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Everything posted by DarK_RaideR

  1. <div style="padding: 15px; border: 3px solid #000000; margin:10px;background: #2C2A2A; max-width:60%;box-shadow: 0 6px 12px ";"> BCG Generations 2020 Press Conference Highlights ~ Hot off the heels of their World Tag League victory, The Horror are set to face Miura & Yoshizawa once again for the BCG World Tag Team titles at Generations. The two teams were presented and answered press questions, doing a good job to hype up their upcoming match. ~ Of course, the show will be headlined by Mabuchi Furusawa defending his BCG World title against "Machine Gun" Bunrakuken Torii and the two men spoke of their confidence in light of the contest. Furusawa has been a dominant champion so far and Torii back from a big knee injury, so advantage has to go to the leader of Pillars, but Torii pointed out his performance against SUKI should leave no doubt as to his ability to compete on the highest of levels. ~ Razan Okamoto also stepped up during the conference, announcing his intention to challenge Funakoshi for the BCG National championship at Generations. The leader of Seven Samurai accepted the challenge and it seems BCG's last show of the year will be headlined by a double main event. ~ Funakoshi's right hand man Blast Ikoma also had a moment, when he rose up to interrupt Big Bruiser Findlay's statement about wanting to challenge the winner of Generations' main event. The gaijin from Cobb County, Georgia, made his intentions clear and Ikoma spoke up to challenge him to a singles match at Generations, the implication being that whoever wins will be next in line for a BCG World title shot. ~ Finally, BCG officially announced the release of Omezo Shikitei, Conner Threepwood and Ray Snow from their roster. Snow being cut came as no surprise given that he suffered an injury in February, then broke his arm in September, proving he can't keep up with the company's hard hitting style and gruelling schedule. His Technical Excellence teammate Shikitei was a more surprising release, but analysts point out to BCG's new Royal Puroresu style being more about brawls and psychology and less about delivering a technical masterclass, which coupled with Shikitei's apparent inability to get over with fans led to him being cut. This is probably the same reason why Conner Threepwood was let go, his final appearance being the opening Battle Royal at The Lion's Roar IX while it has been pointed out that he never got a singles match during a major show in his one year tenure with the company. </div>
  2. <div style="padding: 15px; border: 3px solid #000000; margin:10px;background: #2C2A2A; max-width:60%;box-shadow: 0 6px 12px ";"> Sat. W3 November 2020 Nara Baseball Stadium, Kansai Region, Japan Attendance: 12.243, Rating: 67, Views: 44.671 (0.05 on Shogun TV) Seven Samurai (Funakoshi, Blast Ikoma and Sojuro Sen) vs Okamoto-gun (Razan Okamoto, Dynamite Narahashi and Yoshisada Matsuzawa) World Tag League has had a convoluted schedule: nine participating teams meant that one had to sit out one of the tour shows and by the time the final show came around, some had more than one match left to do so the entire night was taken up by the remaining matches and the finale. The only exceptions to this confusing scheduling were the Torii-SUKI semi main event and the opening six man tag, largely meant to be a celebration of Sojuro Sen's early return from injury in August. Originally expected to be out for over a year, Sen proved he's deserving of his reputation as a "tough as nails" veteran, taking a mere 3 months before he was back in action in a major event and even got to score the winning pinfall as an exclamation match when he tapped out Matsuzawa via his Over-The-Shoulder Backbreaker, a sign of how good to go his damaged back is. In a decent match, Seven Samurai (Funakoshi, Blast Ikoma and Sojuro Sen) defeated Okamoto-gun (Razan Okamoto, Dynamite Narahashi and Yoshisada Matsuzawa) in 16:09 when Sojuro Sen submitted Yoshisada Matsuzawa with an Over-The-Shoulder Backbreaker. [68] The Horror vs Mitsukuri & Kinoshita First tournament match of the night pitted the team on top of the scoreboard against the one in the bottom, so it wasn't so much about points but rather if the young duo could score a major upset win to their names and play spoiler to the leaders of the race. Mitsukuri & Kinoshita were the obvious underdogs as the rookies here, but they have been away honing their craft in SAISHO and this was a chance to return for the "we missed you" pop and to show the improvements they've made in the meantime. It was apparent that Mitsukuri's crisp striking has been sharpened and he's added some down-and-dirty brawling to mix things up, while also improving in leaps and bounds when it comes to the fundamentals and technical aspects of wrestling, while the brawler Kinoshita has taken notes from his partner to hone his puroresu game and was even able to go toe to toe with the big gaijin monsters when the fight spilled at ringside and he dipped into outright hardcore territory. An impressive performance from the Dawnguard team, but that was about all they got out of this match as The Horror got the win in the end. In a bout that had decent wrestling but didn't have much heat, The Horror defeated Mitsukuri & Kinoshita in 13:52 when Monstrosity pinned Ichiro Mitsukuri with an Apocalypse Blast. This match was part of the BCG World Tag League 2020 tournament. [66] The American Cobras vs The Hurt The Cobras had an arguably underwhelming run at the League, landing square in the middle of the pack with 4 points, while The Hurt had a breakout performance throughout the tour. This fact seemed to have Malloy and Spillane motivated to end strong, but Robinson and Svensson were on a roll and did their best to keep things slow and grounded. Once they'd managed that, it was simply a matter of time to grind it out and squeeze out a submission, which Robinson did when he caught Spillane in a Capital City Crucifix. In a bout that had decent wrestling but little heat, The Hurt defeated The American Cobras in 13:54 when Billy Robinson submitted Storm Spillane with a Capital City Crucifix. This match was part of the BCG World Tag League 2020 tournament. [59] Dallas Demolition Crew vs Miura & Yoshizawa The Bruiser Brigade team had a strong start in the World Tag League, but quickly fell off and began losing ground. Going up against the BCG World Tag Team champions here didn't do them any favors in terms of hoping for a last huzzah, but what they got was a chance to put on a solid performance, especially the less experienced Texas Hangman. Playing to their strengths and trying to turn the bout into a brawl, Harker and Hangman provided a significant obstacle that Miura & Yoshizawa had to overcome, fighting for over 16 minutes before they were able to hit The End Of The World and get the pin. In a bout that had decent wrestling but didn't have much heat, Miura & Yoshizawa defeated Dallas Demolition Crew in 16:15 when Noritoshi Miura pinned Texas Hangman with The End Of The World. This match was part of the BCG World Tag League 2020 tournament. [62] Black Iron Corps vs Mitsukuri & Kinoshita Mitsukuri & Kinoshita had to pull double duty on this night and they weren't the only ones either. Again, they were the underdogs in this match and although having wrestled another one earlier didn't take a lot out of their ability to perform, it made the fans cheer for them as they appreciated the fighting spirit on display. A predictable match, Mitsukuri & Kinoshita nonetheless made the most of it before succumbing to the Black Iron Lariat. In a bout that had decent wrestling but little heat, Black Iron Corps defeated Mitsukuri & Kinoshita in 16:29 when Azumamaro Kita pinned Ichiro Mitsukuri with a Black Iron Lariat. This match was part of the BCG World Tag League 2020 tournament. [60] The American Cobras vs The Diamond Dogs Second match of the night for the Cobras as well, their lingering damage making for a quite competitive bout against the smaller and faster Diamond Dogs. Sadly, the crowd wasn't that much into it despite the serviceable in-ring action and it fell a little flat, with the Cobras finally getting a win to end their tournament run with a bang. In a bout that had decent wrestling but little heat, The American Cobras defeated The Diamond Dogs in 16:25 when Marvel Malloy pinned Motty Kuroda with a Cobra Strike. This match was part of the BCG World Tag League 2020 tournament. [58] Goto & Doi vs The Hurt Goto & Doi are another pair that has been grinding it out on Pro Wrestling SAISHO, a surprising choice given that Goto started the year as the BCG Challengers Series champion and has been enjoying a very protective booking in the past. Perhaps Black Canvas have lost a bit of faith in him and seeing his performance here would explain why, since he and former young lion Takenori Doi have not shown the rapid improvement that Mitsukuri & Kinoshita showcased in their matches earlier. Fortunately, The Hurt were more than able to carry them to a decent match and Svensson tapped out Doi to earn a well deserved victory for himself and Billy Robinson. In a bout that had decent wrestling but little heat, The Hurt defeated Goto & Doi in 15:37 when Nigel Svensson submitted Takenori Doi with a Hyper Extension Arm Lock. This match was part of the BCG World Tag League 2020 tournament. [59] Dallas Demolition Crew vs The Diamond Dogs Both teams had performed earlier in the night but the experience seemed to have taken more wind out of the Dogs' sails, both because they had less time to recuperate and because their fast paced junior style does tend to burn through one's stamina faster than that of their gaijin bruiser opponents. Harker and Hangman took full advantage of that as they battered Stratosphere and Kuroda for nearly fifteen minutes, before ending things with a Stump Piledriver. In a bout that had sub-par wrestling and little heat, Dallas Demolition Crew defeated The Diamond Dogs in 14:24 when Animal Harker pinned Motty Kuroda with a Stump Piledriver. This match was part of the BCG World Tag League 2020 tournament. [51] Standings 14 - The Horror 12 - Miura & Yoshizawa 10 - The Hurt 8 - Black Iron Corps 6 - The American Cobras 6 - Dallas Demolition Crew 6 - The Diamond Dogs 4 - Goto & Doi 4 - Mitsukuri & Kinoshita At this point, the show paused for an intermission and the announcing team presented the updated scores so far. As they pointed out, there was only one match left to do, the much anticipated main event rematch between The Horror and Miura & Yoshizawa. As it turned out, the winner of that match would also win the entire World Tag League: if The Horror won, they'd reach 16 points leaving their opponents at 12, whereas a win for the BCG World Tag Team champions would tie the two teams on top of the rankings, while also serving as a tie breaker to award the tournament win to Miura & Yoshizawa. In the case of a draw, each team would be awarded a single point, thus The Horror would win the League. This was a must-win situation for Inejiro Yoshizawa and Noritoshi Miura. Bunrakuken Torii vs SUKI For some, this was the most anticipated match of the night, the true main event and indeed it delivered big time to outshine the big finale, perhaps in part due to the fact that The Horror and the BCG World Tag Team champions have already wrestled each other several times, including their recent clash not long ago at The Lion's Roar IX. But this was the World Tag League show and the final match had to be the main event, so Torii and SUKI were relegated to the semi main slot. Almost taking it as a challenge, the two men went out of their way to have the best possible match, a classic slow fuse contest that built on psychology to provide a constant crescendo for nearly twenty minutes. This was Torii's big comeback from a torn ACL in June and his surgically repaired knee was the centerpiece of the story told inside the ring, with SUKI having a clear target to aim for and Torii having to rely on his warrior spirit to carry him through the pain. Utilizing stiff kicks and excruciating submissions, SUKI targeted Torii's knee while the latter relied more on his upper body with his signature forearm and elbow strikes. The damage came into play late in the match when Torii tried to hit his Flying Forearm and his knee gave in, allowing SUKI to gain control of the match in the finishing sequence. Torii kicked out of a Mountain SUKI and even survived the SUKI Special III to a great ovation from the fans, escaping barely long enough to turn around and deliver the Spinning Forearm Smash for the pin and a triumphant victory. In a bout that had superb wrestling and good heat, Bunrakuken Torii defeated SUKI in 19:10 by pinfall with a Spinning Forearm Smash. [81] With SUKI reeling on the mat as he was provided with an icepack, Torii struggled to get back up (still selling the knee damage, though much of it might have been legitimate) and grabbed a microphone to repeat his title challenge. This brought out Mabuchi Furusawa who accepted, making it official that the two of them will clash at Generations in December for the BCG World title. The Horror vs Miura & Yoshizawa The two teams rekindled their rivalry, perhaps turning off a part of the audience who considered their feud wrapped up at The Lion's Roar IX. Having to follow up Torii vs SUKI didn't do them any favors either and the crowd apparently was a little burned out by this point but they still went out and had a good match, trying to tell the story of pushing through exhaustion and damage sustained earlier in the night. It was what it was, with The Horror coming out on top after almost twenty minutes of fighting, thus winning the match and this year's World Tag League to earn themselves another shot at the titles next month at the Generations show. In a bout that had good wrestling and a decent reaction from the crowd, The Horror defeated Miura & Yoshizawa in 18:14 when Abomination pinned Noritoshi Miura with a Chokeslam From Hell. The Horror win the BCG World Tag League. [71] Yoshifusa Maeda came to the ring to award the cups as streamers and confetti showered the winners, ending the show on a high note. A pleasant surprise followed next, when Abomination and Monstrosity got to deliver the closing speech, surprising fans with their flawless Japanese as they promised to repeat tonight's feat and reclaim the BCG World Tag Team titles next month at Generations.</div> <div style="padding: 15px; border: 3px solid #000000; margin:10px;background: #2C2A2A; max-width:60%;box-shadow: 0 6px 12px ";">Post show interviews and comments Abomination: "We've beaten Miura & Yoshizawa for the titles before, we beat them tonight and we will beat them again at Generations." Yoshizawa: "We paid for losing that match to The Hurt and for losing tonight. The Hurt had a flawless tournament and deserved to win, but at Generations it will be a different story." Torii: "I proved tonight that I'm good to go. I defeated Furusawa's lieutenant. I look forward to defeating Furusawa-san himself next month and becoming a three time BCG World champion." Furusawa: "Bunrakuken Torii is a great wrestler and I'm honoured to be facing him next month. BCG provides some top quality competition and it pushes me to be the best wrestler I can possibly be."</div>
  3. Well there's a chance for Makioka to not win the entire thing but be justified in losing, whether that was intentional (kayfabe injury) or not (legit injury). Strong tournament you got there, expecting KAZ or Genji to probably win it, but it's a good chance for Miyake to show what he can do and I'll be looking out for when teammates Kita and Narahashi meet.
  4. Destiny Championship Sozen Ishinomori versus Zeshin Makioka Z-Mak is too good to lose and Sozen is a bit of a tool anyway Destiny Tag Team Championship The Diamond Dogs versus The Hurt The Dogs' high flying always felt a bit off for a company that doesn't openly promote junior wrestling, but I'll go with the title switch to free up Robinson and Svensson for singles matches Roll with the Dragon Championship "The Last Golden Lion" Ryobe Uno versus "The Golden Dragon" Azumamaro Shimizu Uno gets a good performance and can win later down the road Arato & Katou versus The Night Terrors Again, the Terrors as high flyers feel off, but I like their unified name and look better Black Iron Corps, KAZ, Lion Genji, Yasuhide Tayama versus Akamatsu & Nakazawa, Mizoguchi & Sekozawa, and Danjuro Kikuchi BICs, Kaz AND Genji is a beast of a team. Don't mess it up, Tayama Fifteen Man Battle Royale Over the Top Rope, Pinfall, or Submission Shot at either Ride the Tiger or Roll the Dragon Championship Featuring: Big Boss Emperor, Iron Hyodo, Isoruko Arakaki, Jinzaburo Kakinomoto, Kawanari Enomoto, Masafumi Torii, Motoyuki Miyake, MUSCLE Serizawa, Naruhiko Koizumi, Noritaka Imakura, Ogai Miki, Pavel Vanczyha, Shogo Awatari, Shuzo Utagawa, Yuta Isono Araraki has the size to do well in such a match and enough upside to continue into a title match P.S. Time limits are for nerds
  5. <div style="padding: 15px; border: 3px solid #000000; margin:10px;background: #6e1812; max-width:55%;box-shadow: 0 6px 12px ";"> Airing Friday, Week 4 of February 2021 Brother Grimm is in his office going through some paperwork. After a knock on the door, Fro Sure steps in. Fro: "You wanted to see me, G?" Grimm: "Sure did. Take a seat, I'll be with you once I'm done with this bit" Fro glances over the papers on Grimm's office. Fro: "You ain't signing Ali for a title match there, are ya?" Grimm makes a frustrated pause, then raises his gaze to meet Fro, staring daggers at him so much so that the GSW American champion recoils in his seat. Grimm: "Not yet I ain't. But make no mistake, that match is going down sooner or later." Fro: "Just like that? Listen, I know he's kind of a big deal in the East Coast, but what's he done in Cali to be getting such an opportunity?" Grimm: "Didn't ya tell 'im last week he needs to prove himself? Well, he proved himself. He beat TBJ. And if you must know, these are Stash's medical bills I'm looking through." Fro readjusts his shades, trying to not show his reaction. Grimm: "You took one of my workers down. Sent a fellow wrestler to the hospital. Intentionally too, wasn't an accident. I should fire you for that shit, but I ain't firing the champion. That'd make GSW look weak. I thought about suspending you with no pay, but I came up with something better." Fro raises a curious eyebrow at the sound of that. Grimm: "I'm fining your black ass. You put Stash in the hospital, you pay for his treatment." Fro: "What?!" Grimm: "Ya heard me, son. Oh, and when that title match with Ali does take place... I'm banning that shit you pulled on Stash too. You do that again, you lose your title, am I clear?" (Rating: 71) After his surprise return from injury last week during Black Diamond's match, Deaf Touch returns to wrestle proper against her and it is every bit the intense, chaotic brawl one would expect. With Jo Baker absent from ringside, the bout is free from interference and both competitors able to show what they're about. Between DT being absent for a while and Diamond's growth, both as a wrestler and in popularity, the match is hot and quite competitive from bell to bell and the finish sees Diamond try to set up a Belly to Belly Suplex only to get kicked in the head with a Mafia Kick, laying her down for Touch to hit the Crooked Moonsault for the pin. (Rating: 46) Backstage, Jo Baker's absence is explained when she's shown walking up to La Estrella. Estrella: "You and your friend seem to have some sort of obsession with me, chica." Baker: "Maybe, but not the way you think. You got lucky against Diamond last week, but we still got unfinished business. Next week, we finish it in the ring, you and me, one on one." Estrella: "Let me check if I'm available..." Estrella pulls out a moleskine agenda and flips through a few pages, Baker snorting in frustration before she turns her back and walks away. Baker: "Yo ass better be available, chico!" (Rating: 37) Bizarro the clown makes her in-ring GSW debut next and it turns out her style is just as crazy as her looks and antics; despite being a Mexican luchadora, she leaves all the high flying to Maivia and seems to enjoy torturing her opponent with submissions as she tries to twist her in extremely uncomfortable angles. For all the solid action between the ropes, neither woman is quite over with the fans and it all falls flat in the silence of the usually raucous crowd before Bizarro catches Maivia in a Stump Puller to start her GSW career with a victory. (Rating: 28) Sayeed Ali is shown hanging out in a park at New York City. He walks around, high-fives some shady types and takes a seat on a bench, turning to address the camera. Ali: "See, Fro, the thing between you and me is more than just the East Coast Assassin versus the King of California. You drive around sunny L.A. in your car, from your big house to some fancy studio to record your stuff, or to The Warehouse every time GSW has a show on. And I don't blame you for any of that. I'm sure you had to work hard for what you got. But make no mistake about it, you had a headstart, n***a. I grew up in some shitty flat in the projects. I had to take the bus to go wrestle in some dinghy basement in order to break into the business. I had to fight for every little thing. And that fire is what brought me thus far. This kind of toughness you don't get in a gym. It can't be taught. You gotta live through it, take the hits and keep going. That's what I'm about to bring when you and me meet for the GSW American title. You can't compete with that. So when it's all said and done, I'll be the one standing tall with the strap and you'll be staring at the lights, son." (Rating: 41) Ali's promo sets the tone for the next match, as the returning Harlem Haynes takes on Compton's very own Busta Capp. Fans are consistently behind the GSW original and Capp takes it unto himself to introduce his opponent to an oldschool GSW hardcore bout. Having had his fair share of bloody weapons brawls in Puerto Rico, Haynes is more than comfortable in such a setup and the two proceed to butcher each other, much to the fans' excitement, with Haynes getting the best of the exchange as he manages to hit the Harlem Hustle and drive Capp onto some thumbtacks for the pin. (Rating: 40) GSW's beautiful new interviewer is standing by backstage with E-Soteric. E-Soteric: "Frantic Ali... Hustle Muvva... you n***as got lucky last week." E-Soteric raises a hand with some heavily bandaged fingers in front of his face. E-Soteric: "You two had a chance to go for the belt, but only because I was trying not to lose a finger outside the ring. Now I'm all taped up and ready to go. Next week, me, Muvva and Deaf Touch in the main event. Winner gets a shot at the GSW West Coast title. This time you'll have to chop my f***ing head off to stop me!" (Rating: 32) After weeks of interference, attacks and frustration, State of Destruction finally get to have Coulrophobia in the ring and to up the violence, only way to win the match is to drive someone through a table. BB and Boneyard are their usual selves dominating through sheer power, so it's up to Coulrophobia to be faster and smarter to compete. This quickly turns into a case of how much high flying Hellech can pull off without risk of getting caught or accidentally going through a table. The answer is quite a lot, as the match goes on for nearly ten minutes, but ultimately Hellech finds himself perched on the top rope as BB Colossus charges the corner with a Colossus Avalance and even though it's essentially just BB throwing his full weight into the corner pads, the shockwave is enough to mess with the high flying psycho clown's balance and knock him to the outside, through a table that had been set up earlier. (Rating: 46) Mexico's Finest is shown hanging out near the same liquor store that Los Guerilleros met during last week's opening segment. The ex convict is looking around, implying whoever he was supposed to be meeting is running late. Moments later, a lowrider carrying MexiCain and LatiNoFear turns around the corner. Finest takes a step forward and is about to say something, when something stops him dead in his tracks. Cut back to Brown Pride and both men got guns drawn out. The feed cuts to the glass front of the liquor store as the shots start to rain down and everything is shown through the reflection, before the sound of guns going off is replaced by that of screeching tires. (Rating: 44) </div> Prediction results smw88: 4/4 (100% Accuracy) Theheel: 3/4 (75% Accuracy) Blodyxe: 2/4 (50% Accuracy) christmas_ape: 1/4 (25% Accuracy) Congratulations once again to christmas_ape for summoning Scott Steiner, not just that in math promo but also in how that Sacrifice match turned out for him Overall results 1. smw88: 20/28 (71% Accuracy) 2. Theheel: 14/21 (67% Accuracy) 3. christmas_ape: 8/12 (67% Accuracy) 4. Blodyxe: 6/10 (60% Accuracy) 5. ageRage: 5/9 (56% Accuracy) 6. kanegan: 4/7 (57% Accuracy) 7. Mitch: 3/7 (42% Accuracy) Quick Predictions for Episode #49 1. Deaf Touch vs E-Soteric vs Hustle Muvva 2. Magwitch vs Sayeed Ali 3. Jo Baker vs La Estrella 4. Harlem Haynes vs Tavon Blake Jr
  6. Thursday, Week 2 January 2020 Live from the Garden Park Fields, Arizona Get it on Premier Pay TV (US), Premier Pay CAN-TV (Canada) and Demand-TV Mexico (Mexico) Main Event SWF World Heavyweight title match Rocky Golden © vs "Unleashed" Randall Buckminster Bumfhole Triple Threat Match Remo vs Rogue vs Valiant Singles Match "Big Money" Brandon James vs "The Dragon" Mikey Lau SWF World Tag Team titles match Fame & Money © vs Hawaiian Crush SWF North American title Des Davids © vs "Bad, Bad" Lenny Brown Tag Team match The Pain Alliance vs Joey Morgan & Tom Gilmore Singles match Jungle Lord vs "Mr. Supreme" Spencer Spade Opening match Atom Smasher, Bear Bekowski, Primus Allen & The Crippler vs ZWB, Steven Parker & The Dallas Cowboys
  7. <div style="padding: 15px; border: 3px solid #000000; margin:10px;background: #2C2A2A; max-width:60%;box-shadow: 0 6px 12px ";"> World Tag League Tour Night 7 in Sendai, Tohoku Region Thu. W3 November 2020 101 Fans 1. The Diamond Dogs defeated Goto & Doi in 18:09 when Jimmy Stratosphere pinned Takenori Doi with a Sweep DDT. This match was part of the BCG World Tag League 2020 tournament. [52] Once again, the Diamond Dogs worked the opening match to warm up the fans with their high flying and pick up another victory over a less experienced team. Nothing to write home about and not really important in terms of points, but still a solid match through and through. 2. Mitsukuri & Kinoshita defeated The American Cobras in 17:47 when Koyo Kinoshita pinned Storm Spillane with a Belly To Belly Suplex. This match was part of the BCG World Tag League 2020 tournament. [44] Suffering a loss seems to have knocked the American Cobras off their groove, as they struggled to keep going in this final stretch of the tournament despite not being in a position to salvage much. This provided an excellent opportunity for Mitsukuri & Kinoshita to capitalize and win the match, scoring a big victory over a more established and experienced team. 3. Miura & Yoshizawa defeated Black Iron Corps in 20:16 when Inejiro Yoshizawa pinned Fujio Narahashi with The End Of The World. This match was part of the BCG World Tag League 2020 tournament. [62] Black Iron Corps were in a position where the could play spoiler here and cost the BCG World Tag Team champions some valuable points, while perhaps booking themselves into a future title match. This motivated Kita & Narahashi to deliver a hard hitting match, but the champions would not be denied on this night and despite needing to put in a lot of work, in the end they managed to emerge triumphant. 4. The Horror defeated The Hurt in 21:14 when Abomination pinned Billy Robinson with an Apocalypse Blast. This match was part of the BCG World Tag League 2020 tournament. [65] With Miura & Yoshizawa reaching 10 points to match them on top of the card, The Horror were under a lot of pressure in the final main event of the tour section against The Hurt. The action told a basic story of the bruiser heels against the grapple-savvy faces, but this simplicity and some brilliant pacing helped elevate the stakes of the match, adding drama and excitement all the way to the final bell when Abomination covered Robinson for the count to keep his team on top of the rankings. </div> Standings 12 - The Horror 10 - Miura & Yoshizawa 6 - The Hurt 6 - Black Iron Corps 4 - The American Cobras 4 - Goto & Doi 4 - Dallas Demolition Crew 6 - The Diamond Dogs 4 - Mitsukuri & Kinoshita
  8. <div style="padding: 15px; border: 3px solid #000000; margin:10px;background: #2C2A2A; max-width:60%;box-shadow: 0 6px 12px ";"> World Tag League Tour Night 6 in Matsuyama, Shikoku Region Tue. W3 November 2020 97 Fans 1. The Diamond Dogs defeated Mitsukuri & Kinoshita in 15:45 when Jimmy Stratosphere pinned Ichiro Mitsukuri with a Sweep DDT. This match was part of the BCG World Tag League 2020 tournament. [50] Both teams out of contendership by this point, the opening match was more about pride, fighting spirit and bragging rights. A good contest to warm up the audience, everyone was given a chance to shine and the Diamond Dogs picked up the victory over their less experienced opponents. 2. The Horror defeated Goto & Doi in 17:58 when Monstrosity pinned Takenori Doi with an Apocalypse Blast. This match was part of the BCG World Tag League 2020 tournament. [58] One of these four is unlike the others. The smallest and least experienced participant of this match, Takenori Doi was the target of the Horror's offence, which in turn allowed him to sell the attack as a sympathetic babyface while also showing a lot of fire as he fought against overwhelming odds. Still, for all his valiant effort, he would fall to the Apocalypse Blast, the victory taking Abomination and Monstrosity to a standing total of 10 points. 3. Dallas Demolition Crew defeated The Hurt in 18:02 when Animal Harker pinned Billy Robinson with a Stump Piledriver. This match was part of the BCG World Tag League 2020 tournament. [51] Just when things seemed to settle down as the tournament nears its end, the Dallas Demolition Crew shook things up with a victory over Robinson & Svensson. In terms of points it may be too little too late for the two Texans, but it was still enough to break their losing streak while keeping the Hurt from remaining on the top of the scorecard. 4. Black Iron Corps defeated The American Cobras in 20:16 when Fujio Narahashi pinned Storm Spillane with a Black Iron Lariat. This match was part of the BCG World Tag League 2020 tournament. [59] Black Iron Corps found themselves once again in the main event but this time they redeemed themselves by pulling off the W against the ever dangerous American Cobras. Not the way the Cobras would have liked this to go as they're trying to make up for their initial losses in the tournament and arguably still not enough to bring Kita and Narahashi to the top, but an exciting match nevertheless. </div> Standings 10 - The Horror 8 - Miura & Yoshizawa 6 - The Hurt 6 - Black Iron Corps 4 - The American Cobras 4 - Goto & Doi 4 - Dallas Demolition Crew 4 - The Diamond Dogs 2 - Mitsukuri & Kinoshita
  9. <div style="padding: 15px; border: 3px solid #000000; margin:10px;background: #2C2A2A; max-width:60%;box-shadow: 0 6px 12px ";"> World Tag League Tour Night 5 in Fukuoka, Kyushu Region Sat. W2 November 2020 177 Fans 1. Goto & Doi defeated Dallas Demolition Crew in 18:12 when Naozane Goto pinned Texas Hangman with a Goto Slam. This match was part of the BCG World Tag League 2020 tournament. [44] The show opened with a battle between two teams on the lower end of the scoreboard, not really in line to potentially win the tournament but looking to avoid the bottom and put in some good performances. This was a chance to shine the spotlight on rookies Takenori Doi and Texas Hangman, with the latter getting pinned in the end after he got caught in a Goto Slam. 2. The Horror defeated The Diamond Dogs in 15:43 when Monstrosity pinned Motty Kuroda with an Apocalypse Blast. This match was part of the BCG World Tag League 2020 tournament. [60] The Diamond Dogs came in hot after their victory over the American Cobras and looked to repeat their feat, playing spoiler to knock their opponents out of contendership. Abomination and Monstrosity showed a cool head as they took the two underdogs seriously, sticking to their game plan and eventually managing to get two more points. 3. Miura & Yoshizawa defeated Mitsukuri & Kinoshita in 20:02 when Noritoshi Miura pinned Ichiro Mitsukuri with The End Of The World. This match was part of the BCG World Tag League 2020 tournament. [55] Miura & Yoshizawa had to keep up after The Horror's victory and despite facing a technically lesser opponent, it was themselves who they needed to keep in check to avoid mistakes that would cost them. Mitsukuri & Kinoshita had an opportunity to show they can hang in the ring with the champions, but there was never any doubt they would eventually lose. 4. The Hurt defeated Black Iron Corps in 19:34 when Billy Robinson submitted Fujio Narahashi with a Capital City Crucifix. This match was part of the BCG World Tag League 2020 tournament. [57] An otherwise unexciting main event was taken to the next level due to the booking and setup thus far, with Black Iron Corps starting strong but recently stumbling, while the Hurt were rising up and coming off a victory over the BCG World Tag Team champions. This match was a step forward in both their trajectories as Robinson tapped out Narahashi, knocking his team with Kita further down the scorecard while themselves ascending to the top with 8 points alongside The Horror and Miura & Yoshizawa. </div> Standings 8 - Miura & Yoshizawa 8 - The Horror 6 - The Hurt 4 - Black Iron Corps 4 - The American Cobras 4 - Goto & Doi 2 - Dallas Demolition Crew 2 - Mitsukuri & Kinoshita 2 - The Diamond Dogs
  10. <div style="padding: 15px; border: 3px solid #000000; margin:10px;background: #2C2A2A; max-width:60%;box-shadow: 0 6px 12px ";"> World Tag League Tour Night 4 in Saitama, Kanto Region Thu. W2 November 2020 126 Fans 1. The American Cobras defeated Goto & Doi in 17:37 when Marvel Malloy pinned Takenori Doi with a Cobra Strike. This match was part of the BCG World Tag League 2020 tournament. [49] Halfway into the World Tag League, winning potential for each team has become more apparent, while wins and losses start to have much more of an impact. Such was the case in the opener, where the Cobras continue trying to make up for their initially lost ground, while Goto & Doi suffered another loss, practically knocking them out of contention as they're on the bottom of the scorecard. 2. The Diamond Dogs defeated Black Iron Corps in 19:47 when Motty Kuroda pinned Azumamaro Kita with a surprise cradle. This match was part of the BCG World Tag League 2020 tournament. [45] This became even more evident in the second match: Diamond Dogs finally got an upset win for their first points and a victory in the tournament, but it was more about the losing side as Kuroda's sudden roll up knocked the Black Iron Corps even further down on the scorecard and might prove to be a costly loss in the long run. 3. The Horror defeated Dallas Demolition Crew in 18:26 when Abomination pinned Texas Hangman with an Apocalypse Blast. This match was part of the BCG World Tag League 2020 tournament. [57] After a hot start, the Dallas Demolition Crew seem to be stuck and they suffered another defeat here as The Horror continue to climb the rankings. Hangman's inexperience and enthusiasm once again proved to be his downfall and he ended up staring the arena lights after a devastating Apocalypse Blast. 4. The Hurt defeated Miura & Yoshizawa in 20:42 when Billy Robinson submitted Inejiro Yoshizawa with a Capital City Crucifix. This match was part of the BCG World Tag League 2020 tournament. [60] Miura & Yoshizawa also suffered their first defeat as The Hurt managed to defeat them. While still in the lead, the BCG World Tag Team champions left behind two valuable points and are now tied with The Horror at 6 each, whereas The Hurt have staked a claim at a future title shot after managing to defeat the champions. </div> Standings 6 - Miura & Yoshizawa 6 - The Horror 4 - Black Iron Corps 4 - The American Cobras 4 - The Hurt 2 - Dallas Demolition Crew 2 - Goto & Doi 2 - Mitsukuri & Kinoshita 2 - The Diamond Dogs
  11. <div style="padding: 15px; border: 3px solid #000000; margin:10px;background: #2C2A2A; max-width:60%;box-shadow: 0 6px 12px ";"> World Tag League Tour Night 3 in Sapporo, Hokkaido Region Mon. W2 November 2020 98 Fans 1. Mitsukuri & Kinoshita defeated The Hurt in 17:43 when Koyo Kinoshita pinned Billy Robinson with a Belly To Belly Suplex. This match was part of the BCG World Tag League 2020 tournament. [45] Mitsukuri & Kinoshita finally got a win and their first two points after two straight losses since the start of the tournament, after they pulled off an underdog victory over The Hurt. Robinson and Svensson seemed like they're still getting into the groove of things, which cost them the win against their younger and hungrier opponents. 2. Miura & Yoshizawa defeated Goto & Doi in 17:44 when Noritoshi Miura pinned Takenori Doi with The End Of The World. This match was part of the BCG World Tag League 2020 tournament. [45] A predictable contest here as the BCG World Tag Team champions focused on the rookie Takenori Doi, avoiding Goto as best as they could. The Dawnguard duo put on a solid performance, but it was simply not enough to carry them to victory against their unstoppable opponents. 3. The American Cobras defeated Dallas Demolition Crew in 18:59 when Marvel Malloy pinned Texas Hangman with a Cobra Strike. This match was part of the BCG World Tag League 2020 tournament. [51] At last, the Cobras were able to get their first win and points on the board. Harker and Hangman provided a difficult challenge, but Malloy and Spillane were hellbent on grabbing the two points, leaving only the Diamond Dogs (who had the night off) at the bottom of the ladder with no points. 4. The Horror defeated Black Iron Corps in 19:44 when Abomination pinned Fujio Narahashi with an Apocalypse Blast. This match was part of the BCG World Tag League 2020 tournament. [65] Another typical hard hitting BCG contest in the main event, The Horror finally managed to put a stop to the threat of the Black Iron Lariat by targeting Narahashi's arm to eliminate his weapon early. A costly defeat for Black Iron Corps, this one left them in second place of the standings, with only Miura & Yoshizawa currently leading the race. </div> Standings 6 - Miura & Yoshizawa 4 - Black Iron Corps 4 - The Horror 2 - Dallas Demolition Crew 2 - Goto & Doi 2 - The Hurt 2 - Mitsukuri & Kinoshita 2 - The American Cobras 0 - The Diamond Dogs
  12. <div style="padding: 15px; border: 3px solid #000000; margin:10px;background: #2C2A2A; max-width:60%;box-shadow: 0 6px 12px ";"> World Tag League Tour Night 2 in Hiroshima, Chugoku Region Sat. W1 November 2020 146 Fans 1. Goto & Doi defeated Mitsukuri & Kinoshita in 17:49 when Naozane Goto pinned Ichiro Mitsukuri with a Goto Slam. This match was part of the BCG World Tag League 2020 tournament. [34] Dawnguard clash in the opener as both participants chased their first two points of the tournament. Very much a showcase of what BCG's tag division has in the future, assuming Goto & Doi stick together of course, the match saw the former sumo star and ex Challengers Series champion claim an emphatic win via his devastating slam. 2. The Hurt defeated The Diamond Dogs in 17:59 when Nigel Svensson submitted Jimmy Stratosphere with a Hyper Extension Arm Lock. This match was part of the BCG World Tag League 2020 tournament. [52] The Hurt entered this match fresh after taking Night 1 off and it payed dividends against the Diamond Dogs who were coming from a rough contest against the BCG World Tag Team champions previously. Robinson and Svensson patiently worked whatever damaged area they could locate and eventually got the win when Svensson caught Jimmy Stratosphere with a Hyper Extension Arm Lock in the ring while Robinson prevented Kuroda from breaking it up. 3. Black Iron Corps defeated Dallas Demolition Crew in 17:31 when Azumamaro Kita pinned Texas Hangman with a Black Iron Lariat. This match was part of the BCG World Tag League 2020 tournament. [49] Once again the Black Iron Lariat bulldozed through the opposition, costing the Dallas Demolition Crew the match and two points as Kita and Narahashi continue to be in the lead of the race. All it took was a rookie mistake from the Hangman, allowing Kita to knock him down to a knee with kicks so that his teammate could deliver the killing blow. 4. Miura & Yoshizawa defeated The American Cobras in 20:48 when Inejiro Yoshizawa pinned Storm Spillane with The End Of The World. This match was part of the BCG World Tag League 2020 tournament. [56] Second main event for the Cobras and another loss, this time at the hands of the reigning tag champs. The American duo have been off to a rough start with two challenging matches and will need to turn the tables for the rest of the tournament in order to catch up and hope to win the entire thing. </div> Standings 4 - Black Iron Corps 4 - Miura & Yoshizawa 2 - Dallas Demolition Crew 2 - The Horror 2 - Goto & Doi 2 - The Hurt 0 - Mitsukuri & Kinoshita 0 - The American Cobras 0 - The Diamond Dogs
  13. <div style="padding: 15px; border: 3px solid #000000; margin:10px;background: #2C2A2A; max-width:60%;box-shadow: 0 6px 12px ";"> World Tag League Tour Night 1 in Nagoya City, Chubu Region Thu. W1 November 2020 169 Fans 1. Dallas Demolition Crew defeated Mitsukuri & Kinoshita in 17:40 when Texas Hangman pinned Ichiro Mitsukuri with a Choke Slam. This match was part of the BCG World Tag League 2020 tournament. [43] The recently formed Bruiser Brigade duo are off to a strong start in the tournament with a victory over Dawnguard's Mitsukuri & Kinoshita. Harker's experience really proved to be a game changer here and his ring generalship helped guide his partner to a hard fought win. 2. Black Iron Corps defeated Goto & Doi in 18:01 when Fujio Narahashi pinned Takenori Doi with a Black Iron Lariat. This match was part of the BCG World Tag League 2020 tournament. [48] Naozane Goto returned to BCG, teaming up with the smaller but equally aggressive Takenori Doi in a matchup that seems to bring out the best of both men. Unfortunately, this natural knack was no match for the teamwork and experience of Kita and Narahashi, who managed to get the pinfall after Doi nearly got his head knocked off his shoulders with a Black Iron Lariat. 3. Miura & Yoshizawa defeated The Diamond Dogs in 19:44 when Inejiro Yoshizawa pinned Motty Kuroda with The End Of The World. This match was part of the BCG World Tag League 2020 tournament. [56] Champions are always favourites in all tournaments and seeing the newly crowned BCG World Tag Team champions win here came as no surprise. Their stablemates Stratosphere and Kuroda didn't make it easy for them, but there was a lot of respect and no hard feelings on display before, during and after the match when both teams shook hands. 4. The Horror defeated The American Cobras in 21:27 when Monstrosity pinned Storm Spillane with an Apocalypse Blast. This match was part of the BCG World Tag League 2020 tournament. [60] Hard hitting main event, with The Horror bringing their dominance and a side of frustration against the Cobras who are struggling to get back on a winning roll. Lot of oomph behind each and every strike, though the Cobras would occasionally shake things up with a bit of grapppling or Malloy's aerial moves, but an Apocalypse Blast sealed the deal after over 20 minutes of fighting, earning the Horror their first two points in the tournament. </div> Standings 2 - Black Iron Corps 2 - Dallas Demolition Crew 2 - Miura & Yoshizawa 2 - The Horror 0 - Goto & Doi 0 - Mitsukuri & Kinoshita 0 - The American Cobras 0 - The Diamond Dogs 0 - The Hurt
  14. Prediction Results neslo024 - 5/6 Herrbear - 5/6 DinoKea - 4/6 KyTeran - 4/6 Theheel - 3/6 Shout out to Herrbear, only one to correctly predict Kurt Laramee and Big Smack Scott beating Marshall Dillon and Ranger Thank you to everyone who took the time to read, comment, predict or a combination of all three.
  15. <div style="padding: 15px; border: 3px solid #000000; margin:10px;background: #01FCFE; max-width:60%;box-shadow: 0 6px 12px ";"> SWF Supreme TV Results [Tues. Wk. 2, Jan 2020] From the diary of Samantha W. Fitzworthy SWF's go-home episode of Supreme TV before the Pay Per View was held at the Louisiana Auditorium and it almost sold out the venue, with 9.969 tickets purchased to attend the event. It was, as usual, broadcast on C.A.N.N. and drew a rating of 3.03 (up 0.08 from last week, as Mr. Eisen pointed out) which stands for 2.272.616 people watching but knowing the details of that broadcast deal, I can't help but wonder if the show is at risk of being dropped for poor performance before the contract expires. Once again, Rocky Golden opened the show and Mr. Eisen commented that the new booker has finally come to his senses. The SWF World Heavyweight champion addressed the man who's been haunting him as of late, warning Scythe to not get involved in hos title match against Randall Buckminster Bumfhole this Thursday. It was good to see Rocky show some fire after generic promos and last week's humiliation. The fans certainly ate it all up and an excited Mr. Eisen rated the opening segment at 90. Not seen in a while, Primus Allen worked the opening match against Robbie Retro. A predictable squash that went on for about six minutes before Allen got bored of toying with his prey, it certainly did its job of presenting the big man as a force of destruction while Retro kept things entertaining and sold his ass off for the blue chipper, garnering a 61 from Mr. Eisen. "The Supreme Star" Spencer Spade had some choice words for Jungle Lord next, with Dulce Moreno looking stunning by his side as always. Spade used this to present himself as a successful male and a ladies man while calling his scheduled opponent "a filthy hobo who can't approach even a female cat without getting served a restraining order". Mr. Eisen said this kid can draw heat and I can't argue, seeing how fans reacted and how he kept this fresh instead of delivering another run-of-the-mill cookie cutter promo about how he's going to beat his opponent when they meet. Ironically enough, the grade for this was a 69. With all the matchups for When Hell Freezes Over locked in, someone had to fill in TV time and that job was given to these two tag teams. Can't say I enjoy Kurt Laramee and Big Smack Scott's gig, but the audience loves to hate them even if they're not the best of wrestlers. This was mostly about the Dallas Cowboys' failure to communicate though and it played into the finish of the match when Ranger accidentally wiped out Dillon, setting him up to get hit with an Ego Trip as Scott made the cover for the three count. Hands down worst match of the night at 50. Again, the writers and production team came up with a somewhat refreshing idea to hype up the whole Des Davids and Lenny Brown feud. And I say somewhat because it involved Eric Eisen providing his insight on the two men and their impending match, which isn't all that different from Duane Fry talking over a Hawaiian Crush training montage just last week. Mr. Eisen was certainly biased in favour of his son, granting this segment a generous 64. He may have lost that fatal four way match, but Joey Morgan seems to be on a tear and his victim here was John Greed. Always the reliable guy to give someone a good match and put them over, Greed did just that and it wasn't hard either since Morgan is such a talented grappler. Empire Spiral, one two three, Morgan wins and the match gets a 60 from Mr. Eisen. Back to back matches and barely a minor change of pace as The Crippler here wrestled a very similar technical style to that of Morgan before, although instead of being the fiery babyface he played the methodical, sadistic heel in to torture his opponent with submissions. Steven Parker also put on a great performance despite his loss and although Mr. Eisen rated this match at 59, I'd say it was mostly because fans aren't as familiar with Parker yet. A video aired next, showing The Rat Pack backstage. Huntington wanted to talk about the scheduled tag team title match at When Hell Freezes Over, but Starr interrupted him to say they'd worry about that at the appropriate time; right now, he was up next in a match against Tom Gilmore and it was of the utmost importance that everyone is on the same page to ensure victory for him. Nothing exciting really, but no denying Starr is made of the same stuff as his old man, Mr. Eisen gave this a 63. As mentioned, Hollywood Bret Starr was in a match next with Tom Gilmore, who seems to be getting another push after the name change. Fame & Money were also at ringside to assist the leader of the Rat Pack, which had Gilmore fighting against the odds and thus garnering fan sympathy by those who wanted to see him prevail. Just as the referee was about to dispose of the ringside disturbance by ejecting Huntington and Trescarde, Justin Sensitive showed up from the audience, jumped the guardrail and snuck in a low blow on Gilmore, allowing Starr to hit the Hollywood Hammer and steal a victory alongside a lukewarm 58 from Mr. Eisen. I expected better, but I guess the tainted finish and ample interference knocked this one down a few notches. Valiant cut a promo next, with Hannah on his side as usual. They're a great pairing as the all-American sweethearts and Valiant went to great lengths to put both Remo and Rogue over. This, of course, was to set up his final message and sell his point: the odds may be stacked against him in the upcoming triangle match, but he will end the night triumphant regardless. I could hear him read the weather and I wouldn't complain, but Mr. Eisen rated his promo a 74. We then got an opposing word from Remo, who confidently declared he'll be defeating both his opponents and once he's done that, he plans to move on and challenge for the SWF World Heavyweight title. Everyone seemed excited at the prospect of a Remo-Golden match (less so for a potential Remo-Bumfhole match, let's be honest) including Mr. Eisen who rated the promo just under Rocky's opening segment, at 85. The main event saw Mikey Lau try to prove he can still go in the ring, as promised last week. It was no small task, as his opponent turned out to be Atom Smasher. The nuclear superstar focused his offence on Lau's damaged leg, delivering punishment to further make fans question if he'd make it to the Pay Per View and if so, in what state. Lau's selling was on point too and it didn't hurt that Smasher seems to be on fire ever since he turned heel, plus they were given an ample 16 minutes to do their thing. Drawing strength from within, Lau managed to fight back and finally deliver his signature Scything Side Kick for the pin, a match that Mr. Eisen gave a 69 to. Since Smasher didn't put Lau out of commission, Brandon James apparently decided to take matters into his own hands and ensure his scheduled opponent doesn't make it to When Hell Freezes Over. The final episode of Supreme TV before the Pay Per View ended with him attacking Lau and viewers were encouraged to buy the program to find out what happens next. I think it was a good way to wrap things up and Mr. Eisen rated the finale as a 78 based on crowd reaction, but he did point out it was "weird" to finish with that feud instead of the big title match or at least the Remo-Rogue-Valiant one. Overall it was an entertaining show and I appreciated how we didn't get the same "almost there" stuff just teasing the PPV matches. That said, it wasn't the strongest go-home show possible and trying new things with new people means that came at the expense of using popular stars instead, landing the overall show a grade of 67. </div> <div style="padding: 15px; border: 3px solid #000000; margin:10px;background: #01FCFE; max-width:60%;box-shadow: 0 6px 12px ";">Quick results "The Dragon" Mikey Lau def. "The Radioactive Wrecking Machine" Atom Smasher Hollywood Bret Starr def. "Angry" Tom Gilmore The Crippler def. "The Sensational" Steven Parker Joey Morgan def. "The Eighth Deadly Sin" John Greed The Pain Alliance (Scott & Laramee) def. The Dallas Cowboys (Dillon & Ranger) Primus Allen def. "The Disco Stud" Robbie Retro</div>
  16. <div style="padding: 15px; border: 3px solid #000000; margin:10px;background: #2C2A2A; max-width:60%;box-shadow: 0 6px 12px ";"> BCG World Tag League 2020 Press Conference Highlights ~ The Lion's Roar IX and Rise have been a triumphant climax for Black Canvas Grappling and owner Yoshifusa Maeda took a moment at the start of the Press Conference to thank his staff and fans for providing such a memorable experience, saying he's even more hopeful for the future. According to wrestling analysts, Maeda is right to be optimistic as his company is now rated as "Medium" in terms of size and importance, a level of growth that brings with it new challenges, including a potential clash with PGHW for the spot of Japan's #2 wrestling promotion. ~ Central in the event was the presentation of the World Tag League cups, a prize to be awarded to the winner of the round robin tournament. This format, resembling a tag version of the Yoshifusa Maeda Grand Prix, is sure to provide several interesting matchups while also helping the tournament feel different to February's TagMania, as the latter is held as a single elimination tournament. ~ The participating teams were also revealed, providing a good mix of established duos and new pairings that will be looking to make a name for themselves throughout the tour. Black Iron Corps, The American Cobras, The Diamond Dogs and The Horror are some of the more familiar names, while the BCG World Tag Team champions Miura & Yoshizawa will also be partaking in the grueling tournament. Of the teams looking to climb up the rankings, the fresh pairing of Animal Harker and Texas Hangman under the name of Dallas Demolition Crew stands out, as do the two Dawnguard teams of Goto & Doi and Mitsukuri & Kinoshita. Finally, The Hurt are likely to be the dark horse of the entire race, as they have undeniable skill and talent, but so far have not managed to really make a name for themselves since the purchase of Pro Wrestling SAISHO by BCG. ~ Last but not least, "Machine Gun" Bunrakuken Torii was showered with questions from the press following his early return at the end of Rise and it was confirmed that he will be going one on one against SUKI in the semi main event of the final World Tag League show, a first showing of his current fighting ability as he faces the trusted lieutenant of Mabuchi Furusawa before their title clash at Generations in December. </div> <div style="padding: 15px; border: 3px solid #000000; margin:10px;background: #2C2A2A; max-width:60%;box-shadow: 0 6px 12px ";">World Tag League Tour Day #1 The American Cobras vs The Horror The Diamond Dogs vs Miura & Yoshizawa Black Iron Corps vs Goto & Doi Dallas Demolition Crew vs Mitsukuri & Kinoshita World Tag League Tour Day #2 The American Cobras vs Miura & Yoshizawa Black Iron Corps vs Dallas Demolition Crew The Diamond Dogs vs The Hurt Goto & Doi vs Mitsukuri & Kinoshita World Tag League Tour Day #3 Black Iron Corps vs The Horror The American Cobras vs Dallas Demolition Crew Goto & Doi vs Miura & Yoshizawa Mitsukuri & Kinoshita vs The Hurt World Tag League Tour Day #4 Miura & Yoshizawa vs The Hurt Dallas Demolition Crew vs The Horror Black Iron Corps vs The Diamond Dogs Goto & Doi vs The American Cobras World Tag League Tour Day #5 Black Iron Corps vs The Hurt Miura & Yoshizawa vs Mitsukuri & Kinoshita The Diamond Dogs vs The Horror Dallas Demolition Crew vs Goto & Doi World Tag League Tour Day #6 Black Iron Corps vs The American Cobras Dallas Demolition Crew vs The Hurt Goto & Doi vs The Horror The Diamond Dogs vs Mitsukuri & Kinoshita World Tag League Tour Day #7 The Horror vs The Hurt Black Iron Corps vs Miura & Yoshizawa The American Cobras vs Mitsukuri & Kinoshita Goto & Doi vs The Diamond Dogs</div>
  17. Card for Predictions Main Event Time Limits are for nerds "The Radioactive Wrecking Machine" Atom Smasher vs "The Dragon" Mikey Lau Singles Match Time Limits are for nerds Hollywood Bret Starr vs "Angry" Tom Gilmore Singles Match Time Limits are for nerds The Crippler vs "The Sensational" Steven Parker Singles Team Match Time Limits are for nerds Joey Morgan vs "The Eighth Deadly Sin" John Greed Tag Team Match Time Limits are for nerds The Dallas Cowboys (Dillon & Ranger) vs The Pain Alliance (Scott & Laramee) Opening Match Time Limits are for nerds Primus Allen vs "The Disco Stud" Robbie Retro
  18. As someone who legit fell for Paul Heyman's "anti" attitude back in the day only to see him in bed with the WWF later, I thoroughly enjoyed this last blog post.
  19. Appreciate the nomination! Rookie Real World FMW: The Deathmatch Heaven[RW94] by kanegan MLW: Underground Revolution by Blodyxe & Kanegan Showcase of the Month The signing of Abdullah the Butcher in FMW: The Deathmatch Heaven[RW94] by kanegan The return of the Kwang gimmick in MLW: Underground Revolution by Blodyxe & Kanegan Shockingly enough, I have no CVerse diaries to nominate this month
  20. As someone who never bothered with any major CVerse companies before, I can relate. This project could be pretty much summed up for us like this: <a href="https://imgflip.com/i/5r4kgm"><img src="https://i.imgflip.com/5r4kgm.jpg" title="made at imgflip.com"/></a>
  21. <div style="padding: 15px; border: 3px solid #000000; margin:10px;background: #2C2A2A; max-width:60%;box-shadow: 0 6px 12px ";"> Mon. W4 October 2020 Osaka, Kansai Region, Japan Attendance: 12.619, Rating: 74, Views: 46.741 (0.06 on Shogun TV) Zeshin Makioka and Black Iron Corps vs Rokuemon Matsushita, Gidayu Katou and MUSCLE Serizawa Just two days after The Lion's Roar IX, Black Canvas Grappling debuted their new show "Rise" which apparently is meant to signal the start of a new wrestling season and launch the next series of feuds. The opening six man tag match saw Black Iron Corps team with the winner of the 30 man Battle Royal, Zeshin Makioka, against the new BCG Challengers Series champion Rokuemon Matsushita and two SAISHO imports, MUSCLE Serizawa and the debuting -in a major BCG show- Gidayu "The Lariat" Katou. This may be a hint of Makioka looking to challenge Matsushita for the belt, although that would mess with the usual process of collecting the three Medallions. Meanwhile, Narahashi and Katou had their little 'battle of the lariats' going on as a theme in the match and it was the former who hit it on Serizawa to end the match with a win for his team. In a bout that had decent wrestling but didn't have much heat, Zeshin Makioka, Azumamaro Kita and Fujio Narahashi defeated Rokuemon Matsushita, Gidayu Katou and MUSCLE Serizawa in 16:18 when Fujio Narahashi pinned MUSCLE Serizawa with a Lariat Clothesline. [49] The Diamond Dogs vs Dallas Demolition Crew Up next was the debut of the Dallas Demolition Crew, the new team comprised of Animal Harker and Texas Hangman. Apparently tapping into their shared city of origin, BCG has put the two brawlers together in a pairing that will hopefully help Hangman grow while also releasing Big Bruiser Findlay to focus on his singles career. As such, the two gaijin played their part to a tee against their talented high flying opponents and made a statement by picking up their first win as a team, with Hangman pinning Kuroda after a Choke Slam. In a bout that had decent wrestling but didn't have much heat, Dallas Demolition Crew defeated The Diamond Dogs in 15:54 when Texas Hangman pinned Motty Kuroda with a Choke Slam. [53] Dread Army (FEAR and The Horror) vs Okamoto-gun (Razan Okamoto and Miura & Yoshizawa) Back to multi man matches, this one came hot off the heels of the BCG World Tag Team titles changing hands two nights ago as the former champions teamed up with FEAR to face their usurpers and Razan Okamoto. While the storytelling of the match had a lot to do with that rivalry, it was also about Okamoto still bearing the scars of his epic battle against Furusawa and it was actually weaved into the finish of the match as Dread Army noticed the crack in his armor and focused their attack on him, leading to FEAR getting the clean pin over him. In a bout that had superb wrestling and a decent reaction from the crowd, Dread Army (FEAR and The Horror) defeated Okamoto-gun (Razan Okamoto and Miura & Yoshizawa) in 17:56 when FEAR pinned Razan Okamoto with a Fear Drive. [63] Seven Samurai (Funakoshi, Blast Ikoma and Kadonomaro Kamisaka) vs Dawnguard (Yoshinaka Taku, Kyuichi Matsumoto and Kiyotaka) Again, this faction clash revolved around two intertwining storylines, on one hand the war between defector Kiyotaka and his former stablemates, particularly "Serene K" Kadonomaro Kamisaka, on the other the clash between Funakoshi and Matsumoto after their BCG National title match two days earlier. A good mix of striking and technical wrestling was on display, but the finish belonged to Blast Ikoma who got the pin over Matsumoto, ironically with the Northern Lights Bomb in what some believe to be the start of a budding feud between the two men who are known to favor a wide array of slams in their matches. In a bout that had superb wrestling and a decent reaction from the crowd, Seven Samurai (Funakoshi, Blast Ikoma and Kadonomaro Kamisaka) defeated Dawnguard (Yoshinaka Taku, Kyuichi Matsumoto and Kiyotaka) in 21:17 when Blast Ikoma pinned Kyuichi Matsumoto with a Northern Lights Bomb. [66] Mabuchi Furusawa and SUKI vs Big Bruiser Findlay and Giant Brody The main event was the only match of the night that wasn't based on some match outcome from The Lion's Roar IX. Of course, one could argue that perhaps BCG are looking to move Brody up into the upper midcard or main event scene via this bout, but if that was the case, it's unlikely they would have him drop the Challengers Series title to Matsushita so soon after claiming it. Regardless, the match was by far the best of the night, as the main event should be, with Furusawa and SUKI playing the babyfaces against the two hulking foreigners. The Bruiser Brigade duo looked strong and dominant, while their opponents told the story of two heroes struggling against the odds and relying on their wrestling acumen as well as their fighting spirit to carry them through, with Furusawa finally managing to force Brody into submission by the twenty fifth minute. In a bout that had superb wrestling and great heat, Mabuchi Furusawa and SUKI defeated Big Bruiser Findlay and Giant Brody in 25:23 when Mabuchi Furusawa submitted Giant Brody with a Furusawa Armbar. [85] The winners barely had a moment to speak and deliver the closing speech, when they got cut off and... <iframe width="560" height="315" src="https://www.youtube.com/embed/dWHvrCHtgFI" title="YouTube video player" frameborder="0" allow="accelerometer; autoplay; clipboard-write; encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in-picture" allowfullscreen></iframe> THE MACHINEGUN IS BACK! Bunrakuken Torii's music had the crowd explode in applause as he made his triumphant entrance, walking down to the ring in order to joined the stunned pairing of Furusawa and SUKI. As the announcing team reminded everyone, Torii had completely torn his ACL back in June and was supposed to be out for half a year, but here he was just four months later. As he said on the mic, he's in peak fighting condition and has been cleared by the doctors to wrestle, thus he laid down the challenge: Torii wants a shot at Furusawa's BCG World title. Since BCG's next tour would be the World Tag League, the date was set for the following show, the two men set to headline December's Generations show with the title on the line.</div> <div style="padding: 15px; border: 3px solid #000000; margin:10px;background: #2C2A2A; max-width:60%;box-shadow: 0 6px 12px ";">Post show interviews and comments Torii: "I'm not the type to surprise my opponents and I don't want Furusawa to have any excuses. I walked up right to his face, issued my challenge and gave him ample time to prepare. Time is ticking down." Furusawa: "I have no fear of Bunrakuken Torii. He is a great wrestler and a two time BCG World champion, as am I. It will certainly be a great match between us at Generations, but right now I'm on a roll and he's rusty coming back from injury, the odds are in my favour." Harker: "I'm hyped to be back and I'm hyped to have a fellow Texan by my side. We started strong tonight, World Tag League is coming up, watch out for the Dallas Demolition Crew!" Makioka: "It is too early to say what championship I will be using my Battle Royale win for. I will have time to think about it during the World Tag League and make my choice."</div>
  22. <div style="padding: 15px; border: 3px solid #000000; margin:10px;background: #6e1812; max-width:55%;box-shadow: 0 6px 12px ";"> Airing Friday, Week 3 of February 2021 The scene is a street, outside a liquor store. MexiCain is listening to something on a set of headphones, while LatiNoFear is counting dollar bills when Mexico's Finest walks up to them, a hoodie covering most of his head and tattooed arms. It's an unusual appearance, but still doesn't cover the ex con's massive size. Finest: "What up?" MexiCain: "What up?! I'll tell ya what up, we gettin' our asses whooped, that's what up! Trios titles, lost. Tag titles, lost. Rematch, lost. And where the f**k Hector at?" LatiNoFear: "Puerto Rico" MexiCain: "Shit... Listen, we all need a break to pull it together. We got no match this week, so take a break and think shit through. Same time, same place, one week." (Rating: 41) Back inside the Warehouse, the GSW Hottest Crew champions are in Grimm's office. Grimm: "Gentlemen... what can I help you with?" Boneyard: "Quit clownin' around, G. What's with all the clowns lately?" Grimm: "What about 'em?" BB: "We rough one up, another pops in." Grimm: "What can I say, Coulrophobia is one hell of a team and they finally saw the light to leave that IPW dump." Henry: "Yeah? What about that b*tch that showed up last week?" Grimm: "She got a match tonight, I'll decide if she sticks around. Meanwhile, I'd advise you to worry about yourselves and those titles instead of questioning my hirings." (Rating: 48) Switching to the ring, Harlem Haynes makes his surprise GSW debut to a mixed reaction, some fans glad to see the legendary brawler and others simply giving him flak for being from New York. Public Enemy #1 lays into him with strikes and any weapon he can get his hands on, but the big veteran pulls through the match and uses his experience to regain control again and again, until he hits the Harlem Hustle for the pin to start off with a win. (Rating: 34) Aces High hits the ring and a new, beautiful female joins him for an interview. The woman does little besides hold the mic for him, but her looks alone are enough to get a pop out of the crowd. Aces: "Last week, I proved a point. Slick, you wanna say we're not on the same level, blood? Well guess what, I beat yo ass in this ring and guess what, I wanna do it again. You beat me twice. To me, that sounds like unfinished business, so you best protect yo neck, bruh. Aces, out!" (Rating: 40) GSW's clown crew is gathered around a hobo fire burning inside a barrel on the streets. The flickering light offers an eerie effect, shadows dancing on their painted faces. For a moment, it seems as though Magwitch is about to say something, but instead, he bursts into a mad cackle. The laughter quickly spreads among the group who snicker and leer over the flames, except the towering Pierrot who remains expressionless, arms crossed in front of his chest as he stares dead center down the camera lens. (Rating: 36) Building upon last week's segment, Black Diamond meets La Estrella inside the ring, the Hollywood Luchador's damaged ego fuelling him in his search for victory and redemption. The intensity makes for a spectacular match that showcases his high flying as well as Diamond's athleticism, but time and again, Estrella's obsession to humiliate his opponent instead of just pinning her gets the best of him and allows Diamond to get back in the fight. Just as it seems she's about to take it home... ...Deaf Touch's music starts playing and the former American champion comes out to a thunderous ovation! Returning from an injury caused by Diamond and with a documented history of how his partnership with Foxxy LaRue fell apart once she got tangled up with the whole BPLM situation, Touch walks down the ramp with a purpose and nails Baker with a Mafia Kick. The distraction is enough to throw Black Diamond off her game and Estrella is all too happy to take the opening and roll her up from behind for a surprise pinfall win! (Rating: 40) Sayeed Ali is backstage when Fro Sure walks up to him. Fro: "Whoa, easy there 'Assassin', I ain't looking for no trouble. Listen, I know you're eyeing my American championship and Grimm's out to get me, but you can't just show out of nowhere and get a shot at the top prize. That's not how things work. You gotta earn your shot" Ali: "Yeah, and?" Fro: "Well, you gonna have your chance tonight. Because you're up next and you're set to face one hell of a grappler in TBJ. Good luck." Fro pats Ali on the shoulder and walks away, the East Side Assassin cracking his knuckles. (Rating: 47) After the initial exchange of tentative blows, it quickly becomes apparent this is going to be all about who is able to impose the style that suits them best in order to win the match, with Ali looking to brawl and take things into hardcore territory while Blake tries to keep it clean and technical. Initially, Ali is in control but Blake is all too comfortable throwing down (he does, after all, possess some of the slickest looking punches in the business) so he slowly turns the match in his favor. However, this allows Ali to also showcase his underrated pure wrestling skills and he ends up surprising TBJ with his versatility, to the point where he counters a Black Plex into the G.B.H. Driver for the pin. (Rating: 49) E-Z and Sanchez Villano are chilling in the VIP area of the Warehouse with drinks and some attractive female company as Villano addresses the camera. Villano: "Ey yo, Brown Pride, Guerilleros, whatever the f**k you call yourselves... It don't matter, 'cause you're still losers anyway. We living in your head rent free, yo. You so out there, you lost both the Hottest Crew and Tag titles. We rule the tag division here. Salud!" E-Z and Villano laugh, before downing a shot of tequila. (Rating: 37) GSW fans get treated to a hot main event, a three way Ladder match that would normally be reserved for one of the big monthly shows. All three competitors have a documented history between them so it's no surprise the match immediately bursts into a wild free-for-all fistfight that inevitably spills out of the ring as well. A rather even, competitive bout with every man getting his fair share of shine and offence, things only get wilder once ladders begin to be used as weapons. No one really bothers to go for the belt or set up a ladder for some high flying spot, they're either used as a clubbing weapon or a rough surface to drop somebody onto. Eventually, this ends up taking E-Soteric out of the fight when he finds his arm trapped in a ladder right before Muvva lands on it with a senton, almost chopping off a couple of fingers. From there, it's down to Muvva and Ali who inevitably end up trading punches on top of the ladder. Muvva attempts to land an unexpected headbutt, but Ali knows to expect it and blocks the move, slamming Muvva's head to the top of the stair instead. This knocks Muvva back, hanging upside down from the ladder with his legs trapped in the steps, leaving Ali to go all the way to the top and retrieve the GSW West Coast title. (Rating: 52) </div> Prediction results christmas_ape: 4/4 (100% Accuracy) smw88: 3/4 (75% Accuracy) Overall results 1. smw88: 16/24 (67% Accuracy) 2. Theheel: 11/17 (64% Accuracy) 3. christmas_ape: 7/8 (87% Accuracy) 4. CageRage: 5/9 (56% Accuracy) 5. Blodyxe: 4/6 (66% Accuracy) 6. kanegan: 4/7 (57% Accuracy) 7. Mitch: 3/7 (42% Accuracy) Congratulations to christmas_ape for getting all the predictions right, ascending from 6th to 3rd in the overall rankings! Quick Predictions for Episode #48 1. Tables match: Coulrophobia vs State of Destruction 2. Busta Capp vs Harlem Haynes 3. Bizarro vs Sheila Maivia 4. Black Diamond vs Deaf Touch
  23. I kinda share that sentiment, especially since in most games SAISHO would go bankrupt or get bought out. To my understanding, the company exists solely due to the sheer will of Mito Miwa to keep them afloat and have his own ship to run, instead of playing second fiddle to some suit in PGHW. Still, I always thought BHOTWG could/should have kept Hinote Dojo as a developmental company.
  24. Prediction Results DinoKea - 3/7 neslo024 - 3/7 Herrbear - 1/7 KyTeran - 1/7 Looks like somewhat unpredictable booking has been achieved. Things are very much lined up for When Hell Freezes Over, so I'll have more liberty with where I take the stories after the Pay Per View. Thank you to everyone who took the time to read, comment, predict or a combination of all three.
  25. <div style="padding: 15px; border: 3px solid #000000; margin:10px;background: #01FCFE; max-width:60%;box-shadow: 0 6px 12px ";"> SWF Uprising Results [Fri. Wk. 1, Jan 2020] From the diary of Samantha W. Fitzworthy I was kept again by Mr. Eisen to take notes as we watched SWF Uprising, the new exclusively online show that his sons debuted this week, streaming live and available on demand, only on NetStream. He said that might end up being a good move to capitalize on “this new online streaming thingy” and for a moment, I had to question if he’s heard of Reverie and USPW or whether he’s simply in denial. Anyway, I digress. The show was held in Virginia, VA at the Virginia Park Fields and once again, it was a sell out with all 10.000 tickets going out and no need to paper any of them in order to fill empty seats and look good on camera. 3,728,712 viewers tuned in to watch the show’s debut live, 1.5 million more than Supreme TV did on Tuesday but a comparable number once you factor in the Internet’s global reach, as opposed to C.A.N.N.’s coverage of North America alone. The show began with an appearance from Rocky Golden, this time in the flesh. Having him on top of the show and in person ensured a good pop and a hot start to the show according to Mr. Eisen but it’s what happened next that was interesting. Once the crowd settled down, Rocky began cutting a promo but his mic died out. What at first seemed like a technical issue proved to be something else, as the replacement mic also got cut out and before the champion could wonder what is going on, the lights went red and crimson liquid fell down from the heavens, covering him from top to bottom. Rocky looked dazed and confused, while the commentary team, this time comprised of Mr. Eisen’s two sons and Franklin Fumier, pointed out that clearly this had been orchestrated by Scythe, who was playing mind games. The segment was rated a 70, which I should point out is an entire grade up from what Mr. Eisen gave to Rocky’s promo on Tuesday. First match of the night after the ring had been cleaned up was “The Sensational” Steven Parker against “The African Assassin” Makutsi. As if punitive booking after a DIU arrest wasn’t hurting him enough, Makutsi has obviously been in some sort of funk since and he struggled hard in this match, where he had the simple job of making his opponent look good. Not that Parker doesn’t have the skills (or looks) to do that on his own, but it would look even better if Makutsi sold properly or if he’d presented some sort of obstacle for him to overcome. Thankfully, this lasted just under eight minutes and Parker of course got the win after hitting his Future Shock finisher, grabbing a decent 60 from Mr. Eisen. Up next was a pre taped message from two of Matty Faith’s newest signings, Cali Slick and Fro Sure. The two former GSW stars introduced themselves and tapped into their West Coast hip hop background to get their respective gimmicks across, but as Mr. Eisen pointed out before giving them a mere 26 for their effort, it will take a lot of work in building them up before they can be presented properly. Personally, I think they are in huge risk of getting lost in the shuffle of SWF’s huge roster, but if treated right, they might just turn out to be two bright young stars for the future. Match number two was Bear Bekowski versus “Platinum” James Prudence. Pretty standard stuff if you ask me, young hungry big bruiser against the calm and collected veteran. I should point out that this role really suits Jimmy P’s suave gimmick and he played it to a tee, while Bekowski did not shy away from using his signature Bear Hug submission. Something Mr. Eisen noted, both matches so far seemed to be called in the ring, a stark departure from SWF’s status quo of strictly scripted matches and although he deemed it to be too risky, as a simple viewer I enjoyed the outcome compared to the stiffer, less organic feel that SWF matches used to have in the past. Another eight minute contest, with Prudence tapping out to the Bear Trap and a 60 grade from Mr. Eisen. Ana Garcia interviewed Lenny Brown next, looking to get his comments on what Des Davids had to say on Tuesday. Lenny’s a better talker than he is a wrestler, but sadly he wasn’t given a chance to speak as the North American champion charged in from outside the frame and attacked him, the two locked up in a brawl as Garcia ran away. Mr. Eisen said this wasn’t a bad way to hype up their upcoming PPV title match, but it might have worked better if Brown at least had a moment to say a few words before he got jumped, giving it a 69 Jungle Lord had a match next against the debuting SUKI, another one of Matty Faith’s recent signings and arguably the more mysterious of the lot. None of us have any idea where they found this guy, but he hits hard and he looks like a nasty one, so if he can also go on the mic he might be going places. I know Jungle Lord used to wrestle in Japan though, not sure if these two have fought each other before but they tapped into that stuff for some hard strikes that had many fans cringe at the stiffness. It didn’t do the aging Jungle Lord any favors physically, but he knows how to get a reaction out of his spots and SUKI sure carried the action before falling to the Jungle Jack-Jammer for a 47 from Mr. Eisen. The win was obviously given to Jungle Lord in order to build up some steam before his match with Spencer Spade at When Hell Freezes Over, so while this was still fresh, we went backstage for a promo courtesy of the Supreme Star. Spade praised his scheduled opponent for the win and acknowledged his career, but pointed out how far back in the past all that was. Spade is not a nobody newcomer from Japan and this isn’t the 1990s; this Thursday he’ll be setting things right to send Jungle Lord back to the jungle, because he is the future of the Supreme Wrestling Federation. A lukewarm 66 from Mr. Eisen, who didn’t seem that thrilled, calling the promo “basic” and commenting that it “went nowhere”. Oh look, a tag team match! And it’s not one involving either of the teams scheduled to wrestle for the tag titles at the PPV, you’d think SWF has some sort of proper tag division. Anyway, Faith booked himself in a match alongside Masked Patriot, a team they call “Faith & Old Glory” to face The Awesomeness. Ego did not get the best of him, as he also booked the heels to go over and watching the match, it was the right call as they are far better inside the ring and getting way stronger reactions from the fans. It almost felt natural when Jefferson Stardust hit the Shock And Awe to pin Faith, but we were later informed that Stardust had bruised his tailbone earlier in the match, so pushing through to wrap it up was even more impressive to me. Didn’t seem to impress Mr. Eisen though, who blamed Faith for the injury and ranked their match a 56. Duane Fry narrated the video package that followed, in which “The Hawaiian Strongman” Ekuma and “The Flying Hawaiian” James Adams were shown training for their upcoming tag title match. Again, Mr. Eisen said this was a pretty basic hype compilation, but commented it was smart to have Fry do the talking and let Hawaiian Crush do what they do best, which is to look hot and sweaty. Don’t mind if I do, though to his eyes this was merely a 63. A welcome change of pace from the usual flurry of singles bouts with the occasional tag match thrown in, next up was a fatal four way bout involving Atom Smasher, Joey Morgan, Mainstream Hernandez and Tom Gilmore. All four men are good in both talking and wrestling, but they’ve been recently looking for a big break so although there was no specific storyline reason for this match to happen, it still made sense as a way of determining (showcasing?) which of them will be getting a push in the near future. Proof that throwing in good ingredients does not guarantee a great outcome, the match was a bit of a mess and Tom Gilmore won it after he pinned Hernandez with the Anger Management, a 59 from Mr. Eisen. Apparently the broadcast team of Supreme TV were being used as interviewers for this show, as Emma Chase was backstage with Mikey Lau. Chase asked the question everyone wanted to have answered, is Lau in shape to face Brandon James at the PPV after what Crippler did to him on Tuesday? “The Dragon” put Crippler over as a dangerous and vicious opponent, even if he had no respect for him intentionally trying to cause an injury, then assured his fans he will be in fighting shape by the time he’ll face Brandon. As proof, he would be wrestling next week on Supreme TV, though his opponent wasn’t revealed at this time. Mr. Eisen said this was a great segment to move on the storyline, put people over and hype up future matches, giving it an 85. Again, the final part of the show was vastly above in quality compared to the rest of the episode. Lau’s promo was the turning point and seeing the former teammates Rogue and Valiant face off after that was a sign that we were hitting the good part for real. No surprise this was a great match, both men are over, they know how to work and they’ve got a built-in rivalry due to their shared past before Rogue turned heel. This had the added layer of Rogue costing Valiant the main event match against Remo last week, so the all american blonde was out for revenge while Rogue tried to use this and lure him in to make mistakes. Basic but effective storytelling, executed well with enough doubt for the outcome but eventually the babyface coming out on top to avenge his loss. Only problem here was the match could have done better with more than just ten minutes, but I’m guessing that was intentional to save stuff for a potential PPV faceoff. Still, Mr. Eisen rated it a solid 72 A short and sweet Scythe video played next, showing “The Dark Reaper” in an eerie setting as he addressed Rocky Golden. Not the type of guy who could talk for hours, he delivered his catchphrase and wrapped things up fast to preserve his menacing aura of mystery. Good thing his gimmick helps avoid long talking segments, a 69 from Mr. Eisen. The main event was one of those multi man matches meant to keep various storylines warm but not exactly move any of them forward. Thus, we had Rocky Golden go up against Randall Buckminster Bumfhole in a tag match, in light of them fighting each other at When Hell Freezes Over for the SWF World Heavyweight title. Rocky’s teammate was his opponent’s brother and former tag team partner ZWB, which in turn made their exchanges have some importance, while the quartet was rounded up by Remo, a reliable top heel who could match Rocky’s power, even though he’s scheduled to wrestle in a three way match against Rogue and Valiant at the PPV. Nowhere near as good as the Rogue-Valiant match earlier by the way, fans still seemed to enjoy it and booed the hell out of Bumfhole using the ropes to hold his brother down for the pin, yielding a 59 from an unimpressed Mr. Eisen. Compared to Supreme TV, the show felt somewhat lackluster as apparently the idea was to cram it full of matches, at the expense of each one’s available time. Again, things are pretty static in terms of storyline progression as we head towards the Pay Per View, but at least some new faces were introduced and others given some screen time, likely the main idea why SWF put on a second weekly show. Final grade was a 61 </div> <div style="padding: 15px; border: 3px solid #000000; margin:10px;background: #01FCFE; max-width:60%;box-shadow: 0 6px 12px ";">Quick results "The Sensational" Steven Parker def. "The African Assassin" Makutsi Bear Bekowski def. "Platinum" James Prudence Jungle Lord def. SUKI The Awesomeness def. Faith & Old Glory Tom Gilmore def. Atom Smasher, Joey Morgan and Mainstream Hernandez Valiant def. Rogue Remo & Randall Buckminster Bumfhole def. Rocky Golden & ZWB</div>
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