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Everything posted by BrokenCycle

  1. It's really fun because your angles could be long. I haven't played with a product that limits the angle times yet.
  2. Apparently you do the turn road agent note. I would think you could also go back in to the edit booking while the show is being run and add in a new angle if you forget.
  3. Yes, it's absolutely insane. I thought I was the jackass around here. People, most of them I have never seen before, are really coming out of the woodwork for this one. The amount of inflammatory dialogue and bitterness towards Adam and other users is crazy.
  4. The new attendances are much improved through this latest patch.
  5. <blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="Rawisericho" data-cite="Rawisericho" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="47578" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>According to Adam, the new interface isn’t a problem, it’s just a “vocal minority” of users who dislike it. I’d say it’s about 80% of this board.</div></blockquote><p> </p><p> Do you not know how to read?</p><p> </p><p> It says "There's been a vocal minority who are unhappy with the new interface <strong>and would like a complete overhaul</strong>"</p><p> </p><p> Not there's a vocal minority of people complaining about the UI. He already mentioned they were in the process of fixing some of it. </p><p> </p><p> This sentence specifically applies to the people in SeedyNick's thread, for example, fawning over some of his concept art (which I'm not saying isn't good looking).</p>
  6. New release date was definitely needed and I'm excited to see what changes are made.
  7. <blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="Hive" data-cite="Hive" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="47578" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div><p> - Some "must have" new features (to me) are missing. First and foremost, <em>trios</em> (yes, they mean that much to me). Mexico simply isn't represented properly without them. Why add new game areas (such as India) before fixing those that are already in?</p></div></blockquote><p> </p><p> What about trios do you think is missing? Were you expecting a trios section like the normal teams menu?</p>
  8. You go to your roster screen. There's a blue line of text that says something like "GAMMA Weight Class: Lightweight" that you click. There's also a Weight Class menu in your Office, but it kinda sucks. You can even search for eligible people in weight classes by going to Search in the Roster menu and playing with the "Current Weight Class" "Normal Weight Class" and "Can Fight At" dropdowns. You can also see eligible weight classes by hovering your mouse over the "Preferred Weight Class" text in the roster menu.
  9. What I like about the new system is how fluid it seems to be. On any given month you could have a different roster depending on what you book. The thing I could see being an issue is a lack of shown progression. I miss the steps of having to change a worker's level on the push ladder.
  10. <p>So can someone explain gimmicks to me?</p><p> </p><p> Essentially what I'm getting from the handbook is that I could decide on a gimmick for a worker, copy the save file X amount of times, and depending on what the "dice roll" is for how the gimmick lands, each time would have a different set of pros and cons? Is that correct?</p>
  11. I think the strength of the new products system is that it forces people out of booking every promotion the same way every time with minor tweaks. There's so much depth that you're forced to really hone in on the pros and cons of every specific promotion. Sometimes the best creativity comes from the hardest limitations. The downside I am seeing right now is that Adam has to be the one to balance the many variables in each product, and you have to recommend products to him for them to be put in the game. Since the common thing around here is "He's working on the game breaking stuff" can he be bothered to balance these products down the line? I REALLY think that editing the product should stay locked but products should be mod controlled. Like if you want to change your product you have to import it and change your product over time like it works now. That way mod makers could fix the products, and the mechanics of changing products and working within their limitations still exist.
  12. Wow. That is a tremendous oversight. You can essentially schedule every one of your competitors that have shared workers with you on your own schedule.
  13. My local grocery store is afraid every year when they sell frosted cakes with NFL logos on them.
  14. Something creeping me out is that apparently the Academy Awards, the NFL, the NBA, FIFA, the NCAA and NASCAR are part of Cornellverse canon? Is it legal to use the "SuperBowl" in a paid game, but not real wrestlers?
  15. New Day vs Edge and Christian CM Punk, Samoa Joe, Christopher Daniels, Low Ki vs Brock Lesnar
  16. This is nothing new in this thread but the things that really stick out to me are pretty much any option in Talk to Worker, Attributes, and having a face/heel divide purely for organizational purposes.
  17. Yeah, but, there's some still in the game that just don't look very good. They not only not look good, but they're completely different from most other renders in the game. And I hate to say it, but the same guy made them. (Avalanche, Might Mo, Elliot Thomas, Killer Shark...)
  18. Huh? You double click their name, or click the wrestler and go to the Add button. It literally has the same functionality as 2016.
  19. The new Syndicate stable kinda seems like a bad nWo reboot in my head canon. Same name. Not at all the same flavor. It's a good representation on where the promotion is now, desperately clawing onto something.
  20. TEW is the only management game I play with grades, so being forced out of it was jarring but I quickly got used to it. I like the ranges.
  21. The lack of organization for all those company buttons is annoying, but I think people are missing the buttons at the bottom of the screen, which is what you should be clicking from now on. It contains the most used functions, and is editable.
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