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New York City Wrestling: From The Top of The World

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[CENTER][IMG]http://i66.photobucket.com/albums/h247/Ramaeno/Dempseys.jpg[/IMG] [SIZE="3"][FONT="Arial Narrow"]TUESDAY NIGHT WEEK 4, JANUARY 2007[/FONT][/SIZE][/CENTER] [B][CENTER]DEMPSEYS PUB - 61ST AND SECOND, MANHATTAN[/CENTER][/B] [B][CENTER]___________________________[/CENTER][/B] [CENTER][IMG]http://i66.photobucket.com/albums/h247/Ramaeno/NYCWLogo3.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [B][U][CENTER]NYCWRESTLING.COM[/CENTER][/U][/B] [CENTER][IMG]http://i66.photobucket.com/albums/h247/Ramaeno/BHBBW.jpg[/IMG] [B]BLACK HAT BAILEY[/B][/CENTER] Manhattan night fell upon the masses. Illumination potentially more vibrant now than during the day despite the sun cascading over the skyscrapers. Now there were neons and brilliance radiating across the charcoal floors. The ashen sidewalks dirty and beat up, like a scowl on the face of the former 3 time SWF North American Champion. Using a pocket sized video-recording device, NYCWrestling.com filmed the sidewalk of 61st and second. The walk up all the way to O'Reillys. This was a fine establishment and a questionable joint, it did serve Johnny but The Black Hatted one doesn't drink anything that doesn't say Jameson or Guinness... Well, that's not true. Harp works also. Shoot, he'll even take Johnny.. sometimes, anyway. Before the website viewer can click on the footage, said viewer is treated to the headline. A several paragraph history of Black Hat Bailey and his relationship with Lee Wright. After the history lesson, we're treated to NYCW Tri-Borough Challenge hype. Now we can catch up with Bailey and hear his thoughts on the match that might end his career. [B]NYCW.COM[/B]: Good evening Black Hat Bailey. What're you having there? [B]Black Hat Bailey[/B]: Listen there, kid. I'm drinkin' a mans drink an they don't serve yer kind in this fine establishment so if I were you and I'm glad I'm not, I hit the road quick. [B]NYCW.COM[/B]: That's a fine how do you do. Listen, this is NYCWrestling.com and we're just trying to give the ticketpayers a little insight into your big fight with Lee Wright coming up at NYCW Tri-Borough Challenge. Just a few of your thoughts? [B]Black Hat Bailey[/B]: Me thoughts are that ya taken enough of my time son. Get the hell out of here. The Bartender walked over to the conversation, he was a fat man with long chops for sideburns. His wide pale face was nestled beneath receding red hair. He had childlike freckles and busted up teeth. [B]Bartender[/B]: An' we dun' say t'at name in 'ere. Lee Wright tis an enemy o' Black Hat's an 'oever is an enemy o' Black Hat tis an enemy of O'Reillys. Ya hear me, lad? [B]NYCW.COM[/B]: Well that's all well and good. How about I take care of your drinks tonight, Mr. Bailey? All your drinks tonight are on us. The Tender looked over at Black Hat Bailey and raised a brow, Bailey grinned and looked over the reporter. He chuckled. [B]Black Hat Bailey[/B]: Now yer talkin', son. Okay then, gimme another round there Patty an' fer me new friend 'ere give 'em a uh... crown on the rocks.. sure why the hell not. So what's that ya wanna know now, son? How I'm gonna beat tha livin' tar outta Lee Wright? That good for nothin' piece of garbage? [B]NYCW.COM[/B]: Yes. That'd be a great place to begin. [B]Black Hat Bailey[/B]: Well that big mouthed piece of crap.. I tell ya son I never wanted to hurt somebody as bad as I wanna hurt that skirt wearin' hardhead. I got a few t'angs ready fer 'im... son. I got myself a big...er..should I say, little surprise in store! Hahaha! The Bartender and several nearby persons laughed at Baileys comment. Apparently they were "in the know". [B]NYCW.COM[/B]: Would you care to share this with us, Black Hat Bailey? [B]Black Hat Bailey:[/B] Son, by the time I'm that drunk you'd be dead several times over. [B]NYCW.COM:[/B] You are a former 3 time SWF North American Champion. An amazing accomplishment. [B]Black Hat Bailey[/B]: Sure, among others. [B]NYCW.COM:[/B] Right, now do you have any words of advice for NYCW alumni, Roger Dodger whom is going to be moving to there minor leagues? [B]Black Hat Bailey[/B]: Sure. I hope Roger gets dropped on his head. Either that or go an kick in some of those chaps heads. I could care less, mate. The Bartender brought over another Guiness stout and a crown on the rocks. Bailey nodded his thanks. [B]NYCW.COM[/B]: Well back to Lee Wright, would you call this the biggest match of your career? [B]Black Hat Bailey[/B]: Ha! I'd call it the smallest match of my career! The shortest! Hahahahahaha!! The patrons began laughing and Bailey took a sip of his drink. [B]Black Hat Bailey[/B]: What else ya got fer me, son? [B]NYCW.COM[/B]: Well what are your thoughts on the match that has just been signed between Sheik Mustafa and American Machine? [B]Black Hat Bailey[/B]: I could care less. [B]NYCW.COM[/B]: Do you have a favorite? [B]Black Hat Bailey[/B]: Hopefully they'll both knock eachot'er out.. That'd be a good show. Haha! [B]NYCW.COM[/B]: What about your thoughts on the main event, the Tri-Borough Triple Threat to unify the Tri-State Regional and Empire Champions? [B]Black Hat Bailey[/B]: Well I tell ya what... It's a freak show, ya got one guy there who shouldn't be fightin' anymore, he should be at a retirement home in Florida, ya got another guy there who looks like he should be at a disco in the village if ya get my drift...then you got the other chap who makes money off the ladies... HA! No no, but I mean the one messin' with the girls, the colorful chap, he'd be the one at the disco... That other kid though... he can wrestle. I'm quite taken with his skills. Matter of fact, I look forward to beatin' him after I'm through with Lee Wright. [B]NYCW.COM[/B]: So your bet is on Steve Flash? [B]Black Hat Bailey[/B]: Steve Flash? That's his name, eh? Maybe he and the colorful one can go disco together..haha! Sure kid, that's my bet! Now are ya gonna have a sip of that? [B]NYCW.COM:[/B] Uhm... well actually, best of luck to you this Sunday...Tender, heres my information, call me up and I'll take care of the bill...Uh... you can have my crown. [B]Black Hat Bailey:[/B] WHAT! YA LITTLE PANSY YOU! GET OUTTA HERE! WHAT ARE YA, A FRENCHMEN OR SOMETHIN'?!!
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Interesting to see you pitting Bailey and Wright against each other. In my diary and a couple of my other NYCW games, I always end up teaming them together with Honest Frank as their mouthpiece in some sort of tag team or stable. Also , all these pre show interviews really help to establish some character and anticipation for the show. I hope the actual card itself doesn't tank as most of my results are usually in the d, d- range with the original group. Nice to see the road I paved for NYCW in 2007 getting a lot of traffic now. :D
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[CENTER][IMG]http://i66.photobucket.com/albums/h247/Ramaeno/NYCWPromo2.jpg[/IMG] [FONT="Arial Narrow"][SIZE="3"]WEDNESDAY WEEK 4, JANUARY 2007[/SIZE][/FONT][/CENTER] [B][U][CENTER]NEWYORKCITYWRESTLING.COM[/CENTER][/U][/B] [B][CENTER]_____________________[/CENTER][/B] [B][FONT="Arial Black"][CENTER]ROCK SIGNS PAPERS, SCISSORS RELATIONS WITH NYCW, SHOOTS TO CANADA![/CENTER][/FONT][/B] [CENTER][IMG]http://i66.photobucket.com/albums/h247/Ramaeno/RDBW-1.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [B][CENTER]ROCK DOWNPOUR[/CENTER][/B] [B][CENTER][FONT="Arial Black"]BREAKING NEWS: ROCK DOWNPOUR LEAVES NYCW[/FONT][/CENTER][/B] NYCWrestling.com has learned that retired pro wrestler and NYCW analyst Rock Downpour has agreed to a verbal contract with Canadian Golden Combat wrestling in (obviously) Canada. Downpour has provided annoucing and color commentary to many of NYCW's produced video tapes and internet feeds and has been an integral part of the NYCW audio department. This is a sad loss for NYCW and many of us are sad to see Rock go. We wish Rock the best of luck in his future endeavors. [CENTER][IMG]http://i66.photobucket.com/albums/h247/Ramaeno/LBBW.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [B][CENTER]LEE BAMBINO[/CENTER][/B] Filling the large seat of Rock Downpour will be none other than the knowledgeable Lee Bambino. Lee has contributed to NYCWrestling.com in a variety of ways and is a more than suitable replacement for the big man. Fairwell, Rocky and welcome aboard, Lee!
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[CENTER][IMG]http://i66.photobucket.com/albums/h247/Ramaeno/NYCWLogo3.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [FONT="Arial Narrow"][SIZE="2"][CENTER]FRIDAY WEEK 4, JANUARY 2007[/CENTER][/SIZE][/FONT] [B][U][CENTER]NEWYORKCITYWRESTLING.COM[/CENTER][/U][/B] [B][CENTER]_______________________________[/CENTER][/B] [CENTER][IMG]http://i66.photobucket.com/albums/h247/Ramaeno/SFBW.jpg[/IMG] [SIZE="2"][FONT="Garamond"]NYCW Tri-State Regional Champion[/FONT][/SIZE][/CENTER] [B][CENTER]STEVE FLASH[/CENTER][/B] There are only two days left until New York City Wrestling's Tri Borough Challenge extravaganza. The past couple of weeks have been extremely hectic as the promotions for the fights have gone underway. There is the American Machine with Whistler in his corner taking on the recently unretired former USPW Champion, Sheik Mustafa. In addition, a match that has surprisingly seen virtually no coverage in the tag team title match between NYCW Tag Team champions Wiley Coyote and the unknown challengers of War and Famine with their manager who calls himself Death (True, it is rather hard to promote a fight where the opponents have no known identity.) Also appearances from NYCW regulars The Masked Mauler and others is to be expected. The big fights though, the two top bouts on the card are certainly the retiremet match between Lee Wright and Black Hat Bailey and of course the main event, the triple threat unification title match pitting NYCW TriState Regional Champion Steve Flash against NYCW Empire champion Grandmaster Phunk and top contender The Stomper. The Stomper has had his say and so has the Empire Champion but one man who has refused to comment, until now, is perhaps the most physically gifted of all the NYCW roster, none other than Steve Flash. We were recently given permission by Steve Flash's handlers to have a quick conversation with him regarding his title defense/title shot at NYCW Tri-Borough Challenge. [B]NYCW.COM[/B]: Hello Steve and thank you for taking time out of your hectic training schedule to sit down with us. [B]Steve Flash[/B]: The pleasures all mine guys. What's up? [B]NYCW.COM:[/B] Well Steve, how has your training camp been going? [B]Steve Flash[/B]: Well we're all done now. I'm getting ready for the weigh in tomorrow night... I feel good. I should be at aound the 195-205 pound mark. By the bell I'll hopefully be up to about 215 pounds. [B]NYCW.COM[/B]: Well Steve, when it comes to preparation, not many people compare to you. Your handlers have basically had you on a media ban, flat out, is this the biggest match of your career? [B]Steve Flash:[/B] Well, to be honest I think so, yes. Generally during my training camps I like to stay away from everybody except my trainer, my management and my conditioning coaches. It's very important for me to be hyper focused. Alot of guys go around town, rely on basic mat know how, not me. I'm always looking for ways to improve my game. [B]NYCW.COM[/B]: And that's what keeps you as a threat to any wrestler or any title in any promotion at any time. Speaking of titles, what would it mean to you to be the unified champion? [B]Steve Flash:[/B] Well as you know I am Canadian and I love Canada but New York has become a second home to me ever since I was touring with Rapid Pro Wrestling. To hold both the Tri-State Regional and Empire championships, it would really be the highlight of my career and deepen my connection with New York. [B]NYCW.COM[/B]: Your years with Rapid Fire were, no pun intended, remarkable but now just past your 40th birthday some have said that you may be looking to wind your career down, suggesting that you didn't want to end up as some have, in their late fifties and still wrestling. [B]Steve Flash[/B]: Well it's true that I don't want to be one of those has beens desperate for the spotlight but I've never been in better shape and I feel at the top of my game still. I know I don't have a decades worth left in the tank but at the point I'm at right now, I mean, I'm a champion and I'm fighting for a title, I think that says alot. But yeah, I'll never be that fifty year old guy sweating it out at the bottom of a card, barey able to hold my own and praying for a miracle knockout to get me a title shot. [B]NYCW.COM[/B]: Well Steve, do you have a specific strategy going into this match? You are the quickest and slickest of the competitors. [B]Steve Flash[/B]: No. I don't really have a strategy as I would, say, in a singles match. The thing about a fight like this is that there are two opponents each as unpredictable as the other. This is a counterwrestler specialty. You really have to be aware and know how to counter whatever comes your way. [B]NYCW.COM[/B]: Now, assuming you are victorious, Steve, who would you most like to defend your title against? [B]Steve Flash:[/B] Me? Anybody, anywhere, anytime. Really. Definitely write this down, I am a fighting champion. I'll take on all comers. It doesn't matter. Of course I want to fight the best so really whoever is at the top of the rankings. [B] NYCW.COM[/B]: Well Steve you have been too kind. Thank you so much for your time and best of luck to you this Sunday. [B]Steve Flash[/B]: Thanks alot guys.
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It's great how much effort you're putting into the Backstage aspect of the Diary Ramaeno. And my predictions... THE STOMPER vs [B]STEVE FLASH[/B] vs GRANDMASTER PHUNK The Stomper usually retires within the first 2-4 months in my game, and Phunk just leaves when his contract is up. Flash is the only way to go I feel. RETIREMENT MATCH [B]LEE WRIGHT[/B] vs BLACK HAT BAILEY Black Hat Bailey should've just retired after leaving the SWF. Lee can still go. NYCW TAG TEAM CHAMPIONS WILEY COYOTE vs [B]WAR and FAMINE w/ The Manager, DEATH[/B] I'm intrigued. It's the Mystery Wrestler Rule, they almost always win. [B]AMERICAN MACHINE w/ WHISTLER[/B] vs SHEIK MUSTAFA I thought Sheik had retired? Either way, he has to pave way for American Machine. LAND MASS w/HERB STATELY vs [B]RICK SANDERS [/B] The Former Ace Express member will win. THE MASKED MAULER vs [B]JOHNNY EXCELLENT [/B] Same thing as Mystery Wrestler rule. If they go up against someone like the Mauler, they win.
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[LEFT]THE MAIN EVENT [/LEFT] [U][LEFT]NYCW TriBorough Triple Threat Unification Title Match[/LEFT] [/U][LEFT] THE STOMPER vs NYCW TRI-STATE REGIONAL CHAMPION [B]STEVE FLASH[/B] vs NYCW EMPIRE CHAMPION GRANDMASTER PHUNK I'm just a true Flash mark [/LEFT] [U][LEFT]RETIREMENT MATCH[/LEFT] [/U][LEFT] LEE WRIGHT vs BLACK HAT BAILEY Something happens so neither wins, double count out, doube DQ, Double Ten Count maybe some one attacks them both. [/LEFT] [U][LEFT]NYCW TAG TEAM CHAMPIONSHIP MATCH[/LEFT] [/U][LEFT] NYCW TAG TEAM CHAMPIONS WILEY COYOTE vs [B]WAR and FAMINE w/ The Manager, DEATH[/B] The Horseman Domainte from the beginning GRUDGE MATCH [B]AMERICAN MACHINE w/ WHISTLER[/B] vs SHEIK MUSTAFA The Sheik is about to retire anyday or hasn't he already retired [/LEFT] [U][LEFT]SINGLES COMPETITION[/LEFT] [/U][LEFT] LAND MASS w/HERB STATELY vs [B]RICK SANDERS[/B] God does Land Mass suck soemthing awful [/LEFT] [U][LEFT]DEBUT SINGLES MATCH[/U] THE MASKED MAULER vs [B]JOHNNY EXCELLENT[/B] His name is Johnny EXCELLENT for god sakes he can't lose [/LEFT] [U][LEFT]PLUS MUCH MUCH MORE!![/LEFT] [/U]
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NYCW TriBorough Triple Threat Unification Title Match : Stomper vs Steve Flash vs Grandmaster Phunk ==> [b]Grandmaster Phunk[/b]. [i]Flash is not over enough to carry the big belt and I don't see Stomper sucessfully be the face of the company.[/i] Retirement match : Lee Wright vs Blackhat Bailey ==> [b]Blackhat Bailey [/b][i]Lee Wright is so costly and only a midcarder, you'd be better spending money elsewehere. Well, that's what I keep saying to myself, but the guys is still on my roster.[/i] NYCW Tag Team Championship : Wiley Coyote (ch) vs War and Famine ==> [b]Wiley Coyote[/b] [i]Even thought it seems like a good gimmicky tag team, I think the new comers will lose this one but will get another shot soon.[/i] Grudge Match : American Machine vs Sheik Mustafa ==> [b]American Machine[/b] [i]There's a war to win, son![/i] Land Mass vs Rick Sanders ==> [b]Rick Sanders[/b] [i]Just the thought of a Land Mass victory makes me sick.[/i] The Masked Mauler vs Johnny Excellent ==> [b]Johnny Excellent[/b] [i]Come on! With a name like that, he can't lose![/i]
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Ok, before predictions, let me say that I love how you took the time to set things up and play with the C-Verse and NYCW workers. You've definitely succeeded in giving a different flavor and personality to each of them, which I think is both important and very difficult to pull off. In other words, kudos to you. THE STOMPER vs NYCW TRI-STATE REGIONAL CHAMPION [B]STEVE FLASH [/B]vs NYCW EMPIRE CHAMPION GRANDMASTER PHUNK - like ApuPunchau, I'm a Steve Flash mark, and he deserves a last run. Then again, we don't always get what we deserve...but I'll go with my heart and stay w/ my pick. [B]LEE WRIGHT[/B] vs BLACK HAT BAILEY - I have no clue; both are winding down in their careers...I'll pick Lee, because I like the name Lee. (Jim Force logic is taking over slowly but surely!) NYCW TAG TEAM CHAMPIONS WILEY COYOTE vs [B]WAR and FAMINE w/ The Manager, DEATH[/B] - Who can 'War', 'Famine', and 'Death' be? I'll go with these surprise newcommers to come out on top of the tag champs. [B]AMERICAN MACHINE [/B]w/ WHISTLER vs SHEIK MUSTAFA - Machine wins w/ interference by Whistler LAND MASS w/HERB STATELY vs [B]RICK SANDERS[/B] - I was going to pick Land Mass w/ interference by Herb, but realized that Land Mass will probably pass out just walking getting to the ring :p Rick Sanders wins this [B]THE MASKED MAULER [/B]vs JOHNNY EXCELLENT - No clue...I'll pick Masked Mauler because...he's...wearing a mask! Yeah, that sounds good :rolleyes:
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Well guys thank you all very much for taking out the time to first of all read my stuff. I wish I was able to seriously look into each and everybodies diary personally. I truly enjoy them. I'm not much of a TV guy (just sports and specialty shows honestly) but I'm a big time reader, can't put down William Gibson stuff and the like. Anyways, yeah, so I know the kinda committment that goes into reading anything so for you guys to take time out is a compliment! Now I'll stop getting mushy! Well guys I basically knew the first card (more or less with the exception of some of the lower bouts) before I even began writing up the diary because I'd fooled around with NYCW in a few trial games and liked how things worked when I did things in this way. Though after this card I'm not 100% sure where everything is going but I have a real good idea. I find the predictions quite intriguing... It should be fun... I may be able to get out the card tonight if not surely tomorrow. I dont want to make any guarantees but for one of the matches I may possibly run the bout on ZEUS or TNM7 and post the results here... I'm not plugging any games, screw that, this is the best video game I've ever played and it's the only one I'll plug but for the purpose of reading, maybe that'd be cool, I dont think I've seen anybody do that in diary so I may throw that in there...see what you guys think. Anyways, so I dont know whether or not the card will be out tonight so predictions and comments are still welcome!
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Well first my predictions. THE MAIN EVENT NYCW TriBorough Triple Threat Unification Title Match THE STOMPER vs NYCW TRI-STATE REGIONAL CHAMPION STEVE FLASH vs NYCW EMPIRE CHAMPION [B]GRANDMASTER PHUNK[/B] Although I must say it would be great for Steve Flash to get a title run, the man deserves it. RETIREMENT MATCH [B]LEE WRIGHT[/B] vs BLACK HAT BAILEY From a story perspective I'd say Black Hat is upset that you took his job as head booker and he wants out. NYCW TAG TEAM CHAMPIONSHIP MATCH NYCW TAG TEAM CHAMPIONS [B]WILEY COYOTE[/B] vs WAR and FAMINE w/ The Manager, DEATH I don't really like either of them, but a win can help give the champs some credibility. GRUDGE MATCH [B]AMERICAN MACHINE[/B] w/ WHISTLER vs SHEIK MUSTAFA SINGLES COMPETITION LAND MASS w/HERB STATELY vs [B]RICK SANDERS[/B] DEBUT SINGLES MATCH THE MASKED MAULER vs [B]JOHNNY EXCELLENT[/B] PLUS MUCH MUCH MORE!! So I may have been living in a cave my whole life so help me out. What is Zeus and TNM7???
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[CENTER][IMG]http://i66.photobucket.com/albums/h247/Ramaeno/TBCLogo.jpg[/IMG] [FONT="System"][SIZE="4"]NEW YORK CITY WRESTLING[/SIZE][/FONT] [B]PRESENTS[/B][/CENTER] [B][U][FONT="Impact"][SIZE="5"][CENTER]THE TRI-BOROUGH CHALLENGE!!![/CENTER][/SIZE][/FONT][/U][/B] [B][CENTER]__________________________[/CENTER][/B] [CENTER][IMG]http://i66.photobucket.com/albums/h247/Ramaeno/Westongym.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [B][CENTER]THE WESTON GYMNASIUM[/CENTER][/B][CENTER]New Jersey Sunday Week 4, January 2007 [B]Attendance[/B]: 300[/CENTER] [B][CENTER]__________________________[/CENTER][/B] [B][U][CENTER]ANNOUNCERS:[/CENTER][/U][/B] [CENTER][IMG]http://i66.photobucket.com/albums/h247/Ramaeno/MEBW.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i66.photobucket.com/albums/h247/Ramaeno/LBBW.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [B][CENTER]MARV EARNEST LEE BAMBINO[/CENTER][/B] [B][U][CENTER][FONT="Impact"][SIZE="5"]INTRO[/SIZE][/FONT][/CENTER][/U][/B] [CENTER][IMG]http://i66.photobucket.com/albums/h247/Ramaeno/MBBW.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [B][CENTER]Michael Bull[/CENTER][/B] It was a crisp Tri-State January night. The burden of an awakening Spring shedding the frost from it's eyes bit deep in the flesh of all North-Easterners and this particular night was no exception. The Weston Gymnasium seldom saw a crowd of 300 save for very special occassions. Additional security was hired for this night and they arrived right about the time the hardcore fans did. The hardcore fans had a bit of a tailgating party in the Gymnasium parking lot, roasting sausage underneath a tarp-tent. When 9 o'clock hit, however, everybody made their way into the Gymnasium presentation area where a low quality ring was positioned in the center, surrounded by unfolded foldup chairs. NYCW did have camera men and the footage they shot was fed to a close circuit broadcast in a nearby room where the announcers could do their thing. The room was also used for post production purposes. When 15 after 9 struck, The Stomper gave the go ahead for Michael Bull to do his usual introductory speech. They used to have Marv Earnest do it, then Rock Downpour but the fans responded best to Michael. The celebrated NYCW referee would unleash a curse ridden tirade of why he doesn't take any BS from the wrestlers or from the fans and that they need to keep away from the wrestlers and conduct themselves with class. Photos were okay, a reasonable amount of cussing was okay but absolutely under no circumstances did anybody have the right to touch any wrestlers. Bull acknowledged that the announcers for the night were Marv Earnest and Lee Bambino. He took a quick jab at Rock Downpour who'd left for CGC and the fans chuckled at his joke. (It was something about Rock's affinity for Waffles and Pancakes at absurd hours.). [B][CENTER]________________________[/CENTER][/B] [B][U][FONT="Impact"][SIZE="5"][CENTER]SEGMENT 1[/CENTER][/SIZE][/FONT][/U][/B] [CENTER][IMG]http://i66.photobucket.com/albums/h247/Ramaeno/TSBW.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i66.photobucket.com/albums/h247/Ramaeno/SFBW.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i66.photobucket.com/albums/h247/Ramaeno/GMFBW.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] Although the live audience wouldn't get to see this unless they ordered the video recorded version of the event in the proceeding days, the production booth kicks off the show with footage regarding the main event. Highlights of Steve Flash, The Stomper and Grandmaster Phunk discussing the main event are shown as well as quick clips from their past matches. At the end of the package, Marv Earnest and Lee Bambino briefly discuss the main event of the card, the Triple Threat Title Unification bout. Rating: [B]D-[/B] [B][CENTER]________________________[/CENTER][/B] [B][U][FONT="Impact"][SIZE="5"][CENTER]SEGMENT 2[/CENTER][/SIZE][/FONT][/U][/B] [SIZE="4"][FONT="Impact"][B]THIS CONTEST IS SCHEDULED FOR ONE FALL........[/B][/FONT][/SIZE] [CENTER][IMG]http://i66.photobucket.com/albums/h247/Ramaeno/SpikeBW.jpg[/IMG] [B][U]VERSUS[/U][/B] [IMG]http://i66.photobucket.com/albums/h247/Ramaeno/STSBW.jpg[/IMG] [B]SPIKE [/B] [U]vs[/U] [B]SAMMY THE SHARK[/B][/CENTER] [B]Marv Earnest[/B]: Well Ladies and Gentlemen we are ready to begin NYCW's TriBorough Challenge with our first contest right here, the always dangerous Spike taking on the equally as dangerous, Sammy The Shark. [B]Lee Bambino[/B]: Don't adjust your television sets folks, that is infact The New York Doll right there. [B]Marv Earnest[/B]: Right. Well I spoke with Spike before the match to ask him about his new kinda nickname, he told me that he felt last year was only a so-so year for him and that he'll always be a "New York Doll" but that his nickname as a kid was Spike and that he wanted to start the new year with clean slate, a fresh slate and well, we'll see if this new name can give him a boost. [B]Lee Bambino:[/B] Michael Bull checking out both guys, what is that on the back of Sammy The Sharks trunks there, Marv? [B]Marv Earnest[/B]: Hm...Looks like a pair of dice...A 4 and a 3... So, lucky seven dice on Sammy's trunks, let's see if these trunks are lucky for Sammy. [B]Lee Bambino:[/B] There's the bell. [B]Marv Earnest:[/B] And here we go.. Both men circling eachother, there's certainly nothing fancy about the technique of Spike. We know this man is a brawler. [B]Lee Bambino[/B]: Collar and elbow tie up... You know, both of these guys seem like they are right on the threshold here in NYCW, wouldn't you agree, Marv? [B]Marv Earnest[/B]: Well Lee, both of these guys have tremendous potential, there is no mistaking that. Nice headlock take down by Spike. [B]Lee Bambino[/B]: I think that proper management would serve these guys well, you know that Marv? [B]Marv Earnest[/B]: Well Lee, and there's a nice reverse into a hammerlock by Sammy The Shark. I fully agree with you, Lee but as you've probably realized that in NYCW, fine management is a hard thing to come by. Why, you've seen how Herb Stately has been handling Land Mass. Initially there seemed to be improvement and of course now there is all that speculation about Herb actually stealing money and manipulating Land Mass' fight contracts to give himself a heavier cut of the cash. Theres a nice Irish whip by Sammy The Shark, Spike ducks under a clothesline attempt and WHAM! Off the back end with a flying forearm and that sends Sammy to the ground, Lee, Spike might've just broke Sammy'3 nose! [B]Lee Bambino[/B]: WOW! Yeah! You're absolutely right, Marv. What a shot from Spike! Sammy is hurt, if I were Spike I might go for the cover right now, try to pull the carpet out from right under Sammy! %pA [B]Marv Earnest:[/B] And he does but only gets a quick two count. My, that would've been an explosive way to kick off NYCW's Tri-Borough Challenge. We thank you for being with us here on the NYCW Video and DVD series. If you go to NYCW events and have the time of your life, definitely check out the video and DVD packages, a whole new way of experiencing the event. [B] Lee Bambino[/B]: Absolutely. You know, these DVD's have some pretty high service area, Marv. I got an e-mail the other day from a kind wrestling fan all the way out in Japan. The guy really loves our product and is even thinking about cross the river to head to the East Coast to check out some NYCW action. [B]Marv Earnest[/B]: Well there is no doubt about it, NYCW may not look like a million dollar company but we've got a million dollar product. You know Lee, Spike has really taken over this match, he's wrenching in that chinlock right now. [B]Lee Bambino:[/B] And that's what I'm talking about, Marv. A little management would really help out a guy like Spike. As you can see, he's got the hands clutching the chin there, but the fingers aren't locked. A little tweak like that, locking the fingers and Sammy might be tapping out right now. [B]Marv Earnest: [/B]Excellent observation there, Lee. The resistence just isn't what it could be and that's why Sammy is starting to figh out of this thing. Both men back to their feet now and an elbow to the sternum busts Spikes hold. Sammy is back in this now. [B]Lee Bambino[/B]: You know, Spike is a big fan of punk rock music, Marv. You ever listen to that kinda stuff? [B]Marv Earnest[/B]: To be honest, no. I'm more of a rolling stones kind of guy. Theres a quick rollup by Sammy The Shark, one-two..no good! Both men back to their feet, some fans seemed surprised by that one! [B]Lee Bambino:[/B] I know Spike was really upset when they closed down CBGB's in the Bowery, alot of Punk rock history right there. [B]Marv Earnest:[/B] To be honest Lee, I've never been but that may've been some motivation here because what a MOVE from SPIKE! He swung under a wild haymaker from Sammy got behind him and drilled him with an atomic drop! WOW! [B]Lee Bambino[/B]: WOW! That rocked Sammy! [B]Marv Earnest[/B]: Back to what you were saying about management for these guys, Lee. Now Spike is walking around, taunting the fans....He should either be trying for the pin or furthering his offense, this sort of thing is stupid on so many levels. [B]Lee Bambino: [/B]Oh definitely, Marv. I mean Sammy is clearly hurt, the referee is checking on him and there's Spike futzing around with the crowd. This mistake may come to bite him in the rear. [B] Marv Earnest:[/B] Well he's back on Sammy now. Picking up Sammy the Shark and sending him into the corner. Spike charging in headfirst and Sammy stops him with a boot to the gut! Sammy The Shark mounts the second ropes and leaps over a doubled over Spike, he's got a craddle on Spike! One...TWO... THR NO! KICK OUT! [B]Lee Bambino: [/B]JUST LIKE WE SAID! Sammy almost made Spike pay right there! [B]Marv Earnest:[/B] Now Sammy the Shark on the offense, he picks up Spike by the spiked hair, Sammy signaling for the DDT! BUT NO! Spike wraps his arms around Sammys waist and over the top with a bridged nortern lights suplex! ONE TWO THREE! THAT'S IT! SPIKE IS THE WINNER!! [B][U][FONT="Impact"][SIZE="4"][CENTER]WINNER:[/CENTER][/SIZE][/FONT][/U][/B] [CENTER][IMG]http://i66.photobucket.com/albums/h247/Ramaeno/SpikeBW.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [B][CENTER]SPIKE[/CENTER][/B] Rating: [B]F+[/B] [B][CENTER]________________________[/CENTER][/B] [B][U][FONT="Impact"][SIZE="5"][CENTER]SEGMENT 3[/CENTER][/SIZE][/FONT][/U][/B] [CENTER][IMG]http://i66.photobucket.com/albums/h247/Ramaeno/HFBW.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i66.photobucket.com/albums/h247/Ramaeno/STSBW.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] The rowdy crowd in the Weston Gymnasium began provoking and screaming at Sammy the Shark who was laid out on the canvas. Trying to clear his head of cobwebs, he got to one knee and looked around. The crowd began booing as, clad in a spotless beautiful navy blue suit was none other than Honest Frank. Frank had a look of absolute disgust on his face and he climbed into the ring. Sammy looked up at Honest Frank, a little confused. Frank walked right over to Sammy and WHAM! A slap to the face! Sammy fell back and Honest Frank stood right over him, screaming at him, shouting in his face. Honest Frank slapped Sammy around a few more times and then left the ring area, shaking his head. The fans were booing Frank uncontrollably. Rating:[B] F+[/B] [B][CENTER]________________________[/CENTER][/B] [B][U][FONT="Impact"][SIZE="5"][CENTER]SEGMENT 4[/CENTER][/SIZE][/FONT][/U][/B] [B][FONT="Impact"][SIZE="4"]THIS CONTEST IS SCHEDULED FOR ONE FALL........[/SIZE][/FONT][/B] [CENTER][IMG]http://i66.photobucket.com/albums/h247/Ramaeno/TMMBW.jpg[/IMG] [B][U]VERSUS[/U][/B] [IMG]http://i66.photobucket.com/albums/h247/Ramaeno/DEBW.jpg[/IMG] [B]THE MASKED MAULER [/B][U]vs[/U] [B]JOHNNY EXCELLENT[/B][/CENTER] Various members of the crowd got to their feet when they saw the NYCW veteran Masked Mauler come down to the ring. Clad in his dirty brown mask and generic white tights (the sort with the blue stars running down the side) The Mauler looked pissed off and ready. The fans didn't particularly like The Mauler but they were behind him in this one. The former Duberry Excess came to the ring wearing a flamboyant long flowing robe with feathers. On the back of the robe were the words "JOHNNY EXCELLENT" He had the most arrogant look possible on his face. He didn't come from Canada alone either. There was a huge man by his side, clearly a bodyguard of sorts. The hulking man had spiked out white hair and the look of a homicidal maniac. Hardcore fans knew this bodyguard was NOTBPW star Derek Frost. Michael Bull didn't even get a chance to check both men out because as soon as Johnny E hit the ring, The Mauler was mauling! He came right at Johnny with a double ax handle that brought the newcomer to his knees. The Mauler flung Johnny's robe over Johnnys head, blinding him and then hammering him with wild haymakers. The crowd loved it. The bell rang and Michael Bull pulled Masked Mauler aside and stuck a finger in his face. "THAT'S ENOUGH OF THAT B.S.!!" The ref shouted, this draw cheers from the crowd who loved Michael for that very phrase. Johnny was able to slide out of the ring and disrobe, running to his bodyguard for comfort. The two began plotting as Michael Bull was counting out Johnny. Johnny demanded that the referee call the Mauler away from the ropes before he reentered and Michael Bull did just that. Johnny got back into the ring and shot an evil look at the Mauler. He began shouting out profanity's at the Mauler which got the crowd all over him. Johnny and The Mauler locked up and the Mauler dug into Johnnys midsection with a knee. The crowd loved it. The Mauler dragged Johnny into the corner and hammered him head first into the turnbuckle. He pulled Johnny out of the turnbuckle and went to shoot him in for an Irish whip but instead he pulled Johnny back at the last second and levelled him with a short arm clothesline. Johnny was barely ale to kick out. The Mauler slapped on a chinlock and WRENCHED! Derek Frost from the outside didn't say a word and his eyes didn't leave the Mauler. The Mauler could see Frost starring at him and it pissed him off. The Mauler jumped off of Johnny and ran to the ropes, sticking his finger out at Derek Frost and shouting at him. Seeing as Frost hadn't really done anything, Michael Bull couldn't yell at Frost but rather at The Mauler. This gave Johnny E the chance to sneak in with a lowblow. The fans booed and the Mauler dropped. Johnny had control now, an elbow drop and a quick pinfall attempt for a one count. Johnny picked up the Mauler and slapped him! OUCH! The Mauler was shot into the ropes and Johnny ducked down for a back body drop but caught boot to the mouth instead. The fans cheered. The Mauler with an elbow drop of his own and then he began choking Johnny as the crowd cheered. Derek Frost jumped on the apron at that and Michael Bull stopped repremanding The Mauler to go deal with the big man. The Mauler, who seemed to have a bigger issue with Derek than Johnnhy, stopped choking out Johnny and ran along side Michael Bull, getting in Dereks face. This gave Johnny E the ample opportunity to reach into his kneepads and remove the dreaded.... TAPED OBJECT!!! Johnny slid what appeared to be brass knuckles onto his hand. He sneaked over to the Mauler, tapped him on the shoulder and WHAM! K.O CITY! Johnny threw the object into his trunks and Derek jumped off the apron. Michael Bull shouted out at Derek a few more times, turned around and had no choice but to count the pinfall. 1.2.3. [B][U][FONT="Impact"][SIZE="5"][CENTER]WINNER[/CENTER][/SIZE][/FONT][/U][/B] [CENTER][IMG]http://i66.photobucket.com/albums/h247/Ramaeno/DEBW.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [B][CENTER]JOHNNY EXCELLENT[/CENTER][/B] Rating: [B]E[/B] [B][CENTER]________________________[/CENTER][/B] [B][U][FONT="Impact"][SIZE="5"][CENTER]SEGMENT 5[/CENTER][/SIZE][/FONT][/U][/B] [CENTER][IMG]http://i66.photobucket.com/albums/h247/Ramaeno/DEBW.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i66.photobucket.com/albums/h247/Ramaeno/DFBW.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] After the match, when the bell had rung Johnny Excellent and Derek Frost began putting the boots to The Mauler as the crowd booed. Michael Bull, having done his duty, decided not to get in these guys' way and simply left the ring. Derek Frost rolled the Mauler out of the ring and Johnny E demanded a microphone from somebody at ringside. [B]Johnny Excellent:[/B] WASN'T THAT EXCELLENT!!!! Boos. [B]Johnny Excellent:[/B] START SPREADING THE NEWS...... Boos. [B]Johnny Excellent[/B]: I'M LEAVIN' TODAY....... More Boos. [B]Johnny Excellent:[/B] I WANNA BE APART OF IT.... LOUDER BOOS!! [B]Johnny Excellent[/B]: NEEEWW YOORK... NEWWWWW YORK!!!! EVEN [B][U]LOUDER[/U][/B] BOOS!!! [B]Johnny Excellent[/B]: New York City, New Jersey, Pennsylvania, wherever, whenever, YOUR HERO IS HERE!! The crowd hated Johnny. [B]Johnny Excellent[/B]: Incase you didn't know by now, my name is JOHNNY. JOHNNY EXCELLENT and I AM EXCELLENT! Rating: [B]E[/B] [B][CENTER]________________________[/CENTER][/B] [B][U][FONT="Impact"][SIZE="5"][CENTER]SEGMENT 6[/CENTER][/SIZE][/FONT][/U][/B] [FONT="Impact"][SIZE="5"]THIS CONTEST IS SCHEDULED FOR ONE FALL............[/SIZE][/FONT] [CENTER][IMG]http://i66.photobucket.com/albums/h247/Ramaeno/RSBW.jpg[/IMG] [B][U]VERSUS[/U][/B] [IMG]http://i66.photobucket.com/albums/h247/Ramaeno/LMBW.jpg[/IMG] [B]RICK SANDERS[/B] [U]vs[/U] [B]LAND MASS[/B] (RAMAENOS NOTE: THESE RESULTS ARE DONE BY ZEUS SIMULATOR)[/CENTER] [B]Lee Bambino[/B] - This match is a Standard Match. On his way to the ring at this time, weighing in at 435 pounds, from The Land of Mass accompanied by Herb Stately, Land Mass!!! (crowd boos *) [The sound of thunder and lightning as well as earthquake like tremors explode over the arena public address system. This notorious theme belongs to one man and one man only (although he is the size of many men!) LAND MASS! The beastly man saunters down to the ring ready for action. ] [B]Lee Bambino[/B] - and his opponent, weighing in at 205 pounds, from Virginia Beach, Virginia, Rick Sanders!!! (crowd cheers ***) [A fusion of generic techno and rock began blasting over the public address system and Rick Sanders ran out from the backstage area like a blazig ball of energy. Wearing traditional baby blue trunks, baby blue knee pads and white boots, he threw his ring jacket aside and climbed in the ring. Michael Bull checks Land Mass's boots and knee pads. Michael Bull checks Rick Sanders's boots and knee pads. (ring, ring, ring) Land Mass gouges Rick Sanders's eyes out. Rick Sanders executes a headlock takedown. Rick Sanders hits Land Mass with an elbowdrop. ] [B]Marv Earnest[/B] - Rick Sanders with a elbowdrop. [Now Rick Sanders standing. Land Mass is up again. Rick Sanders bounces Land Mass off the ropes and clotheslines him. Rick Sanders drives a forearm into the head of Land Mass. ] [B]Lee Bambino[/B] - Rick Sanders executes a forearm smash. [Rick Sanders slaps Land Mass. Rick Sanders gets sent into the turnbuckle while Land Mass hits him with a splash. Land Mass drags Rick Sanders to the floor. Michael Bull starts the count (.1) (..2) Land Mass bites Rick Sanders's arm out of desparation. (...3) Land Mass punches Rick Sanders in the head. ] [B]Marv Earnest[/B] - Land Mass executes a punch. [(....4) Rick Sanders gets caught with an elbowsmash to the face. (.....5) Land Mass and Rick Sanders move back into the ring. Land Mass kicks Rick Sanders in the back of the leg. ] [B]Lee Bambino[/B] - Land Mass executes a kick. [Rick Sanders gets up. Land Mass picks up Rick Sanders and delivers a bone crunching shoulderbreaker. Land Mass executes the sleeperhold on Rick Sanders. Michael Bull asks Rick Sanders if he quits. ... ... Rick Sanders trys to escape. ... Land Mass tightens the hold. ... Land Mass breaks the hold. ] [B]Marv Earnest[/B] - We almost had a winner. [Land Mass climbs to the top of the turnbuckle and executes the diving headbutt on Rick Sanders. Land Mass sucks chants start in the crowd. Land Mass climbs to his feet. Now Rick Sanders standing. Land Mass pins Rick Sanders against the ropes and chokes him with his forearm. Rick Sanders delivers a kick to the head of Land Mass. Rick Sanders trys for a power move but is unable to lift Land Mass.Rick Sanders gorrilla presses Land Mass. Rick Sanders covers Land Mass hooking the leg. Michael Bull counts. ...1 ...2 ...3 ] [B]Lee Bambino [/B]- We've got ourselves a winner! [B]Lee Bambino[/B] - The winner of this match, Rick Sanders!!! [FONT="Impact"][SIZE="4"][U][CENTER]WINNER[/CENTER][/U][/SIZE][/FONT] [CENTER][IMG]http://i66.photobucket.com/albums/h247/Ramaeno/RSBW.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [B][CENTER]RICK SANDERS[/CENTER][/B] Rating: [B]E+[/B] [B][CENTER]________________________[/CENTER][/B] [B][U][FONT="Impact"][SIZE="5"][CENTER]SEGMENT 7[/CENTER][/SIZE][/FONT][/U][/B] [CENTER][IMG]http://i66.photobucket.com/albums/h247/Ramaeno/HSBW.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i66.photobucket.com/albums/h247/Ramaeno/LMBW.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [B]Marv Earnest[/B]: That is just a really hard loss for Land Mass. I mean,the guy isn't even half his size and just basically dominated him, Lee. [B]Lee Bambino[/B]: Yeah, Marv, you're dead on with that. Land Mass just had no answers. He seemed to lack a want to be in there too, Marv. [B]Marv Earnest[/B]: That is a real big setback for Land Mass. That definitely drops him in the rankings... He is going to have to really put himself back together if he hopes to get back into the title picture, a title picture that has eluded him for some time...You know Lee, after the dissolvement of The Massive Problem and Land Mass' decision to hire Herb Stately, things have basically gone down hill. I mean, at first it seemed as though it were the right move, the tag team split, The Big Bus I mean Problem left NYCW, Land Mass hired Herb Stately and bulldozed through everybody. He got a title shot against Grandmaster Phunk and since then he has been in a hell of a funk. [B]Lee Bambino[/B]: What's this? Herb and Land Mass in the ring, Herb has some words for Land Mass! [B]Marv Earnest[/B]: Yeah..Look at that, Herb just berating Land Mass! [B]Lee Bambino[/B]: OUCH! [B]Marv Earnest[/B]: WOW! A SLAP FROM HERB TO LAND MASS! MY GOODNESS! [B]Lee Bambino[/B]: Is he nuts or something?! [B]Marv Earnest[/B]: And now Herb is leaving the ring area...Leaving minus Land Mass... Wow..... The problems continue for Land Mass! Rating: [B]D-[/B] [B][CENTER]________________________[/CENTER][/B] [B][U][FONT="Impact"][SIZE="5"][CENTER]SEGMENT 8[/CENTER][/SIZE][/FONT][/U][/B] [SIZE="5"][FONT="Impact"]THIS CONTEST IS SCHEDULED FOR ONE FALL......[/FONT][/SIZE] [CENTER][IMG]http://i66.photobucket.com/albums/h247/Ramaeno/AMBW.jpg[/IMG] [B][U]VERSUS[/U][/B] [IMG]http://i66.photobucket.com/albums/h247/Ramaeno/SMBW.jpg[/IMG] [B]AMERICAN MACHINE [/B][U]vs[/U] [B]SHEIK MUSTAFA[/B][/CENTER] [B]Marv Earnest: [/B]Although this bout has only been under promotion for less than a month it certainly feels as though this bout has been under promotion for alot longer than that. [B]Lee Bambino:[/B] I couldn't agree with you more, Marv. Like years worth of promotion. Like since Desert Storm. [B]Marv Earnest:[/B] Or even longer than that. [B]Lee Bambino:[/B] The crowd is all over the Sheik as he comes to the ring. You know, it takes alot of guts to come out here dressed like that, carrying that flag with you. [B]Marv Earnest: [/B]Well the Sheik is a veteran and in his longer career he has definitely never shown a lack of fortitude, if you know what I mean. [B]Lee Bambino: [/B]He looks in pretty good shape, Marv. [B]Marv Earnest:[/B] Oh yeah. I read the charts yesterday he came in at around 235 245 pounds, he certainly didn't let retirement keep him out of the gym. This crowd is going to light up when they hear The Boss' "Born in the USA" [B]Lee Bambino:[/B] WOW! And they do! The walls are shaking! Here comes the American Machine! [B]Marv Earnest: [/B]And right by his side carrying old glory up high it's Whistler! [B]Lee Bambino:[/B] The crowd is on it's feet. They love the American Machine. [B]Marv Earnest:[/B] They sure do, Lee, and I'll tell you what, the Machine has always been a fan favorite but this may be the biggest applause I've heard him receive! [B]Lee Bambino: [/B]There's alot riding on his shoulders in this match, Marv. No doubt about that. [B]Marv Earnest:[/B] The intensity is so thick you could cut it with a knife, Lee. [B]Lee Bambino: [/B]Michael Bull checking both men out now. He does a real thorough job with that. [B]Marv Earnest:[/B] Sure does. The crowd hasn't stopped. Now that's something you don't like to have to see right there, security escorting a rowdy fellow out... You gotta keep your emotions under control. If a wrestler can do it, knowing his livelihood, his status and so on are on the line, there's no reason why a fan can't keep his cool. [B]Lee Bambino: [/B]Normally I'd agree Marv but this is more than a wrestling match to some people. [B]Marv Earnest[/B]: Point well taken. The bell hasn't rung yet but these two guys are starring eachother down with such ferocity... I'm glad I'm not in the ring right now! [B]Lee Bambino:[/B] There goes Whistler, he made his famous whistle call to he fans and now the fans are chanting 'U-S-A'! [B]Marv Earnest:[/B] Lee in all my time here I don't think I've felt the production room shake from the noise in the arena, this is INTENSE! [B]Lee Bambino: [/B]There's the bell! [B]Marv Earnest:[/B] No circling, these men head right for one another and they are putting on the jaw lock. [B]Lee Bambino: [/B]I think that American Machine is gonna win the war of the words simply because I don't know how anybody could understand anything the Sheik is saying. [B]Marv Earnest:[/B] A shove from the Sheik! [B]Lee Bambino: [/B]American Machine fires right back! [B] Marv Earnest: [/B]OH! A cheap shot to the jaw by the Sheik... American Machine, blind sided by a stiff right hand and he's down, the Sheik right on top of him and going to work, the fans don't like this! The Sheik gets up and spits right on The Machine, the wrestling ring is NO PLACE for that kind of behavior! The crowd is livid! [B]Lee Bambino:[/B] The Machine can't be happy about the way things are kicking off! [B]Marv Earnest:[/B] Well the Sheik bringing it back to wrestling now with an armbar right there.... Putting all the pressure on the elbow area. [B]Lee Bambino: [/B]I think that this match is going to be alot tougher than some people thought. [B]Marv Earnest: [/B]Well Lee the Sheik has held titles in various federations. He's even held the title in the acclaimed United States Pro Wrestling organization, the company owned by possibly the greatest of all time, Sam Strong. [B]Lee Bambino: [/B]Oh definitely, the Sheik isn't some slouch. At times he's been one of the top guys in the business but at this advanced age and having taken as much punishment as he has, I just thought he may be a little slow to the draw tonight. [B]Marv Earnest:[/B] I hear you...But it certainly doesn't seem to be going that way tonight. The Sheik letting go of that armbar but the damage is done. I think you're gonna have to knock out or kill the Machine to win this one. [B]Lee Bambino[/B]: He wants it bad and he's gonna have to try to do something real quick and out of nowhere to take back some control. [B]Marv Earnest:[/B] The Sheik with a handful of hair. He's dragging The Machine to the corner and WOW! A VICIOUS KNIFE-EDGE CHOP! You could hear that five miles away! [B]Lee Bambino:[/B] And another! GOD THAT MAKES ME CRINGE! [B]Marv Earnest:[/B] The Sheik, quite frankly, has taken the life out of the crowd. Climbing up the ropes now, he's driving fists right down on American Machines head. One two, three.... Four five, all the way to ten! Wow! Look at that! Perched up over the Machine and taunting the crowd! [B]Lee Bambino: [/B]WHAT A REVERSAL! [B]Marv Earnest:[/B] WOW! The Sheik, perched up on that second rope, he was punching the Machine, took a second to taunt the crowd and the Machine grabbed him around the knees, ran out of the corner and dropped him crotch first onto the knee! What an inverted atomic drop! [B]Lee Bambino:[/B] THAT'LL TAKE THE BREATH OUT OF YOU IN HURRY! [B]Marv Earnest:[/B] The crowd getting back into it now. The Machine picks up the Sheik, YIKES! A knife edge chop! That drops the Sheik! [B]Lee Bambino:[/B] Payback is a sun of a gun, Marv! [B]Marv Earnest:[/B] Sure is! Another knife edge chop and the Sheik goes down again! The Machine picks up the Sheik, spins full circle, WHAM a right hand that nearly took the Sheiks head off! The Sheik rolls to the outside, the crowd is going bananas! [B]Lee Bambino:[/B] Wow! He spun around, built up the momentum and took the Sheik down! [B]Marv Earnest:[/B] The referee administering the count now.. The Sheik better be careful here, Michael Bull isn't know to let wrestlers have a big rest out there. [B]Lee Bambino:[/B] WOW! Forget about the count! Whistler with a clothesline to the Sheik! [B] Marv Earnest:[/B] The Sheik wandered around outside and ran right into the Whistler! The crowd is loving it! [B] Lee Bambino:[/B] Michael Bull stops the count and admonishes Whistler! I don't think Whistler cares, to be honest! [B]Marv Earnest:[/B] He sure doesn't, Lee! Sheik Mustafa thinks better of being out there and gets back into the ring. [B]Lee Bambino: [/B]The Machine is right back on him now! Pounding away with wreckless abandon! [B]Marv Earnest:[/B] The Sheik is in a world of trouble. American Machine jumped on him and started throwing his arms and legs, just whailing away! The Machine now picks up The Sheik, irish whip in and a LARIAT FROM HELL! WOW! [B]Lee Bambino:[/B] Think the Machine is fired up? [B]Marv Earnest:[/B] If he isn't, I'm afraid to know what he's like when he is, Lee Bambino! American Machine lifting up the Sheik, OH and a thumb to the eyes! The crowd boos! [B]Lee Bambino:[/B] Wow, the Sheik put a stop to The Machines momentum with a desperation move right there, Marv [B]Marv Earnest:[/B] The Sheik can't let this opportunity go by, he's got to take advantage and he does big scoop slam! Quick cover but only a one count! The Sheik going right after the Machine, choking him! The referee telling the Machine to lay off with the illegal moves. The Sheik doesn't seem to care but he breaks the choke anyway. The Sheik now brings Machine back to his feet, lives him up by the waist and OW.. A BRUTAL BEAR HUG! [B] Lee Bambino:[/B] He's trying to squeeze the very life out of American Machine! [B]Marv Earnest:[/B] Probably a good move from The Sheik here, takes the momentum out of the Machine and out of the crowd. [B]Lee Bambino:[/B] The Sheik is still hanging in there with this thing, Marv. You know, before the bout I checked in with a few people I know, no names need be mentioned here but the Machine was a 7 to 1 favorite with a few book keepers. [B]Marv Earnest:[/B] You saying you know a few people of controversial persuasion? [B]Lee Bambino:[/B] All I'm saying is a few people that don't make clean money had the Machine ahead 7 to 1.. To me, it looks more 6 to 4. [B]Marv Earnest:[/B] The Sheik releasing that bear hug, not sure why, he had The Machine hurt, Lee. [B]Lee Bambino[/B]: It's tough to gauge, Marv. He must've realized something we couldn't from here...It's a different animal in the ring. [B]Marv Earnest:[/B] You're probably right, Lee. The Sheik now putting the boots to the Machine. He takes a second out to taunt the crowd and to taunt Whistler! Whistler not having any of it and he tries to get into the ring, the crowd loves it! [B]Lee Bambino:[/B] Michael Bull holding back Whistler. Sheik getting in Whistlers face. Smart move by Whistler here as The American Machine getting back to his feet... Whistler leaves the ring, Michael Bull yelling out at him. Sheik turns arond and eats a fist full of fury! Machine back in control! [B]Marv Earnest:[/B] Machine looks to the crowd, swings his arm in the air, the crowd is getting behind the American Machine. DDT! WOW! He nearly drove Sheiks head back into his shoulders with that one! 1...2.... THRE---WOW OH MAN THAT WAS THREE, C'MON LEE, THAT WAS THREE! [B]Lee Bambino:[/B] Close but no cigar, Marv! [B]Marv Earnest:[/B] The crowd thought it was all over. American Machine is on fire now, he picks up the Sheik, looks around here we go, he hoists the Sheik over his shoulders, spinning around, an ALL AMERICAN AIR PLANE SPIN! [B]Lee Bambino[/B]: HE'S SPINNING NOW! [B]Marv Earnest: [/B]And DOWN!!! HERES THE COVER.... ONE.... TWO.... THR OOOOOOOOH!! [B]Lee Bambino:[/B] AGAIN! THAT WAS SO CLOSE! [B]Marv Earnest: [/B]And you can see the frustration building up on American Machines face.... He thought he had him...This is where the Machine needs to dig down, this is his match to lose! [B]Lee Bambino:[/B] He's so close...One more big move....that's it....one last...finishing touch! Look at Whistler, he's loving it. He's got the crowd going...this is a spectacular sight, Marv! [B]Marv Earnest:[/B] Here we go now... American Machine with an Irish or should I say American whip? He hits the ropes too... They're going head on...here we go... [B]Lee Bambino: [/B]WOW!!! [B]Marv Earnest:[/B] WOW is RIGHT! DOUBLE CLOTHESLINE! THAT WAS A TRAIN WRECK, LEE! A REAL TRAIN WRECK AND BOTH MEN ARE DOWN! [B]Lee Bambino:[/B] They both hit real hard...they headbutted one another and crashed chests and arms...that was a real disaster right there, Marv! [B]Marv Earnest:[/B] Both men down now...I don't know who got the worst of that... Michael Bull adminstering the mandatory 10 count...we may get a draw here! [B]Lee Bambino:[/B] Nobody wants to see a draw, Marv! Not now! [B]Marv Earnest:[/B] He's up to 6.....7....8... The Sheik! The Sheik is moving... He climbs over the Machine....ONE.....TWO.... NO! The Machine lifts his arm in the air, the crowd is brought back to life! [B]Lee Bambino: [/B]This has been the best match of the night, for my money, so far, Marv! [B]Marv Earnest:[/B] And there's still so much left to see! Machine brought up the shoulder but still hasn't done anything else. The Sheik now back to his feet, he is hurt, Lee. He's real hurt. The Sheik now rolling the Machine over onto his chest and sitting down on that back, he pulls the Machine up by the neck.... secures the arms...IT'S A CAMEL CLUTCH!!! [B]Lee Bambino:[/B] WOW! HE'S GOT THAT LOCKED IN!! MY GOD HE MAY SNAP HIM IN HALF, MARV! [B]Marv Earnest: [/B]HE'S PULLING HARD! HE'S PULLING HARD... The Machine won't quit! His eyes are open! He refuses! He just won't say no! [B]Lee Bambino:[/B] LOOK AT HOW RED HIS BACK, SHOULDERS AND NECK AIR...THOSE BONES ARE GONNA SNAP, MARV! ANY SECOND NOW! [B]Marv Earnest:[/B] The Machine refusing to quit... Sheik...look at his face, he's straining! He's pulling with all of his mght and with all his life Lee! [B]Lee Bambino:[/B] No! No no no! Don't quit, Machine! Stay in there man!! [B]Marv Earnest: [/B]Michael Bull keeps asking...He's asking, Machine shouting out no!! [B]Lee Bambino:[/B] Oh god! [B]Marv Earnest:[/B] Machine! Machine spitting out blood! Oh man, that can't be good! [B]Lee Bambino:[/B] What the hell?! What...WHAT THE HELL?! [B]Marv Earnest:[/B] WHISTLER!! WHISTLER JUMPS IN THE RING... HE'S WAVING HIS ARMS IN THE AIR...!! HE'S CALLING THE MATCH!! HE'S CALLING THE MATCH... THE CROWD IS BOOING...IT'S OVER!!!!!! IT'S ALL OVER!!!! [B]Lee Bambino:[/B] WHISTLER STOPS THE FIGHT! WHISTLER STOPS THE FIGHT! [B]Marv Earnest:[/B] THE BELL RINGS! I CAN'T BELIEVE IT!! LIGHTNING IN A BOTTLE OR WHAT!!! THE SHEIK HAS WON.... THE SHEIK HAS WON AND THE MACHINE...HE MAY BE SERIOUSLY INJURED, LEE!!! [CENTER][U][FONT="Impact"][SIZE="4"]WINNER[/SIZE][/FONT][/U] [IMG]http://i66.photobucket.com/albums/h247/Ramaeno/SMBW.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [B][CENTER]SHEIK MUSTAFA[/CENTER][/B] Rating: [B]E+[/B] [B][CENTER]________________________[/CENTER][/B] [B][U][FONT="Impact"][SIZE="5"][CENTER]SEGMENT 9[/CENTER][/SIZE][/FONT][/U][/B] [CENTER][IMG]http://i66.photobucket.com/albums/h247/Ramaeno/GMFBW.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [SIZE="2"][FONT="Courier New"]NYCW EMPIRE CHAMPION[/FONT][/SIZE] [B][CENTER]GRANDMASTER PHUNK[/CENTER][/B] At this point, the production booth added in another DVD/Video exclusive (unless you already saw said item on the NYCWrestling.com page) which was the interview of Grandmaster Phunk in the Hell's Kitchen Alley w/ Ho's included. (Note: See Grandmaster Phunk interview post previously written in diary) Rating: [B]C-[/B] [B][CENTER]________________________[/CENTER][/B] [B][U][FONT="Impact"][SIZE="5"][CENTER]SEGMENT 10[/CENTER][/SIZE][/FONT][/U][/B] [FONT="Impact"][SIZE="5"]THIS CONTEST IS SCHEDULED FOR ONE FALL......[/SIZE][/FONT] [CENTER][U][SIZE="5"][FONT="Impact"]AND IS FOR THE NYCW TAG TEAM CHAMPIONSHIPS!!![/FONT][/SIZE][/U] [IMG]http://i66.photobucket.com/albums/h247/Ramaeno/originalbelt09-2.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [CENTER][B][U][FONT="Impact"][SIZE="4"]THE CHALLENGERS[/SIZE][/FONT][/U][/B] [IMG]http://i66.photobucket.com/albums/h247/Ramaeno/DPBW.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i66.photobucket.com/albums/h247/Ramaeno/PRBW.jpg[/IMG] [B]WAR[/B] and [B]FAMINE[/B] [IMG]http://i66.photobucket.com/albums/h247/Ramaeno/KKBW.jpg[/IMG] w/ [B]DEATH[/B][/CENTER] [B][U][CENTER]VERSUS[/CENTER][/U][/B] [B][U][CENTER]THE NYCW TAG TEAM CHAMPIONS[/CENTER][/U][/B] [CENTER][IMG]http://i66.photobucket.com/albums/h247/Ramaeno/cdbw.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i66.photobucket.com/albums/h247/Ramaeno/WSBW.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [B][U][CENTER]WILEY COYOTE[/CENTER][/U][/B] [CENTER][B]COYOTE DYNAMITE [/B]and [B]WILEY STEINWAY[/B][/CENTER] Despite making their debut as surprise opponents, War and Famine didn't need too much to get over with the crowd as their look did it all. They came out to ridiculously overly gothic hardcore goth metal and were lead to the ring by the stunning manager, Death. The crowd from Jersey kind of gave them an anti-hero applause as they got into the ring. The two monsterous men were in great shape and looked as evil as ever. NYCW regulars, the NYCW Tag Team Champions Wiley Coyote came out to some Black Sabbath. The crowd certainly had support for the champions, despite a small section kinda digging the feel of the new guys. Both teams stood in the ring and eyed eachother down. Michael Bull did his checking and the bell rang. War started off with Coyote Dynamite. Coyote Dynamite ran right into War who lifted him up in a choke and then flung him ala Jim Force style into the turnbuckles. The crowd were shocked by this impressive display of strength. Death began berating Wiley Coyote from ringside. Coyote Dynamite ran in for a tackle on death but found himself getting stabbed in the lower back by a sharp elbow which took him to the ground. Coyote fell chest first to the ground. War began toying with the Coyote by kicking him in the face softly. He grabbed Coyote by the throat and again lifted him high in the air (from the canvas!) He held him high in the air, choking him and then flung him into the corner again! He began laughing and Death was congratulating him. War gestured for Coyote to try again, and he did, running in head first and AGAIN being lifted by the choke. This time Coyote had learned his lesson and WHAM! A knee to the groin dropped the Coyote. The Coyote with a thumb to the eye and a knife edge chop got the fans to scream. Coyote chop blocked War at the knee, taking War off his feet! The crowd cheered. An elbow drop from Coyote and then he grabbed War by the wrist and dragged him into the Wiley Coyote corner. A tag to Wiley and Wiley got in, together Wiley Coyote began stomping away at war. Famine attempted to get in and break it up but Michael Bull wouldn't let him, showing some favoritism or leniency to the champions. Coyote got out of the ring and shouted at Death. Wiley Steinway was stomping away at War's arm. He lifted up War and tried to whip him off the ropes but the big man wouldn't budge, rather clotheslining Wiley to the ground. He picked up Whiley, slung him over his own (War's) shoulder and ran forward, BIG POWERSLAM! Cover...1...2... NO DICE! War lifted up Wiley by the hair, brought him to the corner and tagged out to Famine. Famie and War now with the double team and Coyote tried to run in this time being held back by the referee. The double team continued and Famine threw Wiley throat first against the second ropes giving Death the opportunity to slap Wiley as the fans jeered on Death. Famine hit the ropes and slung his leg over the back of Wiley who was laid out against the second ropes. Famine stepped back and pulled Wiley off the ropes. Famine flung Wiley into the corner and stuffed a boot in his throat, choking him out. He took the boot off of Wiley and then went with two hands, choking Wiley. Choking out Wiley, Famine continued to apply the illegal move until Michael Bull stepped in between both men and shoved his finger in Famines face, spitting out his catch phrase of "ENOUGH OF THIS B.S." as the crowd cheered. Wiley fell knee first onto the ground and Famine gave him a face full of boot. Famine with a tag out to War. Wiley stands up with his back to War as War comes in. War quickly with a forearm to the kidney area. War then uses his massive arms to wrap around Wileys head, a big time sleeper hold! Death shouted out at War, cheering him on. In the far corner, Coyote slapped the turnbuckle, trying to get the fans behind Wiley. War used all his weight to try to put Wiley to sleep. Wiley reaching, reaching out for the corner, for his partner... Stumbling a bit, War pulling him back,,, BOOM!! Wiley tucked his leg between Wars legs and WHAM with he kick between the legs! Both men hit the deck. Death slapped the canvas hard. Pounding the mat, trying to get War back to his feet. War reaching over for Famine, Wiley reaching over for Coyote. War sliding over, Wiley sliding over even slower. War leaps out and TAG! Here comes Famine! The crowd is cheering, Wiley almost there but here comes Famine... Famine with the..NO! NO stomp! None at all! Wiley with the tag and Coyote is in like a ball of fire! Coyote going to work with punch after punch to the midsection of Famine. Famine staggering back towards the ropes, Coyote grabs the wrist and shoots Famine in...He rushes at Famine and HUGE BOOT TO THE FACE! (caught more of chest, actually) and Famine goes down! A cover, one...two...NO!! Now War is in the ring but Coyote turns just in time to catch War with a punch to the gut. War stumbles back. Coyote back to his feet, hits the rope and slams a lariat against War but War doesn't go down! Coyote backs up again and another clothesline! War drops to one knee! Coyote with a third? NO! As he came in for the lariat he was blindsided by a spear from Famine! War goes to hit Coyote but Wiley is back in it! ALL FOUR MEN ARE IN THE RING AND ALL HELL HAS BROKE LOOSE! Michael Bull, trying to restore order. All four men are brawling...There is some commotion in the crowd, what's this? A MASKED MAN HAS APPEARED! He slides into the ring and goes right after Wiley Steinway! Michael Bull has lost control...THATS IT, THE BELL RINGS! [FONT="Impact"][U][SIZE="4"][CENTER]WINNERS (via DQ) and STILL NYCW TAG TEAM CHAMPIONS[/CENTER][/SIZE][/U][/FONT] [CENTER][IMG]http://i66.photobucket.com/albums/h247/Ramaeno/TSBW.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i66.photobucket.com/albums/h247/Ramaeno/WSBW.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [B][CENTER]WILEY COYOTE[/CENTER][/B] Rating: [B]E-[/B] [B][CENTER]________________________[/CENTER][/B] [B][U][FONT="Impact"][SIZE="5"][CENTER]SEGMENT 11[/CENTER][/SIZE][/FONT][/U][/B] [B][U][CENTER]The Horsemen[/CENTER][/U][/B] [CENTER][IMG]http://i66.photobucket.com/albums/h247/Ramaeno/KKBW.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i66.photobucket.com/albums/h247/Ramaeno/BEBW.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i66.photobucket.com/albums/h247/Ramaeno/PRBW.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i66.photobucket.com/albums/h247/Ramaeno/DPBW.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] The Tag Team Champions were laid out on their chests in the middle of the ring, entirely incapacitated. Michael Bull had made his decision to leave the ring after the bell rang and that's where he currently stood, on the outside looking up at this compilation of maniacs. The tough New Jersey crowd were kinda feeling the dark vibe of this group. Famine had only lost a minimal amount of facepaint in the bout. War was sweating but it made him look more like a hulking beast. They hadn't seen a masked man like Pestilence before, this was Jersey afterall, the only thing that came close was DAVE's Acid (or SWF'S Calamari Kid, right?) At anyrate Death stood before all of them, clearly the leader. [B]Death[/B]: And I saw when the Lamb opened one of the seals, and I heard, as it were the noise of thunder, one of the four beasts saying, Come and see. Fan: WOOOO! YOU LOOK GOOD TONIGHT BABY! [B]Death:[/B] And I saw, and behold a white horse: and he that sat on him had a bow; and a crown was given unto him: and he went forth conquering, and to conquer. [B]Death[/B]: And when he had opened the second seal, I heard the second beast say, Come and see. Biker Fan: YEA!! [B]Death[/B]: And there went out another horse that was red: and power was given to him that sat thereon to take peace from the earth, and that they should kill one another: and there was given unto him a great sword. Fan: JUST TAKE IT OFF! [B]Death[/B]: And when he had opened the third seal, I heard the third beast say, Come and see. And I beheld, and saw a black horse; and he that sat on him had a pair of scales in his hand. [B]Death[/B]: And I heard a voice in the midst of the four beasts say, A measure of wheat for a penny, and three measures of barley for a penny; and see thou hurt not the oil and the wine. Satanic Fan: 666 MAN!!! [B]Death:[/B] And when he had opened the fourth seal, I heard the voice of the fourth beast say, Come and see. [B]Death:[/B] And I looked, and behold a pale horse: and her name that sat on her was Death, and Hell followed with her. And power was given unto them over the fourth part of the earth, to kill with sword, and with hunger, and with death, and with THE BEASTS OF......... THE......... EARTH!!!!!!!!!!!! DEAD SILENCE. Rating: [B]D-[/B] [B][CENTER]________________________[/CENTER][/B] [B][U][FONT="Impact"][SIZE="5"][CENTER]SEGMENT 12[/CENTER][/SIZE][/FONT][/U][/B] [FONT="Impact"][SIZE="5"]THIS CONTEST IS SCHEDULED FOR ONE FALL AND IS A RETIREMENT MATCH!!![/SIZE][/FONT] [CENTER][IMG]http://i66.photobucket.com/albums/h247/Ramaeno/LeeWrightBW.jpg[/IMG] [B][U]VERSUS[/U][/B] [IMG]http://i66.photobucket.com/albums/h247/Ramaeno/BHBBW.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [CENTER][B]LEE WRIGHT[/B] [U]vs[/U][B] BLACK HAT BAILEY[/B][/CENTER] [B]Marv Earnest:[/B] This is one of the most highly anticipated matchups in NYCW history. At the end of this contest, Lee, somebody is gonna have to hang up the boots. [B]Lee Bambino:[/B] Your right about that, Marv. I mean, there's no two ways about it. You lose, you're done. That's the way the contract is structured. You decide to try to keep wrestling elsewhere, it ain't happening. NYCW will take full legal action to stop you as you are violating the terms of the contract. [B]Marv Earnest[/B]: Say what you want about both guys, but one thing is for sure, Lee, they are veterans and they are stand up guys. Both men have too much pride to try to manipulate the contract. [B]Lee Bambino:[/B] I'm sure. Now, who is your money on in this one? [B]Marv Earnest:[/B] Back to gambling, I see, Lee? [B]Lee Bambino:[/B] AW C'MON! [B]Marv Earnest: [/B]Well Black Hat Bailey is a bit younger, but the argument could be made that Lee Wright has faced the harder competition. [B]Lee Bambino:[/B] That's a good way to start this match off, Marv. Talking a little about the history of these two men and the profoundness of their retirement. [B] Marv Earnest:[/B] I mean, Lee is a native of New York and that's why he chose to wind his career down with NYCW but truthfully, he made his name in Japan as one of the toughest brawlers in the orient. [B]Lee Bambino:[/B] Meanwhile Black Hat Bailey has had the far more celebrity career out here working for the well, yeah, the SWF. Everybody knows who you are when you work with the SWF. You can be a 70 year old female high school teacher that is completely out of touch with the world around you but you'll still recognize anybody in the SWF. [B]Marv Earnest:[/B] They definitely have a wide range of exposure and Black Hat Bailey has certainly benefitted as he has brought alot of his fans with him to NYCW shows. [B]Lee Bambino[/B]: 3 Time SWF North American Champion... I mean, the guy is one of the greats. [B]Marv Earnest:[/B] Lee Wright, on the other hand, a true master of the tag team style. The guy knows how to work the minutes. He is as precise as anybody could be. The fans get to their feet. I'm sure both men will get a good reception here, Lee Wright coming out to.. What is that... U2? [B]Lee Bambino:[/B] Yeah... Where the Streets have no name. That's a good tune, Marv. One of my favorite songs as a matter of fact. [B]Marv Earnest[/B]: Well Lee Wright getting a hell of a hand from the crowd. Lee Wright said he was gonna just come in and try to humiliate Bailey, just try to knock him out. [B]Lee Bambino: [/B]That's right, I saw that interview... Looks like Lee is wrestling in a T-shirt and jeans...talk about tough and rugged. [B]Marv Earnest:[/B] AND LISTEN TO THAT! The crowd is letting Black Hat Bailey have it, a 300 person capacity crowd here at the Weston Gymnasium and they are letting Black Hat Bailey know how they feel. [B]Lee Bambino:[/B] Interesting that both men come out to U2... This song of course Sunday Bloody Sunday.. [B]Marv Earnest[/B]: And Black Hat in that trademark Black Hat...will tonight be the last night he dons the top hat, Lee? [B]Lee Bambino:[/B] Matchmakers have the bout 5 to 5 even. [B]Marv Earnest:[/B] Glad to hear it. Well, Michael Bull doesn't seem to want to check these guys, I'm assuming he probably thinks if it's somebody's last chance to dance, he's just gonna let 'em go full steam at it. [B]Lee Bambino[/B]: And why not? [B]Marv Earnest[/B]: There's the bell and Lee Wright and Black Hat Bailey go right at eachother, trading blows! The crowd is eating it up! [B] Lee Bambino:[/B] THIS IS GONNA BE A MAD HOUSE, MARV! [B]Marv Earnest:[/B] WHO WILL GET THE BETTER OF IT? A RIGHT FROM LEE, A LEFT FROM BAILEY! THEY'RE JUST TRADING FISTS! [B]Lee Bambino:[/B] OH, WHAT A DIRTY MOVE FROM BAILEY! [B]Marv Earnest:[/B] Black Hat Bailey with a thumb to the eyes! [B]Lee Bambino[/B]: That takes Lee right out of it! [B]Marv Earnest:[/B] Black Hat Bailey on the offense here. One mistake can end your career when you take on the veteran Black Hat Bailey! [B]Lee Bambino:[/B] You ain't kiddin', Marv! [B] Marv Earnest[/B]: Black Hat Bailey now with a snapmare and a chinlock applied! [B]Lee Bambino:[/B] I was shocked when American Machine lost earlier tonight on a submission but I would bet my house and my girlfriend that nobody submits here! [B]Marv Earnest[/B]: I think Black Hat Bailey realizes that as well as he releases the hold and puts the boots to Lee. Black Hat Bailey is in firm control at the outset! [B]Lee Bambino:[/B] Lee is a crafty one, Marv. He's been in this situation a million times before. [B] Marv Earnest: [/B]Black Hat Bailey now, sizing up Lee Wright and a stomp to the shoulder prevents Lee from getting back to his feet, Black Hat Bailey lays right on top of Lee Wrights back and wraps his arms around Lee Wright, Lee Bambino, that looks like a choke to me! [B]Lee Bambino: [/B]Well referee Michael Bull slides the fingers in to see if it is or not.. [B]Marv Earnest:[/B] Indeed it is! Marv Earnest telling Bailey to break the hold! [B]Lee Bambino: [/B]You called it! [B]Marv Earnest[/B]: Bailey breaks it and the crowd boos! Look at Bailey, he's getting into Michael Bulls face! I'd be careful here! [B]Lee Bambino: [/B]Imagine that, losing your career via disqualification! [B] Marv Earnest: [/B]A ROLL UP BY LEE WRIGHT, BLACK HAT BAILEY DIDN'T EVEN SEE THAT COMING! [B]Lee Bambino:[/B] WOW [B]Marv Earnest:[/B] 1...2.. NO! [B]Lee Bambino:[/B] NOW IMAGINE THAT! LOSING YOUR CAREER AFTER BEING DISTRACTED BY THE REFEREE AND CAUGHT BY A ROLL UP! [B]Marv Earnest:[/B] Lee Wright now with the advantage, can he maintain it? He picks up Black Hat Bailey and WAFFLES HIM with a RIGHT HAND FROM HELL! [B]Lee Bambino: [/B]DID I JUST SEE A TOOTH? [B]Marv Earnest:[/B] Black Hat Bailey hits the deck and Lee Wright now with an armbar, he is twisting hard! Black Hat Bailey is too close to the ropes and grabs the bottom rope, Lee Wright has to break! [B]Lee Bambino:[/B] Nice move by Bailey there, great awareness [B]Marv Earnest:[/B] A veteran like Bailey always has great awareness. Lee Wright lets go of the hold and backs up, Black Hat Bailey back to his feet. The men circle eachother, the crowd applaud the opening segments here... This is gonna be a real tough mans match. [B]Lee Bambino:[/B] You said it, Marvy. [B] Marv Earnest: [/B]Marvy? Anyway... Here comes Lee Wright, here comes Black Hat Bailey, the two men lock up...Collar and elbow tieup, Lee Wright forces Bailey into the corner, Michael Bull orders a break. Black Hat Bailey spits in Lee Wrights face on the break, how about that! [B]Lee Bambino:[/B] What an insult! [B]Marv Earnest:[/B] WOW AND LEE WRIGHT WON'T HAVE ANY OF IT! HE RUSHES RIGHT IN THERE AND THE LEFT AND RIGHTS ARE FLYING, MICHAEL BULL CAN'T STOP THAT! [B]Lee Bambino:[/B] Bailey may not have wanted to spit in Lee Wright's face! [B]Marv Earnest:[/B] Michael Bull pulls Lee Wright off of Black Hat Bailey and demands order and I'd have to agree, Lee Bambino! [B]Lee Bambino:[/B] Absolutely, Marv. You can't have that kinda stuff going on. This is the biggest match of these guys career.... In old England we're talking like a death mach... You know? A shoot out...one guy kills the other... That's what we're talking about here, that's the pro wrestling equivilant. [B]Marv Earnest: [/B]I'd agree..But aren't you Italian? Bambino doesn't sound very English [B]Lee Bambino[/B]: Okay, well...Maybe it'd be a pastrami shoot out or something. [B]Marv Earnest: [/B]HA-HA-HA! Well now... Lee Wright and Bailey with another collar and elbow tie up..This time Black Hat Bailey gets the better of it and backs Lee Wright into the far corner. Michael Bull demands another break. The break is clean and both men look determined. [B]Lee Bambino:[/B] This really looks even so far, Marv. [B]Marv Earnest:[/B] I'd agree. Lee Wright and Black Hat Bailey lock up again, Black Hat Bailey checks out at the last second, goes for the kees and a drop toe hold. Lee Wright lands chest first, Black Hat Bailey stands up and puts the boots to Lee Wright. [B]Lee Bambino[/B]: Bailey definitey got the best of that exchange, Marv. [B]Marv Earnest:[/B] Lee Wright smothered by boots. Bailey backs up and Lee Wright gets to his feet. Another lock up, Lee Wright now with a wrist lock, Bailey ducks under and reverses with the hammerlock, Wright spinning the situation around and now right with the headlock. Bailey backing Wright into the ropes and fires him into the far side. Bailey swings and misses with the clothesline, Lee Wright hits the far ropes and comes back, DOUBLE CLOTHESLINE! [B]Lee Bambino:[/B] BOTH MEN GO DOWN! [B]Marv Earnest:[/B] Both men go down but they're right back up! The crowd gives their applause! Black Hat Bailey now moves in with the lariat but Lee Wright ducks. Bailey swings around and is met by a Lee Wright kick to the midsection. Lee Wright has Bailey doubled over...Stuffs his head between the thighs and lifts him high.. .OOOOH!! BRUTAL PILEDRIVER! THIS COULD BE IT! ONE...TWO...NO!!! [B]Lee Bambino[/B]: GREAT MOVE BY LEE WRIGHT! [B]Marv Earnest:[/B] Lee Wright picks up Bailey now and sends him through the bottom rope. They're taking this to the outside! [B]Lee Bambino:[/B] I think the outside area is definitely going to favor Lee Wright! [B] Marv Earnest:[/B] Lee Wright with a steel chair and WHAM on the back of Black Hat Bailey! Wright better be careful or he'll get himself disqualified! [B]Lee Bambino:[/B] I think Michael Bull understands the importance of this bout and that's why he's not going to call the bell on something like that. [B]Marv Earnest[/B]: I agree Lee. I agree. Lee Wright has Bailey right where he wants him, picking him up and a BRUTAL bodyslam on the outside of the ring, Lee, if it were me, I may roll Bailey into the ring right now and go for the cover! [B]Lee Bambino:[/B] Me too, but that's why we're on the mic's and they're out there fighting! [B]Marv Earnest:[/B] Point taken. Wright now sends Bailey in with an Irish whip right to the ringpost but Bailey reverses at the last second and OW! Lee Wright slaps into the ringpost! Lee Wright is hurt! [B]Lee Bambino:[/B] GREAT PRESCENCE OF MIND TO PULL THAT ONE OUT, MARVSTER! [B]Marv Earnest[/B]: Marvster? OOOokay! Well! Wright is on the ground and Michael Bull warns both men to clean it up. Notice how Michael hasn't been counting them out! Great move by the referee, letting these guys fight it out! [B]Lee Bambino:[/B] Michael Bull is one of the best refs in the business, no question there, Marv. [B]Marv Earnest:[/B] Bailey rolls Lee back into the ring, that's a good move by Bailey, he knows where the match has to be won! Bailey now lifting up Lee and sending him into the far ropes! OUCH! You hear that thud when Lee hit the turnbuckles? [B]Lee Bambino:[/B] OH, GOD! I Sure did! That sounded painful! [B]Marv Earnest:[/B] Bailey now mounting up Lee on the top rope...What is this? This is a high risk move, VERY un-BAILEY like! This is a luchalibre...high flying, cruiserweight kinda thing to try here...what's he gonna do? Superplex?? [B] Lee Bambino: [/B]Well to win a match of this magnitude, Marv, you gotta be willing to take risks and try to pull out all the stops. [B]Marv Earnest: [/B]Looks like he's going for a top rope superplex...He's got the arm hooked...Here we go, NO! Wright hangs onto the top rope! He won't budge! Wright with a shot the waist! Bailey flies off the top and lands back first! What's going on here? Lee Wright leaps off the top rope!ELBOW DROP! THAT COULD DO IT...... ONE..............TWO.................THRE............OOOOOOOOOOOH MY!!! SOOOOO CLOSE!! [B]Lee Bambino: [/B]HE HAD IT! HE ALMOST HAD IT RIGHT THERE, MARV!!! [B]Marv Earnest:[/B] MILISECONDS AWAY, LEE! MILISECONDS!! I THOUGHT THAT WOULD BE IT! [B]Lee Bambino: [/B]I thought it was over. [B]Marv Earnest: [/B]This is not a time to lose focus now, Lee. Lee Wright needs to stay on top of Bailey here...Capitalize off that elbow drop and take it home! [B]Lee Bambino:[/B] Bailey is ripe for the pickens! [B]Marv Earnest:[/B] Maybe we'll see a little Wright stuff? [B]Lee Bambino:[/B] Black Hat Bailey isn't moving on the canvas... I'm not sure that Lee might not wanna try for another pinfall, Marv! [B] Marv Earnest:[/B] Lee Wright gets back to his feet, looks like he may've hurt his shoulder during the course of this match as he rubs what appears to be a shoulder injury. [B]Lee Bambino: [/B]May've been from running into that post on the outside! [B]Marv Earnest:[/B] Either way, Bailey hasn't moved yet. Lee Wright now picking up Bailey and WOW! A DEVASTATING DDT! [B]Lee Bambino: [/B]That's got to do it right there! Great timing on that move! [B] Marv Earnest: [/B]Well we said Lee Wright, being a tag team champion MULTIPLE times certainly has superior timing. He doesn't seem to be going for a pinfall though, Lee. [B] Lee Bambino: [/B]No, not at all. [B]Marv Earnest:[/B] Lee Wright picking Black Hat Bailey back up...ANOTHER DDT! TWO DDT'S! THE CROWD WENT WOAH AFTER THAT ONE! THAT SHOULD BE THE NAIL IN THE COFFIN! [B]Lee Bambino:[/B] HE'S GOT HIM! [B]Marv Earnest:[/B] ONE! TWO! THHHHHHHHHHHRRRREHHHHH......NO!! [B]Lee Bambino:[/B] WOW! [B]Marv Earnest[/B]: I MEAN LESS THAN MILISECONDS! BLACK HAT BAILEYS ARM RAISED INTO THE AIR JUST A THIN HAIR AWAY FROM MICHAEL BULL'S HAND HITTING THE MAT! CAN YOU BELIEVE IT! [B]Lee Bambino:[/B] I'M SHOCKED! [B] Marv Earnest:[/B] He has the fight in him to stay alive, Lee...But does he have any strength to mount an offense? [B]Lee Bambino:[/B] You know Marv that's just it...there's only so many times you can lift up the shoulder, sling your leg over a rope...Basically bail out of a pin..but when the pinfall doesn't count...that's when you gotta try to get up and do something, you know? [B] Marv Earnest[/B]: Lee can smell the victory. [B]Lee Bambino:[/B] I think so. [B]Marv Earnest:[/B] Lee Wright now picking up Bailey and Bailey can barely support his own weight.... Lee Wright shouted out something...UH OH! I THINK HE SAID IT'S TIME FOR THE WRIGHT STUFF! [B]Lee Bambino:[/B] IF HE HITS IT, YOU CAN FORGET ABOUT IT! [B]Marv Earnest:[/B] NO! HE HELD HIM UP TOO LONG, BAILEY WITH A CRAFTY VETERAN MOVE! A QUICK SMALL PACKAGE...DON'T TELL ME THIS IS IT! THIS IS IT....ONE TWO AND .... NO!! OH MY! BAILEY ALMOST STOLE IT AWAY! WHAT A COUNTER BY BAILEY [B]Lee Bambino:[/B] THE CROWD IS GOING NUTS! I THINK THEY ARE BEHIND BOTH MEN HERE! [B]Marv Earnest:[/B] Whatever happens, whoever leaves, you have to respect the effort shown by both warriors here! Bailey though doesn't seem to be able to follow up. He had Wright taken out of his game plan but Bailey is too hurt. Wright is back to his feet. Bailey with a shot to the midsection. Lee Wright staggers. Bailey on one knee now, Lee Wright coming in and is met with another shot to the bread basket. Wright staggers back and Bailey is on two knees. He's up to his feet, both men are squaring off. [B]Lee Bambino: [/B]Marv, I think when Bailey heard Lee Wright say he was going for the Wright Stuff, I think that triggered something in Bailey. That must've woke him up. [B]Marv Earnest: [/B]Well speaking his intentions was Lee Wright. That may've been a huge mistake. You're right, Lee. Now both men square off. Lee Wright with a right hand to Bailey. Bailey almost falls back. Bailey responds with a right of his own, Lee Wright almost drops! Wright with a left! Bailey with a right! Both men are spaghetti legged! [B]Lee Bambino: [/B]Who can outlast the other? [B] Marv Earnest[/B]: IT'S BAILEY! SHOCKINGLY, IT'S BAILEY! LEE WRIGHT IS DROPPED ON HIS REAR AS BAILEY PUT EVERYTHING HE HAD INTO THAT RIGHT HAND AND HE FELL DOWN TOO!! [B] Lee Bambino[/B]: But Bailey is getting his head together. He's looking around..it's time for the BAILEY BREAKER! I'VE SEEN IT A THOUSAND TIMES! THIS IS GONNA DO IT! [B]Marv Earnest:[/B] I...I...I THINK YOUR RIGHT LEE! THERE IT IS! THE BAILEY BREAKER!! HE'S GOT IT LOCKED ON!! LOOK AT THE PAIN LEE WRIGHT IS IN!! HE CAN'T MAKE IT, THERE'S NO WAY! [B]Lee Bambino[/B]: CAN HE DO IT? CAN HE DO IT? [B]Marv Earnest:[/B] MICHAEL BULL IS ASKING! MICHAEL BULL IS ASKING!! WILL HE GIVE IN? [B]Lee Bambino[/B]: HE'S PUTTING EVERYTHING HE HAS INTO THE BAILEY BREAKER! THERE'S NO WAY LEE WRIGHT CAN GET OUT OF IT! CALL FOR THE BELL, MICHAEL, CALL FOR THE BELL!! [B]Marv Earnest:[/B] HE'S PULLING OVER... HE'S PULLING OVER... CAN HE... CAN HE... HE CAN!!! HE'S REACHED THE ROPES!!! THE CROWD GOES BONKERS!! LEE WRIGHT HAS REACHED THE ROPES, BLACK HAT BAILEY MUST BREAK THE HOLD! Lee Bambino: But the damage has been done, Marv! [B]Marv Earnest[/B]: You could be right... Lee! Bailey is pulling out Wright... Wright can't move, Lee! I think you're right! The damage has been done! Bailey with the cover, this is all elementary now... ONE..TWO... .... my god.. HE KICKED OUT! HE KICKED OUT!! [B]Lee Bambino: [/B]YOU'RE GONNA HAVE TO KILL HIM, BAILEY! [B]Marv Earnest: [/B]I'm afraid to say it, but you might be right, Lee! Black Hat Bailey nearly ripped Lee in half with that Bailey breaker and still couldn't beat him! Lee doesn't want to quit, and why should either man? Wrestling like this, they look like they've got another 10, 20 years left in the tank! [B]Lee Bambino:[/B] The real irony of this fight is that these men can not coexist in this industry! Just imagine if they were a tag team! [B]Marv Earnest:[/B] Oh, they'd clean up the entire division! [B]Lee Bambino:[/B] Bailey is bringing Lee Wright back to his feet now. [B]Marv Earnest[/B]: DESPERATION MOVE FROM LEE WRIGHT! A LOW BLOW AND NOW BAILEY GOES DOWN! WHAT IN THE WORLD IS GONNA HAPPEN NEXT!! [B]Lee Bambino:[/B] YOUR GUESS IS AS GOOD AS MINE, MARV! [B]Marv Earnest:[/B] Lee Wright, perhaps summoning all his final strength here is up to his feet and Lee Bambino, you've got to admit, Michael Bull has let these guys let it all hang out... He's let it loose.... In his officiating he's basically said, if this is gonna be your last fight, then let it all hang out! [B]Lee Bambino:[/B] Marv, most people won't realize that but your dead on. [B]Marv Earnest:[/B] Okay...here we go... Lee Wright picks up Black Hat Bailey and a HUGE scoop slam! Right in the middle of the canvas! There we go! Black Hat Bailey is laid out! [B]Lee Bambino: [/B]Where is Wright gonna go from here? [B]Marv Earnest[/B]: OH NO! I KNOW WHERE HE'S GOING!! WHAT IS HE THINKING?! THIS IS NOT A LEE WRIGHT MOVE! [B]Lee Bambino: [/B]I SEE! WOW! WELL I TELL YOU WHAT MARV, HE MAY NEED TO GO THE EXTRA MILE HERE AND TAKE A BIG RISK TO PUT BAILEY AWAY! [B]Marv Earnest[/B]: IN A VERY UNCHARACTERISTIC MOVE, LADIES AND GENTLEMEN, LEE WRIGHT IS...HE'S ON THE TOP ROPE... MAYBE ANOTHER TOP ROPE ELBOW DROP? HE ALMOST WON IT BEFORE WITH THAT MOVE.. HERE WE GO... [B]Lee Bambino[/B]: WHAT THE?? [B]Marv Earnest[/B]: WHAT THE IS RIGHT!! LEE WRIGHT...DID SOMEBODY PUSH HM? WHAT WAS THAT?! LEE WIGHT JUST FELL FACE FIRST INTO HE MAT!! DID HE MISS THE MOVE?! WHAT WAS THAT? [B]Lee Bambino: [/B]SOMEBODY PUSHED HIM, MARV! SOMEBODY PUSHED HIM OFF THE TOP BUT THE REFEREE WAS TIED UP WITH BLACK HAT BAILEY! BAILEY CALLED THE REF OVER!! SOMEBODY GOT ON THAT APRON, I COULDN'T MAKE IT OUT... IT WAS SO QUICK! [B] Marv Earnest: [/B]OH NO! UNBELIEVABLE! SOMEBODY JUST CAME OUT OF NOWHERE AND SHOVED LEE WRIGHT OFF THE TOP ROPE!! BAILEY IS UP... BAILEY IS ON HIS FEET! HE'S GOT A WHOLE NEW BREATH OF LIFE HERE... NOW HE'S GOING TO THE TOP! WHAT DID WE JUST SEE?!!! [B]Lee Bambino:[/B] Oh no... I... I can't believe this... NO! DON'T LET IT END LIKE THIS! [B]Marv Earnest:[/B] BLACK HAT BAILEY IS DOING SOMETHING UNCHARACTERISTIC NOW TOO!! BAILEY OFF THE TOP ROPE! [B]Lee Bambino:[/B] OH NO! [B]Marv Earnest: [/B]THAT'S GOT TO BE IT! BAILEY OFF THE TOP ROPE WITH A SUPER HEADBUTT!!! THE COVER.... ONE....... TWO......... THREEE.............!!!!!!!!!! IT'S OVER!!!!!!!!! [CENTER][SIZE="5"][FONT="Impact"][U]WINNER[/U][/FONT][/SIZE] [IMG]http://i66.photobucket.com/albums/h247/Ramaeno/BHBBW.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [B][CENTER]BLACK HAT BAILEY[/CENTER][/B] Rating: [B]D[/B] [B][CENTER]________________________[/CENTER][/B] [B][U][FONT="Impact"][SIZE="5"][CENTER]SEGMENT 13[/CENTER][/SIZE][/FONT][/U][/B] [CENTER][IMG]http://i66.photobucket.com/albums/h247/Ramaeno/BHBBW.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i66.photobucket.com/albums/h247/Ramaeno/LeeWrightBW.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i66.photobucket.com/albums/h247/Ramaeno/LBLBW.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i66.photobucket.com/albums/h247/Ramaeno/BMBW.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [B]Marv Earnest:[/B] IS THAT IT?! IS THAT HOW LEE WRIGHT LEAVES THIS SPORT, WHAT A DAMNED SHAME!! [B]Lee Bambino:[/B] BUT WHO WAS THAT?! WHO JUST SPRUNG OUT OF NOWHERE AND TOSSED LEE WRIGHT OFF OF THE TOP ROPE? [B]Marv Earnest:[/B] What...WHAT THE...OH NO! OH MY! OH NO... [B]Lee Bambino: [/B]Two men...or midgets...or..yeah, men.. Two men have just..Wait a second..I don't know who that is BUT I KNOW WHO THAT OTHER GUY IS! [B]Marv Earnest:[/B] THAT'S BRAINS MCGHEE!! BRAINS MCGHEE!! NO WONDER WE COULDN'T SEE WHO THREW LEE WRIGHT OFF THE TOP ROPE!! [B]Lee Bambino: [/B]Black Hat Bailey, Brains McGhee and somebody dressed up like...like a damend Leprechaun!! [B]Marv Earnest:[/B] WITH A SET OF BAGPIPES! THEY ARE ASSAULTING LEE WRIGHT WITH BAGPIPES! [B]Lee Bambino: [/B]THIS IS SO NOT HOW LEE WRIGHT SHOULD HAVE TO GO OUT! [B]Marv Earnest: [/B]LADIES AND GENTLEMEN, THIS IS A TRUE SHAME! YOU ALL KNOW WHO THAT IS.. That is none other than SWF manager Brains McGhee and he has brought some sort of Leprechaun with him... They are all assaulting Lee Wright... This is just a dirty...dirty...sad sight! Rating: [B]E+[/B] [B][CENTER]________________________[/CENTER][/B] [B][U][FONT="Impact"][SIZE="5"][CENTER]SEGMENT 14[/CENTER][/SIZE][/FONT][/U][/B] [FONT="Arial Black"][SIZE="5"][U][CENTER]THE MAIN EVENT[/CENTER][/U][/SIZE][/FONT] [FONT="Impact"][SIZE="4"][U][CENTER]TRI-BOROUGH TRIPLE THREAT UNIFICATION CHAMPIONSHIP MATCH!!![/CENTER][/U][/SIZE][/FONT] [CENTER][IMG]http://i66.photobucket.com/albums/h247/Ramaeno/originalbelt06-1.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [B][CENTER]NYCW EMPIRE CHAMPIONSHIP[/CENTER][/B] [CENTER][IMG]http://i66.photobucket.com/albums/h247/Ramaeno/originalbelt04-1.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [B][CENTER]NYCW TRI-STATE REGIONAL CHAMPIONSHIP[/CENTER][/B] [CENTER][FONT="Impact"][SIZE="4"]LADIES AND GENTLEMEN[/SIZE][/FONT] [SIZE="4"][FONT="Impact"]IT IS NOW TIME FOR OUR MAIN EVENT[/FONT][/SIZE] [FONT="Impact"][SIZE="4"]A TRIPLE THREAT CONTEST SCHEDULES FOR ONE FALL[/SIZE][/FONT] [FONT="Impact"][SIZE="4"]AND IT IS FOR BOTH THE EMPIRE CHAMPIONSHIP AND TRI-STATE REGIONAL CHAMPIONSHIPS![/SIZE][/FONT][/CENTER] [CENTER][IMG]http://i66.photobucket.com/albums/h247/Ramaeno/TSBW.jpg[/IMG] [B][U]VERSUS[/U][/B] [IMG]http://i66.photobucket.com/albums/h247/Ramaeno/SFBW.jpg[/IMG][B][U] VERSUS[/U][/B] [IMG]http://i66.photobucket.com/albums/h247/Ramaeno/GMFBW.jpg[/IMG] [B]THE STOMPER [/B][U]vs [/U][B]STEVE FLASH [/B][U]vs [/U][B]GRANDMASTER PHUNK[/B] (RAMAENO'S NOTE: THIS MATCH IS GENERATED BY ZEUS SIMULATOR)[/CENTER] Lee Bambino - This match is a Standard Match for the NYCW Empire title and NYCW Tri-State Regional title Coming to the ring first, weighing in at 230 pounds, from Brooklyn, New York, The Stomper!!! (crowd boos *) [The famous theme of The Stomper kicks up on the arena loudspeakers and the veteran makes his way from the back. He is clad in red trunks, black kneepads and black boots. He looked ready ] Lee Bambino - The second in this three way match, weighing in at 195 pounds, from Calgary, Alberta, Canada he holds the NYCW Tri-State Regional title belt, Steve Flash!!! (crowd cheers *) [Paint it Black by the Rolling Stones kicks up over the arenas speakers and the fan favorite Steve Flash comes to the ring. Wearing a ring robe with the hood over his head, the fans greet Flash with cheers and the hellishly intense Steve Flash leaps onto the canvas and climbs into the ring ] Lee Bambino - And third, weighing in at 215 pounds, from The Red Light District he holds the NYCW Empire title belt, Grandmaster Phunk!!! (crowd boos **) [The sounds of George Clinton blast over the arenas speakers. Lead by an entourage of scandalously clad women, the fur coat, fedora wearing, gold sporting pimp daddy supreme Grandmaster Phunk comes to the ring Steve Flash gets nailed with a charging axhandle bodyblock from The Stomper. Steve Flash walks around the ring. Grandmaster Phunk walks around the ring. (ring, ring, ring) Grandmaster Phunk rakes his fingers across Steve Flash's back. Steve Flash slaps Grandmaster Phunk. ] Marv Earnest - slap! [Steve Flash executes a ropeflip hiptoss on Grandmaster Phunk. ] Lee Bambino - Steve Flash executes a ropeflip hiptoss. [Now Grandmaster Phunk standing. Steve Flash is hit with a backward kick. Steve Flash gets hit with a diving elbow smash from Grandmaster Phunk. Grandmaster Phunk gets up. Now Steve Flash standing. Steve Flash throws Grandmaster Phunk off the ropes and hits him with a cross-body block. Steve Flash moves back to his feet. Grandmaster Phunk gets hit with the shooting star press from Steve Flash. The ref starts the count. ...1 ...2 Grandmaster Phunk kicks out. ] Marv Earnest - We almost had a winner. [Grandmaster Phunk is up again. Steve Flash uses a snap mare takeover on Grandmaster Phunk. ] Lee Bambino - Grandmaster Phunk takes a snap mare. [Grandmaster Phunk gets hit with the shooting star press from Steve Flash. Michael Bull counts. ...1 ...2 Grandmaster Phunk kicks out. ] Marv Earnest - You just can't win this early in a match. Especially with an opponent like Grandmaster Phunk. [Steve Flash hits a jumping elbow hrust on Grandmaster Phunk. They lockup. Steve Flash sends Grandmaster Phunk to the corner of the ring. Steve Flash chops Grandmaster Phunk. The Stomper hits Steve Flash with the crotch slam. The Stomper sucks chants start in the crowd. The Stomper grabs Steve Flash and applies an arm wrench. The Stomper measures Steve Flash up and drops a closed fist. Steve Flash with a headscissors takeover on The Stomper. Steve Flash drags The Stomper to the floor. ] Lee Bambino - The Stomper will have to watch out for weapons at ringside. [Michael Bull starts the count (.1) Grandmaster Phunk piledrives Steve Flash. Grandmaster Phunk sucks chants start in the crowd. (..2) ] Lee Bambino - Is this a great match or not? Marv Earnest - Oh yeah! [Grandmaster Phunk with a falling splash on Steve Flash. Grandmaster Phunk is up again. Grandmaster Phunk with a falling splash on Steve Flash. Grandmaster Phunk sucks chants start in the crowd. Grandmaster Phunk is up again. The Stomper leg drops the throat of Steve Flash. Steve Flash climbs to his feet. The Stomper nails Steve Flash with an inverted DDT. The Stomper moves back to his feet. The Stomper executes a neck breaker. The Stomper covers Steve Flash hooking the leg. Referee Michael Bull makes the count. ...1 ...2 ...3 ] Lee Bambino - The Stomper has won the match! Lee Bambino - The winner of this match, and new NYCW Empire champion and NYCW Tri-State Regional champion The Stomper!!! [FONT="Impact"][SIZE="4"][U][CENTER]WINNER and NEW NYCW EMPIRE and NYCW TRI-STATE REGIONAL CHAMPION[/CENTER][/U][/SIZE][/FONT] [CENTER][IMG]http://i66.photobucket.com/albums/h247/Ramaeno/TSBW.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [B][CENTER]THE STOMPER[/CENTER][/B] Rating:[B] D+[/B] [B][CENTER]____________________________[/CENTER][/B] [B][U][CENTER]FINAL CARD RATING:[/CENTER][/U][/B] [CENTER][B]E+[/B][/CENTER]
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I have to admit I'm not a big fan of play-by-play, so I skipped most of it. Kudos for the work though, you put great effort and time in that show. Nice visual presentation too. I really like the personnality of Micheal Bull, it really adds a local feel to your NYCW. I thought it was a good show, you deserved better than E- grade. I guess you were one good match short of having a better grade. Very nice ending for the Machine/Mustafa bout, it really set the basics for a Whistler/Machine feud and for a legitimate tough guy in Mustafa. You have a fan of the Beasts of the Earth in me, it's really a good gimmick as far as I'm concerned. And I'm wasn't hooked, you totally got me with your leprechaun. I mean, dammit, who doesn't love leprechaun ! It's nice too see that we're all going in different directions with different wrestlers in our NYCW diary.
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[QUOTE=MrOnu;222938]I have to admit I'm not a big fan of play-by-play, so I skipped most of it. Kudos for the work though, you put great effort and time in that show. Nice visual presentation too.[/QUOTE] Yeah, I agree. Was a good show and nice bringing in Plague, Karen Killer, and such. But my eyes are still bleeding from reading all that. :(
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:( Ah jeez! Well thanks for the plus' and negatives, I mean it! I was experimenting with various styles to kinda figure out which worked best... I understand PBP is a no go, i mean, it is kinda fun to write but it is also EXTREMELY consuming so to know that it isn't that well received is sort of a relief so thanks. You guys feel like the synopsis kinda paraphrasing the match is good or were you guys liking the way ZEUS fired them out? Also, thanx for the stuff with the beasts. I think those guys really fit the role's well and I thought it'd be a bit of a zinger to have Death played by a woman (Karen Killer). I was sitting there thinking, well they debuted now, what does she say? Then I was like, duh...well, it's kinda been written out for me a little while ago ;) Anyways...Okay cool, well I should start getting next event up and ready soon... thanks for tuning in :D
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Hey Ramaeno, First of all, let me say that I've experienced writing PbP in my MOSC dynasty, so I know how time-consuming that stuff can be! It almost feels like it never ends, writing that stuff up :p I guess what I'm saying is your hard work IS recognized here! So with that said, my make a few suggesting tweaks that I think (I may be wrong) would make your life easier and the PbP more user friendly. 1.) Use alternating, dark colors for Marv Earnest & Lee Bambino. Eveh though their names are boldface, the text tend to bleed together as you keep reading, so it's difficult for the reader to keep track of who's saying what and imagine the two announcers in their heads. 2.) Don't PbP the entire match. The way I did it was PbP at the beginning, then I went into my road agents head, let him describe the match (how ever long or short), then did PbP for the end of the match. I actually got one compliment from someone saying they enjoyed the banter between my announcer & color commentator, so this "hybrid" style may have something behind it. And now, for my Foley-esque plug of the day! If you're a visual learner like me and want to see my actual suggestions in action, take a look at my MOSC dynasty found here (Holds a thumbs up!) [url]http://www.greydogsoftware.com/forum/showthread.php?t=21847[/url] The first show doesn't occur until the 2nd page, and subseqeunt shows pages after...I should really continue that dynasty one of these days... Otherwise, great job! Keep working hard, and we will all enjoy!
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Hey Act. Thanks for the insight/links and definitely thanks for checking it out, yeah I'm sure PBP appeals to us PBP writers (Although as we've both acknowledged it does get redundant and bothersome) I appreciate the links... Actually I've checked out that MoSC diary... I really like it alot. I like MoSC, was even thinking of doing a diary there for a bit. But yeah man I do appreciate the comments there and the help. If I do revisit PBP I will certainly take some of your advice it may make it easier on both me and the reader. Wednesdays are crazy days for me so it may be slow on this diary until tomorrow...
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