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Everything posted by eayragt

  1. Ekuma w/ High Flyin' Hawaiian [vs] 'The Eighth Deadly Sin' John Greed -Never managed to buy into Ekuma Lenny Brown & Bear Bekowski [vs] Des Davids & Primus Allen -A face win is by far the most logical outcome, but I don't want the heels to lose. Perhaps they'll get DQ'd The Dallas Cowboys (Marshall & Ranger) [vs] The Pain Alliance (Scott & Laramee) -Tgis prediction is through gritted teeth 'The Dragon' Mikey Lau [vs] 'Big Cat' Brandon James w/ Krissy Angelle -This would be a big win, but I'd like to see it Angry Gilmore & Joey Morgan [vs] Fame & Money (Paul Huntingdon & Monty Trescarde) -Guess they'll meet again on PPV... SWF World Heavyweight Title Match: 'The Living Legend' Rocky Golden © [vs] The Crippler -Well, at least I'm confident on this one...
  2. Got to agree, rocket for ZWB. As for duo, Steven Parker and Matty Faith makes sense to me. Why? Not quite sure...
  3. I booked the last two matches as strong as possible to take into account Andrews not wrestling, a formula that bought me my best show ever. I'm happier with how the PPV has been set up - let's hope it delivers (as the National Battle may hurt...). Tana the Mighty was hot on High Flyin Hawaiian - well, so am I. Darryl Devine was once again taken to the wrestlers’ court - is he getting a little ole and grumpy? His tag partner, Chance Fortune, gets a six-month extension, but surprisingly it's a handshake deal that will allow him to work elsewhere. The bad news - Aaron Andrews is still carrying his injury going into Total Mayhem.
  4. TCW Presents Total Wrestling: Chris Flynn defeated Arthur Dexter Bradley in 6:23 (52) -A little momentum for Flynn before his Tag Title shot on Sunday. Tana the Mighty, Bart Biggins and Elliot Thomas defeated Marc Speed, Nate Johnson and Yuri Yoshihara in 7:58 -No surprise that Yoshihara took the pin here, against the slightly odd selection of faces. Doc Hammond defeated Roderick Remus in 6:46 (65) -Decent showing from the Doc, who has slightly underwhelmed since his awesome match at the last PPV. MAIN SHOW: Aaron Andrews started the show, bandaged up from the attack by Wolf Hawkins and Jay Chord last week. Andrews said that he had not been cleared to wrestle tonight, but he would be fit for Sunday, and he would be taking revenge. It didn't matter if Jay Chord and Wolf Hawkins teamed or not - there was only one person who could win, and he intended to walk out as champion. That brought out Wolf Hawkins, who told Andrews that it was all rhetoric - Andrews was an injured man, too weak for a cage match, and probably even unable to climb out of the cage. Next out was Jay Chord, and he announced that there would be no winner by escape - the cage was just to make sure the match was settled in the ring, and the match would only be won by pinfall or submission - and he would be the winner (97) High Flyin Hawaiian defeated Pretty Okakura in 7:43 (65) -We started off with some great high flying action as the two youngsters went all out at one another. They exchanged every move that they had, and when Okakura complained about a slow count he opened himself up to a Pacific Crush. Freddy Huggins cut an interview backstage, saying that he enjoyed what he just saw, and would enjoy teaming with Okakura against Bach and Hawaiian. However, it would show him as the top star, just like he would show himself as a star when he fought in the main event (72) Benny Benson defeated Darryl Devine in 6:08 (64) -We found a gap in this schedule, and filled it with a perfectly adequate match. Wolf Hawkins was shown backstage with The Syndicate, telling Joshua Taylor to make an example of Edd Stone in advance of their match with Cougar Stone at Total Mayhem. Jay Chord interjected himself, telling Hawkins to focus, as they had to team with Freddy Huggins in the Main Event, and he colleagues won't be any help on Sunday (queue stares) (84) Mighty Mo defeated Nick Booth in 4:43 (59) -Nick Booth must be a little annoyed - he would love to be in Chris Flynn's position of getting a tag title shot, but instead jobs to a Plunging Spinebuster here. The Tag Team Champions, Mighty Meaty, got some hype for their title defence, telling The Sinner Society that it didn't matter who they put in front of them - they would continue to knock back all challengers (68) One Man Army and Mainstream Hernandez defeated Greg Gauge and Matt Hocking by disqualification in 12:54 (75) -An obvious match to put on, but I really didn't want either side to lose this match. As such it was incredibly even, with finishers broken up, and a nice preview for Sunday. Of course, with it being a hardcore match on Sunday the match broke down - Greg Gauge brought out the Brass Kunckles, which were ripped out of his hands by One Man Army. Matt Hocking brought in a chair and used it, completely ignoring the ref who called for the bell as the commentators reminded us this was all legal on Sunday. Troy Tornado defeated Human Arsenal in 9:12 (57) -Urgh, two veterans taking it slow, not really delivering quite the rating that I wanted. Davis Wayne Newton was ringside to assist Troy Tornado, and tripped Arsenal at a vital point to allow Tornado to deliver a Star Maker. Andrews was shown backstage with Sammy Bach, Dazzling Dave Diamond and T-Bone Bright. Bach told Andrews that they had his back tonight - they knew their foes were dangerous, but would get revenge for their attack last week (87) The Behemoths defeated Danny Fonzarelli and Joffy Laine in 5:22 (54) -The Behemoths got in a decisive beatdown of the faces, Joffy still yet to pull himself out of the talented jobber role. Eddie Peak and Floyd Goldworthy hyped up Peak and Flynn's tag team title shot - could this be the time for Peak to take gold in TCW? (68) Joshua Taylor defeated Edd Stone in 9:11 (76) -It would have made a lot of sense to have Masked Cougar take this loss instead of Stone, but with Andrews not wrestling I wanted to make sure this match worked. And it did. Stone went for the hit and run attacks that were very effective, which frustrated Taylor. However, the larger man started to take over, and eventually made Stone tap to the Butterfly Lock. After the match Taylor refused to release the Lock, and when he did Eddie Chandler arrived to slap on the Fabulous Stretch. By the time Masked Cougar was out the damage had been done (66) Aaron Andrews came out to join the commentary team for the Main Event. They asked him if he was safe by the ring, to which Andrews said he may be hurt, but Hawkins and Chord needed to be more worried about their safety (86) Wolf Hawkins, Jay Chord and Freddy Huggins defeated Sammy Bach, Dazzling Dave Diamond and T-Bone Bright in 14:57 (84) -T-Bright was a little off his game, but it was hard to notice in a fabulous, completely overbooked match, that also had Joshua Taylor, Eddie Chandler, Masked Cougar, Edd Stone, High Flyin Hawaiian and Pretty Okakura join a mass outside brawl. The ref took a lenient view, and decided to ignore everything that happened outside the ring, but that included the face team getting mixed up in the brawl outside the ring, allowing Hawkins and Chord to double team Bright to take the victory. After the match Hawkins left the ring and started screaming in Aaron Andrews' face, calling him an injured liability at the end of his reign. Andrews took it silently, before he flipped out and slammed Hawkins onto the floor. Hawkins looked around to Chord for help, but Chord just shrugged and left, as Andrews grasped his hurt shoulder (99) Overall Rating 86
  5. That's a decent set of goals, I like. Sign me up to this one.
  6. The evolution of a match - the TV Title match for Total Mayhem was originally going to by Greg Gauge vs One Man Army. Then Mainstream Hernandez was added as the story developed, and then Matt Hocking bulked up and is looking amazing, so also got added to the match. Aaron Andrews' injury wasn't picked up at the TV show, it was actually the day after at a House Show. Hopefully he'll be fully fit before Total Mayhem (although he can work through it), as I need a good rating as I'll be in the National Battle at the end of the month, and after after last month's poor PPV rating it won't take much to push me back down to medium size. Ernest Youngman just pulled off an 80 rated match with Acid II in PSW. It can't be long before a big company come calling (hey, I'm one of them, aren't I?). TCW Presents Total Wrestling: High Flyin Hawaiin vs Pretty Okakura Human Arsenal vs Troy Tornado Danny Fonzarelli and Joffy Laine vs The Behemoths Edd Stone vs Joshua Taylor Mainstream Hernandez and One Man Army vs Greg Gauge and Matt Hocking Sammy Bach, Dazzling Dave Diamond and T-Bone Bright vs Wolf Hawkins, Jay Chord and Freddy Huggins
  7. <p><span style="font-size:24px;"><strong>TCW Presents Total Wrestling:</strong></span></p><p> </p><p> <span style="color:#0000FF;">Mainstream Hernandez and Joffy Laine defeated Ground and Pound (Quentin Queen and Raphael)</span> in 6:54 (58)</p><p> -Given the poor state of our tag division, it wouldn't be too surprising if the HGC Tag Champions did come up as a team, and they got in a decent match where they did as well as Joffy Laine did. Laine did get the pin on Queen with a Death Spiral.</p><p> </p><p> <span style="color:#0000FF;">Tana the Mighty defeated Nick Booth</span> in 6:22 (62)</p><p> -A surprisingly reasonable match, ending with Tana splashing Booth.</p><p> </p><p> <span style="color:#0000FF;">Freddy Huggins, Greg Gauge and Pretty Okakura defeated Flying Jimmy Foxx, Seth Whitehead and Arthur Dexter Bradley</span> in 7:52 (68)</p><p> -Great high flying action, with Huggins standing out above the rest of the wrestlers.</p><p> </p><p> <span style="color:#0000FF;">Bart Biggins and Elliot Thomas defeated Roderick Remus and Yuri Yoshihara</span> in 6:49 (51)</p><p> -Two very cold teams, the faces getting a tiny bit of momentum.</p><p> </p><p> <strong>MAIN SHOW:</strong></p><p> </p><p> Jay Chord came out to start the show, calling out Wolf Hawkins. Jay Chord told Hawkins that if he was sensible, he could have worked out that if they work together they could eliminate Aaron Andrews, and then fight for the title between themselves. Hawkins told Chord that sounded simple - until Chord decided to switch sides. Chord told Hawkins that it didn't matter to him - he would win, with him or without him, and threw the microphone down at Hawkins feet (91)</p><p> </p><p> <span style="color:#0000FF;"><strong>Sammy Bach and High Flying Hawaiian defeated Benny Benson and Marc Speed</strong></span> in 8:37 (71)</p><p> -High Flyin Hawaiian was not on his game during this one, althought the faces did build up momentum through this match and never looked like losing. Hawaiian did pin Speed after a Pacific Crush.</p><p> </p><p> Freddy Huggins came to the stage with a microphone and that he was impressed by Hawaiian - he wasn't on his level, but he was young and athletic - everything Sammy Bach once was, and pretended to still be. Huggins told the duo to get ready for Total Mayhem, and he would show them a move or two to remember (83)</p><p> </p><p> Aaron Andrews cut a promo backstage, noting that Chord was trying to team with Hawkins. Andrews told Chord to remember that Hawkins is unable to work alone - he's always got The Syndicate around him. At Total Mayhem Hawkins will be in a cage without his allies, and Chord really needed to think if he wanted to play to Hawkins strength - getting other people to do his dirty work for him (84)</p><p> </p><p> <span style="color:#0000FF;"><strong>T-Bone Bright defeated Nate Johnson</strong></span> in 5:52 (66)</p><p> - Two bonus matches, and Johnson wasn't winning this - Bright getting the win with a T-Bone Powerslam.</p><p> </p><p> <span style="color:#0000FF;"><strong>Doc Hammond defeated Maverick</strong></span> in 6:04 (66)</p><p> -Another match, again one sided before Hammond brought out the Exploder Suplex.</p><p> </p><p> <span style="color:#0000FF;"><strong>Human Arsenal defeated Davis Wayne Newton</strong></span> in 7:43 (62)</p><p> -I've purposely moved DWN away from Huggins while he goes on about being the best high flier around, but in his singles matches since he hasn't blown me away. He still needs to be a little more known, and was defeated after an Ammo Dump</p><p> </p><p> Troy Tornado came out after the match, and he was great on mic. He approached DWN and told him that he looked lost - unfocussed. Troy Tornado said that he had helped Jay Chord into a title shot - he sees Newton as a rising star that he can help take in that direction (59)</p><p> </p><p> <span style="color:#0000FF;"><strong>Chris Flynn defeated Danny Fonzarelli</strong></span> in 3:53 (55)</p><p> -Very quick match, Flynn winning with a Flynn-Lock - this was actually better than I thought it was going to be (low expectations and all).</p><p> </p><p> <span style="color:#0000FF;"><strong>The Behemoths defeated Devine Fortune</strong></span> in 7:27 (56)</p><p> -Killer Shark was made to look strong, taking out Chance Fortune with a Big Bite. The face is now 40 years old now, with only a couple of weeks left on his contract, and I need to work out if he gets a renewal or not.</p><p> </p><p> Dazzling Dave Diamond and T-Bone Bright came out and showed the audience footage of The Behemoths attack on them after the main event last week. They challenged The Behemoths to a match at Total Mayhem, and said that they would get their revenge (76)</p><p> </p><p> <span style="color:#0000FF;"><strong>One Man Army defeated Matt Hocking</strong></span> by disqualification in 8:10 (68)</p><p> -Hocking has noticeably bulked up, and had a good contest with One Man Army. Which was completely ruined when Greg Gauge came into a ring with a chair to take out One Man Army.</p><p> </p><p> Gauge struck One Man Army twice me, and when Hocking tried to intervene he also earned himself a chair shot. Mainstream Hernandez interrupted with a microphone, to tell Greg Gauge that he needs to think about what he's doing. Everyone knows that Gauge likes to use anything that wants to help him out, or deliberately get disqualified to keep his title. Hernandez said that at Total Mayhem that will be fine - because it will all be legal when Gauge has to defend his title in a hardcore match (77)</p><p> </p><p> <span style="color:#0000FF;"><strong>Jay Chord defeated Mighty Mo</strong></span> in 9:10 (75)</p><p> -These two don't click at all - so all things considered the match wasn't too bad. Jay Chord did struggle with Mighty Mo's size, and took a couple of near falls, but eventually took Mo out with a Cradle Piledriver.</p><p> </p><p> The Syndicate were together backstage, Hawkins telling his cohorts that everyone wanted to stop them, but they will show them all how good they are as a team now(70)</p><p> </p><p> <span style="color:#0000FF;"><strong>The Syndicate defeated Aaron Andrews and Cougar Stone</strong></span> in 12:03 (81)</p><p> -Aaron Andrews was teamed with a worker who is still relatively unknown (Masked Cougar), so it wasn't a huge surprise that this was one of the few matches that Aaron Andrews was to lose. He was outside fighting Wolf Hawkins at the time, when Eddie Chandler submitted Masked Cougar with the Fabulous Stretch.</p><p> </p><p> Aaron Andrews rushed into the ring but just failed to break up the pin, when Wolf Hawkins grabbed Andrews ankle and dragged him out. The two fought again before Jay Chord came out from the back... and joined in with Hawkins against Aaron Andrews. The two heels worked together, hitting a double chokeslam onto a ring barrier, before staring at one another as the show ended (82)</p><p> </p><p> <em>Overall Rating 81</em></p>
  8. The heat from the show is all coming from the run up to the Main Event at Total Mayhem, but there are other good matches on the card. The TV Title match was fantastic, whereas earlier in the show the high fliers are impressing. We've got 5 matches on the Total Mayhem card that we are well set up for, and three... I might have to crowbar them in over the next couple of shows. Nina Cacace is said to be devastated after it was announced that Tom Townsend, who she recently started dating, passed away suddenly. TCW Presents Total Wrestling: Human Arsenal vs Davis Wayne Newton Sammy Bach and High Flyin Hawaiian vs Benny Benson and Marc Speed Danny Fonzarelli vs Chris Flynn One Man Army vs Matt Hocking Devine Fortune vs The Behemoths Mighty Mo vs Jay Chord Aaron Andrews and Cougar Stone vs The Syndicate
  9. TCW Presents Total Wrestling: Flying Jimmy Foxx defeated Yuri Yoshihara in 6:14 (45) Roderick Remus defeated Dean Daniels in 7:22 (50) -Neither high flyer really has any momentum here, so we threw them both minor victories here. Mighty Meaty and Joffy Laine defeated Benny Benson, Maverick and Matt Hocking in 10:05 (69) -Perfectly acceptable match that could have been on the main show. Mo looking the star out there. Human Arsenal defeated Raphael in 7:24 (57) -Raphael is in consideration for a call up to the main roster - however him being completely off his game did not help his chances. Aaron Andrews and Sammy Bach defeated Troy Tornado and Davis Wayne Newton in 8:36 (76) -Great match, great chemistry between the heels. I can work with that. MAIN SHOW: We opened the show with Aaron Andrews with his title. He said that in TCW you had to prove yourself in the ring, but Wolf Hawkins was trying to do it with lawyers. That brought Hawkins out who said that the title shot was rightfully his, whether Andrews liked it or not. The champion told Hawkins that he didn't like it, but the TCW lawyers agreed - he was still entitled to his title shot at Total Mayhem. That brought Jay Chord out, furious that Wolf Hawkins had jumped to queue. The two looked as if they were about to fight, when Andrews told them that he had a solution for everyone - at TCW Total Mayhem he would his defend his title in a Triple Threat match against both Wolf Hawkins and Jay Chord... and to ensure it was finished between them, the match would take place in a steel cage (99) The Syndicate (Joshua Taylor and Eddie Chandler) defeated Devine Fortune in 8:06 (72) -Joshua Taylor has wrestled main show! Sure, it was the curtain jerker, but it was a good match, and the main show is where he should be back for a while. Jay Chord cut a backstage promo to declare that there would be no advantages in a cage in Total Mayhem, and he would prove himself to be The Chosen One. He warned Hawkins to keep out of his way in tonight's Main Event, as he had it under control (86) High Flyin Hawaiian defeated Marc Speed in 7:17 (64) -Marc Speed recovered from his broken nose just in time to have a match against "the man who broke his nose". A normally focussed Speed was anxious to protect his face, and was put away with a Pacific Crush. Wolf Hawkins was backstage with The Syndicate, telling the world that Aaron Andrews was scared, hiding in a cage, but there would be nowhere to hide from him (84) Freddy Huggins and Pretty Okakura defeated Cougar Stone in 9:58 (79) -Big win for Okakura, although it helps that Freddy Huggins is the hottest wrestler outside the three men competing for the Wold Heavyweight Title. A spot fest, but a good one, with Huggins pinning Masked Cougar. The cameras followed Freddy Huggins as he searched for Sammy Bach, telling the veteran that he was unequivocally proving that he was the top high flier in TCW. Bach told Huggins that he was impressed by Pretty Okakura - but he was one of plenty of youngsters out there ready to take that self appointed crown that Huggins has claimed (81) Doc Hammond defeated Nate Johnson in 6:56 (60) -I always knew that at least one dark match would be better than this, but it made sense that this match between the two ex-Syndicate members was on the main show - even if there was little heat behind it, and it turned into a routine win for Hammond. The Behemoths and Chris Flynn defeated Bart Biggins, Elliot Thomas and Donny Fonzarelli in 6:47 (55) -This match was also never going to break the ratings, especially as we let Killer Shark get some domination in. It was Chris Flynn who got the victory, making an already beaten Thomas submit to the Flynn-Lock. Floyd Goldworthy called out Mighty Meaty after the match, and challenged them to a match at Total Mayhem. Tana asked how many times they had to face The Behemoths, but Goldworthy said that they had got it wrong - the challengers were Eddie Peak and Chris Flynn. Mighty Mo smiled, and accepted that challenge (68) Mainstream Hernandez defeated Greg Gauge © by disqualification in a TV Title match in 13:56 (84) -Wow. Mainstream Hernandez easily pulled off his best match as he went after Greg Gauge for the TV Title. However, in a move which is surely affecting the prestige of the title Greg Gauge once again used the brass knuckles, and was once again caught for the disqualification. One Man Army flew out after the match, and had clearly had enough. He grabbed a chair and chased Gauge around the ring, before the youngster made a quick exit (70) Aaron Andrews came down to the ring to tell everyone that he would be joining the commentary team for the Main Event, and would get a look at his Total Mayhem opponents close hand (84) Wolf Hawkins and Jay Chord defeated Dazzling Dave Diamond and T-Bone Bright in 11:41 (80) -The faces make a good team, which considering they'll be teaming up at Total Mayhem has worked out well. They got in plenty of offense as the heels struggled to work together, both trying to show the other heel how good they were. Eventually they worked out that tagging properly would work better, and worked well from there before Hawkins pinned DDD after a Full Moon Rising. Hawkins and Chord faced off after the match, tension still there, and there was neither a fight of a handshake, as Wolf Hawkins left Jay Chord standing there (83) Post Show: In our first post show segment, The Behemoths were out after the Hawkins / Chord / Andrews left, to attack T-Bone Bright and Dazzling Dave Diamond. In case you wanted to know who they would face at Total Mayhem. Overall Rating 85
  10. That was an interesting show, that started hot, went pretty mediocre, and finished strongly, even without a final ruling on the World Heavyweight Title match (the joys of not havnig a Commissioner). For some backstage, it was their first chance to meet High Flyin Hawaiian, as we kept his debut under wraps. Turns out he does a mean Aaron Andrews impersonation, which instantly made him popular backstage. Sammy Bach was taken the the wrestler's court, but he's currently happy and there's going to be no fallout from there. A contract has been offered to Edward Cornell, but he knows the value of his name, and is negotiating everyone up... TCW Presents Total Wrestling: Cougar Stone vs Freddy Huggins and Pretty Okakura Doc Hammond vs Nate Johnson High Flyin Hawaiian vs Marc Speed Bart Biggins, Elliot Thomas and Danny Fonzarelli vs The Behemoths and Chris Flynn Devine Fortune vs Joshua Taylor and Eddie Chandler Greg Gauge © vs Mainstream Hernandez for the TCW TV Title T-Bone Bright and Dazzling Dave Diamond vs Wolf Hawkins and Jay Chord
  11. TCW Presents Total Wrestling: Cougar Stone defeated Quentin Queen and Astro in 6:32 (56) -Astro's first appearance, and to be fair he looked slightly overwhelmed here. Greg Gauge defeated Alistair Shufflebottom in a non-title match in 7:11 (70) -So what do we get if we put our TV Champion against the HGC Global champion? A pretty fine match, which both of the men can be proud of. Gauge even had to use the brass knuckles to win. Benny Benson, Roderick Remus and Petty Okakura defeated Dean Daniels, Seth Whitehead and Arthur Dexter Bradley in 7:50 (53) -It turns out that Okajura uses the STF as a finishing move. First time I've let him use it, making sure Whitehead takes the pin again. Human Arsenal defeated Nick Booth in 7:20 (58) -Just occasionally, we remember we have Nick Booth on the roster. The Syndicate (Joshua Taylor and Eddie Chandler) defeated Joffy Laine and Elliot Thomas in 7:56 (64) -The king of pre-show is still wrestling there. Taylor gets on TV next week, I promise, but I needed to keep The Syndicate away from wresting on TV tonight. MAIN SHOW: Jay Chord came out to star the show, calling Wolf Hawkins out as then man who had stolen his title away from him. Instead he got Aaron Andrews, to point out that he was the aggrieved party, as the title was still his, and he demanded that Hawkins come out and return his belt right away. The big screen buzzed into life, and Hawkins was shown holding the TCW World Heavyweight Title. Hawkins told the two men in the ring that no-one owned this belt - it had to be earned. Hawkins said that he has earned it many times over, and the next time the title is fought over he will be crowned the true champion. Andrews again demanded the belt back, and Hawkins declared that he would be out at the end of the show (99) Doc Hammond defeated Davis Wayne Newton in 9:53 (58) -Huh, you compare this to Greg Gauge's match earlier, and this has to be a disappointment. Whether or not this was good booking after DWN's PPV (six-man tag) win is also debatable. He took a clean loss here. Aaron Andrews was interviewed backstage, far more angry than he normally was. He declared that Hawkins would not get a World Title match by stealing his title - he needs to return the belt and keep his nose out of Andrews' business, or he's going to regret his actions (87) Dazzling Dave Diamond defeated Nate Johnson in 6:16 (64) -Bonus match as show went short! One sided though... Backstage, and Troy Tornado was shown catching up with Jay Chord. Tornado told the youngster to not lose his chance, but Chord cut him off. Chord told Tornado that he would not lose his chance - he earned his shot and had it taken from him, and he would not stop until he gets that opportunity back (68) Freddy Huggins defeated Flying Jimmy Foxx in 8:23 (77) -And now for a period of high flying action - I was surprised when I found out that I had never run this match - so run it I did and, despite Foxx's offence, he wasn't getting the win here. Backstage once more and Greg Gauge was putting himself over as a dominant champion who could actually keep hold of his belt, when One Man Army interrupted. He got some proper mic time and... did pretty well with it. OMA told Gauge that being a dominant TV champion involved wrestling on TV - which he seemed to be avoiding. It involved winning cleanly - without the use of brass knuckles. OMA accused Greg Gauge of being a fraud, so Gauge announced that he would defending his title next week (70) Sammy Bach defeated Matt Hocking in 8:35 (64) -Another high flying bout I hadn't run and... oh, they don't click. Not what it should have been, Bach winning with the Adrenaline Shot. Backstage again? We're going backwards and forward to make sure we progress towards Total Mayhem even for the wrestlers not participating in the ring tonight. T-Bone Bright was talking about his victory against Titan on Sunday when he got absolutely blasted by Killer Shark, and I guess this story is continuing (69) High Flyin Hawaiian and Mainstream Hernandez were shown heading to the ring, being clapped by Sammy Bach who called them the future of the high flying in TCW. They paused as they passed Freddy Huggins, who just shook his head and called then pathetic (76) Mainstream Hernandez and High Flyin Hawaiian defeated Marc Speed and Maverick in 10:52 (60) -We didn't have time to try the face team out in house shows. It showed. We told them to show off but they were all over the place, and it wasn't pretty... especially when Marc Speed broke his nose, and it was a gusher. Hawaiian got the pin on Maverick with a Pacific Crush as Speed headed backstage. Eddie Peak and Floyd Goldworthy were shown backstage talking to Chris Flynn. Goldworthy told Flynn that he could see Flynn was hard working and loyal, but he had been let down by The Syndicate. Goldworthy said that if he comes to the Sinner Society, he would get top booking - as evidenced by Titan facing Aaron Andrews next (68) Aaron Andrews defeated Titan in a non-title match in 6:49 (77) -Titan desperately needs some momentum, but a couple of moves against the champ wasn't going to give him any here. Jay Chord cut our last backstage promo, furious at Wolf Hawkins and ruining the Chosen One's big day. Might Meaty were over to try and get Chord to lighten up and chill - which he was not impressed with (85) Jay Chord defeated Tana the Mighty in 8:33 (81) -Probably our shortest main event match yet, with Chord looking focussed and a complete contrast to Tana's jovial style. Tana did go for the Big Butt Rub, but Chord was having none of that, and got the victory with a Cradle Piledriver. After the match Aaron Andrews was out, before finally Wolf Hawkins appeared, flanked by Joshua Taylor and Eddie Chandler. Hawkins brought with him the World Heavyweight Title - and a briefcase. With the title still over his should he opened the briefcase, and removed what he declared was a contract for a match with Aaron Andrews at Total Mayhem. As Jay Chord protested Andrews took a look, and told Hawkins that this was the match he had forfeited to bring his title shot forward. Hawkins scoffed, and said he may have got a match earlier - but he did not forfeit this opportunity. He reminded Andrews that he only lost the match because of the incompetence of Doc Hammond. Andrews told him that he wasn't having that - Hawkins had a contract once, but that's gone now - he has no rights to a title shot. Hawkins declared that he had every right, especially as he had possession of the title belt. That made Jay Chord lunge for the belt, but he was intercepted by Joshua Taylor, and as it looked like a brawl was about to break out Aaron Andrews calmed things down. He told Hawkins that he didn't care - this was for the TCW lawyers - but he wanted his title back. Hawkins chucked it back at the champion, and told him that he knew he was entitled to that title shot, so he could have his title back...for now. He turned around to Jay Chord, and told him that he had to back up, because Wolf Hawkins was the champion elect, and everyone else had to wait in line (92) Overall Rating 86
  12. So, my story on the poor rating is the draw in the Main Event. The actual reason is more simple - there were too many angles on the show - not helped by the long post-main event angle. I am very angry at myself - this should have been my best event. It certainly would have made a brilliant television show, but was not what the fans wanted. The reason was I regretted bringing Wolf Hawkins title shot forward - I feel that as King of Kings he should be headlining Total Mayhem. Of course, he'd already had it, so I came up with a storyline that throws him back into the title mix. Of course, to do that we had to have a lame PPV Main Event draw, which won't be happening too often. Another debut, this time for High Flyin Hawaiian. Human Arsenal obviously like what he saw of him, and immediately offered to put over the youngster. At least he gave me six months to work at that - it's not happening right now. That makes it seven signings - I promised to not rip the heart out of smaller organisations, and not waste money on big signings unless they added something to TCW, so how has that panned out? Joffy Laine and Davis Wayne Newton - two stars of the smaller organisations, brought in to bring up slowly. Both are still unimportant by fans but DWN is getting more airtime. If this was a dozen it would be a problem, but having two workers here is fine. Masked Cougar - a personal favourite of mine, has found a home as Edd Stone's tag team partner. Again, considered unimportant, but anything that helps my tag division is a good thing. Mainstream Hernandez - well known, with enough talent to justify his place. Had a throwaway match at the last PPV, but is being relied on to have some good matches this year. Earns between Freddy Huggins and One Man Army, which sounds fair. High Flyin Hawaiian - Only won one match this year at SWF, but was consistently pulling in a rating well above his recognisable popularity. More high flying talent, earning between Titan and Bart Biggins money, so should justify that. Petty Okakura - on a handshake deal, as he's still loyal to EX2010, where's he pulling off sensational matches. Has a new move... and a new catchphrase which is in Japanese, so less relevant. Of most note - his salary. I pay him $80 a show, and he's relocated to the US to keep travel costs down. That's efficient. Fast Navarro - he's a ref, and his Mexican contract was up, so he doesn't count! TCW Presents Total Wrestling: Doc Hammond vs Davis Wayne Newton Flying Jimmy Foxx vs Freddy Huggins Sammy Bach vs Matt Hocking Mainstream Hernandez and High Flyin Hawaiian vs Marc Speed and Maverick Aaron Andrews vs Titan in a non-title match Tana the Mighty vs Jay Chord
  13. TCW Where Angels Fear to Tread Benny Benson and Maverick defeated Bart Biggins and Elliot Thomas in 7:15 (51) -Bart Biggins is still carrying his kidney injury, but we genuinely didn't know what limiting his involvement in the match would do to a match, so we thought we'd try it out. To be fair, he probably needed more than just Elliot Thomas to take up the slack, although it was interesting to see good chemistry between Benny Benson and Maverick. Flying Jimmy Foxx defeated Roderick Remus in 9:08 (55) -We booked this one pretty evenly - didn't help Remus get the victory he is desperately after. Killer Shark defeated Darryl Devine in 5:53 (59) -It wasn't a squash... but it was one sided. Marc Speed defeated Danny Fonzarelli in 7:51 (56) -Marc Speed is beginning to get a little bit of momentum - Danny Fonzarelli certainly isn't. Joshua Taylor defeated Chance Fortune in 7:51 (62) -The newest member of The Syndicate got a victory against one of the men who they've been having a running feud with for the last few months. MAIN SHOW: Dazzling Dave Diamond defeated Troy Tornado in 9:53 (67) -A decent start to the show, Troy Tornado starting quickly, but ultimately destined to fall to DDD. Mighty Meaty cut a backstage promo with their Tag Team Titles, declaring that The Syndicate was dysfunctional, and they would not match their skill... or size later (69) T-Bone Bright defeated Titan in 6:46 (67) -Killer Shark was ringside for this one, but when he clambered up to the ring apron Bright launched Titan into the ropes, knocking his Behemoth partner to the floor. This left Bright one on one, and able to put away Titan with a T-Bone Lariat. The Behemoths regrouped, but with a hyped T-Bone Bright demanding that they bring it, they thought better off it and backed off (71) The Syndicate came down to the ring, Wolf Hawkins taking the microphone and greeting the newest member, Joshua Taylor. Hawkins told the crowd that Taylor was what he was looking for - focussed on one thing - winning. Hawkins turned around to Eddie Chandler and Chris Flynn, noting that next was their tag title match. He asked Chris Flynn if he would win, and when the youngster said yes, Hawkins sneered. Hawkins told Flynn that is that was the case, he could do it himself, and left the ring with Taylor. Chris Flynn nodded his head and slapped Eddie Chandler on the shoulder, but was stunned when the veteran also left the ring, to join Wolf Hawkins. The Syndicate leader told Chris Flynn that if he thought he was so good, prove it and when the titles... on his own (70) Mighty Meaty © defeated Chris Flynn to retain the TCW Tag Team Titles in 6:32 (69) -Chris Flynn did not win the titles on his own. He did get on some good offence, but realistically never had a chance against the two bigger men, and he was a beaten man when Tana the Mighty hit him with a Big Fat Samoan Squash. As Chris Flynn dragged himself backstage, he was met by Floyd Goldworthy and Eddie Peak. Peak told Flynn that he like his fighting spirit, and Goldworthy told him there was always a spot in The Sinner Society for him (64) Greg Gauge © defeated One Man Army, Human Arsenal and Matt Hocking to retain the TCW TV Title in 16:53 (76) -This is hopefully where the PPV really gets going (looks at rest of card... realises that's not true). Greg Gauge had to fight off all comers, and when he eventually pulled the Brass Knuckles out One Man Army ripped them out of his hand and threw them from the ring. An angry Gauge almost took the pin after losing his focus, but fortunately for him Matt Hocking was there to break it up, before we got a chain of finishing moves. All four men ended up outside the ring, where an eagle eyed Greg Gauge spotted his Brass Knuckles. He was able to retrieve them and use them effectively on Human Arsenal, before rolling him into the ring and making the pin. Aaron Andrews cut his backstage promotion, telling Jay Chord that he may well one day be the future of TCW - but not while he is the champion (82) Mainstream Hernandez defeated Nate Johnson in 7:53 (66) -This is poor booking, not having a feud for Hernandez five weeks after his debut. He got his victory with the Apparition #14. As Hernandez left the ring Sammy Bach came out with Edd Stone and Masked Cougar, which Mainstream Hernandez approved of - but reminded Bach that if he ever needed a high flying star not to look any further than him (68) Freddy Huggins, Pretty Okakura and Davis Wayne Newton defeated Sammy Bach and Cougar Stone in 8:41 (73) -This one took a little persuasion - I originally booked it to keep Sammy Bach strong, but Edd Stone insisted on looking good coming out of the match as well. Not too surprising as Cougar Stone are more well known that Okakura and DWN - but that was kind of the point of giving them the victory. As such it as Masked Cougar who was left to take the fall, taking a Huggins Kiss. Huggins still looking a million dollars. Freddy Huggins took the mic to declare himself the greatest high flyer in wrestling - when someone jumped the barrier, scaled the ring post and delivered a Pacific Crush on Freddy Huggins. High Flyin Hawaiian is in TCW, and it looks like he wants a claim to the high flying title (77) Wolf Hawkins defeated Doc Hammond in 16:53 (86) -Oh wow, this one was a great match - best in TCW since I took over the booking. You could feel the hate between the two men, with Hammond refusing to rise to the insults that Wolf Hawkins was spitting at him, and making sure his actions did the talking. Hammond did manage to wrap Hawkins up in the Texas Cloverlead, but he released it when he saw Joshua Taylor sprinting to the ring ring. Hawkins met him as he leapt to the apron, knocking him straight back off, but the distraction gave Hawkins the opportunity to hit the Full Moon Rising to seal the victory. Jay Chord cut his pre-match interview, telling everyone that they would remember where they were for decades tonight, as the Chosen One starts his reign (85) Aaron Andrews © drew with Jay Chord in a match for the TCW World Heavyweight Title in 26:52 (83) -Another fantastic match - we got the two men to put on what we hoped would be our match of the year so far. Admittedly Hawkins and Hammond put a stop to that, but that didn't stop them putting on a fantastic match. The pace was perfect as the match grew, went round the ring, and slowly got more violent. However, a clean match it was not, and after both contenders flew into one another Wolf Hawkins charged out from the back, and dragged the ref from the ring. Inside Jay Chord recovered first to drape his arm over Andrews, but there was no-one to make the count. Outside Hawkins went round the ring to grab the title belt. Jay Chord shouted at Hawkins, but he jumped over the barrier and headed out. A confused Andrews demanded to know what was going on, and Chord pointed at the departing Hawkins, and they both left the ring to follow. The cameras cut backstage and Hawkins was shown rushing out, demanding to know where the parking lot was. He ran as Aaron Andrews and Jay Chord rounded the corner, hollering at Hawkins. The cameras desperately tried to keep up as they came to the car park, where Joshua Taylor was shown bundling Wolf Hawkins into a car, and they screeched off leaving Chord and Andrews looking flabbergasted (97) Overall Rating 69
  14. Yes, staff. No announcer, ref (and maybe road agent?), no show.
  15. From my experience, workers massively value bonuses and merchandise %, so never skimp on that. However, in your example, SWF are way bigger than you, so he'll always favour them unless your deal is much better (personality depending - mercenaries are more money focussed). The game seems to be designed to assume negotiations happen like 3/4 not 2. Some people play the system by going for 2 to bump up the price, and then withdrawing if the worker signs with you, which often works (hmm, I should suggest withdrawing from negotiations gives you a personality trend that makes workers not take your offers seriously if you withdraw from lots of offers...). Let's just say that a worker's salary massively varies depending on who else is interested at signing stage!
  16. Apart from Sam Strong, are there any other workers who have worked all three of USPW, SWF and TCW/HGC?
  17. Joshua Taylor gets brought in from the wilderness of dark matches to join The Syndicate. That would make him Hawkins sidekick, and Eddie Chandler and Chris Flynn the tag team... with no chemistry. It doesn't all work out to plan, does it? That segment ended up Main Eventing the show, which was odd as Wolf Hawkins is not Main Eventing Where Angels Fear to Tread, but it just about worked. Mainstream Hernandez was the latest to get taken to the wrestler's court, but he seemed happy enough at the result. Meanwhile down at HGC, Duke Freeman (he of a broken neck) left at the end of his contract. We wish him all the best. That completes the line-up for Where Angels Fear to Tread - quite frankly the fact that most of this card was announced the week before the show is a bit of a disgrace, and something I'll be looking on improving. Jaysin has an impressive 11/12, correctly guessing that the TV Title was not changing hands this week, but not correctly guessing the outcome. Will the PPV end us being a easy to predict? TCW Where Angels Fear to Tread: T-Bone Bright vs Titan Mainstream Hernandez vs Nate Johnson Sammy Bach and Cougar Stone vs Freddy Huggins, Pretty Okakura and Davis Wayne Newton Mighty Meaty © vs Eddie Chandler and Chris Flynn for the TCW Tag Team Titles Dazzling Dave Diamond vs Troy Tornado Doc Hammond vs Wolf Hawkins Greg Gauge © vs One Man Army vs Human Arsenal vs Matt Hocking for the TCW TV Title Aaron Andrews © vs Jay Chord for the TCW World Heavyweight Title
  18. TCW Presents Total Wresting: Matt Hocking defeated Dean Daniels in 7:27 (53) -Abysmal? Now I'm Big, it's seems the game is quite harsh when describing these matches. Good chemistry, one sided affair. Cougar Stone and Devine Fortune defeated Maverick, Yuri Yoshihara, Quentin Queen and El Hijo Del Neutron in 9:07 (54) -Quentin Queen was off his game, while Del Neutron looked like he should be on the main roster right now. Dazzling Dave Diamond defeated Davis Wayne Newton in 7:49 (66) -Perhaps deserving of being on the main show, if I'm ever going to be able to get DWN over. Joshua Taylor defeated Flying Jimmy Foxx in 6:53 (73) -I know, I know, wasted... MAIN SHOW: Aaron Andrews, Jay Chord, Wolf Hawkins and Doc Hammond were out for the verbal sparring (or silent death stares in Hammond's case) to start the show. And it's a 100 rated angle with Hammond rated in a major role, what do you know? Two different storylines being hyped, with Andrews telling Hawkins that he was disloyal and had caused Hammond to move away, while Jay Chord treating everything that didn't involve his title shot on Sunday as an irrelevance (100) Mighty Mo defeated Nate Johnson in 6:22 (74) -Johnson being kicked out of The Syndicate didn't gave him a turn, but it did get him into his best singles match of there year with an opponent he clicked well with. Still lost though. Mainstream Hernandez defeated Marc Speed in 7:41 (71) -Due to a slight change round of the PPV, Hernandez has no booking, and this match would have been perfectly reasonable. Probably better than the match he will end up being in. Aaron Andrews was caught backstage for an interview on his own, and was able to focus on Jay Chord. He said that "The Next Big Thing" and "Chosen One" are titles that are easily thrown around - but they're easy to lose too. Where other have come before, it is harder to back up the self made proclamations with actions in the ring (81) T-Bone Bright defeated Benny Benson in 9:10 (71) -Perfectly good little battle, but Benson's minor momentum that he built up after his heel turn seems to have quickly expired. After the match The Behemoths were out and went after Bright after they clashed last week. Bright did take out Killer Shark, he took a Titanic Chokeslam from Titan ((70) One Man Army defeated Greg Gauge © in a TV Title match by DQ in 10:33 (76) -We did ask the two to hold back a little bit here, almost as if they're going to be back at in on PPV on Sunday. Greg Gauge used the Brass Knuckles again, but this time he was caught for the DQ. Backstage, Troy Tornado was cutting an interview about how he was helping the new talent in TCW, when Dazzling Dave Diamond came up to him. DDD said that Tornado wasn't helping anyone - he was trying to hang on their coat tails. He had hung around Jay Chord for the last couple of months, but where is he now? Chord doesn't need Tornado - no-one does, and he should stop trying to live out his dreams of fighting for the TCW World Heavyweight Title. This flipped Tornado, and they got into a scuffle, and it seems these two men have something to do now on Sunday (71) Chris Flynn and Eddie Chandler defeated Human Arsenal and Elliot Thomas in 7:41 (49) -That is poor planning - I am currently testing the heels chemistry in house shows, and I can tell you now - they have none. They did get the victory here, and I think I'm going to regret the next segment. Might Meaty were out to welcome The Syndicate members to a title shot on Sunday - by this time next week this defeat will have them kicked out of the group, leaving Wolf Hawkins all on his own (61) Sammy Bach defeated Pretty Okakura in 8:40 (75) -A decent high flying contest, Bach winning with a Bach on Your Back. After the match Freddy Huggins again proclaimed himself the King of Fliers, but said that Okakura was certainly a talent. Huggins told Bach to find two wrestlers to face him, Okakura and Davis Wayne Newton on Sunday, when the true King could be crowned (67) Jay Chord got his interview time alone, and addressed Andrews points - he had been anointed from a young age as The Chosen One by no other than Rip Chord, and earned everything to put himself into a position to climb to the pinnacle and become TCW World Heavyweight Champion (89) Jay Chord and Wolf Hawkins defeated Aaron Andrews and Doc Hammond in 21:35 (75) -More poor chemistry, this time Andrews and Hammond not working well together at all... at least this was not meant to be a long term arrangement. All four mean were given the chance to look like genuine threats, with Hammond enjoying his time in the ring to extract some revenge on Hawkins. Eventually Andrews and Chord brawled outside the ring, allowing Joshua Taylor to jump into the ring and attack Doc Hammond, allowing Wolf Hawkins to make the pin. As we've hyped Sunday's main event enough, unusually we ended the show beforehand elsewhere, with Wolf Hawkins introducing Joshua Taylor as the newest member of The Syndicate (71) Overall Rating 81
  19. <p></p><div style="text-align:center;"><img alt="ruTF1Lk.jpg" data-src="https://i.imgur.com/ruTF1Lk.jpg" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /></div><p></p><p></p><p> </p><p> That rating hurt - because I forgot to further any storylines. That may seem remarkable considering that Andrews and Chord exchanged barbs all show, but I had actually forgotten to rearrange my stories (they're still Chord / Bach, Andrews / Hawkins). I'll rectify that as a few more of these and I'll be straight back down to medium.</p><p> </p><p> Ignoring that, a decent show even if most of the results were a given. Nate Johnson saw himself kicked out of The Elite, meaning that since I've taken over I've overseen removing two established Tag Teams (Benny & The Foxx and The Elite) from a weak Tag Division. Perhaps not great planning. But actually, there's a story behind this...</p><p> </p><p> Last week I noted that Nate Johnson wasn't really performing like someone who should be in the Main Event. No real criticism - he's a midcarder. With over a year left on his contract, he had his place, but could struggle for a renewal. However, then Ricky DeColt's contract came up. A DeColt in TCW is one of those things fans dream of, but Nate Johnson told me in no uncertain terms that his past issues with the DeColt family made it a problem. I then had plans for a Ricky DeColt / Nate Johnson feud, or Ricky DeColt replacing Nate Johnson in The Syndicate, and if it became an issue I would cut Johnson.</p><p> </p><p> Then CWA offered Ricky DeColt Creative Control, and that was that - I wasn't going to offer someone with limited popularity in the US Creative Control, as it could cause issues down the line. However, the seeds of Johnson being kicked out of The Syndicate had been formed in my mind, so I went with it. DeColt signed his new contract at CWA, and immediately broke his wrist.</p><p> </p><p> And yes, Rich Money is ironically declared bankrupt. Quite how he's managed that on $150k a month I'm not sure - I think he needs a financial advisor.</p><p> </p><p> <strong>TCW Presents Total Wrestling:</strong></p><p> Mighty Mo vs Nate Johnson</p><p> T-Bone Bright vs Benny Benson</p><p> Sammy Bach vs Pretty Okakua</p><p> Human Arsenal and Elliot Thomas vs Eddie Chandler and Chris Flynn</p><p> Greg Gauge © vs One Man Army for the <strong>TCW Television Title</strong></p><p> Aaron Andrews and Doc Hammond vs Jay Chord and Wolf Hawkins</p>
  20. <blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="Jaysin" data-cite="Jaysin" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="51391" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>Just read this whole thing and loved it. Not sure why there's not more comments and predictions.<p> </p><p> Mainstream Hernandez </p><p> Titan</p><p> Cougar Stone</p><p> Jay Chord</p><p> One Man Army </p><p> Aaron Andrews and Dazzling Dave Diamond</p></div></blockquote><p> </p><p> Thank you for the kind words. I don't think my writing gets people as invested as some other writers - I write about what's happening, other writers are much better at going into match / promo details. Add to that the presentation - there are some beautiful looking diaries out there, but I do not have the time to get it looking graphically as good.</p><p> </p><p> However, my primary reason for writing this diary is for me - to keep me honest. I want a reason for my Main Eventers to be in a blockbuster opening promotion, so have to be able to justify the angle instead of just booking an angle and not caring what is being said. I want a logic and flow to everything that happens - for example accidentally double booking Chris Flynn is not glossed over, it has a consequence in the next show. By actually writing what happens in multi-man tag matches it leads to future matches, and the characters develop themselves to me.</p><p> </p><p> If I can take anyone along for the ride with me, I consider that a bonus!</p><p> </p><p> <span style="font-size:24px;"><strong>TCW Presents Total Wrestling:</strong></span></p><p> </p><p> <span style="color:#0000FF;">Killer Shark defeated Danny Fonzarelli</span> in 7:10 (58)</p><p> -The wrestling was pretty terrible, but we overbooked it and the crowd got into it, so that's a success for us.</p><p> </p><p> <span style="color:#0000FF;">The Syndicate (Wolf Hawkins and The Elite) defeated Dean Daniels, Seth Whitehead and Gringo Starr</span> in 8:27 (64)</p><p> -Strangely enough, Wolf Hawkins carried this one, making the pin on Seth Whitehead (who we are deliberately making sure he gets pinned as often as possible).</p><p> </p><p> <span style="color:#0000FF;">Joshua Taylor defeated Darryl Devine</span> in 7:41 (72)</p><p> -Yes, Joshua Taylor is wasted wrestling dark matches. However, he's off screen deliberately and I know exactly when he will be back, so stick with me.</p><p> </p><p> <span style="color:#0000FF;">Mighty Meaty defeated Ground and Pound (Raphael and Quentin Queen)</span> in a non-title match in 9:28 (59)</p><p> -Ground and Pound are the HGC Tag Team Champions, so they got a main roster tryout here. The plan was not for Raphael to crack his sternum though...</p><p> </p><p> <strong>MAIN SHOW:</strong></p><p> </p><p> We got the start that the crowd were looking for - Aaron Andrews and Jay Chord verbally sparring in the ring. Jay Chord begun once again to call himself the Chosen One, but was cut off by Andrews. The Champion said "The Chosen One" was a label that Jay Chord has put on himself. The "wrestling gods" don't choose anyone - the fans do. As Andrews ate up the cheers, Andrews said that only they could anoint the person that they want to see - and they need to prove it in the ring, against the best of the best, against the TCW World Heavyweight Title holder - and he looked forward to it (100)</p><p> </p><p> <span style="color:#0000FF;"><strong>Mainstream Hernandez defeated Matt Hocking</strong></span> in 8:38 (66)</p><p> -This could have actually been a proper feud, if I ever got round to booking Hocking properly. As it was, he did a good job putting over the newcomer here.</p><p> </p><p> Backstage and Wolf Hawkins was shown storming in on Floyd Goldworthy and Eddie Peak. Hawkins told them to keep his nose out of The Syndicate business and away from Chris Flynn - he would deal with any issues in the ring tonight. As he stormed out Goldworthy arched his eyebrows, before telling Peak that all was not well, and that's the way he likes it (78)</p><p> </p><p> <span style="color:#0000FF;"><strong>Human Arsenal defeated Nick Booth</strong></span> in 6:31 (56)</p><p> -Bonus match I found room for. We pretended that Booth had a chance of winning... but he didn't, he's not at the level to go over Human Arsenal right now.</p><p> </p><p> Aaron Andrews asked Dazzling Dave Diamond if he had ever been the "Chosen One", to which DDD joked that he had been chosen first in sports when he was a kid, if that counted. That brought their opponents for the night, Troy Tornado and Greg Gauge over, with Tornado telling the faces that this was no laughing matter. He told them that Jay Chord really was part of the future, and he turned around to Greg Gauge and said that the rest of the future stood next to him here, so Andrews had better watch out as his time was fading away (81)</p><p> </p><p> <span style="color:#0000FF;"><strong>One Man Army defeated Joffy Laine, Benny Benson and Marc Speed</strong></span> in 13:10 to earn a TV Title shot (65)</p><p> -The game seems to have rudely called this a "terrible match" - no respect. Realistically it did go on too long, and Benny Benson's recent form got him close to the victory a few times. However, OMA was the favourite from the go, and he did take the victory here, pinning Marc Speed.</p><p> </p><p> Wolf Hawkins led The Syndicate out to the ring (minus Doc Hammond, of course), and lined them up to berate them. He told them that The Syndicate's goal was to win at all costs, yet they have recently failed. He said a lot of the blame fell on Doc Hammond's feet, and he was gone. However, that's not it all. He got in Chris Flynn's face, and demanded to know if he was loyal to The Syndicate. Flynn stammered, before saying he was - he just wanted to win for The Syndicate. Hawkins turned his attention to The Elite, asking them what they had won. Chandler just said "enough", which brought out a death stare from Hawkins. He turned around to Nate Johnson, paused, and hit a Full Moon Rising. Chandler and Flynn stood there not knowing what to do, when Hawkins turned to them.</p><p> </p><p> <em>"You two - win something for The Syndicate - get us the Tag Title belts."</em></p><p> </p><p> Flynn and Chandler nodded as Hawkins left the ring... (68)</p><p> </p><p> But he was blindsided by a raging Doc Hammond, attacking his former leader as he headed out back. Flynn and Chandler rushed from the ring to help, but Hammond escaped before they had the chance to get to him (69)</p><p> </p><p> <span style="color:#0000FF;"><strong>Cougar Stone defeated Maverick and Roderick Remus</strong></span> in 9:14 (64)</p><p> -A little spotfest, which unsurprisingly Maverick was little uncomfortable participating in. The face team took the victory after a Hear Me Party Roar.</p><p> </p><p> Backstage and Sammy Bach was interviewed after watching the match on the monitor. He declared that high flying action was back in TCW, with him, Masked Cougar and Edd Stone leading the way. That brought Freddy Huggins over spluttering in disbelief. Huggins declared himself the true king of high flying, and Bach should never think that he could take that crown (85)</p><p> </p><p> <span style="color:#0000FF;"><strong>Titan defeated Elliot Smith</strong></span> in 5:49 (60)</p><p> -Easy victory for the big man.</p><p> </p><p> After the match Titan continued with the Chokeslams, until T-Bone Bright was out to make the save and help Smith out (58)</p><p> </p><p> <span style="color:#0000FF;"><strong>Jay Chord defeated Flying Jimmy Foxx</strong></span> in 6:37 (75)</p><p> -No question who was winning this, Foxx helping make the youngster look awesome before falling to a Cradle Piledriver.</p><p> </p><p> Jay Chord took the mic and declared that he was The Chosen One, before joining the commentary team for the Main Event (89)</p><p> </p><p> <span style="color:#0000FF;"><strong>Aaron Andrews and Dazzling Dave Diamond defeated Troy Tornado and Greg Gauge</strong></span> in 12:16 (80)</p><p> -This was an especially good match when you realise that there was zero chemistry between Troy Tornado and Greg Gauge. Realistically I over-rate Tornado, and he needs to help green youngsters out, not well rounded talent like Chord or Greg Gauge. Chord did not get involved here, and watched on as DDD pinned Troy Tornado.</p><p> </p><p> Aaron Andrews approached the announce desk after the microphone, and asked Jay Chord what he thought about that. Jay Chord sneered, calling Troy Tornado a broken man - nothing to compare to The Chosen One of TCW (90)</p><p> </p><p> <em>Overall Rating 75</em></p>
  21. Huge show, taking TCW to a Big Size. In Aaron Andrews, Wolf Hawkins, Jay Chord and also Freddy Huggins, I have four men to book shows around, and the wrestlers pushing below them like Sammy Bach, Dazzling Dave Diamond and Mainstream Hernandez are showing their talent too. Hernandez is not main event popular (yet!), but he is getting a push (he needs to justify his money). Meanwhile, I crowbar-ed in Chris Flynn's interest in The Sinner Society after last week's mis-booking, while Doc Hammond is definitely out of The Syndicate, putting over T-Bone Bright on his way out. I did flutter a contract under Joss Thompson's eyes, but USPW knew they had a star and offered far more than I was willing to. Another contract I went into more serious discussions with, but when Creative Control was mentioned I was forced to back away. TCW Presents Total Wrestling Mainstream Hernandez vs Matt Hocking Elliot Thomas vs Titan Cougar Stone vs Maverick and Roderick Remus Flying Jimmy Foxx vs Jay Chord One Man Army vs Joffy Laine vs Benny Benson vs Marc Speed for a TCW TV Title shot next week Aaron Andrews and Dazzling Dave Diamond vs Troy Tornado and Greg Gauge
  22. TCW Presents Total Wrestling: Greg Gauge defeated Philippe LaGrenier in a non-title match in 5:55 (59) -The HGC Global champion has a decent showing in this dark opener. Human Arsenal defeated Yuri Yoshihara in 7:24 (52) -Human Arsenal is still alive after this match, that is all the matters. Marc Speed defeated Elliot Thomas in 6:42 (55) -With Thomas' unofficial partner injured, he gets to take on the role of face jobber... as opposed to face tag team jobber. Flying Jimmy Foxx defeated Roderick Remus in 9:13 (57) -So the dark matches were distinctly average, which is just fine by me. First time we've seen the Flying Foxx in a couple of weeks. Joshua Taylor and Benny Benson defeated Devine Fortune in 10:03 (66) -Forgot I had another dark match. Taylor keeps up his stellar dark match record going. MAIN SHOW: Jay Chord came out to start the show, and was oozing quality as he put himself forward as the Chosen One to take the title off Aaron Andrews, and he said he would show his ability right now (98) Jay Chord defeated Seth Whitehead in 5:16 (59) -Whitehead got rewarded with his rant by a main show appearance with one of the hottest stars in TCW - but he was utterly destroyed. However, you could see great chemistry there, which may help in the future. Aaron Andrews and Mainstream Hernandez cut a promo backstage - Hernandez joking with Andrews that he was lucky not to have to face him for the title. Andrews said that he was was ready for anyone, but would enjoy teaming with Hernandez against The Elite later tonight (78) Sammy Bach and Dazzling Dave Diamond defeated in Matt Hocking and Maverick in 8:14 (70) -Unusually the show was coming in a little short, so it gave us an opportunity to give two of our face stars a chance to wrestle, against a couple of heels on didn't work well together. DDD pinned Maverick after a Dazzle Driver. Backstage and Wolf Hawkins had The Syndicate lined up, and was tearing them apart. He told Chris Flynn he was a disgrace was helping out The Sinner Society last week, when he should have helped him in the Main Event. Meanwhile Doc Hammond had botched Wolf's opportunity to win, he should be ashamed of himself. For that reason he was teaming with Freddy Huggins tonight, and wanted his team-mates to stay away from him (68) One Man Army and Joffy Laine defeated Pretty Okakura and Davis Wayne Newton in 8:25 (60) -Three recent newcomers to TCW here, and they managed to show plenty of talent. The veteran OMA took the victory after a Guided Missile on Okakura. OMA took a microphone to tell Greg Gauge that he needed to defend his TV Title on television and prove he was a fighting champion - and expected to be the one to face the young upstart (68) Backstage and we saw Floyd Goldworthy approach Chris Flynn, telling him that he wasn't appreciated by Wolf Hawkins. Goldworthy told the youngster that there was always a space for him in The Sinner Society (67) Wolf Hawkins and Freddy Huggins defeated Cougar Stone in 13:41 (80) -We told the four participants to put on a great high flying show - and they did just that, flying off the ropes and putting on one of the fastest paced matches you'll see on TCW TV. Cougar Stone ran the heels close, and Hawkins got more frustrated that every time he hit a big move he wasn't given any time to capitalise. Huggins was more used to the fast paced action, and was able to steal quick pin on Masked Cougar with the assistance of the ropes. Mighty Meaty cut a quick promo to hype their tag title defence, to announce that they would do what they do best - defeat The Behemoths (68) Mighty Meaty © defeated The Behemoths to retain the TCW Tag Team Titles in 8:38 (77) -A third match, a final match? We shall see. A quick brawl, with Mighty Mo eliminating Nick Booth as he tried to interfere. Chris Flynn did slowly come down the the ring, but just watched as Tana the Mighty pinned Titan. Mighty Meaty celebrated before noticing Chris Flynn. Mighty Mo took a mic and challenged Chris Flynn to join them, but he shook his head and slowly backed away (74) T-Bone Bright defeated Doc Hammond in 12:20 (71) -I think Doc Hammond would have been happy with a defeat here even if he hadn't offered to put Bright over almost three months ago. I didn't think this match would be worthy of the place on the card that it did take up, but it needed to be. Bright hit the... T-Bone Lariat? Huh, I didn't know he had that move. A guess his Powerslam is now the T-Bone Slam. Wolf Hawkins came out after the match, demanding to know what Hammond was doing. Hammond pushed Hawkins away and went to leave... but was hit by a Full Moon Rising by Hawkins! I don't think he is in The Syndicate any more (88) Aaron Andrews and Mainstream Hernandez defeated The Elite in 13:58 (79) -The Elite put everything into this match, obviously shocked by their leaders action beforehand. However, there was no way that Andrews and Hernandez was going to lose this, with Andrews pinning Nate Johnson. Johnson is beginning to look like he belongs nowhere near the Main Event. Jay Chord came out after the match, and cut a slow promo, telling Andrews that everyone has their time, and his was coming to an end, so make the best use of every... last... second (87) Overall Rating 84
  23. If you're taking them off TV it's worth a gimmick change or a turn, to see if it can kickstart a bit of momentum.
  24. Well, I had this show all booked, then I saved and came back the next day. And had a complete rewrite at the last minute. One Man Army went from the Main Event to the pre-show, Mainstream Hernandez and Hawkins got the push to the Main Event, and everything else needed altering or moving to make the show work. Although chaotic, and what led to Chris Flynn accidentally being double booked, it did work, and I think the show ended up better for it. I didn't expect Freddy Huggins and Edd Stone to put on the best match of the night - that was a very pleasant surprise. Backstage, it was Nate Johnson's turn to be taken to wrestlers court but it seems to have had no ill effect. If I needed to replace him in The Syndicate, it would be easily done. Brent Hill approached me after the show to inform me that he liked what he saw from Joffy Laine - I did too, but his gimmick hasn't really worked and the lack of lower level faces has meant he's filling a talented jobber role. I've made a signing that could pull Laine away from that role... but he might just jump the queue. Dean Daniels has penned a new deal, primarily as a road agent, but as a face, he's going to be jobbing as well. Our biggest issue is probably Seth Whitehead. He's done well on his call ups to the main roster to do the job, but this has left him thinking that he's bigger than HGC. He didn't hold back on a radio interview, telling the radio host that he deserved to be the HGC Global champion, and he deserved to be winning, not putting over less talented workers than himself. I shall have to keep an eye on him... Chris Flynn signs a new 2 year deal, while Fast Navarro finally joins our refereeing ranks. During the week, Bart Biggins picked up a bruised kidney working a house show - he can still wrestle, but I may keep him off screen during this time. TCW Presents Total Wrestling: Jay Chord vs Seth Whitehead One Man Army and Joffy Laine vs Pretty Okakura and Davis Wayne Newton Cougar Stone vs Wolf Hawkins and Freddy Huggins Mighty Meaty © vs The Behemoths for the TCW Tag Team Titles T-Bone Bright vs Doc Hammond Aaron Andrews and Mainstream Hernandez vs The Elite
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