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Everything posted by BrokenCycle

  1. "Put it on Steam" actually means "Enough of the ELicense already."
  2. Great to hear the playtests have found few errors. Previous TEW titles had a lot of teeny bugs that had to be ironed out with a couple major ones. Meanwhile WMMA 5 had very, very few bugs. For a game built from scratch, that's good stuff.
  3. Storylines are more of an organizational tool in this game. Their importance has been greatly diminished.
  4. Nothing would be accomplished by doing this. Adam isn't going to hire someone to test a game to work on a mod. How much focus would go to testing? Also, if the mod maker has issues with the game and presents them to Adam, why would they edit the mod to fit the game in its current state? It's best to just create a small team and focus on creating a single product with a specific vision.
  5. It's fairly self-explanatory. Those fighters you think will REALLY win in REALLY convincing fashion should be given higher hype levels. That said, I don't think it's worth it to mess around with. I play with Fantasy Matchmaker on, so I don't really worry about fighters' popularity too much.
  6. <p>I strip for testing positive.</p><p> </p><p> I create interim belts for injuries. </p><p> </p><p> Now in this latest game I'm playing I fire them if they go on hiatus, because I don't have time for this.</p>
  7. <blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="Taker4455" data-cite="Taker4455" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="41194" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>Does the AI ever create alter egos for workers?</div></blockquote><p> </p><p> If you're asking if they would change a wrestler's ring name, then no. </p><p> </p><p> (thank god)</p>
  8. There's a couple of them it seem. In the Graphical Mods section here http://www.greydogsoftware.com/forum/showthread.php?t=535294
  9. Not really? I mean, every stat in a simulation sports game would be relative and the mod maker is trying to manipulate them all to fit the real world and create some sort of balance within the framework of the video game. But if you're trying to do this in TEW with The Rock having A* popularity and The Undertaker with A* psychology, you know what you're going to get when you play the mod in the game. I am not saying that mod makers don't test their video games to the point of suffering, but I think the absolute highs could be squished-- and a mod like Shifting Sands shows you could do this while retaining relative accuracy to each stat mainly affecting the game and challenge as a video game.
  10. <p>Ummmmmmm...</p><p> </p><p> <img alt="tsw8uu0.png" data-src="https://i.imgur.com/tsw8uu0.png" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /></p>
  11. The only challenging mod I've ever played was Shifting Sands because the stats are so low and consistent throughout the world. It's so finely crafted, and beautiful. When you have "every" mod (--and this is a generalization--) have The Undertaker and Hogan with A* psychology, and Austin and The Rock with A* popularity and whatnot, you're basically just playing an e-fed instead of a video game at that point. The issue is that modders want statistical accuracy, when what they really should be thinking about it making a balanced video game.
  12. What's there to follow up on? Each game is completely different, so it's impossible to say who are the best young prospects in the game.
  13. <p>You didn't provide any context to your question, so it's nearly impossible to really help you. </p><p> </p><p> Don't worry about segment ratings. Use the game as a vehicle for storytelling.</p>
  14. Go to https://homeofprowrestling.com/ as well They have some good retro mods that you can't get on the forums (do not ask why.)
  15. There's WMMA characters Seth O'Breen and Paddy McNamara that have some Conor vibes in their images. Download the demo.
  16. First of all, ignore the game any time it tells you a fight should be on the prelims. It's one of the worst aspects of the game. If you play about a year in-game, nearly every SINGLE possible fight on the card will either been a worthwhile main event or a prelim fight. It's laughably dumb. If you want fighterss to "get over" you should put them on the main card. I typically run 5 or 6 fights on the main card, and the same for the prelims, just for realism.
  17. Kinda not into the new products system how it's being represented now (through the text descriptions in the dev journal), either. It just seems like a hassle for the player, and the lack of customization seems like an issue. I'm thinking there's a lot of testing that would have to go with each product to get it right, correct? Adam mentioned there will be a Lucha Underground product in the game instead of leaving it to the player or modder to get it right. But... what if it's not right? I think Adam has bigger things to do in making the game than fiddle with values and test the 60 products in the game. Does Adam even watch Lucha Underground? Can there be some sort of insight into this major feature in the game? The behind the scenes coding is secretive. What EXACTLY are the variables in each product that is hidden from the player? How is each product being designed? I am fearful that how precisely each product functions will have to be reverse engineered by the players, similar to how TEW 2005 was, because the behind the scenes of the feature isn't discussed.
  18. Why don't you just play them now? My top three are Shifting Sands, 1995, and 2001.
  19. No. The AI is just too dumb for that and I rarely look and take interest. In WMMA it is a little bit more cool to see what's going on, but even then the feeling of just being in a world of one promotion is still fairly prominent. And I'm not really complaining about that, because it's fine, but I do wish there was some sort of thing that draws you in to the world besides looking at results. I will say though that contract negotiations are fairly tough most of the time, which is absolutely not the case in WMMA so it's cool to see who goes where.
  20. Seriously? There's always tons of bugs in TEW games. Rarely are they truly game breaking, but they're there.
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