of Kenobi High…!! A stacked line-up for Antithesis… but he picked up his Fire Extinguisher, and held it tightly to him… a sadistic smile crept across his face… Elsewhere backstage, Adam Matravers and J-B Cash were brawling, with referees and officials trying to separate them… Finally they got some separation, and Matravers sneered at the man who had cut his lip and bruised his eye… Cash shouted that their feud wasn’t over…!! Cash also had some injuries to his face… his eyebrow was cut a little and he had blood in his mouth… w/ ‘The Rock ‘N’ Roller’ Sebastian Koller [vs] Doomsday w/ Edward Cornell Koller and Doomsday put on a great contest here. Doomsday is the only member of Edward Cornell’s House Of Business stable to stick around with the 21CW World Champion, and he was here to prove he could hang in the ring with one of the best in the business right now. Koller won, but it could have been different. Cornell was too distracted with the announce team at ringside – telling them he’d be joining the desk for the Main Event. It was a close fought contest, and Koller won it by hitting his ‘Hamburg Rock City’ Curb Stomp. 60 After the match was over, Edward Cornell did indeed join the announce team… Doomsday sat beside him, but he was hurt after his hard-fought match… Cornell was hoping that Roly Muckletruck and Beast Bantom had a hard-fought match in the Main Event next… The hope was, that they’d soften each other up ahead of their Triple Threat against Cornell at Partners In Crime… The winner of tonight’s match though, can CHOOSE the stipulation… including weather it becomes a Singles Match, or remains a Triple Threat…!! ‘The Squashasaurus’ Roly Muckletruck [vs] Beast Bantom Two friends who are no strangers to fighting 1 on 1 did battle here. Roly and Beast are a match in height, and in weight, but they’re very different competitors, with differing builds. Bantom is ripped, with all of his muscles appearing hard and unforgiving. Roly isn’t in bad shape at all, but he comes across softer, and less toned. His stamina, for a man of his size, is unbelievable though. He was able to stay in this match, despite being dominated by Beast, and eventually won it with his brilliant ‘Full Nelson’, which caused Beast to tap out. 65 After the match, Roly grabbed a microphone, and warned Edward Cornell and Doomsday to stay out of the ring… They heeded his warning… Roly Muckletruck: “Ach… Whatta match, ey…?! Give it up for the BEAST…!!” Roly gathered his thoughts, and asked a ringside worker to hand him an IRN BRU… Which he opened, and sipped… Roly Muckletruck: “Now ah take NO pleasure from beatin’ mah friend, Beastie… An I’d take even LESS pleasure from kickin’ him oot of our Triple Threat Match at Partners In Crime… He EZ mah partner in crime… He’s JUST as responsible for our win at The Cornell Cup as I em… sooo… we’re still goona have our li’lle wee Triple Threat match with Edward Cornell… an’ ONE of us… is gonna become Champion…!!” Roly said the match would be contested with NO RULES… so if Doomsday wanted to get involved too, he can…!! But he didn’t add any further stipulations than that… The show ended with Roly helping Beast to his feet, and the two big, tough, fan favourites glaring at Cornell and Doomsday on the outside of the ring…
  10. Predictions for United, Episode 15, Week 2, May 2020 Battle Royale: Last Two competitors earn a Tag Team Title shot at Partners In Crime: Joey Beauchamp | Nate Manchester | Evan Alpass | Cain Carlisle | Viktor Beskov | Yuri Iliakov | Antithesis ???? | ???? | Compton Valence | Langton Herring | Fabian Schwarz | Hans Piccard | Vinny Vigilante | Rolling Johnny Stones Assassin [vs] Gulliver w/ Chuck Frisby ‘His Satanic Majesty’ Aldous Blackfriar [vs] BW Eddie Local Talent [vs] Grave Digger w/ Blackheart ‘The Rock ‘N’ Roller’ Sebastian Koller [vs] Doomsday w/ Edward Cornell ‘The Squashasaurus’ Roly Muckletruck [vs] Beast Bantom
  11. I hear that mate. 2008 was my first game I think?! ROF were my company, and I had an epic save with guys like Beauchamp, Jay B, Buff Martinez and Leo Price on top. Loved that era! There's a lot to like about this save though too. I can still use these guys, Jones'll get plenty of TV time etc too. So they're all still active. Even Price I can use as a manager.
  12. Ahaha! Good to hear it. I had absolutely nothing for Kevin Jones, and I figured if I'm going to work him down the card and put over younger talent (one day), I might as well do it for the excellent array of young Tag Teams on the roster, and bring Jeremy Allen in. Allen's stamina is like, 15? Or something. So he can only have 6 minute or less matches! Interesting theories, particularly as they both went the other way... Here's my logic for both: Alfonso beating The Booth gives him all the reasons he needs to NOT join them... because that's ultimately the story here - them wanting him, and him turning them down. If they beat him, especially green Dangermouth, he might feel he needs them? Merle was supposed to come in and work a few matches, and be gone. I literally gave him a 3 month deal, because both rosters were a little small. Then he pulled a 60 out of Edison Silva, and a 60 out of Kelvin Badberry... That match with Harmonic was 56 for THREE MINUTES! So he's going to stay around, and get a bit of a push initially now. In a similar vein to Kevin Jones, he'll be used to put the youngsters over... but a nice win streak to get him to a level of relevance is needed. Harmonic is a teenager, so he can take a loss, and he'll be fine. One went over, one got over Stoat, like Merle, has a short contract. Six months for Smasher. He just had a great match the day his contract came up, so I think I might extend another 3 months. See what else I can get out of him. His bio says he left 21CW in 2019 because he was annoyed about putting the younger talent over... So he's had a couple of wins, and even beat Landon Mallory to kick start their mini feud. He'll always pick the odd win up here or there, so be careful about writing him off and picking him to lose every time! Haha! You could do some fantasy booking for my fantasy booking! That's when you know you've made it as a diary writer! lol Thanks as always for the picks and comments guys. Really appreciate you all.
  13. 21CW Presents: Episode 15 Wednesday, Week 2, May 2020 Calling the action: Steve Smith and Dane Rowley Overall Rating: 65 We kicked of the show with a RANDOM DRAW for a Tag Team Title shot…!! With Kingdom General Manager Colin Chalke, stood in his office… Colin Chalke: “In honour of the upcoming United Pay-Per-View: PARTNERS In Crime… Where some tag teams… and Title challengers… will be randomly selected… Kingdom are going to have ourselves a Random Draw to find the next challengers for The Brat Pack’s 21CW Kingdom Tag Team Titles…!!” Chalke turned to a Tombola, with circa 30 balls in it… He spun the Tombola around, and drew the first challenger… Colin Chalke: “He’s the ‘British Lion’… LEIGH BURTON…!! And now… his partner…” He turned the Tombola again… Colin Chalke: “…will be… One of my favourite performers to watch… Landon Mallory…!!” An interesting duo here… Mallory is very popular among the fans, and Burton is very snake-like, and doesn’t care about what the fans think… They’re both extremely talented performers, and if they can get on the same page, will be a genuine threat to Artemis Eyre-Rochester and Thurston Darcy III… w/ w/ ‘The Furious Bi-Curious’ Alfonso D’Angelo w/ Buck Winchester [vs] Dangermouth w/ DJ Reason Very quick match here, between two up and coming young stars. Dangermouth is very green, and hasn’t had the fundamentals engrained into his training like D’Angelo has at the National School of Wrestling. The former MC needs to work with more experienced opponents for a while, but the match was watchable at least. For the finish, Alfonso locked in his ‘Anaconda Vice’ head scissors Camel Clutch! 37 Last week, Brickhouse Balder lost his singles match… and he was talking to Welsh Dragon about it… Suddenly, despite Dragon being friendly towards the big Frenchman, Balder attacked by slamming into the young Welsh high-flier… When he got up, Balder squashed him against the wall… and he dropped to the floor… Dragon’s best friend Aurelian Bradley arrived on the scene, and Balder backed off… Bradley crouched over his fallen friend, and shouted at Balder… asking him what he was doing… Balder replied by saying he’d see Bradley in the ring if he wants to do something about it… w/ ‘The Irish Stretching Machine’ Merle O’Curle [vs] ‘The King of the Cruiserweights’ Phil Harmonic w/ Edison Silva & Kelvin Badberry Harmonic lasted just 3 minutes tonight, getting stretched and slapped about by the vastly more experienced Merle O’Curle. He was pinned with a small package that looked impossible to kick out of! After the match, Harmonic flapped about, and threw a full-on tantrum. Especially when Silva and Badberry couldn’t catch O’Curle as he made a quick exit! 56 We cut backstage next, and in a change of pace, we found Landon Mallory and Leigh Burton meeting for possibly the first time… The two have ‘earned’ 21CW Kingdom Tag Team Title shots, due to the random draw earlier tonight… Leigh Burton: “Mallory… You’re good… but if I were you… I’d let me do all the work when we fight The Brat Pack… I’ve dealt with their kind before… So uhh… stay out of my way out there…” Mallory was angered by Burton’s arrogance… but had something in his back pocket, that Burton didn’t know… Landon Mallory: “Actually ‘Lion’… We’ve got ourselves a ‘tune-up match’ next week… Me an’ you… against Crouching Storm, Hidden Sifu…!! Now… I assume you’ll want me to do my fair share of the work in that one, huh…?! I will show you, what I can do...” Burton winced at the mention of the match… He knows Storm and Sifu, but in particular Storm, wants to HURT him… so he knew he’d need Mallory’s help next week… Brickhouse Balder [vs] ‘The Master of the Old School’ Aurelian Bradley At 481lbs, Balder is twice the size of Bradley, and it showed early on. However, ‘The Master of the Old School’ was somehow able to fight back into it, and won it with his ‘Figure Four Leg Lock’. 37 Next up, we saw ‘The Executive Consultant’ Cliff King standing by with his ‘Giant Client’ War Machine… Machine was stood behind his manager… Arms folded, and looking extremely menacing… He let his ‘mouthpiece’ do the talking tonight… Cliff King: “In one week… The FOURTH instalment in the BEDLAM versus War Machine… Best of Seven Series SAGA… and with the scores currently at 2 to 1… My ‘Giant Client’ is going to take another win… and make it almost beyond DOUBT… that this will end with War Machine having his hand raised, with four victories…” BEDLAM versus War Machine IV next week…!! Monkey Business (Kevin Jones & Jeremy Allen) [vs] Nightmare & Ruin The return of Monkey Business tonight, in a fun, but a little more serious match. Jones wanted Allen to stop all the shenanigans, because he knew how dangerous their opponents were – and he was there for revenge after they attacked Allen backstage. In the end, he got his wish, because Allen showed his more serious side before hitting his ‘Hunk ‘O Pain’ side belly-to-belly slam. 45 Backstage, Mo Adebola was standing by with Wade Orson… Mo Adebola: “I em joined by… Thee man known… as ‘Awesome’ Wade Orson… And Mr. Orson… what thee people want to know… is how does it feel to see your tag team partner, Leigh Burton, getting a 21CW Kingdom Tag Team Title shot… with a different partner!?” Orson smiled… he licked his lips, and snarled at Adebola for his comment and line of questioning… Wade Orson: “It’s… FINE…?!” Orson was unconvincing… Wade Orson: “No really… It’s fine… Because you see… this way… I’m going to head into the Main Event tonight, and WIN the Battle Royale… then… I myself will get some Gold… WITHOUT… Leigh…” Before he could finish, the Lee FamiLee walked up…!! [PICS: Gorilla, JK and Andrew Lee] Gorilla Lee: “Diiiiiiiiiiiiid you just say, Lee…?!” Orson began to answer, but then realised he was being mocked… and decided to leave the scene… Andrew Lee reminded Mo Adebola that he and his Cousins were ALL in tonight’s Main Event… and they ALL want a shot at their friend Buff Martinez…!! w/ ‘The Barcelona Bull’ Buff Martinez w/ Kathleen Lee [vs] Stevie ‘Smasher’ Stoat Decent but short co-Main Event here. Buff and Stoat are both veterans, and both know their characters well. It took a great fightback from Martinez to win this one – hitting his ‘El K.O’ spinning back fist to win it. 54 Ahead of the Main Event, we got a promo video for the fan favourite tag team: The Underdogs… ‘Little J’ Joe Simpson and Michael X are a popular duo, and shouldn’t be underestimated… The video showed how hard the two youngsters work… and how close they are as friends… It warned that The Underdogs would be waiting to see who wins between the tag team of Leigh Burton and Landon Mallory, and the current 21CW Kingdom Tag Team Champions: The Brat Pack at the Kingdom Pay-Per-View: War Drums in a few short weeks… Tommy Cornell | Ricky Storm | Sifu | Landon Mallory | Daniel Black Francis Andrew Lee | Gorilla Lee | JK Lee | Leigh Burton | Wade Orson Blake Belushi | Smiling John Smithie | Mark Misery | Kelvin Badberry | Edison Silva Star-studded line-up in this one, with a number of potential winners, so it took a while for the first elimination to occur. Smiling John Smithie received that honour, and had more to complain about, when he was tipped up and over by Gorilla Lee while trying to eliminate JK Lee himself. Gorilla got two more eliminations in quick succession, ending Mark Misery’s night, and slamming into Edison Silva while he was on the apron too. Big, bad, Kelvin Badberry put up more of a fight, and was able to throw JK Lee out of the match, but all that did was anger Gorilla Lee, who got his fourth elimination in ‘The Bad Seed’. With Gorilla’s dominance, he earned a target on his back. His Cousin Andrew Lee also became a target, and was thrown out by Blake Belushi. The cocky Australian brought Leigh Burton and Wade Orson on to his side, and the trio tipped Gorilla up and out together! Their amazing teamwork was only matched by Ricky Storm and Sifu. One of the greatest tag teams in 21CW history were out to get Leigh Burton tonight, and they did just that – working together to go high and low on ‘The British Lion’ before eliminating him together. This brought the attention of Burton’s random tag team partner Landon Mallory, who will team with Burton next week against Crouching Storm, Hidden Sifu. He tipped Sifu out, and then used Storms momentum against him to eliminate him too! Down to the Final Five now, and Tommy Cornell began his march to victory. He managed to get both Landon Mallory and Daniel Black Francis up and over the top rope to the apron, and then eliminated BOTH the fan favourites. This seemed like a good move, but Cornell soon realised he was out there with Orson and Belushi – who had worked together earlier, and who both saw the benefit of eliminating ‘Rough Justice’ together, and then fighting it out to see who the better man is. Cornell has bags of experience though, and he got ‘Beautiful’ Blake Belushi out before too much damage could be done. But despite Cornell’s experience, he fell for an old trick tonight. The music of Loxley Robbins hit, and Cornell got ready for a showdown with the man who has been refusing to compete for weeks!! However, Loxley never showed, and Cornell’s distraction was enough for Wade Orson to hit his ‘Bounce Back’ Pounce!! He picked a near lifeless Cornell up, and threw him over the top rope!! Orson won the whole match, and now he’s heading to War Drums to face Buff Martinez for the 21CW World Heavyweight Title!! 69
  14. These are rubbish aren't they Haha! Great work pal, really like them. I'll DM you a couple of requests
  15. Predictions for Kingdom, Episode 15, Week 2, May 2020 ‘The Furious Bi-Curious’ Alfonso D’Angelo w/ Buck Winchester [vs] Dangermouth w/ DJ Reason ‘The Irish Stretching Machine’ Merle O’Curle [vs] ‘The King of the Cruiserweights’ Phil Harmonic w/ Edison Silva & Kelvin Badberry Brickhouse Balder [vs] ‘The Master of the Old School’ Aurelian Bradley w/ Welsh Dragon Kevin Jones & Jeremy Allen [vs] Nightmare & Ruin ‘The Barcelona Bull’ Buff Martinez w/ Kathleen Lee [vs] Stevie ‘Smasher’ Stoat Battle Royale: Winner earns a shot at the 21CW World Heavyweight Title: Tommy Cornell | Ricky Storm | Sifu | Gorilla Lee | JK Lee | Andrew Lee | Landon Mallory | Daniel Black Francis Leigh Burton | Wade Orson | Blake Belushi | Smiling John Smithie | Mark Misery | Kelvin Badberry | Edison Silva
  16. Well done mate, looks really good so far Sayeed Ali has been a godsend in many of my previous saves!
  17. 21CW Presents: Episode 14 Wednesday, Week 1, May 2020 Calling the action: Des Greeves, Martin Bloydell and Jeff Nova Overall Rating: 75 We opened the show with 21CW World Champion Edward Cornell backstage… claiming that he held ALL the cards ahead of his scheduled match at Partners In Crime against Beast Bantom and Roly Muckletruck… Edward Cornell: “Next week… We’re gonna be putting that tag team through their paces… as they COMPETE… 1 on 1… The winner of that match, can CHOOSE his match at Partners In Crime…!! They can choose if it’s a Triple Threat Match… OR… if it’s a straight singles match… That’ll throw a spanner in their little alliance…!!” Cornell left the ring, and as he arrived on the stage, the music of Joey Beuchamp hit…!! ‘The Breeze’ walked out ahead of his match… He shared a look with Cornell, that seemed to suggest a pre-existing rivalry… although the two have never fought 1 on 1 in their entire careers… w/ ‘The Breeze’ Joey Beauchamp [vs] Luke Cool w/ Rolling Johnny Stones Fun opener here for this episode of United, between two veterans. Beauchamp is an amazing performer, and he can have a good match with anyone. For the finish, Joey locked in his ‘Breeze Block’ (arm lock with headbutts) and Cool had to tap out!! 56 Up next, we were in the back for the first DRAW for the Partners In Crime Pay-Per-View… At the event, there will be two tag team matches, with all four randomly selected competitors… And the first one will be… Cain Carlisle will team with Rolling Johnny Stones… taking on what, on paper, looks like a very strong duo in Grave Digger and J-B Cash…!! The second Partners In Crime Tag Match will be drawn later tonight… The challengers for the tag team Titles will be decided by a Battle Royale next week… involving tag teams and singles wrestlers… Antithesis will also defend his 21CW UK Championship in a multi-man match… and we’ll find out next week how many people he’ll defend against… and WHO the challengers are… The Red Devils (Viktor Beskov & Yuri Iliakov) [vs] Kenobi High (Christopher Lister & Jase Cole) Quite the rivalry developing between these two teams, with The Red Devils knocking Kenobi High out of the Cornell Cup Tournament in the Quarter Finals recently. With Beskov and Iliakov firmly severed from The House of Business, the crowd cheered a lot of what they did tonight. The two Star Wars lovers Lister and Cole also got a great reaction, but they couldn’t match the two big Russians in the end. Iliakov locked in his ‘Kiev Krush’ (Bear Hug) and made Cole tap out to win it. 66 Next up, we learned that Assassin and Gulliver would be going 1 on 1 next week… Assassin is 6’ 4”, 288lbs… Chuck Frisby’s bodyguard Gulliver stands 6’ 6” and weighs 299lbs… so the two big men couldn’t be much more evenly matched… It’s Belgium versus Iceland, in what should be a very physical brawl… BW Eddie came to the ring next, with Beau Boulder and Darin Flynn warming up for a match… BW Eddie: “I hired you two ‘detectives’ to get some dirt on Viktor Beskov and Yuri Iliakov for me… Because I KNEW they were up to something… and you gave me NOTHING… It’s bad enough to do a terrible job for me… but to now DEMAND that I pay your invoice… it’s out of line… So tonight… I’ve found you two opponents to ‘punish’ you…” Eddie pointed to the stage, and out came the two, big, bad, Demolishers: Compton Valence and Langton Herring… Beau Boulder & Darin Flynn [vs] The Demolishers (Compton Valence & Langton Herring) Solid match here, considering the young age of all four men competing. BW Eddie stayed around at ringside, and watched as The Demolishers did what he wanted them to – and demolished Boulder and Flynn. The fan favourites were fighting back into it late on, but Eddie’s cheating ways ensured that Compton Valence could hit his Powerslam and pin Boulder. 49 Backstage, we were on the set of a brand new ‘talk show’… ‘CASH REACTS’… with J-B Cash… J-B Cash: “WELCOME, to ‘Cash Reacts’… and… well… every time I do this show, I’ll be having a special GUEST alongside me… but tonight… being my first show… My guest, is ME… because I’ve got something to react to…” Cash said that he was soooo happy to be paired, at random, with Grave Digger at Partners In Crime…!! J-B Cash: “The GOLD DIGGERS… YEAHHHHH…!! He’s 6’11” and 380lbs… Hey… Maybe he’ll watch my back tonight, against Adam Matravers…?!” Cash continued to ponder how amazing this relationship could be… Their opponents, Rolling Johnny Stones and Cain Carlisle will have their hands full in that one… w/ Local Talent [vs] The Bern Boys (Hans Piccard & Fabian Schwarz) w/ The Professor Dominant win again for The Bern Boys, as the two Swiss youngsters pulled out all kinds of offence in the short 4 minute match. Fabian Schwarz hit his Flying Forearm to win it in the end. 45 We headed to the back again, for another Partners In Crime draw… Sebastian Koller and Aldous Blackfriar seems like a very interesting team… while Chuck Frisby is used to having a menacing 300lber do his dirty work for him, Blackheart is a different cat to Gulliver… Blackheart will also be keen to get his hands on Aldous Blackfriar… so it should be an interesting encounter… w/ Evan Alpass [vs] Doomsday w/ Edward Cornell Another short and one-sided match here. With Cornell barking orders at ringside, Doomsday was unlikely to lose and let him down. The 298lb Scot hit his ‘Apocalypse Drop’ (Rikishi Driver) to win it. 44 We cut to a pre-taped video next, with Apollo Prince showing Phillip Cooper around the factory that creates SHAMPOLLO – Apollo’s shampoo brand that Cooper is now a 51% owner of… Prince introduced Cooper to staff, and showed him machinery, but he didn’t seem to care at all… All he wanted to know, was how much money the company had been making… but Prince kept saying they would get to that, in his office… They finally arrived at a staircase, and walked up to Prince’s office… which looked out over the whole factory… Prince poured Cooper a glass of whiskey… Apollo Prince: “There’s uhh… There’s something I haven’t told you about SHAMPOLLO… It’s…” Phillip Cooper: “Wait, man… wait… Lemme guess, yeah…? It’s a LOT more profitable than I thought, isn’t it…? Tha’ 51% has cost you a FORTUNE hasn’t it…?” Apollo Prince: “Noooot exactly…” Prince slid a file of paperwork over to Cooper, who started reading it frantically… He couldn’t work out what he was reading, and asked Prince to summarise it for him… panicking a little, but showing little understanding of the documents… Apollo Prince: “We’re… well… We give 85% of our profits… to charity…!!” Cooper dropped his glass of whiskey… He looked stunned, and not in a good way… He tried to argue that this couldn’t be the case, but Prince was adamant… Apollo Prince: “The BEST part about this… Is that I signed a FIVE YEAR contract, with the chosen charity… the DAY before our Match last week…!! It’s legally binding… and it means your income… per month… will be set at THIS much…” Prince slid another document to Cooper… He scrambled to quickly open it, and closed it just as fast… He was furious…!! He threw the document at Prince, and leaved the office… tripping on his way out the door… Prince laughed as the long segment ended… w/ ‘Mile High’ Adam Matravers w/ Phoebe Plumridge [vs] J-B Cash Great Main Event here, with both men showing how much they dislike each other. Matravers has been mocking Cash for failing to capture the 21CW World Heavyweight Title. Cash thinks he’s better than everyone else, and certainly better than ‘Mile High’. In truth, the veteran former tag team Champ dominated Matravers, and tried to do it right in front of Matravers’ wife Phoebe Plumridge as much as possible. She turned away from him a few times, which angered Cash! He headed outside the ring and got in her face, which allowed Matravers the chance to fly through the ropes and take him down. From then on, the crowd was fired up. Cash hit some big offence during the back and forth final minutes, but Matravers hit his beautiful ‘Mile High Moonsault’ to end it. 78 The show wasn’t over there… because we still had the small matter of Absolutely Flawless and Leo Price finding Mark Adonis by visiting his house…!! Last time they were here, they burst in and attacked Adonis and his tag team partner Mass Hulk… leaving Hulk on the shelf, and changing the course of Adonis’ career… Adonis has been hiding from The Martin Twins since attacking Price backstage a couple of weeks ago, but they know where he lives… We first saw the group getting out of their car… Price stayed just outside his door, as he looked up at the house, and closed the door slowly… The Twins made their way towards the large front gate… when suddenly, out of nowhere, tyres screeched…!! A car’s lights came on, and out nowhere, it came slamming into the car… narrowly avoiding Leo Price, who dived out of the way but landed hard on the asphalt… The car reversed, as if it was looking to make a get away… but as Price rose behind his car… it was clear that he was a sitting duck… and the unknown car came flying at him again… This time, the battered and bruise former wrestler was smashed into by the car… He tipped up and went flying… Neither Lance nor Kelly Martin could quite believe what had just happened… They both made a futile effort to chase the car as it drove away… but it was clear they were in shock… Lance stood over his fallen mentor, while Kelly pulled his phone out, and began to call an ambulance…!! Back in the arena, 21CW Owner Jeff Nova stood up from the announce desk, and headed to the back… worried for his employee… leaving Des Greeves to sign us off… Des Greeves: “If this was Mark Adonis… He’s gone WAY too far, gentlemen… We uhh… We have to sign off right now… I hope… I HOPE… Leo Price is okay… we’ll update you all when we have news… Goodnight for now… United we are... Together... we stand...”
  18. I would love to book / write this story... Beauchamp has long been one of my favourite Cverse characters, and despite his age, his stats are amazing!! He's my user character, so I could get away with beating just about anyone... Could be on the cards one day, we'll see... Ahh nice to hear Boulder and Flynn are getting some love. I'll keep burying them to make you love them more but giving them plenty of TV time. A lot of love for Adam Matravers too... I've used him extensively in previous diaries and saves. He's one of the best to ever do it for me. Cash and Buff are the tag team version of that too. I guess I'm struggling with both Adam and Cash, to find their place in this new, two brand, large roster, set up. I could see myself turning Adam heel in the future, and then maybe putting Cash in a team with a younger guy...?! Open to suggestions on both really as I like them both a lot, and would love to use them more Brilliant week of predictors and comments, thank you all. Just a little update from me, I've got the next TWELVE shows fully written and ready to post... This includes the PARTNERS IN CRIME and WAR DRUMS Pay-Per-Views! I've also made the graphics for FIGHT NIGHT (which means the card is locked, and ready). Really happy with how they've turned out. Partners In Crime also has epic graphics if I do say so myself So keep reading, commenting and predicting... and here's the next show...
  19. Predictions for United, Episode 14, Week 1, May 2020 Joey ‘The Breeze’ Beauchamp [vs] Luke Cool w/ Rolling Johnny Stones The Red Devils (Beskov & Iliakov) [vs] Kenobi High (Lister & Cole) Boulder and Flynn [vs] The Demolishers (Compton Valence & Langton Herring) ??? [vs] The Bern Boys w/ The Professor Eval Alpass [vs] Doomsday ‘Mile High’ Adam Matravers [vs] J-B Cash
  20. 21CW Presents: Episode 14 Wednesday, Week 1, May 2020 Calling the action: Steve Smith and Dane Rowley Overall Rating: 77 We opened the show in the parking lot, where Tommy Cornell was arriving… He was met by Blake Belushi getting out of his car…!! Tommy Cornell: “Blake The Bloke… How are ya son…?! You’re probably out here carrying Loxley Robbins’ bags… so tell me… Has he got his gear tonight…?! Is he gonna fight me…?!” Belushi shook his head, and told Tommy that he couldn’t be more wrong… Firstly, because Loxley isn’t even here tonight…!! But secondly, because Blake was actually getting back with coffees for the Brat Pack…!! Tommy Cornell: “Well I’ll tell you what… I’m here for a fight… Loxley isn’t here, so you’ll have to do Blake The Bloke… Me and you, 1 on 1… and I promise… It won’t hurt a bit… It’ll hurt… a LOT…!!” Crouching Storm, Hidden Sifu [vs] Wade Orson & Leigh Burton A great way to kick off what would go on to be an excellent episode of Kingdom. Storm and Sifu are an amazing tag team, and they each know what the other is thinking at all times. But they were in there against a very dangerous man in Leigh Burton, and his big, powerful, partner Wade Orson. In the end, the snake-like Burton locked Sifu in his ‘Sleeper’ while Storm was being held by Orson in the corner!! Storm could only watch on as Sifu faded and passed out!! 67 We cut backstage, and found Alfonso D’Angelo and Buck Winchester talking, when DJ Reason and Dangermouth walked up…!! DJ’s crew was one short, as Grandmaster Phunk is currently suspended… The veteran Brit said that since Phunk is 'away', it’s more important than ever that Alfonso D’Angelo JOINS ‘The Playlist’… but Cowboy spoke for his friend… Buck Winchester: “That’s funny… You ran your guy, Phunk, outta town… and now you want Alfonso to come join you… The ironic thing is… he told me he wants to FIGHT Dangermouth next week… since he’ll have less help an’ all…” DJ scoffed, but D’Angelo agreed with his friend… Next week… Alfonso versus Dangermouth… Both men are under 21, and have huge futures in 21CW… Daniel Francis’ Open Challenge for the 21CW National Title was next, and a surprising combatant came out… Newcomer Lone Wolf stepped up, and he told Francis it was HIS time… Francis welcomed the challenge… Daniel Black Francis (c) [vs] Lone Wolf Excellent match, and a great performance from the youngster Lone Wolf. He dominated Francis, and relied on his punches to batter the National Champion. However, ‘D-B-F’ is a very experienced competitor, and he fought back into it using strikes of his own. The ‘Dreadlock Drop’ DDT did for Lone Wolf in the end, but he looked great out there! 61 Backstage, Kevin Jones was talking with some young, very small, wrestlers… presumably from developmental… when his former tag team partner and best friend Jeremy Allen walked up… Jeremy Allen: “Let me speak… please Kevin…?” Jones rolled his eyes a little… but decided to let Allen speak… Last week, Jones saved Allen from a beatdown by Nightmare and Ruin… Jeremy Allen: “Look… I got beaten up last week… and you saved me… I’ve never been more glad to be beaten up though, because… I feel like… There’s a chance… a small chance… that me and you could one day… re-form our tag team…!?” Kevin Jones: “Look… Would it be great to bring back MONKEY BUSINESS, one last time…?! Hmmm…” Jones seemed like he was going to say yes… but Nightmare and Ruin ATTACKED again…!! The surprise attack meant that Jones and Allen stood almost no chance… The two big, tattooed beasts threw both of the veterans into walls and backstage equipment… before challenging them to a match next week…!! Elsewhere in the back, Gorilla Lee of The Lee FamiLee bumped into War Machine…!! Who was stood with his manager Cliff King… Lee is 6’6” and 461lbs… and Machine matches him at 6’5” and 465lbs… so Cliff King did NOT want them to fight… He tried to pull Machine away, but stood little chance on his own… Luckily Andrew Lee and JK Lee walked around the corner eating a bag of popcorn each… They both stopped eating… but carried on chewing slowly… Gorilla decided to step aside and allow War Machine to pass… giving the big monster the upper hand in their staredown… A lot of tension there…!! w/ Brickhouse Balder [vs] Mark Misery w/ Smiling John Smithie and Emmett Askey Balder started brightly here, but he couldn’t handle the constant involvement from Smithie and Askey at ringside. For the finish, Balder was distracted again, and Misery rolled him up for a flash pin fall and got out of there! 50 In the back, young newcomer Phil Harmonic was stood in the locker room, and his ‘friends’ Kelvin Badberry and Edison Silva were sat down on benches while he talked at them… He told them they were disappointments for BOTH losing to Merle O’Curle… According to Harmonic, Merle was a great competitor… but he’s an old man now… and they should do better… Phil Harmonic: “I’m going to show you how it’s done…!! Next week… ME… versus Merle O’Curle…!!” Next up, we got a Hype Video for the tag team: The Underdogs!! Joe Simpson and Michael X have had a mixed 2020, starting the year with three wins on the bounce… and then also beating the current Kingdom Tag Team Champions The Brat Pack in a non-Title match… However, in their three Championship Matches, they’ve fallen short… The video asked: “What will the rest of 2020 hold for one of the most loved teams in 21CW…??” w/ Landon Mallory [vs] War Machine w/ Cliff King Poor Landon Mallory can’t catch a break. Last week he lost to the 21CW World Heavyweight Champion Buff Maritnez. The week before he lost a tag match against Buff and the best wrestler in the world Tommy Cornell. Then tonight, he was in there against the giant and dangerous War Machine! He came out of those three matches, with three losses, but in truth after this one he was lucky to come out of it able to stand up! War Machine crushed his ribs a number of times, eventually winning it with the ‘Choke Bomb’ (Batista Bomb). 62 After the match, ‘The Executive Consultant’ Cliff King climbed into the ring with a microphone… Cliff King: “BEHOLD…!! My ‘Giant Client’… WAR MACHINE…!! Look at how he DOMINATED a former FIVE TIME VWA European Champion…!! He is 2-1 up in the Best of Seven Series against ‘The SECOND Most Dangerous Man in Britain’… BEDLAM… and…” War Machine snatched the microphone… and King backed down… War Machine: “I’m going to win the next two… and END it…!!” Welsh Dragon & Aurelian Bradley [vs] Local Talent Fun match here, with the masked Welsh Dragon flipping and flying around the ring. Aurelian Bradley stretched their unknown opponents, and ended it by locking in the Figure Four Leglock! 40 Backstage, Wade Orson was looking for someone, and then found who he was looking for… 21CW World Heavyweight Champion: Buff Martinez… who was stood with his manager Kathleen Lee… Wade Orson: “There he is… Our Champion… The Chief of our Tribe…!! ‘The Baarrrrrrrcccccelona Bull’… Ariiiiiiiba, right…?! How about this Buff… me and you… 1 on 1… one more time…?!” Buff replied by saying any time, any place… and suggested next week… but Kathleen Lee took over… Kathleen Lee: “What Buff means is… and he knows this… Next week, there’s a Battle Royale set already… the winner of THAT, will be the next contender for Buff’s Championship… Win that… and you’ll get your ‘one more time’… Lose… and you’ll have to get in line…” Orson smiled, but was offended when the veteran Stevie ‘Smasher’ Stoat walked up… Stevie Stoat: “Buff… Next week… you’re busy too… Because it’s Me and You… 1 on 1… I’m RAZOR sharp right now… I’m on FIRE… I’ve won four out of my last five matches… and I’m gonna beat you… and become the Number One Contender… AHEAD of guys like Orson, or whoever else wins the Battle Royale…” Orson got in Stoat’s face… but the two backed away from each other smirking as Buff stood back and watched… w/ ‘Rough Justice’ Tommy Cornell [vs] ‘Beautiful’ Blake Belushi w/ The Brat Pack Main Event time next, and two men who will no doubt be eyeing up that Battle Royale win next week! It was an excellent contest, and one in which either man could have won. Cornell started brightly, but The Brat Pack were a constant source of annoyance to the experienced Brit. Kicks and elbows allowed Tommy to maintain control, as Belushi didn’t like being hit in the face, but could do little to stop it happening. Belushi did take charge of the fight eventually though, and began a period of slow-paced dominance, using Artemis and Thurston at ringside to help him with cheap shots behind the referee’s back. For the finish, Cornell fought back into it again, and hit a brutal back elbow that left Belushi checking for teeth! He then walked onto the ‘Guilt Trip’ Russian Leg Sweep and was pinned! 80 As soon as the bell rang, The Brat Pack slid into the ring and jumped Cornell…!! Blake Belushi laid out, while Thurston Darcy III and Artemis Ayre-Rochester did his dirty work… but Thurston was soon thrown over the top rope, allowing Cornell to focus on Artemis man to man…!! Cornell had just been through a long match with Belushi, but he still got the upper hand… That was until a surprising face showed up… The ‘leader’ of the Ozzie Invasion Loxley Robbins arrived, and hit Cornell over the back of the head with a steel chair…!! He continued to unload shots to the veteran, as The Brat Pack got back in and stomped on him… They shouted that they’d see him in the Battle Royale next week…!! And that he stood NO chance of winning it…!! Which would be ‘Rough Justice’ for him… The show didn’t end there though… We learned that next week… in honour of the United branded Pay-Per-View Partners In Crime, two Kingdom wrestlers would be selected at random…!! Those two men would then go on to Kingdom branded War Drums, to challenge The Brat Pack for the 21CW Kingdom Tag Team Titles…!! If either of the men selected WIN next weeks Battle Royale, they’ll earn themselves ‘double duty’ at War Drums… Competing for the chance to become DOUBLE Champion…!!
  21. Good call, and glad to see I foreshadowed the Orson / Burton thing well in advance (I'm writing about 5 weeks ahead of this currently... ) And yeah, War Machine and BEDLAM have their own thing going on. I don't think I've EVER booked / written a best of seven series in a diary before... it's been fun, but I can't wait to unleash them both on the rest of the roster properly...!!
  22. That or whoever was Prime Minister in early-mid 2020... Pretty sure it was Boris, so I'll allow it. Predictions for Kingdom, Episode 14, Week 1, May 2020 Crouching Storm, Hidden Sifu [vs] Wade Orson & Leigh Burton Open Challenge for the 21CW National Title: Daniel Black Francis (c) [vs] ???? Brickhouse Bandler [vs] Mark Misery w/ Smiling John Smithie & Emmett Askey Landon Mallory [vs] War Machine w/ Cliff King Aurelian Bradley & Welsh Dragon [vs] ???? ‘Rough Justice’ Tommy Cornell [vs] ‘Beautiful’ Blake Belushi w/ The Ozzie Invasion
  23. The Kingdom brand keeps throwing up these kind of stories!! Anyway, I had to suspend him for a month.
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