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Posts posted by Mootinie

  1. When they were feuding with Enzo and Cass they needed the titles to be relevant because Enzo and Cass were way more over. But I agree keeping Enzo and Cass away from the titles for this long is a bit of a headscratcher.


    I think the reason why is that there's no story to tell. You can't do much with them as Champions in my opinion. Enzo has never been booked as a good wrestler either, he's basically a comedic foil to play off Cass' big man bravura.

  2. They want Reigns to be popular yet they repeatedly book him in the same manner that draws hate as if things would change. It's insanity.


    Because they don't care. Nobody in WWE is a draw. John Cena goes away and the ratings don't go down. Lesnar comes and goes without moving the needle. Legends are announced, no gain. Network subscribers have been consistent for the better part of six months - so why does it matter? They could make Heath Slater the World Champion and the ratings probably wouldn't be affected. They legitimately have no reason to try and make the fans like Roman Reigns because whether you like him or not, 3 million people will still watch RAW the next night.

  3. It's an interesting situation. PWInsider have said that Reigns was set to win the title from Rollins, could have been at Survivor Series or could have been at TLC (remember that The Shield's first ever match as a unit was their fantastic 6-man against D-Bry, Kane & Ryback so TLC makes sense in that regard)


    So maybe nothing changes here? Reigns will probably win it, although I'd like to see them use the Sheamus cash-in here and get that out of the way.


    Ambrose turning heel makes little sense at this point. He's not main eventing Mania this year (nowhere near enough momentum) so turning him just to feed him to Reigns is not the way to go. That's a program they can use post-Mania for a few of the B-tier PPV's.


    I would assume Lesnar is a lock to win the Rumble at this point but I've heard rumours for a while about Brock vs. Rock so I wouldn't be at all surprised if The Rock interfered and eliminated him to set that match up. If it's not Lesnar vs. Reigns, it has to be Cena and I'm all for a torch-passing here.

  4. Feedback is nice to have but for me it is not that important. If I get it cool, if I don't then I don't. View counts have always been my measuring stick as to if my diary is doing well or not. Granted I have no way of knowing how many of the views are actual readers and how many are bots but it does not really matter much one way or another because a view is a view in my book.


    I wish I was better at giving feedback to others but I am not. For instance michgcs and Zergon always give me excellent feedback but when I go into their diaries most of the time the best feedback I can muster is, "That was a great show." That is just the way I am though, I tend to not overanalyze things like books, movies, TV shows in real life. If I like something I like something and a lot of the times I find myself not putting too much thought into why I like something, I just do.


    I will say this though, oddly enough before I first started writing diaries on here I would leave feedback. However, I found myself not doing it anymore when I started to do my own diaries. This was mainly because nobody left it for me so I decided to not waste my time and leave it for others.


    Also, one of the quickest ways to lose me as a reader (Other than doing cheap bumps to keep your diary at the top, overly promoting your diary, or the stupid twenty-four hour prediction bump:D) is to not acknowledge my feedback at all.


    Now granted I do not always acknowledge feedback so me saying this probably will come off as being a bit hypocritical, but yeah if I take the time to ask a question or if I post a lengthy comment I think it would be cool if you as the writer posting a follow up to whatever I said.


    Granted not every comment made should or can merit a response. So if I say nice show I would not expect any response. However, if I take the time to write a more lengthy comment then I think the writer should respond.


    I will give a for instance, a couple of weeks ago I commented in a new diary and it was a lengthy comment. The writer did not even say a word about my post. However, a more popular writer posted in the thread directly after me and the writer immediately responded to the more popular writer's post. Stuff like that makes me not want to be bothered because I feel like what I say would not be valued. Therefore, why should I waste my time posting if someone is going to go all Phil Collins on me and give me not reply at all.


    Yes I do realized how ridiculous and petty this sounds in regards to talking about wrestling fan fiction but still that is how I feel.:D


    One more thing, like you said I view my feedback as predictions in diaries that I follow. Sometimes I will leave comments but not always.

    I agree with this pretty much word for word, even though I myself am guilty of prediction bumping.

  5. TNA have tried most of that already Fleisch. As Bigpapa just said, they take one step forward and then two steps back. Do a good thing, then undo it with something stupid.


    I think Dixie has this mindset that wrestling is about creating a buzz. She makes polarizing hires such as Tito Ortiz and expects that almost overnight, the attention that TNA gets will materialize into ticket sales and save the company. The major problem is that TNA's business model never rewards paying customers. For example: just last week, they gave away the Bound For Glory main event on free TV JUST TWO WEEKS AFTER HER PAYING SUPPORTERS HAD FORKED OUT LIKE 45 BUCKS TO SEE IT.


    Okay yeah, TNA PPV's aren't worth buying... but they have live events right? The ticket sales for those are always so atrocious that they end up heavily papered. Don't even bother buying a ticket, just turn up and wait until they let you in for free.


    In my honest opinion, TNA was never built to be commercially successful. It was never built to make money. They banked on overnight success with big names and when that didn't work, they hired more big names. Bryan Alvarez will write a book about TNA when it dies and the similarities between that and The Death Of WCW will blow my frickin' mind.

  6. Not a watcher, but I can be impartial when I want to be.


    What do you guys think of the world title series?

    I think it's a good idea in concept, but I think the way they got to that point was a complete head scratcher. Then again, I honestly think TNA was told that they were being booted off Destination America in October, hence why they didn't hold any tapings for the months after. I think they came up with the World Title Series stuff as a backup plan just in case they got an extension and well, here we are.


    Who do you want to win it?

    I still can't quite figure out why they had to take the title off EC3. TNA gets a lot of flak but not pushing homegrown talent and in EC3, they had a star that could fly that flag for them. I don't really mind Lashley winning it, or Bobby Roode. Outside of that, I can't think of anybody else that should be holding their title in 2015.


    What's your take on Robbie E getting a push?

    He's always been serviceable but sadly, his best quality was that he made his opponents look so good. I think, considering he's been in TNA for so long and has always been kept at the same level, he's probably earned a push now. If he knocks out the park, good for him.


    What's your take on TNA burying Crimson?

    I don't think his initial undefeated streak worked. He had go away heat, nobody was buying it and he disappeared soon after it ended. I'm not too familiar with his recent work so I can't say.


    Knockouts main evented this past IMPACT. Did you watch and was it good?

    I didn't watch but Garrett Kidney over at Voices Of Wrestling did and he rated it **3/4. Considering he's watched more TNA than anybody else I could possibly name, he's probably right in that it was an above average match that was nowhere near the level of their initial TNA work.


    Is Matt Hardy on Time Decline?

    Yes. He's out of shape and should never have won the title in my opinion. I'm all for underdog stories but when you want to do that and you have Rockstar Spud - who actually has underdog charisma, I can't understand why you choose Matt Hardy. He's not a Champion calibre talent in my estimation, especially not now.

  7. Dragon Gate's Gate of Destiny event just finished and I would highly recommend going out of your way to see Shingo vs Mochizuki from it. Probably the stiffest match I've ever seen and it's my MOTY so far.


    That's high praise from a man that has also seen Amigo Tag vs. Susumu & Kagetora.

  8. Here are Roman Reigns' star ratings from Dave Meltzer this year.


    • Fastlane vs. Daniel Bryan - ****1/2
    • WrestleMania vs. Lesnar & Rollins - ****1/2
    • Extreme Rules vs. Big Show - ****
    • Payback vs. Rollins, Orton & Ambrose - ***3/4
    • MITB, Ladder Match - ***1/2
    • Battleground vs. Bray Wyatt - ***3/4
    • Summerslam, w/ Ambrose vs. Wyatt & Harper - ***1/2
    • Night of Champions, w/ Jericho & Ambrose vs. Wyatt, Harper & Strowman - ****
    • Hell In A Cell vs. Bray Wyatt - ***3/4

  9. Photobucket users:


    How the BLEEP do you search your own library? I can't possibly do a diary with images if I can't figure that out.


    It helps to put them into separate folders. For NJPW I have a general one for my VS and show logos, one for my roster and one for title belts, but here's a pro tip for you that saves you even having to browse Photobucket.


    When you're uploading all your pictures, give them simple names like okada.jpg - something that you know you'll remember.


    Then, find the link once it's uploaded and remove the last file name. For my New Japan diary, my wrestler image link looks like this.




    It has the img tags around it too so I just take that, throw the name on the end and hey presto, I have a picture. Formatting a show takes all of five to ten minutes for me now, it used to take close to an hour when I was finding all the links in Photobucket.

  10. You know what's so weird about Hell in a Cell? WWE have essentially booked themselves into a corner in all three of their headline matches.


    First up, you have Masked Kane vs. Rollins. If Masked Kane loses, Corporate Kane is fired.

    1: Corporate Kane is now far more entertaining as a face than he ever was as a heel. I've enjoyed him lately and I'll be somewhat sad to see him go because all it would lead to is the tired Triple H and Stephanie shtick returning. Nobody likes it so why do they keep persisting with it?

    2: Rollins has lost far too many matches already to lose to Kane of all people. Genuinely, he is dead if he loses. He needs to win so they can start damage control.


    So, it's a Catch 22. The obvious choice is to put Rollins over, but neither result is particularly that attractive on paper.


    Then you have Reigns vs. Wyatt. This feud was designed to help both, but with the recent Reigns promo bombing in Chicago, we are back exactly where we started. And The Wyatt Family are nowhere near as over as they were when they split them up for reasons I am still trying to figure out. Having them lose their first feud doesn't exactly bode well for them going forward.

    1: You can't really have Reigns lose the blow-off match. They're booking him to be legit and so far, the story has been the Wyatt Family interfering and such to constantly cost him matches. Logically, the babyface goes over here.

    2. But Bray Wyatt can't really lose here either. From Cena, to Taker, and now Reigns, all Wyatt is doing is losing feuds and being made to look like an imbecile that spouts absolute drivel. You can't really build top faces if the top heels are never put in a position to even seem like a threat.


    So, another Catch 22. Reigns going over would be a tiresome, predictable story and would still leave them needing another program for him to move into before Mania season starts in January. Are we going to have a schmoz finish in the apparent blow-off match to a blood feud that has no heat? Who knows!


    Then, Taker vs. Lesnar. I was sure they were going to do it on Mania.

    1: It's another blow-off match and it's one that Brock Lesnar cannot lose. If he does, all that good work they've done over the last two years building him up will be a waste. I'm genuinely curious as to where he goes after this match. He's still in a position where he could, and probably should, headline Mania.

    2: Who is Taker facing at Mania if not Lesnar? If he loses clean, what do you do with Taker then? And why bother with the SummerSlam finish if you're just putting Lesnar over clean here? This is a B-PPV with a potential Mania main event headlining it, surely it's not as cut and dry as Lesnar going over clean so both guys can move on to different programs. Or is it?


    Once again, neither outcome is all that attractive on paper. Obviously, Charlotte, New Day and Kevin Owens go over in their matches but I am genuinely curious as to how WWE book the three matches above and where we go afterwards.

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