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Ping von Erich

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Everything posted by Ping von Erich

  1. Kudos on all this work. I know mod making is tedious. For old farts like me to have more or less the period of wrestling that made me a fan as one of the best mods available for TEW is a treat.
  2. Couldn't be more excited to see this one come together.
  3. A little confused about the Feb 2023 Bonus renders? Are they just free pictures or some sort of worker expansion?
  4. Can anyone give me some pointers for a successful 21CW game using this data?
  5. I think you just decided for me what promotion I'll be using for my next save.
  6. Seriously. I'm in the middle of a long term AWF save and this thread has populated my little world in a big way.
  7. Scott Hall about to be champ in every damn real world game I've got. Absolute legend we might lose in the next 24 hours.
  8. We've once again crested over that horizon with a Ryland game where a new version will need to be made to address changes in the industry itself lol. It was the same thing when the brand split happened, child companies. It's sort of fascinating to step back and watch. We'll need some sort of way to link two shows together as booked "together"
  9. I am front and center for this puppy. justxyank's 1991 mod is my favorite of all time. Can't wait to clock some hours into this when you release it.
  10. Love seeing this. Being able to put a face to a rando gen that happens to have good stats is so nice.
  11. Just bananas. If you don't want Steve Regal and Samoa Joe working for your wrestling company in some capacity, you're obviously not that concerned with presenting good pro wrestling.
  12. I think they mentioned a future DLD/update will include random worker pics. I'm looking forward to the same thing.
  13. I use the games between updates to explore the data, fart with different products, sift through all the characters to find gems I've overlooked. When the data takes its final form I'm going to be prepared for one hell of a long term sim.
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