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Planescape: Torment. It's the best roleplaying game ever based around D&D, and easily in my top ten of best roleplaying games ever. X-COM: UFO Defense is a good strategy game. orisinal.com has a lot of flash games that are better than the stuff you're likely to find at, say, Newgrounds. Final Fantasy VI. It's tied with IV for the title of "best game in the series," contrary to what the criminally misguided Sephiroth fanboys of the world will tell you. For one thing, the game's characters have personalities. Final Fantasy VI Advance is out now, so there's even less of an excuse for not playing it. Street Fighter Alpha Anthology and the Mega Man and Mega Man X collections are all worth their weight in gold, but fortunately they're significantly cheaper than that. They run thirty dollars a piece new, and almost half that if they're used. And anyone on here who's heard me rant about videogames before will know that I'm about to say Super Mario Bros. is the greatest video game ever made.
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I don't generally play mainstream games, choosing to stick to stuff like MMOs and the like but there are a few I find myself playing. For MMOs, I'd say Lord of the Rings Online (only if you're into the license. It's pretty standard fare fantasy stuff), Lineage II (PvP), City of Heroes/Villains (theme and simplicity as well as character customization), Dungeon Runners (just a simple "kill [stuff], get loot" model but fun as all hell), 9 Dragons (kung fu MMO), World of Warcraft (the MMO genre's version of the "....for Dummies" books. i.e. simple to understand and play without needing a lot of experience at MMO gaming). For offline games: The Elder Scrolls (all of them, from Arena to Oblivion) OOTP6 (nothing past 6) Guitar Hero II Gears of War Red Steel Icewind Dale Baldur's Gate series Dungeon Siege (1 and 2) Knights of the Old Republic (1 moreso than 2, though 2 was better than 90% of the offline games I see released every year) Just a few that I recall off the top of my head.
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back when I had one of the big 3 (PS 2, about 3 years ago) I was big into final fantasy. (and no final fantasy 7 was not my favorite...found it way too easy.) FF8 was my favorite (before people start saying it was "too dark" as other game writers have said. I have two words for you..... [COLOR="Black"][B]GROW UP[/B][/COLOR] since then I have not played many other games because TEW takes up too much time.
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[QUOTE=mystic;228478]FF8 was my favorite[/QUOTE] You're pretty brave to be admitting that on a public forum. :p It's one of my least favorite games in the series, but there are some pretty cool things about it. Like how Squall is a complete jerk, rather than having the same angsty undercurrent that belongs to 90% of RPG protagonists. I kind of like that. Another thing I like is the tandem of Raijin/Fujin/Seifer (pronounced "Safer," not "Cypher," by the way). Raijin and Fujin are just great comic relief and, along with Selphie, are really the "heart" of the story, I think. And Seifer... well... he's just awesome. He tries [i]so hard[/i] to be the main villain of the game and Squall's primary rival, but it just doesn't ever work out for him. Every time he tries, another big bad comes along and overshadows him or uses him as a puppet, and he's usually not bright enough to notice. EDIT: Another game I forgot to mention earlier was [i]The Guardian Legend[/i], for the NES. It's part overhead shooter and part Zelda-style action RPG, and it's maybe one of the greatest, weirdest games from that time to make it to American shores.
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[QUOTE=shamelessposer;228509]You're pretty brave to be admitting that on a public forum. :p It's one of my least favorite games in the series, but there are some pretty cool things about it. Like how Squall is a complete jerk, rather than having the same angsty undercurrent that belongs to 90% of RPG protagonists. I kind of like that. [/QUOTE] Its his past that allows him to be the complete jerk that many see him as. He has issues so to cover that up and make it seem like all is well he acts like the "jerk"
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Guest The Aussie
Well mystic, it was defintely gutsy of yourself to admit it. I have played all Final Fantasy games from 3-10 and my favourites were 6 and 9. I however prefer the Suikoden saga to Final Fantasy because of the bloody excellent storylines. And shamelessposer, We all knew you would say Street Fighter AA. I just hope that SNK does a similar thing with teh earlier King of Fighters.
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[QUOTE=Thomnipotent;228721]Tetris Attack - classic.[/QUOTE] It's a great game, whether it's called Tetris Attack or Pokemon Puzzle League. But my favorite puzzle game of all is Super Puzzle Fighter II Turbo, and it has nothing to do with the Street Fighter fluff (although that part doesn't hurt). It's just a great, technical puzzle game with tons of possibilities for combos. Finding out that it's getting an HD release on the 360 is one of the (many) reasons I need to pick up a system, and the HD version even has versions of Columns and Tetris Attack built in! How's that for compromise? ;)
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Dreamfall: The Longest Journey Broken Sword 3 Fahrenheit (EU) / Indigo Prophecy (US) Those are three of the best adventure games to come out in years :) I'm a huge fan of the old Gabriel Knight and Monkey Island type games, which like the platformer died a horrible death when 3d graphics were required to make a game successful Speaking of non-3D games, I'll give Baldur's Gate II an honourable mention as my favourite D&D/RP game :)
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