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Everything posted by BrokenCycle

  1. You could easily test this by turning off auto save, turning off every single User Preference that affects the score of a match (basically all of them, except for things like the Dirt Sheet and Main event header...), turning off Strict Storylines, running a show with a single match on it, going back to the main menu WITHOUT SAVING, and running the match back however many times you want and seeing the test results.
  2. I greatly preferred the grades, but TEW is the only sim I've played with them so I'm getting used to it.
  3. Do workers still lose popularity if you use Dominate and they're not charismatic enough?
  4. Why would he make a statement when the "vocal minority" just twist his words and go crazy?
  5. <blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="gazwefc83" data-cite="gazwefc83" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="47568" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>Has mass edit been removed or am i missing something?</div></blockquote><p> </p><p> You have to press "Toggle List."</p>
  6. It would be quicker to just edit their contract to one day.
  7. I could see it being an issue if you're staring at it for a few hours. You should be able to maybe turn it off.
  8. So I guess that be the reason why guys like Scythe, who have the highest momentum, drop a lot after the first show?
  9. You guys would pay $35 for a game that doesn't have complete mouse scrolling support?
  10. No, no, no. It's too easy to give Adam a pass for rewriting the game, but really it's par for the course. I have played every TEW and WMMA game and each one has missing buttons, helpful text, and general elements of the UI that make no sense why they were removed because they were so helpful, and people have to beg for them to be brought back in the beta phase. Some of these elements return, but I would say a good chunk of stay missing forever.
  11. I know it's a hard ask, but one thing that I disliked in the 2016 conversion was that most of the workers had the same generic bios they did in 2005. Any chance that they could maybe be fleshed out a bit more wherever possible?
  12. Also I feel obligated to remind everyone on the TEW team that this entire thing could have happened and had been corrected if Adam had, at any point in the past several months to a year, said to Derek "Hey while you're playing the game could you press print screen a couple times and send me the images to upload? Thanks bud."
  13. I dunno. As a game developer I don't understand why you would create something in the game that essentially boils down to having people ask you to do them a favor for their mod and whatever, or having them ask you to change and balance stuff, when you could easily just spend the time fixing bugs and other things. I foresee this being a total disaster and causing a ton of conflict, even though I like the feature RIGHT NOW (without actually having had the time to make a decision if I like it completely).
  14. The complaints from players about Products is just theory crafting at this point. It's impossible to tell from the 2 months in-game if the new Product system is good or not. This is a massive risk for the game, and I am willing to give it a shot because its flaws are rather obvious, and the positives, I think, could be very good. The best thing is that every promotion feels unique and has stuff you like or maybe not like as much about it and are forced to do. This is, in my opinion, great. Literally EVERY single promotion I played in TEW 2016 was booked the same with some very minor differences, mainly regarding things like having to put match aims on. My template for a show was the same across the board. Now, try booking TCW, a company that likes long matches and doesn't care how long angles are, to a company like USPW that yawns at every thing you do. It's great. I totally get all the reservations mod makers have about this. The product system in 2016 was kinda dumb. RatedRKO brought up the dumbest part of it-- you just change Comedy from low to very low to get a product that doesn't have something that doesn't perfectly line up with what you want, smile, and start bookin' away. This system has a lot of nuance, and I get that people love customization options, but sometimes it is fun being forced into things. That said... I do think something will be added in to customize the products. I don't think Adam realizes how much of a pain in the ass it will be dealing with it down the line.
  15. Yeah you can't decide if the fans hate short matches, but you can change how they calculate the ratios of how they calculate the calculation of the final calculation of the entire event mixed with the calculation of all the calculations of the matches on the show and calculate the final calculation of the calculation of the entire wrestling event they just witnessed.
  16. So do you use it in a match where you're guessing the announcers would be talking about it?
  17. What lines of text are people specifically talking about being too small?
  18. Well, the quickest way to reset the search is to right click the button.
  19. Yeah that is really nice. I used to have to rely on pre-booking every match in 2016 so I could make changes, but now I don't have to do that. Essentially you could make a bunch of placeholder matches and mold your card that way.
  20. I'll try to come up with more. I don't know if this applies, but I love the idea of the McWades. I frequently hire them in every save since probably 2004, and they suck real bad.
  21. This was a perfect opportunity to create a company with a brand split that has two different products.
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