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Posts posted by Mootinie

  1. <blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="Teh_Showtime" data-cite="Teh_Showtime" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="40971" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>I could see it being Kamaitachi, being a full return to Japan.</div></blockquote><p> Yeah, that makes sense. They've always needed a junior for the singles ranks.</p>
  2. I'm confused that in all of this, we've got the idea that Drew McIntyre could ever be in Reigns' position. He's nothing more than a bland brawler with two types of promo - I AM STANDING UP FOR WRESTLING promo and the I AM THE BEST WRESTLER promo - both done with an incredibly unconvincing Hollywood Scotland accent despite the fact he's from the same area of the country as I am. WWE gave up on him because he failed to break out from the pack when he was there. He was just another one in a factory production line of EVIL~ heels that wore black and did evil things for most of his WWE tenure.


    I didn't even know he was ICW Champion until Grado beat him to win it. That's how little he's discussed within British indie wrestling circles.

  3. I agree with you. I also hate Reigns. I want him to learn to wrestle or get off my TV. Hopefully WWE will have to learn the hard way. Maybe when fans pelt the ring with garbage when Reigns wins at Wrestlemania or at the least chant "Triple H" during the match. Roman Reigns basically will wrestle the same damn match every time he goes out there and it got old a LONG time ago. To the point I would rather watch a Khali match than a Roman Reigns match.


    Or you could really punish yourself and watch TNA Impact Wrestling.

  4. Really good show. Bash is coming together nicely. World and tag title matches are huge headliners and there's no doubt Benoit vs Flair and Steiner vs Awesome won't deliver.


    As for Nitro...


    Vicious and Hogan - No chance that Trips and Steiner can co-exist.

    Goldberg - Awesome can lose here and not be hurt by it.

    DDP - Somebody fresh should take it from him.

    The Radicalz - Malenko deserves a push and Bam Bam can eat a pin, everybody's happy. :)

    Shamrock - Poor Norman.

    Mysterio - These two have had some classics over the years. I'm backing Rey because he has more character.

  5. CM Punk is a great signing. I know it's going to be two or three years before he's ready to be a Main Eventer but I'm really interested in how you handle him. Seems natural that he would try and clean up Kidman and Juventud's act :D


    Bony Ninjas (La Parka and Kaz Hayashi) vs. The Radicalz (Lance Storm and Chris Candido)

    I have no real issues with Parka & Hayashi putting people over.


    Billy Kidman vs. Psicosis - WCW Cruiserweight Championship match

    Essa Rios waits in the wings, no title change here.


    Norman Smiley vs. Steven Regal

    How dare Mr. Regal besmirch Mr. Smiley's great name!


    Mike Awesome vs. Rey Misterio Jr.

    Probably Misterio Jr's fault that that match against HHH on last week's Thunder wasn't great. I imagine you blame him too.


    Kanyon vs. Dean Malenko

    I'm not sure what you're going to do with Kanyon now. But Malenko certainly seems to be in the middle of getting a push. Eh, hard one to call.


    Booker T vs. Chris Benoit

    Benoit is facing Flair, I wonder who booked that? :rolleyes:

    I don't know what Booker T is doing. Probably getting some privacy with that Trish poster. :p


    Triple H vs. Jeff Jarrett - Sledgehammer on a Pole match

    I'm enjoying HHH's character so far. He just wants to hurt people. That's it. Just an angry son of a gun haha. Although I could see a lot of things working in his favour, I think JJ can lose here and not be hurt long-term.

  6. From what I've read, Bryan tried to give his notice, but was not only blocked, the WWE froze his contract so that time would not elapse. Retirement was his only way out of that situation.


    If this is true, than this probably means he will wrestle again when his contract is up.


    Not exactly true. His contract wasn't frozen when his notice was rejected, it was frozen when he got injured (as per WWE's policy). WWE's doctor rejected his notice because WWE are scared about concussion lawsuits and the likes. Letting Bryan wrestle elsewhere is a bad idea for all parties involved because pro wrestlers never know just how hurt they are.

  7. TNA are claiming they signed AJ Styles to a deal that he later backed out of. They're also admitting to contract tampering as they claim they had discussions with Drew Hankinson (Doc Gallows) and Chad Allegra (Karl Anderson) when, as to my knowledge, both were (and still are) contracted to NJPW.


    Full statement here: http://impactwrestling.com/aj-styles/


    Just in case it's removed (which it probably will be), here's a screencap courtesy of DeathToAllMarks' Twitter account.



  8. I don't think even WWE are stupid enough to have Reigns win. Lesnar gains nothing from winning. Reigns vs HHH doesn't need the title to be a WM main event. Bray or Owens should win the Rumble. Then use Fastlane to build a feud with Lesnar. Bray would make sense because the Wyatts can help him win and they already teased it on Raw, while Owens faces Taker or The Rock to make him look like a big deal at WM. Or they can have Owens beat the Beast to become the #1 heel in the company like he should be.


    Bray vs. Brock is money.

  9. From Garrett Kidney, TNA reviewer for Voices of Wrestling.


    There were so many things wrong with what happened here, let’s go step by step.


    Firstly, TNA is a severely damaged brand. People associate them with these kinds of goofy swerves and over the top finishes. All they elicit is groans; all it does is remind people of the worst of TNA. It makes it look like the same old TNA. That’s all this will do. Title runs that end before they get started. Title changes that are an afterthought. Pointless swerves for the sake of shocking people. Big title matches ending in interference after loads of nonsense. It’s the worst of TNA. The kind of things that drive people away from the brand. This is why things like this should be exactly what TNA should avoid doing if they are in any way serious at all at rehabbing their brand. But it would appear they believe the brand doesn’t require rehabilitation. Had TNA not had a reputation for doing this kind of thing too often in the past it might have worked, but past indiscretions make stuff like this feel less like the big shocking development it should be and more par for the course in TNA.


    EC3 lied, cheated and stole his way to two World Title reigns and an undefeated streak that lasted two years. He was spoiled, self-entitled, overbearing, obnoxious and arrogant. So instead of somebody finally bring him back down to earth by defeating him, we’re supposed to feel sorry for him because his undefeated streak and title were taken away from him? That is totally backwards. Not to mention Matt Hardy is the last person who should have ended EC3’s streak. He has little to gain. It was a waste. They could still go around saying EC3 is unpinned and unsubmitted but that would be a really hollow thing for a newly crowned babyface to brag about.


    TNA booked a three month tournament to crown a new World champion. For three months of television 32 men battled it out for the right to become World Heavyweight champion. Two weeks ago, EC3 won that tournament. Two weeks later and that tournament has been rendered pointless by the man who won it losing the title pretty much immediately afterwards. The whole tournament was a waste of time. I hate short title runs. I despise them. All they do is undermine the credibility of the title. Matt Hardy and EC3 are now both two time champions, each with a reign that was totally meaningless. There should be no such thing as a meaningless title reign.


    Matt Hardy’s journey never landed as a story either. The family man who was striving to prove that he wasn’t just a tag team wrestler, that he was just as good as his brother by achieving something that eluded him over his twenty year career. But that same instinct to provide for and satisfy his family drove him to losing himself in the process in order to finish the job. That’s a fairly solid story. Hardy had the noblest of intentions but choked and resorted to cheap means to get the job done. But the failure of those initial story beats to land (Hardy needed more time to allow the loss two weeks ago to sink in, to sell the effect that loss had on him) coupled with EC3 being the wrong man to execute this turn on resulted in a story that didn’t feel fully formed when the trigger was pulled.


    EC3 was always going to turn eventually; it was a matter of time, and he may be a successful babyface but pay off his two year story arc in a meaningful, satisfying way first. Matt Hardy is a very good heel and has done strong work over the last two years but he isn’t the fresh face to lead the brand into the future. Not to mention the fact that we have yet another heel champion which means the same old cowardly, undeserving heel champion going forward with the same old cheap finishes that come with that. This was the same old cheap, shock and awe television that this company should be running away from. In another world an angle like this might have been effective, but TNA have scorched far too much earth in the past for it to work in 2016.


    TNA is not selling tickets, they’re not selling PPV’s, and people have been tuning out in droves over the last two years. The product isn’t just cold, it’s freezing. Watching the show each week it’s clear that there’s nothing the crowd believe in. There’s nobody on the show that they have any real connection with. The brand borders on toxic. Recruitment is no longer a question of resources but also of whether people want to associate themselves with a company renowned for chewing up talented wrestlers, doing nothing with them, and spitting them out. Not a single wrestler on the roster is being used to the fullest. Wrestling shows should identify the strengths of their roster and showcase them to their fullest as often as possible. But not a single wrestler on the TNA roster is being used to their fullest.


    So nothing is clicking, TNA’s customer base has never been smaller, viewers have abandoned them, wrestlers are always swimming upstream, and the brand is more often than not the butt of jokes – and yet here we are in 2016 with TNA doing the same old thing. TNA have shown a bafflingly remarkable stubbornness to stay this course despite warning sign after warning sign saying it’s not working.


    Pretty much every single time I write something like this I end on a hopeful note. Something like “With the UK tour and TNA’s hottest crowds of the year coming up now would be the perfect to turn the ship around and harness those crowds to turn great shows into something special”. But before long that hope begins to wear thin. There are only so many times you can watch a company that, more than is probably reasonable, you root for make the same self-defeating mistakes over and over again. There is only so long you can watch them slowly crawl toward death.

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