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Posts posted by Mootinie

  1. I really enjoyed Rollins vs. Ambrose. I'll go with **** for that, nice match, good story, fairly well-paced. It didn't feel that long even though it ran 35 minutes. Rollins proved he can work, Ambrose proved he's a real player, both are better having had that match.


    Cena vs. Owens was about the same as their first match. I'm on ****1/4 for both bouts. From what I gather, Owens is being underestimated by Cena, who think he's a plucky rookie but quickly found out he isn't. LOVED the line where Cena said Owens' story was Never Give Up, very smart, but the matches don't feel like they were wrestled to that story at all. It's just been moves, kick out, more moves. It's action movie wrestling basically, but there's a time and a place for that, so I have no problems with it.

  2. Juventud Guerrera vs. Jushin "Thunder" Liger

    I could well imagine a dirty finish, but I dislike Champions losing on TV.


    The Revolution vs. Harlem Heat 2000

    Interesting match. The Revolution seem a safer bet.


    Mike Rotunda vs. Scott Steiner

    Once again, a fairly safe bet.


    Hulk Hogan vs. Terry Funk

    I like this match choice. Mike Awesome will obviously get involved and I can't imagine Hogan agreeing to do a job here.


    Sid Vicious and ??? vs. The Outsiders

    Probably Benoit. And they're probably winning.


    Bonus Question: Who's going to be Sid's mystery partner on Nitro? Chris Benoit

  3. Sorry to disappoint, but every wrestling promotion has force-fed somebody to their audience.


    New Japan - AJ Styles. Debuts to crickets, wins the IWGP World Heavyweight Championship within a month. Headlines a very important show the next month and fails to draw, but keeps his belt for a considerable time thereafter. Drops it to Tanahashi, so they can have a draw headline the Dome, but wins it back four months later. Yeah, he's fantastic, but this force-feeding was way worse than Roman Reigns.


    All Japan - Akebono. Can't work all that great, but was trained by Great Muta. Also happens to be one of the famous sumo wrestlers of all time, but it's not like he's a major draw, otherwise why would he work in AJPW in front of 250 people? Yeah, he's a multiple-time AJPW Triple Crown Heavyweight Champion. Just won it back recently from Go Shiozaki.


    Dragon Gate - T-Hawk. He's fairly over and fairly talented, but god damn are they strapping a rocket to this guy. From being a dominant tag guy to now beating YAMATO and BxB Hulk - two of Dragon Gate's biggest stars - in back to back tournament singles matches. He was also the last survivor in Dragon Gate's traditional scapegoat six-man cage match held every May at Dead Or Alive. He defied all the odds picking up two pinfalls before being the last to escape, confining Dragon Gate's John Cena, CIMA, to a head-shaving.


    Then there's Michael Elgin in ROH, Jeff Hardy in TNA, etc etc. Yeah, it happens a lot.

  4. I watched The Wolves vs. Dirty Heels match one earlier. Enjoyed it. The production stank at the start, too many close-up shots that were poorly framed but other than that, real nice. Aries is a special talent. Mike Tenay was fabulous on commentary and bought the best out of Josh Mathews too, who I vehemently dislike as a commentator and a person - his tweets about making loads of money... >_>


    Looking forward to watching Match #2 and Match #3, hopefully tomorrow. I'm also going to rewatch Angle vs. Lashley & EC3 vs. Spud soon. Is there anything else from 2015 that people recommend I watch?

  5. <blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="jwt13" data-cite="jwt13" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="25170" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>I stand by calling ROH an indy, the production is terrible and the wrestling is over hyped. Wrestling matches mean nothing unless you have a interesting story behind the matches and ROH doesn't do that to me.<p> </p><p> In related news ROH drew 163,000 on it's first DA show and Impact drew 297,000. Proving my other point that DA is not a good station for wrestling (to be fair I'll give the ratings for both a few more weeks since it was boths first Wednesday show)</p></div></blockquote><p> I don't care if you dislike them haha, that's irrelevant. They are not an indy because a) they are not an independently run company like EVOLVE, they are owned by a multi-million dollar broadcasting corporation, and b) they have people on signed contracts earning guaranteed money. They're basically like TNA business structure-wise, but with more people watching their TV, more people buying their PPV's and more people attending their live events. <img alt=":)" data-src="//content.invisioncic.com/g322608/emoticons/smile.png.142cfa0a1cd2925c0463c1d00f499df2.png" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /></p><p> </p><p> </p><blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="D-Lyrium" data-cite="D-Lyrium" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="25170" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>Anyone got any thoughts on Traingate? >_><p> </p><p> Personally I'm fine with it. None of the big companies are even trying to pretend wrestling is in any way real any more. Kayfabe is long-dead. So why not treat it like a soap opera or drama show. </p><p> </p><p> If Someone got pushed in front of a train on Breaking Bad, nobody would bat an eyelid. </p></div></blockquote><p> Difference being: Aaron Paul plays Jesse Pinkman in Breaking Bad, a work of total fiction. Mickie James is herself on IMPACT Wrestling, a reality TV wrestling broadcast.</p><p> </p><p> I think it's pretty stupid, but only because Mickie James isn't portraying a character on IMPACT Wrestling, she's playing herself and they are using her real life marriage to Magnus as a storyline. I'm cool with blurring the lines between what's real and what's fiction, but this is obviously not real, and it's happening to a "character" that is very much real and as such, I think it's absurd.</p>
  6. <p><img alt="CGr46JXU8AAu7vw.png:large" data-src="https://pbs.twimg.com/media/CGr46JXU8AAu7vw.png:large" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /></p><p> </p><p>

    Forum post from Big Daddy Dave on the Observer board that I found on Twitter.</p><p> </p><p>

    And, according to some tweets that are posted off a report I haven't seen yet...</p><p> </p><p>

    'ROH's combined viewership on just DA was 273,000 combined. TNA did just under 370k combined.'</p><p> </p><p>

    '163,000 for ROH on Destination America. Replay at 11PM did 110,000. TNA's replay did 72,000.'</p><p> </p><p>

    So, good for ROH.</p>

  7. <p>I'll keep it short and simple with regards my EC thoughts.</p><p> </p><p>

    Tag Team Chamber</p><p>

    <em>Sloppy, messy, too pre-planned, too contrived, too silly. It didn't work.</em> <strong>*3/4</strong></p><p> </p><p>

    Diva's Title</p><p>

    <em>The Nikki special - competent, solid, largely unspectacular. Paige nearly killed herself trying to take Nikki's reverse Rana, a move that she never should have attempted in the first place! There's a reason Naito and Ibushi do that move, because they can do it, they know they can do it, and they can take it safely - for god's sake WWE.</em> <strong>*1/2</strong></p><p> </p><p>

    Owens vs. Cena</p><p>

    <em>Awesome. Star-making performance from Owens, he's the real deal. LOL @ Cena taking the pop-up powerbomb on his arse. It's a shame this had Cena's fingerprints all over it, right down to finisher kick-outs; it sucks for Owens that somebody kicked out of his finisher on his PPV debut, even if it was Cena.</em> <strong>****1/2</strong></p><p> </p><p>

    I went to make a cuppa during Dallas vs. Neville.</p><p> </p><p>

    IC Title Chamber</p><p>

    <em>What a mess. Glass breaks, Henry comes in, Ziggler's loudly calls spots, everybody stalls whilst Sheamus is play-acting. Just like the tag chamber, it felt like they had a pre-planned story and everybody forgot their lines. Ryback win was nice and honestly, he was the only one that this dead crowd cared about.</em> <strong>*</strong></p><p> </p><p>

    Ambrose vs. Rollins</p><p>

    <em>Basically a TV match until the finish. Swerve, swerve, swerve, we'll see you in two weeks. I loved the last ten minutes though, perfect storytelling all round.</em> <strong>***</strong></p>

  8. I've finally caught up. :D


    Chavo Guerrero Jr. vs. La Parka

    You've been writing Chavo as a chump as of late, 2-0 loss in Iron Man then buried by Bryan Alvarez. :p But he should win here to get some momentum back.


    Curt Hennig vs. Kanyon - WCW Television Championship match

    Kanyon chasing that belt and finally winning it was a nice story. Those stories don't have happy epilogues. I smell a heel turn from somebody handing Hennig the victory.


    Scott Steiner and Konnan vs. Los Guerreros vs. Storm and Candido

    Storm and Candido are debuting, but both Steiner and Konnan lost at Spring Stampede. I think Scott Steiner is too hot a prospect to lose two matches in a row.


    Mamalukes vs. The Revolution - WCW World Tag Team Championship match

    They're really good Champs, no need to take those belts off them just yet.


    Ric Flair vs. Sid Vicious

    Well, it's not ending clean, I know that much. Sid Vicious is number one contender so I feel like he should be reasonably protected via a DQ win or something.

  9. <p>From yesterday's Wrestling Observer, a memo from Destination America:</p><p> </p><p> </p><blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="25170" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>Destination America is not renewing TNA Wrestling next year. While the ratings were strong, the audience was not large enough to justify the program investment. We plan to honor the current contract and continue to air original episodes of TNA Wrestling on Friday nights through the end of the third quarter 2015. When the up-front rate card is released, the Friday night anthology title will now be called ‘American Tales,’ which will be a combination of Paranormal and Americana programming. I hope this is good news given all of the advertisers that included TNA on their DNA [Do Not Advertise] list.</div></blockquote>
  10. Kyle O'Reilly is my pick to top Block A with KUSHIDA to win the whole thing. I'll probably cherry pick though and only watch the matches I hear are great. That and I am super stoked to see what Cavernario brings to the table.
  11. Fan Scorecard:

    WCW World Heavyweight Championship Match

    Hollywood Hogan vs. Sting

    Comments: I just don't see it. If Sting wins the belt, then what? He's a far better title chaser than champion, look at how long the narrative has lasted and how great it's been. Sting has alienated all his friends, or rather, they've alienated him but the point still stands; he's on his own. Let me say this much: if Sting does win it, he will drop it almost instantly to Vader. But I think Hogan retains, albeit through nefarious means and Sting continues chasing.


    WCW World’s Title #1 Contender Ladder Match

    “Macho Man” Randy Savage vs. Cactus Jack

    Comments: Sting vs. Savage is not exactly a mouthwatering prospect. Hogan vs. Savage... eh, it's been done. Hogan vs. Cactus makes some kind of logical sense, it's happened before but I think Cactus deserves a rematch.

    “Nature Boy” Ric Flair vs. “The Natural” Dustin Rhodes

    Comments: I'm very 50-50 on this one. Logic dictates Flair since beating all the Horsemen would be a massive rub for Dustin, and truth be told, I don't see him getting a mega push.


    “The Monster” Vader vs. “The Total Package” Lex Luger

    Comments: )Probably the easiest match on the card to predict. I'll be so angry if this ends in a Vader DQ now. :p


    “Loose Cannon” Brian Pillman vs. Steve Austin

    Comments: I get the feeling we're just getting started with this one.


    Scott Hall and Jeff Jarrett vs. The Road Warriors

    Comments: Clean sweep for the nWo.


    WCW World Tag Team Championship Match

    Arn Anderson and Owen Hart vs. The Steiner Brothers

    Comments: I imagine Hall & Jarrett are next in line, so it makes logical sense that they would face The Steiners.


    WCW United States Heavyweight Championship Match

    “Mr. Wonderful” Paul Orndorff vs. Meng vs. Diamond Dallas Page

    Comments: Orndorff and Meng can't co-operate, especially not in a match like this. DDP takes the win and the Wonderful Destruction Crew self-destruct.


    WCW World Television Championship vs. A Date with Tammy Lynn

    “Latino Heat” Eddy Guerrero vs. Chris Candido

    Comments: A tough one. I'll go with Eddy so the Horsemen at least have some success tonight.


    The Giant vs. Terry Funk

    Comments: Yeah.


    Johnny B. Badd and Harlem Heat vs. Ron Simmons and The Twilight Express

    Comments: More upside.


    Biohazard and Rio the Renegade vs. Surge and The Flying Spyder

    Comments: Yeah.


    1. What match will open the show? Eddy vs. Candido would start the show off right.

    2. Will Dusty Rhodes be in Dustin’s corner? NO, SWERVE!

    3. Who will be named the new WCW Commissioner? Rick Rude

    Hints: The commissioner is someone who has been seen in WCW in this diary before, and is not Ted DiBiase.

  12. Neville sounds like a superhero, Adrian Neville sounds like a footballer.


    RAW was a little boring though, running the Lesnar angle that early killed the show for me. It was like half 2 in the morning and they then ran three commercial breaks with literally nothing going on, then Byron Saxton was making me snooooooooze.


    It wasn't until 3:15 that I got my enthusiasm back, and that was only because me and my friend started discussing wrestling from a kayfabe point of view and started wondering why a wrestler doesn't kick out. Like, if they're conscious enough to roll over once the three has been counted, why not just kick out? :D

  13. La Parka vs. Psicosis

    Don't see La Parka being the next Cruiserweight contender.


    Kanyon vs. Meng

    No clue, but I think Kanyon was always okay.


    Black Reign vs. Rick Steiner

    Creative has something for him.


    Konnan vs. Rey Mysterio Jr.

    He got the better of Eddie, so I'm not sure if it's a good move to have him lose to Rey Rey.


    Ric Flair and Scott Steiner vs. Diamond Dallas Page and ???

    I'm gonna take a wild guess and say the mystery partner is Ken Shamrock.

  14. You absolutely do because you can't tell if Roman is going to pan out, and having them anchor the other titles gives him more time to get running because they have those two with belts if he's not up to snuff initially.


    Which is why I think either Lesnar is retaining or Reigns is turning heel and winning the belt. Heyman could easily turn on Brock, Reigns could join The Authority and they could maybe turn Rollins face and line him up as Reigns' first challenger.


    There's no way you give your two top faces the two secondary belts, and then give Reigns the WWE title as a face. The heel side of their roster is so weak, who, outside of Rollins, can reasonably challenge Reigns? Bray Wyatt, I suppose, but if he beats Taker, surely he can't just then job to Reigns? But faces? Reigns has Ambrose, Ziggler, Rollins, Cena, Bryan, Ryback & Orton. I don't see any way that face Reigns wins the belt, it isn't happening.

  15. Evan Karagias vs. Bam Bam Bigelow

    This shouldn't last long.


    Terry Funk vs. Hugh Morrus

    Creative has something for the Funker.


    Mike Rotunda vs. Mike Sanders

    Rotunda never won matches in WCW.


    Eddie and Chavo Guerrero vs. Perry Saturn and Dean Malenko

    I smell new #1 Contenders.


    Booker T vs. Kevin Nash

    I feel like Booker is about to get a big push.


    Chris Benoit vs. Ken Shamrock

    There's no way this ends clean. Two volatile personalities like that are destined to go to a no contest.

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