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Posts posted by Mootinie

  1. Raw ratings were down from 3.78 million last week to 3.72 million and the football season hasn't started yet. That's what they get for putting on a good NXT event and following it up with a 4 hour, overbooked SummerSlam "extravaganza" that fell short of the hype.


    Considering I had absolutely no interest in the event beforehand, I actually thought SummerSlam was pretty damn good. I've definitely seen way, way worse from WWE.

  2. Meng trashed the studio, so Alvarez and Piper can't preview the card, sorry.

    And nobody is going to even dare tell him he needs to pay for those damages...


    Juventud Guerrera vs. Rey Mysterio

    It certainly feels like Juvi is here now just to put the other Cruiserweights over.


    Kanyon © vs. Lance Storm - WCW World Television Championship Match

    Lance Storm is way too good to be stuck doing nothing. He's a workhorse so his TV matches with this title should be great for your show gradesl. Kanyon is already being ascended in his rivalry with Hennig, so I don't feel like he NEEDS the TV title, hence why I see a title change.


    Arische Rasse vs. The Revolution

    I don't think I could live with myself if I had to put the Harris Brothers over Malenko and Saturn. I shudder at the thought of that.


    Terry Funk vs. Meng - WCW Hardcore Championship Match

    I feel bad for the Funker here. MENG CRUSH!


    NWO 2000 vs. Sid, Benoit and Sting

    I've been surprised at how strongly you've booked the nWo relics, but they're going against your three top faces here. It's only fair that you keep those two sides of your roster as even as possible.

  3. Just wanted to say, hoping Shibata gets a big push, Love that guy's in-ring style!


    He probably won't. He left the company when he was being pushed and it was at a time when New Japan really needed new stars. The Inoki MMA Crossover experiment had hurt the company very badly, mostly because multiple-time IWGP Heavyweight Champion Yuji Nagata got destroyed in an MMA fight, damaging all of his credibility. That, and nobody wanted to see Josh Barnett and Bob Sapp main event New Japan shows. Whilst Shibata wrestled for nobodies and then attempted MMA, Tanahashi almost solely resurrected the company from the dead - alongside Goto, Makabe and Nakamura of course - and then, all of a sudden, Katsuyori Shibata wanted back in wrestling.

  4. You don't need a track record to be a racist, or a rapist, or a murderer. You commit the act and once it's done, you are branded with that for the rest of your life. Sex offenders still have to declare it as customs even if the offence in question was 25 years ago. Also, the N-word has a lot of history to it, it was obviously used rather a lot during the slave trade, always in a derogatory context and so, that word can really hurt people even now.
  5. You can't really compare this situation to any other and you can't compare Hogan's status to that of Mike Tyson or Floyd Mayweather. WWE have ties with many different people in many different capacities. Having a 'WWE Ambassador' like Hulk Hogan is totally different to 'WWE Hall of Fame Inductee' Mike Tyson. One is a high-profile employee whose solitary job is to make the WWE look great and seem reputable to sponsors, the other is simply being recognized for his contribution to the wrestling industry. Why would sponsors want to invest in a company that is defending a proven racist? It simply isn't worth it, they have a lot of shareholders to answer to and distancing themselves from Hulk Hogan right now is absolutely the right move. They're saving themselves a lot of potential headaches - having to answer to journalists as to why they employ a racist, having to answer to shareholders, having to defend themselves when their brand gets dragged through the mud alongside Hogan - none of that is worth it for a 'WWE Ambassador' that's getting a lot of deserved bad press.
  6. In all honesty, and this is from Jericho himself, Cena did regret doing that the moment he walked through the curtain. Straight away, he told both Edge and Jericho that they were right and that he should have put The Nexus over.


    I don't know, I don't blame Cena for these problems and I'm not even mad that he beat Owens. U.S. Champion Kevin Owens would have to lose to NXT Champion Finn Balor at Takeover. Besides, if Owens was called up and was just beating jobbers, he wouldn't be anywhere near as relevant as he is having feuded with Cena. He owes John a lot, Cena made him look great in their matches and I'm sure Owens will have his day eventually - if at all.


    It's just aggravating to me that Summerslam will be headlined by Lesnar vs. Taker. I have no doubt it'll be a good match, but it's the same CM Punk situation where a guy like Rollins busts his ass all year and works with all the crap they give him... just to get bumped down the card so a part-timer can headline instead. It's almost as though they're telling their audience that the younger guys just aren't stars, so here's some guys you liked ten years ago instead. How can they build stars if they aren't even willing to put them at the same level as the part-timers?


    I miss when WrestleMania was headlined by Austin and The Rock, not because of how great they were but just because it was super nice to have those events headlined by the guys that were the most over throughout the year. Now if you're a Rollins, or a Punk, you have to play second fiddle to these old buggers because WWE don't believe you're a draw. I liked the build to Mania with Reigns, the crowd treated him with apathy, sure, but having a new guy in the mix like that was very refreshing.


    Now nobody is getting elevated, they've booked themselves into a corner where they have no top face for Rollins to feud with, so it's back to the Cena well, a program they did no less than a year ago, and one that I have no interest in whatsoever. I can't be the only one, right? It's happened, it was completely forgettable, now they're doing it again as a marquee match? Ugh, I'll pass.

  7. "So, we've got this young kid, he's gaining a lot of momentum in NXT and seems to have a lot of potential. He's about 250 lbs, he looks like he can beat you up and he plays an asshole heel really well, what do you think Vince?"


    "Sounds good Hunter! But Cena's the US Champ and he needs to retain."


    "Hmm, okay, well, we've got this 29 year old, he's the WWE World Heavyweight Champion and he's facing Lesnar at Battleground..."


    "Well, we're having Lesnar vs. Undertaker Hunter, we've already established that..."


    "So, why didn't Undertaker mention that when he returned to face Bray?"


    "Who cares?! These idiots aren't thinking like that, we'll have Taker interfere and end it in a No Contest!"


    "So... what's the plan for Rollins at SummerSlam?"


    "Oh I don't know, Ambrose or something..."


    They are utterly directionless right now.

  8. Slamboree was great, I wouldn't expect any different from you Blody. :)


    Chris Candido vs. Berlyn

    Jacob and Wilhelm vs. Ernest Miller and Disco Inferno, The Dancing Cats

    Juventud Guerrera vs. Psicosis

    Vampiro and Crowbar vs. Dean Malenko and Perry Saturn, The Revolution

    Terry Funk © vs. Norman Smiley - WCW Hardcore Championship Match

    Lance Storm vs. Scott Steiner

    Kevin Nash and Scott Hall, The Outsiders © vs. Chris Benoit and Sid Vicious - WCW World Tag Team Championship Match

  9. Not quite sure why Kijar is obsessed with Shannon Moore, I bet he'll even show up in his ROH. :rolleyes:


    Good first half Blody, lots of drama. I think I got only one result right though. :o


    Booker T vs. Stevie Ray (Harlem Street Fight)

    I genuinely can't see another result. There's no reason Stevie Ray should be winning singles matches in 2000.


    Scott Steiner and Ric Flair vs. Shane Douglas and Jeff Jarrett vs. Diamond Dallas Page and Ken Shamrock

    nWo's momentum rolls on...


    Hulk Hogan vs. Sting

    Sting vs. Benoit just doesn't interest me. Hogan has this all day long and finishes a clean sweep for the nWo.


    Bret Hart vs. Sid Vicious vs. Chris Benoit (Triple Threat for the WCW World Heavyweight Championship)

    Hart has just dropped the title and truth be told, Vicious just isn't good enough to hold it. Benoit to retain and move on to Hogan, which is a feud I'm excited for. :)

  10. <blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="lukess11" data-cite="lukess11" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="25169" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>If it is him, I could see a Bullet Club in NXT with him and Owens as the top 2.</div></blockquote><p> </p><p> I could well imagine Owens is done with NXT now. I think he should win (correction, needs to win) the US Title at Battleground and move right into a feud with Samoa Joe. They haven't had a blow-off match yet and the story writes itself: Owens leaves NXT, Joe accuses him of running away.</p><p> </p><p> Balor should form a stable though, I agree with that. Balor Club seems the natural fit, but it'd be so cool if they were all like comic book villains. And to get a match at Balor, the challenger should have to beat every member of the Balor Club, before they get to fight the last boss, the Demon King himself.</p>
  11. <p>Going full Milamber with this Beast In The East review <img alt=":D" data-src="//content.invisioncic.com/g322608/emoticons/biggrin.png.929299b4c121f473b0026f3d6e74d189.png" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /> There's a spoiler in Balor vs. Owens, but hey, you probably knew who was winning anyway.</p><p> </p><p>

    <strong>Chris Jericho vs. Neville:</strong> Big pop for Y2J, but not so much for Neville, which surprised me. PAC was a big deal in Japan, he worked primarily for Dragon Gate as one of the first foreign imports there and was very over during his appearance in the Best Of The Super Juniors for New Japan. Really good match, sleek action, good back and forth and a smart finish. <strong>***3/4</strong></p><p> </p><p>

    <strong>Nikki Bella vs. Paige vs. Tamina:</strong> Paige is so average, I've never understood the hype. She hasn't had one match in WWE that I can safely call good. Even her work with Nikki is just 'good for a diva's match'. Tamina is so sloppy and so bad, I really don't understand if she's supposed to be a tall imposing big woman or not - and if she is, why does she bump so often? This was the Nikki Bella Special, average and largely unoffensive. <strong>**1/2</strong></p><p> </p><p>

    <strong>Brock Lesnar vs. Kofi Kingston:</strong> Absolutely brilliant. Brock looked like such a star here. More of an angle than a match, but considering this was used to sell Brock's Battleground match, this was all very smart. <strong>***</strong></p><p> </p><p>

    <strong>Kevin Owens vs. Finn Balor:</strong> I can't speak highly enough of Owens, he's the real deal. He came out of this match looking twice the star that Balor looks and although the Irishman had his nice moment, it's easy to see why one guy is going to the main roster and why the other is sticking around in NXT. Very good match, but very little psychology if I'm being honest. I expected it to be all about Balor surviving the Owens onslaught, but it wasn't, Balor had way more offence. He needs a new finisher, why not the Bloody Sunday? Still a good match though. <strong>****</strong></p><p> </p><p>

    <strong>Cena & Ziggler vs. Barrett & Kane</strong></p><p>

    Lol. I didn't even know this match was happening. What a joke of a main event. Completely forgettable - a boring, plodding, uneventful affair. I suppose because it's a house show they need to close with Cena, but wow. And this was the longest match! What. Stupid. The action was fine but this match should have gone way earlier and shouldn't have been way shorter and for that, it's a <strong>DUD.</strong></p>

  12. <p>I was away for a few days, super glad I didn't miss anything.</p><p> </p><p>

    Berlyn vs. Evan Karagias vs. Chris Candido vs. Rey Mysterio vs. <strong>Essa Rios</strong> vs. Psicosis - Scramble Match for the number one contendership on WCW Cruiserweight Championship</p><p>

    <em>A very difficult match to predict. I like Psicosis but if my memory serves me correct, he's already lost to Liger. I think Essa Rios should be an interesting contender.</em></p><p> </p><p>

    <strong>Curt Hennig</strong> vs. Kanyon - Lumberjack Match for WCW World Television Championship</p><p>

    <em>I like Kanyon but I feel like he doesn't need the TV title. You can push him as a sympathetic face if somebody turns on him for being gay, which is exactly what I see happening here. Hennig can have good matches and elevate somebody some time down the road.</em></p><p> </p><p>

    <strong>Jushin Liger</strong> vs. La Parka - Match for the WCW Cruiserweight Championship</p><p>

    <em>I think he's a lock to retain. There are better challengers ahead.</em></p><p> </p><p>

    <strong>Los Guerreros (Eddie & Chavo)</strong> vs. The Revolution (Malenko & Saturn) vs. New World Order (Hall & Nash) - Feast or Fired Match for The WCW World Tag Team Championship, Losers Leave WCW</p><p>

    <em>There's no way you are firing Eddie & Chavo, or Malenko & Saturn. I could honestly see you getting rid of Hall & Nash, just because of their age. I'm going with the familia because you're long overdue a tag title change and The Revolution are running out of contenders.</em></p>

  13. Apparently, Ziggler is leaving in July.


    He's had quite the career considering he started at Chavo Guerrero's golf caddy. People will say WWE dropped the ball with him, I don't agree, he was never headline material for me, but given his modest beginnings, I hope he holds his head up high. Not everybody can be a 2x WWE World Heavyweight Champion. He's had his moments and he'll be missed, that's for sure.

  14. Hey guys,


    New to this forum, and pretty new at TEW13. I've been reading some really interesting diaries, and want to take a swing myself. Anyone interested in reading about Edge buying a local promotion in NYC, hiring some WWE washouts and Indy workers, and starting a dynasty?


    If so, give me some thoughts and ideas please!


    Thanks in advance.


    Edge, Curt Hawkins & Zack Ryder reunion!


    The latter two turn heel and divide the company into two.


    Edge & Christian vs. Hawkins & Ryder = $$$


    SRS post though: sounds like a cool idea. When I started my first diary, I was told 'if you build it, they will come', and it's the best thought you can have going into a diary. :)

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